Friday, February 02, 2007

When A President Tells Lies In Full View Of TV Cameras

Some people define politics as the art of telling lies successfully. I am certainly not one of those people and if that is what politics really is, I want no part in it.

But yesterday his Excellency President Kibaki told a blatant lie in full view of TV cameras and the world. His Excellency the occupant of State House Nairobi and all the other palatial presidential residences countrywide, the man whom I voted for with my whole heart that memorable day of December 2002 called several of his own cabinet ministers liars. Indeed he even called me a liar, but alas, who am I?

Cabinet ministers Musikari Kombo (who was very close to the late VP Wamalwa Kijana) could be lying and so could cabinet Minister Noah Wekesa. But the clip of former VP Kijana Wamalwa giving an eloquent speech describing the turning point for opposition unity is not a lie. According to the now dead man, it came when the opposition king pins all selfishly gunning for the presidency decided to put their personal interests aside for the good of the country and decided that they would give each other brief 5 year terms and within a short time the presidency would go round all of them. Insiders add that it was Kijana who observed that candidate Kibaki was the older man and by virtue of that fact needed to be given the first turn.

Let me add another undeniable fact. Let us for a moment assume that the President is telling the truth and that this blogger hasn't the faintest idea of what he is talking about. Let us even assume (for the sake of all those government moles who read this blog every day) that this blogger has been paid by some unknown person or people to spread fitina. Even then, president Kibaki is still morally wrong in seeking re-election.

It is sad that today President Kibaki is a very different man from that easy-going politician who went round city hotels with the late Kijana Wamalwa and Charity Ngilu promising to deliver Kenyans from the clutches and tentacles of the evil Kanu. After a brief stint in power, he does not have the interests of the country at heart gunning for a second term, which will see him leave office when he is close to 82 years old.

Mr President, apart from telling lies in public, if you really had the interests of this country at heart, you would quietly retire to your Othaya farm and give somebody else a chance to take up the mantle from where you left off. As it is your clear statement that "you will never give it up" until you have done "your 10 years" is a confirmation in my book that you need 5 more years to do things that are not in the interests of the Kenyans who elected you. Like bring back senior Kanu people like retired President Moi who we elected you to deal firmly with. And maybe you also need the additional 5 years to clean up loose ends, and especially those to do with Anglo Leasing.

Kenyan voters please take careful note.

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  1. Couldn't have said it better.

  2. You are more than right brother. If only Kenyans would reclai the focus we had in 2002. All the same our politicians are miles behind us and the time of reckoning is nigh. Come December and they won't know what hit them. Kenyans have become of age and you only ignore them at you costly peril.



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