Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Why Narc-Kenya Is Its' Own Worst Enemy

When Narc-Kenya was launched, there was plenty of optimism among Kenyans as the party advocated for positive values including ending tribalism and fighting against ethnic based politics.

The party also had a semblance of national appeal as members of parliament from all regions were present during its birth and the best part was the considerable number of young legislators who identified themselves with the new party.

All that is history now and the party is deeply embroiled in infighting that has led to the postponement of its elections twice as incumbent MPs are pitted against aspirants in the fight of how to constitute election panels at the constituency level.

Worse still, it seems to have now gone tribal as all Kikuyu politicians advocating for minimum reforms prior to the general elections have been branded traitors by the party.

The simple logic here is that constitution reformists are anti-Kibaki's re-election bid and Kibaki being a Kikuyu, it is a form of betrayal from another Kikuyu to oppose one of their own.

Muite has faced the wrath of the Narc-Kenya hawks who sneaked into his Kabete constituency and branded him a traitor in his absence, the same has been done to Subukia mp, Koigi wa Wamwere who's effigy was burnt yesterday by his constituents who were incited by a party team led by the hawkish assistant minister of justice Danson Mungatana.

One who never takes things lying down, Koigi took the war back to the party and dismissed those who are inciting his constituents and likened them to Kanu hawks in their hey days who only knew about using money and not ideology to garner support.

It is predictable that the party is likely to field well-financed candidates in Kikuyu and Subukia constituencies to 'deal' with the two lawmakers to ensure that they never see the doors of parliament again.

The same party officials have also been in the forefront in defending president Kibaki from allegation of lying claiming that he never said at any one time that he would be a one term president. He never said he would lead only for five years so as to put the country on the right economic footing before stepping down for the late Wamalwa Kijana who was the vice president until his death.

Kibaki's most ardent defender Martha Karua said yesterday that she recently viewed an old tape where the president was answering questions from the foreign media in the early days of his administration and was confronted with the question of whether he would be a one-term president by foreign journalists. According to Karua, Kibaki wondered where the journalist had gotten the idea from, which is strange because it was all over the media at the time.

ODM de facto leader Raila Odinga has sworn in church while holding a Bible high in the air, that Kibaki said he would only rule for one term and step down and nobody has yet accused the Langata MP of lying from the pulpit.

It may not seem important now since Kibaki has already made it clear that he is seeking re-election but what should be established is whether the president is lying or not. Majority of Kenyans believe he is a gentleman who has ruined himself by keeping bad company while others think he is just as bad as the company he keeps and does not deserve sympathy from the voters come December.

The president is yet to disclose the party that he will use as his vehicle to vie for his re-election but there are strong indications that it will be Narc-Kenya which has managed to make more enemies than friends in its short existence, and Kibaki could probably have a better chance of being re-elected by seeking another party ticket rather than this outfit that has turned out to be a tribal monster and an enemy of the people.

Exclusive kumekucha interview with John Troon, the man who investigated the Ouko murder reveals that there is enough evidence to convict.

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