Saturday, February 09, 2008

Eyes on Kibaki as Kenya Hangs on a Cliff

A nation waits with their hearts in their hands. The threads holding the national fabric are threatening to snap. The principals on whose hands the solution lies are masters of deceit and scheming. Ours is a country crying for salvation from the bondage of lack of true leadership.

It is make or break starting tomorrow. We enter the defining week when the results of Kofi Annan’s negotiation will leave Kenya on either side of the cliff. Results will either mark the end of the clashes or the beginning of Armageddon. The previous week witnessed unrestrained window shopping. And now the real shopping commensurate with both human budget and need starts.

No glossing over tough issues because it all boils down to political solution. Pretenders used to clichés better arm themselves with feasible proposal that may convince us to temporarily look ahead as a nation before be take a hard look at the bloody past they dragged us through.

Annan has ruled out any resolution premised on either our judiciary or much-maligned ECK. That in itself is a loaded message depicting loss of faith in any our institutions. Only those suffering serious bouts of selective amnesia would vouch for respect to any existing Kenyan institution. But the element of shame is on vice that is found in abundance within our shores.

Only oonstitution, no substitute
Kenya’s future is singularly anchored on a new constitution and nothing more. Any political agreement that skirts this primary foundation will amount to appreciating a storm before a tsunami. If that comes to pass (God forbid) we would rather start taking lesson from our neighbours to the north east on how to effectively run tribal/clan fiefdoms.

The ball is squarely in Kibaki’s court. Having brought all these upon Kenya, only he can extinguish the fire so that we collectively dust ourselves from the ashes. The alternative is too grim to contemplate but not far-fetched given his past and company.

Only a structured TRANSITION government can midwife Kenya through this hell. All others are short term gimmicks that will only succeed in exterminating us sooner rather than later. And this must not be rushed lest we end up scratching the surface as the national would festers underneath.

An exhaustive national healing must begin with exorcising all our devils and skeletons. Only then will the resulting peace be sustainable on equity served with justice through an acceptable constitution.

Castles from ruins
The coming week is important like no other. Stopping the haemorrhage demands true leadership and statesmanship which has been a mirage within our borders. Brinkmanship and bravado will send all of us to hell. It is within our powers to stop press and rebuilt Kenya. But is Kibaki ready for the monumental challenge lying just hours ahead?

All eyes are singularly focussed on Kibaki. He has his hands on the switch. Whether he will go for the extinguisher or trigger only time will tell. We are watching. The whole world is watching, fingers crossed. It is within our power to tranfor this crisis into a foundation for eternal prosperity. No more games, we want our country back NOW.


  1. i think the vast difference between east and western Kenya shows where the country is headed should anan fail the conflict will be mainly in rift valley .western kenya will be a mess but the est of the country will continue in peace . odm and its supporters have the most to loose should Annan fail . a kibaki kalonzo alliance is enough to hold eastern Kenya

    Western kenya has the most to loose

  2. Skunks like Kibaki will only understand fire. Pray that he becomes too arrogant to listen to ODM and the World Community so that he lives to witness armageddon. There comes a time when you can only solve issuees through blood. I think we are at the end of the line.

  3. kn@1.27 pm
    and exactly your point is? Just asking a lot of us are intellectually challenged and your superior reasoning need elaborating for us.

  4. kn,

    What does Western Kenya has to lose? Stupid. 1st of all, Central is so full that even Kikuyustan is forcing the evicted kith and kin to stay in refugee camps since they have no wear to put their foot in Central. With dry Ukambani that has 80% below poverty line population, there is nothing ugly creatures like Kibaki can win or sustain. A Kenya without Rift Valley, Nyanza and Western and the Coast is basically non-exsistent. Don't console yourself with delusion. Even Kalooser himself knows that he is being used for a while, but he has no any other option, that's why he is vomiting that ODM shouldn't be allowed to share power with PANUA (but who is listening?). If Kenya should be divided too, ODM supporters will be happy to share the spoils in their 6 provinces. Dare!

  5. @Mombasa-free-from-ugly-Kibaki said... 1.34 pm.
    I think you are jumping the gun, kn might have something he knows that we do not. You and I might benefit to be privy to that information. So, I understand your angst but give him a chance to elaborate. There just be a method behind the panuan madness.

  6. For heavens sake? where is a heart attack when a 76 year old loser needs it?

  7. ...Kibakis eleveth hour is here. He need to know that strength does not come from using the police force. it comes from an indomitable will.

    I am starting to feel sorry for the man for stealing the election.


  8. Fave, I side with Domo, but you sound like a reasonable person. It is people such as yourself and others on on both sides who can help prevent the impending disintegration. IMO it is as much "people's" 11th hour as much as it is Kibaki's.

    Mombasa-free-from-ugly-Kibaki.. as much as you despise Kibaki, please, if you don't mind, assassinate his behavior, but not his person.

  9. Hey Steve(2:08),
    I am a recovered panuan. Now fully domo. But, I do not think like you, cooler heads have to prevail. Even if Kenya is split, then it is ok. Let us be civil about it all. The wanton blood letting is just disgusting. All sides are shooting themselves in the foot and cheering themselves hoarse as they do it.
    It is a tough time for Kenyans and we are really starring into the unknown. But with out devolution of power we are not going to see the end of trouble. But, to reiterate, I am domo and I have converted a few panuans to the sense that abounds on our shores. Do we have bad eggs in domo? yes we do! but our philosophy is better



    Dear Intercessor and Soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ,

    Thank you for prayerfully considering the prayer strategy we sent you recently! We have received phenomenal and encouraging response from many of you! We thank God for the burden of intercession He is pouring upon many during this time of distress in the history of Kenya. I believe that what the enemy has meant for evil, God will turn it for the good of our nation (Genesis 50:20-21). Weeping may endure for a night but joy will surely come in the morning (Psalms 30:5).

    In regard to the “STRATEGY TO PRAY FOR KENYA” we made several suggestions and we’ve been informed of ministries, churches and groups of believers in the market place implementing the prayer strategies and framework of intercession. Thank you.

    In regard to the Kenyan Borders, we’ve been busy mobilizing intercessors to go to the eight gateways of Kenyan borders to institute altars of prayer, erect spiritual gates and address spiritual strongholds as they travel across the country and at the border posts! Again, we’ve received phenomenal, uplifting and great response! We’ve been busy looking for 12 intercessors per gateway

    i. Tanzania – Namanga Border – 12 Intercessors
    ii. Somalia – Liboi Border – 12 Intercessors
    iii. Ethiopia – Moyale Border – 12 Intercessors
    iv. Sudan – Lokichokio Border – 12 Intercessors
    v. Uganda – Malaba Border – 12 Intercessors
    vi. Lake Victoria – Kisumu – 12 Intercessors
    vii. Lake Turkana – Lokwakangole – 12 Intercessors
    viii. Indian Ocean – Mombasa – 12 Intercessors

    COMMITMENT: - We’ve received e-mail from leaders who are willing to lead delegations to the Mombasa, Malaba and Moyale borders. Thank you very much! We still need more intercessors to commit themselves for end April /first week May for the remaining border posts.

    AIRPORT GATEWAY: - Intercessors around the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport will need to prepare the way for the International Intercessors arriving at the airport. Preparations will entail praying and making sure the Intercessors get a smooth access. At the airport area, they need to break bread, call the Kingdom of God, destroy strongholds of corruption, tribalism, confusion, drug trafficking etc. They will need to prophesy order and excellence at this important gateway.

    OTHER GATEWAYS: - We’ve been busy compiling a comprehensive list of other gateways which are not mentioned above. For example, Academic Centers, Judicial Centers etc. Please send a list of any other gateways we should consider.

    BETWEEN ONE TO THREE DAYS AT THE BORDER POST: - Intercessors will spend at least one to three days doing spiritual warfare at the border gate.

    FINANCES FOR INTERCESSORS WITHIN KENYA: - Intercessors within Kenya will raise their own finances and resources to get to the border of designation.

    MODE OF TRAVEL: We are considering one of the following modes of transport from Nairobi to one of the destination.
    Small Aviation Planes:
    Tourist Vehicles (e.g. Land Cruisers):
    Hired 14-seater buses:
    Personal vehicles:
    Kenya Airways: - (Ksh)
    Please send us any information or suggestions in regard to the mode of transport.

    BUDGET: - We also need to know how much each trip will cost depending on the mode of transport and destination from Nairobi;
    Helicopters: (Ksh) ________________
    Small Aviation Planes: - (Ksh) ________________
    Tourist Vehicles: - (Ksh) ________________
    Hired 14-seater buses: - (Ksh) ________________
    Personal vehicles: - (Ksh) ________________
    Kenya Airways: - (Ksh) ________________
    Please email us any information, quotations and suggestions.

    SPONSORSHIP: - If any businesses, private sector, government, mission aviation, non-governmental organizations, churches, ministries or individual sponsor, we’ll subsidize the travel. We therefore encourage organizations to sponsor as they are led by the Holy Spirit. We are convinced that this mandate is from God and God will send the necessary resources to accomplish this mandate!

    ONE GOSPEL CHANNEL ON DSTV: - We thank the one gospel channel on DSTV for featuring Kenya issues on the live program titled peace miracles tonight. We were invited to lead intercession for Kenya live and discuss issues pertaining to the role of the church relating to politics, wars, intercession etc. You can watch a repeat of this program tomorrow at 8am, Saturday at 9pm or Sunday at 3pm.

    NEEDS: - Some of the needs sponsors should consider are;
    Hotel accommodation: - Payment for hotels in any one of the border destinations
    Food: - Pay for food in hotel in any one of the border destinations
    Transport: - For Example:
    - Electronic air ticket to destination
    - Allow Intercessors to use personal helicopters or small planes
    - Pay one of the bus companies to take Intercessors to their destination
    Please indicate any other area you would like to sponsor.

    WEBSITE: - We are busy constructing a website/ portal and will feature delegations going to different borders, prayer back up groups, sponsors among other items.

    DIASPORA: - Intercessors in the Diaspora who have indicated interest will pay for their travel to Nairobi and then to the respective border they are deployed to! It’s time to show solidarity for the church in Kenya in a very practical manner.

    SECURITY: - During this time of political turmoil, the fear for danger, safety and wisdom for such a mandate might be of outmost concern for interested intercessors. We believe this mandate is worth any kind of risk for it is for extension of God’s Kingdom. We’ll need to engage faith, endurance and boldness amongst other things as we embark on this mission.

    PRAYER BACKUP: - Intercessors in the field will need prayer backup and the soldiers left behind will be obligated to stand in the gap.

    POLICE BACKUP: - If necessary, we will consider requesting police escort to some places where there is still tribal conflict.

    TRAINING:- Their will be brief spiritual warfare training, equipping, breaking bread, anointing etc when we all converge in Nairobi or before embarking to the various borders.

    MINISTRIES AND CHURCHES AT THE BORDERS: - Please forward contact addresses for existing intercessors, ministries or churches at the various border posts and towns nearby.

    STOP OVER: - Intercessors on the way to the border of their designation will stop in particular “hotspots” and major towns to break bread, usher the kingdom of God, destroy demonic strongholds and decree peace.

    HOTSPOTS: - Hotspots are areas where political turmoil or demonic activity has caused bloodshed, displacement etc

    LEADERS OF DELEGATION: - We have three borders and gateways covered (Malaba, Moyale and Mombasa). Intercessors and leaders willing to take a delegation to the remaining borders should forward the names and contacts of the people they are mobilizing. The border intended should also be indicated.

    INVITATIONS: - Invite us to mobilize intercessors worldwide before end of April.

    SUGGESTIONS: - Please contact us urgently if you have any remarkable suggestions.

    May God richly bless you as you do the most honorable thing!

    Symon and Carole Kariuki
    P.O BOX 13754,
    +27123478668, +27729774462

  11. KN @ 1.27; Most of us are pushing for a united and uniformly progressive Kenya.

    We are and will continue to be ASHAMED of a Kenya in which wealth is so disparately distributed across regions.

    You ought to be ashamed of our unjust politico-economic history too.

  12. Sunday Nation of 2/10/07; there are a number of good reforms under consideration but no mention of the devolution of power.


  13. Maina Kiai of KHRC has welcomed recent developments but has urged constitutional reforms that include ending the "imperial presidency" and devolution of power.

    Taabu, you can be sure that people are determined not to let PNU get away with a flimsy coalition govt. proposal.

  14. Kalonzo against mediation success. Read more at our blog

  15. Kenyans are in deep prayers as the mediations take place. Peace shall prevail. My question though is, do the perpetrators think that Kenyans and the rest of the world are so stupid that we could not see what is going on? Or are these perpetrators just rock solid dumb, but will do whatever it takes to get what they want?

  16. We have found a solution. Kibaki and Raila will midwife this and then relax. Raila will be in Kibaki's Government of National Unit. Only for the sole reason of midwifing a new constitution in time for his run in 2012. We pray that our president raila amolo will be the one when the time is ripe. For now, give us peace.

  17. Musikari Kombo threatens to quit PANUA if he is not nominated. Hehehehe! Shit! He didn't know that he was a toilet paper for hyenas known to devour everything without giving a shit to the next beast. Spent force. Go and commit suicide. Just imagine Eugene Wamalwa and co. are begging Kibaki and his Kikuyustan gang to "look at his case" Hehehehehe! I love this. Then Judas Iscariot, Kalooser has betrayed an 80 year old woman, Prof. Julia who would have gotten direct ODM nomination were she to stay on board. What about Maanzo the skunk? Now he has learnt what Cardinals and born-Christian "mantra" means. Kalooser made me fall of my chair laughing when he said ODM's incorporation into the govt is "undemocratic". Hehehe!

    For further details on Kalooser:

  18. Kamwaro @ 8.55; you are simply hilarious. I will visit your blog shortly.

    Yes, Musyoka is realising that greed and opportunism does not pay.

    As for Ford-K; the circus continues.

  19. Politicians and dictators are on notice; KENYANS CANNOT BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED.

  20. Kaeni ngumu mpaka tupate katiba mpya!

  21. I have been reading this commebnts and get this feeling that Kibaki is getting fewer and fewer supporters.
    At least sense has started entering the heads of Kenyans from Central Kenya.
    At least they can now see that the man they voted for is , politely put, a walking and talking disaster.
    I hope they will start putting pressure on the guy, and choose a better Kenyan from Central Kenya to lead them

  22. kn@1.27 pm
    It seems according to you Kenya is made of Eastern,wester and RV.By the way do you know if Anan fails ,Sharia law is in the offing in North Eastern and Coast.No goods will move to Eastern and central as the Port of Mombassa will be ruled by Sheikhs.THINK BEFORE YOU TALK.

  23. Fave, thanks for clarifying that you are for Domo. I misunderstood your 1.39PM posting.

    It bears repeating that Kenya is staring into the abyss. The week of February 11-16, 2008 will go down in history as a seminal moment not only for Kenya but for Africa. Kenya in its own way is still breaking new ground.

    However, by definition, a split cannot be civil. A split will mean certain disintegration. I don't believe the world community will let Kibaki prevail - things are too far gone and there is absolutely and utterly too much at stake.

    I believe this will be Annan's finest hour - know why? because there isn't a choice. We are now fully into the 21st century and none of that "imperial presidency" shit is going to wash. In fact the bigger question is whether Raila will delegate enough. The holy grail is constitutional reform and make no mistake about it - Annan knows that. I just hope that he does not lose that perspective – there is the risk of desensitization when one has been in a situation long enough.

    I wish lurkers would take the cue from the likes of 'blessed' and start voicing their opinions.

  24. Yes, Kibaki aliiba kura. Protests were very much in order. But the moment people decided to evict others from their homes no matter how aggrieved, this was bang out of order and we moved beyond stolen elections.

    And in this regard I agree with Annan only a political solution will do(a view I held a while ago).

    It is very disapponting that even in a time of deep crisis, ODMer's are shouting themselves hoarse and PNU are thumping their chests even harder. Election de javu if you asked me.

    I think from past goings on, Kibaki is more likely to be the 'scupperer' as far as the talks go. But he does not have a monopoly on this. I have been hearing on CNN that talks have taken a step back because Raila has gone back to stating Kibaki resigns. This is meant to have been reported by the 'Associated Press' at Too's funeral. Now my guess is that the AP do not know that our politicians leap before they think, since as far as I can tell the local press did not report this in the same way.

    My point is both camps have the capacity to throw a spanner in the works. To think otherwise is delusional.

  25. An attempt on Orengo was made today at 2AM

  26. @just-mimi said...3:51
    When you say protest were much in order you are right and at least you acquiesce to the fact that Kibaki stole the elections. What are we supposed to do about that? Protest for a few days an go home, pay taxes as usual,bend over and again bend over and allow ourselves to *&^(*% for the next 5 years? We can not let him go unpunished for that. For electoral fraud is an act of violence in itself. People had to reach out and try to hurt Kibaki and unfortunately as in any incidence the innocent suffer. Well Kibaki failed to prevent the Naivasha and Nakuru massacres. I could excuse Eldoret for the fact that he was fresh from stealing elections, he was giddy, guilty and trying to find his bearings. But what about the latter two places where he had all the machinery to stop. We have effectively balkanized Kenya You have to accept that the way police have handled protests and criminal activities in pro ODM and pro PNU areas has been so biased. That as a former panuan (God, I hate that word, couldn't those old geezers pick another name, anyway let me not get off another tangent)I had to cross over to ODM just for the fact that the truth is sacred and I could not bury my head in the sand.
    PNU brought the crisis, they threw the first punch, it is behooved upon them to swallow their pride, apologize, and really do what is right.
    Other wise as Steve said... 11:53 PM. We are starring into an abyss, we are trudging towards the unknown. Do we look back where we have come from, do we stay here or continue going? I say lets go, for one thing if we continue doing things the way we have we will always have the same results. Without change, Kenya is a headed for a split (I call for a civil one, no matchetes upon your neighbor, please. Plus, we are already split).
    If we do not want a split, then I think Kibaki has to leave state house or have some of his powers neutered. Kenya can not have a ethnocentric imperialistic president lording over it with a bunch of his cronies. We have the same body parts he has. Nothing special about him. In fact a glance and him is traumatic to young children. The last statement is based on rumors, but in Kenya rumors can be true! Finally, I have to quote some one 'Where is a freakin' heart attack when one is needed?' but again he realized the folly of his wish and muttered to himself 'the good die young' He instantly demanded his rights! I do

  27. We spend a lot of time pushing things under the carpet, atleast questions that need answering is forensic scanning of pathological issues that brought about this
    1. hope for all, with our voices in the voters card
    2. land
    3 equity/economic emancipation where people are accorded a chance at equal footing
    4. elections triggered an issue that was long suspended or hidden people had to come out send the message

    This is not rocket science, if divided into short term and long term intervention and driven by the needs of the people which is people driven to underscore the basic tenets of economic livelihood of Kenyans drawn along the divide with our rich heritage looked at positively. Our differences should be used for unification, to bring about cohesion to push forward diversity and integration.

    We should and it is our joint responsibility to single out the ills from the entire divide objectively in midwifing a new beginning. In addition facilitate change through widening our view looking at the bigger picture Kenya not our tribal constituencies and affiliations. Should we drive others because they belong to the wrong tribe? Pertinent questions are whether we have been blind all this years not to notice that our neighbours are from wrong tribes. If that is true , what wrongs have they committed and did living harmoniously contribute to breaking down of the society fabric? Our school lives, majority are included in this interacted with diverse groups of people notwithstanding their tribes. Schooling and education as defined by Decartes and Plato saw education as a tool to make us a social being therefore integrate and fit in the society. There is a difference between being educated and learned. The word school, Plato says that when one has a belief, one thinks things, but different things from those that one thinks when one has knowledge. What one thinks when one has knowledge is "what is. " That is to say, the things which one thinks when one has belief fall under the heading "what is not." In his argument that "all judgements are true" and in the relevant argument "from knowing and not-knowing". In short judging a falsehood is the same as touching a unicorn; for judging what is false means judging what is not, which is not judging at all

    Closer to us our own Ngugi Wathiong'o wrote a book Decolonising the mind which is an exposite of political and ideological slant. He writes of two mutually opposed forces in Africa today: an imperialist tradition on one hand, and a resistance tradition on the other. Imperialism for him continues after the colonial period: it is the rule of consolidated finance capital. Ngugi's worldview here is still profoundly Marxist, and one has to question how useful this simple division imperialism versus resistance is at the beginning of the 21st century. (Curiously he chooses to see the class struggle as universal, never considering that it too might be an imperialist fiction imposed on Africa despite not fitting African tradition, culture, or history.) And this is what we see in Kenya today with the current impasse, the rich and the poor, the home guards and the oppressed using us for their selfish gain. He focussed on art with a purpose: be it pedagogic or political or helping preserve traditions or forge identities, all the literature he considers serves a purpose. The simple beauty of art isn't at issue for him -- in part, no doubt, because he does not want to admit that politically incorrect art (of any stripe or colour -- even art with say a blatantly imperialist message) might still have some value.

    Students of history will attest to the lessons from bring down the Berlin war and to reasons for unifications as opposed to balkanising them to some warlord led states. Hey Kenyans, It is my plea that we woke up from this stupor, we are in 21st century where the world is a village that should not be seen along ethnic lines. In retrospect supporting your man will not change the lives of poor Kenyans the village unless you are connected. Let us start with ourselves and redeem our hearts and thought process to decolonise our imprisoned minds. In our small world we should see that all these start with us for a better Kenya , not a divided one full of vitriol. We got to begin now. After all our incomes, jobs will not change with the differences, but may change if discussions across the table are inclusive

    See yourselves as champions of change ,the exposure you have had should be used to our people’s advantage to re educate them of their responsibilities to act responsibly and send message to the status quo that we have Kenya that is bigger than their dreams .We have all sorts of experts peddling cheap rhetoric since all this began, but when you read through there are no solutions offered, they are either based on support or rumours. We have the responsibility to pull the problems apart , view them with forensic heart and ask ourselves what brought about this?

    Further down, do you know how much our people are suffering? Businesses lost are massive, what we need is preaching harmony and healing. The current political dispensation require you and I to act with some decorum and responsibility to emancipate people who are imprisoned in their tribal cocoon. Being Kikuyu, Luo hate will not give me better job, improve my status only aggravate it. As is happening elsewhere the burden is heavy on those with income to support our kinsmen and relatives.

    We are at crossroads that we need to explore strategies that would stir, stimulate economic growth and independence for our people. This is only possible in peaceful atmosphere, no one is spared of this , hence providing an enabling environment for business, skills development and economic growth through our concerted effort. Ask not what the society can do for you but what you can do for it

    My approach is simple though hope would be clear and concise in a coherent way, I tried posting this somewhere though in a different context but was branded an Odinga sympathiser
    A. Issues to be addressed in the reconstruction planning for Kenya should include:
    1. overall reconstruction effort underpinning an overall strategy monitor and assist a planning effort carried out at provincial level—or inter-provincial level around economic development that cascade across the boundaries
    2. explore development plans that have synergies with political spectrum to ensure maximum exploitation of potential of politics in development
    3. Create an implementation plan that is autonomous but overarching special development authority with technical assistance; through a coordinating contractor or grantee; by beefing up an existing provincial or regional organization; or possibly by trying more than one technique in different areas.
    4. Involve local stakeholder in various implementation plans i.e CBOs, Faith groups, Opinion holders , Administrators and local community reps
    5. Revamp the local CDF to jumpstart and stir local economies through a reconstruction plan with an open agenda which is inclusive
    B. Orientation in Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building
    The development partners will certainly face deep seated emotions and mutual distrust and animosities amongst the local groups and organisations in the post conflict reconstruction. It will therefore be imperative to hold joint stake holder planning with neutral facilitators which should include taster programmes in provision of training in conflict resolution and consensus building for the belligerent parties, particularly among leaders and the planning groups. This will be appropriate for in-country representatives of the principal donors and non-governmental organizations involved in implementing the reconstruction program. Special programs for fostering reconciliation should also be planned for political and administrative leadership at both national and local levels.
    At the onset the training programme should be facilitated by outside/neutral experts or acceptable individuals by the group, to be taken over eventually as continuous activity by local learning providers and local groups.
    C.Demobilization of militias
    Demobilisation strategy should involve disarming process of the Mungikis, local groups which involves integration into the society whilst scoping social enterprise scheme involving training, business start up and skills sharpening. At top of the agenda should be the involvement of private sector, public sector in rolling out micro finance schemes, training work shadowing and mentorship. Accelerate the process in an integrative manner that involves the general population and in an equitable way, targeting a wider populace at the same time
    Activities that would be beneficial could be done through special programs in which the ex-conflictive zones participate in land transfers, vocational technical training, agricultural credit, micro-enterprise credit, and assistance to the war-wounded. Close empasis should be made on inter party consultation and for an integrated planning process to go beyond the regrouping of militias Their leaders should be allowed should be accorded opportunity of travelling to travel to post conflict or areas where reconstruction is taking place.
    On the other hand delays in demobilization as long as political reconciliation has been done, though rapid demobilisation may also have knock on effect to minimise the resumption of fight; media should also be encouraged to respond to conflicts positively and not to peddle rumours
    In all likelihood, all post-conflict situations will leave large numbers of people in need of repatriation and devastated areas badly in need of rehabilitated infrastructure to facilitate commerce, a revival of industry, and access to health and education facilities. Perhaps it would be feasible to work closely with NGO and CBOs to manage of the immediate humanitarian assistance and rural infrastructure activities. They might work under the general supervision of, and be paid by, nongovernmental humanitarian organizations or donor-funded contractors.
    C Special Health Needs.
    The immediate post-conflict health needs will involve expanding or establishing health care facilities in the war zones and ensuring health coverage for all and sundry. The success of this effort will depend in part on the availability of on-going programs that can be expanded on short notice.
    Secondly, special health problem for civilians will include post-conflict traumatic stress disorders (psychosis and acute and severe depression).There will be need to address immediate technical assistance to survey the magnitude of the problem; identify existing and needed institutional capabilities (including facilities near the victims); and design a strategy for the activities needed to cope with the situation. There may be special needs for women and children in families in which where the militias will be reintegrated.
    D. Structure and Timing of Assistance to the Agricultural Sector
    Kenya’s mains stay is Agriculture, displaced persons should be assisted and encouraged return to farming in the former conflict areas. Infuse programs to provide agricultural credit and technical assistance to those wishing to return to or go into agriculture. In addition, because many of the potential farmers may require technical assistance, they should be supported provided with grant schemes in the venture.
    On the other hand land transfer, should be given proper attention and land allocation board presided over by the local communities and the ministry should be a priority. Land transfers are not easy to administer under the best of circumstances. They are especially difficult to carry out in conflict zones, where buildings and farms may have been destroyed and where owners of the land may be difficult to locate. Special efforts will be needed to streamline procedures and facilitate the participation of those without land. Furthermore, the beneficiaries will need shelter and a safe water supply immediately. Probably few will have ever owned farms or be skilled farmers. They will need technical assistance on how to grow crops and/or raise livestock and on farm management. They will need credit for inputs.
    The timing of the technical assistance and credit must relate to the growing season or it may be lost. The amount of credit must be sufficient to augment all income-generating activities of the farm and raise food for the family, not just enough to plant one specific cash crop. The terms of the credit should be designed to improve the credit worthiness of the recipients, not just permit them to survive. Special arrangements, including possibly revised legislation, may be needed to ensure that women farmers can have access to land, credit and technical assistance.
    Inadequate attention to the foregoing can result, on one hand, in inadequate numbers being given land at demobilization and, on the other hand, those who have settled not being able to make a reasonable living. Either result can have seriously adverse political results and possibly threaten the peace process.
    E. Implementation Mechanisms and Procedures
    Once the a peace accord is assigned by the aggrieved parties , both ODM and PNU to build cordial working relationship The implementing agency should be seen as a counter –insurgency agency and the effort should be seen to have been fairly executed
    It is desirable to work with local NGOs affiliated to local communities in reconstruction programme since they are familiar the population/organisations, additionally they would be bale to deal with both financial controls /requirements and the areas.
    F. Local Political and Administrative Structures
    The provision of health services and revamping of the local economy may be important in Kenya but the local involvement is deciding on priorities for rural infrastructure projects is equally important.
    In some post conflict situations, it may be that there are no locally elected personnel—only appointees. Whether local officials are appointed or elected, it will be important for the success of the reconciliation process for the "outsiders" to be able to participate freely and meaningfully in local decision-making as soon as possible. This could be done by establishing development planning committees and project implementation monitoring committees with proportionate representation from local groups and organizations. Development partners should use their influence to ensure that any local groups that will relate to donor-funded activities should include appropriate representation from women or women's groups.
    G. Local Infrastructure
    To stimulate meaningful economic growth, it would be helpful to people together—as well as providing funding for badly needed local infrastructure. Once programs are in place to replace major infrastructure (roads, railroads, electric power, and urban water supplies) and local infrastructure, it will be important to initiate a planning activity to bridge the national and the local. The District Development Committees, or inter-regional plans should be based on development poles or magnet areas, should be prepared.
    The planning for regional or provincial infrastructure should look not only at the needs and how to meet them. The planning should also look at the financial and technical manpower requirements for maintenance of the infrastructure once constructed and propose institutional mechanisms for ensuring that the needed maintenance would be carried out efficiently and effectively.
    The construction of safe water supply facilities and appropriate sanitary facilities is potentially one of the most important activities in a local infrastructure program. It is essential, however, that the activity be seen as a health activity, not just infrastructure. Such projects in rural areas will not have the desired health impact, nor be sustainable, unless there is organized community participation and meaningful (to the community) health promotion activity preceding, during, and after the construction period The local participation should be inclusive and democratic with women having slots in driving it..
    H. Monitoring Human Rights
    Human rights monitoring offices (national and international) should be established in partnership with local security teams with workshops, seminars, etc. to provide the training and orientation proposed above in value for human and consensus building and organize other activities to promote reconciliation at all levels. One such activity might be the holding of a conference on the human rights situation in the country (or a region) and the steps that would be needed to deal with the threat and foster a more homogeneous society.
    In conclusion, I would highlight the need to push forward an inclusive agenda that is participatory and transparent set on:
    • The planning process for demobilization and rebuilding
    • orientation in conflict resolution and consensus building
    • the actual demobilization of militias, and
    • the monitoring of human rights violations.
    And Kofi Anan team should come with binding resolutions that are fool proof , which will not be manipulated

  28. dino,
    I think you may have your good thoughts published as a guest post at Kumekucha. I could also carry it at my blog ( Please visit and leave your comment there, I'll get them as an email. Thanks

  29. Anon @ 11.53; Yes, Kenyans have said no to an imperial presidency loud and clear.

    As one analyst said; KATIBA SI BIBILIA it can and must be changed. Power must be dispersed evenly across Kenya (majimbo) and the 3 arms of government.

  30. What happens if PNU splits into smithereens like tomorrow? Musikari and ODM-K are already making noise.

  31. I hear Orengo nearly got assasinated, is this true?

  32. There has been a lot of talk about PNU side not wanting a quick resolution and they are looking for anything to scattle the talks and any imminent agreement. Even their own paper Nation has reported that they tried to stagnate the talks on the humanitarian problem.

    They want to retain power at any cost....and if that means another assassination they are willing to do it.

  33. My Kenyan brothers and sisters. Both Raila and Kibaki are guilty for bringing this tragedy upon Kenya. 1,000 dead, 350,000 refugees. Even Somalia cannot meet this record in one month!

    The best thing is for us to talk about peace and ethnic harmony. Kenya can never be divided. This is treason even in our own hearts.

    But Kenya can never be ruled by blood thirsty tyrants who brought us this low in the yes of the world.

    Raila is the author of this violence in Kenya. Make no mistake about this. He may or not be caught by the USA's secret investigation of the ignitors of our genocide. Yes, Kibaki is also the engineer of this political impasse. They are both guilty as hell and any alliance between them will never make their bloody hands clean.

    I would love to see a new Kenya, devoid of tribalism and personality politics. And as the youthful dot com voters we the youth could do this.

    This is the strategy that Obama employs here in the USA. Youth is the Key.

    Kenyan in Rochester, NY

  34. Anonymous @8:50,
    Where did you get this on Orengo? From an anonymous sms, Mutua or police?

  35. Constitution will not save Kenya. We need ethics and moral reform in our leaders and citizens. Respect of the law and doing what is right for the country and constitution as opposed to self are paramount. Otherwise, next election cycle, we should be prepared for chaos. No one will trust the ECK or whatever replaces it and most likely folks will arm their supporters in readiness for the police.

  36. Good constitutions are not designed for good leaders they are designed to prevent even the worst of leaders from abusing power,through devolution and strong institutions.

    I believe the original bomas draft can do that.

  37. @fave of big ....5:18

    You ask me what are we supposed to do when Mwai steals an election? Make the country ungovernable; protest in whatever way you can to make sure of this but to me attacking your neighbour with a machete is out of order. So nowhere do I say/imply that Kenyans should bend over for another five year screwing.

    Ati you could excuse the Eldoret massacres? Aish hata wewe even hypothetically speaking that's a bit much. For one you seem to exonerate the perpetrators and pass the buck on to Mwai? That is pathetic. Attacking your fellow kenyan is barbaric, period. The massacres in Eldoret were as bad as the ones in Naivasha and Nakuru. Mwai's failure on the former was as bad as the latter. Mwai knew what he was doing the moment he decided to remote control the tallying, sorround KICC with cops and dispatch cops to Kisumu. So the man definitely had his bearings.

    You state that Mwai had to be punished. You seem to imply attacking percieved Mwai supporters is punishing Mwai. Do I get you right on this?
    My question to you is, when a politician commits a wrong, is it in order to attack his/her perceived supporters?

    Granted officers have been biased in this whole saga, it seems rubber bullets were delivered just before Naivasha and Nakuru erupted.

    I believe that truth and justice should prevail, I don't have to be in ODM to believe this, ODM does not have a monopoly in this regard.

    Mwai brought this crisis upon our country, but in seeking to right the wrong ODM must ensure they do not find themselves neck high in Mwais muck.

    We need wide ranging reforms, I don't think either side on their own can deliver because of what has transpired since December 30. If either side is granted the reins divisive politics is guaranteed and possibly a fair amount of mayhem.

    Sadly we have to look in the mirror and say, we are tribal, shameful as it may be, we are it. Look at our politics, it is completely tribal, so lets just find some constitutional arrangement that takes account of this fact and devolve power to ensure that we do not care who is in state house.

  38. Dino, you need a blog :). I have printed your post and look forward to reading it.

    Just mimi, to quote Fave of bg: "I *could* excuse Eldoret for the fact that he was fresh from stealing elections, he was giddy, guilty and trying to find his bearings. But what about the latter two places where he had all the machinery to stop."

    I don't believe he/she is condoning Eldoret.

    Yes, only *wide ranging reforms* that affect change as well as individual and communal soul-searching will save Kenya.

    That is why blogs like this are so important. I SALUTE Phil, Taabu, Chris and their team. Partisan or not, they are providing an immeasurable service providing such a forum.

  39. Steve

    I don't think Fave of bg has said he condones the massacre, more that I do not get the feeling that he condemns it. (and in some way this applies to both incidents). Its just like elections were stolen and anything to protest this is fair game.

    We cannot just say Mwai didn't stop it. The people who wielded machetes are guilty of wielding them as Mwai is guilty of failing to stop them. Both are culpable.

  40. taabu you are starting to falter in your arguments. Whilst recognising that Kibaki has alot of input in this mess, you cannot say that other politicians havent played a part in it. Lets be honest with ourselves, both sides rigged. You are teetering on the brink of making scapegoats, please think about the fact that two sides made errors that catalysed this conflict.

  41. just-mimi said...@12:20 PM,
    I did not in anyway condemn the massacres because that will take a full page to put my feelings into words. I was trying to explain two things. (1) Why people were evicted (wrongly) (2) Why I left PNU for ODM.
    I was just trying to explain the violence and why the protests degenerated. And I think that I mentioned that unfortunately it is the innocent who suffer when people try to punish Mwai.
    Try to get all my records and you will see that I have condemned the massacres and preached peace. Read all my records on Kumekucha and you will see that I in a most unceasing manner has condemned the use of matchetes or whatever weapon on a fellow Kenyan or even a fellow human being.
    I however have preached devolution and even breaking up of Kenya if we do not learn to live together. I am not ashamed of my position about the later and I stand by the former (no violence). And even if Kenya was broken up I do not think people should be evicted.
    But for your benefit, I once more deplore the lose of life occasioned on the people of Kenya by anyone. If you were ever in danger in my neighborhood, I would welcome and protect you. I hope you do the same for me.
    I would like to see all perpetrators brought to justice. I would also point to you that most of the deaths were caused by police and most of the dead are ODM supporters. Over 150 killed in a single night in Kisumu.
    If you punish people in Eldoret, are you going to punish the police? If you do not punish the police, won't that bring about feelings of biasness and more hatred.
    I think it is time to forgive and forget and bring wide ranging changes. Healing is not easy, and PNU can not get redemption by trying to demonize individuals in ODM. I insist the lit the fire, we are only trying to help them put it out

  42. Anon @ 9.59; Get real. To blame the recent violence on Raila is ridiculous.

    We all know the causes of the violence. They strech back to the sixties and can be traced to land grievances and a bad constitution.

    The violence was bound to occur sooner or later and whether or not Raila was a politician.

  43. FAVE OF BG, JUST MIMI and the rest debating the evictions and deaths; those who were evicting did so because their attempts to resolve their land claims peacefully since independence had been steadfastly ignored.

    The stolen election was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    Let us not pretend that there were no "historical injustices."


    Once said that he had 30 years of his life "knocking in vain, patiently" at the door of apartheid until his frustration at being ignored led him to believe that the only way forward was to kick the door down.

    Well, there are those Kenyans who have been "knocking in vain, patiently" at the door of IMPERIAL PRESIDENCY, decade after decade, asking that their land grievances be addressed and that power be distributed fairly. They were ignored.


  45. What Graca Michel told Martha Karua:

    ""Listen to me young lady. You have not seen life. I fought as a guerilla and I have been married to two heads of state. Please don't be a nuisance and understand that we need a political solution not a legal one. We have the goodwill of the Kenyan people and the international community, if we can't make progress with you we might have to kick you out and the process will continue without you!"

  46. I second that Derek!

    And to Anon @ 1.17 I second you too. I am fed up at the hypocrisy of those who were silent at the immiseration and robbery of one group of Kenyans over decades and have only found their voices when the recent violence hit.

    Let us make no mistake - there will be no genuine peace unless we sort out the root cause of the land grievance and get a new constitution.

  47. anon @ 1.45 i agree with you there were historical injustices, and that is why it is tragic that a generation is paying for the mistakes of previous generations

  48. As has been said somewhere it cannot be determined with certainty that Raila won but in can be determined with some certainty that Kibaki did not.

    (I couldn't locate the article and would appreciate if anyone who knows about it post a link.)

    So the issues are:

    1. Is Kibaki culpable?
    2. Is Raila culpable?
    3. Is it logistically possible to persecute every single person who turned to violence, and especially to murder?

    Without minimizing the carnage, what are the modalities for moving forward? How will the TRC work? As you can see this a complete mess.

    ODM rigging notwithstanding, if indeed Kibaki did steal the election as is the general consensus, then at a minimum he should be forced by the international community to step down. If we are going to investigate EVERY crime (including the ODM leadership and support base), Kibaki and his cohorts should be first in line because the violence was in response to their power grab.

    So the bone of contention is still: was the election stolen? With some hindsight, the consensus is emerging that it was.

  49. The person who was asking if Mungiki junta led by Kibaki wants to kill Orengo, the story is here:

  50. Steve @ 1.31;

    I agree that it is impossible to determine with any measure of certainty who won the election. People like Kalonzo Musyoka who as late as 2/10/08 asserting otherwise are deluded.

    My proposition; let us have a govt of unity with balanced power for about 2-3 years. In those years, we should:

    a)Overhaul the constitution.
    b)Deal with the humanitarian situation.
    c)Begin a national healing process.

    After that, we may turn to a general election which Kenyans can face with minimal jitters knowing that the winner-takes-all mechanism is dead.

  51. Derek, if any of the ODM leadership (or PNU for that matter) is targeted, some group is intent on destabilizing Kenya. This is very bad news.

  52. Anon 1:44, I can't agree more.

    It's the balanced power aspect that will keep people up at night for the next 5 days. We all thought Kenya needed prayers in the immediate aftermath. If fact we need them even more now.

  53. Anon @ 1:44 and Amaan @ 1.50 -

    True; much remains to be done. We must remain on high alert until a reformed government emerges and every offensive and obscene article in our constitution is washed away.

  54. Derek, if the 'duly elected govt' has in interest of Kenyans and Kenya at heart, they should be proving round the clock police security to the ODM leadership. Any additional 'mishaps' will plunge Kenya into you know what.

    Anon 1:44 - You have nailed it. ODM will have to pull back somewhat. Sad but true.

  55. Mwanigi Kiunjuri roots for Majimbo

    Kikuyustan is coming to appreciate the hard fact that "it is the end of the line".

  56. Now listen to this stupid desert man from Machakos.

  57. VP’s call on power plan not surprising

    Publication Date: 2/11/2008
    I am hardly surprised by Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka’s caution on the idea of power-sharing.

    Well, it is quite in order that the idea should not be rushed into. However, Mr Musyoka must be having his own ideas. He fears that in such an arrangement, he could be rendered irrelevant. Having come a poor third in the controversial presidential election, and with only MPs from a section of his Ukambani home turf, Mr Musyoka has little to offer, yet he is a key beneficiary of the current political dispensation.

    While talking about justice for victims of the post-election violence, Mr Musyoka must remember that the violence was a culmination of injustices committed to millions of Kenyans over the years.

    During all that time, he, and many others in the previous governments, chose to safeguard their own property from a safe distance.


  58. Now, why would some idiot(s) decide it would be a smart idea to try and kill Orengo? From reading that article though, I get the feeling that the gang was there merely to threaten, rather than cause immediate harm. What I don't understand is why the gang (of about 30) decided to go to a pastor's house...some things don't add up.

  59. @Kamwaro, I find it interesting that both Nation and Standard have a similar commentary on Kalonzo. My question is, why is anybody wasting ink and space on this guy?

  60. i hope kenyans come 2012 will campaign for better leaders. One of the things every person who identifies themselves as kenyan needs to is analyse what defines them as kenyan. Some of us have worked tirelessly through forums, articles and discussions reassuring the international community that Kenya has enough consensus to get through this situation. But some of the views here are disillusioning and dont really offer anything constructive, instead they just do finger wagging and blaming when 305000 people are homeless, 1000 families are grieving and few have paid attention to solutions for them to resettle.

  61. Anon @ 3.05; Where exactly have you been these past few weeks?

    We are unanimous in recognising the plight of the evicted as well as the plight of those who evicted them after suffering for decades.

    My friend, a formidable solution comes from working on both sides of the equation.

  62. oh trust me anon@4.22, i have been here for many months if not wks. I did not state that pple dnt recognise the evicted, i am pointing out the fact that possible solutions arent really being discussed for them because the debate swings back to propaganda. As a matter of fact, id like to ask whether the humanitarian or the political crisis can be solved by kenyans? Because we have to strongly point that out, otherwise we will end up at the UN Security Council again which would not be a good thing at all. In realtime, an agreement is almost being reached but if the negotiators took some of these statements on board? Wah things would be heated

  63. Marianne Briner are really pathetic and miserable. Why use my name. You fat ass..

  64. Anonymous said...@1:05pm.
    All I tell you is look at my record on the blog. Look at my condemnation of mercantile mercenariness. I accept there are inequalities.
    All I said is that there are better ways of solving them than we Africans making mortal enemies of each other. I appreciate that especially the Maasai,Coastal people and Kalenjins have been dispossessed of their lands and rights. I call for the respect and restoration of their rights.
    Finally, Which part of I am now in ODM is not understood by you! Thank this blog for tiding me over to ODM from PNU i do not stay in Kenya now and I consider my self and Kenyans in diaspora economic and career refugees. Sort of externally displaced persons.

  65. Since 1975 during Mzee Jomo Kenyatta`s one man regime when Mr. james Orengo used to be in University, his life used to be in danger. When The tyrant Moi took over for 24 years of dictatorship and running the country to the ground economically, Mr. james Orengoo`s life used to be in danger and now during ODM and the elections thief rule General Kiguoya`s regime Emilio Kibaki Mr.james Orengo`s life is in danger. Can`t someone dpo something. Orengo a scare crow who survives on the public mercy and he is a propagada man. How comes he does not leave the country like his brother Githongo for his safety and seek assylum in UK or other western countries?

    He should stop fooling Kenyans about being in danger and do something about it or someone will do something about it.Who is fooling who? kenyans now have matured and can not be fooled easily. All he wants is to be pocketing $13,000 dollars plus allowances as an MP per month for payukaring and doing nothing from Tax payers money.

  66. anon 6:12

    Go and vomit somewhere else. you are petty like the rabbit-eared alfred ng'ang'a mutua.

  67. Ken??
    So now since you couldn't get rid of him!!you want him to leave the country??you PNU people are sick!you murderer's go vomit your shit on your kikuyu kumekuchas!!if you have no respect for people who have been fighting for democracy since 1975 like Orengo and he is still doing do now-Very proud of Orengo- Go Orengo Go show them what democracy is all about!!!

    Ken said...

    Since 1975 during Mzee Jomo Kenyatta`s one man regime when Mr. james Orengo used to be in University, his life used to be in danger. When The tyrant Moi took over for 24 years of dictatorship and running the country to the ground economically, Mr. james Orengoo`s life used to be in danger and now during ODM and the elections thief rule General Kiguoya`s regime Emilio Kibaki Mr.james Orengo`s life is in danger. Can`t someone dpo something. Orengo a scare crow who survives on the public mercy and he is a propagada man. How comes he does not leave the country like his brother Githongo for his safety and seek assylum in UK or other western countries?

    He should stop fooling Kenyans about being in danger and do something about it or someone will do something about it.Who is fooling who? kenyans now have matured and can not be fooled easily. All he wants is to be pocketing $13,000 dollars plus allowances as an MP per month for payukaring and doing nothing from Tax payers money.

  68. all our politicians are dodgy, dnt trust them at all, and dnt think change is coming soon. You have 1 side that wants to rule Kenya in a top down way, and have very old fashioned ways of exercising diplomacy. Then there is another side, which wants to pursue 1960's socialist economic policy when every socialist country is doing the opposite and encouraging less state intervention in markets. Both refuse to see that the fundamental issue is regional autonomy and kenyans would like greater development in their localities. Majimbo wont work because there still will be dependency on the central govt, and the only benefit will be socio-political, as evidence shows devolution doesnt increase economic growth so other strategies are also needed and what ODM is actually suggesting is decentralisation. As for PNU, thinking that surrounding yourself with experts but failing to listen to the people is a stupid way of governing people. Obviously people want local govt to be strong, so they should stop being old fashioned, increase their efforts in strengthening local govt and actually give some budgetary allocation powers to local govts.

  69. Fave of bg - we are totally in agreement. No need to say more.

    Anon @ 1:05pm

    Of course there are historical injustices, mind you these are not only confined to Rift Valley. These are the things that need sorting out in the 'wide ranging reforms' that are absolutely necessary. Any half measures will only ensure another crisis in the not so distant future. It must be such that we all come out of all this feeling justice has been done and that is why neither ODM nor PNU on their own can deliver, it has to be an all inclusive process.

    Now you effectively make my point because all I was saying is that once people started attacking their neighbours we moved beyond a stolen election.

    Just like we shouldn't pretend there are no historical injustices, we shouldn't pretend the evictions were about a stolen election.

  70. Just Mimi @ 2.15; who said the evictions were just about a stolen election?

    The evictions stem from the "historical injustices" you have pointed out. The stolen election was simply the last blow the dispossed decided they could take.

    It robbed them of what they had viewed as another chance at trying to change their lives and future.

    The good thing is that we now realise that we need to address this problem without further delay for a better future.

  71. Anon @ 6:58am.

    That was my primary point and you seemed to join my exchanges with Fave of bg without this appreciation.

    I rest my case.

  72. A great line by Nducu Wa Ngugi

    'Politicians are by proxy the cement which must be mixed with careful measurement so that the coagulating aggregate strengthens and adheres to the fundamental aspirations of any democracy and its institutions.'

    We keep on getting the mix wrong!


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