Sunday, December 16, 2007

Kenya's Watergate is Back, Who Sets Agenda?

In re-awakening the Anglo Leasing scam, the Kenyan media is either simply (and cheaply) measuring to the buzzword of being a watchdog or sinisterly stroking political fires with hidden agenda. So Githongo is back in the headlines this last week without ballot. But who sets our national agenda?

Give it to our media to clothe sectarian interest in nationalistic gab. The Githongo shadow is one ghost you only ignore at this time in our political calender at you peril. And the Government gatekeepers spared no breath to dismiss Kibaki's former and exiled corruption Czar.

Kimunya has now passed the bashing button to Kenya's only existing iron lady. Martha Karua rarely disappoints. She came with the guns blazing, fast, furious and foaming at both ends of her mouth in rubbishing Githongo's latest jibe that painted Kibaki's regime negativbely with poor grades for fighting graft graft.

Swaying public opinion
According Martha Githongo is falsely stealing the limelight and merely profiteering on recycled reports. There is no need to ask whether these reports are true lest you invite unadulterated venom and wrath of the lady from Gichugu.

In all the murk lurks our media's cleverly crafted agenda to sway public opinion as they rake in profit in daily sales thanks to sensation headlines. Well it is only 10 days to the D-day and all the political heat will only leave ashes it its wake with ego both inflated and wounded. Meanwhile kazi indelee.


  1. Speaking to The Standard in Nandi before he flew to Kisumu, Raila said President Kibaki had allegedly told Githongo when details of the complex web of Kenya’s biggest financial scam recent times started taking shape, "Young man, I have been in the Government for a long time that is how things are done..." This was after Githongo sought his intervention over corruption in Government by informing him how deeply a section of his own Cabinet ministers had immersed themselves into the scam, said the former Lang’ata MP.

    Taabu, you can imagine how the country (and the world) will react when Githongo unleashes that tape in which he recorded Kibaki as highlighted above. As a matter of fact, this tape might be played in the ODM rally slated for 24th December in Uhuru Park, as a final nail in the coffin that has been the disastrous Kibaki presidency. This is because no local media company will play it on air (without pretending to replay it from BBC).

  2. People as Githongo has said a thief does not become a lesser thief just because he is from your tribe. Kimnuya and company have been caught trying to remove their hands from the tin. PNU insider no amont of propaganda that you want to unleash next week will make a difference. The die has been cast and whatever you unleash i will treat it with the contempt it deserves.

  3. Come on guys!

    And we are supposed to believe ODM is made up of pure angels who are whiter than white? Don't make me laugh! Ruto-the youngish billionaire who can't explain his wealth? Gumo the infamous boss of now defunct Nairobi City Commission? Kosgey who collapsed the KNA and had tales to tell during the 4th All African Games? Mudavadi the rich spoilt kid who must know a thing or two about Goldenberg?

    Listen Phil, you're not dealing with kids here. Talk about Kisumu Molasses Plant instead. Ever heard the story of the pot and kettle?

    Get me out of here!

    PNU will remain cool, calm and elected.

    tnx..PNU insider

  4. I support John Githongo's war against corruption but it is a pity he comes off as someone who is in the business with an eye to partisan politics. Congratulations to the man for showing us a new way of doing things, BUT I am a little suprised at his implied willingness to dine and make merry with the other side of corruption. Corruption is not only corruption when practiced by "his people". Corruption is corruption is corruption and I expect him to state just as much.

  5. Some comments above about others being corrupt is simply childish. The reason we are bitter about corruption is because the CURRENT government which promised ZERO tolerance on corruption has failed miserably. They failed to charge corrupt people irrespective of which party they belong. That was their responsibilty. So those arguing that people in ODM are also corrupt are being naiive...if they so corrupt why can't the government charge them? We want ALL corrupt people charged. You can't have the police and full strenghth of law on your side and compare yourself to the opposition!! the government's action in saying that ODM are corrupt and Not doing anything about it is in itself proof that they have no interest in fighting corruption.

  6. Anonymous when we elected Kibaki it was not because he was good. He was given a job to do and he has failed!! When he filled in his performance contract in December 2002 there were targets that he was supposed to meet and you see these targets were not put by us, it was him who declared zero tolerance to corruption and my govt will not have sacred cows and 5 years down the line what happened that he himself realizes that actually under his leadership there were some with dirty hands, and the govt appointments have not represented the face of Kenya. The Ruto's, Kosgeys are not on the electric chair here and if they are guilty which you know why then dont you charge them in a court of law or better still at Ringera's office. What Kenyans are doing right now is we are checking his exams paper alongside the marking scheme that Kibaki himself provided. The other thing with the Rutos and company we will leave it up to the electorate of their constituencies to decide their fate. It is not in my place to pass judgement. If you are looking for angels then you will find them in heaven. We are not saying ODM or ODM K has angels ..we are saying in short that he has fialed to be the custodian of this country so we are going to try someone else and we will continue doing that until the day we will get it right!!!

  7. Very well said Yvonne...

  8. Very well said Yvonne...

  9. Well said Yvonne!

  10. Well, those views are just on one area and since you rightfully admit that we have no Angels, would it not be appropriate to also look at other achievements that Kibaki has...We have the interest rates down where for the first time in the history of this country banks are looking for clients even in the streets,the economic development which even Raila can not argue with..even though the trickle effect has not be fully felt by the common man.Would it not be fare too to look at Kenya's improved farming and the returns therefore.Well you talk of experimenting and you forgot that the Devil you know may sometimes be better than the Angle you haven't seen.Of concern though and as a addition to all these are the people who are saying they will start civil unrest unless their preffered presidential candidate do not win,is that realy think you views on Kibaki and with less emotions too.


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