Wednesday, July 09, 2008

10th Parliament Enters Annals Of History As Kimunya Bows To Pressure

OK... Amos “I would rather die” Kimunya resigned, but what next?

“If there is one thing I will NOT Do….

“I will NOT resign…

“I would rather die than resign.”

Those were the emotional words of one Amos Kimunya barely 72 hours ago. But yesterday the same man, without dying or hanging himself as he had sworn to do on national television, called a press conference that did not last 2 minutes and announced that he had asked the President to allow him to step aside for investigations to be carried out on the Grand Regency sale saga.

That was yet another lie from the former Minister who more than anything else cut out a reputation for telling fibs. The truth is that State House had finally made a decision and that is the way President Kibaki prefers to fire his pet cabinet ministers. One important point to be noted by those who keep on saying that Kimunya has done nothing wrong is the fact that the former Finance Minister told lies to a parliamentary select committee and to the entire nation. And he did not do that once. He did it several times. Secondly he has broken at least two laws. So kindly avoid making comments from a position of ignorance, my dear fellow Kenyans.

Anyway Kimunya’s resignation came a few minutes to one pm lunch time yesterday. That timing was very significant as we will see a little later in this post.

In a packed house in the afternoon members eagerly waited for the Prime Minister’s statement on the Grand Regency issue. But before the PM got his opportunity in the session that was televised live on at least 3 major TV stations in Kenya, Kenyans got a glimpse of the new kind of parliament. It was clear that the 10th parliament’s appetite for felling cabinet ministers was far from being quenched. Assistant Ministers stepping in for their bosses in the Ministries of Finance, Internal Security, Education and Agriculture realized that the usual standard of answering members’ questions just won’t wash with this parliament. Kudos, 10th parliament.

But before we go too far it is important to understand that history was made yesterday. Never in the history of the nation has parliament on its’ own violation or initiative caused the resignation of a cabinet minister in defiance of the executive. That has just NEVER happened before. In the often quoted case of former Vice President and now deceased, Dr Josephat Karanja, the plot to censure him was hatched in State House as crafty former President Moi wanted to get rid of his VP without risking a fall out amongst the powerful Kikuyus whom Moi greatly feared throughout his reign. So he got some MP to move the motion in parliament and gave the necessary instructions through the house which was then a mere rubber stamp of the executive.

This was not the case this time. In fact if truth be told, the house was packed yesterday because members were expecting fireworks. Kimunya’s hurried resignation just before parliament’s first session of the week in the afternoon was no coincidence. The timing speaks volumes and tells me that State house is getting a little anxious. And the main reason has more to do with the naming of certain names that State House does not want to see named in connection to the Grand Regency (My latest raw notes has the full fascinating story. Sorry folks, it is way too sensitive to publish even here.)

But Kenyans need to be even more vigilant now. Will we get to the bottom of the Grand Regency saga? That should be the top priority that we must pursue now with all diligence.

To answer that question, there is an ominous sign to look out for. That sign is who gets appointed to replace Kimunya. By the way this is one appointment that needs to be done urgently to avoid bringing the nation to a halt because the budget needs to be passed by the house to quickly release funds from the treasury for the new financial year.

If the new Finance Minister is from the ODM arm of the Grand coalition government then Kenyans will need to head to the hills because that will be a “grand bribe” to “maliza hio maneno ya Grand Regency”. We can breathe a wee bit easier if Kimunya’s replacement is from PNU.

I am aware that there are two separate investigations going on at the moment in connection to the Grand Regency scam. One by the executive arm of government spear-headed by the Prime Minister and the other by a parliamentary committee. If there are any bets to be placed here, I would put my money on the latter investigation which the speaker ruled yesterday has to finish its’ work within two weeks starting yesterday. Readers of this site know who the main man behind the Grand Regency is, the question is whether that person and those close to him linked to the scam will ever be named.

In conclusion the Prime Minister’s statement provoked at least one MP to ask for his resignation. That MP was Cyrus Jirongo. But again in my latest raw notes I explain why the PM is in a very difficult situation on this one. The PM’s statement confirmed what Kenyans already knew—that there is a lot that does not quite add up with the hurried sale of the hotel. It also confirmed that Kimunya had lied again and again (very strange that he should say in his resignation statement that the truth will set him free).

It will be every interesting to see if the Grand Regency saga will have any more casualties and indeed what other achievements the 10th parliament will chalk up in the months to come.

I leave you with a question to mull over. Where does Kimunya’s resignation leave the increasingly tribal Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta who was the only cabinet colleague who came out in his defense?

P.S. As I have said in this blog before, the Finance Ministry is by far the most corrupt ministry of the entire Kenyan government because all funds have to be released from Treasury and the Finance docket has the power to with-hold funds if they are suspicious. Naturally that has never happened. Admittedly it is also true that the ministry has been reduced to mere messenger status by the executive but isn’t there a single person who emerged from the womb of a Kenyan mother who would have stood up and said NO to the corrupt presidents of the past and those powerful people close to them?

Interestingly the only Finance Minister in Kenyan history not to be linked to any scandal was the first Kenyan to hold the office, a man called James Gichuru who in the early days was an enthusiastic supporter and ally of Tom Mboya. The truth is that Gichuru was in fact involved in a scandal, but it had nothing to do with signing off billions from the treasury. You see the man loved his drink (the minister preferred undiluted whisky) and what irked State House even more was where he liked to have it. Usually it was in some seedy bar along River Road or Luthuli Avenue in Nairobi. The “scandal” was when as a full cabinet Minister in charge of the Finance docket, he went for a drink in one of these seedy bars and got so drunk that he forgot his briefcase full of highly sensitive documents there. It is not known whether the briefcase was ever recovered.


  1. Why is the editing of this post so awful? Is this what you call journalism?

  2. anon 1:51 you sound like bitter kimunya,do stand by you words,shika kamba n hang

  3. " I`d rather die " - Self dillution , imagine the Finace Ministry was under a psychiatric case

  4. Kimunya must go
    To end corruption in Kenya Kimunya must go
    To end arrogance and impunity Kimunya must go
    To end stealing and looting of Kenyan property Kimunya must go
    To end vote steeling, election-rigging Kimunya must go
    To end bad leadership and poor governance Kimunya must go
    To for peace love and unity Kimunya must go
    To end torture, police and movement brutality Kimunya must go
    For human right Kimunya must go
    To end poverty in Kenya Kimunya must go
    To clean Kenya of thurgery, thieving and hujeuri Kimunya must go
    To for vision 2030 Kimunya must go
    For good road, clean water, and low tax Kimunya must go
    For the good of all Kenyans kimunya must go,
    Yes he must go! Oooooooooh He is gone!


    I wish to advertise for the post of Minister for Finance.

    You must be MP.

    You must be from Kiambu, Nyeri or Muranga and not from Meru, or any other part of Kenya.

    You must be not more than 50years and a good golf player.

    Kindly send your applications to

  6. I will wager $100 that the next finance minister will be from PNU.

  7. Chinua Achebe says that if the centre cannot hold, things will definately fall apart and they did exactly that with one big liar called Amos Kimunya.

    liar, liar,...pants on fire!

    It's true that Kimunya told a pack of lies, one after the other, for the last 3 months. Yet when he was caught red handed, he should have come out with his hands raised in the air, he just kept telling porkies and fibs every time he opened the big hole on his face.

    But the pack of lies came collapsing on him like a house of cards.

    There are so many lessons to be learnt from his ugly episode. But for this corruption scandal to come immeadiately after all the bloodshed in the just concluded elections just speaks volume about the contempt our greedy scumbag politicians hold Kenyans with.

    This should be the time for healing and national reconciliation, yet we find that some leaders are just busy with their snouts on the trough, without a care in the world.

    Hope the parliament and media will act as sharp and alert watchdogs of democracy at this crucial time.

    ..Justice be our shield and defender!


    Nbi Kenya

  8. Chinua Achebe says that if the centre cannot hold, things will definately fall apart and they did exactly that with one big liar called Amos Kimunya.

    liar, liar,...pants on fire!

    It's true that Kimunya told a pack of lies, one after the other, for the last 3 months. Yet when he was caught red handed, he should have come out with his hands raised in the air, he just kept telling porkies and fibs every time he opened the big hole on his face.

    But the pack of lies came collapsing on him like a house of cards.

    There are so many lessons to be learnt from his ugly episode. But for this corruption scandal to come immeadiately after all the bloodshed in the just concluded elections just speaks volume about the contempt our greedy scumbag politicians hold Kenyans with.

    This should be the time for healing and national reconciliation, yet we find that some leaders are just busy with their snouts on the trough, without a care in the world.

    Hope the parliament and media will act as sharp and alert watchdogs of democracy at this crucial time.

    ..Justice be our shield and defender!


    Nbi Kenya

  9. For those commenting here that we had two Finance ministers under Kibaki, that’s pretty good when you compare with other countries.

    UK had 5 Homes Secretaries under Tony Blair; 4 resigned after barrage of criticism and one notably insisted he was not going to resign but later bowed out.
    It’s known as the worst and a most suicidal job in UK which is equivalent to Internal Security in Kenya.

    In Russia under Boris Yeltsin, the country had 6 Prime Ministers; some resigned due to Russia financial crisis, others due to corruption while others were sacked.
    Apparently Russia is the most corrupt country in Europe losing 700 Billion Euros a year through graft. It’s listed among the most corrupt countries in the world alongside Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

    What about Italy, they have had the same president resign and re-enter the office of president three different terms. He has been implicated with corruption at the highest level. Can you imagine Kibaki resign now but two years later he becomes the president again? It happened to Silvio Berlusconi 3 times in Italy.

  10. Kagwoya is not Silvio

  11. Ooooooh this, Ooooooh that. LOL

  12. @ Kwale,
    You're another serial liar you jigger-infested idiot. Silvio is NOT the president of Italy, he is the Premier. And what was your belaboured point anyway? That Mumunyagate Kimunya will rebound? Go and tell him to complete the cycle, he needs to die

  13. Why can't PNU enthusiast just be pleased that graft in Kenya is being outed and citizens are getting to know their rights as tax payers?

    Like I said before, the Kibaki administration has been incompetent on matters where Africans usually excel. They couldn't rig an election with any intelligence so they opted to adding zeros, they bungles what should have been a sweet deal in Anglo Leasing.

    Kwale, are you really suprised that they screwed up Grand Regency?

    My father used to tell me, whatever you do, do it well. Do it so that you are the best. hata kama ni kuiba, do it well.

  14. Kwale,
    You may be right but what was the post all about? I hope I read right and we were not revising civics,ama? Sio kwa ubaya lakini.

  15. Exactly anon 3.20! He will rebound again.

    I beg your pardon Berlusconi is the Premier and NOT the president. Premiership is the highest office in Italy and maybe I confused it with the president.

  16. I am getting sickened with your plea and marketing for your so-called 'Raw Notes'

    Btn me and you, we know that any intelligent person gifted with creativity can make up any 'Raw Notes' that his imagination fancies.

    There is nothing so sentitive that it cannot be posted here. Your 'Raw Notes' syndicate is slowly beginning to resemble a Nigerian style scam. I hope there aren't idiots falling for your scam.

  17. OO,

    Ehhh yawa, let Chris make some money tafadhali. Kwani shida iko wapi? The guy is trying to be enterprising. There is no law against that, is there? While kimunya and company are trying to steal it, I think Chris should be lauded for his efforts...


  19. What is the matter Kiambu kyuks? Kimunya has barely started warming his backbencher seat and Kiambu vultures are already swooping for the spoils.

    Central MPs lobby for Treasury Slot

    by Joseph Murimi

    Minutes after Finance minister Amos Kimunya stepped aside, politicians from Central Kenya went into an overdrive as they lobbied for the position. With president Kibaki expected to pick a replacement from the PNU stable, a section of the mps mainly from Kiambu and Thika districts summoned an urgent meeting at a hotel in Nairobi.

  20. Have you guys noticed that there is a very active, consistent campaign here whose objective is to clearly dissuade people from purchasing the raw notes?

    I am not very clever and neither am I very foolish but I would wager that there is something in them raw notes that somebody is very determined that we do not see. So I know exactly what I am going to do. After all $20 is something you can flash down the toilet and forget.

    After all Burgher and Chips at McDonalds plus the Karatasi ya choo after that costs me more than $20 here.

    Marasa big ya dame wa mine

  21. Kimunya has kept to his word. So he need not die. He did not resign. He erh erh ... STEPPED ASIDE!

  22. Anon 4:18 AM
    Chris, nice try posting as anonymous. But that trick is over-rated. I bet there will be some idiots,as there always are, who will fall for your scam.

    But don't underestimate our intelligence by posting as a happy willing anonymous customer excited about the contents of your 'Raw Notes'

    Losers spend thousands of $$$ buying property on Second Life. You could as well skim off a few here. Best wishes anyway.

  23. Chris,

    They don't come more cold-blooded and ruthless than Martha Wangari Karua. Ask Amos Kimunya. Not even Uhuru's belated change of heart could save his ass. Together with her lapdog, Mungatana, she is on a Ikulu 2012 mission, her relentless march interrupted only by the occasional squishing sound of [yet] another PNU pretender disappearing under her heel.

  24. Kibaki and Kimunya have hatched a "deal" whereby he will "step aside" as he has just done, and then after this "Kimumunya gate storm blows over he will be reinstated - If you have studied Kibaki and understand his character and psyche, you will have discovered that one of his most prominent character traits is that he is A VERY STUBBORN and FRAUDULENT PERSON. In addition to this, he has this - here we go again - fraudulent impression of himself as an intelligent and superior individual and the rest of Kenyans as pumbavu's. This impression he has of himself makes the STUBBORN and FRAUDULENT nature of his character even worse; that is why he can STEAL AN ELECTION and feel nothing, according to him Kenya and it's pumbavu's can go to hell. What matters to him is his "stomach" and the great need to make sure that his evil skeletons of Corruption, fraudulence, deception and outright theft remain hidden.


  25. Someone mentioned the comeback kid Silvio Berlusconi here; Kimunya should take a note on that and not allow to be deterred from seeking the high office.

    Mr Berlusconi has been put on trial at least six occasions for a variety of corruption charges. He has always denied wrongdoing and has never been convicted.
    He has been accused of embezzlement, tax fraud and false accounting, and attempting to bribe a judge. But yet he has bounce back and again.

    Kimunya will be back!

  26. Kibaki's gift to the Kikuyu

    The bodies of three people suspected to be Mungiki sect members, who went missing a week ago, were found dumped in Nairobi’s City Mortuary on Tuesday.

    They include that of a matatu driver, his tout and another matatu crew member.

    Family members of the deceased said their kin were last seen on June 30 while being arrested by police.

    A local newspaper published a photograph on July 1 showing a police officer roughing up the matatu driver, who was identified by his wife Margaret as Peter Maina Wachira.

    “I was informed that my husband had been arrested but when I searched all the police stations, I did not find him,” she told Capital News at the City Mortuary.

    “A day after my husband’s arrest, I saw a photograph on a local daily showing a police officer arresting and handcuffing him,” she added.

    Margaret displayed a copy of The Standard Newspaper of July 1, 2008, showing a police officer struggling to handcuff Wachira.

    It is not clear where the man was taken after the arrest.

    When contacted, Police Spokesman Erick Kiraithe said he would not comment on the matter because he had not gathered sufficient information.

    “I will comment on the matter once I get full details about it,” he said on telephone.

    Records at the City Mortuary indicated that Wachira was taken there by a police officer, who only identified himself as Kirwa.

    It was booked in at 5.40 am under registration number PP 2091/08 as an unidentified male adult.

    The records showed that the body was picked up by police from Ngong Forest alongside that of another man, identified as a tout who worked with Wachira.

    A post-mortem conducted on Wachira’s body by Government Pathologist Dr Peter Ndegwa revealed that the man had died as a result of manual strangulation and torture.

    “He had been so badly beaten. I couldn’t identify him from his face, or most of his body. What I did recognise were his legs,” Margaret narrated.

    By the time the Capital News crew visited the mortuary, relatives of the tout had not shown up at the morgue.

    The body of the third man, who was also booked in as an unidentified male adult, lay unclaimed.

    A mortuary attendant, who pleaded to remain anonymous, said there were 10 other bodies there that had not been identified.

    “They were brought here by the police, many of them with bullet wounds but they have never been claimed,” he said.

    Wachira’s wife Margaret said she suspects her husband may have been tortured and later executed by the police.

    “I suspect they were killed by the police because they (police) were photographed as they hand-cuffed my husband,” she added.

    In May, two other officials of the banned Mungiki sect who went missing in February were found dead and their bodies dumped at the Machakos hospital mortuary.

    The bodies of Joseph Kariuki Njenga and Eliud Gatundu Maina were found dumped at the mortuary bearing bullet wounds, and family members and other sect officials blamed the police for the killings.

    The sect’s Spokesman Njuguna Gitau said they were alarmed by what he termed increased ‘execution-style’ murders by the police.

    “What the police are doing is wrong. If they suspect any one of any wrongdoing, they should follow the due process of the law instead of resorting to execute them,” he said.

    Police Commissioner Major General Mohammed Hussein Ali has previously maintained his that officers were not involved in the murders.

  27. AND so Uhuru Kenyatta is the next Finance Minister??

  28. Yes, Uhuru Kenyatta is the next Finance minister and Martha Karua to fill the Deputy PM post. Sorted!!



    oooh its a kenyan company

    oooh kibaki is not involved

    ooh it was a govt to govt deal

    oooh it was a good price

    not one single straight story that can stand up on its own.

    where is bwana Ndungu and Gichangi

    where is Ringera

    hii game ikome

  30. U still told us about the blind side winger that you thought that kimunya suppossedly was! Be a man and own up 2 ur mistakes!!

  31. New Finance Minister

    MPs urged to verify sensitive issues
    Written By:Emmanuel Kola , Posted: Wed, Jul 09, 2008


    The Democratic Party of Kenya (DP) says Finance Minister Amos Kimunya's decision to step aside will help to restore his integrity.

    Roads Assistant Minister Dr. Wilfred Machage is calling on cabinet ministers to refrain from making unnecessary comments in public and instead address each other during cabinet sessions on matters relating to their ministries.

    Machage was addressing the press after the party's National Executive Committee meeting.

    At the same time, DP Secretary General, George Nyamweya urged members of parliament to desist from making careless utterances to score political points.

    Meanwhile, DP National Vice Chairman Joseph Munyao announced that the party will hold its National Governing Council meeting on July 18th this year, adding that party members will discuss ways of strengthening the party.

    He said members will also deliberate on compliance to the Political Parties Act and chart strategies ahead on the 2012 general elections.

    Meanwhile, Industrialization Assistant Minister Nderitu Mureithi has defended Finance Minister Amos Kimunya over the controversial sale of Grand Regency Hotel.

    Mureithi says it is unfair for Kimunya to be condemned before any investigations are conducted and concluded.

    He says calls by politicians for the Minister's resignation were full of malice and urged them to verify sensitive issues instead of rushing to the press.

    Mureithi also appealed to members of parliament to focus on development projects for the benefit of their constituents.

    The Laikipia West MP said most members have been engaged in meaningless political infighting at the expense of their principal roles of serving the electorate.

    Mureithi made the remarks at Rumuruti in his Laikipia West Constituency as Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka officially commissioned the District Hospital.

  32. kazi iendeleee

  33. kazi iendeleee

  34. When Kimunya was being roasted on the floor some of this twatish Mps were in passive mode.Now he has moved they have shifted the lever to defense mode over Kimunya.

    Yesterday's enemy is today's darling.Let this politicians stop fumbling with our brains.

  35. kwale is so informed about UK, Russia, Ukraine sijui wapi. but absolutely abhors local politics (politicians - especally non kikuyu)

    and has two passports

    and cannot be employed (wealthy)

    and purports or pretends to be above the general intellect here (somehow he still comes back for more)

    i recommend kwale for president of Ukraine where his services and intellect will be more useful

  36. Anon 6.43

    This is what kenya is all about! Diverse and full of different colours and flavours. Enjoy just like I have:

  37. kwale

    raise the bar

    link didnt work.

    if we have to export you, we dont want to top up your efforts, please try again

  38. Ati Uhuru for finance minister. We have surely seen his management style with the bungled nominations. I wonder if he knows how a balance sheet looks like....oh I forget he comes from the rigt tribe and nothing else really matters as long as you can dip your hands in the cookie jar, get caught, say you are innocent and run to your tribesmen for cover.
    How pathetic is that for a finance minister.
    Has someone handed Kimunya the rope? Please invite me to cheer him on as he makes good his threat.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Anon 7.07... Try this one now;


    Kenya winner lost, U.S. poll indicates

    Belated tally suggests election was stolen

    By Shashank Bengali | McClatchy/Chicago Tribune Newspapers
    Wed, July 9, 2008

    NAIROBI, Kenya — Six months after a deeply flawed election triggered a wave of ethnic killings in Kenya, a U.S. government-funded exit poll indicates that the wrong candidate was declared the winner.

    President Mwai Kibaki, whom official results credited with a 2-point margin of victory in the December vote, finished nearly 6 points behind in the exit poll, which was released Tuesday[/b] by researchers from the University of California, San Diego.

    Opposition leader Raila Odinga scored "a clear win outside the margin of error"[/u] according to surveys of voters as they left polling places on Election Day, the poll's author said.

    The incumbent Kibaki was sworn in for a second term despite major irregularities in vote-counting, sparking tribal attacks that killed more than 1,000 people, the worst violence in this East African nation in nearly two decades.

    The exit poll, whose existence was first reported in January, was financed by the Washington-based International Republican Institute, a non-partisan democracy-building organization, with a grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the foreign-aid arm of the State Department.

    Amid a worldwide furor over the election results, the institute decided not to release the poll, citing concerns about its validity. But the poll's authors and the former head of the institute's program in Kenya stand by the research, which the authors presented Tuesday in Washington.

    In the exit poll, Odinga had 46.07 percent of the vote to 40.17 percent for Kibaki, a difference well outside the poll's margin of error of 1.32 percentage points. The official results gave Kibaki 46.42 percent of the vote to 44.07 percent for Odinga.

    The research by James Long, a doctoral candidate in political science at UCSD, and Clark Gibson, the chairman of the university's political science department, offers more evidence of serious fraud in Kenya's government election commission.

    According to the pollsters' projections, Odinga, who also led Kibaki in pre-election polls, should have received about 58,000 more votes than he was credited with. Kibaki should have received about 356,000 fewer votes.,7840507.story

    When I read this I can't help but feel so painfully cheated and pray to God to silently heal the pain while granting me grace to forgive.

  42. Kenya winner lost, U.S. poll indicates
    July 9 2008 at 12:35 PM fisi


    Belated tally suggests election was stolen
    By Shashank Bengali | McClatchy/Chicago Tribune Newspapers
    July 9, 2008

    NAIROBI, Kenya — Six months after a deeply flawed election triggered a wave of ethnic killings in Kenya, a U.S. government-funded exit poll indicates that the wrong candidate was declared the winner.

    President Mwai Kibaki, whom official results credited with a 2-point margin of victory in the December vote, finished nearly 6 points behind in the exit poll, which was released Tuesday by researchers from the University of California, San Diego.

    Opposition leader Raila Odinga scored "a clear win outside the margin of error" according to surveys of voters as they left polling places on Election Day, the poll's author said.

    The incumbent Kibaki was sworn in for a second term despite major irregularities in vote-counting, sparking tribal attacks that killed more than 1,000 people, the worst violence in this East African nation in nearly two decades.

    The exit poll, whose existence was first reported in January, was financed by the Washington-based International Republican Institute, a non-partisan democracy-building organization, with a grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the foreign-aid arm of the State Department.

    Amid a worldwide furor over the election results, the institute decided not to release the poll, citing concerns about its validity. But the poll's authors and the former head of the institute's program in Kenya stand by the research, which the authors presented Tuesday in Washington.

    In the exit poll, Odinga had 46.07 percent of the vote to 40.17 percent for Kibaki, a difference well outside the poll's margin of error of 1.32 percentage points. The official results gave Kibaki 46.42 percent of the vote to 44.07 percent for Odinga.

    The research by James Long, a doctoral candidate in political science at UCSD, and Clark Gibson, the chairman of the university's political science department, offers more evidence of serious fraud in Kenya's government election commission.

    According to the pollsters' projections, Odinga, who also led Kibaki in pre-election polls, should have received about 58,000 more votes than he was credited with. Kibaki should have received about 356,000 fewer votes

  43. eish kwale

    "ukraine" looks like kenya,

  44. Guys, I want to talk about Leadership and Values very briefly. Throughout all this saga - this Grand Regency circus - Kibaki has once again spectacularly failed to provide leadership and direction. He has opted to do what he usually "does": Keep silent and hide in the background while engaging in mischievous "games" which are all aimed at maintaining the PUMBAVU STATUS QUO. This is very irresponsible of him.

    A leader is supposed to lead from the front and not hide behind the skirts of akina Martha Karua and Lucy the lunatic. If Kibaki cannot do this, he has no business being the President of this country. This country deserves much better and not such PUMBAVU MEDIOCRITY.

    We voted him out on Dec 27th last year but he decided to STEAL THE ELECTIONS. This is one hell of a disastrous human being who should have never been born, let alone lead this country.

    Now about values: It seems that his main agenda of maintaining the PUMBAVU STATUS QUO is so that he, his friends and his tribes men and woment can have free reign do their "hard work", "industriousness" and "enterprising ways" in these their following of expertise:


  45. Like I have always said PNU was never in Gava for the service of people of kenya. For them being in gava is an oportunity to steal as much as they can while maintaining a 6% facade of economic growth. Just line up all those pnu ministers and tell me one that does not look crookish. They are in it for the oppotunity to grab and nothing else. You cannot a great country make when that is the overidig motive mumunya should get the harshest sentence available in the land....he should be hanged untill small mistake in gava and way too many lives get affected...its not only criminal its evil.

    Some retards here think its a funny story and are talking of a comeback. We have lost our soul.

    Sir Alex

  46. Moi stole and almost brought Kenya's economy to its knees after 24 years.

    But damn, this Makerere & LSE grad can barely do anything "right". So now we know that the 6% was a mirage, could not even top up the election numbers well and now the GR. Wonder what his alum from those prestigious school say about the dim-wit. He really missed the essence.

    As Moi would say, "ghasia, bure ghabisa."

  47. Today, a friend of mine (a former collegaue living in Zambia) sent me this...If you are ODM and you adore Raila Odinga, please, please...take a deep breath and pray before reading it...

    Enjoy the read...Derek

    Odinga - A Disgrace to Continent
    The Herald (Harare)
    9 July 2008

    By Susan Chipanga
    MARK Twain, an acclaimed American author wrote: "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt".

    This timeless quote was brought to mind after intolerable criticism of Zimbabwe by Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of the Kenyan Government of National Unity whose ticket to power was signed by the blood of innocent people.

    Odinga's moral right to condemn Zimbabwean elections is overshadowed by his coming into office as a result of the death of 1 500 people and the displacement of over 600 000 people. On December 30, 2007 the chairman of the Kenyan election commission declared Odinga's opponent, incumbent president Mwai Kibaki, the winner by a margin of about 230 000 votes.

    Raila challenged the results alleging fraud by the commission, but refused an election petition before the courts and urged protests, which plunged the country into one of the brutal and bloody post-election violence ever to be witnessed in recent history.

    Shamefacedly, the poor fellow has been blabbering on about Zimbabwe's elections, violence, peacekeepers and for the country to be barred from regional bodies; a case some may attribute to being overwhelmed by the glare of the media after being in political obscurity for so long.

    Consequently, the whole of Africa and the world are regaled by the antics of a witless and hypocritical African politician whose propensity to expose himself unearths his want of tact and maturity in African politics.

    Some who are not so harsh in their criticism of Odinga's unwarranted utterances on Zimbabwe are easy to forgive him as he is a product of incarcerations, flights into exile and betrayal by erstwhile political allies which undoubtedly has made him a bitter man mad at the whole of Africa for not intervening on his behalf.

    Odinga, as a result, has made himself a champion of opposition politics in Africa after his backdoor entry to leadership in Kenya making him an emperor without clothes after Kenya's recent history which someone said reads like a Shakespearian tale; full of dramatic intrigue, intricate conspiracies and king making plots.

    Odinga's unwarranted criticism of Zimbabwe might be borne from a need to outshine Mwai Kibaki, the Kenyan president who trounced him in the December election.

    But, Zimbabwe cannot bear the brunt of his inferiority complex in a bid to gain recognition in African politics. Someone should advise Odinga that the route he has taken is a dead end and neither is it going to absolve him of the blood that is on his hands as rightly pointed by the presidential spokesperson, George Charamba, during the recent African Union Summit in Egypt.

    Maybe Odinga's weakness is more to do with not acquainting himself with African history. He should start to appreciate that more is at stake than meets the eye in the Zimbabwean situation. If the sentiments he echoed during his inauguration are anything to go by, then he is in for a rude awakening in his quest to liberate Kenyans from neo-colonialism.

    When Odinga was sworn in as Prime Minister of Kenya on April 18 2008, he told the gathering that "we will ensure that power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of many, not the few".

    Robert Mugabe whom he is now alleging is a dictator was once the darling of the West until he decided to empower his people by distributing land, which was in the hands of a few whites to the majority of the landless blacks Kenya, like all other African countries, is no exception.

    It would want to address these historical imbalances and some have alluded that the chaos that Kenya witnessed is the result of historic injustices including land tenure systems and the unequal sharing of resources between the country's more than 40 ethnic groups.

    Other African leaders know that addressing the injustices born out of colonialism is at the core of all African problems and that sooner or later, these issues have to be addressed by each member country.

    The decisions made by African leaders at the AU summit, that is, wanting Africans to solve their own problems is born out of a realisation that abandoning Zimbabwe at this critical stage will set a bad precedent. Some delusional African politicians like Odinga might not understand that sticking together with Zimbabwe is also for their future well-being.

    That, Mr Odinga, is the definition of Pan Africanism.

    It is not about calling yourself a Pan Africanist when your deeds are devoid of "ubuntu" as you were able to countenance the beheading, skinning, raping, murdering and torturing of innocent people for your own political gain. I am no religious fanatic but I do believe the good book offers sound advice in the case of looking at a straw in another's eye whilst not considering the rafter in your own eye.

    It is evident Odinga is singing for the few morsels that the United States is dropping on his lap whilst mortgaging Kenya in the process. Reports indicate that the US government is negotiating base access agreements with the government of Kenya that will allow American troops to use military facilities when the United States wants to deploy its own army in Africa.

    So at the right intervals Odinga has to make the right noises on Zimbabwe so as to appease his benefactors. Shame on you Odinga! Odinga is a disgrace to the continent, which has produced notable statesmen like Nelson Mandela who spent all his life fighting for the liberation of his people and Robert Mugabe who is fighting for the total emancipation of his people. What has Odinga to show for himself, except bloody hands, which no doubt soiled his reputation of ever being regarded as a statesman. Instead of being fixated with what is happening in Zimbabwe, Odinga should be concerned with healing his own country where thousands still remain displaced, traumatised and reluctant to return to the their former homes because the horrors they witnessed are forever etched in their minds. Odinga will remain an overly ambitious politician who would stop at nothing to achieve his political ends. He should keep his tainted hands off Zimbabwe.

  48. Kimunya will be back. We must all remain cognitive of Kibaki's disastrous innuendos. Within Kibaki's balding head is a lethargic brain with many limitations. This man is incapable of doing the right thing. Right now, he is busy scratching his ass in State House while awaiting for anti-Kimunya tempers to cool down. Kazi itaendelea whether we like it or not. How can you fire a man who is sleeping with your daughter in Libya?

    This is the type of leadership that Raila was castigating in South Africa. If we love this country we must go to the streets in droves as soon as Kimunya is spotted within the vicinity of State House…. to be reinstated.

    That said, why is Kalonzo Musyoka supporting Kimunya with so much vigor? Must this idiot always be against the people of Kenya? What of write-offs like Uhuru? It's one thing to follow the thieving footsteps of your father lakini supporting theft publicly is outright scandalous.

  49. hehehe Derek

    tumezoea propaganda

    leta ingine

    huyo susan ciro chimpanzee is just another extended PNU mouthpiece

    hope it made you feel good, we realise PNU guys are very upset that kimumunya was not just caught but finally something done about it.

    look for more articles to sooth your bruised ego.

  50. When the heat gets intense and the kitchen is too hot bravado melts and the weak-kneed cannot afford to gloat. What to do? Browse the web and turn to CUT-and-PASTE from Zimbabwe's official mouth piece HERALD. It amounts to using KBC as a reference to Kenyan situation.
    What would stop our Mutua from defending a lie.

    It is one thing to argue but quite another to be enslaved with baba yangu kubwa kuliko wako mentality. Shout if you must but please engage the skull's contents first. It never hurts to try to outdo the village tout. Kazi iendelee
    Just Well,

  51. Charles.Nairobi.
    The man had to go, his restless feet walked him into the snake pit.
    This must serve as a warning to the others intending to loot big fish is caught with big bait.Grand regency was the perfect setup.

  52. Derek, thanks for your rather 'informative article'..and guess what, I didn't need to pray before reading it.

    I thought it was a revelation that Raila has also been caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

    Back to your article, the author is understandably doing some damage control and earning her pay.

    Let me draw some similarities with our situation; despite all the THEFT, FRAUD, DECEPTION etc that we have witnessed from elections, GR, Safaricom, plus the yet to be unveiled scams, most of you would rather not tell the emperor he is naked-even though deep down you know some things are plain wrong. Some of you tried old boring tales like the mollases plant but realized you were haeding nowhere. Believe me Raila has been a wanted man from the time Kibaki came to power, why has he not been tamed?

    If truth be told, Mugabe has outlived his usefulness to Zimbabweans. Unfortunately there are few people bold enough to tell him to his face.

    What's wrong if Raila stands up to take the high ground that other African dictators find too lofty?

    True, we have our own problems, but we cannot run away from an 'African problem', because it soon spills over to neighboring countries (xenophobia attacks in SA etc).

    Kibaki has been running around looking for legitimacy from these old geezers who think the offices were created for them and whose only goal is to milk the coffers dry and get a state burial.

    If Omar Bongo, Gaddafi,Mugabe and all those who have been in power since... the 50s are the role models kina Kibai admire, then we are doomed and am not surpised that they all fight to cling on to power at all costs (of course we all now know the GR angle).

    By the way, the content of this article is rather old or is it one of the desperate moves to take the heat from the duly elected.

    Question is, won't you all be tired doing this till the next elections as he snoozes off and plans on how to enrich himself and his friends?

  53. Does it mean that by being in a different political grouping amount to being stupid? I did not know that Taabu. Advice me on anything, but what is wrong with being in a different political camp.

    Max Omulo---UCL

    From the The herald zimbabwe.
    Opinion & Analysis.
    Wednesday, July 09, 2008
    Odinga: A disgrace to Africa

    By Susan Chipanga

    MARK Twain, an acclaimed American author wrote: "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt".

    This timeless quote was brought to mind after intolerable criticism of Zimbabwe by Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of the Kenyan Government of National Unity whose ticket to power was signed by the blood of innocent people. Odinga’s moral right to condemn Zimbabwean elections is overshadowed by his coming into office as a result of the death of 1 500 people and the displacement of over 600 000 people. On December 30, 2007 the chairman of the Kenyan election commission declared Odinga’s opponent, incumbent president Mwai Kibaki, the winner by a margin of about 230 000 votes. Raila challenged the results alleging fraud by the commission, but refused an election petition before the courts and urged protests, which plunged the country into one of the brutal and bloody post-election violence ever to be witnessed in recent history. Shamefacedly, the poor fellow has been blabbering on about Zimbabwe’s elections, violence, peacekeepers and for the country to be barred from regional bodies; a case some may attribute to being overwhelmed by the glare of the media after being in political obscurity for so long. Consequently, the whole of Africa and the world are regaled by the antics of a witless and hypocritical African politician whose propensity to expose himself unearths his want of tact and maturity in African politics. Some who are not so harsh in their criticism of Odinga’s unwarranted utterances on Zimbabwe are easy to forgive him as he is a product of incarcerations, flights into exile and betrayal by erstwhile political allies which undoubtedly has made him a bitter man mad at the whole of Africa for not intervening on his behalf. Odinga, as a result, has made himself a champion of opposition politics in Africa after his backdoor entry to leadership in Kenya making him an emperor without clothes after Kenya’s recent history which someone said reads like a Shakespearian tale; full of dramatic intrigue, intricate conspiracies and king making plots. Odinga’s unwarranted criticism of Zimbabwe might be borne from a need to outshine Mwai Kibaki, the Kenyan president who trounced him in the December election. But, Zimbabwe cannot bear the brunt of his inferiority complex in a bid to gain recognition in African politics. Someone should advise Odinga that the route he has taken is a dead end and neither is it going to absolve him of the blood that is on his hands as rightly pointed by the presidential spokesperson, George Charamba, during the recent African Union Summit in Egypt. Maybe Odinga’s weakness is more to do with not acquainting himself with African history. He should start to appreciate that more is at stake than meets the eye in the Zimbabwean situation. If the sentiments he echoed during his inauguration are anything to go by, then he is in for a rude awakening in his quest to liberate Kenyans from neo-colonialism. When Odinga was sworn in as Prime Minister of Kenya on April 18 2008, he told the gathering that "we will ensure that power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of many, not the few". Robert Mugabe whom he is now alleging is a dictator was once the darling of the West until he decided to empower his people by distributing land, which was in the hands of a few whites to the majority of the landless blacks Kenya, like all other African countries, is no exception. It would want to address these historical imbalances and some have alluded that the chaos that Kenya witnessed is the result of historic injustices including land tenure systems and the unequal sharing of resources between the country’s more than 40 ethnic groups. Other African leaders know that addressing the injustices born out of colonialism is at the core of all African problems and that sooner or later, these issues have to be addressed by each member country. The decisions made by African leaders at the AU summit, that is, wanting Africans to solve their own problems is born out of a realisation that abandoning Zimbabwe at this critical stage will set a bad precedent. Some delusional African politicians like Odinga might not understand that sticking together with Zimbabwe is also for their future well-being. That, Mr Odinga, is the definition of Pan Africanism. It is not about calling yourself a Pan Africanist when your deeds are devoid of "ubuntu" as you were able to countenance the beheading, skinning, raping, murdering and torturing of innocent people for your own political gain. I am no religious fanatic but I do believe the good book offers sound advice in the case of looking at a straw in another’s eye whilst not considering the rafter in your own eye. It is evident Odinga is singing for the few morsels that the United States is dropping on his lap whilst mortgaging Kenya in the process. Reports indicate that the US government is negotiating base access agreements with the government of Kenya that will allow American troops to use military facilities when the United States wants to deploy its own army in Africa. So at the right intervals Odinga has to make the right noises on Zimbabwe so as to appease his benefactors. Shame on you Odinga! Odinga is a disgrace to the continent, which has produced notable statesmen like Nelson Mandela who spent all his life fighting for the liberation of his people and Robert Mugabe who is fighting for the total emancipation of his people. What has Odinga to show for himself, except bloody hands, which no doubt soiled his reputation of ever being regarded as a statesman. Instead of being fixated with what is happening in Zimbabwe, Odinga should be concerned with healing his own country where thousands still remain displaced, traumatised and reluctant to return to the their former homes because the horrors they witnessed are forever etched in their minds. Odinga will remain an overly ambitious politician who would stop at nothing to achieve his political ends. He should keep his tainted hands off Zimbabwe.

    Obama, practice what you preach

    Editor — US presidential candidate Barack Obama has presented himself as a political leader who will talk and listen to other world leaders.

    His recent (imperialist-toe-the-line) attack on President Robert Mugabe contradicts this position. We encourage everyone to contact Mr Obama’s campaign headquarters and dare him to do what he said he would do. The situation in Zimbabwe smacks of the recolonisation of Africa. President Mugabe reclaimed Zimba-bwean land stolen by British colonisers and returned it to the indigenous people of the country. Ever since then, President Mugabe has been under constant attack by the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and Western Europe. It is crystal clear that MDC-T is bought and paid for by former European colonisers. Tell Barack Obama — Mugabe is right. Hands off Zimbabwe! Zimbabwe will never be a colony again! Afrimedia. Harare.

  55. I wonder how long Raila's idol Fidel Castro was power in Cuba despite the well-known fact hat his countrymen were suffering all the years.

  56. hehehe

    PNU guys are just too funny, fidel castro, suzan sijui who, ukraine,

    every other country out there

    but hapa nyumbani kumechemka.


  57. Can you all believe it's only six months since the stolen elections? WITH KIBAKI AND PNU DERAILING THE AGENDA FOR CHANGE...I SWEAR THIS FEELS LIKE ETERNITY.

    Honestly, I can't take this anymore, this GC nonsence ikomeshwe mara moja.

  58. @Anon 9.30

    What change? Kazi ieendele!

    Raila change was copied from one of the worst dictators in the world – Fidel Castro. He worships a man who has oppressed people of Cuba for many years. Just ask Sam Okello, US is full of Cuban migrant who risk their lives everyday to get away from Fidel Castro regime.
    Is that the kind of change you want?

  59. Yes, anything is better than putting up with another five years of the MKM thieving ways.

  60. taabu, however inteligent you are, you are one of the reasons that people call kumekucha an extension of mashada. i think you are clever or with the intelligence that you percieve to have to note that nobody has claimed to be the author of that herald piece. you are simply a man full of pride. if you look a few posts down, someone else has done the same, but because he is odm, he has a right and intelligent enough to do that.

  61. Real issues

    Kimunyagate has brought us this far:

    The main issue that we shouls be addressing is Constitutional review such that the relationship between the 3 arms of government will be squary addressed:
    -what is the role of Parliament(legislature and peoples reps)-they won because of pressure outside the constitution-Demos etc
    -Executive- seems to have so much powers. PANUERS, take a break. in the near future it will not be PNU in power! We need to think of a Kenya in posperity.
    -Judiciary-Are they independent of the Executive.

    Without pressing for a visonary constitutional review, Kimunyagate is but a small matter.It does not address our future problems.
    This was all about kimunya (the arrogant....),the person/personality, but can we think abour it as the official office of a very important, and constitutional office

    BRING THE BOMAS draft now

  62. Taabu,

    Please, stop this idiotic attitude of calling others stupid simply because their opinions differ from yours. If you can't appreciate that diversity of ideas/opinions is the hallmark of democracy, then it is time you went for a refund from Mogotio Primary School!!!

  63. Let us not forget that people change. Most of us admired Mugabe the liberator but not Mugabe the dictator. Most of us admired Fidel Castro the liberator but when his policies plunged Cuba into misery we are not with him. That is the way it should be. Moi was also good at the beginning and we supported him but when he started killing we shunned him. Kibaki also. Now as for Raila, we shall continue to support him so long us he is championing a just cause. We shall not follow him blindly. The day he will be caught we shall not be with him. We support what is right and just.

    Regean - Butere,Kenya.

  64. 11:27


    you call taabu idiotic while advising him not to??

    the story of PNU think tank, label everyone else what you are

  65. Why are some of the Luo bloggers campaigning so hard against Chris' Raw Notes? Is it because they are told to pay some little money for access? Do they expect to get everything for free in life? How are these people brought up?

    If you cannot afford the tiny fee to access the Raw Notes, just keep quiet with your umaskini. Some of us can afford the fee and love the exclusive news contained in the Notes. I am particularly surprised that Chris charges so low!

    Chris, don't be disheartened by these stone throwers turned into bloggers!!!!!

  66. A contribution by job (jukwaa)

    45 years ago, Kibaki and Michuki were in Cabinet and Kennedy was running for
    President. Obama was 1 year old. 45 years later, Kibaki and Michuki are
    still in cabinet, and Obama is a candidate for the same seat Kennedy was

    In 45 years, Obamas father is dead, we have had Johnson, Carter, Nixon,
    Ford, Reagan, Clinton, Bush 1 and Bush 2 in USA in between as presidents but
    in Kenya the same guys in their 70's and 80's are still trying to tell
    Kenyans they can make development models that work?"

    Makes u think?! Are we making history or is history making us!???

  67. Anon 11:41, I'd rather be a begger than a thief.


  68. Every family has an oddball. The oddball of Kumekucha family is TAABU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    This excerpt from Kenya times just shows that these people never learn. Kwani wakikuyu ndiyo wenye PNU, Kalonzo and the other losers where are you, eeh? still wiping egg off your face?

    KEY figures from Central province met President Mwai Kibaki at State House, Nairobi on Tuesday evening, Kenya Times has reliably learnt.

    It is thought that the meeting was convened to review and strategise on how to deal with the aftermath of Amos Kimunya’s resignation as Finance minister. Sources say President Kibaki summoned Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Internal Security Minister Prof George Saitoti, their Environment counterpart John Michuki and other close allies to State House where it is understood they caucused on the implications of Kimunya’s removal.

    A number of influential businessmen perceived to be close allies of the President are said to have attended the meeting. Although details of the meeting were scanty, sources claim it mainly centred on Kimunya’s succession at Treasury and the implications of his resignation to Kibaki’s government and the Mt Kenya interests.

    Uhuru and Michuki are said to have reiterated their position that Kimunya’s woes were politically motivated, saying the disgraced former minister was crucified unheard. And a day after Kimunya bowed in to pressure to step aside, focus has shifted to the remaining personalities implicated in the clandestine sale of the Grand Regency hotel.

    Eyes were turned on Finance Permanent Secretary Joseph Kinyua, Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) Governor Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u, National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS) director Major General Michael Gichangi and other senior public officers

  70. That woman who wrote about Raila must be out of her mind , is mugabe that good that he has brainwashed a whole country , this person is in denial and would like to believe that all is well in Zim , an 84year old man is not going to save your country the sooner you realize the better for your children and future generations , half of your population are refugees yet you talk of 600,000 kenyans being displaced.You are such a fool to defend this man , he is worse than the devil himself.

  71. 11:41 Kwani a Jeng mama broke your heart? Get over it. You sound so bitter and scorned at Jengs. How the hell would you know someone's tribe from opposing/supporting the raw notes............waste of ..... matter.

    And we wonder why Kenya is in the hole we are in today.

    Be gone...eeeiissshhhh.

  72. Executive stealing is dangerous to all of us.

    I was in Switzerland and Austria to witness the European Football Cup finals.

    The Austrian papers carried reports on jailing of six powerful bank managers, who stole money from small investors. Even the Austrian gov is partly involved in the scam and has resulted into a break-up of the Grand Coalition in Vienna. General Erections will be in November 2008.

    In Switzerland, I witnessed how people have simple lives. The country is rich, but the people are not, neither are they poor. A middle class Kenyan has more luxury.

    But the place is so peaceful that most people go to work leaving their doors unlocked. There is no watchman, no security, no thugs.

    Switzerland is multiethnical with German-, Italian-, French- and Retrogermanspeaking tribes living peacefully side by side.

    There are very little scandals, but if there is any, they deal with it immediately and thoroughly.

    I want to tell Kenyans that excecutive robbery done by Kibaki, Moi and Kenyatta has created insecurity to everyone (Nyaga's watchen being killed by thugs). Everybody is in trouble, only Kimunya, Moi, Kibaki, Saitoti who have stolen billions and billions are feeling safe in our country.

    HELP FIGHT GRAND CORRUPTION to save yourself and your family.

  73. anon 11:45

    that story raises various questions

    as you correctly point out, if ODM-K and any other affiliate party for that matter, is an equal partner/member of PNU why have they been left out of these "high level" consultations. secondly what scandalous notion is this that this ministry has to go to a central kenya MP, is it their birth right or what? third the fact that they can meet to retain this ministry implies they are guilty by association of cooking shady deals and hence have to fish from their own pot because if it was about PNU the party, then the member parties would have been consulted jointly but as it is, the Mt Kenya heavyweights meet first then send their errand boys (Mungatana are you listening) to vilify RAO and ODM

    THe story further talks of Wetangula's involvement as Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the deal was transcted through Wetangula & CO Advocates, now someone tell me its just plain coincidence.

  74. Kibaki has kept quiet totally over the issue.

    He seems to be hiding something. Is he a kenyan leader or a thug behind the Grand Regency?

    Yes he has been mentioned by Kimunya as the architect who initiated the deal with the Arabs.



  75. hehehe and the pot boils over

  76. Is ATWOLI sick or he is just naive?
    He should not represent our Kenyan workers.

    How can he support corrupt leaders when the people he is representing can not affort even a meal per day?

  77. Chris,
    Lol, check your inbox @ umissedthis(at)yahoo(dot)com as francis uk has some vital infor for you.
    Quick respopnse will be required.

  78. Chris,
    Lol, check your inbox @ umissedthis(at)yahoo(dot)com as francis uk has some vital infor for you.
    Quick respopnse will be required.


    this is encouraging, could someone publish (link or article) of the full recommendation.

    am beginning to like the kind of business the 10th parliament is transacting. lets demystify this finance portfolio and have more input from all members

  80. " KEY figures from Central province met President Mwai Kibaki at State House, Nairobi on Tuesday evening, Kenya Times has reliably learnt.

    The meeting was convened to review and strategise on how to deal with the aftermath of Amos Kimunya’s resignation as Finance minister. Sources say President Kibaki summoned Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Internal Security Minister Prof George Saitoti, their Environment counterpart John Michuki and other close allies to State House where it is understood they caucused on the implications of Kimunya’s removal.

    A number of influential businessmen perceived to be close allies of the President are said to have attended the meeting. Although details of the meeting were scanty, sources claim it mainly centred on Kimunya’s succession at Treasury and the implications of his resignation to Kibaki’s government and the Mt Kenya interests

    Ooooooh ! I though PNU was a National political party, am I missing something , has anybody learned that Kalonzo, and all the NON kikiyu PNU chaps have moved to Kiambu. Well I guess PNU executive power rests in Kiambo and the rest are choir boys. Sorry ODM-K your roll was over when Kalonzo crossed over, at least Karua is smart enough to see the " annointing " game . Better late than never .

    Vice is still looking at himself in the mirror and going round the country attending funerals and opening churches. Equal partners - ngilu should not waste time to remind him. Why can a Kamba take the post since we saved his skin. It is a high time people start asking Kalonzo tough questions the honey moon is over.


  81. Damn am enjoying reading all this.I like the chronolog of Kibaki and Obama a lot.It just brought me back to reality.You mean we are having a leadership that is stale???No wonder instead of competing with countries like Malaysia and Singapore that we are told were at our level at indipendence we are comfortable being compared to Mugabe and Zimbabwe...ati liberators...from what???And i have mercy from that Susan Chi..something lady.What a looser trying to call a hyena a sheep??Anyway i dont think even Zimbabweans bought that crap.Whoever pasted it here..was it this fela Derek??Thanks for making me laugh but i dont understand what u mean when u say that RAO's fans should read it afta a breath,whats so surprising???I thought it was some "ndosier on RAO".This kind of thing is already being perpetrated by KBC i dont know why u had to go to Zimbabwe to get ur ndossier from that Susan Chimp.... mama?

    Kazi imeanza...Orengo continue blowing whistles as parliament sacks all these thieves...both in ODM and PNU.
    Kibaki ata do???Let him know where real power is.If he doesnt follow orders hata salary yake haoni.Its also paid by the Treasury.Let as have as many ministers as we can till we get worthy people.This Kimunya breed should go back to GOLF!!


  82. Mugabe and the west are fighting over zim but none of it has anything to do with the interest of the odinary zimbabweans.

    The problem in zim is that there seems to be no credible alternate leader such that most african leaders rather deal with bob, Than the west through a proxy like morgan cause that is what it boils down to.

    Thats the naunce that RAo may have missed but bob is evil no mistake about that. He has always been.
    The argument is that they would rather have bob than the west run zim. Its a rather unfortunate situation.

    On the other hand RAOs idol fidel is better than any other living idol currently availabe except Madiba. Those talking about fidel know nothing about him so just shut up till you you have reserched enough....beyond what the western media says about him.
    Its Ironic that the west hates fidel and yet RAO idolises him and still some say that RAO is in bed with the same West. Yaani that is called tailoring....your to desperate to turnish RAOs image that you end up contradicting yourself.....

    Sir Alex

  83. Chris, what is this nonsense of people na raw notes everywhere? If I want the raw notes si I will just buy? If people dont want to buy them they should not sit here complaining all day!

    Mimi I will pay you for the raw notes, kwani am I borrowing any of your bloggers money? Yada yada yada raw notes!! Shut up mumetuchosha!


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