Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Kalembe Ndile Now Eyes Emuhaya Parliamentary Seat

Unsuccessful in the Kibwezi parliamentary race where he lost to Prof. Philip Kaloki (ODM-K) in the just concluded general elections, former Assistant Minister for Tourism and Wildlife and the Chairman of the Independent Party (TIP TIP - Amani Kenya), Kalembe Ndile is reportedly eyeing the Emuhaya parliamentary seat following the election of the MP-elect Keneth Marende as Speaker of the National Assembly.

The outspoken former MP and a defender of the rights of squatters, Kalembe has mostly been based in Mombasa and Makindu, occasionally commenting on public interest matters. But now that he has trained his eyes on going back to the National Assembly through the Emuhaya parliamentary seat in Western province particularly with PNU's support, ODM will be casting a nervous eye to their Deputy Captain Musalia Mudavadi who is expected to lead the ODM onslaught when by-elections are called. Kalembe has been sending 'political feelers' through grassroot leaders in the constituency.

If indeed he runs for the seat and is re-elected, Kalembe will make history as the first non-indigenous Luhya to be elected to parliament from the area. The area is known to be fiercely pro-ODM and it is not known if Kalembe is planning to defect to ODM or run on his own TIP party.

There are currently six unrepresented constituencies in the country. They are; Embakasi, Kamkunji, Mandera, Kilgoris, Emuhaya and Ainamoi. Trusting that no other MP will kick the bucket soon, it means Kenya is headed for a 'mini general election' which going by early signs shows they will be fiercely contested owing to the slim majority the opposition enjoys in parliament. For instance, the speakers election alone, which took place before two of ODM's MPs were killed, showed just how close this majority is with the ODM fronted Marende winning by 105 votes against PNU's Ole Kaparo 101. ODM views its parliamentary majority as one of the key areas it can use to bring the Kibaki government to its knees through a well planned legislative agenda, perhaps even a vote of no confidence.

Meanwhile, this blogger has interviewed some aspirants for the Emuhaya parliamentary seat and will be publishing excerpts from the interview soon right here on Kumekucha.

Links to Kalembe Ndile relevant pages:


  1. Phil,

    Correct the Mandera place. There is no Constituency called Mandera. We only have Mandera Central/East and West constituencies which all have elected their MPs. 2 ODM and one Safina who is being challenged through a petition by ODM.

    It is Wajir North which has no MP since KANU and ODM candidates each got 50% of the vote (50:50). So they are waiting to go back when a by-election is held.

  2. Kalembe will never win in a Luhya land. He shouldn't cheat himself at all.

  3. this must be is unbelievable!!

  4. To appear nationalist is one thing but to be a baffoon pretending to be real is quite another. Kalembe may mean well with his straight talk but if its true he wants to be MP why not try cosmopolitan Kamkunji and wrestle with Norman Nyaga and Nazlin. Emuhaya is a rural constituency and I wonder what language he would use to campaign. Political wonders never ceace particularly in Kenya.

  5. Did I get you right or it was a typo? To say '....the first non-indigenous Luhya....' implies that Ndile is a Luhya who is non-indigenous. Is he a Luhya or Kamba like all the three troublesome Kaos, Kalonzo, Mutua and Kivuitu? Clarify this.

  6. Hey,hey,hey,HEY I can't believe what I am reading. Ati the former highway robber wants to shift base from Nairobi-Mombasa Road to Kisumu-Busia-Kampala Road! It can't be. On a more personal note, this is an insult to Banyore in particular, Luhya in general and ODM as a whole. He should just be allowed to come, spend all his money in Emuhaya campaigning and then get only 1 vote-his own (if he will be clever enough to get a new voting card in Emuhaya). Who does he think he is? If he could not be elected by the same squatters he helped get land for, why does he think AimHigher people would stoop so low? I know the Banyores. They are proud people. Has he forgotten that AimHigher had 28 candidates vying for that seat in the Dec 27 elections? AimHigher is a high potential area, not semi-desert like Kibwezi. There are no squatters there. Water is found in plenty in natural wells, rivers and frequent rainfall. What new thing will Kalembe bring to AimHigher? I mean is this a bad dream or am I hearing the rattling of an insane man? Kwani wanyore hawajazaa watoto wao ndio wakuje kuchungwa na Mkamba ambaye ndugu yake mmoja aliibia mtu kura na mwingine akaenda kumlamba miguu. Haaaaaa!Na huyu Kalembe atakuwa akiishi wapi? Atakuwa squatter wa kwanza huko Emuhaya. Karibu na usile!! I am very angry.

  7. I must have forgotten the Civics I learnt in Primary and Secondary school in Kenya. I thought one of the criteria you need to satisfy in order to be put on a constituency's ballot, thus run for MP, is being a resident/registered voter in that constituency for a certain amount of time (a year?) before the election?

    This is just absurd and if true, is an insult to the people of that constituency. I mean, fine, even if they need a PNU candidate, is there no one (even if they have to "buy him") willing to run on a PNU ticket there?

    This just reminds me of the case of Mr Moneybags...Livondo. Having been a registered voter in Makadara all along, was moved to Langata hurriedly (possibly even after registration had closed) in order to challenge Raila.

    Someone please tell me the rules for eligibility for MP as per the Kenyan constitution.

  8. On a lighter note, this is just another Mulu Mutisya for those who remember the comedian/politician....but then again, on a sad note could this be another expression of greed from our politicians?
    This is guy is so desperate, after five years a not only MP but minister, (and now nobody) he will do anything to get back to power...that's our politicians for you guys. Open your eyes and see.

  9. @mzalendo you must be a registered voter in some constituency s.34(c) of our not so great constitution says- so he can vie for the seat if he wants to. the constituion doesnt specify you must be registered in that constituency. let him embarass himself. he provides much needed comical relief in these hard times.

  10. There are no squatters in Emuhaya, so what will be his campaign agenda ? Kalembe is a polital joke that went too far.

  11. There are no squatters in Emuhaya, so what will be his campaign agenda ? Kalembe is a polital joke that went too far.

  12. This guy can't be serious. Let PNU sponsor him so they can be humialed like all the other PNU ex-ministers and VP. Talk about desperation!

  13. this village wag has some nerve aint he? hawa watu wametharau waluyha aje bana kwani ingo has no sons and daughters who can lead her people i he this is a sick joke!


  15. one day, depending on how long the porridge of tribalisim and Neanderthal village mentality will evaporate from kenyan's minds, the people of othaya will elect a lua and the people of emuhaya will miss Kalembe!

  16. ha ha ha ha. Kalembe must be smoking an Indian pipe. I think this confirms that the man has major loan repayments. He's an inch away from going back to squatting.

  17. I dont know how this pnu mouth piece expects to make it in ODM country. We will wait and see

  18. Kalembe should concentrate on being a clown or better still should ask Kibaki to step down so that he can contest in Othaya.

  19. i love kalembe ndile, he's the man! staright talker, no B.S.

  20. Chris may be right.Head times ahead in the week:

    SHARP/irreconcilliable differences at the Annan's mediation table this is.
    Government hides under the "law".ODM dont trust the judiciary.

    ODM want a re-run after a short while of an interim government
    here it is

  21. "They are; Embakasi, Kamkunji, Mandera, Kilgoris, Emuhaya and Ainamoi"

    Come on Chris. Get your facts right. I am from Mandera where all the constituencies (Mandera East (ODM), West (ODM), and Central (Safina) are represented.

    May be you heard there was a vacant seat in NEP and never bothered to check which one? Thats Wajir North where the ODM candidate had a commanding lead only for the results to be delayed and all of a sudden they said there was a statistically impossible tie. Go figure.

  22. Chris, Abdi is right. I am too from Mandera and the last time I checked, all the three constituencies there (Mandera East, Mandera west and Mandera Central) were represented. It is in Wajir North where there is a problem as Abdi explained.

  23. Abdullahi, Abi & Abass.

    Thank you for the correction.
    It is NOT 'Mandera' but Wajir North in North Eastern Province.

    I regret the error.

  24. Please this is rubbish Kalembe Ndile must be every villages idiot.

  25. There are currently six unrepresented constituencies in the country. They are; Embakasi, Kamkunji, Mandera, Kilgoris, Emuhaya and Ainamoi.

    As previously said, Correct Mandera as the empty seat is Wajir North and Not Mandera.


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