Friday, April 25, 2008

Sam Okello On The Traitor

By Sam Okello

Fellow Kenyans,
Each generation of Kenyans has had to put up with a traitor. Ours is Kalonzo Musyoka. But unlike the traitors of the past, men who wielded enormous power and wore mean faces and behaved as if their shit smelled more perfumy than ours because they shopped at exclusive chains, this Musyoka guy wears a sweet face, drops the name of God at every chance and points an accusing finger at people who dare take on a sweet guy like him. Why can't Kenyans see a savior in me, he wonders.
What Kalonzo does not realize is that Kenyans don't wear blinders. People see him a lot differently than his wife tells him he looks. When we look at the man who shamelessly took the VP seat while Kenya was literally burning, what people see is Judas incarnate. What we see is a man who has never bothered to explain why he met President Moi at Kabarak just months before the election. Was it just about strategy? Some money that was collected in London tell a different story. But that's a matter for another time.
Indeed, what Kenyans see in Kalonzo is a man who has no principles whatsoever. When he said, months before the vote, that it was his party's policy to be in the government...then he went ahead to cast his lot with the PNU, did he have premonition that the PNU would form the government? How could he have been so categorical about an ify situation? Seems to me he was part of the scheme that was going to deny the Hon Odinga the presidency at any cost. But what Kalonzo may have not counted on was that by shortchanging Raila, he was actually shortchanging Kenyans and the move was going to backfire spectacularly. Because what he was essentially doing was helping Kibaki and Moi tell Kenyans that their votes amounted to mavi ya kuku.
Then yesterday you saw him trying very hard to upstage the Prime Minister at the Northern Rift function. In his flawed calculations, this tragic figure sees himself as a more important man than Raila. For a man like him, the fact that he came a distant third to Kibaki and Raila means nothing. For him all that matters is where he is going. If he has to trample on our core decency and climb on our backs to get to the top, so be it.
But now the time has come to tell this man in his face that he is the reason Kenya is where she is. The elections were stolen with his knowledge. He blessed the scheme to deny Raila the presidency so that he'd be awarded the vice presidency. He urged the electoral commission to read deeply flawed results because they were in keeping with the agreement he'd entered into with Kibaki and Moi and all the forces bent on denying Kenyans their democratic rights. He was the man with thirty pieces of silver in his hand.
When history is written, Kalonzo must take his place alongside the sons and daughters of Kenya our nation would have been better off if they'd not been born.


  1. Sam Okello: I am disappointed. I really thought you would tell us something more on the MB/JK saga of which you claimed many times to be an expert. But maybe you were sober just for once when writing this piece and will continue your MB/JK crusade later during the evening after having enjoyed some more drinks?

  2. mmmmm,

    About Kalonzo, we can only say this:

    Ukimuona Mzee kobe ameinama, anatunga sheria.

  3. sam, that is a wonderful piece.

    i recall mutula kilonzo telling us that their odm-k manifesto had no provision for them to be in the opposition!! i feel so sorry for that lot! are they any better now really?

    i just wish kalonzo would shut up and stop using God's name in vain so that he can continue with his devilish schemes in comfort, nobody is fooled by his miracle nonsense anymore!

  4. chris,

    please delete insultive stuff and rubbish!

  5. Okello - What has Kalonzo does that is wrong? The fact that he did not support your candidate he is a sellout. Learn to see the way the world is. Your definition of democracy is as shallow as the arguments you put above. Supporting ODM is fine, supporting Rao is fine - but this business of saying because i dont agree with you am " judas iscariot", he is the reason where Kenya is - is hogwash. Kalonzo just like any Kenya has a right to chart his political future, just like those who voted for Rao, Kibaki, Ngethe, Nazlin etc. You run away of ODM-K and then accuse him of all that is unimaginable. Be a democrat, dont pretend to be clean of them all. Leave Kaloanzo to enjoy his work,let him build kenya the way he knows best as you do what you do best. Kenya needs rao, kibaki, kalonzo and many others just as it needs you.

  6. Mrembo,

    You should be the last to advise Chris what to do when you celebrate death. Little do you know how painful it can be. A life lost, is one too many. Have conscience my sister.

  7. MREMBO,




  8. Mrembo ignore some comments i dont think it was part of the thread anyway.....Usikose usingizi coz of some comments...I read the thread and trust me that was the feelings of many.
    Anyway Abt Kalonzo, Sam you have hit the nail on the head....As a christian you are not supposed to benefit from crisis, he said and i quote " it is not about positions but as a party ODM-K we will concentrate on healing the nation' that was 2 days before the mungiki cabinet was sworned in then abrakadabra ...He was happy for the opportunity....Shame on you....What i can tell him whatever happened in Eldoret is a foretaste na bado!!!!

    Fave i read your comment....It is a just a penalt that we missed so no taunting wait for the return match at Old trafford....We will show Barca what football is


  9. Okello, grow up. Kenya has moved on and whining about Kalonzo will not add a grain of Ugali to your sufuria. Whether you like or not, Kalonzo is part of the grand coalition and as long as Kibaki needs him, he is going nowhere. You can huff and puff all you want but you are just wasting precious energy and inviting hypertension for nothing.
    That is why i found Raila's behaviour very unstatesmanlike and embarrassing. So what if Kalonzo got to introduce the President? Everybody except a fool knows that Raila is the second most powerful man in Kenya, not Kalonzo, in spite of Kalonzo's pretensions to the contrary. Why then couldn't Raila just let him indulge his fantasy? Instead, Raila ended up looking spiteful, unnecessarily petulant and very mean because of a meaningless and ultimately useless gesture. What if on Madaraka day this year Kalonzo arrives early and sits on Kibaki's right hand? Will Raila then publicly protest? In my view, Raila messed up his image and someone should advise him on how to be keep his cool. There will always be ways to keep Kalonzo in his place.
    The above behavior is what ails Kenyan leadership. Everything is a childish contest to see who pees the farthest, regardless of the fact that the contestants are watering the same garden.

  10. Sam Okello, was that part of the stuff in the dossier delivered at your door in the middle of the night?

    When Raila left Ford-Kenya the party of his father because he could not be accomodated, was he a sell out?

    In 1997, when Raila came a distant third in the presidential elections and chose to join MOI leaving other opposition figures alone, dissolving NDP and becoming KANU Sec-Gen, was he a sell out?

    In 2002, when Raila left KANU to say Kibaki Tosa, the same guy he dissed in 1997, was he a sell out?

    When Raila left NARC to go with his LDP was he a sell out?

    This typical Luo MAVI YA KUKU MENTALITY is what is ailing you, Sam Okello, everyone but Raila is a fool when he does his political calculations, please!!!!.

    Your post was a waste of sacred time!

    For the Love of Country

  11. hey ivy,

    are the exams over? trust me i dont care about some things!! and clearly chris agrees with me coz i see those rubbish comments are no more. i am sure anonymous 2.44 has no idea what comments i am talking about.

    why would a grown adult read okello's traitor's post and come here to comment on kenyans sticking fingers in their....? i will not even say it!!

    and anon 3.00am people can say whatever the hell they want here, i just dont like to read pornographic, crude stuff early in the morning especially when i log onto a political blog!!

  12. Precisely Mrembo i zoom past them like plague....No i am finishing exams on Tuesday i will be celebrating 2 things on Wednesday end of exams and MAN U beating Barca....

    P.s that comment is only meant for Mrembo, Taabu...So haters keep off
    i am not seeking your opinion


  13. Anon @4.00, who is MANU? did u mean to say Emmanuel? and who is Baka?
    Stop writing cryptically!

  14. Hehehehehe i like the way guys make want to ask who their classmates were?Infact some guys should ask for refunds from their respective schools and colleges especially colleges because some sound like they either skived COM 101 ( Communication Skills) It goes without say that if you cant communicate effectively,you can hardly digest communications towards you.

    Am not a Luo by any chance and i dont want to sound to support Sam Okello,but before this current post I made a comment just as much as he has posted about Kalonzo.Sam might be having his shortfalls if at all they are there,but can we let those be and focus on the gist of his post.If we keep judging him primarily on e-allegations which we cant prove then we shall be subjective.Again even if it were proven to be true,show me a group of men say about five and we will miss to pick one with a clande here or there,i mean we all have our funny or dark side about the river between.

    Sam doesnt neccessarily say Kalonzo is a sellout because he couldnt agree with RAO about the party issues according to me.

    If i got it right and correct me please if am wrong,he was merely asking what "Does Kalonzo" Mp Mwingi North Stand for in matters regarding democracy in Kenya?Does he Kalonzo Have any principles that govern his conduct in matters that require the most basic of a politician of his stature.If we start a Trace route of virtually all the MPs it will boil down to KADU,KANU save for Kalembe Ndile and a few others.

    If we have the answers about the person and character of Kalonzo then we can have a field day attack Mr Sam Okello.Thank you.

    Again Correct me if i stray and lets accomodate each other's positions on this or that.

  15. Kimi whateva (@3.22AM), cut the BS! The truth you are struggling to swallow is that my little kinsman from Mwingi North is about as [politically] relevant as a githeri stall on the moon.

    Raila did the RIGHT thing to rap Kalonzo across the fingers - notice how quickly protocol was restored at Kachibora camp in Cherangany, hehehe.

  16. ======================================================================



    If I would look for a people to liken ODM supporters to, I would go for the old times Archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud. This man could not comprehend how a person would not be a beliver of the Anglican doctrine. He was of the opinion that everyone ought to follow his religion. He persecuted the Puritans in England and was to a great extent the reason why Puritans migrated and formed the present day America.

    To supporters of ODM, supporting another party other than the sovereign, the one and only, the great ODM - is a crime that is beyond their conceptualization. According to them, members of ODM are always right, they never do wrong, never mind them having more than 50 years combined service years under the corrupt Moi adminstration, but now the corrupt ministers have been washed by the blood of ODM and are henceforth sparkling without blemish.

    To supporters of ODM, criticizing the party and any member of it, is beyond their comprehension. To these faithful followers of the sovereign ODM, anyone who did not put aside his presidential ambitions in favour of Prime Minister Raila Odinga, is a traitor. I wonder when the fundamental freedoms of choice and affiliation were thrown off the window.

    This religious following of Political parties in Kenya will have to come to an end if the wananchi are to ever realize their collective interests. This kind of obsession is what made KANU the sovereign party and fooled people into a one party system. I am pretty sure that many ODM fanatics would be easily fooled into accepting a one party state of ODM dye to their euphoric support. It would give them a great day to read the constitution provide that "(2a) There shall be one political party in Kenya, the Orange Democratic Movement."

    It is high time the common citizens realize that political parties are made up of the same individuals changing their outfits every now and then, trafficking in citizens' misery and winning your fanatic support every time. No political party should enjoy absolute euphoric support, if that continues, be sure somewhere down the line they will trample on your rights and.. "what you gon' do? You will always support us anyway.."

  17. Precisely....Forest Who? Utado?



  18. I see Kumekucha is in domo right now.

    Umepotea siku sana ndungu.

  19. What a load of crap Forest Gump!

    Firstly you need to understand the Ngilus. Onyonkas, Mwaus of this world are in cabinet courtesy of ODM, but they ARE NOT members of ODM. ODM works with many like minded political parties not just in Kenya but all over the world. Be my guest Forest and keep dreaming on.

    Secondly, I also remind you that ODM is so far the only party in multi-party Kenya that has successfully conducted what can be called DEMOCRATIC presidential primaries to nominate its torch bearer for the general election and remained united to the general election and after. (No mean achievement if you are an opposition party fighting a despotic regime like Kibakis or Mois!)

    ODM welcomes constructive criticism and encourages competition within its ranks. For instance, look at how the Speaker (Kenneth Marende) was nominated from within ODM as an elected MP and then elected to be the speaker.

    Unlike your beloved PNU, ODM do not refer to its leaders as MTUKUFU. We have a captain and a deputy captain and finally a pentagon). Names that depict team spirit.

    Finally, I know it is a bitter pill to swallow: But its not hard to imagine, except for people who believe that democracy is only when one of their own is president, that a candidate who was hitherto 'unelectable' took over a party months to a general election and went ahead to win the presidency as well as win the most seats in parliament with all communities of Kenya voting for him. Call it euphoria - I call it democracy.

    Please visit this link to know why Kalonzo earned that name. Hatuja bandika jina bure tu.

  20. "...When "WE" look at the man who shamelessly took the VP seat..."



    You and who.....??

    You and ODM?

    You and all other Kenyans??

    You and your granny??

    Please elaborate.

    Thanks and nice weekend!

  21. Time will tell us about Kalonzo. Let's wait for the five years and Kenyans will go back to the polls or is it after two years? Kibaki and Kalonzo have a lot of work to do to keep the Grand Coalition together, if not then the two are doom...

  22. hehehehehehehe mpesa!!

  23. Both the president and vice are proud, intolerant, spiteful and unforgiving in nature. Remember the president's Kiswahili address during the ministers' swearing in ceremony- it was in bad taste and careless, and this he does despite the public's perception of his having rigged the elections, and similar ones will remind Kenyans of his characteristic use of abusive words to ridicule and belittle others.
    Kalonzo too lacks good public relations and has been booed in Mombasa, Kakamega and lately in Eldoret for his remote and censorious speeches. Ever since Raila declared his candidacy for president, Kalonzo knew he would never be president and has since held a grudge with Raila which he always shows at rallies, and he even extended this grudge by refusing to campaign in Nyanza last year like the president too. I'm not from the region, but when we have these types of leaders who extend their personal problems to large poulations, our nation should be sorry.
    Such is bad of leaders the nation looks upon for leadership and direction for respect comes with respect for others

  24. Forest Gump Alias Okuyo, what is your problem?

  25. Having realized that each and every comment critizising Sam Okello's article here is erased by Chris immediately, I am questioning the objectivity of this blog. Does it serve the Okellos of this world only or is it meant to be the voice of the voiceless in general? The answer to this after today is a big question mark.

    Especially since yesterday there was no such action taken by Chris when several people here attacked Marianne Briner offering information on her sexual and private life - everybody jumped on board to demonstrate which side they were taken.

    Chris and this blog have demonstrated what they stand for: a selective objectivity giving false impressions of their real intentions: getting as many HITS as possible, no matter how.

  26. Ivy, ODM will not live long. Stop kidding yourself. They are all bunch of wankers!

    In the nick of time, it’s all going to crumble. I give them (ODM) few months and you will see, there will be many defectors, some of those sworn in the grand coalition will actually not finish the 5 years term, others will go to jail while others will just get fired. Watch this space.


  27. IVY,
    There are better things to indulge in and definitely seeking Njue's spiritual intervention is NOT one of them. So MSITU (forest) can shout in the forest hoping against hope that some birds will get scared lakini lo! You now when M-Pesa signs occassionally asking for MB/JK stuff it leaves you wondering why not maintain the consistency and not hide under anons.

    @Kimi you have a valid point but then muddles it with the poorly reasoned out take that Kalonzo needed to be left in fantacy. Siasa is both perception and deeds and you must never allow pretenders to sow seeds they never have. Kalonzo will need a MIRAKO to reinvent himself. He is typical of Kenyan evangeleists who thrive on preaching FEAR and PREYING of their vulrenable congregations.

    @Fave you haven't seen anything yet. Can you see Theiry is already diverting attention on the impedinding MASSACRE in mising being a GOONER. In is less than 96 hours you will know why THERE IS ONLY ONE UNITED. Messi is smart but he did his show and that was it. Trust me WEA ARE THER CHAMPIONS. Please don't bother seeking the services of Njue on how to score penalties. CR is siffering for GOAL FATIGUE (38 for a winger already world record) but the target is 42 starting kesho at Stamford bridge.

    @Ivy you don't have to waste energy spelling VOWELs. As Knoppix says some blokes need to ask for refunds from their schools.

    @Mrembo let the flies perch and lose no sleep

  28. Kwale Am really really struggling to build up some respect for you but the more i try,the more you chase me off.You seem to have a double personality .

    Apparently this blog is being tagged an ODM platform.Last year during campaigns we had to switch royalities depending on whom we met at a given time,this was because the Panya Ndani Ya Unga ( Read PNU ) supporters could have none of ODM supporters around them.

    My simple request is this and i hope someone yields,Lets have a blog and prefferably by Many a PNU supporter and we see what they can put forth for us to read and we see what their position is about everyday politics.

    But for all i care ODM will still be around for sometime, so much so that am afraid Kenya might revert to one party state.As for you forest gump,you sound eloquent and indeed very eloquent we need some posts from you with a bias towards PNU.Will you?

  29. Hi Kimi,

    This is quite an interesting blog we even have Kimi Raikkonen, the reigning F1 champion!
    Now that you are here I might as well ask you this question. Are you looking forward to this weekend anticipated Barcelona Grand Prix at Catalunya Circuit?
    Well, I reckon Lewis Hamilton will give you a wallop this time round.
    Mclaren, Ferrari in that order I predict. Ha-ha…


  30. Anon @5:09 AM, who is stopping you from going to those "true impression" blogs? Usisahau kufunga mlango on your way out.

  31. Knoppix! said...

    Apparently this blog is being tagged an ODM platform.Last year during campaigns we had to switch royalities depending on whom we met at a given time,this was because the Panya Ndani Ya Unga ( Read PNU ) supporters could have none of ODM supporters around them.
    Knoppix!, did you have to switch the payment venue for your 'royalty' cheque too :)?

  32. Anon:5:56 I normally dont have the audacity to respond to nabobs with brown teeth and who have nothing between their ears.I wish i could have but i dont,am soon developing it.

    Honestly such question whilst we are talking serious stuff depicts you like a dead cow which cant hide its private parts.

  33. There is one delusional man called kalooser he promised miracles and failed on every count that mattered. Ngilu and Mwau triumphed he practically got no votes, said Raila was unelectable the RAO won the elections. Then he went ahead and shamlessly made sure that the thief in chief got duly elected. He seemed relevant based on the false notion that kenyans are too tribal to unite under RAO and he was wrong.The guy belongs to the past. What does the idiot think he has to offer kenyans now? Clearly this guy has lost it, now trying to compete with RAO.....I guess his nxt move is banking on the unelectability of a kukuyu candidate in the nxt election. If we get the constitution right it may not matter who is pris-dent come 2012. It amsy well be another kikuyu candidate, so I guess kaloosr will once again try to derail the constitution.....just watch this space. I recomend public flogging.

    Sir Alex

  34. Sam,

    The reason why many Kenyans would refer to Kalonzo as msaliti is not coz he accepted the veepship when the country was in a crisis, it is coz he joined the PNU side when it was too late and he is essentially the cause of the situation we are in today. If he had stuck with Raila or on defecting join PNU proper we would have had a clear winner during the elections.

    His actions after the elections were essentially not welcome by ODM as this provided Kibaki with the necessary numbers to enable him form a government or a basis for negotiation. ODM would have preferred ODM-K to either remain neutral or join them. They did not, or rather did the opposite an d sided with PNU, and that is the only reason why Kalonzo became traitor.


  35. JEFF,to some extent your point could be valid,but it could amount to gainsaying.I say so because we cant stake a claim that that was ODMs wish as it was not as much in the public or gossip and neither in speculative domain.

    Sam did mention and i remember very well last year towards election Mutula did visit Kabarak and blinded us that he is Moi's lawyer and they had gone to discuss some legal issues.That meeting could be a pointer to the picture we saw in january when he accepted Veepship with Cap in Hand.

    Over to you Jeff.

  36. Knoppix! don’t lose your patient we with me, I have always been ant-ODM right from the word go. And the simple reason being, the party was built on a wrong foundation (motive).


  37. Anon:7.11AM

    What is the right foundation(motive)? Which party has this foundation of yours in Kenya?

  38. Perhaps we might need a political scientist to come and define what a party is.But according to the notes i fumbled through when reading some book,one definition of a party is a group of people brought together by and or share a common ideology.

    So can you allow me Bwana Kwale to qualify ideology to also mean Motive herein please!!!!Do you just gang up to form a party without any agenda whatsoever.Its like seducing mrembo without knowing what exactly it is you want from her and vice versa.So whichever way you must a motive have to undertake any given task or job.I know you will give me the referendum line as usual but eek we are on an higher level now.

    Back to you Kwale!

  39. Dear Kenyans,

    Kalonzo is a tribal leader, voted by a part of one tribe ONLY.

    Is he qualified to be a VP of KENYA?

    NO, maybe just suitable to be a mayor of Kibwezi.

    Stop discussing about this man. He is not a national figure. His light will go off very soon.

    See how he is being treated in Eldo, KSM, Kakamega, Pwani, Nbi city. Poor Judas.

  40. Ivy& Taabu,
    Like you guys so very much, But, as I promised, ManU will be beaten, and, I will laugh in your faces.
    Otherwise, I do not comment about Kalonzo, it is a waste of time and space.
    He will soon be lost in painful oblivion

  41. In a govt where politicians only care about greasing their own palms...plz...i totally think Kalonzo had great foresight - he strategize and allied himself with what would be best for himself....if it wasn't him it would be someone else!

  42. Kalonzo was a creation of Mulu Mutisya and Daniel Arap Moi. He is a man schooled in the politics of betrayal and eliticism. The sad thing is that at his age, he should have aligned himself to Kenyans rather than the fleecing tycoons. He will always be a man scorned.

  43. @Knoppix,

    You better understand Kwale and the EXCLUSSIVE premise of all his post - PLENTY OF HEAT no LIGHT. You engage him and don't tire from the parasitic dialogue. How can a level-headed chap claim to write about an issue for the sole purpose of hate?

    Kwale knows how to ruffle feather but you can chose to deny him all. He is that typical chap you met in the corridor talking smoothly with plenty of plastic passion packaged in bigotry.

    On lighter note Knoppix your use of mrembo is unqualified and that name iko na mwenyewe so take it pack les.........

    @Fave happy dreams-WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS and even if you ask Luka he is walking alone till next season. THERE IS ONLY ONE UNITED the rest are prentenders. Poor GOONERS. The sky is blue but empty.

  44. Guys,

    After reading all of your comments,here is the prognosis let us all get along and move Kenya forward,Kenya is much greater than all of us.History will judge these characters.Long live Kenya!!!
    Iliyobakia Kibonzo ni kuchezeshwa au sivyo jamaa??

  45. @Taabu...... hehehehehhehe am laughing seriously!Thanks for the enlightening reminders.
    As for the name i wanted to sound humorous towards him so he reasons in a trickle-up dimension as opposed to his trickle-down model of reasoning.

    So i will withdraw the name and perhaps use Martha which he might be well aware of.

  46. Okello says that by shortchanging Raila, Kalonzo shortchanged Kenyans. Wow!!! Raila has become Kenya? This is the kind of megalomania Kenya doesn't need. It is the same kind of logic that maintains that you can only be defeated if the election is rigged. If the election was stolen why on earth is Raila fighting Kalonzo to be on the right side of "Thief" Kibaki? Is that the change ODMers voted for??? I miss the "Party Activist" Raila in his orange Kitenges.

  47. Knoppix, Me and Taabu have a little bit of history.
    I don't hate no-one.


  48. Kenyans have shown time and again that they prefer to ignore and forget (maybe forgive) any wrong done in the past no matter how heinous the crime, no matter the depth of scandal, no matter how deep or crippling the extent of damage.

    Examples abound, Githunguri was complicit in some 200m misapprorpriated from CB, more recently Pattni (aka Paul), Kiraitu. If we were to start a Hell/Hole/Hall of Shame/Fame/Blame we would have to restrict membership to past month occurence otherwise it would be more oversubscribed than the Saf-con IPO. Leaders having realised that shame does not = blame and that there is no need to give up any position since we will forget, they have then perfected deceit, cunning, theft, etc. SKM is a bum


  49. Kenyans,

    Does good politics start and end with one Raila Odinga?

    Can`t a kenyan support Raila, Kibaki and Kalonzo and still be a Kenyan?

    We are done with elections till 2012 and kenyans will decide. PERIOD.




  52. Kwale, I am definitely in Barcelona today and we(Ferrari)have already posted a 1-2 in both first and second practice. Watch me take pole tomorrow in qualifying. The Macs were 11th and something else i think, i was so far ahead by the time they finished i had already left the track for my hotel room at the Hyatt Regency.

  53. "@Kimi you have a valid point but then muddles it with the poorly reasoned out take that Kalonzo needed to be left in fantacy. Siasa is both perception and deeds and you must never allow pretenders to sow seeds they never have. Kalonzo will need a MIRAKO to reinvent himself. He is typical of Kenyan evangeleists who thrive on preaching FEAR and PREYING of their vulrenable congregations."

    Taabu, this is precisely the kind of unimaginative thinking that constantly drags down Kenya back into the hole it is in. Just what is it in "perception" you think Raila would have lost if he had let Kalonzo do his thing? Siasa za ushamba by fighting in public do Raila no favours. He just cheapens himself. He needs to start acting like a PM and not like Kuria Kanyingi in his KANU heydays. Fighting over microphones and status is primitive, pure and simple.

  54. KWANI RAILA NI MUNGU? to Hell with this crap that if you do not support Raila you are a Traitor.

  55. KWANI RAILA NI MUNGU? to Hell with this crap that if you do not support Raila you are a Traitor.

  56. KWANI RAILA NI MUNGU? to Hell with this crap that if you do not support Raila you are a Traitor.

  57. KWANI RAILA NI MUNGU? to Hell with this crap that if you do not support Raila you are a Traitor.

  58. I fully agree. I once thought Kumekucha is a blog of ALL Kenyans but it seems I was wrong.

    Because it is more than obvious that if you are not on RAO's side, you are not on Kumekucha's side. It's as easy as that.

    And if you are not on Sam Okello's side, you are not a patriotic Kenyan - and that's even more sad.

  59. Nonsense. Consider the facts. The facts remain. Kalonzo is a TRAITOR period! Okello got it right on...We must be told how Kalonozo withdrew money from a bank account from the Uk..

  60. Luos in Kisumu have asked RAila not bring the TRAITor along on his tour of the region...they have though welcomed KIBAKI...Let TRAITOR KALONZO stay away from the western alliance zones...

  61. I repeat - the real traitor is Sam Okello hiding here behind some more than socalled patriotic schemes and trying to present himself as the future President of Kenya (in 2017 after having cheated the Kenyan People to elect him to become their MP in 2012).

    What a shame to Kenya and what a shame this would prove to be if somebody who resides outside Kenya since more than 15 years tries to tell Kenyans what they should do: i.e. elect him to become their 'chosen' President - and now presenting himself as a saviour - and just in case this fails, to present himself as the next 'saviour' of his country.

  62. Marianne Briner @ 2:21...Sam Okello has a right to run for Kenyan Presidency. You can just go straight to hell. Sam Okello is an intelligent gentleman and together with Jeff Koinange, this duo will change the future of Kenyan politics. We need Sam Okello for President in 2017 and Jeff Koinange as his running mate (VP)'s that?

    Over to you Marianne Briner.





  64. Thanks anon @ 2:57. WHat do you have against this brilliant son of Kenya. He spoke the truth about the traitor Kalonzo. We need more of Sam Okello. And I support Sam Okello for President 2017. And I support former CNN anchor Jeff Koinange as his running mate. I can promise you they will give these old school politicians a run for their money. Oh Oh...they better watch out...2012 we unveil our dream team>>>SAM OKELLO--JEFF KOINANGE FOR PRESIDENT...

  65. Anon 3.02 - Sam Okello and Jeff Okello - one a false preacher and one a rapist - one having wet dreams on the phone and one having wet dreams just taking about MB.

    What a Dream Team.

    With these two joining 'hands'.... (not to go into more intimate details but I am sure you can imagine what I am talking about)... Kenya is really up to a great 'satisfying' future.


  66. anon @ 3:17 what do you have against these two brilliant Kenyan sons? These are two accomplished gentlemen. Gentlemen of character. You cannot compare them to Judas Kalonzo. One is the son of a prominent Kenyan politician, the other a son of Kenyan preacher man. These two are men of character. Don't try to tarnish their names in mud. We Kenyans need men like SAM Okello and Jeff Koinange to deliver us from Kibaki the thief...

  67. Anon 3:17 - I fully support you and I even understand why and how you made some typing errors.

    I also almost threw up just to think about this Duo - Jeff Koinange and Sam Okello: two men fascinated by a certain Marianne Briner.

    How poor their lives must have been before having contacts with her and how empty they must feel right now.

    And just to imagine that these two 'men' (or better 'queers') think that they can rule Kenya or better that Kenyans will be accepted to be ruled by two homosexuals like them, is an offense and even an insult to the majority of Kenyan people and an offense to all Kenyans have been fighting for during the last 20 years.

  68. anon@ 3:26, I said and I will say it again. THese two men are men of character and integrity. They are a dream team. Any Kenyan politician will tremble at the mention of Sam Okello--Jeff Koinange ticket in 2017. Again, they are achievers. We want our generation to be just like these two men. And not like JUdas Kalonzo.

    any sexual talk...we leave those to their wives to deal with.
    even Clinton had Lewinsky. That didn't keep him from being one of the best presidents...

  69. Neither Jeff Koinange nor Sam Okello (who is the biggest joke between the two) will ever become the President of Kenya ..... and if one of them ever does, Kenya and Kenyans will start realizing what suffering means since none of these two care. One because he has raped a woman who easily could have been his own mother, and the other has stolen her money and continues doing so .....

    That's their qualification to become the future leaders of Kenya.

    What a shame they would represent, don't you think so?

    But knowing you, I am sure you don't care a bit as long as these two 'fulfill' those moments of your own sleepless nights.

    Am I right?

  70. anon @ 3:51 PM. We can take a bet. Sam Okello and Jeff Koinange will be the next President of Kenya in 2017. I hope I'm alive to see this duo take an oath...I Sam Okello do solemnly swear...I jeff Koinange do...swear...

    over to you anon @ 3:51. But i have to admit you sound very much like Marianne Briner.

  71. Anon 4.01 - you are wrong - I am not Marianne Briner. I am 'only' a Kenyan fearing that his country is ending up in the hands of the wrong people like so many times before.

    My question still lingers: which guarantees can you give me that people like Jeff Koinange and Sam Okello can offer a better future to Kenya - inspite of their own personal reputatition of being either rapists or thieves.

    Please explain.

  72. Can you prove these charges of thieves and rapists in the court of law? If not, shut up and forever hold your peace. The real thief is Kibaki and the real rapist is Kalonzo Musyoka. The stole our national treasure and raped our young country of it's democratic gains. For this reason we need intelligent men like Sam Okello and Jeff Koinange to redeem our country from these evils...

  73. I am sure Marianne Briner is not fearing to face the courts of law. She never did. On the contrary, she can demonstrate and show the emails Jeff Koinange has sent to her asking her to forgive him and give him a second chance to prove that he really loves her.

    And then here are those letters by the Publisher XLibris confirming how Sam Okello has not only cheated them but also Marianne Biner. She had trusted Sam Okello and gave him the details of her story and that's how and why he was able to write 'The Shining Star in Darkness'.

    I am therefore worried to hear that Sam Okello and Jeff Koinange ty to become the future leaders of Kenya.

    But I am sure that Kenya and Kenyans will have become mature enough to decide about their future (in 2012 and 2017) who will be their best leader.

    So why bother to dedide between these two crooks - Jeff Koinange and Sam Okello - at this moment?

    I don't think so.

    Kenyans and Kanya are facing more serious issues right now - don't you think so?

  74. aiiiiiiiiiii! anon@ 5:23 PM, you just outed your id...Madam Marianne Briner. You got an issue to solve with these two gentlemen, face the courts. This is not the place for your juvenile rantings!And furthermore, the discussion is about the JUDAS of Kenya...Kalonzo Musyoka not about you Madam Marianne Briner. So as they say, settle your scores with these refined gentlemen privately. I must add, that is non of our business. So chill Madam.

    And by the way, why is it that you want to destroy our prominent Kenyan boys?

    You have a track record Madam.

    So spare us your private matters and lets remain focused on Kalonzo the JUDAS.

  75. I'm stunned that JUDAS Kalonzo feels Raila is also a JUDAS..shame on this miracle fool. He don't stop to amaze me with his foolishness.

  76. As they say in Bulls I ask Sam Okello, tell us more Moses, about this JUDAS Kalonzo. He's a disgrace to our country. Shame on him. I hope he can be rejected across the country and be confined to Mwingi North. We need more NGILUS...

  77. Now some NSIS guy is attacking Chris and Sam Okello for calling Kalonzo Musyoka a JUDAS. The facts are clear. Kalonzo is the reason we are here today. Because of 30 pieces of silver...Kalonzo go burn in hell.

    We need to campaign here at as to oust this TRAITOR...he should face the noose!

  78. MB, what's your opinion on Kalonzo the TRAITOr?

  79. Anon @ 9.26 PM Kenyan politics are/is pumbavu, mavi ya kuku.

    As we speak, Kenyan people are not only recovering from land clashes, IDP, but also post-colonial and colonialism side effects.

    The current government is the western countries making.

    People killing neigbours.

    Kenyans NOT ONLY NEED AID, HELP and Donations FROM USA, UK, CONGO, BUT also need prayers and Forgiveness.

  80. Anon 9:24 - why are you all so fascinated by Marianne Briner (MB)? What did she do to all these 'Kenyan sons' as one put it? Although allow me to replace the word 'sons' with 'men' because that's what they pretend to be - at least to the public. Maybe behind closed doors, they are still little boys? Who knows? Maybe their respective wives could answer this question?

  81. Raila Odinga was a traitor to Mwai Kibaki too so what? lol, you see how dumb you sound? Just because Kalonzo refused to be be Riala's psychophant means he is a traitor? See this the trouble with some ODMers, they think ODM is perfection and every one else is a traitor or some lost soul. Grow up and understand the concept of freedom of association and thought. Not everyone who disagrees with Raila is a "traitor."

  82. Kumekucha should change its name to Raila Propaganda Movement.

  83. Sahel Publishers,

    Where is Distant Lovers?

  84. could some one in this blogg be man enough to tell guys that we have moved.keep on talking about kalonzo and railas of this world and it just show how naive and stipid you you think pnu, odm, and odm kenya mean anything to a guy who is buying unga at 70 bob?.tel us how to cut down on this rising price and not such nonsense as to who is more luo than the other

  85. to the admin this blogg should be manged profesionaly and people using it to advance their hatred should be cut to size.i hope the admin is not part of the propagada machine that wish kenya to be a new somalia.some characters have nothing to offer but simple and blind opinions.they shbould read patriot 101.

  86. I agree anon @ 7:53 PM. We should only focus on the man with 30 pieces of silver in his hand. Kalonzo Musyoka.

  87. I agree anon @ 7:53 PM. We should only focus on the man with 30 pieces of silver in his hand. Kalonzo Musyoka.

  88. Kalonzo Musyoka should not be the VP of Kenya. What a shame, we have a loser as the VP. Kenyans out to protest this.

  89. We need grand coalition opposition so we can rise up and oust Kalonzo the predator

  90. anon@ 11:07, why should Kumekucha be accused of being pro ODM? Because of speaking the truth about the TRAITOR Kaloozer

  91. Worthless piece of writing. Inuendos, guesswork,propaganda capped with bad grammer and sentence construction.

  92. anon@11:22 PM, why don't you try and put up one of quality before you talk. Empty debes make the most sound....


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