Monday, November 03, 2008


"Ohanglaman" introduces his musical contribution to the ongoing US presidential election campaign. In his addictive reggae song with the Jamaican proactive beat, the outstanding Western Kenyan musician calls upon Americans of all ethnic backgrounds to vote for Barack Obama. In his song, Makadem believes that Obama becoming the next president of the United States of America will bring change to the world.

The musicvideo for “Obama be thy name” was produced, directed and edited by German filmmaker Katrin Ender. Inspired by the musician’s international approach to the theme, the video artist worked out an intriguing concept bringing across the universal message of the song.

"Obama be thy name“ is an artistic Kenyan contribution regarding the US presidential elections, unique for its universal rather than local or tribal angle. A must hear and a must see.

Song title: Obama be thy name
Artist: Makadem
Composer: Makadem
Music Production: Roots Camp Kenya
Music Video Production: Katrin Ender
Music Video director & editor: Katrin Ender
Art Direction & Design: Katrin Ender
Contact: Katrin

DVD Movies delivered to your door to door anywhere in Nairobi. Order online.


  1. Taabu said

    'Obama is more than a candidate but a phenomenon and it takes sober reflection to understand what it all means..... Obamania has the changed the world for all the good things.....

    The people say...
    this is the kind of twisted logic that slowly generates to fanatism and idol worship like molasses in Kenya.
    Obama is just obama, he breeds, has a cheating wife, kids and all that...stop the crap of jaluos and be realistic.

    which world has he changed??? the gutter press world of taabus of this day???
    IMAO the so called Obama's biological father was in obamas words a drunkard and irresponsible..a man who sired,divorsed and escaped all responsibilities of child upbringing....thats the typical stone throwing molasses worshipping lazy luo for you!!
    and now we all harp our throats dry how obama is Kenyan???
    shame on you dimwits!!

    Sober Kenyan

  2. can someone wake me up when all these obama crap goes away...even phil, molasses worshipper has joined in the foray....


  3. Not to attack Luo's but they can take people worship a bit far sometimes. Obama Be Thy Name..are you serious? This is a disgrace...Raila worship, now Obama worship. this song is the height of blasphemy.

  4. Phil,

    When Obama says that he was shaped more by the absence of his father than his presence, what he means is this: if he had been raised by his father he would have been taught the politics of stone throwing and "kabila adui yetu."

    So as Kenyans celebrate Obama's phenomenal success, it is wothy keeping in mind that he has achieved it because of the absence of socio-political influence of Kogelo village and the tribal human worship.

  5. Phil, do not transfer your worship from Mr. Molasses to Obama otherwise you will find youself jobless. You know how jealous and vengeful Mr. Molasses is.

  6. @11.54 please stop the paranoia, ati blasphemy, geez!take a chill pill....!'thy name' is used in over a thousand instances in the english language.
    @10.40 a real tribalist you are exactly the kind of chaff and riff raff that kenya doesnt need....take a one way ticket to pluto and please dont come back.

  7. Most sensible people will agree the song is a bit over the top and kind of bootlicking. However the singer wanted to create some bit of controversey for publicity and that's why we are arguing here about the song which can only be good news to the singer. As they say, any publicity is good publicity!

  8. ohanglaman is phils uncle so bootlicking and human worship kinda runs in the family.
    phil is just promoting this unknown musician wannabe...

    typical KK

  9. It's time!
    4 Real Change and Big Changes took place in the landscape of American presidential politics.
    It's about time!

    Leo ni Leo
    Join millions of correspondents, bloggers, citizens of the world and 50,000 readers from the Global Electoral College as the election in America comes, at last, to a conclusion.
    Yes We Can and We Will!

    Rosa Parks sat so that Martin Luther King Jr. could dream. Martin Luther King Jr. walked so that Barrack Obama could run. Barrack Obama is running so that the next generation of Americans [Hispanic, Whites, Asians, Blacks, Native Americans, Immigrants and Others] can fly and realise the American dream that is enshrined in the American Constitutions.


    A timely message for the guardians of the status quo:

    Numquam praestantibus in re publica gubernanda viris laudata est in una sentia perpetua permansio. ~Cicero, Epistulae and Familiaries, I, 9, 21

    Leo ni Leo.

  10. all these crap about change is just hogwash...

    obama has been in the US politics for sometime now...what change has he made in his small capacities?

    i think the guy is so hyped that some people will get ulcers when u realise he is just ana politician saying all the things ua earsache to hear.

    no difference, watch this space

  11. Phil, I have just left work and I’m heading to catch my mathree. In my laptop bag, I have a bottle of Napoleon Courvoisier and a couple of genuine Cubans. I left the laptop at work.
    I will be taking small sips of my champagne cognac and spaced out puffs Fidel’s export ….. all night and early morning tomorrow …… until McCain concedes defeat. My boss already knows I’m not showing up to work tomorrow.

    I have also made sure that Kivuitu is grounded in Kenya and will therefore not be trying to pull a ‘Kibaki’ in Obamerica.

  12. Blogger kalamari said...

    Phil, I have just left work and I’m heading to catch my mathree. In my laptop bag, I have a bottle of Napoleon Courvoisier and a couple of genuine Cubans. I left the laptop at work.

    I will be taking small sips of my champagne cognac and spaced out puffs Fidel’s export ….. all night and early morning tomorrow …… until McCain concedes defeat. My boss already knows I’m not showing up to work tomorrow.

    I have also made sure that Kivuitu is grounded in Kenya and will therefore not be trying to pull a ‘Kibaki’ in Obamerica.

    Now here is a useful comment I am seeing today. Kalamari, I second you on that.

    Matter of fact, we have scheduled a mutura-eating 'postmortem' party and as you can imagine, KBL's Senator beer (better known as Obama) will be flowing mpaka cheee. Truck load has just been of-loaded at Olympic Pri School and I am giving KK one last glance before I head down to KIBS to await the declaration that the president-elect is one and only Barack Hussein Obama JaKogelo.

  13. Kalamari,
    Please drink water and milk if you must drink and not RATIONED POISSON, will you? And smoke but don't inhale.

    People are reportedly VOTING oustide Ksm Ukwala OO street, any news?

    We live in a depressed world and a day like this comes once so all and sundry can savour their fill. The nay sayers have better company in Lucifer, come on go on.

  14. Kumekuchans!

    For those drinking, drink in moderation.
    For those dancing, don't break your legs.
    Obama's success is good inspiration, but you will still need to work the day after. Obama will not provide free food or housing.


  15. Blogger Taabu said......
    People are reportedly VOTING oustide Ksm Ukwala OO street, any news?

    It was a mock voting exercise but what surprised me is the number of people who came to 'vote' and the massive presence of international press.

    Results if you must know were:

    Obama ‘polled’ 342, against 46 votes for McCain.

  16. i hear McCain will get a job work in Apple....


  17. Phil,
    Thanks for the update. Please confirm or deny the rumours that you had a stuffed debe at you place overnight.

  18. Taabu,
    true or false you're doing mock voting here online@midnight U.S. time?

  19. Taabu & Phil,

    Is it true that the people in Kisumu have ran out of bulls to slaughter and are turning to milk cows and heifers? I hope not; for where will they get milk for their children the day after Obama's victory? Remember this is the same city where in January it was reported that people burnt their place of work during the weeked and then reported for work on Monday? Communal emotional outbusts from this part of Kenya never ceases to amaze.

    Fellow Kumekuchans let us do whatever we are doing, in this period of joy, in moderation, and let us caution our friends and loved ones to do accordingly.

    Let us embrace Obama's humility in our celebrations.

  20. From my little depressed corner of the world I thank Obama for giving me a reason to be myself and hope:

    1. Leave my job early today.
    2. Raid my family food budget and drink myself silly.
    3. Cheat on my wife with the bar maid.
    4. Hope my brown-teethed landlord will drink silly and forget to come for rent.
    5. Hope when I wake up on Thursday the earth will have swallowed Kibaki and Kenya will have become the 51st state of the United States of America with Raila as governor with free housing.

    On this great day of your success, I thank you Obama for giving me a reason to be myself for a day and keeping my hope alive. May you deliver Raila's reign and rent-free housing soonest!!

  21. Okuche,

    Can't you haters give us a break. Go to sleep, by the time you wake up 'your nightmaree' will be over.

  22. Let kenyans celebrate vicariously through the Americans. back in 2002, Kenyans thought that there was much to look forward to, to hope for. If it means that Americans achieving their dreams of electing a black man president (who happens to have some kenyan blood) will by extension give many kenyans a chance to enjoy and bask in what may have been and perhaps get a tinge ofsuch a feeling; then in the words of our fearless leader I say mujienjoy!

    Yes we can!

  23. Taabu, ati nikunywe maziwa? Kwani mimi ni paka?

    I’m very jealous of the American people today. News headlines are screaming of how proud these fellows are to be voting…. and largely expecting their votes to be counted.

    Their excitement reminds me of our situation a little less than a year ago. Where would Kenya be today if Kibaki had not pick-pocketed our votes at KICC? Where would Africa be today if Mugabe was not a ballot burglar?

    Papa plus,
    What you see as ‘fearless’ in Kibaki is really a concentrated concoction of arrogant thievery. You see, there are some people dressed in meticulous suits who will break into your house when you are at work. They will steal your color television and hi-fi stereo, eat all the food in your refrigerator….then wait for you to come back home from work. They will then welcome you into your own house with hugs and kisses, make some evening tea with cookies which they’ll share with you after saying grace to the almighty. They will even heartily chat with you about the day’s events, showing much concern of how your boss treated you on that very day. They will then proceed to politely ask you for your car keys and stash your valuables in the trunk. They will then ask you if you want a lift to the police station. If you don’t, they will drive off like nothing happened…. as if they are from visiting a long lost friend.

    That is the classic ‘fearless’ Kibaki for you….and he is the leader of the gang.

  24. Papa+,
    Don't lose hope. If you look hard enough through people vilifying Kenyans for celebrating Obama victory you will see the tame attempt to stiffle 2002 aborted hope. Kenyans still have aplenty and determined to get it while embracing any trace of the same from far and wide.

    Remmber early 2003 we were the MOST OPTIMISTIC natio on planet earth. That may be history but the flame is still there waiting to be ignited. For now Obama epitomizes that lost opportunity. Obamania is a pehnomeon that won't die soon. Branding that worshipping is reverse logic ala McSame reducing Obama mammoth crowd to celebrity status.

  25. Kalamari,

    Don't forget that these same folks in suits will defile your wife and child! I was being facitious by refering to Kibaki as fearless.

    Where is this thing you call hope for kenya, my brother? if I really tell you what I think is the medicine for Kenya, I think the kumekucha adminstrator would delete it!

    Kibaki rode into power with overwhelming support and the power to do things the right way. Anglo Leasing proved too much for him to handle and he failed miserably. How does anyone with over 70% of the vote resort to preparing and financing vote rigging/campaign 2 years into office? Who was he fearing that much? But I digress...

    fast forward to juzi where ODM comes out and denounces the Waki report. No doubt PNU will follow suit with kalonzo saying we do not need to internationalize this matter. Am very disappointed by Raila. He has shown lack of leadership here. He bend to the whims of the Rift valley leaders. What he should have done is refered them to the party manisfesto and tenets of democracy.

    In both cases, leadership was MIA. Only Karua has the cojones to call a spade a spade. I have to admire her for that. Of course she sees an opening of knocking off Uhuru and Ruto but that is politics played at a very interlectual level.

    These are missed oppotunities where leaders rise above the scum and put country first. If you can convince me otherwise, and show me where this hope for kenya is; I will gladly embrace it. Asante!

    Yes we can! At least 3 more hours and counting!

  26. papa plus, I know you were being facitciuos..and I know they can and will. Either way, yes we can.

    I'm half drunk so I will be logging off incase I start typing some things I will regret tommorow.

    Stay glued on the TV folks!!! The results are about to start trickling in.

  27. go on go on morons,spill all your stupidity at KK..

    then u wake up and realise u still have to pay rent, eat, go to work...nothing changes ma silly friends..nothing...

    but u vomit all your frustrations, after all...u are a bunch of disillusioned dimwits who worship human beings...

  28. kalamari,

    you have to pace yourself man. This weekend a lot of parties will be happening if all turns up well for Obama. i haven't watched tv in 2 days. I resume in a couple of hours at 8p.m EST

    Anon 2.55 and like minded folks,

    I can only wish that you too would get to experience and live through history. For those not in the USA or in plaes where minorities have been the underclass for decades; it might be hard to understand exactly how big a deal this is for us. And for this great country America, it will be a step towards reclaiming its greatness on the world stage, towards being the becon of light for the rest of the world.

    Yes we can!

  29. Papa+,
    Hope and the determination/tenets and will to achieve is there. Soon and very soon the spark will arrive amongst us and off we zoom.

    As for the rent/food worsjipping lot always dreaming about wealth well they don't know what they are missing. The small sweet joys of this world are gravely missed by those enslaved by the dream of materialism (you gues right!).

    Let the big hearts celebrate as the small minds mint money.


  30. YES WE CAN
    Suspend reality for a day

    Live our lives through the americans

    Be nothing but worshippers of others

    Until the kingdom come, Amen!

  31. Now PNU backs Waki report

    eat ua hearts out ODM dimwits and moron babies...

    we now know killers are hiding in ODM under the patronage and protection of Raila..

    how do u harp OBAMA when u kill ua brothers like wonder obama says he learnt more from his fathers absence...such dimwits

  32. well said anon 4:06,

    these dimwits wants to live in utopia for a day, celebrate something they cant even grasp, go on a spending spree they cant afford and then when the dust settles look for a soft door to heap all the blame for their economic and social woes...typical taabu/kalamali/phil/ivy world....they find good company in KK.
    but some of us are trying to make their feet touch the ground


    Even as we celebrate Obama’s success story, even as we with fingers closed wait for his inauguration as the 1st half black President of the USA. We need as Kenyans to ask ourselves this fundamental question. What has been our contribution to Obama Success?

    His BIOLOGICAL father was a Kenyan, who however abandoned his son and escaped any responsibilities of child support. Infact Obama confesses that he learnt more form his Kenyan ‘father’ absence than from his presence. This is kenya’s EMBARASSMENT NO. 1. So his real father was the parents who took Obama in and saw him through his childhood and teenage years giving him the values that he now holds. That’s the reality Kenyans.

    His ‘Cousin’ Raila has all along been a source of discredit to his good reputation. Raila with his VIOLENT NATURE, COMMUNIST ORIENTATIONS, MUSLIM ASSOCIATIONS have all been used against Obama. Infact, Raila in himself has cost Obama some support and Obama campaign team had to work hard to show how distant in thinking and association these two men are. This is Kenya’s EMBARASSMENT 2. It has not gone unnoticed to the Mc Cain campaign team that Raila call for mass protest in Kenya led to over 1500 deaths. This explains why Obama banished Raila from any visits to his campaign or why Obama campaign team has consistently turned down on 4 occassions RAILA’S MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS totaling 40,000 USD.

    Obama’s Aunt who also happen to be Kenyan has been an illegal immigrant in US for a while. This was also ANOTHER EMBARRASSMENT from yet another Kenyan.
    Infact, we OWE OBAMA AN APOLOGY AS A COUNTRY. With all these bad publicity from Kenya’s heritage, Obama has been understanding enough not to talk ill of us. For that we should be grateful.

    Looking on the other side, Obama’s real family in the US has been a SOURCE OF INSPIRATION AND GOOD PUBLICITY. Yet, they have been quite about it as we in Kenya tell the whole world how Kenyan Obama is.


  34. anon 5:12

    if you want to bring out the dirty linen no need to stop there

    fraudulent elections (unknown who should be president - kriegler report confirming ECK kivuitu's statement)

    highly corrupt and inept law enforcement (TI report - no improvement as anticipated since 2002)

    increased impunity

    etc etc

    but guess what, I am still real proud of this man and what he set out to do. its an important lesson and exemplary display of leadership, focus and purpose. But even as we praise this gent, and as we await the results, we should be able to see the maturity of voters who were also able to overcome their own phobia, myopia, bigotry etc and vote for the good of their country.

  35. Urxlnc,

    Am begining to suspect that most of these anons have never been outside kenya. So I sympathise with them not being able to wrap their minds around the whole celebration of Obama the world over. I have often thought that all ministers and MPs should take their trips out of the country seriously instead of using them as ways to get per diem pay. The GK should have exchange programs in place where these folks are taken in by hosts and they get to see the workings of these countries.

    Q. How did Moi feel driving around Kenya when he used to visit abroad so often and ride and drink tea in the car on smooth raods while his roads were rotting?

    But am telling you it is a great night. So far Obama is bringing home the beacon by bagging PA and OH. He is leading in FL and competitive in NC and IN. Ten more minutes and we should have a clearer picture and then I hit the bar for some drinks and cigars.

    Yes We Can!

  36. papa plus,

    you think you are the only one outside Kenya? think again..

    its only that some people do not see the need to blow their trumpets like you. we are sober and we know Obama is just another politicians as they come riding on public euphoria...wait when the dust settles and folks realise he is ana crook, recession goes up a notch and the nigas will be hated like never before. thats the day you will wish ua savior never had those ambitions....oooh u go spend some money celebrating ua own demise

  37. woo hoo

    obama elected president

    (CNN breaking news)

  38. ... One of the LUO Presidents they fought tooth and nail to stop, but all the same, he's the 44th President of the United States of America. Kikuyus, are you listening? Wait, the first LUO President they stole from, is coming with guns blazing. Watch out.

    Good Luck, God bless Kenya.

  39. Sober Kenyan @ 10.40 PM is now crying crocodile tears. Cry, baby, cry.

  40. just been listening to McCain concede and that was a most gracious speech.

    now looking forward to a gracious winner speech

  41. Thank God Obama won,

  42. Elijah Masinde's Prophesy of leadership coming from the lake has finally come true.Obama has really made all us Kenyans proud!!!

  43. That was a hell of a speech. Yes We Can!

  44. aw man

    what a rush.

    great and historic moment for the world and what a significant achievement in our lifetime.

    god bless you all

  45. Like it or not, Obama is the most powerful man on earth!

    Like it or not, Obama is the most powerful man on earth!

    Like it or not, Obama is the most powerful man on earth!

    Like it or not, Obama is the most powerful man on earth!

  46. Oh la la la Obama the man.. so what are the Kikuyu's saying?? the ones who called him a kihii and that he will never win...

    go to mashada blogs and all the kikuyu Kenya and diaspora blogs since he stated campaigning and even with clinton they said he had no chance:):) now now wado wa central what say you??


    Even as we celebrate Obama’s success story, even as we with fingers closed wait for his inauguration as the 1st half black President of the USA. We need as Kenyans to ask ourselves this fundamental question. What has been our contribution to Obama Success?

    His BIOLOGICAL father was a Kenyan, who however abandoned his son and escaped any responsibilities of child support. Infact Obama confesses that he learnt more form his Kenyan ‘father’ absence than from his presence. This is kenya’s EMBARASSMENT NO. 1. So his real father was the parents who took Obama in and saw him through his childhood and teenage years giving him the values that he now holds. That’s the reality Kenyans.

    His ‘Cousin’ Raila has all along been a source of discredit to his good reputation. Raila with his VIOLENT NATURE, COMMUNIST ORIENTATIONS, MUSLIM ASSOCIATIONS have all been used against Obama. Infact, Raila in himself has cost Obama some support and Obama campaign team had to work hard to show how distant in thinking and association these two men are. This is Kenya’s EMBARASSMENT 2. It has not gone unnoticed to the Mc Cain campaign team that Raila call for mass protest in Kenya led to over 1500 deaths. This explains why Obama banished Raila from any visits to his campaign or why Obama campaign team has consistently turned down on 4 occassions RAILA’S MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS totaling 40,000 USD.

    Obama’s Aunt who also happen to be Kenyan has been an illegal immigrant in US for a while. This was also ANOTHER EMBARRASSMENT from yet another Kenyan.
    Infact, we OWE OBAMA AN APOLOGY AS A COUNTRY. With all these bad publicity from Kenya’s heritage, Obama has been understanding enough not to talk ill of us. For that we should be grateful.

    Looking on the other side, Obama’s real family in the US has been a SOURCE OF INSPIRATION AND GOOD PUBLICITY. Yet, they have been quite about it as we in Kenya tell the whole world how Kenyan Obama is.


  48. Jakogelo thumbs up for you. Eh wang ni tek.

    Jokogelo i salute you this morning for giving us a great son. (haters it doesn't matter if it was a one night stand, but this luo man Obama senior)has given me hope this morning.

    Side note, i hear that because of the poor orange network Mc Cain's call to Kibs failed.

    Kogelo international airport here you

  49. Anon 9:50

    Obama didn't have a problem. So why should you.

    He didn't disown his father though he had a choice...So what is your beef?

    Let me repeat even if it was a one night stand of passion, it was Obama senior who produced Obama junior (a grt man this morning) and mind you Obama had a choice to whine for the rest of his life, he didn't, he had to make some tough choices which have made him who he is....Do you remember Obama's speech 4 years ago which he repeated again and said, I once told you my story, A young Kenyan man and a young woman from Kansas.....And it continues.

    Obama would have let his life take its course but he didn't he even made trips back to Kenya just to understand his roots. So is your problem that his roots had to just be in Kogelo and no other place (How i wish it was sio port back in funyula)But this morning i am proud. If Obama is not ashamed of his kenyan roots...Why would you?

    Jokogelo i salute you again for producing a great son.

    Guys if you cant stomach it, then we can't help you.

  50. The damn prophets of doom are now crying and trying to find some sleep in the hope that the just announced results are going to change... Poor kikuyus.

  51. Malo Malo Obama malo, Malo malo Kenya malo. Kichope Siasa Raila malo, kata mana eber Kogelo malo. Jokanyanam uting'o piny malo.

    USA juu
    Kenya juu
    Jokanyanam juu
    Onagi duto juu
    Alego juu
    Kogelo juu
    Agwambo juu

    OBAMA juuu.

    The first African language to be in WHITE HOUSE will be LUO. LOL

    Have a fine day my country men and women. We have been blessed.

    Onyango paka ting'o tek.

  52. anon 7.08

    I respect your opinion regarding Obama.

    However, you are misunderstanding my point. Obama's win is more than just getting a black man in the white house. It is literally about changing the direction of the country from Bush's governing style and spirit. I give you some examples;

    Katrina - the pictures that came across the tube of Americans floating dead in the streets of New Orleans and some stranded on trees was totally unacceptable. The only reason that happened is due to inept management of FIMA.

    Translate that to the stock market, the war in Iraq where no WMDs were ever found and the glaring fact that we haven't killed Osama. That in a nut shell is where Bush has left us.

    So for a black man to ascend to the white house means that the story line is changing. Obama is not going to touch water and change into wine. But he has energized Americans to get involved in government and that my friend will benefit the country greatly. I will remind you that many young guys led the IT revolution in the 90s. Clinton ensured that there was enough research funding into such entities and over 20 million jobs were created. The fact that we have to change our energy policy to something other than OIL; will create jobs and tap into the spirit of enterpreneurship inthis country. And Obama is bring back intelligent thinking in government. Bush and Palin and McCain think that being mediocre and folksy is cute but I say that it is dangerous.

    Hope is a powerful thing my friend. That is why most of us come to this country with nothing but the shirt on our backs.

  53. Obama's victory resonates across the world,

  54. ok now this is something new

  55. obama was thy name on the majority of the votes cast by american citizens.

    obama will be thy name as the 44th president of the united states

    obama wiil be thy name as the first president of colour

    obama is thy name as son of the late obama senior, it's been history in the making

    kenyatta's roots were from gatundu, nyerere's roots were from butiama, and obama's roots from kogelo

    history will never be undone by those who hated to see an obama win.


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