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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Why Tribal Comment Against Me In Jeff Koinange Post Made My Day


Finally, finally I have shed my Luo label. It was a great day yesterday when an angry visitor to this blog played the tribal card and made a nasty comment about me being Kamba.

Recent readers of this blog may not understand what I am talking about here. You see for months visitors to this blog have labeled me "Jaluo" because of my admiration for the late Tom Mboya and my articles, which seem to have been more sympathetic towards ODM-Kenya and have more often than not ended up being anti-Narc-Kenya.

I took time to carefully explain to my readers that my mother hailed from Western Kenya and was a Luhya (she passed on when I was still in school) and my father hails from the second oldest major town (after Mombasa) in Kenya—namely Machakos. But all this fell on deaf ears.

That was until yesterday when somebody actually referred to me as a Kamba. I have no pride in my tribe, because as Taabu would put it, this is a biologically accident I had no say in. But at least I am not being labeled a certain tribe because of my political views. That is a big step forward more so because the time has come for Kenyans to appreciate the fact that ODM-Kenya houses many more different tribes than does Narc Kenya.

That is the good news. The bad news is that once again a fairly educated Kenyan (educated enough to know of the existence of blogs and to be able to post a comment) has failed to think outside the tribal box. Very sad. Very sad indeed.

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  1. You must have seen it comeing bro or didn't you? It is bac to the basics and at the core of the very issues (ttribalism and all sms) your blog dares discuss. More weighty matters never earned you the tribal tag but now that you touched one of 'our own' prosperous and famous one that was akin to wadding on Kindaruma dam. Thanks God for your blog know we know what useless weight our neck shoulders. And you knwo what? They must have had a sense of reverse satisfaction by eliciting a reply from you.

  2. Chris,

    Derek again. It was fun when we could exchange views on things we differed, but as Taabu says, you should have seen it coming and it is a high time, we talk about issues that stride away from the personalities that society has bestowed. honestly, that was the price of your being open in your dealings. Lets discuss Mudavadi's vision launch, it will not get any close to insult.

  3. At least it made me walk out of the anonymous tag. I dont want to be associated with people in hoods.

  4. Chris,

    I think you are overreacting. Being labeled a Mkamba is no big deal, after all you are one, and you should be proud. That said, it is not hard to imagine from what "tribe" the other fella is from. In my high school days, i was the only Kamba in my Class - i got used to being labeled Kamukamba :). That is the superiority thing people have been commending about.
    Proud Kamba.

  5. Kenya as nation is headed to the dawgs unless its pple stop the primitive habits of tribalism,begging(tunaomba serikali) and whining...and you guys are seriously contemplating joining the east african federation??!!
    You are all big jokers and a disgusting lot.

  6. What the heck? I am of the view that no tribe is superior to any other but what amazes me is how the brothers from the lake will never admit they are trully from the lake. Chris ni JALUO and no amount of pretence or stories about machackos roots is gonna change that fact.

    So u get me jaluo, u r not supposed to be ashamed of what u r. I understand these days you are calling being jaluo a fatal accident, well, it may be but then yakimwagika hayazoleki chali yangu.

    From the amount of foul crying Chris is famous for, he can never be anything else.

    Wacha sis i tumkamba tukae lakini we will never impersonate. Kama wewe ni kamkamba u cant change it. Kama wewe ni jaduong, u cant change that either. Tera mos jaluo

  7. I liked jeff koinage untill one occassion when he accompanied Obama to Kenya...forgeting that he's Kenyan..tried to sound like "them"...and i quote.."....this village in the middle of no where.."


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