Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mathare Killing Fields: The Untold Story Of A Massive Massacre By The Kenya Police Part II

Kumekucha Exclusive Investigation


Kumekucha has reliably been informed that a key Mungiki figure, Kimani Ruo, met the same fate that befell the five men shortly after he was acquitted by the High Court on charges of being in possessing of a firearm and drug trafficking.

We have been informed that Ruo was abducted by plainclothes detectives from the Special Crime Prevention Unit outside the High Court and bundled into a police car and handcuffed. The car sped off towards Mombasa road. Police officers privy to what took place informed us that Ruo was shot dead and his body thrown into the Nairobi National Park. It’s believed the body was mauled by lions and other wild animals and there will never be any trace of him. Ruo’s abduction was captured by KBC cameras but senior police officers ordered the state-owned station to destroy the tapes fearing it might betray them.

When Ruo’s family started exerting pressure on the police...

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  1. Chris, good article, i can smell propaganda from a distance.

    Fear appeal - well used
    Name calling - excellent
    Bandwagon, - super, but you could do better
    Card stacking - First class
    Plain folk - ok

    Chris for the love of God, don't publish half truths and expect your readers to take it as the gospel truth. One fundamental principles of journalism is objectivity and impartiality. The last i checked was you ignored these fundamental rules, unless of course as i have always advocated you are on someone's payroll.

    That said the Kenyan Press has been a major let down.

  2. Anon above said;
    i can smell propaganda from a distance

    Do you have any specifioc evidence to contradict what I am saying here so that it qualifies to be called propaganda? This story took a lot of painstaking research and was very "high risk" to do. I don't mind constructive criticism but simply dismissing it as propaganda is a bit much, don't you think?


  3. Someone else stopped by here yesterday to say Kumekucha is losing readers-(i await to see their measuring statistics)i see another anonymous has stopped by to say propaganda is like food that has a scent detectable to his nose
    anon, it seems the "propaganda" you smelt from a distance was a good smell? it drew you hear and you ate a bite out of it enough to leave comment
    it can be hard to resist the tempation by cynical instead of offering another point of view. Taabu said "Chris is the richest host with the most intellectual parasites"
    i am already a pumbavu, i choose not to be a parasite please

  4. Apologists are often reactionists too. They vent their thinly-veiled anger to provoke and eventually mislead. But just like Anon has scented nostrils to smell propaganda from far most average mortals have the presence of mind to smell cheap salvos. Shouting instead of arguing is defeatist, don't you think so?

    Anybody with the the capability to monotor web traffic will not fail to notice that some chaps (Anons) are permanently glued to Kumekucha to read the headline and instead reading the post, they backup the headline with their prejudice, innuendos and before they even say apologist, they are hammering the keyboard spewing unwarranted tirade that are cleverly crafted to divert attention. Poor chaps we are smarter than that. But thanks for trying, it never hurts. At least you earn your.....(ego full).

  5. Anon is back!

    I believe the diatribe published by Chris and Taabu are unwarranted. discourse analysis of articles in your blog Chris would not vindicate you. Do the job for your paymasters, test public opinion with your propaganda (just like standard) and if it works then you release the full dosage. The semi-illiterate Kenyans and those that prescribe to your school of thought like Taabu will embrace it. But don't think this crap in the name of investigative journalism would go unanswered. I suspect by October you will fully endorse your candidate (its your democratic right) but you will be a fool to think you can fool everybody.

  6. ahhh non-at least an attempt to be articulate as opposed to the non sequitur you first offered as a measley point of order
    as already admitted i am a pumbavu and thus must be one of those "semi-illiterate kenyans who prescribe to kumekucha school of thought" but make no mistake, this is not in defence of Chris or his blog; i speak up for the sake of any enterprising kenyan who has tried but is fakely nauseatingly challenged by PhDs(pull him/her down) whose only position is to offer opposition to any support other than the name of their ethnic-cloak supported mere candidate
    the idea of Kenya is bigger than any such deceivers, and i laugh at how the "owners" of kenya send their lap-dogs here to do their dirty work(e.g. the fake derek and now you) if its propaganda why bother to stop and comment at all? be on your merry way and visit another url unless you too are one of the fools being fooled

  7. Christopher; I’m absolutely sure that your two posts referencing the mayhem that resulted in the death of 60 young men in a dimly lit hut, women and children in Mathare and the chap called Ruo are expressly critical of the extra judicial killings carried out by the Kenya police …..and in no way an attack of the shabby treatment meted on Mungiki. I 100% agree that no innocent human being should loose life or limb in fights they know nothing about. It’s apparent that the police cannot identify Mungiki from the crowd… what is unclear is whether this phenomena is a result of the ‘sophistication’ of this sect or the ineptitude of our police force.

    That said, if Ruo was indeed a Mungiki leader of sorts, no tears should follow his unfashionable demise. If you consider the types of orders this chap may have issued while alive, then you will understand that his last moments on earth, though painful, are nothing compared to the king-size bed of fire and the overflowing cocktails of molten lava and delicious sandwiches of red hot peppers that God has prepared for him on the other side. I’m sure even his personal god, crouching at the base of Mount Kenya, will not hesitate to lift up the entire mountain, about 5 meters from the ground, push him under and let it come tumbling down…..maybe that is what these small earthquakes are all about.

    My heart goes out to the 60 boys who ventured out to a haphazardly and quickly announced bash in readiness to feast on a perfectly spotless goat in a shadowy obscure hut. In the midst of the crackdown on Mungiki oathing ceremonies, one would hope common sense would prevail and deter the school boys from joining their older brethren. Were there no newspapers/radios/TVs in the vicinity of that village? Now tell me, peer pressure aside, if you lived in that village and some, possibly previously dreadlocked jamaa, invites all youngsters to a goat bash, would you go….even if the pangs of hunger tell you otherwise? I think not.

    As for the women, children and innocent men in Mathare, collateral damage is not a defense in this case. It is likely that the real culprits skipped town before the cops descended on these fellows. That was a sad affair. What is even sadder is the fact that wherever these chaps landed after escaping from Mathere, there too exists women, children and innocent men. The same exact death blow is bound to follow these hapless innocent beings. When will those living with and by extension harboring these criminals rise up?

  8. Anon said;

    I suspect by October you will fully endorse your candidate (its your democratic right) but you will be a fool to think you can fool everybody.

    Now as a matter of interest which presidential candidate is this guy talking about? Our friend Phil is a Raila man, Kumekucha is a Githongo man, Vikii is for Kalonzo and Taabu is totally disgusted and if he had a chance to vote would probably vote for none of the above. Luke has expressed interest in Githongo (although the biological accident placed him in Luo Nyanza), Kalamari I'm not sure, Derek I am also not sure etc. etc

    Obviously the idea of Kenyans who have different political views and have no interest in who belongs to which tribe, happily cohabiting in one place is foreign (and strange)to this jammaa. I suspect he comes from the old "dirty politics" school. Sounds like pure NSIS to me. Why else would he stick around in a blog that is allegedly losing readership and where he knows people will vote for the candidate HE does not want?

    P.S. Criticism we welcome (of the genuine type) but as the elections draw closer and as some people panic, we must shut out characters like this who hidden personal hidden agenda from polluting this place we have all worked so hard to create.

  9. Chris didn't I say I got you figured out. We can see now who's panicking, right? Well, 5 months left before the ballot, guess it's not too late for you to shut out (the so-called NSIS agents)

    Chris if you worked so hard to create this blog, did it not occur to your that you may ruffle some feathers? Well if my sentiments have rubbed you the wrong way, breath in and out, because I just got started. No more balderdash! The radars have certainly picked you up!

  10. I am a new reader to this blog and i was thrilled to read some news that i often don't see in the Newspaper,whats worse is am outside the country and the online editions of both Nation and Standard are very thin.
    Regarding the article on Mungiki,i feel genuinely sorry for the death of innocent Kenyans,but when a whole slum is said to be hosting bloody sect members who are beheading people,it is understandale why the police used excessive force.It is hard to differentiate a mungiki from an innocent kenyan since most of them don't wear dreadlocks this days.Considering that the Mungiki are also killing police men,then you can see how the police men are in a tight situation.When your in Kenya you might not realise how saddening it is when you read everyday people being beheaded in international press papers like reuters and BBC.I was shocked to read the story of Mungiki on Malaysian newspapers(where i study).Thats why i fully support the police crackdown on the adherents.Even if it means assasinating the criminals as the police did.
    When Hamas declared a holy war and started bombing israeli schools and malls,Israel reciprocated by assasinating the hamas top leaders.Is there a difference between Mungiki and Hamas?no!one kills using bombs and another kills using pangas and crude weaponns.both kill innnocent people.
    So chris,unless your offering alternative solutions which will end this menace,then better to stick to what is working.Am happy for about 2 weeks i have not read any headlines screaming" Mungiki Beheads 8 people".

  11. I support the poice force 1000% on this one. I hold no brief for Mungiki or anyone who is stupid enough to associate with them, whether it is a school kid or a young mother or an old mother or whoever.

    When individuals engage in attrocities like Mungiki do, or harbor the Mungiki in any way, they deserve NO mercy.

    Chris you have totally lost it on this one!!!! People have to know who is in charge, and people have to know that there is something called law and order. If a stupid judge has the temerity to release a dude like Kimani Ruo, thank heavens the police took care of the dude.


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