Monday, June 23, 2008

Seeking Amnesty and Justice for the Dead

The mystery of missing youths who were arrested following post election violence is promising to drag Kenyan politics to its dark immediate past. Those shouting justice and due process of the law are busy butchering the same principles by not charging these youths in court. More than six months and no mention of these cases in TRAVESTY of the same flawed justice they mouth.

Make no mistake. This is no amnesty call for murderous, arsonists and rapists who must be promptly charged. But the paradox crops in when the same police force that arrested these youths claim to be unaware of their whereabouts. This unfortunate announcement by one RAMBO MOVIE LOVER for police spokesman Eric Kiraithe is a recipe for heightened political temperatures. The implicit implication is too grim to contemplate. I hope I am wrong but I fear otherwise that this joker is cleverly confirming the nasty rumour doing the rounds that the youths were OFFICIALLY extra-judicially executed.

Game of numbers
The amnesty debate is one issue that will either make or break this so-called government of grand coalition. One wonders why one side is so sensitive to the word do much so that when mentioned even in a funeral the village tantrum speedily replaces any sober etiquette befitting such an occasion. Major Ali has no two ways about this grave matter. He has to account for every head his force arrested. The unrepresentative indication that 103 case files, involving 137 suspects, are being handled in various Rift Valley towns, mainly Nakuru and Eldoret, 77 suspects have been charged in Nyanza, 98 in Nairobi, 50 in Western Province and 63 in Mombasa can’t wash.

The government’s tally of 300 is a laughable attempt to TOP-DOWN at best and playing a game of numbers with peoples' lives at worst. It leaves you wondering whether Kibaki was doing a Mugabe in arrears. All attempts by his cronies to peddle the lie of courts will surely backfire when it is eventually proved that the missing youths were brutally dispatched to their maker without the benefit/right of a trial. That will mark the beginning of another round mayhem. All the government’s talk about reconciliation and reconstruction are not sustainable because they are simply DISHONEST. Saying otherwise is to soothe egos with pretense. Only the bitter pill and illusive HONESTY can successfully diffuse the ticking time bomb.


  1. from january 7th when kalonzo was appoined VP and minister for home affairs, a special project to arrest ANY youths found demonstrating was launched. the thousands of youths arrested were quickly and secretely at night tranferred to mt. kenya prisons without being recorded on OB books. what happens next is the stuff that will become material for future state sponsored genocide films. BBC has materials and will soon be releasing some of it. sadly, majority of those demonstrating youths will not be brought back. they paid the ultimate price at the hands of kikuyu militias who used them as collateral damage material to score political pyschological points just before the accord was signed. the fallout, if not managed well, from this scandal will shake the entire political elite and re-draw the electral maps. resettlement might become a historical endevour that failed.


    from january 7th when kalonzo was appoined VP and minister for home affairs, a special project to arrest ANY youths found demonstrating was launched. the thousands of youths arrested were quickly and secretely at night tranferred to mt. kenya prisons without being recorded on OB books. what happens next is the stuff that will become material for future state sponsored genocide films. BBC has materials and will soon be releasing some of it. sadly, majority of those demonstrating youths will not be brought back. they paid the ultimate price at the hands of kikuyu militias who used them as collateral damage material to score political pyschological points just before the accord was signed. the fallout, if not managed well, from this scandal will shake the entire political elite and re-draw the electral maps. resettlement might become a historical endevour that failed.

  3. These youths were held in secret camps, tortured and killed off because the jails were too overcrowded to hold them. The Ethiopian regime used the same tactics against Oromo, Somali and southern tribes.

    Kibaki has applied the same methods the Ethiopian regime used after it has rigged the election.

  4. These youths were held in secret camps, tortured and killed off because the jails were too overcrowded to hold them. The Ethiopian regime used the same tactics against Oromo, Somali and southern tribes.

    Kibaki has applied the same methods the Ethiopian regime used after it has rigged the election.

  5. These youths were held in secret camps, tortured and killed off because the jails were too overcrowded to hold them. The Ethiopian regime used the same tactics against Oromo, Somali and southern tribes.

    Kibaki has applied the same methods the Ethiopian regime used after it has rigged the election.

  6. These youths were held in secret camps, tortured and killed off because the jails were too overcrowded to hold them. The Ethiopian regime used the same tactics against Oromo, Somali and southern tribes.

    Kibaki has applied the same methods the Ethiopian regime used after it has rigged the election.

  7. These youths were held in secret camps, tortured and killed off because the jails were too overcrowded to hold them. The Ethiopian regime used the same tactics against Oromo, Somali and southern tribes.

    Kibaki has applied the same methods the Ethiopian regime used after it has rigged the election.

  8. I have a question for you Taabu;Since you and your fellow party members seem to have information that we don't have, why don't you go ahead and give us the exact number of those in jail? And their names please if u don't mind.

    We have a national security ministry whose spokesman is the minister. The ministers of Home Affairs and Justice have not contradicted Saitoti, the head of the Kenya Police, Maj Ali has not done it, why should we rely on the figures that are being bandied around by busybodies? This is the same logic that you guys used that we were supposed to accept election results that were authored by political party youth wingers.

    It is time people did their jobs and let others do theirs. William Ruto should be teaching folks how to grow maize in Koibatek. He should stop poking his nose in the Justice Ministry because he understands very little about justice.

    Instead of ranting here about how these ministers are misleading Kenyans, you should be heaping pressure on YOUR OWN party leader. He draws a big government salary to coordinate the running of ministries. He should be talking to Saitoti about this in Cabinet meetings instead of mouthing half-truths at funerals. Honestly, if a minister misleads people and the man who is supposed to "supervise" him says nothing or says something and his counsel is disregarded and he chooses not to resign, then that is exactly the person you need to direct your bitterness at. You cannot take the high horse and claim the low road, period!

  9. this is trully tragic indeed, no wonder justice minister is so adamant about no amnesty for after all, there might be no one to benefit from the amnesty not because as njonjo said that amnesty is granted to those already proven guilty, but in this case because those who would have benefited in the long run from amnesty are themselves victims of atrocity in the form extrajudicial killing.

    this is very disturbing and sad and bodes doom for any hope this country had.

  10. usually chris, when a credible reporter releases a report likely to draw strong reactions, he should give strong evidence. here, you claim thousands of youths were arested and executed while even ODM politicians have been unable to provide the names of the so called thousands of youths. dont they have names if they are so sure? ODM has been quick to release evidence in the past you know. lets not play politics with the lives of IDP's coz thats what this call is all intended for. cause conflict and frustrate resettlement. in addition, why doesnt the same ODM politicians who brag of having the best of the best panel of laywers file a suit to the same effect? simple, they do not want to do it coz they know that their numbers are not correct. its usual politics for them. you want to bloody your hands chris? go ahead. tomorrow it might be your family whose life is being played with.

  11. usually chris, when a credible reporter releases a report likely to draw strong reactions, he should give strong evidence. here, you claim thousands of youths were arested and executed while even ODM politicians have been unable to provide the names of the so called thousands of youths. dont they have names if they are so sure? ODM has been quick to release evidence in the past you know. lets not play politics with the lives of IDP's coz thats what this call is all intended for. cause conflict and frustrate resettlement. in addition, why doesnt the same ODM politicians who brag of having the best of the best panel of laywers file a suit to the same effect? simple, they do not want to do it coz they know that their numbers are not correct. its usual politics for them. you want to bloody your hands chris? go ahead. tomorrow it might be your family whose life is being played with.

  12. ya typical of bbc to release info and c wot happens. It is the national broadcaster, any1 cld tell u that their views can be too one sided. Whilst it is wrong 4 those youths to be 'missing' frm records, amnesty should not just be given. We stress the importance of rights yet we criticize efforts to seek justice 4 the people who died in the violence. Unlike taabu though, i dont believe this is a make or break issue. It is quite surprising the way odm really endorses this and pnu refuses. Sme1 is hiding smething and id like 2 know why?

  13. I hope those freedom fighters are alive!

    Sam Okello

  14. Those who are asking where the youth are should ask ODM who "surpervised and coordinated" their riotous and murderous activities. They were never under the control and command of the Kenya Police. The police can only answer about those they have in custody and have answered to the satisfaction of all peace loving citizens. Those who claim otherwise should go to court with the names of the "missing" ones and demand that they be produced before the court. Anything else is the usual year-round DOMO DOMO politics.

    Those asking for unconditional amnesty for arsonists, murderers and child-rapists do not mean well for this country. They go around inciting citizens in the RV because they know their political careers can not thrive in times of peace. They are mainly nilotic genocidal characters who should be isolated and condemned.

  15. I can only say to ODMers; Your day will surely come. what you did to others shall be done unto you

  16. Your article would have been a good piece – IF you had all your facts right. Your story contains half-truths and fiction. I’m not a defender of the regime nor the devil’s advocate. I stand for the truth; the absolute truth.

    As other readers have pointed out before, this blog serves the purpose of glorifying Raila and his ODM gang while demonising Kibaki and GEMA communities over real and imaginary sins. That’s why your story doesn’t surprise me. Just like Raila and his ODM gang, this blog excels in preaching hatred against certain communities and whining about justice (mark you it’s selective justice) in regard to ODM and the evils its leadership stands for.

    Killers and any other criminals remains like so no matter which side you look at them. Can Chris aka Oscar provide evidence that the youths arrested in regard to post-election violence were executed as he claims? Provide tangible evidence to back up your claims. I believe you based your story on mere gossip with an intention of fueling tribal animosity. That’s what Raila and ODM thrive on. This blog is the mouth-piece of Raila and his murderous ODM gang. They are a symbol of evil.

    I want to believe the police arrested suspects who were implicated in post-election violence, killings, torching people’s homes, damaging property, rapes etc. What this story is advocating – and which Raila, Ruto and the other ODM hooligans have been advocating – is that all those crimes should be swept under the carpet. Raila and his ODM had serious grievances regarding vote tallying at KICC. However, the innocent Kenyans who were slaughtered and evicted from their homes had not to do with what went on at KICC. Raila and Ruto should direct their guns to the right people – those who were behind the KICC fiasco.

    Those who plotted the Rift Valley slaughter must be brought to book. The culture of impunity this blog and Raila have been advocating should not be allowed in modern and civilised society. Killers must face the law.

    Last year, police killed hundreds of Kikuyu youths suspected to be members of the Mungiki. Kikuyus never complained. Raila, Ruto and their gangs never complained. Were those being killed by police then lesser Kenyans? If what Raila and Ruto are advocating is to be allowed, then each community should demand the unconditional release of their kinsmen and women in jails. Kalenjins are not special in any way. They have cheapened human life. They require little provocation to start slaughtering people they don’t speak the same language. Killers should not get any mercy.

    By the way, why are Raila and Ruto so afraid of the suspects being taken to court? It is known that the slaughter and evictions in the Rift Valley were not triggered by the outcome of the Dec polls. This is something that had been planned long time ago. Are Ruto and Raila the masterminds and they fear they would be named in court?

  17. Anon 3:49PM
    Who are those unknown youths said to have disappeared? They have families who should come with names of their missing sons.Why should we have amnesty for people who killed their neighbours and claim they were fighting for Democracy.

  18. Those youths had better be alive.

    We know for a fact that most of those arrested were ODM supporters..the police had STRICT INSTRUCTIONS to deal with any opposition with BRUTAL FORCE....need we go back to the KTN CLIP of a young ODM man being shot.
    That was only ONE of many caught on camera.
    The police are capable of anything, and are adept at covering their tracks however clumsily when things get hot.
    ODM should really come out strongly and urge for the immediate and unconditional release of supporters.
    Looks like since they are in govt high office-the lion does not turn around when the small dogs bark.

  20. some logic is needed to make the gikuyu ethnic chauvinist here see beyond their kirinyaga domains.

    1200 people were killed. 60% of these were from police gunshots. that leaves less than 500 people from clashes on both sides but with majority from kikuyus.

    70% of the 500 innocent deaths were from 2-3 locations in RV.

    how could 4,000 youths spread out from Nyanza, RV, and Western provinces have been responsible for 300 deaths that occured in 2-3 locations in RV?

    think people. think. not tribalize.

    who is the minister for justice and courts? who is the minister responsible for prisons? who is the minister responsible for security? why is the armed forces and judiciary under wako silent. what is it that they know that will shock some of us to the core?

    if kibaki and michuki in 2007 could extra-judicially EXECUTE 2500 kikuyu youths and throw their bodies into Ngong Forest for hyenas to feast, what stops them from doing the same to 5,000 Kalenjin youths whom they consider inferior?

    this amnesty thing is a smoke screen. the larger issue is what have kibaki/kalonzo/karua/saitoti done with 5000 kalenjin youth (mot of them demonstrators) whose where abouts are not known and whose bodies are missing. this thing is going to bring down the whole serikali if its handled badly.

    for starters, kalonzo should tell us what he knows happened under his watch as prisons and home affairs minister and VP from january 7th to February 28th.

    there is a reason why kalonzo is seeking shelter under karua and saitoti. something evil was done.

  21. The only people in police custody are criminals and criminal suspects. Those convicted in major crimes like rape and murder should be made to rot in hell. If I had may way, rapists would be castrated while murderers would be locked in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives. The animals who financed this mayhem should be blindfolded and executed by a firing squad....that simple! Never again should what was witnessed after elections ever occur in this country regardless!

  22. We, the people of Kenya, demand that Raila stop globe-trotting and begin surpervising and coordinating the production of the allegedly missing youth before a court of law. He should start by demanding that Ruto write under oath the names of the youth he alleges are missing.

    Further, we demand that Raila coordite and surpervise the manhunt for the Rwanda genocide mastermind and ODM financial sponsor, Felicien Kabuga. He can start by placing a phone call to fellow ODM RV kingpin, Cheruiyot.

    Raila draws a huge salary to perform these tasks and not pre-occupy himself with how he is going to wear animal skin aprons in Nyeri and become a Kikuyu eleder. He should start earning his salary and stop conning the taxpayer.

  23. Its nice to know that we are dealing with people with a 1970 mentality. Who believe that people can be manipulated to their liking. Its not gonna happen the truth shall be known. For people who thin RAO is silent on this matter get it right guys its a hot issue that needs to be handled just as he is doing. RAO cares for this country more than this thieving club of old men and he is keen to see it succeed. This issue can cause alot of problems to our country as you all know so its just right to give RAO/RUTO time to force their way home at the right time. PNU have very ittle strategies only difined by MT Kenya they cant go far. Kenya will remain strong and no manipulation will work. The days of this killers shall surely come to an end. Do not listen to those shouting that its 100 people missing. This boys are from LOVING HOMES and the list of them is there. Someone has the informaion but its not yet time to release it. We want aour country back not war agin. Thats why we are ready to wait for the truth.

  24. By alleging without prove that some youth are missing, the ODM mandarins have found an easy way of keeping the RV followers emotional captives. The materplan is to keep them boiling with a sense of victimhood untill the next elections. Whether this will work for the duration is debatable.

    The Luhyas are slowly shedding off the ODM madness and beginning to live their lives. The Maasais have already gone their way. Soon the Kipsigis will start demanding production of the youths not from the police (and PNU) but from the ODM leadership directly. Just wait, the Pentagon will soon be sweating behind their ears. They can not con everybody forever!!!!

  25. Dear ODMers,

    We are daily losing our high moral ground when we call for a blanket amnesty for those in police custody. For now, it may look and sound as good politics, but it does not serve the long term interests of law and order of the country we seek to lead someday.

    It is obvious that some of our supporters raped and murdered innocent Kenyans. I am sure none of us would want to live next-door to such criminals. At the same time there was a number of innocent youth that were caught in police action. Our efforts should go to ensuring that this latter group is set free as soon as possible. As to those who have committed crimes they should pay the price the law prescribes.

  26. Simple...Let us have a roll call.


  27. It is amusing to read the outright lies, half truths and deceptive comments of the "Panua" camp on this topic ("Seeking Amnesty and Justice for the Death").

    This is to all you Panua fellows: We can see thru all your lies and deceptive spinning of the truth into outright lies. Kikuyu's wake up, we know you very well. Resorting to DECEPTION, LIES and FRAUDULENT SPIN will not help you any single bit. It just reinforces what we know about your deceptive and fraudulent character.

    We know the truth: Kibaki stole the elections and these youth's protested and demonstrated because they were angered by this BRAZEN THEFT of their vote in broad daylight.

  28. anon 12:05

    there is supervision and then there is doing of duties, clearly you do no understand management. ditto vikii.

    for those not in the know, the worst type of manager is of the class MBWA (management by walking around) also known as micro-management (you all know what that is)

    stop trying to teach raila how to handle his PM post and focus on issues affecting all kenyans. haven't heard anyone here telling kimunya how to run finance or etc, what makes you PNU activists think that you need to teach others how to run their ministries? if you are that good, wait 2012, select your constituency and party and start from there.

  29. ati luhyas and maasai's are shedding off ODM.

    can you believe these people? lies deception and trickery.

    thats their eternal hallmark.

  30. The issue of Amnesty is political
    It is a smaller issue as compared to the stolen Dec 2007 elections and the Grand coalition that was the result of a political settlement.

    Charge those who are guilty and release the innocent where the evidence dictates so. should be the political stand

    Charge the ECK officials for their part in this crises.Charge the THIEVES in the elections.The law must be supported by a political stand.
    Why are the GUILTY,in the eyes of the Kenya Law not being punished?

    Prove me wrong but what we are about to see is the unexpected-Cabinet will approve AMNESTY, not for the need to cool down the political temperature but to safe the THIEVES of the Dec 2007 elections.To protect the CHIEF IN THIEF.
    Equally Charge all the guilty persons Now.

    Govt threatens to revoke Kass FM’s licence


    Govt threatens to revoke Kass FM’s licence
    Updated on: Thursday, June 26, 2008
    Story by: Kipngeno Cheruiyot
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............................

    The Government has threatened to revoke Kass FM’s licence for allegedly airing inciting and inflammatory broadcasts.

    In a terse letter dated June 24 and signed by Information Permanent Secretary Dr Bitange Ndemo, the Government gives the station 72 hours to show cause why its licence should not be cancelled for using unsavory language in live broadcasts.

    Ndemo adds that the live broadcasts were a threat to the national healing, security and peace. “You are required to show cause within 72 hours why your broadcast licence should not be withdrawn for endangering peace and tranquility.

    In the event that no written response is received within the stipulated period, the Government will proceed to institute action without further reference to you,” says Ndemo’s letter in part.

    The Government also accuses the station of breaching journalistic ethics and standards by not ensuring its programmes “do not incite, cause a breach of peace, defame or upset individuals or groups”.

    “We refer to numerous complaints filed by the Government to the Media Council of Kenya concerning your broadcasts and lack of standards, which you have ignored,” adds the letter.

    Ndemo cites a broadcast on Saturday, May 31, where the station failed to control what panelists and listeners were saying during a debate over amnesty for suspects arrested during the post-election violence. Ndemo says one listener called and claimed those killed were fighting for their democratic rights and those who stole the election are also murderous.

    “Further, on Monday June 16, you aired material that was inciting. Your panelist while agitating for the release of the youths arrested following the post-election violence said people must ascertain the presence of the youth in police custody instead of assuming that any missing person was in custody,” says the letter.

    Ndemo further accuses the station of allowing callers to use inflammatory language during the campaigns for by-elections in Ainamoi and Kilgoris. He avers that a caller claimed the voters in Kilgoris were being coerced to vote for Party of National Unity’s (PNU) candidate Gideon Konchellah.

    “The caller called on one community to gear up for a confrontation with the other even if they were to be evicted from Transmara,” adds the letter.

    The letter is copied to the Acting Director General of Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK) and Media Council of Kenya Chairman Wachira Waruru. The PS notes that the Government expects media houses to use freedom of speech in a responsible manner

  31. What is this crap i hear about unknown youth ,if tehy were unknown then we wouldnt know would we?


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