Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Why All ODM Supporters Should Read William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar


As I have said so many times the stakes this time round are very high. But to make matters worse, chances are pretty high that the next occupant of State house will be from a party called ODM-Kenya.

And this is the reason why all ODM-Kenya supporters should read William Shakespeare's classic political play Julius Caesar. Even those who have read it should re-read it to stay alert to the machinations and serious back-stabbing that has been going on within ODM for a long time now.

Let us use this classic play to explain to you exactly what recently happened at ODM that resulted in a highly confidential presidential campaign research document ending up as the front-page splash of the Sunday Nation. The research showed computed votes that each ODM presidential candidate was bound to receive in the event that they won the ODM presidential ticket. Fr hose who missed the story the presidential candidates ranked as follows in order of projected votes;

Kalonzo Musyoka - 53.4% (Win for ODM)
William Ruto - 50.8% (Win for ODM)
Raila Odinga - 50.5% (Win for ODM)
Uhuru Kenyatta - 48.6% (Loss for ODM)
Musalia Mudavadi - 47.4% (Loss for ODM)

Here is the short play to illustrate what happened recently;


(Main characters)
Julius Caesar: Raila Odinga
Mark Anthony: Kalonzo Musyoka
Brutus: Certain prominent Luo leader within ODM
Main schemer: Prominent ODM personality (not a presidential candidate).

Scene one;
(Schemers are meeting at a secret location)
Main Schemer: We need you to help us out with this plan. You know that if Julius Caesar stands for President we will lose because there will be a split in the party. You also know that he is adamant that he is the only one who deserves the crown.

Brutus: I am aware. I will help you, but what do I get in return?

Main schemer: Don't worry I promise that you will be taken care of.

Brutus: Get serious. Are you trying to do an MOU on me?

Main schemer: Okay. There will be some cash compensation.

Brutus: Plus a cabinet post. If you renege I will send minutes of this meeting to Kumekucha, should make for some very interesting reading.

Main schemer: You have a deal. Who is this Kumekucha guy anyway? Okay I know your contacts with the press are pretty good that is one of the reasons why we chose you. Just remember that it is important that nothing is traced back to us.

Brutus: So what is the objective?

Main schemer: The whole idea is to use figures. Kenyans now really believe in them after the Steadmann polls.

Brutus: You expect these figures to cause Julius Caesar to give up the crown?

Main schemer: Are you an amateur in politics or what. In this game things don't happen suddenly. This will just be the beginning of our putting pressure on Caesar to give up the crown for the candidate most likely to deliver victory and power to us. And also the candidate that will be easiest for us to control and manipulate. Caesar is too strong-headed. When the people see that he is a distant Number three and that Mark Anthony is actually much more popular than him, even some of his staunchest supporters will start to have doubts. All we need is for them to have doubts. Our second and third phase of the plan will do the rest.

Brutus: Now about that cash…

Scene Two:

Rome is in shock as Sunday Nation article reveals "research findings" on top presidential candidates and claims; "ODM strategists secretly back Mark Anthony..."

Scene Three:
(Caesar is on his cell phone with Brutus)

Julius Caesar: It is me Agwambo.
: Hello Mr President.
Julius Caesar: (Very angry) Don't Mr President Me, you backstabbing Ondieki (Hyena).
Brutus: Now what is the problem, Agwambo?
Julius Caesar: Have you read today's Sunday Nation?
Brutus: What in particular.
Julius Caesar: Just answer my question.
Brutus: (nervous) I was going to call you.
Julius Caesar: Cut the cr** Brutus. I am just shocked beyond words that you would help my enemies.
Brutus: What are you talking about?
Julius Caesar: I know my enemies well, but I never imagined in all my worst nightmares that… Even you Brutus? Then let Caesar say that he has no friends.

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  1. Chris, these jokers want us to believe that Rutto can be elected president of Kenya. Why should he?
    Is it not Rutto who was part of the amorphous YK92 that has had us suffering?
    Whoever the ODM Council of Elders are, then their timing (read my other comment) was poor. they wanted to spin it that Uhuru Kenyatta was bound to go nowhere, even if he was nominated, and it backfired. Of those guys, I think prayers should be held at the scale of 'ritual cleansing' to get the best man. Without that, lets prepare for 'Hakunaaa, Wananichi, and 'improved economy that creates no jobs' mantra.
    As for the play, you are spot on. You should have them at the disused National Theatre rehearsing. I will pay to watch they act losers.

  2. First of all the report by the group of old men is an absolute load of crap. It is not even worth reading. telling us that Ruto can ganner over three million votes even when running against himself as the only candidate is laughable.

    This is how they looked at it and I must repeat I dont agree with anything associated with people like Gumo: They assumed because the kalenjins voted for Moi to the last man, they will do the same for Ruto. That's already over a million votes and coupled with the luo block then he will be already bouncing with almost two million votes. they also envisaged a 30% score in all other regions but Central.(This was supposed to be explained by the euphoria generated by the ODM. Every average person knows that is crap. Kalonzo was rated as the surest bet because of the assumption that the kamba will vote for him 100% if he is the candidate or vote overwhelmingly for kibaki if Kalonzo's name is not on the ballot paper. That's another hypothetical argument. I believe the candidate tht can beat Kibaki with the party machinery behind him is Kalonzo but I dont agree with te parameters used to come up with such conclusion.

    People like Gumo are best when ignored. I lose faith in institutions the moment the credibility of the leadership of those institutions is questionable. Fred Gumo heading a body of such magnitude with all his past, is just like Otieno Kwach heading the secretariat or worse still Henry Kosgei purporting to be the chairman of the ODM. All these three men have one thing in common. Their middle name is "Corruption". Expecting anything better from them is asking for too uch.

    The Julius ceaser comparison was a hit. Thumbs up Chris but please keep the name of Dalmas or whoever it is you have in mind out of the whole saga. What should have been the conclusion if he had not been bribed with a cabinet offer? That Julius cesar is the person who can win ODM power? That my friend is another one of the many over hallucinations associated with people during elections time.

  3. Ya, but remember Brutus did not betray Caeser for any personal gain. He was a very honourable man who honestly believed that the elimination of Caeser was for the common good.

  4. I think that Ceasar would be sawa leader. That is what Kenya needs at the moment. At least one who has no baggage and is not beholden to his sycophants or hangers on. That man be Raila! Unfortunately, tribalism is so much entrenched we cant see beyond our noses!

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