Sunday, October 26, 2008

What Was Your Role In The Mayhem, Mr President?

Water Minister Charity Ngilu has a long history and reputation for speaking her mind and not caring too much about the consequences.

Now she is asking a very simple but direct question. What was the role of President Mwai Kibaki in the post election violence? Now before the tribalists come out heaving and breathing fire, let us pause for a moment of quiet sober and non-partisan reflection.

Kenyans are unanimous in agreeing that there should be no amnesty and that all perpetrators of post election violence should face the full force of the law. That is fine. But please remember that already many innocent Kenyans are languishing in jail for mostly being at the wrong place at the wrong time. And this was mostly because they happened to be poor. Quite a number of the guilty ones are already dead and some are already answering to their heinous acts in the courts. And all this is going on when none of the people right at the centre of triggering the whole mess are roaming the country scot free. Some of these people are now loudly asking for amnesty.
My nasty toothache experience
Folks please let us learn how to be a little sensitive. Imagine what those Kenyans who suffered greatly as a result of the skirmishes feel when they hear the word “amnesty.” Those whose nothers. Sisters, wives and girl friends were brutually raped. Those whose loved ones were killed as they watched. Have mercy. Don’t you think that the call for amnesty is making them live through the nightmare all over again?

We said in this blog very early on that election violence perpetrators should either all be prosecuted or all given amnesty. In other words there should not be any selective justice. Especially if that justice is meted out Kenya-style where there is a very different way of handling the poor while the rich mined and political class can never seem to be touched by the same law.

Now the truth of the matter is that the whole post-election violence horrors were triggered off by a stolen election. So justice must start where the problem started surely. What makes this whole thing even sadder is the fact that those close to the president and indeed the president himself were fully briefed (if we are to believe the NSIS) on the consequences of election theft. But still they went ahead and to make matters worse, without taking the necessary precautions to limit the loss of human life. Indeed there is evidence to suggest that certain arms of the security forces deliberately went out to kill, the objective being to scare demonstrators and other would-be trouble makers from escalating the violence. Well this plan fell flat on its’ face and what saddens me the most is the fact that one of the reasons why this happened was that those making decisions had no idea at all where the masses of Kenya are coming from and the kind of suffering going on within the borders of our beautiful country just because of impunity and bad politics.

So Mr President, even as you suddenly shift gears about this amnesty thing, please tell us, what was your role in the post election violence. Plenty of innocent blood belonging to Kenyans is crying out from the ground for an answer to that question.

Again I ask, what was your role Mr President?

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  1. way to go chris,

    now you blame the president and when the police shoots murderors you tell us freeedom fighters were killed. doesnt anyone have brains worth more than porridge anymore???
    i mean the president paid for kalenjins to annihilate kikuyus even before elections, paid for kisumu morons top burn their towns, paid those peole who burnt people in a church and tossed back an escaping child to the embers, paid all the rapists and looters...yes the president like you have been taught by baba moi is the police no.1
    kumekucha has really gone sour nowardays...its like a vomit yard.

    well, this is the fodder that dimwits like taabu, phil, kalamari and the other morons feed on. just to ensure that molasses does not loose face.

    KK is useless

  2. Violence is not an excuse for stolen election!!! Violence is an act of backwardness!
    If I may ask, what did you get out of violence? Kibaki is still the president, commander in chief with full executive powers and PNU retained plum ministerial positions, yet, you killed your neighbours (invoking the curse of God), the country economy took the downturn, the inflation rose to all time high, with fuel and food prices soaring at the worsening time of global financial system, and still you did not get your "stolen election" back. As far I am aware, nothing have changed. Constitution still remains the Holy Grail (hard to obtain) and corruption is still rampart.

    The day you begin to see the crux of Kenya's problems is constitution, that's the day the blame game will come to an end. Over the years the presidency have accumulated overwhelming powers, a factor that has undermined the independence of the civil service and judiciary and bred worsening ethnic strife at elections.
    It has given rise to the view among politicians and the public that it is essential for the ethnic group from which they come to win the presidency to ensure access to state resources and goods. And this is where change should happen and happen very quickly!

    I don't know why I argue here with people with third world mind who cannot see things the way they are, but rather they like using twisted logics that are crude and primitive, retrogressive and disastrous.

  3. Chris,
    Please MOVE ON. Let the economy grow and stop having a THIRD WORLD mind. Watch C4 and BBC and get civilized education. Stop insulting our ears and eyes with cause address effects independently. Live the coloured lie and grow to be molarles, please I beseech you, will you?

  4. Chris,

    Please don't hide behind Ngilu's skirt of a question to take us back to the "election was stolen" broken record.

    Also, this barbaric logic that says Kibaki stole the election therefore let us rape and kill Kikuyu women and children can only find home and expression in a hard-wired savage brain stuck in a tribal cave. People need to take some baby steps and come out of this cave by appreciationg that rape and murder cannot be equated to theft in a civilized world.

    As for Ngilu's question, she can wait until the tribunal is constituted and if Kibaki's name is in the Waki's envelope, then Ngilu and indeed all of us will have a chance to demand an answer to that question from the president.

    In the meantime, anybody who finds Ngilu's posturing heroic would be better advised to go and look for heroes among his former primary school teachers.

  5. Anon @ 6.27am. Don't bother arguing with Chris, he will never change and put the blame correctly at the doorstep of Kalenjin warriors like Ruto, Kosgei and their pals like Raila. In fact he believes they are people to be admired. His bias against and hatred for Mt Kenya people on this blog of his is legendary and the man is beyond salvage. If people such as him like to nurse anger, bitterness, jealousy etc., letting those vices eat them up alive, let them be. How dare you stop them from enjoying their perverted and debased sensations? When he writes his crap, the pleasure is too intense. Its like trying to do away with red light districts, they will always have customers, just like Chris's merchandise.

  6. As I keep saying my heroes in the post-election violence are the police officers who defended the Republic from the ODM thugs gone berserk. Without the police, these crazed mobs, high on negative majimbo, would have raped, murdered and razed the nation to the ground. I also like the way police is hunting down the Mungikis.

    Anybody who casually accuses the police of wrongdoing in this respect is anti-Kenya and deserves utmost contempt.

  7. Fish starts stinking from the top.

    Lets start with Kibaki. He should be taken to court and tried first. All these started because of the seeds he saw (IPPG, MoU,violence at KICC), his stupidity, ruthlessness and ethnic policies (every police chief in any province and town is a Kikuyu or Gema, every senior ministry official is a Kikuyu).

    After senstencing him, then we should get on to Uhuru,Ruto,Karume, Kosgey, Kabando,etc. The order of seniority has to be strictly maintained: From Top to Bottom.

    If Kenyans can not see that the top people are always responsible for our problems, then we should accept the consequences every 5 yrs and shut our mouths. Dont be surprised when Kenya becomes a failed state. We would always remain Madoadoa, Kihii, Okuyu, etc., while the real criminals will continue to rest in the State House and enjoy your money.

    Prove me wrong: A responsible leader will get a responsible society, a brutal leader has a brutal society.

    Remember Hitler, Hirohito, Milosowiz, Idi Amin.


  8. Fish starts stinking from the top.

    Lets start with Kibaki. He should be taken to court and tried first. All these started because of the seeds he saw (IPPG, MoU,violence at KICC), his stupidity, ruthlessness and ethnic policies (every police chief in any province and town is a Kikuyu or Gema, every senior ministry official is a Kikuyu).

    After senstencing him, then we should get on to Uhuru,Ruto,Karume, Kosgey, Kabando,etc. The order of seniority has to be strictly maintained: From Top to Bottom.

    If Kenyans can not see that the top people are always responsible for our problems, then we should accept the consequences every 5 yrs and shut our mouths. Dont be surprised when Kenya becomes a failed state. We would always remain Madoadoa, Kihii, Okuyu, etc., while the real criminals will continue to rest in the State House and enjoy your money.

    Prove me wrong: A responsible leader will get a responsible society, a brutal leader has a brutal society.

    Remember Hitler, Hirohito, Milosowiz, Idi Amin.


  9. Somebody tell these dimwits that Kalonzo is on the way to the presidency. If these ODM dimwits keep on singing that the election was stolen and forget to insist on improving the constitution, Kalonzo will inherit the current constitution. And Kalonzo is not Kibaki, he will happily whip their bare butts while praising the Lord, Nyayo style.


    As far as I can judge from the Riegler and Waki reports, you are one of the few politicians who have NOT been mentioned adversely.

    Indeed you are the only politician in Kenya today who has risked his life to fight against oppression and tyranny in Kenya and Africa at large.

    You are now in the coalition government with many people who supported Kenya's past dictators and who are seemingly not willing to change. You have experienced this fact in the MoU of 2002 and recently in the post-election violence caused by a disputed election result.

    Hon. Mr Odinga, Kenyans are failing to differenciate you from the bad elements from the past regimes. There are still rampant corruption cases, tribalism, favoritism, exam cheating, etc.

    Nobody doubts that you enjoy the support of the majority of Kenyans. We therefore challenge you to speak for all kenyans. We expect you to come up and declare your position in the post-election violence, explain your role. We expect you again to challenge Hon. Kibaki to explain his role. Tell Kenyans why it is important for both of you to lead by example.

    If Hon Kibaki is not ready to explain to Kenyans why he refused to follow the procedures of MoU, IPPG and why he forced ECK to announce false presidential results which triggered violence, later chaired meetings with Mungiki, etc, then Kenyans find it difficult to find reasons why you are associating yourself with non-transparent leaders. We know that you stand for political accountability for whatever is happening in our beloved motherland. We are again seeing politicians who want to forget the past, but at the same time pointing fingers at the leaders from Rift Valley, etc.

    Doesn't this ring a bell to you. Can't you remember Mr. Njega's words: The BIG MAN is responsible of Mboya's death. The Big man replied: Forget the past. Can't you remember the outcome of JM's, Ouko's, Goldenberg, Anglo-leasing, Artur Brothers' cases, etc. How long should Kenyans wait for political accountability you have been preaching all along?

    You and your Principal partner have mentioned many a times that Kenya is bigger than any individual. We therefore expect you to act at least to restore your credibility.

    We are eagerly waiting for your answer.

    Your subjects

  11. What Kenyans need is a benevolent dictator. As a people, we have not evolved sufficiently to exercise democracy responsibly. Just pause to think we kill our neighbours for voting differently!!

  12. Please all Non -Odmers, do not see this poor people normal human being just like you and me they are basically ill and need to be loved, helped and refered to a psychologist. I personally think this website somehow helps them to get it out of their system. So well done to the person who set it up. So there nothing to be embarrassed about and I promise you it can be cured. There always be help there for them if they acknowledge it and stop being in denial: This form of denial involves avoiding personal responsibility by blaming, minimizing or justifying. Blaming is a direct statement shifting culpability and may overlap with denial of fact. Minimizing is an attempt to make the effects or results of an action appear to be less harmful than they may actually be. Justifying is when someone takes a choice and attempts to make that choice look okay due to their perception of what is "right" in a situation. Someone using denial of this kind of behaviour is usually attempting to avoid potential harm or pain by shifting attention away from themselves

    There is help available.

    Dr Murinho
    Consultant Psychologist

  13. Please all Non -Odmers, do not see this poor people normal human being just like you and me they are basically ill and need to be loved, helped and refered to a psychologist. I personally think this website somehow helps them to get it out of their system. So well done to the person who set it up. So there nothing to be embarrassed about and I promise you it can be cured. There always be help there for them if they acknowledge it and stop being in denial: This form of denial involves avoiding personal responsibility by blaming, minimizing or justifying. Blaming is a direct statement shifting culpability and may overlap with denial of fact. Minimizing is an attempt to make the effects or results of an action appear to be less harmful than they may actually be. Justifying is when someone takes a choice and attempts to make that choice look okay due to their perception of what is "right" in a situation. Someone using denial of this kind of behaviour is usually attempting to avoid potential harm or pain by shifting attention away from themselves

    There is help available.

    Dr Murinho
    Consultant Psychologist

  14. Anon @8:40

    You are wrong, only Hon. Kalonzo and his ODM-K have not been mentioned adversely.

    Secondly, Raila supported Moi's dictatorship from 1997 to 2002. He was Moi' minister for energy and rose to become KANU's Secretary General. How many people rose to such heights in Moi's dictatorship. It was also during that period that Moi rewarded Raila with the molasses factory and land making him an instant billionaire. This makes Raila both a dictator and a kleptocrat like his mentor, Moi.

    Please, go and practice your human worship elsewhere, not here at Kumekucha. Hapa watu wako macho!

  15. Bla Bla Bla.....many of you here are so bogus. The Question is simple and I asked it yesterday.

    What triggered the violence?? Wasn't it the stealing of the election??

    If Kibaki had not ensured the election is not skewed would we be having this debates of amnesty etc, bla bla.......useless

  16. Bla Bla Bla.....many of you here are so bogus. The Question is simple and I asked it yesterday.

    What triggered the violence?? Wasn't it the stealing of the election??

    If Kibaki had not ensured the election is not skewed would we be having this debates of amnesty etc, bla bla.......useless

  17. Kimi said:

    ...If people such as him like to nurse anger, bitterness, jealousy etc., letting those vices eat them up alive, let them be............

    You repeat a lie to yourself just like the PEV propaganda till you believe it. Between Kibaki and RAO, whose address is mentioned in Waki report as venue for plotting massacre? Just answer yourself honestly without the crave for SECURITY IN NUMBERS? Who had the constitutional mandate to protect Kenyans including arresting suspected perpetrators?

    Living in denial is to flog the effect while conviniently burrying the cause. The mindset to defend status quo betrays cheap propaganda crafted in the 60s. Kenya has changed forever and no amount of foaming at the mouth will clean the mess inside the lips. Ole wetu.

  18. @8:54
    Kalonzo, the miracle man, forced ECK to announce wrong results, knowing that he would get vice presidency, if Kibaki won. This is actually what happened.

    The man is dangerous in that he was pretending to be against Kibaki policies. Infact, Lucy hinted very early that Kalonzo was on the side of Kibaki.

    You will say "so what, that's politics". I disagree. This is politics of lying, of miracles, of murder of cheating. That's what we dont want in Kenya.

    Kenya needs politicians who are ready to resign, if they tell lies. Kalonzo is a liar and a white-collar murderer.

  19. I don't like discussing personalities but issues. Today will be no difference.

    My issue and concern here are with our instittution and/or lack of. Who formed the Waki commission? Was it Kenya, AU or UN? If in deed it was Kenya, then why was the sealed envelope given to Annan to forward the Hague if Kibaki dithers?

    Institutions? Are there any in Kenya today? If Kenya has any insititution , do they have any respect left with them?

    1. The Judiciary = This is the institutiton that should be an equal arm of the Government others being Executive and Parliament. But the Judiciary is headed by a man who is not a qualified Lawyer in Evans Gicheru! Check out if you think I am wrong. Most of the judges and court staffers are from the Mt. Kenya region. Waki Report says that a tribunal be formed and that 6 judges will sit on it. But only 2 will be Kenyans. The prosecutors and investigating offers shall not be Kenyans! Does anyone trust us to get anything right? Not even with issues of our dead relatives!
    And if this evelope finds its way to The Hague what should Kenyans think of our Judiciary?

    2. AG = this is a moruband instituttion. It present holder has some of the best credentials in the world yet for 17 or so years he has officiate glee and sufferings for us Kenyans. His officials are no better! There is that solicitor general who is a law unto himself! Wako and Wanjiku Muchemi must go!

    I wonder if people trust anything Kenyan anymore! Even judges don't kenyan bench to handle post election violence! Should I trust a word from Kenya? Not even from Dr. A. Mutua!

  20. Question-if violence is not an excuse for stolen elections then what is? Answer-there is NO excuse for stolen elections and therefore who can blame those who reacted by accusing them of over-reacting?who told YOU to steal the elections in the first place?

    Its not wrong for Ngilu to pose this type of question to the president-he is a grown man let him answer for himself; if he is innocent then he has nothing to hide but if he is somehow involved then let justice be blind and take its course no one should be above the law

    If a man's wife is a cuckold, she should not cry when he injures or even kills the third party in the love triangle who told her to cheat?

    Ngilu only asked a question why are Kibaki apologists scrambling to e-answer for His excellence?
    By the way the President is not obliged to respond to Madame Rainbow i don't see why anons and well known idiots with blue hyperlink monikers are coming out to bay loudly at the moon

  21. Folks, what is the punishment for people who participate in demonstrations in Kenya? Is it death by firing squad? Or is it jail term? Or none of the above?

    I read a very candid article by Police Commis on EAStandard where called all people all sorts of names. He blamed all people about everything wrong going on in Kenya bar Police force and himself! Why did the people of Western Kenya and Kisumu and Kericho in particular have to die from police bullets for demostrating following stollen election?

    Ali said to Waki Commission that if the same event were to repeat itself he would't change a thing! That is he would still kill Kisumu youths as he did earlier this year!

    Should this man lead our police force? My lords I submit that has a case to answer. Shouldn't he be the first on the plane to the Hague accompanied by Kibaki, Grace Kaindi, Michuki et al? That is my inference. What about you?

  22. I pity Kenya. I do. Chris, Taabu, Charity Ngilu and your fellow Party members, it's not in my place to question your questionable intelligence, but there are so many things you guys need to start getting right. And that's for free.

  23. Q: What was the role of President Mwai Kibaki in the post election violence?

    A: I delegated a few duties to my younger and favourite wife - Wambo. You know, she is my grassroot mobiliser and the ODM euphoria was just too much for me a Rucy.

    Wambo did a good job otherwise Rift Valley warriors were headed to Nairobi from Eldoret to forcibly evict me from SH.

    Not only did she manage to create a buffer zone in Nakuru, she and her young men also made those miserable Luo farm workers pay dearly in Naivasha.

    I also allowed her a few strtegy meetings at my official residence. Of course it cost money , but with Githongo out of the way, my friend from Tripoli had paid for this Muhindi hotel in advance. These Arabs are just in love with our country! Besides even if the Tripoli chief would have let me down, I still had part of Anglo fleecing proceeds and that would have enabled us to finance those jobless youths from Kiambu and Muran'ga to cause mayhem in Rift Valley. Luckily, Kivuitu's cut had to be wired to Cayman in advance of him making a personal delivery of the certificate to me in SH. Just imagine, Raira had this thing in the bag!!!! Moi and Mama ngina would never have forgiven me...Si you know some of these Kenyans can be too inquisitive, kana tiguo??

    Tell this mannerless widow known as Charity to shut up. We will send prime minister Raira to inherit her so she can be shut up. Gui eno.

    Kazi ienderrree!!!!!

  24. Now now Bw. Phil,
    let us not be uncivil-wired to Cayman?Equity is just round the corner??

  25. Dr. Murinho:
    You've confirmed my worst fears. We are amongst people (i.e. ODMers) with severe psychosomatic disorders expressed in diverse ways including a lack of conscience, tendency to extreme violent episodes and a subsequent failure to take responsibility, plus an odd proclivity for wrongfully attributing blame.
    It is my prayer they take advantage of your most generous offer for treament. Thank you for taking care of such deeply disturbed souls. Sincerely and always.

  26. I just found this irresistible, looks like were are going to export violence;

    A French newspaper carried a headline: Riots feared if Obama fails to win.

    It reported US police are preparing for riots across America if Barack Obama loses at the polls.
    Although he has opened an impressive point lead over his rival John McCain, the US public safety officials are concerned that if he loses, the violence could break out in large cities with black populations.

    Police departments in cities including Chicago, Detroit, Philadephia and Oakland have steeped up security.
    Jeff Thomson, a spokesman for police in Oakland, California, said "we are prepared if it goes awry and we are ready to deal with rioters firmly should the situation turn ugly"

  27. b-carotene,
    if it is a question of taking responsibility, why do I not hear the people you support taking responsibility of their contribution to the last post-election violence? I wonder what is your motive thrashing down the throat of ODMers your skewed ideas of responsibility.

    People like you are the ones taking our country several steps backwards because you are cheerleaders of bad leaders. Kenya demands leaders who will be sensitive to her people's needs and by that I mean all Kenyans. What Kenya does need are the leaders like the ones you and many a "blind cheerleaders" like yourself support.

  28. B-Carotene,
    Ever heard of AUTOEROTISM? Well, you better watch out lest you bust from uncontrolled ballooning from the same. FYI foaming at the mouth never sanitized your mouth.

    PS: Vikii, POLE understand your FAUL mood but Rafa showed no mercy. Big phil found it so bitter but cracious, give it to him. You can drown in the right one and bill me, BB anytime.

  29. taabu, I just wonder whats your take on American police and security officials decision to deal with rioters firmly should there be rioting if Obama fails to win.
    The fact they said they are not going to be caught napping unlike Kenya is very interesting indeed!

  30. Kwale,
    You want my take? Well sorry to disappoing you since you cannot compare two things based on different premises. The civilized society respect and uphold INSTITUTIONS and even Bush can only mess so much without repremand.

    Cross the Oceans and see what is happening isndie our borders=armed and uniformed IMPUNITy from the top. There are leaders and there are clones. The Americans know and respect the law becoz their leaders dumb as they are respect the law. Want any more? Ala msiki

  31. Phil,

    What are you upto Phil?

    " Tell this mannerless widow known as Charity to shut up. We will send prime minister Raira to inherit her so she can be shut up. Gui eno."

    Today is sunday bwana! This is unlike you. You mean you can stoop this low!!

    Mzee wa Kijiji

  32. taabu, so you're suggesting Americans security officials should not worry about rioters?
    they should ignore the rioters and let 'em go on ramapage killing, raping and looting?????

    Too right! Americans are civilised, they would never allow people to take law into their own hands just because their idol don't win!
    Don't you agree you should learn from Americans what civilisation is?

  33. Chris

    Good Question from Madam Ngilu!!

    1. issue Kibaki?? what role did he play in the 2007-2008 clashes

    2. meeting held in statehouse before even the elections votes were cast..
    who was he with in the meetings with the mungiki.. mungiki confirmed they met Kibaki and cronies..

    Can Kibaki tell us who was in the meetings with him???

    Mungiki insists that they were promised the release of their leader Maina after they did thier part of the deal (kill, behead and burn innocent kenyans)
    and now the mungiki are very angry that Kibaki yet again renegaded on their deal"MOU" verbal!!

    KIBAKI HAS TO CARRY HIS OWN CROSS AND HAGUE IS A MUST FOR HIM.. NOT THE CORRUPT SYSTEM THAT HE CAN MANIPULATE...he must be tried at Hague na nyinyi watu wacheni umpumbavu!! why are you on here trying to cover up and support the murderer called Emilio Kibaki???

    seems that known of the bloggers here lost their loved ones... I did and Kibaki must pay... hanging like Saddam Husein is the only punishment that i will accept for Kibaki... he is a dead man walking... Hague or else kenyans will act..

  34. Taabu:
    Your lack of substance is embarrassing at best and painful at worst. More, you sound the perfect client for Dr. Mourinho.

  35. Taabu:

    What is it about you and AUTOEROTISM? What do you know about this activity that others people do not know? Hope you are not over-indulging - you troubled soul!!

  36. Watch out Kumekuchans, Taabu is back from burning lecturers' houses in Eldoret. Or did't someone say that is his hobby?

  37. If those in the Waki's envelope are fully prosecuted, Moi might have the last laugh in the RV.

    In any case, there are going to be titanic political re-alignments, and Luos could be isolated again.

  38. Impunity is Kenyas big problem. Unfortunately this has taken root under one man ' Amos Wako". The lucky man to serve under two presidents.



    Mzee wa kijiji

  39. Mzee wa Kijiji

    Being civil is an everyday thing not only reserved for Sundays....Dont you think that is the main reason the sistrens and brethrens are being declared redundant and irrelevant at such a time as this.

    Back to the post

    E-Cop i agree i dont know how many spokesmen/women Kibs has appointed...That qn is for the one and only duly elected president of Kenya and if he didn't have the audacity to answer then why should we? Unless you were in together as the meeting was going on you were sipping some scotch in the background

  40. Hallo Ivy daughter of Samia,

    These Kibaki apologists are killers of free thinking, healthy debate and modern democracy i tell you;Ngilu only asked a question bwana, why are Kibaki apologists scrambling to e-answer for His excellence? In any case, another question for the "duckie" Dr.Kibaki's is why has he SUDDENLY become clever and begin whistling a different tune about amnesty?flip-flopping Mr.President?

  41. Folks,

    A few things are clear. There has been lack of leadership in Kenya since 2002. Some people took the initiative(The police, Rift Valley politicians, mugiki and their supporters) to lead, but in the wrong direction. In history of the short history of this nation, there is no time we have been as divided as we are today. We need our country back.

    Let us prosecute these guys. If we do not, i am afraid this country will not last long.

  42. Taabu, Waki says there were two meetings in State House "in the run up to the General election" to preplan violence in Naivasha which occurred in late 121 and 122.
    Could you please explain that absurdity since you seem to have proof, including dates, of how some people could have met in September or October or November or December 2007 to plan violence from 27th to 31st January 2008. Did these people consult an oracle from Nigeria to be able to see into the future and therefore know how violence would occur in Naivasha? Please explain your logic since you seem to be a seer, and please, DO NOT tell me(like so many other ODM zealots and fundamentalists) that because Waki said it, then it must be true. THINK(!)for yourself.

  43. Joe

    I disagree way back before 2002. It is just that Moi unlike Kibaki assumed some form of leadership. You see we have had some pathetic styles of leadership and that is why some people always compare Kibaki and Moi and that is why no one has ever answered my qn....Who made Moi a standard?

    When i was voting in 2002 i was voting in a better president and not a better Moi

    This daughter of samia is fine and i guess you are though today you are e-raving guess you are in a foul mood. Is it coz the blues lost?

  44. Raila and Mudavadi thought they could eliminate competition from inside ODM Ruto by having him in a Hague Express. That is not going to happen wameze wembe.

  45. Ivy,

    Thanks for the correction. Its just that i cant believe the way things turned for the worse after 2002. Maybe i expected too much from Kibaki.

    However, i believe we now have a chance to make things right. To me, the Waki report seems to be well researched and written. If we can have a mechanism for securing all the witnesses, we have a good chance of getting this country off on a new start.

    A lot depends on whether we will sacrifice the politicians mentioned for the good of the country. We should also not spare the police who were responsible for most deaths and Rape.

    In typical Kenyan style, the politicians are falling back to their tribal bases fro support. This is really sad.

  46. Dear Kumekuchans,

    Can someone update us on the progress of the Luo mass circumcision. As an anthropologist I am interested in the progress. I am writing a paper titled, "From Boys to Men: Loss of Foreskin and its Effects on tthe Self-Image of the Luos of Kenya."

    Any input will be highly appreciated. And any input used in the paper will be given the requisite attribution.

  47. Ivy, the he she of KK Samia..

    its sad that someone has to pretend to be a woman for what purpose? why do u even use two handles in KK? so that you can answer yourself?

    so here is the stick to 1 handle or i spill the beans to other KK odmorons. i know all ua handles so just dare. btw, its absurd to answer uaself just to project ua ugly image...well guys from where u come from suffer from inferiority complex anyway. hope u faced the knife dimwit.

    clock is ticking

  48. Ivy,

    You know what else is sad? The turncoats here in KK who were singing no to amnesty, only to change their song when they realized their politicians are in the list!

    We forget that politicians are not fighting for us! Who knows who they will turn to come 2012?

  49. "What was Your Role in the Mayhem, Mr Chris/Taabu/Kalamari and all the other ODM sympathisers" who were busy beating war songs drums from the comfort of their cybers/offices or whichever holes these e-warriors were. these are the loosers who pee on themselves at the prospect of stepping out during demonstrations but shout themselves horse day in day out here at KK joined by sex confused Ivy a man stuck in a woman body.

    before you go looking for someone to carry your cross, take a good look at your flat nosed face. there lies the worst inciter who cheered on molasses and his gang of 40 murderors.

    shame on you all who still belief that if it fails to rainits because of the president. odm has really brainwashed the likes of taabu who still think that copy pasting tough sounding words makes him look intelligent. phil who wanks at the sight of molasses, chris (the kao fellow who abandoned his family in Kenya) who thinks selling raw gutter notes and email addresses to nigerian scam artists is a way of living, kalamari, who can drink raw sewage from Kibera if molasses says so....and the other lot of dimwits.

    just visit Dr. morinho for free mental rehabilitation.

  50. Joe

    Not only the turn coats in KK, "The duly elected president" in February 2008 was so categorical that there was not going to be amnesty for anyone...I guess he has gone through Saul to Paul conversion....The man has seen the light on his way to Damascus.

    My conviction will be one, prosecute all or none at all....and that includes Kibs and Rao if they are found guilty.

    Anon 1:31 let me indulge you for once, i dont pride myself in having double identities, and apparently in samia girls/women dont go for cuts, it is too barbaric in this dispensation...Just stick to the post. Will you? I cant believe i have wasted my 2 minutes.

  51. Ivy,
    ALONSO for FIFA resident

  52. Ivy,
    i can see you have started your morning well by taking my place in e-combat; here "they" come one by one crawling out of the woodwork- anyway good luck to you sometimes you know you might just be helping someone by providing them therapy through pent-up release of the mouth valve but please don't give them the satisfaction
    I have to e-rave;i am not a blues fan but you know me any excuse to take a shot at theft and impunity apologists

  53. Anon@2:07

    Quoting you.

    before you go looking for someone to carry your cross, take a good look at your flat nosed face. there lies the worst inciter who cheered on molasses and his gang of 40 murderors.

    We did, and found that there were some in our midst who did not believe in the change we wanted, but rather wanted to get to power by all means. Guess what? we want them prosecuted together with those that met at state house and planned the Naivasha killings.

    So, which side are you? Are you with those of us who want all prosecuted, or do you think only those from ODM should be prosecuted? Kenya is bigger than you, you little jerk.

  54. Folks,

    If this is true, then we have nothing to worry about.

  55. Kwale,
    Spot on. There are talks of rigging by republicans. Some white conservatives are vowing America cannot be ruled by a black man.
    A bit like de ja vu, Kenyan cannot be ruled by Luo...

  56. Those who STOLE (Kibaki and his Mt Kenya panua mongrels) elections should be held responsible for the aftermath. If Kibaki had not STOLEN THE ELECTIONS AND, AS IS REQUIRED OF A CIVILIZED MAN, LET THE REAL WINNER GET THE PRIZE we would not be having all this nonsense that has been going on and is still going on.

    One example of this nonsense can be found right here on this comments section: PANUA MONGRELS TRYING TO TELL US THAT 1+ 1 = 3. No!! 1 + 1 = 2.

    Living a lie (ati Kibaki won straight and fair while the truth is that he STOLE THE ELECTION) eventually yields disaster.

    All you panua mongrels who are trying to "e - defend" that election THIEF CALLED KIBAKI know deep insider their hearts that they are lying to others and worse to themselves.

  57. There's another one for you, Dr. Mourinho.
    Getting busy, eh?

  58. The question remains 'What was your role in the mayhem Mr. President?.....Hiyo ni swali.
    Tafadhali Mr. President JIbu swali.....utajitetea ukiwa upande gani? I put it to you that kibaki's role was to fall asleep on the wheel while kenya deegenerated into a tribal couldron. way before the election......M01 screwed us left right and centre we never felt that it was the kelengine as a community screwing us....even kenyatta mamaged his madness in such a manner that brought some solidarity amongst odinary kenyans but kibs let it become a kikuyu vs the rest of the kenyans......that is the spark that lit the fire......
    kenyans were not fighting for and election as some dim witted retards would like to have as belive, we were fighting to get back our nation, our tribless nation , our united people driven all inclusive nation....that had been reduced to a tribe driven banana republic.....thats what people fought for........yah but the idiots would have have you belive its a simple dispute about elections...what hoggwashh!!!!!

    Sir Alex

  59. b-carotene, Dr. Mourinho is a figment of your lying imagination that is full of FRAUD, DECEPTION and THEFT of THE TRUTH.

    You, b-carotene, (plus all the panua mongrels who unsuccessfully tried to fraudulently "convice" us that Kibaki won fair and square - the height of lunatic hogwash) are the ones who need serious psychiatric and psychological help

  60. There's another one for you, Dr. Mourinho i n the name of sir (sic) Alex.
    Getting busy, eh?

  61. Taabu,

    pls drop the anon and the bolds...your writing signature is so obvious for crying out loud!!!


    these are Taabu's words in his every obvious. u need to check uaself into Dr. morinhos clinic bro!!!!

  63. It may seem a little ridiculous to medicalise what are essentially extreme opinions, but the move is interesting for what it says about psychiatric diagnosis in general. In particular, it cuts to the very idea of what defines a mental disorder.

    For example, the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia are based around two ideas:
    The first is that there are behaviours and experiences present that are atypical or culturally anomalous (e.g. 'hearing voices' or delusions), the second is that the disorder involves some form of disability - in the case of schizophrenia, the criteria specify social or occupational dysfunction.

    It could be argued that extreme tribal hatred like the one shown here in Kumekucha could involve both. Extreme tribal hatred is indeed uncommon, and in today's Kenyan society, might involve a significant social deficit if contact with tribes perceived to be "wrong" is consistently avoided or becomes distressing.

    In fact, considering that about 11% of healthy adults score above the average of delusional inpatients on measures of delusional thinking, it could be argued that ethnic hatred (at least in Kenya) might be more atypical than the sort of beliefs that are typically diagnosed as signs of mental disorder.

    In other words, it's quite hard to refute the idea that extreme tribal hatred like that of some bloggers here isn't a mental disorder within the general philosophy of the current diagnostic system.

    This highlights the social relativity of the diagnostic system, which you might either use to argue for the inclusion of a new diagnosis of 'tribal hatred disorder', or, perhaps, more realistically, to draw attention to the fact that the current system does not adequately define mental pathology in all cases.

    Then there is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a mental disorder with repetitive obsessions and/or compulsions that cause anxiety. Everyone has unpleasant or obsessive thoughts occasionally; people with OCD can't ignore these thoughts. E.g. constant repetition "elections were stolen" and "this tribe, this tribe that", FRAUD and DECEPTION etc.

    I hope you (those feeling to hate other people so strongly with no logical reasons) get well soon!

    There is help available.

    Dr Murinho
    Consultant Psychologist

  64. These guys should just check into Anger Management Clinics, like the chang'aa and Busaa dens of Kibera and Kariobangi for instance.

  65. Dr Morhino,
    You would benefit greatly from self-prescription. You suffer a cute bout of SELF-DELUSION. You must be fooling only yourself with your penchant to revise PSY 100 here. Please stop embarassing yourself and visit a rehab of ideas, won't you? Well, I know I am asking for so much from a box housed above the shoulder, indulge, the cheering squad is swelling.

  66. Mr president, PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTION, WHAT WAS YOUR ROLE? AND TO THE PNU appologists who are defending the THIEF IN CHIEF MR KIBAKI. ... HELP MR KIBAKI TO ANSWER THE QUESTION... None of you have come clopse to mentioon the subject matter of election fraud..

  67. Taabu,

    Stop posting your mental masturbations here. Kumekuchans are not interested in the by-products of your AUTOEROTISM.

  68. What was your role in the mayhem, Mr president?

  69. My family member has a video recording of the state housing meeting! we will only make public if some senior PNU guy ever try to use him as a fall guy.

  70. Kibaki and his cohorts should be held fully responsible for the murders...they forced a country to resort to mass action by using all arms of government to steal an election and people's when we begin looking at charging people...lets start with Kibaki then security chiefs...and next time they try to steal another election they should be prepared for similar consequences. It's unfortunate but hopefully the thought should be enough to deter blatant rigging.


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