Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Is Stephen Muiruri In Trouble Again Over A Mere Letter To MPs?

Within a few hours of publishing former Nation crime editor’s letter here, it seems that the whole episode has stirred up a hornet’s nest.

Personally I find this whole episode ridiculous and rather strange, especially when we know that the same letter we published here was sent to all MPs. So what is the fuss all about?

Kumekucha has been contacted by some desperate-sounding persons claiming that top policemen are plotting to arrest Muiruri again or at the very least harass him over the letter which certain interests are extremely furious about. More so the ones he exposes in the letter.

Had I not received this other communication, I would have dismissed the following comment as something from one of the nuts who linger around this blog. However based on the information that I now have I sense that there could be more to this strange comment which I have reproduced at the end of this post (the original can be found at the post of the Muiruri letter to MPs.)

What does Muiruri know that makes these guys go ballistic every time he writes a harmless open letter? Would Mr Stephen Muiruri dare to shed light on this?

So what is my opinion on the proposed Media Bill, Phil asks? I agree with the readers here who make an interesting observation. That getting a conviction based on the bill would be highly unlikely because it contradicts several key constitutional rights.

But my attention is drawn to a bigger question;

Why is the government so keen on a media bill so much so that other much more important and pressing matters have been swept aside to make room for the passing of this media bill? Even key constitutional reforms are not as important as the medis bill. WHY??? What is the government frightened of? Another scandal about to be revealed that is bigger than Anglo Leasing? (keep your eyes on this space)?

Still the fact that Stephen Muiruri has been harassed by a hypocritical mainstream press who want press freedom for the mainstream media and then turn round and condemn the very alternative press where they get some of their best leads from is worth noting. Sometimes these “respectable” media houses even go out of their way to ask their members of staff to stay away from Kumekucha. With this in mind, maybe it would be a good idea for the Media bill to be passed so that it hinders the work of the hypocritical and highly selective mainstream chaps. We can then all start fighting for press freedom all over again and this time without hypocrisies or double standards. Sometimes when you build a house and it has major flaws, the best way round the problem is to bring it down and start over.

Anonymous said...
Chris, am a police officer based at Police Hqs, Nairobi. I attended a meeting where the issue of Muiruri's letter on the media bill, which you have posted on your blog was discussed. I had to sneak from the office to go to the cyber to read the letter. Compo (Ali) is very mad with the article and Muiruri might fall in deep trouble soon. Please do something to save this guy. He used to be the solo voice of police officers when he was at Nation but all those he left behind have been heavily compromised by Compo and the press if full of lies these days. Police officers are suffering now there's no one to speak for them. Crime has sykrocketted and all the media happy to report are lies. We are not happy when our colleagues and Kenyans are being killed. Use your influential blog to save Muiruri.

Why Is Hon Michuki bullying his youthful challenger?

The photographs Kumekucha feared to publish.

Horror of Kenyan with female sex organ sharing cell with men at Kamiti Prison

Are you a Kenyan? Do You love your country? Join in this noble campaign to change things. Do something instead of just complaining.


  1. If this is true then Brig. Ali have dropped to the lowest ebbs. He must be condemned for being petty in chasing shadows. Steve is only making noise to seek justice. You don't need a hammer to exterminate a fly if you have one, do you?

    Muiruri is no nagging fly and he must enjoy all his rights as a Kenyan. As he correctly said before there is life outside NMG. His is tyipical Kenyan case where the haves have the corrupted mindframe that they cane shout and commit murder and walk away with it.

    Soldier on Steve and stay with the truth, it won't betray you. Truth's unique trait of consistency will surely outlive alll these pettiness. Don't even bother seeking help from MPs. You letter may be music to the govt but not for the same reasons except expediency and settling political scores. They are scoundrels I repeat. We are with you brother, take heart and stay strong let them not destroy your soul.

  2. Kumekucha,
    whats your interest in this matter also. You are not genuine. Unless the NMG comes out & tell their side of the story. Otherwise it looks like you are working with a frustrated guy whose only aim is to discredit a former employer.

  3. Dont be a twit. anon. What is your interest in the first place. Chris has a right and please save him the unprovoked annoyance. He has a right to publish, Muiruri has a right to be heard and to be seen.

  4. By NMG employee

    Most of Muiruri's former colleagues are in solidality with him. What ever he wrote in the letter to MPs is absolutely true. We have rogue bosses right here in NMG and the earlier we tame them the better. Why would Gitahi send a police squad to raid Muiruri's private business after forcing him to resign in the most humiliating manner? Whatever Gitahi did is unfogettable and unforgivable. This is a civilised world and Gitahi can't behave like the infamous Kanga Squad which raided the Standard.

    We have been holding meetings amongst journalists from NMG and one of the issues has been how to help Muiruri in the event that Gitahi drag him to the court docket. Gitahi will have a rude shock and he'll be opening up a can of worms for himself and other NMG managers implicated in sex scandals at the place of work. That'll remain a secret weapon and Muiruri should not be worried. Sympathetic journalists from other media houses have offered their support and Muiruri should sleep tight wherever he is.

    We can't allow Gitahi to continue harassing Muiruri like a criminal on fake charges. Muiruri worked with us for 11 years and his contribution to NMG's products is a matter of public knowledge. Instead of Gitahi and the other few rotten managers appreciating this fact, they have decided to use the police to harass Muiruri thinking that would silence the guys who have been circulating the sex dossier. That wont wash Gitahi. The battle will rage on right here in Nation Centre until we drum sense into all immoral managers, you included.


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