Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Breaking News: Finance Minister Amos Kimunya Resigns

Finance minister Amos Kimunya has officially resigned.

Kimunya is still addressing the press conference in his Treasury Office whereby he announced his resignation.

He said he had held consultations with the President, his family and constituents before deciding to resign although his conscious is clear.

Update 13h30 Local Time

In tendering his resignation, Kimunya has indicated that he is stepping aside to pave way for investigations into the controversial Grand Regency Hotel saga.

Just two days ago, Kimunya was quoted at a public rally saying "he would rather die than resign". Even as late as Monday evening, Kimunya was bold enough to repeat that he would not resign as he was being interviewed by Jeff Koinange on the K24 TV channel.

Today's press conference is therefore a significant departure from his stand just two days ago.


  1. The CBK govonor should follow suit. And this time they should go to jail we demand no less . Impunity - it does not mean you get away with it by resigning - KEEP IT HERE

  2. So death was no longer the sweeter option....LOL

    If it is true then he can relax...he has mumunyad enough...Couldn't help laughing at the public watchdog cartoon.

    What do you mean his constituents were urging him on.....Stay on kimunya and keep on mumunyaring we are with you....LOL


  3. Phil swali?
    Did he die because he sated he would rather die than resign? No surprises there and expect the usual justification and bravado in defeat.

    The prince is down what about the KING? This marks the begining of the end of IMPUNITy and nobody is safe. Let the gloating take a tangent.

  4. He has taken high moral ground, yes kimunya has done the right think, and he is now very much in for 2012 if his conscious is really clear.

  5. Phil, you must be over the moon now…!

    But one more thing before I log off Kumekucha for the day;

    Raila will never become the president of Kenya and if anyone has a contentious view on that he is living in a cloud-cuckoo-land.
    You’ll be pushing up the daisies long before it happens.

  6. He dared and they called his bluff. There is too much at stake if the head deer continues to be dazzled by the headlights. Now is the time to bring out the sportlights, that was just headlights.

    A house of cards, Keep it simple - one down .

  7. Kwale Wot do u mean Raila will never be prezzy. Quote me on this: Raila will be president of Kenya before 2012.

  8. Yes Raila will become President of Kenya before 2012. Agreed

  9. Amos " I`d rather die " Kimunya , sold , not sold , wacha bar talk. Ohhhh ! sold - good you brought this to the publics attention . Too good a deal to pass after it was " not sold " ohhhh !!! Sold by Gava to Gava , ohhhh ! sold to private arabs .

    Some would call it poetry , others yuko "wera " and still others a Deer and now TWO deers caught in the headlights . I would just say pass the Kamba it would be nice for a change to finaly see a minister who is true to his words. We are literaly watching the first " Kenyan Harakiri "

    He will fondly be remembered as the first finance minister who went a step further after his predecesor resigned and actually killed himself - His words not mine. " I`d rather die than resign "

    The choir is singing LYNCHING as if the Treasury is personal property and the high priest has moved on "fish mongers" . The gists of the plan the usual - they are lesser beings who cannot be trusted to point at evil. I would suggest AMPUTATION - to prevent the CANCER spreading.

    This is a very good start . Keep it simple, clean and focused.

    Over to the tribals

  10. Phil, I don’t have the luxury you got there of knowing the breaking news as it happens. But I have just read BBC news website that Kimunya has offered to resign.

    "I have requested the president to allow me to step aside to facilitate this inquiry,"

    And all the others implicated in this case must follow the suit.

  11. Chola what did you say? If he had resigned before he was censured it would have been a plus for him.

    He has resigned under duress....Khalwale and company gave him no option...LOL

    Yes Taabu i agree what about the King...And i pray that Orengo will enda mpaka mwisho with the case...Someone needs to help him in partaking his riches.

    The funniest joke i heard...Ati Kimunya was censured by the MPs coz of the issue of MPs paying tax...Surelly how dumb can one be? I agree with Knoppix some of us need to ask for our refunds from Glad toto nursery school. Now that he is no longer FM, will he still be on the forefron insisting the MPs pay tax!!!

    Kwale you are so out of topic? Which post was that? Dont make me agree with Mwalimu


  12. Educate me. He has stepped aside not resigned. What are the implications?

  13. I pity Kenyans now look at u posting funny comments on Kimunya's resignation, can we get down to the root cause of this matter and lay bare the facts.ohh Kimunya anamumunya pesa yetu..... yenu na nani ni yao u jaz a normal kenyan who toils everyday to survive dont die defending politicians. Lets be open minded.

  14. It was about time. I cannot believe he had to be hounded out of office......... SHAME!! SHAME!!

    Blind side winger my foot!

  15. You guy Kwale @ 3:33, kwani what did Phil say? I didn't read anywhere that he has been sacked..He has said Kimunya has resigned....

    Kwale wrote: "I have requested the president to allow me to step aside to facilitate this inquiry,"

    And you can still buy this crap? ...LOL i have now proved what everyone has been saying....

    What do you mean others? Who are these...Maybe the 'duly elected president" and all his tribesmen he had marshalled at KRA.

    Does informing the PM give you the power to swindle people...What nonsense is this?


  16. Wangui, it is a pity, but apparently i dont survive...I live

  17. This Kimunya thing is no fish market and will make a lot of bar talk. One week after the no-confidence vote, what was Kimunya busy covering up or doing? Just curious.

  18. "As I stated before, my conscience is very clear, and I maintain the position that I am open to an independent inquiry into the sale of the Grand Regency Hotel," Mr Kimnuya said at a press conference.

    A government inquiry led by the attorney general last week recommended that Mr Kimunya be suspended.

    Parliament also passed a vote of no-confidence in him.

    What more enquiries MPELEKENI KOTINI thats what , stop this stupid spin. He is not dead yet. The Jail or the rope ajinyonge.

  19. Yes, i hope our ministers learn from his mistakes or we shall have other in line. Good job to parliament.

  20. Kimunya said

    "I have requested the president to allow me to step aside to facilitate this inquiry,"

    1st - Which enquiry? As far as I can see, the enquiry has already been completed by the Cabinet sub-committee and recommendations have been partially done. What remains is for other others to resign.

    2nd - those of us who know Kibaki's modus operandi - resigning means sacking. Whether someone close to the president is involved or not, Grand regency has done Kimunya IN.

    3rd - Kimunya did not say whether Kibaki had accepted his offer or not. But surely, does Kibaki have a choice

    4th - During the Kipiri Rally where there was plenty of chest-thumping, Kimunya said he would only "step aside" for an investigation if other top government officials, including Prime Minister Raila Odinga, did the same. Raila is still PM, Orengo is still Lands Minister and Wako is still AG. To borrow PNU language - these gentlemen are going NOWHERE!

    5th - Uhuru Kenyatta - who has pretended to stand by Kimunya will himself be shortly thoroughly embarassed when Mudavadi revokes Uhuru's list of nominated councillors. Its seems Uhuru will be getting away with IMPUNITY by breaking the law and playing politics with Civic bodies.

    All I can say is; ONE DOWN, MANY TO GO.

    Please remember this is a grand coalition and not that animal that was once called Government of National Unity.

  21. The General public is expecting after he has finished his resignation speech , the next step will be saying farewell to his next of kin and then pertake the fist " Kenyan harakiri " as he had promised .

    His trusted constituents whom he broke the news to on stage and beamed live througout the country are currently in the process of building a moselium to commemorate him. Graft said one caption that is being proposed as a tombstone.

  22. Have Raila, Ringera, Wako and Orengo resigned? Has Kimunya resigned his Kipipiri seat? Kenyans called his bluff and those words will come to haunt him for a very long time to come. Good riddance, but the question is: How many Finance Ministers will the Coward-of-Othaya, the Thief-in-Chief himself sacrifice before he expires?

  23. Kimunya words--Fish market--monkeys business--will rather die than resign--Raila. wako,orengo must resign before he resigns--Grand regency not sold--oohh sold the deal was so sweet--. Plese mr kimunya explain yourself sir.

  24. I can almost bet my coin Rutto will soon be found out on fertilizer and sugar and he too will sink. Just wait and see how Kenyans are roasting impunity at the altar of political maturity.

  25. Raila 10 - Kibaki - 0

  26. A good fight indeed.

  27. Well only the guilty think that the matter is over. Why do Kenyan's allow themselves to be used. They should wait for investigations to be over and then the real culprits can be exposed. Where do these resignation leave the others?. ie. Ringera,Ndungu,Raila, Kibaki and even those who allowed the deal to go though as i believe the minister never did it alone. Lands officials, Central bank, and evn the treasury?. Let's think ahead before we celebrate. In either case the cover-up is now over.

  28. Kwale

    All others? didnt Kimunya himself tell us that Kibaki knew of the sale and approved it and negotiated for it with Libya's Gaddafi.

    Are you also suggesting that Pres. Kibaki resigns?

    Or is it a case of calling for others as long as its not nyumba?

    We understand. We've somad your behaviours for a long time.

    Kimunya died before he resigned. lol

  29. Gentlemen,

    The Bunge has finally started showing some muscle.

    The GCG better watch out. Bunge is not a mkojo podium where Lesotho ministers were fond of telling lies.

  30. @Ivy,
    Two FMs in 6 years and both hounded out of office on same charges=THEFT. As they say show me your company and I will tell you your character. The rest can live happily in denial.

    We are forming a committe which you will head to strategize on how people can get their refunds. Terms of service
    1. No intimidation by multiple PPs
    2. First priority to suffers of acute paranoia/obtuse egos.

    FYI while at it you would wish to concentrate on certificates from UK whose employers have said TODAY that more than 56% (yes more than half) of UK graduates are FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE. Hope the obvious culprits are already dusting their other PPs. Sio kwa ubaya lakini, ni duty.

  31. Cartoon Mutua said:

    .......The finance minister has been in discussions already with the president over this," government spokesman Alfred Mutua said, according to Reuters news agency.

    and added

    ......But he will not be replaced, it's only a temporary move.

  32. Now that is President Mutua speaking. Who is the president, the Coward-of-Othaya aka Thief-in-Chief or the Lier-in-Chief aka Goebbels Mutua?

  33. Good but not good enough, I wish it was out of his own will. We still have a long way to go. Thats just one of the million bugging issues facing us fro top brass (a tip of the iceburg). Now lets see if he resigns from his constituency as he promised over his dead body.

  34. Sounds like a fish market already, and even then there's more order there than here. For those in pursuit of justice, I wonder whether they will see to it that justice will truly be served. If not, we risk to continue marking time over a whole heap of rubbish even as we scream our voices hoarse. And dont forget--we still need to have the MPs paying taxes just as we need to avoid a blanket amnesty for all those who murdered, raped and pillaged earlier this year.

  35. Kimunya amemumunya mali ya uma lol.

  36. Halafu Bunge ikamumunya Kimunya lol

  37. Hey Wangui, if that's your pic, then I can say you are pretty. That's just a compliment. Keep the beauty but not just physical but in the mind too. You must be new here. If so, please don't get drawn into cheap talk that some are keen to always post here.

    To the topic of the day, but first, Kwale, this is getting out of hand. Why are u behaving like a coward? What's the anger about? Kwani mlikula na Kimunya (sorry)? Where does Raila being (or being not) a president come about? I thought we were talking about Kimunya's "Resignation"!

    Now Wangui, I share your pity for Kenyans, me included. Can you see them celebrating. Three months after today, Kimunya will be back in the cabinet (Mwiraria, Saitoti and Kirai2 style). Then we'll realize that it was just a PR Gimmick. Kimunya has not resigned. He has just been removed from the limelight so that Kibaki can get some breathing space. Has GR been recovered, will it be recovered, what happens to Kimunya and co??? Wakenya sisi ni bure kabisa. We follow these liars and fight among each other not knowing that we are hurting ourselves insted.

    I still maintain; Kimunya has not resigned. He's been instructed by Kibaki to lie low. Corruption will continue, GR will never be recovered!

    Chief Dr. Al Hajj, M.A. (Minus Opportunity) Nanga, MP.

  38. How sad - The guy who facilitated the deal for the fat cat became the fall guy but the person who stays mum and who got the major share of the "extra" proceeds that were paid in the foreign account is still in office, keeping quite - This is the mentality of Kenyans - We NEVER want to see beyond the smoke screen :-(

  39. Kimunya might have resigned but the war is on now.We know where the field for the next battle will be!!.We might have lost a battle but the field is set now.We know the players.
    Just who will have the last laugh?.The jews were killed in germany, they are fought from all sides- but they have never lost the war.
    We will face the Mountains.

  40. A Dispatch from Onyango Oloo in Nairobi

    first draft unedited

    It is about 2 pm Kenya time and I have to rapidly revise this piece in the wake of the breaking news that Kimunya had not only “offered to step aside” but that the President had accepted this offer. In a caveat, PNU spokesperson Dr. Alfred Mutua “clarified” that the move was only “temporary”. He was quoted in a Reuters dispatch (9:49 am GMT, Tuesday, July 08, 2008) as saying that “ the finance minister has been in discussions with the president over this…but he will not be replaced, it is only a temporary move...”

    News of the resignation came amidst reports that at least 10 civil society activists including Ann Njogu and Okiya Omtatah, were roughed up and arrested INSIDE a restaurant next to the Kenyatta International Conference Centre apparently because they were just about to exercise their right to participate in a peaceful democratic protest demanding Kimunya’s resignation and an end to impunity on issues of grand graft.

    Keen perusers of the Kenyan print and electronic media may have noticed a subtle shift in the way in which the country’s newspapers, radios and television stations have been covering the scandalous sale of the Grand Regency Hotel in Nairobi and the dubious role of Finance Minister Amos Kimunya in the whole saga.

    For instance, there are all these seemingly innocuous op-ed pieces which are apparently taking an “objective” look at the whole thing and poking holes at the seemingly air-tight case against Kimunya and his alleged cohorts. One such article can be found on Page 11 of the Tuesday, July 08, 2008 edition of the Daily Nation where Nicholas Mue cautions his reader to “beware [of]the distortions” in a piece entitled Vital facts and figures lost in Grand Regency Sale Saga-basically an apologia for Amos Kimunya. On the facing page, in the leader section, Macharia Gaitho, one of the senior editors with the Nation Media Group argues that the “report that indicted Kimunya left a great to be desired”. Examine the letters pages not only of the Daily Nation but the Standard and the Nairobi Star. On the weekend, I saw a couple of other articles over the weekend-especially the piece in the Sunday Nation putting the case for and the case against Kimunya.

    By far the most blatant form of media partisanship was evidenced on Sunday when Citizen TV aired live, several hours of a raucous public rally in Kimunya’s Kipipiri constituency. This is where the Finance Minister delivered his now infamous “I’d rather die than resign” defiant speech which was followed by Uhuru Kenyatta rambling on and on about the need for the “community” to rally behind Kimunya and making references to the PNU/ODM rifts in relation to 2012. Kimunya himself did not shy away from blurting out that the campaign against him was tantamount to a plot to “finish” the Agikuyu. It later transpired that this slot was paid for.

    A very impeccable source here in Nairobi told me ( this was two days ago) there was a high level PNU meeting on Wednesday last week where it was decided that Kimunya must be saved at all costs. My source says that Uhuru Kenyatta chaired that meeting. I am further informed that Kshs 110 million was set aside for damage control in the media and that a particular public relations firm was brought on board to implement this strategy.

    A key tactic in this fight back strategy was to recruit key editors in all the media houses.

    It was agreed that the media strategy would consist of the following:

    -Casting doubt on the allegations against Kimunya;
    -Bringing up the spectre of Raila Odinga as a bogey man to galvanize the PNU base;
    -Going after James Orengo and other chief accusers of Amos Kimunya;
    -Tribalizing the issue by giving the impression that the Luos in ODM were after the key Kikuyus in PNU;
    -Imputing that the war against Kimunya was just the dress rehearsal for an upcoming campaign against Kibaki;

    Now there is no tangible evidence that “money has been poured” but it is interesting to note that the splashy, often trashy Weekly Citizen tabloid made the Luo versus Kikuyu angle the thrust of their cover story in their current edition.

    The flipside of this strategy is using elements of the state terror machine to intimidate those Kenyan activists taking to the streets to demonstrate their opposition to the fraudulent sale of the Grand Regency.

    In my humble opinion, the PNU Claw Back over Mumunyagate is an act of desperation which reeks of ethnic chauvinism. It is a ploy that is likely to boomerang and even blow up in the face of its conspirators.

    If we are to read Dr Alfred Mutua well, he is basically telling Kenyans that Kimunya’s resignation is a time out, face saving tactic, implying to the PNU base that Kimunya will roar back to the controls of the Treasury after the complete damage control exercise is over and after a hand picked committee probably established by President Kibaki has “exonerated” him fully.

    The other thing which may be at play is a gambit to perhaps pre-empt the ministerial statement scheduled to be unleashed in parliament by Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.

    Whatever the case, the PNU side has goofed badly.

    First, by not recognizing the mood in the country which is now beyond ODM/PNU schisms. On Sunday I watched Paul Muite on Family TV basically taking a very progressive stance on the issue- stating that Kimunya had to go and saying that the “reformists” in the Grand Coalition, and he singled out Raila and Orengo were being undermined by the “conservatives” around the President. In the case of the Prime Minister, Muite said that PNU was using the Civil Service to undercut his powers- citing the vulnerability of civil servants like the Lands Commissioner and how their job insecurity made them dance to the tunes of Muthaura and Kimunya in doing the necessary paper work to effect the Grand Regency handover.

    Secondly, President Kibaki’s options are severely limited.

    The more he tries to stonewall, the more likely for the scandal to swallow the Othaya MP. Already there are allegations in the streets of Nairobi that Mwai Kibaki IS THE LIBYAN INVESTOR- in the sense that someone (allegedly his own daughter Judy was the person who closed the deal) bought the hotel on his behalf. He will pay for any further sitting on the fence.

    Thirdly, Central Kenya “Succession” politics will rubbish any attempt at building a united front to defend Kimunya, Njuguna, Ringera and the gang accused of impropriety over Grand Regency- with Saitoti, Uhuru, Karua, Michuki and others pulling in different directions. Already NARC-Kenya through Danson Mungatana has allied itself as a party with those calling for Kimunya’s ouster.

    Fourthly, Uhuru Kenyatta will rue his rash outbursts in defence of Amos Kimunya, especially now that the former Finance Minister has eaten humble pie (before his actual demise) and bit the resignation bullet. Uhuru is likely to be reminded of his underhand shenanigans in subverting the law during his brief tenure as Local government minister in the matter of the strange nominations of councilors. Some of us have not forgotten that one of his close aides was caught red handed on camera with hundreds of thousands of shillings given to the aide as a bribe during the same civic nominations. More than that, it would appear that Uhuru has forgotten that he is the son of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, one of Kenya’s most notorious land grabbers who left people in Taita Taveta and other parts of the country seething with resentment as squatters on their own land.

    Fifthly, PNU’s claw back tactics will revive the post-election bitterness among a large swathe of Kenyans who are still very resentful about how President Kibaki and his cronies used billions of shillings to rig themselves back to power. Remember that a lot of the money being questioned in the Grand Regency is alleged to be part of a 5.6 billion “gift” from the Libyans to PNU to use during the elections.

    Anyways, let me pause here.

    We have to rush to court to be in solidarity with our civil society colleagues who were arrested earlier today.

    This piece may be updated later…

    Onyango Oloo
    Nairobi, Kenya
    2:27 pm
    July 8, 2008

  41. I couldn't have woken up to better news.

    God bless Kenya!

    Sam Okello

  42. This is official government statement.


    Honourable Amos Kimunya, Minister for Finance has stepped aside to facilitate investigation on the issue of the disposal of Grand Regency Hotel.

    Office of Public Communications
    & Government Spokesperson
    8th July 2008

    Published by:
    Office of Government Spokesperson
    KICC Building, 3rd Floor
    8 Harambee Avenue
    P.O.Box 45617-00100
    Nairobi - Kenya
    Tel: +254-020-240488
    Fax: +254-020-240600
    Email: comms@comms.go.ke
    SMS (Celtel/Safaricom): 2888

    Me thinks, this is just a face saving move. We all Kibaki has NEVER sacked any minister or has he? He has been insecure throughout his fraudulent reign after betraying the NARC dream and stealing votes in December 2007.

    Kimunya WILL NOT be reinstated! In actual sense, CID officers should have attended the press conference where he announced his resignation so that he may go an assist police with investigations.

    This is a criminal for God's sake!

  43. So what happened to Kimunya's preferred option of death? You cannot use outcome (no matter how 'successful') to justify the disregard of procedure. This was never about flogging the Grand Regency to the highest bidder; it's about Kimunya's wilful and contemptuous disregard for laid down procedure.

    Saying that he informed Kibaki, the AG, the PM, Orengo etc. is about as defensible as a thief telling a homeowner that he plans to raid his house. Procedure says the matter required cabinet approval. Kimunya knew the procedure, he knew what was required of him and he chose to ignore it. He cannot now use others to wipe his arse.

  44. ODMers are emotional wreck thugs. Just because Kimunya has offered to resign, everyone seems to be dancing up and down like chickens.

    You forget you’re politicians are well in the thick of it. Others have serious charges pending in court while others will face genocide charges for crimes committed against humanity. Kalonzo for prezzy Raila go to hell.

  45. hahahahaaha

    this must be a joke .......am I hearing right ...is it that kimunya has died or he has resigned.

    Now I can eat Kimunya has mumunyaed alot of out money that is why PNU and the likes wanted the finance seat so that tey can keep on mumunyaring our cash.

    Now we can celebrate...but one more thing is remaining RAILA to become president ....ukitaka junyonge.....hahahaha

  46. Don't count us out yet. Kimunya will be back. And we've learnt our lesson. Tutaiba kuwaonyesha you are all nothing!

    Kimunya is out, but Kibaki is still in. Mta-Do? Don't blame us if you are incapable of getting rich in a country of abundance both in riches and big domo idiots

  47. In any case '' we can give our opinions as per now'' But he will be back and as much we are calling him the black sheep he is not the only one in that cabinet as we all know. So if he is innocent as he claims well pole sana. ''Clean politicians'' stubbed him on the back.

  48. Good riddance!!!!!!!!! Kimunya, we hope not to see you again. That's what economic criminals like you should be doing. Your resignation was long overdue.

    However, there is something we are still waiting for – the Kipipiri Parliamentary seat should automatically fall vacant. Wait, I'm not being too harsh on you, you said it yourself! I hope Kalembe Ndile is listening, he could make a good catch here.

    Besides, you should be sharing a humble room with Cholmondeley (did someone say Chombli?)

    m-pesa, what do you have to say? Is Raila still to blame for Kimunya's humiliating fall?

  49. Anon 5:27 the 1st one

    Kimunya's resignation is a plus for the people of Kenya meaning that we are in control through our MPs....In short we are saying before any other minister mumunya's us he will always remember one Amos Kimunya...That is why a judge says in court, ili iwe funzo kwa wengine wenye tabia kama hiyo yako.....Kwani Kimunya never read the Mwiraria script? If only i had money i will kunywa a whole champagne

    The days of mumunyaring us kama tamutamu are gone we are a different generation....I am wondering who next


  50. Phil, do you want us to bet on Kimunya being re-instated? Ngoja tu! In Kenya, ministers never resign. Three months, I am counting!!

    --Chief Nanga--

  51. Kibaki for 2012! The constitition must change now! Raila got AIDs from Passaris.

  52. Kwale..meza wembe!!!
    What do you mean Raila will never be president of Kenya. HE IS THE PRSIDENT OF KENYA...

  53. Anonymous wa kwanza umenena! Resigning does not mean much if they are allowed to get away with it.

  54. They killed our MPs cold bloodedly to reduce our numbers in the August house and thought that they would hold the rest to ransom for impunity to thrive - lakini they are now learning the hard way... Washindwe!

  55. Kinyuma its shame big shame. U r a coward how can U behave like a Judas mentioning your fellow minister's names?? stupid go to hell.

  56. Sam Okello, you are a Luo, thats why you are happy when a Kikuyu is down. Shame on you. Repay what you owe me, and remember you also stole my ideas to publish a book. You are worse than Kimunya. You are a thief, from an innocent woman!

    --You Know Me!

  57. Ivy @5:38 AM, Nice one!It's a good thing that the ones Kimunya "told", blew the whistle on him. Btw, Kimunya is on record that Kenyans should thank him for selling-off the hotel! I shudder to think what other "sale" he had lined up before parliament caught up with him!

    It doesn't require much imagination to see where Kimunya gets his inspiration. What do expect of one whose mentor is a thief?

  58. Temporary my ass. The shreders are working overtime. The next battle -will the finance ministry now be run from state house as the fake treasury layer is exposed or will Oburu now run it as the protocal dictates. Parliament has still not said the last word. LOL

  59. Resignation of kimunya is just a cover up, he has been made the sacrificial lamp. The real culprits are still in the office. As kenyans i believe that we should wake up and demand for all pple implicated to leave office too.

  60. Do you guys understand English? He has NOT resigned, he has STEPPED ASIDE TO FACILITATE INVESTIGATION, meaning that if the investigation finds him not guilty, he goes right back to his office.

  61. taabu, you always like to talk about how illiterate others people are. You should know this world has been re-shaped by people who do not have formal education and just because you went to Mogotia primary school, you think you are very educated.
    People like the Wright brothers did not finish school but yet they invented the aeroplanes, Bill gates did not finish uni but yet he founded microsoft, Colonel Sanders could not afford to go to school but founded KFC, Richard Branson was declared illiterate but he founded the Virgin brand and many many others.
    You went to Nairobi University, what have you done with your life.

  62. why are we soo happy when we do not even know the real truth?Resigning to me is even a greatr cover up so as to turn our attention elsewhere.Kimunya is even 100% better than us so called morallity crusaders and we should not be casting stones to others while most of you/us are in worse scadles in thier places of work and their homes shame on all who are have such mumunyagates..can th bull fighetr call in Ruto for round 2 the Njirongo for round 3?

  63. If Kimunya must GO and indeed he went, why can't our lazy superficially patriotic MPs show the door to poverty, disease,corruption and bad leadership?
    This is a small victory and no one except the superficial Kenyan easily deceived by gangrush mentality and superficial patriotism should celebrate the resignation of Prince Amos
    he said "i would rather die than resign" He got the MPs motto right only that its backwards "i would rather die than SERVE my country"
    RIP Amos-in political Death may you find the happiness you never found in office

  64. I thought he would rather die than resign. Instead we are still being treated to nonsensical statements from the numskulls...Have requested the president ....a temporary measure? These people are joking.

    Next thief please - preferrably the main one.


  65. The man wished for death. Can God honor his wish.


  66. Rose 'Wangui' Ng'ang'a u r one daring woman if that is your pic. In the world of internet blogging, only those who dare use their real identities.

    There are so many crooks who wouldn't mind breaking your neck if they don't like what you say.

    Then majority of 'Kenyan bloggers' are fools just luck to be out of the country. Whenever free, they come here and vomit trash. Wait until they start describing your nose, whether you warrant it or not.

    Go underground. Or stay above-ground and be Miss Nicey to all jackasses.

    Sam Okello

  67. Surely what is the meaning of resigning and just on that give me one word for stepping aside....Someone please help this dunder here.

    I thought Kimunya alikaa ngumu

    Phil update us on the prime minister's statement....I hear he is in parliament commenting on the GR saga, the scandal that never was....LOL


  68. So now who will lead the fight to tax the other lot..? Raila..!?

  69. @6:18 Kimi Raikkonen said...

    Do you guys understand English? He has NOT resigned, he has STEPPED ASIDE TO FACILITATE INVESTIGATION, meaning that if the investigation finds him not guilty, he goes right back to his office.


    Don't be silly Bw. Raikkonen since when did we have zero-point-something Ministers in Kenya? Kimunya is either the Minister for Finance or he not! And if he is not, then he has resigned from that post. Sawa?

  70. Update From Bunge La Mwananchi - Activists Beaten By Cops At Gigiri Police Station

    Jul 8th, 2008 by Mars Group

    The Bunge La Mwananchi members arrested earlier today in demonstrations that finally
    caused Kimunya to cave in and resign from the finance docket, have been brutally
    beaten by the police officers that arrested them. The group of activists were beaten
    at the Gigiri police station and have sustained grave injuries. Mr George Nyongesa,
    Bunge La Mwananchi’s leader, has had his arm possibly fractured at the elbow.

    Another activist has been hit by a baton in the temple and is unable to walk or
    talk. Several other members sport equally serious injuries. However, the OCS, Deputy
    OCS, OCPD at the Gigiri police post have all gone into hiding and the police
    officers manning the Gigiri police station have refused to enter the activists’
    complaints of injuries, stolen belongings, nor any charges in the occurrence book.

    Despite the injuries, the Gigiri police as well as the Central police have refused
    to permit the activists to receive medical attention. The DCIO
    at Gigiri indicated that the matter was being handled by central police while the
    central police equally shifted the buck to the Gigiri police.

    As I write, those arrested have been taken to the Kibera law courts. It is unclear
    what charges will be preferred against them.

    I will continue to keep you updated.

    Sent on behalf of,
    George Nyongesa
    Bunge La Mwananchi
    +254 720 451 235

  71. alelulhya atleast he has gone but why hasnt raila commented

  72. Ivy

    3:17 AM

    We have missed you where were you the whole weekend- things were hot? i thought ulimaliza exams.

    anyway Governor and the intelligent goon who threatened the people at lands to sign on the dotted line to transfer should also resign!

  73. anon3:18 AM

    yani you are married to a luo man/woman who refuses to give you goods at night then you come and vent your frustrations ati Raila this Raila that??

    Grow up:)

  74. Kimunya must die as he promised Kenyans........lol

  75. Parliament ikaye ngumo , all those people mentioned on the committee report which incidentally has not reached the cabinet - as if they live on another plannet - should resign . KEEP IT SIMPLE, CLEAN AND FOCUSED.

  76. Anon 7:07 i was touring this beautiful country.
    Yeah it was hot i read some comments and i couldn't help laughing today the whole afte one of Kimunya;s PA on this blog told us that he will not resign (Today read a new meaning....Stepped down... what is the difference anyway?..LOL)na tukitaka tujinyonge. I wonder where he is today


  77. I know you wount probably post this but if you are as neutral as you claim to be, then follow up on Raila's resignation with the same zeal you have followed that of Kimunya.

    Raila has admitted in parlianment that he was informed and kept abreast of the sale since April and Jirongo has asked him to do the honourable thing and resign since he is in the group that has misled the public and has failed in his duties as Government watchdog.

  78. http://blog.marsgroupkenya.org/?p=111

    Any explanations?

  79. anon5:43 AM

    No!!no! you got it all wrong yet again a PNU mole on here-

    Kibaki got aids from Martha Karua(it is a fact she has AIDS- not rumored- her doctor is in south Africa

    Kumunya gave AIDS to Judy kibaki now father and daughter are HIV Positive- how sad..

  80. Has kifaki spoken yet , we need to hear his voice or he is still under medication

  81. Anon 7.30

    Men who are uncircumcised are more likely to be infected by AIDS. Scientifically proven!

    Raila like many of his tribesmen, he is living with AIDS.

  82. LOL. Preoccupation with the Libodo is a centuries old manifestation of inferiority complex

  83. Ken @7:19 AM, What exactly is Raila guilty of, listening and then blowing the whistle? See poster @5:10 AM

  84. Sent on behalf of,
    George Nyongesa
    Bunge La Mwananchi
    +254 720 451 235

    6:51 AM

    Get them a Lawyer a tough one- i suggest you ask around -etc let the lawyer him their case immediately- post the lawyers name here and what his fee is- and prove that he has taken their case a nd representing then- and he must hold a press conference with the media to expose what they did to this activists- post his name on here
    we will send him the money via western Union or moneygram-
    for those who suffer at the hands of our killer police- I do not mind paying their lawyers.

    We need Proof of court representation by law
    and he has to give a news conference stating what happened to them,

    hurry up!! money is no problem- we can't let kenyans be hurt by police thugs every day- remember bloggers next time it could be your family member!!!

  85. Grand Regency Tip Of The Iceberg – Kenya’s Finance Minister Should Be Sacked
    Jun 28th, 2008 by Mars Group

    The recent confirmation, by James Orengo (Minister of Lands) and Amos Kimunya (Minister of Finance) that the Grand Regency Hotel has been sold has convinced Mars Group Kenya that it is necessary to urgently revisit the issue of amnesty for grand corruption, and in particular the need to delete from our statutes two amnesty provisions (sections 25A and Section 56B of the Kenya Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes Act) which were irregularly brought into force by Presidential Assent on October 10th 2007, as part of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous) Amendments Bill of 2007. These two amnesty clauses are being used to perpetrate acts against the public interest and to compromise investigations into grand corruption, and the recovery of corruptly acquired Kenyan assets worth hundreds of billions of shillings.

    Section 25A authorizes the cessation of investigations, and the granting of conditional amnesty to corruption suspects, by the Director of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Minister for Justice, in certain cases, despite the President having explicitly rejected proposals for amnesty contained in the Statute Law Miscellaneous Amendment Bill of 2007, including the infamous proviso to section 7 which purported to establish a cut-off date for the KACC’s exercise of its powers.

    A further section 56B was also introduced and formed the basis of recent transactions related to the Goldenberg scandal and the Grand Regency Hotel, Nairobi. The inclusion of Anglo Leasing debts in the Budget of the Government of Kenya shortly after the return to Kenya of Deepak Kamani and the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission’s opaque conduct and responses to press revelations of Mr. Kamani’s presence in Kenya highlights the need for immediate action to ensure that the public interest is not compromised by the Executive branch.

    Kenyans have been aware for some time of the terms of the Kamlesh Pattni settlement of April 9th 2008 in which he “surrendered” the Grand Regency Hotel to the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission, which gave it to the Central Bank of Kenya who held a charge over this Goldenberg property. What they may not have known is that the settlement was grounded in an illegal law namely section 56B of the Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes Act. The trouble is that this provision and another (section 25A) were sneaked into the Act after they had been deleted by Parliament.

    If you read the report of the Committee on the Administration of Justice on the amendments to the Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes Act, which were contained in the Statute Law Miscellaneous Amendments Bill, and this statement by the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission it is clear that all the amnesty amendments proposed by the KACC (including the amnesty provisions s.25A and s.56B) were deleted - and instead the Committee recommended its own provisions which were subsequently refused assent by President Kibaki on September 27th 2007. At the time he said: “Amnesty is however a major policy and public interest issue which cannot be addressed within the context of this [Statute Law Miscellaneous Amendments] Bill and which can only be addressed through a separate comprehensive Bill.”

    The Kenya Anti Corruption Commission complained that Parliament deleted all its proposed amendments including section 56 B which was subsequently used to immunize Kamlesh Pattni. How therefore did it end up being inserted in the Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes Act? It was never debated by Parliament. The President’s Memorandum shows that section 25A and section 56 B were not part of the Bill which he sent back to Parliament. So how did these sections end up in the Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes Act?

    Who inserted these provisions into our laws? There is no record in Hansard of the Parliament (or any committee of Parliament) that shows any debate on these clauses. Nevertheless these clauses are today being used with alacrity to “settle” corruption investigations to the disadvantage of the Kenyan public interest and entrenching impunity by offering criminals statutory immunity from justice and asset recovery.


    Kamlesh Pattni’s handover of the Grand Regency Hotel and the subsequent settlement of the civil cases against him are both based on these two illegal provisions. Mars Group Kenya complained about this and the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights adopted our complaint in letters to the Attorney General which state the facts as follows: there are laws on our books which were not properly enacted by Parliament as required by the Constitution of Kenya. These laws should be struck off as the Constitution does not allow any institution other than Parliament to amend our Acts of Parliament.

    Incredibly since December 2007, the Attorney General has not responded to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. The question is why won’t the Attorney General respond to these letters? Is he unconcerned?

    As to the sale of the Grand Regency Hotel to the Libyan Arab African Investments Company which has been confirmed by Finance Minister Kimunya at a price of Ksh 2.9 billion, the evidence will show that this hotel was worth Ksh 2.5 billion way back in 1994. Who conducted the valuation of the Grand Regency Hotel in 2008? Valuations are required before any public asset can be privatized, and the Minister of Finance knows this. What role, if any, has the Privatisation Commission played in this sale?

    The Libyan role in this transaction is something our Parliament should investigate. They have been in the shadows for at least a year. In the early drafts of the Pattni settlement (allegedly drawn last year by Wetang’ula, Adan, Makokha & Company) it is apparent that the plot by Kamlesh Pattni and the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission to “handover” the Grand Regency Hotel was hatched only to allow the Central Bank’s plan to sell to an identified Libyan company. In June 2007, then Trade & Industry Minister Mukhisa Kituyi said “I cannot release details regarding the interest expressed by Libyans to purchase Grand Regency. The hotel is under receivership and any interested buyer should speak with the Central Bank, who is the official receiver.”

    Kenyans should know that everything we have seen this year, from the April “Handover Ceremony” at the Grand Regency has been choreography to regulate illegal acts. Kenyans should know that we have been duped again by the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission which touts the recovery of the Grand Regency Hotel as its greatest ever gift to Kenyans – and the 6th greatest asset recovery in the history of the world. Our position is actually rather bleaker, and the KACC Director knows it. After spending over Ksh 5 billion funding the KACC these past 4 years, Kenyans need to know that their Government has effectively allowed the abandoning of the case against the architect of Goldenberg; allowed the shot-gun sale of a substantial asset for a song in breach of our privatization laws; and to add insult to injury has evinced absolutely no intention to recover anymore of the Ksh 158 billion that was stolen from us by Goldenberg International Limited and its official accomplices. Worse there is every reason to expect that the Anglo Leasing scandal which cost us Ksh 56.33 billion according to the Controller and Auditor General is to be dispensed with shortly using the same modus operandi.

    Kenyans also need to know that it is exactly 691 days since Attorney General Amos Wako directed the Director of Public Prosecutions to file an appeal against the court judgement which immunized George Saitoti, now the Minister for Internal Security, from prosecution for criminal offences on the basis of the Goldenberg Commission of Inquiry Report. The Minister for Internal Security is the political head of the Criminal Investigations Department which was instructed by the Attorney General to follow up the Goldenberg Commission of Inquiry with investigations of those adversely named.

    The cycle of impunity that allows public officers to act as if Kenya is a nation without law must be broken.

    The sale of the Grand Regency Hotel is really a resignation issue for Amos Wako (the Attorney General), Amos Kimunya (the Minister of Finance), Aaron Ringera (the Director of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission) and Njuguna Ndungu (the Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya). If these public officers won’t resign, let’s demand their immediate investigation and sacking. Finally, all public officers adversely named in reports of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission, Judicial proceedings, and reports of the Parliamentary Watchdog committees about the Goldenberg affair must immediately stand interdicted if there is to be any justice in Kenya. Demand accountability and end impunity now.

    Mwalimu Mati

  86. At last the so called prince of impunity is resigned???Cant believe it...this guy said that death is an easier option to quitting!!Anyway,my take is that he has done a good thing by resigning.Shows that he atleast still got some respect for general opinion,or maybe Kibaki cracked a whip on the phone..u never know!!Now next thing,if at all there was a bad play then thats not enough,he should get investigated and the results should decide whether he should serve some time or get reignstated.That would be the way to go around it.And any comrades in crime if there be any should follow the same route.

    Kudos to the MPs for standing their ground.Thing is Kimunya may or may not be innocent but that habit of standing in public and saying he wont resign is an insult to kenyans intelligence..Who told him that that office was created for someone with the initials AK.


  87. Good idea - a George Nyongesa fund anyone ? Eveybody can make a difference . IT IS YOUR TURN. KEEP IT SIMPLE, KEEP IT CLEAN, KEEP THE FOCUS.

  88. anon7:19 AM

    ken post the video or where he says word by word??
    Raila says when he was informed he formed a committee to follow up but Kimunya refused to answer questions to the committee-
    and y the way did Raila sell the Grand Regency to the Libyans??
    being informed is not selling it-
    Kimunya the goon sold the hotel even when he new there was investigations ordered by the PM raila going on!!
    kimunya thought he was above the Law.

  89. Those asking for the video and asking what Raila is guilty of, the whole proceedings were aired LIVE on KBC TV today.

    Jirongo did a good job of explaining what Raila is guilty of so please watch the news.

    Let us not turn this issue into a PNU / ODM affair. Let us be objective.

    PS: Those bringing issues of AIDS and Circumsicion to this blog are being stupid and childish and are the very reason Kenya is not moving foward. Those 2 are PERSONAL issues, this blog was set up to deal with NATIONAL issues.

  90. We also want to know who gave Kamlesh Pattni immunity from prosecution. Martha Karua says she learned about it in the papers. The AG, Amos Wako says he's not aware of it. Yet according to Kimunya it was part of the GR deal! WTF is going on?!

  91. anon7:44 AM
    yes i want a lawyer that we can pay $ to stand up for the rights of the innocent kenyans jailed for demonstrating against corruption

    but we need a lawyer or lawyers who are not afraid to speak out for their clients in the media every day and fight in court- we will also deal with corrupt Magistrates and Judges

    Listen - $5 to $10 dollars from at least 100 people can pay a lawyers fee!!
    but we all agree to do it from here- lawyer shows us he has taken the case!! holds a news conference on media stating that he has taken the case and

    2. his fee for representing the activists is being paid by some of the kind kumekucha bloggers!!

  92. How dirty the game can go

    from KTN

    Ruto na Bett walalamika kwa matumizi mabaya ya simu zao | Play

    Waziri wa ardhi William Ruto na mbunge wa Bureti Franklin Bett wamewasilisha malalamishi mbele ya maafisa wa ujasusi na afisi ya kampuni ya mawasiliano ya Safaricom, kuhusu ujumbe mfupi unaosambazwa na kusemekana kutumwa kutumia nambari zao za rununu. Kampuni ya Safaricom imedhibitisha kwamba ujumbe huo unaowahisi wananchi wasihudhurie vikao vya tume ya Kriegler haukutumwa kutoka kwa simu za Ruto na Bett.

  93. This is not enough. The other thieves must follow. We had expected the resignations to be in this order: Kibaki, Kimunyua, Njuguna, NSIS, KACC. But watch out. It has started.

    Aluta Continua.

  94. Am going to bed a very happy man but with tongue in cheek.

    Remember Lucy went to Mwiraria's and declared that Mwiraria will be back and true to her word the old geezer was back.I am afraid she might be in Kipipiri later in the year.I wonder what Kimunya drinks for poison,but i wont mind buying him one.Problems is will he have it at my backstreet disjoint?

    Vikii you take is conspicously missing here!

  95. Talking about poison, an enterprising kenyan should market a beer with a theme " I`d rather die" He/she can make a killing :-) , dont let the libyans beat you to this this time LOL

  96. Where the hell is Vikii?

    Vikii where thou art? We want you back and back now!

  97. I hear Kalembe Ndile is in the studio recording a song ... Guess the tittle ? Yes right " I`d rather die " Citizen TV was approched for exclusive rights for the video, they declined stating thier lawyer is out of the country and the tittle would complicate contractual obligations of previous material they had aired previously with the same theme.


  99. As usual, with his vehement and very public support for Kimunya, Kalonzo Musyoka is once again condoning high stakes corruption. By taking the most unpopular stand in Kenya today, Kalonzo continues to exhibit his weakness and fear of fighting the powers that have been stealing with great arrogance.

    As for Uhuru Kenyatta, I think the man was seeing double when he showed up to endorse Kimunya's grand corruption antics.

  100. with PNU govt, my take has always been cautious optimism.

    there is relief all around, but the fact is Kibaki will bring back this guy or others through a back door which there appear to be in excess.

    there is 4.5 years maximum (shorter if possible) to go. The coalition has been in place for 3 months but it feels like 10 years, so in a few weeks, Kimunya or some other will be slipped back into the fold.

    this is Kibakis traditional decoy/gimmick to allow for the budget debates to proceed, once that is achieved, he will push back kimunya, and yes guess what mta-do?

    I said before, this is not rugby, but chess. watchout for the hidden ploys. My take is once the hubris dies down and necessary paliamentary motions passed, kibaki will reappoint these guys (in your face), there is nothing to stop or compel the man to do or not to do so.

    its not time to celebrate guys, its time to strenghten parliament and the civil/civic bodies involved in this watchdog exercise. the whistleblowers wherever they are must be protected at all costs.

    do not celebrate guys, this is the time to fort up.

    i have never trusted kibaki and his cohorts, this is a well calculated smoke screen to defuse the tension. they believe kenyans are idiots.

    NO guys I say increased pressure.

    and dont forget those guys arrrested.


  101. Raila issues a statement on the Grand Regency saga
    Written By:Kate Achienga.KBC , Posted: Tue, Jul 08, 2008

    The Prime Minister Raila Odinga says he was kept in the dark on the sale of the Grand Regency Hotel.

    In a ministerial statement issued at parliament, the Raila disclosed he only got to know about the sale after the transaction had already taken place.

    " On April 23 this year I received a telephone call from the Governor of the Central Bank who told me that there was something he wished to share with me as Prime Minister, concerning adverse stories appearing in the media. I met him in my office the same evening." He said.

    The PM says the Governor presented him with an eight-page, undated, unsigned, typed document which purported to give a background to the Central Bank's involvement with Kamlesh Pattni and the case of the Grand Regency hotel, in which the Bank had a charge over the land and buildings.

    He continued to say that the document noted that the Bank had held a Board Meeting on April 7, 2008, to chart the way forward.

    " It stated that the Libyan government was "very eager to have a foothold in the hotel industry" and that "consultations have been ongoing, at the highest levels of the two governments, where it has been agreed that Libyan investors be encouraged to purchase the Grand Regency hotel when the opportunity arises".

    " The investors had agreed to buy the hotel as a going concern and at market value."

    " The Governor told me a deal had in fact been concluded on 23rd April with the Libyan investors, who had paid 10 per cent of the purchase price of US$45 million but the deposit was not made until 8th May. This was the narrative according to the Governor of the Central Bank." He added.

    Raila was responding to Amos Kimunya's assertion that he was fully aware of the sale of the hotel.

    The prime minister says he wrote to the Kenya Anti Corruption commission in April when he first heard through the media that the hotel had been sold and received a reply in June.

    " I then began reading in the media often contradictory statements. Because of this, on 25th April 25, two days after my meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank, I directed my Chief of Staff, to write to the Director-General of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission.

    In this letter, I requested information on or sight of:

    the status of the receivership accounts relating to the hotel;
    the status of pending civil suits filed by the Commission against Pattni and his co-defendants;
    the surrender and transfer documents;
    the consent orders/extracted orders as might have been made;
    the counsel who advised on and prepared the transactional documents;
    the breakdown of the transaction costs;
    how the transaction had been or was being handled in the context of the Privatisation Act; and
    all other relevant documents, including correspondence exchanged over the transaction.
    The letter he says was copied to the Attorney-General, to the Finance Minister and to the Governor of the Central Bank, and to Head of the Civil Service.

    Raila confirmed experts will be hired to get to the bottom of the saga while dismissing Kimunya's calls for him to resign along with others while the speaker Kenneth Marende warned parliamentarians against commenting on the issue in public

  102. Raila issues a statement on the Grand Regency saga

    Written By:Kate Achienga. Posted: Tue, Jul 08, 2008

    The Prime Minister Raila Odinga says he was kept in the dark on the sale of the Grand Regency Hotel.

    In a ministerial statement issued at parliament, the Raila disclosed he only got to know about the sale after the transaction had already taken place.

    "On April 23 this year I received a telephone call from the Governor of the Central Bank who told me that there was something he wished to share with me as Prime Minister, concerning adverse stories appearing in the media. I met him in my office the same evening." He said.

    The PM says the Governor presented him with an eight-page, undated, unsigned, typed document which purported to give a background to the Central Bank's involvement with Kamlesh Pattni and the case of the Grand Regency hotel, in which the Bank had a charge over the land and buildings.

    He continued to say that the document noted that the Bank had held a Board Meeting on April 7, 2008, to chart the way forward.

    "It stated that the Libyan government was "very eager to have a foothold in the hotel industry" and that "consultations have been ongoing, at the highest levels of the two governments, where it has been agreed that Libyan investors be encouraged to purchase the Grand Regency hotel when the opportunity arises".

    "The investors had agreed to buy the hotel as a going concern and at market value."
    "The Governor told me a deal had in fact been concluded on 23rd April with the Libyan investors, who had paid 10 per cent of the purchase price of US$45 million but the deposit was not made until 8th May. This was the narrative according to the Governor of the Central Bank." He added.

    Raila was responding to Amos Kimunya's assertion that he was fully aware of the sale of the hotel. The prime minister says he wrote to the Kenya Anti Corruption commission in April when he first heard through the media that the hotel had been sold and received a reply in June.

    "I then began reading in the media often contradictory statements. Because of this, on 25th April 25, two days after my meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank, I directed my Chief of Staff, to write to the Director-General of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission.

    In this letter, I requested information on or sight of:
    * The status of the receivership accounts relating to the hotel;
    * The status of pending civil suits filed by the Commission against Pattni and
    his co-defendants;
    * The surrender and transfer documents;
    * The consent orders/extracted orders as might have been made;
    * The counsel who advised on and prepared the transactional documents;
    * The breakdown of the transaction costs;
    * How the transaction had been or was being handled in the context of the Privatisation Act; and
    * All other relevant documents, including correspondence exchanged over the transaction.

    The letter he says was copied to the Attorney-General, to the Finance Minister and to the Governor of the Central Bank, and to Head of the Civil Service. Raila confirmed experts will be hired to get to the bottom of the saga while dismissing Kimunya's calls for him to resign along with others while the speaker Kenneth Marende warned parliamentarians against commenting on the issue in public.

    Read more here...

  103. CORRUPTION HAS TO BE FOUGHT. It doesnt matter whether you are aKikuyu, a Kipsigis, A Baluhya, aLuo, aKissii or a Mteso. The Law should apply to all.

    Kenyans should not form allies with thieves because they are from their areas.

    Only stupid brains dont think beyond their tribal boundaries. It is your child or grand child who will suffer, if you support these culprits.

    Lawlessness like stealing votes and funds must stop.


  104. CORRUPTION HAS TO BE FOUGHT. It doesnt matter whether you are aKikuyu, a Kipsigis, A Baluhya, aLuo, aKissii or a Mteso. The Law should apply to all.

    Kenyans should not form allies with thieves because they are from their areas.

    Only stupid brains dont think beyond their tribal boundaries. It is your child or grand child who will suffer, if you support these culprits.

    Lawlessness like stealing votes and funds must stop.


  105. If Kibaki brings Kimunya back like he did with Mwiraria and Njuguna Saitoti, then the coalition will break up and he will be forced to resign and match to Othaya straight away.

  106. kimani

    we concur. actually most of us are out to hit at corruption but its the corrupt leaders that retreat to tribal enclaves and garner support that bothers us and turns this into a tribal issue.

    so much damage has been done that its no longer possible to move forward anymore without tribal monster rearing its ugly head. it needs a few strong ones to bring it all back on track

  107. What a bunch of thieving bastards! The deal was already done and sealed when Kimunya send his pal, the CBK Governor aka Mwizi Mdogo to brief the PM! In short, Kimunya was trying to retrospectively to cover his ass (i.e. legitimize the deal)!

    Read Raila's statement to Parliament:


    For a start, lets ignore Dr.Mutua-ati Kimunya's exit is temporary. I dont think so unless the DURY is dumb to the public opinion and to Raila's strong statement, but all the same came accross the following.

    My take is Michuki-Peter Kenneth is already opposed to the taxation of MPs income
    Just wondering though
    Posts: 104
    Join Date: Jul 2007

    Who will Kibaki Replace Kimunya with? Kenneth or Michuki? - Today, 12:16 PM


    Hello guys,
    Who will Kibaki replace Kimunya with.
    First of all the finance docket is a PNU docket. So it has to go to a PNU person. Sorry ODM.

    So Kibaki always appoints a Mt. Kenya to the Finance docket. This leaves us with either Peter Kenneth or trusted Michuki.

  109. anon 10:45

    you obviously have no idea how kibaki operates

    he wants to be seen as the economic saviour, hence appointing his friend makerere colleague first (mwiraria) but cleverly use Prof PAN in planning,

    then after the cockup, got bright eyed "yes massa" kimunya

    michuki though loyal right up to the toes, is a lone ranger it has to be a "younger guy" who will duly pass credit to the duly elected or some other gullible minion (i.e eat but pass all credit upstairs) I see a man from ODM-K or some other luhya PNU guy

    feeble attempt to show that cake can be eaten by others too.

  110. Kimunya is your typical thug and coward who seeks refuge in his Kikuyu brethren and thumps his chest when dared to reveal his true virtues of which non exist. Njuguna Phd is your typical university professor whose real world experience is limited to irrelevant thesis on how mitumba can be a lifeline in emerging democracies. That's the facade the portrays depth, illicit depth.

  111. Phil,

    Your blog is entitled “You Missed This”. Well, here’s some information that the whole world has missed! Sorry this has nothing to do with Kimunya’s resignation. But the truth must be told!

    Anthony Mwangi, the KRCS public relations manager, has been quoted as saying, “Nobody is being forced to leave the [IDP] camps.”

    Really? Than what do you call the police action which took place at the Kedong IDP camp in Naivasha to evict the remaining IDP there? Police arrived with the DO at 0400 in the morning on Friday, while it was still dark, when no journalists could be expected to interfere and their actions could remain undetected? Tents were pulled apart, belongings thrown about, and a one year old boy was trampled in the police exercise. Was that voluntary?

    Once the IDP were evicted they were prevented from returning to the enclosure which was their temporary home. Some set up temporary shelters outside their former camp while they waited for the government to recognize their plight, for the Red Cross to be their spokesperson, for anybody to sit up and take notice.

    But nobody noticed. Still, to risk any journalist’s interest, when the police returned again to tell people they must move on, they came once again under cover of darkness, this time at 0900 on Monday night. The IDP refused to leave, still hoping that someone would take up their cause.

    Early this morning, Tuesday, the police once again returned to threaten the IDP away. When they were once again unsuccessful they subsequently tore down the temporary shelters people had set up to give them some shelter from the cold and the occasional rain. The police confiscated tents and other personal belongs, throwing them into a waiting lorry and then driving away without a word of where the things would be taken. I guess one cannot call this a case of “theft” as it was done by the police.

    Now the remaining IDP have virtually given up hope. Nobody has taken up their cause. Nobody is even aware of what has happened at the Kedong IDP camp. But for those of us who have witnessed it, we can agree with the IDP there, Anthony Mwangi of the KRCS does not know what he is talking about when he says, “Nobody is being forced to leave the camps.” Let him come visit the Kedong camp in Naivasha and see for himself what was done, under cover of darkness when refugees are chased from their homes. Again! As though it wasn’t enough that it happened six months ago!

  112. anon 11:17

    what a sad expose

    kumekucha whether this is verified or not, that article needs to be a post on its own.

    kumekucha is voice of the voiceless

  113. The monkeys are up the tree celebrating that they have driven away the dogs through DOMO DOMO. It is a matter of time before these monkeys diarrhea when they realize that the dogs are lying low waiting for the monkeys to come down from their cloud nine. And come down they will, sooner than later.

  114. Told you so. Alfred Mutua has confirmed that Kimunya HAS NOT resigned, that "....its a stepping aside not resignation and that there will not be any replacement as this is a temporary measure..."

    Well, sorry to rain on your parade, but typically, the vaunted ODM constantly fails to read the small print. This is so,so,so funny. Utterly hilarious!

  115. kimi

    and the other monkey guy before your article

    i too am perplexed.

    what i need to understand is step aside

    what temporary resignation is called etc

    that does not show maturity on the part of leadership (kibaki) but foo.. maybe not

    see as a manager, i can suspend, interdict, fire/sack, lay off etc.

    that is the scheme of things, but here we have this thorny issue of a man that will not make that move

    so its up to the "supervisee" to concoct all manner of similar matching events

    half resignation, temporary resignation, etc. its laughable

    assuming you are employed, i would like you to phrase a letter to your employer in which you request temporary resignation not to be confused with sabbatical or vacation. mind boggling. lets call it what is bro, hopelessly incompetent management

    our leader is totally clueless and have to agree with taabu, its all about deceit and fraud. any manager worth his salt weighs benefits vs disadvantages then weighs in or anchors with one, but duly elected takes off and hopes it will resolve itself.

  116. Now is the time to move on Equity Bank before it collapses , Full disclosure of the secret deals that were made during " I`d rather die " tenure must be brough to thre public domain. We have not forgotten . The terms of reference for his investigation should include his actions at the finance ministry from day one.

  117. We are sick of Kenyans whipping the tribal kind in every situation. Kimunya may be a Kikuyu but does not represent the Kikuyu people, unlike Raila who actually represents the Luo. Kikuyus are represented by God and so do all other God fearing Kenyans except you tribal moron. Eyebee Kibiegon, Mogotio

  118. We should basically examine his track record since he claimed to be doing kenyans a favour by him being the finance minister. KEEP IT HERE, SIMPLE AND CLEAN.

  119. 1:04 PM
    Whatever you say Sir, theft has no tribe - we are talking about a cime here . KEEP IT HERE, CLEAN AND SIMPLE

  120. Institutions that claim to serve wanainchi should be above board. No secret pacts with individuals who occuppy positions due to nepotism to execute thier private club agendas.

  121. Now we know what "kazi iendelee meant", Raila should also order an inquiry in the conduct of Uhuru when he was in charge of the local government.


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