Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Is It Okay For A Drug Baron To Be In Government?

See the more recent: Visa Ban And Drug Barons in Government

Even as thousands of Kenyans flee the country mainly as economic refugees, many others know this republic as a land of unlimited opportunity and potential. Several continue to grow fabulously rich literally overnight.

Sadly this does not happened from doing legitimate business. And as the leaked Kroll report confirmed, the business of illegal drugs is very closely linked and intertwined to the politics of the land. The Kroll report names one of retired President Moi's sons as a major drug dealer during his dad's long reign in power. Actually the contents of that report came as no surprise to those who know Kenya well.

Take the town of Malindi as an example. What kind of business do all those fabulously wealthy Italians do there exactly? What is it with the numerous planes that land and take off on the exotic Kenyan holiday town every day? What are they carrying? Does anybody bother to search them? Who cares that the aroma of narcotics will hit you in many parts of the town at any time of the day or night? Is the government aware of all this? Of course it is. Please don’t ask the naïve question of why they are not doing anything about it. This is Kenya.

Indeed one has to be extremely careful when asking such questions and even writing about them in the public domain as Kumekucha’s own Chris found out recently. Even an anonymous blogger writing too deeply about the drug business in Kenya and naming names cannot quite stay hidden within the borders of our republic. In fact one of the quarters Chris suspected that threats on his life were coming from was from drug kingpins he has written about in the past.

But the question I would like to pose in this post is this; Is it okay for drug barons to be in government and to even sponsor major political parties in Kenya (name with-held here because I plan on staying in Kenya)?

We have seen in this forum that most Kenyans do not think that the private life and behaviour of a public figure has any bearing on their possible performance in office. Indeed if the comments posted in this blog in recent times are to be believed then Kenyans would care less if they are led by a high class prostitute or international drug dealer as long as the person is charismatic and well-liked and must absolutely have plenty of cash. Ethics and a good name count for nothing in these shores. Perhaps that is why total man Nicholas Biwott once said that the only thing he fears is poverty. Implying at the time he made the remarks that a good or bad name was of no consequence as long as you had the money. Time has proved those remarks to be fairly accurate. Although he is out of parliament Mr Biwott continues to run the businesses he did not have when he took public office and allegations against him (some of which adequate evidence exists to prosecute according to people who should know like retired Scotland yard sleuth, John Troon) are not being pursued by anybody. In sharp contrast people with a good name like former ethics PS John Githongo remain in exile. So it is true. Whatever you do in Kenya, just don’t be poor.

More evidence that Kenyans care less about the character of those who lead them can be found in the composition of the 10th parliament. Although the electorate did the commendable thing of throwing out one well known drug dealer, Kenyans elected numerous other crooks to replace him.

Yesterday I felt like throwing up (as Chris would put it), as I watched legislator Stanley Githunguri tell a local TV presenter (on Citizen or K24, can’t quite remember which TV station) that we must now fight corruption in the country as a matter of urgency. He added that a fortune can be saved by dealing with corruption. How did Mr Githunguri make his money? When most readers of this blog were either unborn or too young to know what was going on, this man embezzled a fortune in public funds from the National bank of Kenya. He stayed out of the courts and jail because of corruption. Indeed corruption got him where he is today.

So now the same chap wants to fight corruption? Give me a break!!

The most frightening thing in all this is the fact that politics in Kenya is controlled by money, meaning that nobody really cares where that money has come from. Drug money, blood money, money from human trafficking? Who cares?

Lete pesa.

How much money are you losing daily because you cannot be found on Google by people eager to give you money? Find out, you'll be shocked!


  1. Now that someone has decided to steal my name, i have decided henceforth to use my maiden name Akinyi. Hope no one will try to grab this one too.
    Kindly take note loving Kumekucha fraternity.


  2. The worst of the worst in corruption index;

    1) Raila Amolo - spectre international and recently Safaricom IPO

    2) Ruto - Goldenberg boy, used money for YK92, printed 500 kshs notes during run up to 1992 multiparty elections leading to sky rocketing inflation and death due to poverty

    3) Musalia Mudavadi - brought up by money stolen from public coffers. an apple doesnt fall far from the tree. caught with his hand in the public coffer in goldenberg case as finance minister

    4) Otieno Kajwang - cannot practise law since he stole millions of clients money. LSK suspended him indefinately

    5) Ngilu - stole millions of money as the misnister of health. remember when the daughter was awarded a 2 day contract worth millions?

    6) nyaga - just like mudavadi

    ODM seems to breed the worst of the worst in corruption


  3. To be accurate, you should also include Dalmas Otieno in your list of corrupt Ministers. He made his fortune in bringing down the Thabita Finance Corporation, which he chaired when it collapsed. He then became an associate of Nicholas Biwott and is amongst the main suspects mentioned by John Troon to be investigated for the murder of Robert Ouko and/or the corruption surrounding this case. Dalmas Otieno was also very familiar with the Italian crowd thanks to his friendship with Biwott. Ask Chris, he has a full dossier on all this which was sent to him on his request before he left Kenya. He said, he would publish it. But obviously things have changed. Otieno is one of Raila's chaps bow and therefore untouchable. Very clever, I must say in changing sides when things became hot (after having named by John Troon) from the Biwott/Uhuru camp even being Vice-Chairman of Kanu to Raila's protection under the ODM flag. So if you want to be an investigative journalist as you claim you are, report on the issues but don't take sides. Otherwise, you will not serve your course but will only continue being a mouthpiece for one group and then don't be surprised that people will accuse you of being paid for what you try to tell us here. If you really want to serve Kenyans - all of them because all of them have the same right to be informed - then do your job better. Tell us all and not only some selective details. And coming back to Malindi and those Italians as you call them. There are many other nationalities living there and very rich people from Germany and other countries. Very famous people who don't need to engage in drug smuggling. They are also involved in a lot of Charity Organizations, have set up homes for orphanged children, schools, support the clinics etc. etc. something the rich Kenyans (and mainly those who run these drug cartels) should do too. But as you know very well, the High Society of Kenya is quite ignorant when it comes to the subject of supporting the poor. They prefer to leave this to some Foreigners. Maybe you should report on this and not only about the bad side of those living in Malindi. It would also be interesting to report on who are their local partners. You would be surprised to find always the same old very known names in this. But as I said before, they are untouchable and will continue being so because they are living under Moi's, Kibaki's and Raila's protective wings.
    And coming back at the end to those drugs being in the air as you called it: I have been in Malindi in the 60's and it was very normal to see men sitting outside smoking marihuana or bhangi and eating khat. I was told that this is a century old habit and nothing unusual. I remember attending a party in Mike Kirkland's house (the famous Ralley driver) where small cakes were served made out of marihuana meant for the women whereas the men were smoking it mostly.
    And only yesterday was a report in the Nation about the horticultural business in Kenya - and guess which plant was one of the main products exported from Kenya: Khat.
    Would be nice to read also something about this since it is the big business men in Kenya growing and exporting it, earning millions of dollars although this plant is regarded internationally as a drug similar to marihuana.

  4. Ivy, Ruto defraunded huge amount of Kenya pipeline through dubious land deals too.
    ODM is truly a party of change.

  5. Who is this DRUG BARON in government, Oscar?

    Yes, of course we remember the biggest cocaine haul ever intercepted in Africa. That was just one container - 15 other 20 foot containers had already transited through Kenya by the time that was intercepted.

    Then there is the containers that were brought in by the Artur brothers. These mamlukis actually brought in military hardware plus illicit drugs. Not even customs were allowed to break the seals of these containers and their contents were never made public!

    Talking of overnight billionaires Chris - most of them have been created in the last 5 years or so. Government tenders (especially defence and agriculture/fertilizer) is one avenue, illicit dugs is another, contraband goods (sugar tops the list) and counterfeit products from China is also another.

    A normal mwananchi is not in anyway capable to compete with these insiders who have bring in these goods in ship loads. Those who are poor will remain poorer, those who have not yet been born are already condemned even before they are conceived while those who are richer will of course continue to grow richer.

    That is the imperial presidency Kenya for YOU.

  6. Just in the same way you have asked the question whether it’s ok to have a drug baron in the Government, I pose should Kenyans continue paying salaries of the following serial killers and looters of public resources in the Govt?

    Prime Minister Raila Odinga: He was corruptly given the Kisumu Molasses Plant for selling his NDP to Kanu. He plotted the post-election violence that led to more than 1,200 deaths and left thousands of others displaced.

    William Ruto: He grabbed Ngong Forest – a Govt land. Case still in court. He financed and plotted the slaughter of non-Kalenjins in the Rift Valley during the infamous post-election chaos.

    William ole Ntimama: The warlord financed and plotted the slaughter of non-Maasais in Maasai land in 1992 and 1997.

    Henry Kosgei: He plundered funds to build Moi Sports Centre Kasarani when he was Moi’s Minister for Sports. He drove Kenya National Assurance to its financial grave and got away with it.

    Musalia Mudavadi: He facilitated Goldenberg looting. His current godfather once went public on national TVs declaring that Mudavadi was one of the Godenberg architects. He only backtracked when the tape was played on TVs during prior to 2007 General Elections because of the embarrassment the issue caused Raila for he had already named Mudavadi his deputy.

    The list is long.

  7. Okay Oscar, I have to admit, this is one of the best posts I have read here in a long time. To answer your question, NO it is not okay for a drug baron to be in government.

    It shows how low we have sunk in this country, when we willingly wake up on the day of election to go cast our ballots in favour of such characters. I mean our laws even allow such persons as Pattni to vie for electoral posts, after they have robbed this country blind and continue to do so.

    Half of the people 'representing' us in parliament are scandalous to say the least. Yet it continues to baffle us why the Kenyan society is degrading that much. Can anyone really expect anything good to come from that lot of thieves and murderers? Ati law makers? That's a laugh.

    Oscar, why dont you name and shame those crooks in the 10th parliament and also the drug dealer they replaced.

  8. Heheee, PANUA goons on the defense?
    U guys must be scared stiff!!
    Mna mapepo kweli.

  9. Ivy my sister get yourself a blogger account and lets see how they shall steal that handle. If someone works hard enough to get hold of that too then we know they're really desperate to be you!!

  10. As Mcheku rightly said 'half of the people representing us in Parliament are scandaleous to say the least'. Here the question should be put 'But did Kenyans not know this before they elected them?'
    Don't tell me that you did not know how corrupt most of them were - but still you voted for them. Why? Because deep in your heart you admire those who grab most. You are regarding them as clever and for many they are even an example for what can be achieved in cheating others.
    Don't protest because you know that it is the truth. Not a very pleasant one, but the truth.
    Kenya and Kenyans have done this and will continue doing so because that's what is ruling the world and not only in Africa: looking up to those who 'made' it - no matter how and by which means.
    You can talk here as much as you want about Raila, Kibaki, Uhuru and all the rest. Fact is, all of them have become the heroes of all those living in poverty because don't we all dream that one day we will make it? Why only those? We only have to work a little bit harder and mostly loot and steal a little bit more, burn and kill our neighbours so we can take over their property and business. Why not? Those at the top have shown us that it works. They did all this and nobody asks a question anymore because they have accumulated enough money to bail themselves out of court, and even if somebody dares to accuse them, they have enough money to also pay the judges to set them free.
    Kenya is full of these 'criminals' - who have become honourable Members of Parliament and even Members of the Government - starting from the top down to the last Assistant Minister and Permanent Secretary, PC, DC and so on.
    But as said before: Do we really care? Do we really intend to change things, not just with words but with deeds? Because if we would be serious, would we still vote for the same crooks every 5 years?
    So why do we complain after we have voted them to lead us? We got what we voted for - so we got what we, as a Nation, deserve. Nothing more and nothing less.
    And now we can continue dreaming. Dreaming about the next Election when everything will be better, everything will be different because we have learned from our mistakes.
    But I can make a bet with all of you right now: Nothing will change, unless of course the whole System will change. But let's be realistic: this will never happen because our fate is in the hands of those who will never agree to loose power (and money).

  11. So you mean their was corruption in the safaricom IPO?

    Oscar i am thinking if you have the names, publish them (Name and Shame as Mcheku is saying) otherwise we will say they are just rumours...Damn we need to know pls note anything that concerns the public the other stuff (of who is sleeping with who?) those are domes


  12. Oscar we have enough goons in all colours and shapes in parliament but the drug baron is probably inflicting the worst damage. Directly turning our young men and women into vegetables who cannot lead productive lives and help build the nation. Do these people have kids and do they care what other people's kids turn into? I've heard rumors of one cabinet minister's daughter being a coke junkie in UK. Nobody deserves that.

    Phil 'Not even customs were allowed to break the seals of these containers and their contents were never made public' - those are our brothers in law to be or would be. They must have had both political and familical protection if there's such a thing. Not forgetting that they were assistant police commissioners. And who blew the whistle on the Arturs again?

  13. Rumours have it that also JK is a coke junkie. No other than Chris told me about this being known in certain circles not only in Nairobi.
    And regarding those containers entering Mombasa with some dubious content: It was a known fact during my time in Kenya that Biwott's wife (the white one - not Prof. Kamar and also not the Tanzanian one) was going to receive the goods personally without passing Customs, of course. She was then supervising the distribution herself, mainly in certain outlets at the Coast. But also in some private clubs in Nairobi. You see, during the 40's the area around Nakuru was known as 'cocain valley' or 'happy valley'...... this has changed to 'happy coast' now. But it's not only foreigners who are addicted to the drugs. Also some Kenyans got used to 'take away the pressure from the daily routine' as they call it. Ask JK. He is an expert on this subject.

  14. Wanjiku unlimited,

    Good to hear from you dada...long time.
    Thanks for the advise, enyewe i was shocked for once that i have a namesake on the blog..until i read her/his comments...
    Pls that question you have asked, dont ask again or you will be called a RAO worshipper..Too bad for the kind of leadership we have, others stealing from us, wengine disowning their families, women most are divorcees..ei jameni. Tusamehewe


  15. Wewe Oscar, hebu stop scaring me. Me I am coming home and have no plans of illegitimate bizna. Yes, I plan to be rich :-)
    Thanks for clarifying the 'economic refugee' part.

  16. the drug barons in parliament? HARUN MWAU is the biggest black drug baron in the country, the now railas point man in ukambani and a major financier of ODM, real change ha? the other obvious case is former mp kabogo and familiy this is all common knowledge but as you all know the big boys are untouchable since drugs and politics are intertwined. adios!

    ps: ivy,akinyi or whatever this aint your personal blog stop boring us with unnecessary details...

  17. One of the traveller’s guides to Kenya describes people, cultures and places like this;

    Nairobi - Ultra modern with mixture of local blend and western culture. Nairobi is described as a spirited city with a hint of danger.
    People of Nairobi: Beggars, exhausted matatu drivers and touts, Malayas, school childrens, wealthy locals and expates living in well manicured gardens, slum dwellers, hawkers and muggers.

    Central Kenya: beautiful lush green highlands.
    People: Mainly Kikuyus who are the largest and most prosperous of all Kenya tribe.

    Rift Valley: Breathtaking sceneries.
    People: Masaai who hold the culture of the Kenya. Traditional and very beautiful people.

    Coastal: Humid and very steamy.
    People: Swahili and the Miji kenda tribes: very welcoming people.

    Eastern: dry and not very developed.
    People: mainly Kambas, who are very skillful in the arts and craft and very polite people..

    Northern and North Eastern: Dry and a place to discover.
    People: mainly nomads. Not much is said about the people.

    Nyanza: Severely underdeveloped.
    People: Luos and Kisii. Luos are political people and Kisii are more like Kikuyus, they are industrious and they are mainly farmers.

    How do you area represent you outside Kenya?

  18. Ivy,
    the REAL one. Just ashame the devil by denying him/her a response. Nothing hurts like being ignored. I should know better. Do what you do best and we will separate the chuff from the grain.

  19. Anon 4:58...LOL


  20. Ivy actually I don't mind being called a RAO worshiper. Choice of words is upto to individuals. But I like the guy pink shirts and all. RAO that is. And Ruto. And Passaris.

    Get that account. It'll also be good to see you in blue.

  21. Oscar,

    You definately got Kenyans here. We say we care about the character of those who lead us but conveniently forget that this only applies when the leader in question is not from our choice party. Very interesting.

  22. Anon 4:58

    Shhhhhhhh. Dont remind them that they are poor because they spend half of their time hanging on a multi billionaire's coat tails (Raila) and half of their wealth on shoes they can barely afford. they are poor because all day they are here telling us how Raila is the next best thing after sliced bread.

    Shhhhh. the official line is Kyuks and kisiis bring all the misery to them. Dont wake fools and idlers from their slumber

  23. Drug barons should not be in government. They should be in jail.

    When you come to think of this and other problems like corruption and you ask yourself who is to blame, you will agree with me that the root cause of Kenya's problems is the Kenyan himself. We have allowed ourselves to worship mediocrity and that is why the girls like the President's daughter and Adhyambo Odera were all over the Arturs.

    Of course the government takes blame for tolerating these vices. All three regimes have been glaring failures. I particularly expected Mwai Kibaki to show a different kind of leadership by going for the corrupt and the drug dealers even within his political camp. He failed, got caught up in this stupidity and even sorrounded himself with the inventers of corruption. Some of his ministers since 2003 and even now are a stark reminder of what hails Kenya.BUT if we stood up and said no to corruption, together as a country, the government would surely listen. We condone it and that is why the President and the government do not feel obliged to be accountable.

    Those saying the rich drug dealers should get into charity work, well, everybody should. But the question is, does that cleanse you from this abominable practice? Do the gains you give to society by your charity initiatives outweigh the danger your business poses?

    The benevolence of these crooks cannot and should not be their defence. Nicholas Biwott for example gave, and continues to give, a lot of his "personal" wealth to the masses. We all remeber his 17 chopper series of I million shillings harambees. But whose money is it? This is money stolen from Kenyans and invested in the drug business. This man is a liability to any society. BUT we continue to foolishly worship him.

    Another example is Haroun Mwau, the PICK boss. I understand he instructed the Parliamentary Service Commission to make a direct deposit of his entire pay cheque every month to the Kilome Constituency Fund account. He has over the years been personally spearheading rural electrification in his constituency. Nobody is blind to these initiatives and they are quite frankly comendable, BUT does that excuse his motives? Do those efforts make him a different kind of person?

    We can ask the same questions about Gideon and Kabogo. We have always chosen not to, but have instead been staunch worshippers of these guys.

    Unless and until we know what really is at stake, we will continue being taken for a ride. Look at the guys we call politcal kingpins today. They are all crooks who have been fleecing the Kenyan people.

    You can go ahead and quote Githunguri's interview with Citizen TV, but the truth is that the entire government is contaminated with these elements. When you get the Goldenberg report and the Sunguh one, you will be wondering why George Saitoti and Dalmas Otieno are government ministers. Get the Ndung'u report and the names of ministers Raila Odinga, William Ruto, Fred Gumo and George Saitoti are there in bold. You will see people here trying to defend them with cheap insinuations that these fellows were maliciously implicated, while deep down your heart you know the truth but would rather not admit it. If you condone and even violently defend these plunderers against accusations of impropriety, what gives you the right to decry corruption in government?

  24. Oscar,

    I simply cannot understand why after all the praise from your mentor Chris that you cannot practice the journalism that has been connected with you.

    You write an almighty headline, then fail in the basic journalistic calling of staying within the story. Who is the DRUG-BARON and in which partty is he?

    You should continue doing what you used to do before joining Kumekucha and for your information, you presence and longer absence has not added any value to this blog.

    Not that it was better before you came, (it was an ODM mouthpiece any) but the thing is that there comes a time when man a man rises above pettiness and human intelligence should not be taken for granted.

    That Chris has allowed you to serve half-baked lies here does not santify your knowledge of anythging and further on, your obsession to politicians' lives make your presence irrelevant.

    can you please go back to chopping wood or selling fish and chips in River Road, if the electronic shop has closed.


    Kenya’s two former First Families and the family of President Mwai Kibaki are among the biggest landowners in the country.

    A residual class of white settlers and a group of former and current power brokers in the three post independent regimes follow them closely while a few businessmen and farmers, many with either current or past political connections, also own hundreds of thousands of acres.

    The extended Kenyatta family alone owns an estimated 500,000 acres — approximately the size of Nyanza Province — according to estimates by independent surveyors and Ministry of Lands officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.

    The Kibaki and Moi families also own large tracts of land though most of the Moi family land is held in the names of his sons and daughters and other close family members.

    Most of the holders of the huge parcels of land are concentrated within the 17.2 per cent part of the country that is arable. The remaining 80 per cent is mostly arid and semi arid land.

    In fact, according to the Kenya Land Alliance, more than a half of the arable land in the country is in the hands of only 20 per cent of the 30 million Kenyans. That has left up to 13 per cent of the population absolutely landless while another 67 per cent on average own less than an acre per person.

    The building land crises in the country, experts say, will be difficult to solve because the most powerful people in the country are also among its biggest landowners.

    The tracts of land under the Kenyatta family are so widely distributed within the numerous members in various parts of the country that it is an almost impossible task to locate all of them and establish their exact sizes.

    During Kenyatta’s 15-year tenure in State House, there was an elaborate scheme funded by the World Bank and the British Government, the Settlement Transfer Fund Scheme, under which the family legally acquired large pieces of land all over the country.

    Among the best-known parcels owned by Kenyatta’s family, for instance, are the 24, 000 acres in Taveta sub-district adjacent to the 74, 000 acres owned by former MP Basil Criticos.

    Others are 50, 000 acres in Taita that is currently under Mrs Beth Mugo, an Assistant minister of Education and niece of the first President, 29, 000 acres in Kahawa Sukari along the Nairobi—Thika highway, the 10, 000 acre Gichea Farm in Gatundu, 5, 000 acres in Thika, 9,000 acres in Kasarani and the 5, 000-acre Muthaita Farm. These are beside others such as Brookside Farm, Green Lee Estate, Njagu Farm in Juja, a quarry in Dandora in Nairobi and a 10, 000-acre ranch in Naivasha.

    The acreage quoted in this report is not extracted from official government records — there are none and those that exist are scattered and some cases incomplete — but are estimates based on close to a year of interviews with farm staff, independent surveyors, Ministry of Lands experts and land rights NGOs.

    Other pieces of land owned by the Kenyatta family include the 52,000-acre farm in Nakuru and a 20,000-acre one, also known as Gichea Farm, in Bahati under Kenyatta’s daughter, Margaret. Besides, Mama Ngina Kenyatta, widow of the former President, owns another 10, 000 acres in Rumuruti while a close relative of the Kenyatta family, a Mrs Kamau, has 40,000 acres in Endebes in the Rift Valley Province.

    It is understood that in the late 1990s, the Kenyatta family started considering the possibility of disposing of parts of the land in Nairobi.

    In the lead-up to the 2002 general elections, for instance, there were indications that the family was considering selling the 100-acre piece of land in Karen. But even with that, the Kenyatta family would still own a sizeable part of Nairobi, such as the 1,000-acre farm in Dagoretti owned by Kenyatta’s first wife Wahu.

    It is also understood that part of the land on which Kenyatta and Jomo Kenyatta Universities are constructed initially belonged the Criticos family. The government bought the land from him in 1972 under the Settlement Transfer Fund Scheme.

    It is alleged, though there is little compelling evidence, that the land was transferred to the Kenyatta family the same day Criticos sold it to the government.

    Neither is it clear how much the family paid for it.

    Land for the two universities was subsequently donated by the family.

    Under President Kenyatta, most of the power wielders either formed or were associated with land buying companies through which they acquired huge chunks of land around the country, especially at the Coast and in Rift Valley.

    They took most of the land previously owned by the former white settlers, which had initially been earmarked for resettling those who had been turned into squatters by the colonial land policies.

    One of the most famous land buying companies was Gema Holdings.

    Most of the people — including retired President Moi and his former Vice President, Mwai Kibaki — who had considerable political influence in the Kenyatta regime, were given the opportunity to buy as much land as they could.

    One of President Kibaki’s earliest acquisitions is the 1,200-acre Gingalily Farm along the Nakuru-Solai road. He bought it in the late 1960s.

    And in the 1970s, Kibaki, who was then the minister for Finance under Kenyatta, bought 10, 000 acres in Bahati from the then Agriculture minister Bruce Mckenzie. Kibaki also owns another 10, 000 acres at Igwamiti in Laikipia and 10, 000 acres in Rumuruti in Naivasha.

    These are in addition to the 1,600 acre Ruare Ranch that came to the limelight when it caught fire last year.

    Just next to Kibaki’s Bahati land are Moi’s 20, 000 acres although his best known piece of land is the 1,600 Kabarak Farm on which he has retired. It is one of the most well utilised farms in the area, with wheat, maize and dairy cattle.

    The former President owns another 20, 000 acres in Olenguruoni in Rift Valley, on which he is growing tea and has also built the Kiptakich Tea Factory. He also has some 20, 000 acres in Molo.

    He also has another 3, 000-acre farm in Bahati on both sides of the Nakuru/Nyahururu road where he grows coffee and some 400 acres in Nakuru on which he was initially growing coffee.

    The former President also owns the controversy ridden 50, 000 acre Ol Pajeta Farm—part of which has Ol Pajeta ranch in Rumuruti, Laikipia. Last year, the family put out an advert in the press warning the public that some unknown people were sub-dividing and selling it.

    Land transactions are ongoing and some of these farms may have changed hands.

    Lands minister Amos Kimunya said yesterday the Government is formulating a land policy, which will address the question of idle land.

    "If it is lying idle, the Government will definitely apply the law to the letter to ensure it is put to productive use," he said.

    "The policy is being developed by the people. At the end of it all, views that emerge are to be synthesised to come up with prudent policy." But the Government has no quarrel with the size of land one owns. "The question is, is that land, notwithstanding the size, being put to productive use?"

    Chris Please post my post someone called the identity thief from mashada blog called Ivy is trying to piss me off- already an identity theif no spewing lies and hate

  26. vikii

    well said. and that is but a tip of the iceberg. i like your approach, lets name them all. what messes us up is this trying to find the "more worse" on the other side of the political divide.

    i totally agree with the sentiment that philanthropy which in our case is simply cashing in on rampant poverty to mask criminal gain is or rather should be unacceptable. we have seen it in the Mois, biwot, kenyattas, pattni, mwau and many other white collared thugs. in any case in a functional society where law enforcement actually works, they should be locked up for life and would not even have the cash to spend but this is kenya, the more corrupt or the worst form of sleaze, the more appealing.

    ivy: pole kwa kupata an "evil twin" pengine you pen off as ivy the orichino :-)



    I believe Chris of Kumekucha is Ivy the impostor - because I do not understand if you are checking all the blogs on here before posting?? why then are you then posting Ivy's impostor?? does this make sense?? you are the only one who regulates posts here and yet you allow peoples identities to be stolen- i doubt that

    So Chris Kumekucha and Oscar please stop impersonating the real Ivy - it is very embarrassing to us Bloggers here - if you can't run kumekucha blog any longer then shut it down instead of bringing the same nonsense we have seen on other blogs especially Mashada!!

    So Kumekucha I would like an answer? if you are controlling and regulating all our posts before you post them on here?? why is it that Ivy's ID has been stolen and you keep posting the impostors "posts" on here??
    How can that be possible unless you in essence are the Ivy the impostor?? Chris and Oscar= Ivy the impostor and identity thief!! this is the most shameful I didn't expect such from you Chris/ Oscar/ Kumekucha- it is naive, a desperate move like you as pnu is sensing defeat and what else?? an identity thief is a lowest form of a human excuse!!


    In the wake of the crisis that has engulfed Kenya since the disputed election last December, which plunged the country into unprecedented chaos, it is common ground that the election results announced by Mr Samuel Kivuitu merely provided the spark that lit the fire that threatened to consume this nation; the fuel had been accumulating over a long time.

    Tribalism, past injustices and unequal distribution of resources such as land as well as pervasive poverty and economic inequalities were a time-bomb ticking away and waiting to explode.

    And yet we cannot say we did not see it coming, for had we listened to our prophets, such as JM, we would not have come to this sad place. From the onset of independence in 1963, JM constantly warned those that seemed to have acquired a new disease of ‘grabbing’ thousands of acres of land while the majority of Kenyans remained landless.

    “This is greed,” he thundered in Parliament in March 1974, one year before he was assassinated.

    “It is this greed that will put this country into chaos. Let me state here that this greedy attitude among the leaders is going to ruin this country.”

    JM specifically warned privileged elites from Central Province who were taking advantage of their positions to buy up land cheaply from other communities.

    “They have even gone as far as Maasailand, saying that they are doing an experiment whereas the whole Masailand has been taken by those greedy people.”

    His insight into the creeping inequality in the country acquired a prophetic tone when he warned that if we were not careful, the Kenya would become a country on “ten millionaires and ten million beggars”.

    A walk through the slums of Kibera, Mathare, Korogocho and Kawangware today clearly illustrates that this prophesy has sadly come true.

    Surrounded by rogues

    JM foresaw the danger of ignoring the youth even before formal independence was granted to Kenya.

    “If we forget these people (the youth)”, he told Parliament on November 14, 1963, “we will find ourselves surrounded by rogues who are rogues not because they want to become rogues but because they are hungry and this leads them into temptation… The Government should take action immediately before the situation goes from bad to worse.”

    He called for a national assistance scheme for the widows and orphans of those who had been killed in the war of Independence and affirmative action for people living with disabilities. He condemned corruption and proposed that no minister or assistant minister should be allowed to sit on any board of a private company because this would lead to a conflict of interests.

  29. How about we think of it this way. While drug dealing may not be considered legitimate (or even legal), it is still a commodity business like any other. As long as there's demand for the drugs, the supply will flourish. That said, I do not think there will ever be a shortage of folks who just want to get 'high'. Kuna shida mingi sana duniani.

    Not only that but all your ancient ancestors were biddy eyed pot heads. Yes folks, even Noah of the bible was 'very high' when he built the ark.

    You see, those who manage to succeed (i.e. stay alive) in the drug business are truly business savvy chaps who through their local, international and political connections have managed to make a dollar out of fifty cents. As long as nobody is being force-fed drugs, ubaya ni wapi?

    It follows therefore that drug dealers have a place in parliament. Vikii my friend, don't rush to open the prison gates. There's no corruption in the drug business….only high facilitation fees. In fact, because of its liabilities (read fear of death) this is a relatively very straight forward business. It would mean to me that such successful fellows are men of their words. When they say they will deliver, they MUST deliver….or else. What more are we looking for in an MP?

  30. I for one would be disappointed if GK did not comprise of prostitutes, chalatans, false prophets, drug dealers, pimps and hos...

    c'mon Oscar, this is Kenya! This is Africa! Where esle can a 80 year old man hold a whole nation hostage like Mugabe has done?

    When Anglo leasing was busted, where esle did you expect PNU to get funding from if not Malindi and it's cohorts.

    Guys, everyone should play their position. Choma nyama, beer, have a good time, engross yourselves in political chatter and leave the stealing and pillaging to the professionals!

    Haiya na mujienjoy!
    Papa Plus

  31. If only people like JM and Tom Mboya would have lived, there is a very huge possibility that Kenya would never have run to ruin. These two could have been aided by others to shape Kenya. we would probably have been an African tiger.


  32. Oscar
    You have told us absolutely nothing , either you spill the beans or shut the hell up !

  33. Oacar since you are such a coward , i will extend you some courtesy and name the drug baron in gova , he is non other than Harun Mwau aka nakumatt holdings .

  34. Kenya is being run by International and Local crime syndicates. The local syndicate offers protection to International criminals. In fact, Kenya is a government of, by and for criminals. The police force and the army are merely there to protect these criminal syndicates.

  35. Seriously, you guys have been watching too many movies. I can't wait for "John" Maina Njenga and Ndura Waruinge to be elected so that I can see your comments on this. I wonder whether the Italians have a blog on how they are being led by a player, the Italian equivalent of Hugh Hefner of the Playboy franchise.

  36. This is a characteristic of Kenyans of wanting to settle scores with people through a medium like the internet, as a responsible Kenyan then I think any information on drug barons then people should go and report to the right authorities, otherwise Kenyans will continue destroying each other’s reputation over the internet with general impunity.

    I think that drug dealing is not a single person transaction but rather something that involves a chain of people and on my part I am a young Kenyan and I don’t think that I have any moral ground to question Mr. Mwau’s standing in the society. I was in college when he stood against Moi when no other Kenyan would dare he vied for presidency in 1992 and his philosophy and motto is to think work to grow rich and I have employed that motto and it has helped me greatly I am now an internet consultant and web designer and all that I can urge my fellow Kenyans is that we should use the internet for the intended purpose. On my part I use it as a form of business to earn income I can assure you that nobody will make any money from scandalizing other people on the internet and this is my sincere advise to my fellow bloggers and internet users.

    To the best of my knowledge the international security agencies like FBI, CIA and Interpol ban those who deal in drugs and they prevent them from travelling to their countries. Over the years. I have yet to hear of Hon. Mwau being banned from any destination, it is only recently that Hon. Amos Wako was banned from the US and when it happened like in the case of Murungaru it was big news. I am sure we would have heard something by now.

    When the SMS was introduced in Kenya used it to abuse, insult, and scandalize each other it is only now that they are realizing that it can be a medium for transferring funds and so on. It is only now that people are realizing just how costly a simple message can be when the recipient seeks legal redress. Soon the same will happen with the internet, it is therefore better to drop some practices before one develops a habit.

    I would urge my fellow Kenyans if they know of someone committing a crime, the KACC and the police have hotlines, you can even use the mass media to report the consumer’s sellers and buyers. But what blows out the lid of the motives of the writers is because by putting it in the internet you are forewarning the victim and thus by default circumventing any possibility of due process on the part of any suspect making it.

    Parting shot, you choose to either use the internet to scandalize people and destroy their reputation but you can still use that valuable time to enhance your future.


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