Saturday, September 01, 2007

ODM Presidential Nomination: The Past Comes Back To Haunt Voters


The defining image and moment for me from the 2002 general elections was the swearing in of President Kibaki when a Nairobi man voluntarily took a dip in the murky waters of Uhuru Park, drinking some of the water in the process. He didn't care, he was ecstatic that change had come over Kenya with the felling of Kanu and the win of the National Rainbow Coalition and Mwai Kibaki. I often remember that man and wonder what became of him. More so because somebody trashed his dream (and our dream too) into those same murky waters of Uhuru Park that day.

I mention this because I saw a similar spirit at Kasarani today during the ODM presidential nominations. Enthusiastic Kenyans, enthusiastic and extremely hopeful that the change they were cheated out of in 2002, will happen this time. I couldn't help feeling pity for them because there are still too many obstacles to real change in Kenya.

A leopard cannot change its' spots and I see the same looters and "rapists" of the Kenyan economy and Kenyan people hanging around Raila and ODM and waiting in anticipation for him to win the presidency so that they can continue to do what they have been doing all along.

Presidential hopefuls, Raila Odinga were blocked and then slowly escorted into Kasarani by enthusiastic, chanting crowds. The crowds shouted; "Ruto, Dawa Ya Moi."

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  1. Chris, I have to say you are Marianne Briner's mouth piece...she influences what you say and what you write...we all know that Briner is against a Luo Presidency...and so you follow what she tells cheap can you be...she used you to trash Jeff Koinange...Do you know she lied on Jeff...

    Oh...and before I sign off...Abunuasi beat you pants down...Go abunuasi...Go abunuasi...I bet your soaking in your tears today...

  2. Oh and again I must add covered the nominations of ODM-K and ODM with both syle and integrity.

  3. Anon, you are deranged. Grow UP!

    You have a choice to visit any blog you like. You can even visit Raila They covered it better. Or, they even spiced it in vernacular!

    Where does Brinner come in. What about Koinange. Is it metioned in the post. Be smart please.

  4. Did you say Luo presidency. Until it snows in hell or the sun, you will not see one.

  5. Please leave my name out of this .... Chris does not need me to know and say what is going on ....

    And regarding Jeff Koinange: my book on the whole 'mess' will be in public domain from September 9 onwards - and after having 'digested' everything (I am publishing all our correspondence up to the bitter end including his admissions and apologies) you will know that I said the truth ..... and nothing but the truth.

    The correspondence between Jeff and me also talks a lot about politics - Kenyan politics and its main players - and reading Jeff's comments will of course be of interest ........

  6. The above Anon ... kwani what is wrong with you ... what has this post got to do with Marianne and Jeff? alaa ...

  7. In the Spirit of giving credit where credit is due and leaving comments consistent with the post, congrats to the Raila Team, of course 'Chris' and Co. included. That some cool victory yesterday.
    I however, emphatically deny that Raila is spotless.
    And ever so strongly, even 'Luos' have every right to 'eat', and it may just be their time.

  8. Eat what? Molasses PLant in Kisumu?

  9. One thing is for folk that write on this blog are tribalists to the only want a kikuyu or any other tribe for president...why are you guys so selfless...what's wrong with a Luo Presidency...why can't you all be patriotic citizens of our beloved nation and walk hand in hand as one Kenya and not tribal #$@#%...well, sometimes I feel like shedding tears for my country because of people like you...It's because of people like you that we have a country where the poor will stay poor, the rich will keep sailing in their possessions...

    I brought Briner into this discussion because if you're objective, you'll notice...Chris always takes Marianne Briner's side...consider the Jeff Koinange Saga...he unveils a scandal to bring one of our own down before considering the facts on both sides...I say to you Chris, to every story...there are two time let your readers be the judge...don't label someone a name...A Kenyan Date Rape Journalist...just because briner, the bully said so...Don't you be fooled by this woman...she'll be turning against you soon...And don't you ever wonder why she fell out with Abunuasi...?

    So much for this for Kenyans blubbing on this blog, be mature and write like educated indiviaduals...

    N'how, I dream, just like Martin Luther...that one day, a luo and a kikuyu will dine together...a Kalenjin and a Kikuyu will walk side by side...a Kamba and a Kikuyu will run together...a Luhya and a Kikuyu will work together...etc.

    Let's all bury our tribal underwear...put on a Kenyan one...

    And by the way I'm a sad Kikuyu...I love my tribe...I have to say tribe needs to be visionaries and nationalists and shun nepotism....

  10. Anonymous why step on your own vomit? You dare accuse all and sundry here of imagined sins while you obtusely live the lie yourself. Please walk the talk and stop falsely accusing others without proof.

    For the umpteetth time I REPEAT MB is many things to many people. But when you bring her up here without any reference to the post you stand accused of selective vilification. JK was no ordinary bloke like you and let him fight his own battles. Or are you holding brief? Your thinly-veiled bile gave you out. Next time be smarter please.

  11. How does the issue of Jeff Koinange come in here? Who talked of a 'luo presidency' here apart from you Anonymous 'kikuyu'? DAMN, people spare us those little mercy cries for us to support a 'luo' presidency or even a 'kamba' one. You can call me a tribalist but that will never change the one fact that I can NEVER vote for Raila Odinga,no, not even in death.

  12. Anon, for some many reasons, imagined or real, Marianne-Brinner has not been mentioned in this blog for days before you brought it up today. Tnen, in your own silly ways, say that Marianne is against the Luo. Tell me, who, including Raila Odinga and Oginga Odinga, has stood out and sucked vitriol for fighting for the justice in the Robert Ouko murder.

    Who stuck here head out to seek justice in that case? I for one reason do not have anything to gain from this talk, but, you look cheap and irrelevant when your gambit is that people here are against a Luo presidency. Was Raila elected president yesterday? Then, you should have corrected it to read a Luo candidature.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Won't tire to remind you of the OAF you are. Stop it, we don't need your cheap mind here NUMSKULL.

  15. guyz ur comments don't end up's nothing but a war of wordas.Grow up please!!!!!!!!!11


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