Tuesday, July 24, 2007

ODM's Illegal Line Up: All Animals Are Equal But Some Are More Equal Than Others


George Orwell was a journalist and a struggling unknown author until he wrote a little harmless-looking book titled Animal Farm. The book just sold and kept on selling and today almost 60 years later, the damn little book is still selling like crazy. He went on to write the big brother book, 1984, which he is also well known for, but it has never beaten Animal Farm in sales.

So, what is so special about Animal Farm? It is the fact that it struck a chord with many about what goes wrong with so many revolutions, which start with good intentions until human nature kicks in. Animal Farm, many believed talked about communist Russia.

This is an excellent time for Kenyans to read and re-read this small book, because they will recognize a lot of what is going wrong in the motherland in that book...

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  1. The line-up and any other that will be announced by the ODM will be inconsequential, irrelevant and most of all, illusionary.

    That it worked in 2002 should not be used as a yard-stick of appointing any future presidential candidate, PM or five VPs, or whatever political posts in place or imagined.

    These are posts, apart from the president’s, non-existent. Predicted here was that the ODM atom with explode, and time is ticking and soon, the orange colour will be a totally different thing altogether.

    I have read media comments by Mutula Kilonzo, I have digested Kiema Kilonzo’s and have confirmed a post here some time last week that the ODM-Kamba (sorry to use a tribal reference) will peel from the main trunk.

    Apar from LPK, the other constituent parties that make ODM are embroiled in one tangle or another. LDP has Kamotho chasing Kibaki’s tail, Kalonzo and Raila speaking a mixture of Russian and Chinese in every sentence they make, Uhuru Kenyatta having scores to settle with another group in Kanu, also tagged to their future in ODM. Then the umbrella ODM has its own ownership, legitimacy and registration problems.

    From the ODM ownership to the failed meetings, the embarrassing moments during ODM rallies, to the Council of Elders, the disorganisation that it ODM has been a litany of problems, reflecting the overall confusion that is among them. The last time the tem was united was on the day of the referendum and since then, the sat on their laurels sharpening their war paraphernalia for what we are witnessing.

    I did argue sometime back about the use of the HAMMER slogan and it has been confirmed in one of the quotations. But I would beg anybody to advice on the use of the HAMMER to be restricted to within the ODM fraternity and for the purposes of nominations.

    On the meeting between Raila, Ruto and Musyoka in Ruto’s home, I believe that it was strongly misadvised and miscalculated. If for any genuine reasons, where were the rest left of out it and why should the three dish the posts.

    These are true mechanisations of William Ruto, who has lost face since Moi denied any kind of relationship with him. Ever since Moi made that statement, Ruto has ran around like a headless chicken trying to find the best suitor. To Ruto now, the big battle is for his political survival that will be under check and the mere fact that in his own Kanu Party, they are faced with a Herculean task of deciding whether they are in ODM or not. To him, the possibility or ODM losing will drill a nail into the coffin of his political career. Anyway, I do not sympathise with Ruto at all and feel ashamed that thousands of ODM supporters jump in ululation when he addresses them. If they knew what Ruto, Mudavadi, Jirongo did to them in generations to come.

    True, as people have said, what clean man is in the ODM brigade? All, I mean all the front-runners have one scandal attached to them or another. Simply tell them to raise their hands and none will. HISTORY is rich! For sure, given a chance, Raila would jump miles away from Henry Kosgei and Ruto, but because of the tribal-political alignments, then one Tinga has no choice.

    Henry Kosgei was minister when an American Dick Berg conned Kenya during the All Africa Games and later he as at the helm of the Kenya National Assurance as it went down, despite the fact that they enjoyed a monopoly of insuring all government vehicles and property, William Ntimama has one of the worst cases of using a community to benefit himself and I fear using its reference of a community that are always at his beck and call. Why should a party that sleeps eats and lives championing for the poor have such a crowd around it.

    On a plane level., the only clean man might be one Kalonzo Musyoka, but he has his shortcoming and long-term connection with Moi or Kanu, which gives him very little chance in my remote approval of his competence. He might be electable, handsome, or whatever criteria that may be used for his abilities, but one thing is that within ODM, Raila has a beachhead

    Parting shot: There is a Swahili saying that: Ukiona mwenzako ywanyolewa, maji yako, yako motoni.

  2. I will get into the nitty gritty of the conmanship in Karen in a minute. Before that I must remind Chris of his continued omission of some middle names. Some of them happen to be very long and I am sure the words making them up can get each one of these blokes a name of his own. Chris, I highly doubt that u honestly believe Kalonzo's abstenance in parliament is a more corrupt venture than the fleecing that was the mollasses saga. If u understood a thing about honesty then u would talk about 'Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka' and "Raila Amolo Mollasses Odinga----RAMO". It is also not lost to me when u call Mudavadi Goldenberg (and rightly so)and u forget the 101 economic, human and political crimes committed by Raila Odinga and William Ruto. I will tell u it is more honourable to sin by omission that to sin by commission. You have consistently spoken of a "Crucial" vote but I will remind you of a more crucial one. It was conducted on October 14 1998. On that day, and u need to take notes, James Orengo moved a motion of no confidence in the government of Daniel Moi. The traitor that is Raila (I am calling him so coz he was elected on an opposition ticket) violently opposed that motion and he even insulted opposition leader Mwai Kibaki. Of course he saw the opposition as being out to block his childhood dream of becoming a minister. Now u tell me if that is the person u try day and night to potray as clean. There are only three confirmed corrupt presidential candidates in the ODM. They are, in order, William Ruto, Raila Odinga and Musalia Mudavadi. I will quizz you on this tomorrow and u better memorize their names Chris. Take note: the order matters.

    Now what do I say about the 'Karen Tea Talks'? One thing is that Kalonzo never cried and two, he didnt invoke the name of his community in all that bullcrap. Men shoulder their burdens and I hope his competitors learnt something. When they grow up they gotta act like they know.

    Kumekucha archives bear me witness. Kenya has a very informed electorate and anybody imagining the presidency of the country can be decided by three largely inconsequential boys is like wanting to take people for a ride. I wish Prime minister Ruto and His excellency President Raila the best of luck in taking kenya to greater heights next year. What they have to bear in mind though is that the day of reckoning is five months away and not any Tom , Dick and Harry can earn those titles, at least not with the ease they are imagining.

    Delegates, consensus and all that is whack. Who will choose those delegates and when? Consensus about what? Even the now famous acclamation method (Kura ya makelele according to Kamotho)is not acceptable. The nomination of the ODM presidential candidate has to be done by the majority of Kenyan registered voters if the party hopes to retain its credibility. Guerilla or no guerilla, that nomination will not be won by intimidation/consensus. Because nobody is climbing down, let everybody face the voters on their own. U have to carry your own cross, why should I carry it for u?

  3. Chris, why dont you first cast an eye across the fence and tell us if GNU are doing any better? Raila is busy campaigning for himself countrywide and instead of his competitors campaigning for themselves as in any democratic contest, they choose to call press conferences sorrounded by tribal cronies to attack Raila. Am glad statesman Raila is taking it all in his stride - and to quote him "how can I be isolated when I am with the people?" What a refereshing break from patronism and tribalism that is Kenyan politics!

    Back to this blog, for several months now you guys have been crying for ways and means of achieving realist change in governance issues in this country. Lawful general elections will be upon us in December. Instead of promoting democratic ideals it is becoming apparent that paradoxically, you still keep indirectly supporting the status quo that is Kibaki and Moi. Am not saying you should support Raila, but at least I expect open and straight forward condemnation of any form of tribalism when you see it. For example, Kamba and Luhya MPs pretending to meet as national leaders and end up attacking their party colleagues. I personally like the way Uhuru has eased himself and part of KANU out of ODM. No tribal attack and no name calling. This is the kind of political maturity I expect to see from Kalonzo and Mudavadi. Are their tribes the main basis of Mudavadi or Kalonzo's bid for presidency? That they must always have their tribal chronies sorrounding them when the subject matter in question (presidential ticket) is a national office? Chris and company, Raila presents to you the most realistic chance for Kenya to be trully independent and equality to prevail. Are the Luo and/or Raila that difficult to stomach? I can assure you that you guys will be seriously disappointed at the end because Kenyans will not support this tribal ideology that was introduced by Kenyatta, promoted by MOI and now perfected by Kibaki. The people know what they want. In political circles right now, the discussion is actually not a question of IF Raila wins the presidency, but a question of how BIG the win margin will be!

    Just a few weeks ago when Ruto proposed Raila to step aside either for Mudavadi or Kalonzo, none of these 'gentlemen' who dont feature anywhere in opinion polls ever stood up and condemned this disgraceful tribalism against the Luo (not Raila). Now that Ruto has proposed another line-up that features them in junior positions - we are seeing yet again cry-baby politics that has been perfected by Kalonzo whenever things dont appear to be going his way. If I check the meaning of the word ‘propose’ it is the same as ‘suggestion’. Surely, as a presidential candidate, how does one respond to a suggestion from a fellow presidential candidate? Call a tribal meeting and attack your colleague whom you share the same political party platform? The real enemy, as disorganised as they seem to be, are Kibaki and Moi axis. Unfortunately, we are being made to believe it is Raila who is the enemy since he is 'imposing' his candidature on the rest. Are voters that stupid not to see for themselves what is going on?

    Raila has hardly paraded any of his Luo Nyanza MPs at any of his rallies or press conferences. I think you have all noticed that the likes of Midiwo, Kajwang, Awitti, Ondiek, etc have all taken a back-seat in Raila's public engagements. We are seeing the Nyagah’s, Ntimama’s, Balala’s, Kosgey’s of this world endorsing Raila. And those crowds you see at Raila’s rallies are the voters who will decide the fate of Raila. In other words, he is genuinely exhibiting a nationalistic approach to our politics, something that has been missing from it since introduction of multi-party politics. Kalonzo, Ruto and Mudavadi have formed a habit of being accompanied by their insecure tribal henchmen whenever they appear in public. Question is WHY? It seems to me none of these aspirants, perhaps apart from Raila, have very slim chances of being voted back to parliament if they are not in presidential contention themselves! And that is the bitter truth that even their own regional MPs have to contend with in their on constituencies. Realistically, This time voters are saying a BIG no.

    As I have said before, please do not limit grand scale corruptions and crime to Moi's regime. Take it right back to the emergency time. ie, the period before independence through to Kibaki's era. I dont think you will want to open that can of worms, will you Kumekucha? A quick spot check will also tell you - all of these 'gentlemen' owe Moi more than one or two favours. Is it payback time, I wonder?

    All I can say is - pretenders to the throne are now coming out in their real colours. Ethnicity is what forms the basis of some presidential bids!!!! Lets wait and see if they will be graceful enough to "carry their own crosses" or they will sabotage the national dream once again as they did in 2002! Let the people decide. We in ODM are ready to accept a democratic defeat or a win and then follow-it up with positive changes - not empty rhetoric of pretending to be a reformist while you actually are supporting a status quo!

  4. My dear brother Phil,

    Thank you for your constructive criticism based on how you view my posts in relation to your preferred presidential candidate.

    I can do business with you because you are NOT a pretender with a hidden agenda like many people leaving comments in this blop these days. With you everybody knows which party you belong to. Thank you for that.

    Let me make it very clear here that I DO NOT support the status quo. Why then should I risk my life every day digging out and exposing their evil? Would it make sense for me to publish revelations about Kenyatta and Moi family corruption here (see yesterday's post) while also questioning the mystery 5 per cent owner of Safaricom? Would it make sense for me to criticize the Kibaki administration so much?

    I have consistently advocated for a new generation of younger leaders to take over power in Kenya, right from the day I launched this blog. It is all here in writing just go back to the first post and read everything and you will see that consistency in everything I write.

    The new generation of leaders I envision for Kenya, does not include your preferred presidential candidate. I agree that he is the cleanest of the lot (not Kalonzo "stole land from a client" Musyoka), but the only thing that can save Kenya now is radical surgery to remove all present and past politicians who have let down the country badly. Admitedly when radical surgery is done, some good sections (leaders) are cut off with the "cancer," and that is exactly what Kenyan voters must do in December.

    Still, the fact that my views are different from yours does not make you my enemy. In my eyes you are a very valued participator in this blog and I continue to welcome and treasure your views here. Most of all I respect you because I sense your deep love for the motherland which gives us something in common that we both have which should be cherished and nurtured.

    Have a wonderful day, my brother and please also keep us updated on the trials and tribuilations of our vopiceless brothers in Kibera. For instance I have made enquiries but nobody wants to talk about the murder of Raila's Personal assitant who lived in Kibera, which happened a few days ago. Can you shed a little light on this for us? Personally I smell foul play.


  5. By the way the reason why I and the press in Kenya do not write much about the GNU is because;

    1) It doesn't sell, It bores most Kenyans.

    2) Controversy sells

    3) Newspapers sell more when they have a story on ODM. Blogs also experience more traffic.

    Phil, what you have said in another post about the ability of OIDM and Raila stories to sell newspapers is 100% TRUE.

    My personal view is that the GNU is doomed to failure and a resounding defeat during the general elections. Just wait and see.

  6. Thanks Chris, But you have to condemn this tribalism when you see it.

    I have personally refrained from discussing the issue of the death of Raila's Constituency Assistant who was killed last weekend because it is not political but a normal criminal occurance. This information is from the ground Chris, and you will not see it in our national press.

    I personally knew the late Thomas Oduor as a very stubborn fellow. He had a reputation of being arrogant owing to his proximity to Raila Odinga. He has been in countless bar brawls. I have personally taken it upon me and written to Raila Odinga about the disgraceful behaviour of some of ‘his men on the ground’ like Thomas Oduor and the notorious Councillor Opete Opete of the Sarangombe Ward in Kibera slums. We have been promised something will be done after ODM nominations. These are some of the individuals who are a law unto themselves due to their closeness to Raila and they are actually doing Raila more harm than good. Even Kilimani OCPD dares not to touch these Raila men. Hopefully this death will get Raila’s attention and guide him accordingly in selecting officers who work for him at grass root, constituency and national level.

    Oduor’s death was very needless. He was not only a perpetual drunkard but also an avowed womaniser. His wife left him ages ago and had formed a habit of prying on other peoples wives. In a slum, it is very difficult to have a secret. These social habits are the two reasons that led to his premature demise. Questions have been raised about his conduct but Raila’s policy has been to embrace all citizens regardless their social background. I know Raila has reprimanded the fellow several times in the past. But Raila is not God and he cannot be everywhere controlling everything, he is not omnipresent.

    On the fateful night, he had two girlfriends. Each girlfriend was in a different pub that are next to one another. For that reason he had to maintain two drinks at each of these pubs and kept on inter-changing tables between the two pubs as to keep his birds busy. As the evening wore on, he got drunk faster than usual because of the double intake. They say men will always be men, and as he was busy with one girlfriend, the other was being seduced by another man. He came back only to find the girl already taken over and sitting in a secret admirer’s car. Being a Raila man and not taking this challenge lying low, he jumped on to the bonnet of this car and demanded that his girlfriend be off-loaded. This challenge was met with resistance and it ended up with the fellow speeding off with a very drunk Oduor standing on his bonnet. He hit the emergency breaks 100 meters away, Odour tumbled on the tarmac and the driver ran over him, killing him instantly.

    The guy has gone underground and cannot be traced. His remaining girlfriend and a few of their drinking accomplices have been arrested. Kilimani Police are doing this out of panic and the fact that this death can be easily politicised! Otherwise – I can safely say Oduor got what he wanted.

    I have personally spoke to the late Tom in the past. But he would not listen. We had elders from his home area to try and prevail upon him to change his ways, instead he challenged us to a fight. His drinking friends have to shield him because he is buying the rounds and providing soft loans. But Chris, do modern human beings fight physically or intellectually? As it is right now, there are hundreds of qualified potential candidates waiting to take over his job.

    On the other hand, people who have viewed the body at City Mortuary have said his body bears the scars of torture.eg. wire rope scars on the wrists and lashes on the back. While I cannot dismiss these views, I only hope they are not introducing politics into this affair. Let us wait for the post postmortem report.

    So let it be and may his soul rest in eternal peace.

  7. Phil,

    On behalf of all Kumekucha readers, thank you very much for this exclusive and insightful report on the death of Raila's PA.


  8. Politics is really a devious popularity contest of numbers and has never been about the moralities of any candidate. How else do you explain the popularity of humans like Moi even today? How about Ruto/Raila/and man like Kalosh? Why is Mwiraria back in the fold? Numbers my friends, numbers. All these chaps have rotting skeletons hidden in the darkest and deepest parts of their closets. My point is; let us care to analyze reality of things and not the wishful thinking.
    90% percent of the lost souls voting for Kalosh will NOT be doing so because they perceive him to be a scandal free, peace enforcing diplomatic man of astute statesmanship. NO. They will be doing so because of his youthful, black hair dying, God fearing, meek talking clean shaven appearance. Nobody cares about the votes this chap avoided by seeking refuge in toilets or the peace he took to Sudan. The thing is, Kalonzo should focus on exaggerating the things that people identify him with. He should have posters of his best pictures lambasted all over small towns…clasping a bible. That will get him votes.
    90% of those planning to vote for Raila are not even sure how many years this chap was detained…and for what. Nobody cares about or even can spell molasses without the help of spell-check. A vote for Raila is mostly because of the perception that he’s a forceful character (who can get things done), brave (even though he’s known to have left behind a shoe at a tumultuous funeral) and dominant. Chaps will be voting for clearly the alpha male (not even Kibaki can share a platform with this fellow). My advice to him is to keep up building the euphoria.
    As for Mudavadi, we all know he too is a Raila project. This is what is going to happen. He will stick with Kalosh for a few days then drop him for Raila at the critical hour of need. Dumfounded by events, Kalosh will jump into the train leaving the station…. destination KANU.
    The remaining 10% of voters (inclusive of chaps reading this blog) will vote on issues and yes we want to see an administration of ‘good’ like minded individuals. Not happening.

  9. Very insightful Kalamari and it is difficult to fault your views. Obviously you're a fairly experienced political operator.

    And that's why you will agree with me that the really exciting part of the whole game is how an outsider can come from nowhere and steal an election. That is the think tank that I would love to build in this blog for the good of the motherland.

    History has many examples of people who have done just that when a few months to the polls, they were definite losers. Let me name a few, the good the bad and the ugly all inclusive.

    Abraham Lincon (had already lost many times before and was a laughing stock)

    Adolf Hitler (master of propaganda and image building. Campaign photos of him always had him in military uniform coz he sensed Germans wanted strong leadership).

    Jomo Kenyatta (was wasting away in detention until a squabble between 2 Luos gave him the presidency on a silver platter)

    John F. Kennedy (his personal charisma and his father's money lifted this junior inexperienced senator to a very slim victory over the more experienced and seasoned favorite-Nixon)

    Bill Clinton (came into the race very late and looked like he was wasting his time. No wartime president (Bush Snr had just won Iraq I) had ever lost a re-election bid in American history. Clinton was a passionate door-to-door campaigner who struck the right chord in the hearts of the people at the right time.)

    Allow me to remind you that the situation in Kenya today is ripe and perfect for an outsider to come in from nowhere. Kenyans are fed up and want genuine change at all costs.

    Many of you do not believe in predictions and prophecies but it is interesting how so many of them are saying the same thing. That cynical Kenyans are in for the shock of their lives.

    Kalamari please join me and the others in strategizing. It can be done. The 10% can convince another 50%. That's all we need.

    P.S. Recovering from an adrenalin rush. GOSH, what have I said?

  10. About pubs in kibera and other men's good looks, very interesting if u ask me.

    People can talk of tribal leaders holding press conferences but they need to ask themselves who really is tribal leader always followed by his cousins. Two months ago David Musila advised Kenneth MaKende, sorry Marende to be wary of that 'group of rumour mongers who cant wait to appear on TV and so are spending all their time on press conferences' They all happen to come from the same clan leave alone tribe. My point is, these are fundamental issues at stake here, more critical than the 'tribe' u like to see.

    Phil thanks for that small list of people supporting Raila who are not luos. I have repeatedly said here I dont care who mps support. I have given the example of the referendum where almost 150 mps backed the banana and the camp still lost. U obviously hold the mps in very high esteem but just to let u know, Joe Khamisi,Linah Kilimo, Moses Cheboi,Barre Shil, Mohammed Khalif,Charles Keter and Noah arap Too are not kamba mps. They may not be as loud mouthed as Najib Balala and Henry Kosgey but they are ardent supporters of Kalonzo Musyoka. In a few weeks time u will have a very clear picture of who is a tribal leader.

  11. Vikii my guy, two wrongs do not make a right. You may remember, prior to NDP being disolved to merge with KANU to form New KANU, Moi used to challenge his cabinet ministers (that included Kalonzo and Mudavadi)to emulate the one and only Raila Odinga. Why is this so? Because Moi was a secret admirer of Raila. He wanted his cabinet ministers to be able to marshal grassroot political support from across the board. KANU had at that been 3 time by-elections victim to FORD-K when Raila was the then Party Director of Elections. Mathare, Kisauni and Webuye.

    I tend to think you Vikii are a secret admirer of Raila although you wont admit it openly.

    Meanwhile, I am waiting for Chris to fill us in on the latest dealings between The Kalonzo Foundation and the current Government of Kenya. There seems to be a commercial deal going on between Kalonzo and Kibaki's government. Just dig up this unfolding scandal Chris and let us know what is going on?

    At least Raila's NDP dissolution was done in public!

  12. Phil you have never been more wrong. One, I detest Raila, me admiring him, well I must then say I dont know my herart and mind. Two, I doubt whether u actually actually mean what u say when u claim to be close to the Raila machinery. Everybody in that group, including Raila himself knows which presidential; candidate is being helped by the government. It is definitely not Kalonzo and I am sure u know it. If u dont, just talk to any minister and they will tell u who their candidate in the opposition is. He has to be a confirmed weakling in the elections.

    Now Phil u are becoming notorious for engaging in irrelevancies. Everytime u cook up something, I will bring facts to your doorstep and u choose to come up with another outburst, wilder than the first one. You have to answer this bro, Who is more of a tribal leader, some sort of KER. Is it KAlonzo or is it Raila?

  13. "Two, I doubt whether u actually actually mean what u say when u claim to be close to the Raila machinery...."

    I dont think I have ever claimed to be 'close' to the Raila machinery Vikii. Perhaps my knowledge of Langata Constituency matters is what gives you reasons to say that. Let me ask you, how accessible is your MP to yourself and other constituents Vikii?) You may want to know I voted for Raila (and Kibaki) in 2002 . Raila is my MP and I attend his 'Kamkunjis' in Kibera whenever he comes around. Raila is kind enough to keep us updated on all his political and public activities through his 7445 sms updates. I can give you the toll-free number to call and subscribe you if you wish - it is free, and you will henceforth receive updates on all his activities and his stand on issues of public interest.. I knew the late Thomas Oduor (Raila's PA) personally and brushed shoulders with him every other week. I can give you many other countless examples of my experiences with these guys. My own direct encounters with Raila proves he is a regular guy. He has an e-mail address we communicate to him on. Contrary to the high-profile public image you see on TV or the newspapers, Raila is down-to-earth and normally walks into our local at least once a month for a drink and buys a round for the guys. We exchange ideas and he listens to us on the ground. These are impromptu visits and he hardly walks in with body guards. I hardly expect him to walk into K2 or Kengeles, but I can give names of pubs he normally makes an appearance at.

    Apprently Raila's inner circle at the grassroots are also regular guys in the constituency. Nothing fancy, these guys drink OBAMA (KBL's senator beer for lower end market) and a number of them are traders at the nearby Toi open air market.These are the people we share meals with. So I really dont know where this issue of being close to Raila's machinery comes from?

    This is the article that makes me wonder what Kalonzo is up to? Who is fooling who? Please before you reply check the reasons why Kalonzo Foundation was started and who the trustees/directors are in the Kenyan business circles:

    From Kenya Times - 24th July 2007
    Kalonzo’s NGO strikes deal with Govt

    By Ben Mitukaa

    A charitable organisation founded and run by ODM-K presidential aspirant Kalonzo Musyoka has struck a deal with the Government to promote tourism. The Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation is collaborating with the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife to conservation wildlife, promote afforestation, bee keeping and other conservation activities in Kenya’s wildlife sanctuaries.

    The Foundation’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Professor Philip Kaloki joined Tourism minister Morris Dzoro, PS Rebecca Nabutola and the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) director Dr Julius Kipngetich to officiate the branding of Meru National Park.

    The occasion was also attended by top French embassy officials whose Government is assisting in capacity building programmes in the national park.Prof Kaloki said the Foundation has been picked by the Government to supplement efforts by KWS to conserve wildlife, adding that the Kalonzo Foundation had launched ambitious programmes in bee-keeping to help communities living around the sanctuaries uplift their living standards .

    The don lauded KWS for assisting the communities living around Meru National Park build schools and provision of other infrastructural services such as roads and water projects .

    He appealed to the Government to ensure the same development was initiated in other national parks such as the Tsavo National Parks as a way to stem human-wildlife conflicts . Prof Kaloki said the Foundation had embarked on programmes to realise its dreams of empowering the communities around the Parks. Kaloki is seeking to unseat Kibwezi MP, Kalembe Ndile, who is also assistant minister for Wildlife. Ndile was invited to the Meru function but did not turn up.


    Whats going on Vikii / Chris?

  14. Phil, this is not persoanl, just a small chat. For your information, I also come from Langata constituency (Ngong Road). My ambitions are in Kitui coz its easier over there, so I will not tell u I voted for raila. I would have voted for him in 2002 though if it was not for my link with my rural constituency.

    About how many times I speak with my mp mr Phil, well daily, sometimes twice in a day. He answers with the words, 'Yep Vic' everytime I call him on his cellfon. We are real close and just for your sake I will not hide it.

  15. And by the way, those PAs u pint with form the machinery I was talking about.

    Kalonzo foundation is not a political organization, it is a humanitarian one and it is my prayer that u and the leader of ya camp will understand at the end of the day, u have the duty to initiate development projects for the people whose votes u r seeking. the government is a development partner and we should all be happy. Worry no more bro, there is a difference between politics and development

  16. You are right Chris. It can be done……in Kenya? Within 5 months? I don’t know…..not pouring cold water either.
    By all means, Kenya needs a leader with all the positive attributes…incorruptible, patriotic, development conscious etc. etc. But let’s be real. Even if Githongo were to become the incidental candidate, where in the Lord’s round world does he begin? A political party he can buy, but which one? I’m sure he can muster financial backing from friends but which constituency (in Nairobi and nowhere else) do you envision him winning?

    A successful Githongo candidature would require the most sophisticated and intricate billion dollar campaign blitz…. the type the world has never seen. His win will be tantamount to a political revolution and therefore the need to form very fast alliances if he’s to survive……life I mean. Can you imagine the repercussion that will tokea when the entire ‘who’s who’ today get termination letters? I mean the entire lot alongside political appointees……suffice to mean a new Kenya. Great day but bloody.

    Githongo can serve Kenya from Oxford as he somehow has a voice that donors tend to listen. All financial/social scandals should be relayed to him. Though he’s gone silent lately, this chap has a way of keeping these crooked jamaas in office on toes.

    Alternatively, (and which I would rather) he should make his way to JKIA, take a taxi to ODM-K or any other comfortable party with intentions of joining the next administration. Within the following five years, he will forge friendships and identify those of integrity, in and out of power, with whom he can work with when he runs for the top office in 2012.

    Who exactly is a Manchurian Candidate?


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