Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Mwalimu Mati And Others Arrested For Objecting To MP's Robbing The Treasury


Step Aside Jack Bower, Here Comes Agent Kaluki Ngilu

There was high drama in Nairobi last night that contained more than enough scenes to create several episodes of 24—the popular world famous TV drama.

In the whole Nairobi drama, health Minister Charity Ngilu was agent Jack Bower—the star of the 24 TV drama and the guy who often achieves the impossible.

The Health Minister who is a sharp contrast to...


New Product Gives Kenyans Foolproof Way To Carry Cash Around, Can Also Be Used For Web Business Online Payments

New SMS campaign technique for Parliamentary and presidential elections in Kenya

Accommodation In Mombasa


  1. The law requires any group to have a permit for such a thing. These guys never bothered to get a permit, so they deserve what they got. Anyone who has been in Nairobi knows the reason parliament passed the law about permit - to keep order/safety because things can very easily get out of hand with mobs.

    Me thinks the Mwalimu Matis and the rest purposely wanted to be arrested in order to get publicity.

    I hate that the goons we call MPs want to steal more money from poor Kenyans. We should protest by all means necessary, but please let us obey Kenya's laws when protesting!!!. Let us not behave like the rugrats we are protesting against!

  2. You cannot bake your cake and goobl it can you? Either you support the course or not but messaging it while holding it precariouly on the fence is disguised dishonesty, ama?

  3. Mwangi you are acting naive, like a boy with a new toy! Telling us ati "they should have sort permit". Which office in this land will grant you permit to protest against its own? Theres one thing to have the law and theres another to enforce the same.

    Just like Taabu said you cannot bake a cake and eat it... and thats just exactly what this gava is trying NOT to do.

    I do support and my sympathy goes out to Mati & his team for bravely of such magnitude.

  4. A case of ask not what your country can do for you gone wrong-the country didn't give Mati&co the permit to do anything hence the consequences...

    Someone here the other day said we should ask what we can do for our country? instead of vice versa?i hope this case-in-point answers their question; it's just one of many examples

    East Africans have been accused in some quaters of being passive, restrained (docile as Derek said)in the name of loving peace (me suspects its in the name of maintaining status quo

    Well,what makes any democracy vibrant and able to push for good governance that is people centred? isn't it an active society that can make its voice be heard-and one that is allowed to make its voice be heard?

    Remember the unexplained raids on the press?now this attack on civil society liberties
    i'm sure we'll all do the math ladies&gents

  5. Mwangi, the law does NOT require anyone to have a permit for a public demonstration. Please check your records. It only requires police to be notified in advance of such an assembly..

    Chris, this is yet another massive cock-up by the Kenya Police. The demonstrators were protesting against MPs and not the government.

    If Messrs. Mati, Nyamwamu, etc would have been left alone, nothing strange or spectacular would have developed out of it, but now because of overzealous policemen, Brg. Ali has to look for frivolous reasons to insert on a charge sheet before presenting the 'suspects' to court in order to justify their actions. And the matter is receiving negative publicity locally and internationally. It is also sadly snowballing into a case of attempted assassination claims, dangerous road accidents and Ngilu being asked to record a statement at CID Hqs. Am sure, ODM is itching to join in the bandwagon demanding for the release of these activists from police custody. And when they do, it will metamorphose into a huge political issue. And during this period nearer to a general election, confrontation earns sympathy and votes for the 'oppressed'.

    I only have two questions, how come Kalonzo (LPK Leader) of all people has not condemned MPs for their greed and corruption. Will he speak when others have spoken? Does he fear to strongly condemn police action against peaceful demonstrators because Ngilu beat him to it, or because it will jeopardize his political relations with Kibaki - who is now said to be seriously considering making him a 'running mate' in 2007?

  6. Baking a cake and eating it???

  7. I stand corrected by Phil, the law does NOT require anyone to have a permit for a public demonstration.. the law requires police to be notified in advance of such an assembly... THEY DID NOT inform the police in advance. These guys purposefully failed to inform the police in advance becuse the were looking for skirmishes which would then give them a lot of publicity. Please get me right, I support their cause because what the goons we call Kenyan MPs were trying to do to poor Kenyans is moronic, but please let us follow the right procedures. Disregard for laws or procedures or common decency with time sinks us to the level that we are trying to get out of. Let us be honest, this kind of disregard permeates Kenyan society in almost every sphere. From Lucy harassing Nation Centre staff, to Ngilu harassing police at Cenral Police, to disregard for traffic laws in Nairobi by motorists, etc.

  8. Well said Bw Mwangi and no sane mind can fault your take on this. But come to think of it. Can you honestly preach respect for the law that is applied selectively for EXPEDIENCY? No need to asnwer that, ama iko?

  9. Thats right bwana Mwangi but we cant be too sure that they did not inform the police, and we must all be law abiding. However, as I type these lines, news breaking informs us that the whole group has been released without any charges. Did the police finally come to their senses? Was the law actually broken?

    The problem here seems to be the government, in the sense that they want to use this huge MP's retirement pay-off as a bribe so as to be able to win a two thirds majority in parliament for the bill for creation of additional constituencies. Intelligence and opinion polls have been giving conflicting forecasts on general election results so the government can only be sure by having more manipulatable MPs.

    I think minimum reforms, as proposed by ODM, will automatically make it easier for women and other groups to get voted into parliament , but additional constituencies will only increase the tax payer burden and the MPs payoff make it even more unbearable for us and future generations.

    In short - we should get rid of this government and vote for one that will bring necessary constitutional change and also agree to facilitate pay cuts for future MPs and high ranking public servants.

    What do you think?

  10. The Kenya police deserve that proposed pay package meant for MPs-why? for putting up so long with taking orders from people more banal than themselves

  11. If the activists have been set free by a Kenyan judge, that is all well and good... that is how the justice works. To respond to Taabu, people break laws, for whatever reason. That, however, does not mean that level-headed Kenyans from all walks of life should tire from preaching abedience to the laws, in-fact, me thinks we should preach it more.

    The government we have currently is a big failure in many respects. Looking at the current individuals in the opposition, however, diminishes my hopes that that they would be any better if they got to power. In, fact, I think they would be much worse. If you have any doubts about that, just look at their past.

  12. I hear you Bw Mwangi. I thought there was meant to be no response. Nevertheless you didn't disappoint. Kudos bro. Tuendelee na kujenga Kenya yetu, our singular motherland.

  13. Tuko pamoja bwana Bwana/Binti?? Taaba. Tuendelee kujenga Kenya yetu sisi wazalendo wote.


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