Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Who Has More Balls: Kalonzo Or Ngilu?


Today's posts are dedicated to "agent Jack Bower" Ngilu, Mwalimu "irrevocable promissory notes" Mati and to the ODM registration certificate.

No abusive language, no lectures please, and certainly no emotions, let us just state the facts as they are. This is not about ODM or its' comedy-of-errors-presidential-nomination circus. This post is all about answering one simple question.

The question is simply...


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  1. Kumekucha,
    You forgot to mention the nasty affair the lady had with a well known gigolo (your own words on this blog) called Tony Gachoka.

    So now she has balls, ohh because there are romours that she is going to defect to the Raila camp in ODM. Dont underestimate the intelligence of Kenyans.

    The only reason that the police allowed them is because she is a lady and she was also rescuing a lady. You think police would have gave in if it was a male minister trying to free a male coalegue? Remember the case of Hon Kivutha Kibwana at Uhuru park trying to stop city council demoliship bishop Kitonga's church? the guy was almost killed.

    Actually to me Ngilu sufers from emotional outbursts, and should not have behaved the way she has done on many instances. Not that i support police action yesterday, i condem it.

  2. My kind of president. She is the one and only with no KANU blood in her system.

  3. Ngilu's emotional outbursts are becoming so sad to the point of comical/humorous. She is doing things for attention. We all know individuals who do or say things just to attract attention and so people can talk about them, but the more they behave that way, the less people take them seriously. I think Ngilu has become one such individual. Her emotional outbursts can be compared to one Lucy Kibaki storming Nation Centre and harrasing staff there - sad, criminal, but humorous.

  4. People have continued to mistake millitant activism for bravity. What's so brave in a cabinet minister confronting policemen knowing so well they are her juniors and they have to give in to her demands? Here is an individual who has routinely resorted to confrontation every time there is a looming election. In early 2002, Shariff Nassir went to kitui and when he was having lunch with the DC, Ngilu stormed the lunch session and literally threw away the plates of rice. All this was done to revive a dwindling career and the reason given for the hooliganism was that the minister had gone to undermine her. If a minister cannot pay a courtesy call to a DC then tell me what primitivity is.

    Now Chris I understand ur frustration perfectly well. Why single out Kalonzo's absence in the demonstrations when even all the other major politicians were not there? If it was a kamba affair as u want to imply by quoting Kalonzo as 'Ngilu's neighbour' why not name Musila, Kiema Kilonzo, Patrice Ivuti and Mrs. Nyiva Mwendwa who actually share constituency borders with her? KAlonzo is a thorn in some people's flesh and he will continue to be so. This post is a reaction in despair to his defection from the Luo Democratic PArty and that's why i said i understand where u r coming from and excuse your hysteria. I however must tell u not to despair, more stuff is on the way and let's see who will be the last man standing.

    About who has more balls than who, Kalonzo has two Ngilu has none. Some male friends of Ngilu have crashed balls and they cannot even harm a fly. Those are the people u need to compare Ngilu with, ballwise that is.

  5. I told you Chris is obsessed with Kalonzo for reasons best known to him. All the same, Kumekucha in conjunction with the government have worked tirelessly in ensuring that ODM K splits. As it stands now, the split is no longer a secret. Chris, without batting an eyelid, you also stand accused of fanning tribalism and ethnic hatred. I accuse you of putting your posts in such a way that it increases ethnic temperatures especially with ODM K supporters in this blog. That's why those abusive comments appear here. Now that Kalonzo has parted ways with Raila, will that make Kenya, and by extension, ODM a better place?

    Vikki, I can't spare you either. If you get to read these comments, please note I will be waiting for your reply! If Raila and his supporters are thugs, as Kiema Kilonzo and Maanzo have already put it (I know you think the same), are you expecting support from these same "thugs" in the event that KM clinches the ODM ticket? Do you sincerely believe KM can beat Kibaki without the support of these so called thugs? Vikki, please be sincere with yourself and stop these emotional outbursts (Yes, you are suffering from the same disease you are accusing Ngilu of suffering from!) I stand for unity in ODM, whoever is nominated. Though I have never hidden my preference for Raila, I'll support whoever is nominated as long as they agree. Can you Vikki, say the same of yourself? I already have an answer. You have always ranked your preferences as KM, MK, UK.. Raila doesn't feature anywhere in your ranking. If this is not tribalism in ODM, what is it!!!? We all know that UK has left ODM. So Vikki you'd rather support another party if you candidate doesn't get the nod in ODM? This I think is selfish and tribalist. There is no single day you have ever said why Raila cannot make a good president. All I remember is you constant rants, that it will be a no-contest between him and Kibaki.

    This is just my opinion, I stand to be corrected!


  6. i have to agree with Vikii-we need to stop allowing the law to be broken by every tom, jane and junior vigilante politician on the warpath to employ renegade tactics in the name of the end justifies the means

    If there is a problem with the way things are done in the country, who other than you "Bauer" is in best position to change things as one of the lawmakers in the land? Pass a law, amend the statquo, set the example madam!(not like that though)

    Then again, we live in the land where first ladies who slap cameramen and storm media houses to conduct midnight vigils go scott-free without so much as slap on the wrist, and other mamluks brandish pistols openly in international airports scaring waifer-thin customs officials-kenyans are used to the law being applied when it suits. doesn't matter though the economy is growing and corruption doesn't exist

  7. First of Chris, I want to agree with you and PKW, Madam Ngilu has much more 'balls' than Kalonzo. Her SDP, NPK and now NARC have all left memorable marks in political Kenya. What has Kalonzo done or achieved in nearly 20 years of public life? Whether or not his allies are the registered ODM officials, can he really claim to 'have the numbers'? I doubt it.

    The over-rated Kalonzo himself has finally come out and proven himself as a political coward, gaffer per-excellence and a enemy of team playing. As a founder member of LDP, it was expected for him to at least to be one of its staunchest defenders and probably (eventually) its presidential candidate. Not only has he confirmed the sentiments of former President Moi who had dismissed his entire KANU cabinet, including Kalonzo and Mudavadi as unfit to be president but Kalonzo has also enforced our suspisions that he is probably the recepient of a large sum of money that was wired with the sole purpose of splitting the ODM. (There is documentation to prove this). And these moves started a long before he launched his vision, before the abortive London trip and before ODM set its June 2007 deadline for nominating its candidate. His destination, the LPK, is hardly the national party we expected an individual aspiring to be president to head to. Ms Ojiambo, herself nominated to parliament via LDP, and just like Kalonzo, is now obviously a 'presidential candidate' aiming to win a prominent appointment in the next government rather than being president themselves. And what a better way to do it than to sabotage Raila's chances while appeasing Raila's sworn political enemies?

    Unlike all other candidates, Kalonzo never attended the vision launches of any of the other ODM candidates, not even Julia Ojiambo! He tried and failed to make an alliance with Mudavadi, Ruto; and now he is with Julia. Am not sure whether he will go far in the latest venture.. Mudavadi once spoke passionately about a 'dictator' in ODM. I can only guess who this dictator is: Someone who wants political rallies done his way, nomination methods done his way, some one who want his 'chosen' set of officials to be in charge of the secretariat, refusing to return nomination papers until a election board is in place, and after changing nomination preference to consensus expect every other candidate to agree with him. Iko nini kanini kaseo? Dont you bloggers think Mudavadi was right? Or Joe Nyagah, who comes Eastern province like Kalonzo, was justified to demand that Kalonzo to quit ODM?

    We all know what happened to Kalonzo in Mombasa and also his recent embarassing gaffe in Garissa in one of his so called individual rallies. He has on several occassions been told to his face that he is the culprit rocking the ODM boat. His own colleagues have told him , just as elders from all the provinces. The writting was on the wall, Raila was the candidate to beat in ODM nominations, but now on realising he doesnt stand a chance, Kalonzo has chosen to be a spoiler, just like some individuals were before him.

    I will not to respond to 'Luo Development Party' doomsayers here. I believe debate in this blog is far above that kind of cheap tribal vitriol.

  8. I am willing, able, ready and committed to answering your concerns Phil. First of all your ranting will not change my description of the LDP. It is now official that those initials stand for the Luo Democratic Party and I have no apologies. If that is tribalism, then u can call me the biggest tribalist. You have constamtly called the Kalonzo group a tribal group and that is fine.I even went ahead and gave u a list of about ten legislators who back Kalonzo who are not Kaos. With the defection of all those tell me what remains of the LDP. Tell me. Kenneth Marende, George Khaniri and Andrew Lingale. Does that make a difference? You dont have to respond my friend, if anything your response was not solicited.

    Why are people so pissed off when Kalonzo quits the LDP? LPK is very much part of ODM and those saying he should have joined a national party, did u want him to join Narc Kenya or what do u understand 'national' to mean? A party is made national by its membership and let's wait and see. Did he sign a contract that he will forever be an LDP member? U like it when he's being held at ransom eh? About consensus and delegates, any of them is fine and yesterday there were talks about the NEB. We have to reconstitute that board and every other ODM structure in the ratio of 1:1:1, then go for elections.

    Phil you can lie the much u want. Julia Ojiambo was not nominated to parliament through LDP. She was, just like Betty Tett who was a DP candidate, nominated to avoid a nasty face off with LDP's Moody Awori. LDP's nominees are Franklin Bett and Peter Castro Oloo Aringo. I can tell u without a blinker that she was never in LDP. And u seem hurt by people belonging to other parties. Nobody questioned your choice of party and so u have no biz questioning other people's choices. About Kalonzo's snubbing of other candidates launches, u ignore the fact that Kalonzo was the first to launch his vision and they all snubbed it. Why in this world should he soothe anybody by attending his? Another lie: Kalonzo attended Ruto's launch.

    Chief Nanga I am happy u raised that question? U r a Raila Odinga supporter and if every other Raila supporter reasoned like u, then may be and just may be, people like me could be tempted to vote for him in the event he wins the ODM ticket. U need no telling that your fellow Raila supporters believe ODM is Raila and Raila is ODM. Just the same way they claim they made Kibaki pesident. Every major politician backed Kibaki. kaluki ngilu and Michael Wamalwa had already sacrificed their ambitions for Kibaki but your colleagues always tell us what they did as if we were not around. If it were not for this kind of reasoning and operation Chief Nanga u would be sure whoever wins the ODM ticket will get the backing of all ODM supporters. But they believe in underhand dealings to intimidate their colleagues. Why should I vote for such crooks? Kibaki has never been a devil by the way. And yes Chief Nanga, I am the most open person, I will tell u my preference has been and will always be Kalonzo, Uhuru, Kibaki, Ojiambo. Raila doesnt feature anywhere in my heart and I really do not care whether his supporters should say the same for Kalonzo. You talked about tribalism and i am not sure where it comes in here. But u know what? it has gotten to a point where I do not care being called a tribalist. This accusation has continued to be levelled against everybody who detests raila and to me if that's tribalism then I am a proud tribalist.
    Tell your friends in the Raila camp to erase the blind belief that other candidates need Raila more he needs them . They seem to believe everybody exists to do donkey work for their man. That's whack and u know it Nanga.

  9. Like Mutahi Ngunyi recently said, "Kalonzo's feet is made of clay (matope) that will cramble when waters come". Indeed, the waters have come making him tumble. His move to LPK signifies the following:

    1, He has lost the war in ODM. Neither the delegates system nor his preference (consensus method) will win it for him. The other presidential contenders now look at him with suspicion. In fact, consensus may favor Raila, Ruto or Mudavadi.

    2, He is not a serious presidential contender, at least not in ODM. He has turned out to be a spoiler. Like KANU, LPK is going to field parliamentary and civic candidates. So I don't know how Kalonzo is gonna defend his Mwingi seat on LPK ticket and run for presidency on ODM ticket!

    3, Kalonzo has lost the battle. Only the Maanzo dude can save him by convincing the registrar that he is the legible ODM owner. But I don't see Maanzo holding on for so long. Do you remember wananchi who walked to Sheria House to force ODM registration? This time they will go in big numbers, 1 million.

    4, In my opinion, if he really wants to run on ODM ticket, his best option would be to swallow his pride and ask ODM supporters for forgiveness. Of course he can walk back to KANU through LPK or work out a coalition with NARC. Meanwhile the only serious ODM contenders left are Raila, Mudavadi and Ruto to some extent.

  10. Oh yeah, Raila, Mudavadi and Ruto are surely bigger candidates than Kalonzo. I agree with every single word u wrote there Bw. Anonymous. We have heard, all that is left is to see and i wont close any of my eyes.


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