Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bush Discusses Instability In Kenya With Kikwete

"These Kenyans are such pests. They have flooded my country seeking refugee status from their financial problems and instability at home and taking the jobs away from Tanzanians. I hear they are also a problem to you Bwana Bush, living in this country illegally…"

A very funny joke this one. I wonder what President Kikwete said. Surely he did not speak his mind otherwise he would have said something like;

"Yep. Those guys are such pests. They have flooded my country seeking refugee status from their financial problems at home and taking the jobs away from Tanzanians. I hear they are also a problem to you Bwana Bush, living in this country illegally.

"What do you think we should do to them? Personally I have issued instructions to all my people to be careful about Kenyans. In fact I barred some tour drivers from entering my country with tourists the other day. Imagine the cheek, when I have my own tour drivers for that…"

On a more serious note consider the following facts;

• At the moment there is much more instability in Tanzania with a crippling 12 hour power rationing regime (on a daily basis). Many businesses have closed down and hyper inflation is setting in. The power rationing going on in that country is unprecedented in East and Central Africa.

• The serious economic crisis developing in Tanzania is a threat to the economic stability of the East African Community.

• In a basket of major foreign currencies traded in Tanzania that includes the dollar, euros, pound sterling, yen etc. the Kenya Shilling is second only to the dollar in terms of daily volumes traded. (Serious Kenyan dealers have no idea what the Tanzanian shilling looks like). Kenya is also the foreign investor that has created the highest number of jobs in Tanzania…

• …And yet there is currently a deliberate (but quiet) policy by President Kikwete’s government to frustrate Kenyan investors and businesspersons operating in the country. Not to mention Tanzania’s stalling tactics at the East African community that is costing tax payers in all 3 East African countries a fortune…

• There is plenty of evidence to suggest that many investors in Tanzania are dumping the rapidly depreciating Tanzanian shilling in favor of the more stable Kenyan shilling. So which country is more stable, Mr Bush?

• Experts estimate that Tanzania is about 20 years behind Kenya in terms of development. Those who have visited the country and seen the lazy-yet-know-it-all attitude of the people put the real figure at closer to half a century-with no hope of catching up (especially with the attitude being displayed currently at the EAC).

President Bush must have gotten his geography and facts a little mixed up. Poor guy, it’s been a very taxing 6 years as President of the most powerful nation in the world, especially with Osama breathing down his neck.

P.S. To add insult to injury Bush has promised to visit Tanzania soon. My advice to the Bush Presidential party. Do not forget two very important items. Namely plenty of generators to generate your own electricity and an interprator who understands Kiswahili, broken English and proper English.
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  1. As usual Chris you have your thumb on the pulse. This discussion between Bush and Kikwete might be the proverbial straw that broke the punda's back.

    It is not surprising and anyone who reacts with consternation and anger is ignorant.

    Kenya is effectively on the black-list of America. We have refused to kow-tow and therefore need to be 'punished'. It is not, and will not be, an instability or corruption question. Examples; our willingness to sign the war-crimes bill, our refusal to support the Iraq war, our purchase of Chinese military hardware, the criticism of Obama etc. We are no longer rolling-over and that infuriates the yankees.

    Bush is intellectually challenged, it would be foolhardy to expect any more from him.

    The Tanzanians are clearly coming out as our enemies. Having read the situation, Kikwete is trying to cuddle up to the Americans so that he can benefit. You would think the Tanzanians would know better. But what the hell, let them prostrate themselves and we shall see how far they go.

    We need to practise astute realpolitiks now. A major dis-investment from Tz should be quietly encouraged. Kenyans should be made aware that they conduct business in Tz at their own risk. A suitable African country should be sought as a substitute. We should consolidate our gains in Uganda, repair the relations in Rwanda and send out serious feelers to Ethiopia and Southern Sudan.

    Et tu Brute(Brutus)? Trying to stab Kenya in the back is quite juvenile from the Tanzanians. We are masters at this game of back-stabbing and they soon won't know what hit them.

    Kamba hukatika pabovu.

  2. The Tanzanians are especially desperate at the moment. I agree that the only option that makes sense is for Kenya to withdraw and also for us to take our trade elsewhere.

    Rwanda is ruled by a younger and very focused President who is going to go very far. That economy would do well with more Kenyan investors.

    I really can't figure out this Tz kamikaze government. Kikwete spent the first half of this year very busy doing everything to make foreign investors feel uncomfortable (inlcuding the infamous review of mining contracts). Now that FDIs have dried up (as expected) he's busy rushing all over the place looking for new investors(his meeting with Bush was to get American investors into Tanzania).

    Why burn up all that jet fuel, when a brief meeting with key Kenyan companies (and an assurance that there is a change of heart on his part) will get him massive inflows and investment.

    Maybe it is just as well. Personally I wouldn't trust any assurances after what I've heard. I am reliably informed that the President himself even had a meeting with Muslims in Tanzania to pray for the introduction of Kadhi's courts in Tanzania. definitely not the sort of thing that would encourage American investors.

    There is all the reason for Kenyans to pull out of Tanzania completely and as you suggest, for businesspersons who venture there to be told that they do so at their own risk.

    It is really sad that after all the good work of the immeditae former president (Mkapa), Tanzania is now busy reversing all the progress made.

    Shauri zao. Ni nchi yao. But let them not drag Kenyans into their self-created problems.

  3. A well written post that captured all the sentiments and statistics I tried to put in mine.
    Tanzanians seems to think they are better than us Kenyans even though Kenyans have tried to accomodate them in many ways.
    At the end of the day when Tanzania falls further and further back they will have no one to blame but themselves!
    I'm sorry but eloquence was never my forte!

  4. Let us also blame our Kenyan leaders including our Diplomats for being asleep since last December. Our neighbouring country has done so much harm in terms of its relations to Kenyan citizens (by also instigating that all kKenyans are violent robbers or they belong to one gang or the other- this has actually been put in the psyche of Tanzanians!) but our government has never come out with a statement. Now the have gone one step ahead, J. Kikwete is now Kenyan Ambassedor to the US, congratulations.

    //end of sarcasm.
    By the way who is the Kenyan Ambassedor in Dar, anaitwa nani?
    Kibaki should know that politics is not only about fighting ODM!!

  5. A very accurate analysis of the situation in Tz. The country is in reverse gear and I don't see them getting out of it any time soon.

    President Mkapa had some very solid achievements including setting up the dreaded immigration deptartment that is still upsetting Kenyans so much.

    Kikwete has achieved zero except to whisper "sweet nothings" into the ears of ordinary Tanzanians who still love him to bits.

    However a few are beginning to wake up to the reality that this guy's presidency is heading nowhere at best and towartds disaster at worst.


  6. Reading this has given me an insight of how we Kenyans think. We think we are better than everybody else, the fact actually is the other way round. We know nothing and we do not know what is going on around the World's politics.

    Kikwete was chosen by Bush administration to meet him as a new President of his country and the discussion about Kenya was not official and we should not blame him.

    We have our own problems and we should not make TZ our enemy, our sisters and brothers are living and working there!

    We should not take their problems as our celebration. If we think we can take our investment from TZ, then we are not business people.

    Let us think with our brain, not our heart!

  7. "@Anonymous said...
    Reading this has given me an insight of how we Kenyans..."

    My friend you are either a Tanzanian pretending to be a Kenyan or you are commenting on an issue you know nothing about.

    I invested in Tz 5 years ago. The dollar at that time was exchanging at 660 to the T shilling (now it is close to 1400). The Kshs was exchanging at about 80 to the dollar at the time (it is now 72).

    Then there are the small petty issues and rampant corruption here. Then the govt. insists that we employ locals who either rob us or are too lazy to get anything done. The problems are just too many. The decision to invest or leave here is nothing to do with emotions (I will have to write off a huge loss in capital investment and time wasted).

    Just answer this simple question for me. Why is a country that has diamonds, Gold, Tanzanite etc. and now oil, a 800 mile coastal strip, half a dozen national parks and great tourist attractions, still one of the poorest in Africa?

    The irony is that Tanzanians are always busy trying to prove that they are better than Kenyans. That's exactly what the Kikwete incident in Washington was all about.


    P.S. By the way Tz got it's independence over 2 years before Kenya. Talk of a head start.

  8. I can tell by the tone of your language, typical of what is expected of people who thinks by their heart. If you are a real kenyan, then you should consider inversting home if you think TZ is not worth investing in, did we not learn that "charity begins at home????"

    My apologies if my comments offended you. Talking of getting Independence before our friends across the border, what have we done to be proud of? Are we not one of the poorest country in the world? Do not blame the Tanzanians, have we forgotten what we did in 1977 to the rest of East Africa? I still think brains works better than hearts in this issue, lets leave Tanzanian and their Kikwete, let our Mzee also be asked to see Bush and not blaming Kikwete for being given the opportunity. Kenyans, let us clean our own house before we see our friends jirani's house dirty!!

    You can say I am a Tanzanian if you want, but at least those guys are quite and when they speak, just as Kikwete did, they speak loud!

  9. Nice try my brother. Your English gives you away. I know Tanzanian English when I see it.

    But thanks for commenting and please feel free to speak your mind here. This is what makes blogs so interesting.

    CCM juu na mgawo wa umeme! Kikwete juu na mzimu wa Nyerere.

  10. Chris, I am afraid you are wrong. Not all Kenyans have the same English as you might think.

    Well, that apart, let me end this debate, as a kenyan, I felt like I should expressed my views. I know It might have not pleased some of "us".

    You must be a tanzanian because you are well versed with their slogans of the ccn thing and you know much about power rationing which we had a few months back in Kenya as well, as the case was with Uganda.

    Long live Kumekucha, lets be free to express ourselves as we would like to! Long live English language!!!

  11. Yes, I am Tanzanian and you should thank us for providing thousands of jobs for your own people. I know that is not enough for you guys, thus the rush job for East Africa Union to take place. You didn't get enough in 77 right? Do you know you actually export more Tanzanite then we do. Do you really want us to make up that 20yer/half-century gap because if we do, you then will have to rely on another "lazy" country to aid your development.

    I know there is a lot we can learn from you guys like claiming in our brosha(excuse my english, its still difficult to master both kiswahili and english) Mt Kenya is in Tanzania..and so forth.

    Its like a baby who just felt ignored by his once favourite Uncle(America). You even forget the amount of bu**lickin/back stabbling you had to do to gain that favourite nephew tag at the expense of all these independence liberation movements in southern africa.

    So finally you got your spine back and you can stand tall. Good for you, we been doing that since 61. Yes despite the backwardness.

    Its sad to see the mind of an African getting to this level and this goes to both the fools in Kenya getting upset about this petty issue and the fools in Tanzania cheering that Bush is coming. Really pathetic.

  12. mmmh, that has been a hot discussion, to tell you guys the truth I had no idea there was a Tanzanian and Kenyan English, I though English (as the name itself) was for the english people, with that I dont see where we fit!!. I think the tanzanians should be proud of themselves having the brocken english cause am sure they are very fluent with their national Language,

    I have been also a bit supriese how this guy calling himself a kenyan now much of Tanzania than the tanzanians themselves, I bet he/she is in Tanzania, (I wonder what he/she is doing there!!).

    I am not very good in history but I think the divide and rule is working, how can you hate your neighbour that much while you realy depend on him to survive!!! its strange.

    well, I suggest you think before you write.

  13. I take this opportunity to officially welcome "usalama wa taifa" (the Tz equivalent of Special Branch) to this blog. Feel free to mingle with the heavy intelligence service crowd (from both Kenya and Tanzania) nosing around in this blog.

    "...well, I suggest you think before you write," you said.

    Now is that a threat, my brother? What are you saying, that I should think of my safety before I write?

    Is the problem what has been written here in this blog? Does it hurt you? maybe there is a lot of truth in it. If it was all lies and fabrication I doubt whether the reaction would be the same.

    Kenyans do not depend on Tanzanians to survive and we do not hate our neighbors, personally my best friends happen to be Tanzanians and some of them have supplied me with the info I have put here. They are concerned about their country and they probably love their country more than you corrupt elite out to make money at the expense of the masses, while you lie and feed them with Castro-style propaganda.

    By the way, welcome to the new exciting world of a free objective media. Nothing here was meant to be personal.

  14. Ooh you want me to point to you at the number of Kenyans not happy about their country. Happiness come from so many other different sources.i.e co-existence with other tribes.

    Did those very same friend of yours confirm with you that Tanzanians hate Kenyans?

    We are peaceful people and we are good people. Go to any corner of this earth and ask someone who has had a chance to meet a Tanzanian.

    As to the economic/english language challenges, well with our vast resources I think it will be easier overcoming them than overcoming the challenges you face in your country. You see we are one people already, not just outside our country or when someone has a a go at us. Actually you should thank Kikwete for this little episode, at least he put a pause from the I'm kikuyu, I am Jaluo mentality, to I am Kenyan. Hope when this little thing phases can maintain that patriotism that is on display now.

  15. Where was kibaki when kikwete was doing his thing???
    kibaki instead of hobnobbing with the other heads of state was opening a conference in Nairobi! As someone said, that is the Mayor's job or some other lackey. kibaki was needed to PSUH Kenya's agenda abroad!

    Regarding TZ, they have much better roads but they are like one big coastal area... LAZY...

  16. Kenya's worst enemies are Kenyans. This thread for me proves one thing - envy. The truth is it used to be Tanzanians seeking jobs in Kenya. Now it is the other way round.

    And for those of you who mention 'currency' as the absolute measure of an economy's deterioration are misguided. It is nothing more than an 'indicator'. The Yen is weaker than the dollar, the euro and the GB pound. In fact it has been falling against the dollar for a number of years now. Is the Japanese economy in freefall?

    Besides, a stronger Kenyan curency (against the TZ shilling) hurts Kenyan exports. Any serious manufacturer in Kenyan would attest to that. Any serious Tanzanian industrialist (be it a soap or textile factory owner) would like to see a stronger Kenyan shilling as it means Kenyan products become more expensive giving their products the edge.

    What I sense on this blog is frustration from the Kenyans more than anything. I believe serious Kenyans are making the most of the opportunity Tanzania is currently offering. If they encounter problems, the work around them.

    Sitting in a chair in Nairobi and analysing EAC relations based on a them-versus-us basis is not the way to go and defeats the spirit of neighbourly relations.

    As for the Tanzanian caution towards the EA Community, I think it is understandable given the history. We had Nyerere who was enthusiastic and a deep Pan-Africanist but his vision was more politically motivated and filled with empty rhetoric than pragmatic.

    We want to get it right this time round. What's the use of harmonising immigration policy without security policy? Why give Rwanda tough democratic conditions to meet for membership when Museveni of Uganda imprisons his political opponents?

    Let's look in our own countries and sort out the endless mess before we start arguing on the complexities that is regional cooperation.

    And as for Kikwete discussing Kenya, are you people serious? Tanzania has it's own share of problems to deal with without Kenyans heaping blame.

  17. Folks;
    I am Tanzanian.

    I love Kenyans, I like their music though I would prefer bongo flavas. I like their swahili because I think its funny. Lakini in reading this article and some comments from our majirani, I felt like you guys HATE Tanzania and Tanzanians. There is hate written all over your comments.

    Now, we Tanzanians u can say anything u wanna say about us BUT we are not gonna hate Kenyans just kwa sababu Mzee Kibaki had a chance to meet with US president. Its President Bush by the way. Thats some high school ish.

    Anyway wazee, I think you are embarrassing yourselves and u should really be ashamed with your statements.

    I know what u gonna say. "we are saying the truth, we don't hate nobody"

  18. Its not about hate guys, its about how the media portrays Kenyans in Tz. Any time a Tz media mentions Kenyans it is in bad faith. Earlier this year when I went to visit my Tz friends, they took me to this nice place for a beer I was on a suit (kumbe they know that Kenyans wearing suits...if you wear a suit ia Arusha, its highly possible that you are Kenyan. Anyways let me finnish the narration, we were seated taking our keroro polepole when a person they knew came around, when it whas my turn to greet him he was like "hey are you Kenyan? it was like a crime to be kenyan ok my accent gave me away, "nyinyi wakenya ni majambazi"mnavaa suti lakini nyie ni wezi" the guy refused to give me a lift coz he feared that I will rob him until my friends convinced him that I am a gainfully employed guy who was just on a friendly visit.

    Basically deep inside I knew that he never meant what he said, it was just threatenned by my English and my academic bacground, because even after them telling him that I was a graduate with honours with a Dip. in IT he hated me more.

    Soon after Kikwete was elected the media encouraged him to ensure that Tzs get jobs by kicking out Kenyans thats why no Kenyans are being given work permits but people from other countries are getting work permits.
    While they are at it why don't they kick out Indians too
    and Europeans then In the end we shall have a Zimbabwe as our neighbours.

    Kikwete is a very educated man and I wonder why he does not contemplate the economic implications of stifling investments and Labour in his country. They have no teachers etc. I do not want to criticize but how can one teacher teach mathematics, history, kiswahilli, and english at the same time? What is the quality of that education?

    Tzs have enough problems as for now that is why they are diverting everything by dragging Kenya in their muck. They have no HIV Aids policy or if they have its not working, people are dying of AIDS so badly so so badly my friends that I can confortably say that the Kisumu one was kidogo yet it only occupies a paragraph in their papers. What about a cartoon on Kikwete? Full pages of complains in newspaper commentaries, on radios, God!

    Remember when Kikwete was Elected? The same cartoonist drew Kikwete as an emerging force required for EA unity. Did they write a commentary to thank Nationmedia for portraying their president well? NO.

    Before they complain let them peruse Kenyan newspaper cartoons to see how we portray our leaders.


  19. I stumbled on this post (great and thought provoking, by the way) and read most of the comments…I had to say something…any self respecting Kenyan would. I must say, that while I do not claim to be an economics guru, I do know a little about the economic situation in the region. I have this to say:

    1. It is not our fault that we have the imagination, insight and acumen to succeed. We are ambitious and we can be overly aggressive especially where our hard earned shillings are concerned but that's only natural. We are VERY well educated and we are articulate. Granted, not all of us are brilliant but on average, the Kenyan is a hard working fellow trying to feed and educate his family. That said, you should not hate us if we are imaginative enough to market the Mara better than you do your Serengeti…and btw, it is not our fault if tourists think that Tanzanite is a Kenyan Gemstone….if you don’t sell it, we will. That is business

    2. We have a very strong industrial base and a big pool of highly qualified, well educated, extremely competent human resource…That many of the top managerial jobs in Tanzania go to Kenyans is proof of this and while we are not purporting to be better than you, we are simply saying that we have a lot going for us. We will not apologize for it.

    3. You report your economic growth at 6-7% and ours reads at a humble 3%. However, we DO NOT include any donor money. FYI, when donors pulled out of Kenya, our economy NOT ONLY survived that, but it GREW. You reckon you can say that about Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda? If you take out all the donor money going into these countries, you will realize that most of them are…eh, not just broke…they are bankrupt. If Kenya factors in donor money, we’ll probably record our GDP at about 10%.I hope we will not because at least when we say 3%, it really is 3%.

    4. Tanzania sits on the fence, benefiting from SADC, and benefiting from COMESA…Tanzania broke away from COMESA and joined SADC in order to do business with the then Apartheid South Africa (the country that’s responsible for most of the economic development in Tanzania)…you do realize, of course, that SA has been slowly reducing its interest in investing in Tanzania (I reckon since the ANC did not pull a Mugabe on its settler community, South African’s figured they are better off investing in their own country)and to put it bluntly, they were using Y’all to protect their financial interests and I do not fault them is afterall, business…wake up and smell the coffee, Kenyans are still investing in Tz…where is the logic in biting off the hand that feeds you? I will not go all moralistic on a country still grappling with socialism…I need not do it…the facts speaks for themselves. Tanzania products enjoy access to the Kenyan market with a zero rate on duty…(in a bid to allow you to catch up with us…independence 2 years ahead of us notwithstanding) and now that the privilege is about to come to an end, you are shaking in your boots because your products may not survive the competition from similarly priced Kenyan goods…

    5. FYI, the intention of the EAC community IS NOT for Kenya to exploit her neighbours. Hardly. The point is (sigh), to have a symbiotic union that sets the member states apart as a strong economic union. We have everything to gain from the EAC….all countries do…Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Congo….the EAC is a good defense and policing policy economically…

    6. On corruption, we have been labeled over and over again as being the MOST corrupt country in the region. Newsflash, Tanzania is probably as corrupt, if not grossly more corrupt than Kenya. The only difference between our countries is what we call FREE PRESS. People get to KNOW about graft…that’s it.

    7. The Port in Dar es salaam is growing, and like Mombasa, it is reliant on transit related business, your Railway system is doing far better than ours (although this may change in the near future); Tanzania has a huge textile business BUT with the lifting of the Multi Fibre Agreement this coming January, there will be consequences when goods from China et al are able to access the US market at lower prices.

    Sorry to break it to ya but in terms of ECONOMIC growth, inherent culture, work ethic, human resource and professionalism, we are far ahead of Tanzania. That’s just how it is (you cannot hate us just because we are brilliant). Our coffee is the Cult coffee in Europe (Prague records Kenya coffee as being the No. 1, most highly priced coffee in their café’s…and that’s a fact); Marks and Spencer…you must have heard of them, EVERY single CUT FLOWER at any Marks and Spenser is from guess where….that’s right, Homegrown…KENYAN Flowers…I could go on…look at the growth of our Stock Exchange, our real estate, our improving telecommunications systems, our Information Technology….the strength of our middle class…as I said, I could go on and on…we encourage both local and foreign investors...we do not thwart their efforts. I am not saying that we are better than you and yeah, of course we have our problems…we have our poor..but really, to put arguments forward that expose you as ignorant is well, to say the least, unintelligent. I am being kind.

  20. Oh, on a lighter note, some very good pals of mine are going to Dar for a little holiday this weekend.

    I love Dar es Salaam...fell in love with the place when I first went there...

  21. Hating Tanzanians is a way to divert attention from the serious tribalism in Kenya. Who doesn't know that Kikuyus dislike Luos?

    And this hate towards Tanzanians is only a recent phenomenon. No wonder Tanzanians are not enthusiastic about the EAC. The benefits are not that obvious to the common man. What we see is Kenyan thugs rob Tanzanian banks and kill automobile owners.

    I would appreciate strengthening the cooperation we have with Zambia, Malawi, DR Congo, Mozambique, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda (outside the EAC framework).

    The EAC failed before, it will fail again. And is it any wonder? When people bring in a tribal mentality (us versus them) to a community, that is what happens.

    Kenyans should stop acting like chokoras, and deal with the real issues if they want to benefit from regional cooperation.

    And as for 'we are more educated than you' attitude, that is just self-pampering. Educated people do not brag. They let their intellect do the talking.

  22. vagabond:
    The list you put out is probably 80% true. Wake up, Kenyans. Tanzanians acknowledge that you are more professional, more ambitious, more hardworking...

    We don't hate you for that. But having said that we also have every right to protect our jobs in our country. We dont like you taking our jobs..or stealing our resources just as we don't like to see the South Africans doing it either.

    But don't be fooled. We don't need Kenya to move forward and this is not because of the AID coming in. You have outgrown your country(through you success and high population growth) and of course Tanzania's cooperation would benefit you even greatly. One would think Tanzanians should be the ones flooding to Kenya as is the case with most countries living closer to their more prosperous neighbour. So Why is the trend different?

    You can sit there and deny it but believe me, as ambitious as you are you wont push forcefully for the EA union if it was not for the potential economic rewards it offers. We, the Tanzanians would be the one to push for the EA union for other reasons(umoja, undugu and all other good stuff that Nyerere taught us).

    We know we have a mile to go and some of it would involve working with our neighbours..but at the same time we are very aware that an open door policy would not be beneficial to our country. You can hate us for that, but thats tough.

  23. Neutral..
    I am a Tanzanian and i have a lot of Kenyans friends whom i cam trust to look after my interest or giving me a hand. What i have read here does shock me and i hope that they do not represent the rest of the Kenyans.
    We have chalenges and successes! Just like any other Country!! We are poor- its not news!!
    I am trying to think twice whether you are good neighbours,the minute something goes wrong you shout out our shot commings!! and you understand them better than we do! You know how much we have and what we dont have!! And are very ready to tell it all just because u think we dont like you anymore! Well my friends let me tell you,you can say all you want to empty your frustration but we are kind so when you are done saying bad about us you can put on that sheep skin and pretend to be our friends again and guess what we will welcome you! we have a lot to deal with for statters the power rationing, we dont have time for this and can not multtask as u say we are lazy!! If you are good pals and do understand our problems better than we do, where is your helping hand???All we do ask is the peace of mind, that will help us concentrate!Let us know when you have something better to say, we dont have to defend anything because we all know the truth and that is what it will be!! good luck in your endevours

  24. Mimi ni Mtanzania. Nimesoma "blog" hii, ninayo machache ..

    Kwanza, lugha yangu ni Kiswahili, hata George Bush anajua kwamba mimi siyo Mwingereza. Hivyo kutokufahamu Kiingereza siyo jambo la ajabu. Ni ukoloni mambolea kudharau wale wasiojua kiingereza. Nisipojua ki-kikuyu utanicheka pia? Tunahitaji kuondoa ukoloni kwenye fikra zetu!

    Pili, nawafahamu Wakenya, Ni wachapa kazi. Sana. Siyo kwa sababu ya "brilliance" yao zaidi ya Watanzania, bali ni kwa sababu wamekulia katika mazingira tofauti. Yakawashikisha adabu. Ambacho ni kitu kizuri. Watanzania tutajifunza hilo toka kwao.

    Tatu, Sipendi Wakenya wanapowakebehi viongozi wetu, akiwemo Mwasisi wa Taifa letu. Uzuri ni kwamba wanachaguliwa na Watanzania, na ni vyema mkajitahitahidi kuzoea kuwepo kwao. Hawapo hapo kwa ajili yenu.

    Nne, sijui kama ni kweli Kenya "mmeendelea" kuliko Tanzania. Maendeleo, kwa mapana yake, ni mjadala ambao hatuwezi kuumaliza hapa. Hata hivyo ziko sababu; sisi tulikuwa na mfumo tofauti, iliolenga kuwabeba wote katika hilo gurudumu la maendeleo. Tulijaribu, na bado tunaendelea kujaribu; pia wakati nyie mnatafuta mitaji kutajirika, sisi tulikuwa tunawakomoa wenzetu. Msumbiji, Angola, Zimbabwe, Afrika Kusini, Namibia, Uganda, Ushelisheli... Unaweza kuuliza tulipata nini huko? UBUNTU. Hata Idd Amin (siyo Waganda) alipotuvamia Wakenya, majirani zetu, walikaa kimyaaaa. Nakumbuka Mwl Nyerere aliwaomba wakuu wa nchi za Afrika angalau kukemea uvamizi, lakini ....

    Tano, kwamba ni haki ya Mtanzania kupata kazi nchini mwake kwanza kabla ya mwingine siyo swala la mjadala hata kidogo. Wala hatuna tabia ya kufukuzafukuza watu kama nchini mwetu kama unafuata sheria, kama Kenya ilivyowafukuza Watanzania miaka ya themanini toka Nairobi na Mombasa. Na kuwanyanga'nya mali zao. Mjomba wangu alikuwemo. Changamwe, Mombasa. Karibuni, Tanzania. Wamekuja wengi, wakakaa, wakapapenda. Na nyie mnakaribishwa. Tunawapenda.

    Sita, msifikiri kabisa kwamba sisi tunawahitaji nyie zaidi kuliko mnavyotuhitaji sisi. Tena nafikiri nyie mnatuhitaji zaidi sisi kwa sababu hamna pa kupumulia sasa hivi. Kila mnapokanyaga pana mtu, hata kama ni mbuga. Mnapigwa risasi na kuuwawa. Poleni ndugu zetu, majirani zetu.

    Saba, hii kujigamba kwamba nyie no bora sana ni tabia ya kutaka kuficha udhaifu uliomo katika jamii ya Wakenya. Sitegemei kwa mfano Wakenya wawapende Watanzania kama wenyewe hawapendani. Ukabila ... Wanajaribu sasa kutoa nje ya nchi yao mapungufu hayo. Hatutawaruhusu. Nawashauri wajifunze kwetu jinsi ya kukaa na binadamu wenzao.


  25. "Kenya is a man-eat-man society" -Julius Nyerere, Tanzanian President
    "Tanzania is a man-eat-nothing society" -Charles Njonjo, Kenya AG

    Seems we are just going back to the future.

  26. Ukisoma mjadala huu, utagundua mtanzania ni nani na mkenya ni nani!! Wakenya watamalizwa na ubinafsi na unafiki. Watanzania matatizo yetu tunayo na tunayakubali kwa kuweka mikakati sahihi ya kuyakabili. Hakuna nchi isiyokuwa na matatizo!! Hata Bush anayakwakwe.

    Swala la umeme, nadhani ni letu na sisi tunajua tutalitatua vipi...

    Kuhusu kwamba mmesoma, well hilo sibishi ila najua kama mwenzangu alivyosema, Tz tuliweka mkakati wa kuwakomboa raia wote kwenye gurudumu la umasikini, bila kujali kabila na tabaka... na ndo maana hata leo nikimwandikia babu yangu waraka huko kijijini atausoma!!!!But Nina amini we have enough intellectuals to guide our country to where we want. In this we dont need foreigners!!! Kaeni kwenu.

    Kwamba mnajua English..Ama kweli umasikini mbaya sio wa mahitaji bali ni FIKRA!!! YAANI NYINYI MNAONA FAHARI KUJUA LUGHA YA MKOLONI?? WAKATI HAPO KWENU HAMUELEWANI?? Kenyans you have IDENTITY CRISIS!! KWANI WAINGEREZA LONDON WANAULIZANA NANI ANAJUA KIKUYU KULIKO MWENZAKE?? Sisi watanzania hiyo sehemu tulipita zamani. Kiswahili is our identity. Yes, I can proudly say that!!! Tunatafuta mstakabali wa taifa letu tukiwa wamoja na mshikamano. Tanzania itajengwa na watanzania na wala sio Kibaki wala Bushi na watu wao....Tafadhali mtuache. Mkae kwenu na sisi tukae kwetu.

    Tunathamini sana ujirani mwema. Kama mkiwa majirani wazuri tutawathamini, mkiwa manyang`au, BASI!! Najua kwanza mnashangaa mnavyokuja Tanzania mnatembea Namanga mpaka Dar bila "road block", bila kuulizwa kitambulisho, kabila lako...hiyo ndo Tanzania makabila mia kidogo lakini tunajua sisi wenyewe tuu!!! Karibuni sana!!

  27. Eti lugha ya mkoloni?

    Even swahili is a product of foreighn languages if you know your history well.


    Hey Bwana, it seems the guy is here again to give us his governments statement on this blog after being ignored in Acolytes blog. I know its him by the way he spins his point across especially at Acolyte the other day.

    Please Chris just close this comments section its getting boring already! With this Jikomboe Guy. By the way personally I like him and I have linked his site on my blog. Sometimes I just feel that the views he puts across are not wholy his... am sorry.

    Today the Media in Tz were as silent as "mtungi ya maji" when they realised that GADO is indeed Tzdnian.I nearly broke my ribs with laughter on the realisation too because their media had started to spin an eery conspiracy theory that the Kenyan media has an agenda to do I don't know what.(Maybe the normal negative brouhaha they have been spreading about Kenyans ever since Kikwete was elected.

    Anyways they are the ones who started the hating.

    Lets leave this string and go to your current hot story and continue comments from there, you'll find me already there... Stop Press: Nationality of Sunday Nation Controversial Cartoonist Revealed!!!!


  28. Eti lugha ya mkoloni?

    Even swahili is a product of foreighn languages if you know your history well.


    Hey Bwana, it seems the guy is here again to give us his governments statement on this blog after being ignored in Acolytes blog. I know its him by the way he spins his point across especially at Acolyte the other day.

    Please Chris just close this comments section its getting boring already! With this Jikomboe Guy. By the way personally I like him and I have linked his site on my blog. Sometimes I just feel that the views he puts across are not wholy his... am sorry.

    Today the Media in Tz were as silent as "mtungi ya maji" when they realised that GADO is indeed Tzdnian.I nearly broke my ribs with laughter on the realisation too because their media had started to spin an eery conspiracy theory that the Kenyan media has an agenda to do I don't know what.(Maybe the normal negative brouhaha they have been spreading about Kenyans ever since Kikwete was elected.

    Anyways they are the ones who started the hating.

    Lets leave this string and go to your current hot story and continue comments from there, you'll find me already there... Stop Press: Nationality of Sunday Nation Controversial Cartoonist Revealed!!!!


  29. Kwa kuandika Kiswahili, lazima utajua mimi ni Mtanzania, ukipenda niite "mutu ya Tanganyika".

    Ndugu zangu wakenya, naona huruma mnavyotapata na kushabikia mambo yaliyotokea huko Marekani, mwashangaa hivi kwa nini Tz ndo ilipewa nafasi.. na siyo sisi.. sio sisi wakenya... ambao ndio tulistahili kuonana na raisi wa Marekani.. jamani hebu tuamke..

    Usidhani basi watanzania tunarukaruka kwa furaha kuona hali ya "ushirika mpya" na marekani, tuna hofu pia. Hii ni kutokana na historia ya marekani.

    Sidhani kama mjadala huu ungekuwa mrefu na wa mgawanyiko endapo Kenya ingeuwakiliswa... mngefurahi.. na kushangilia... kwa mbwembwe za kiingereza kilichopambwa kumzidi hata malkia wa uingereza.. jamani.. hebu amkeni... najisikia furaha ninapokong'oli mtandao kama na kuona kenya inavopiga hatua, labda kuizidi hata Tanzania katika kuendelea lugha yetu nzuri ya kiswahili.
    Hata kiingereza ni mseto wa lugha, humo kuna maneno ya kifaranza, kigiriki, nk. Hivyo sia ajabu Kiwahili kuwa na maneo ya kiarabu, kireno, kibantu nk. Jivunie chako ndugu.

    Kuna mchangiaji mmoja ameandika, huu waweza kuwa moja ya mikakati ya kutugawa. Tukiwa tunaelekea umoja wa Afrika Mashariki, lazima tuwe makini katika kuchambua mambo kwa mapana. Hivi kama yule msaidizi wa rais wa marekani asingesema kwamba mambo ya Kenya yamezungumziwa, je kungekuwa na mjadala hapa? Je si kweli mambo mengi kuhusu nchi nyingine hayazungumzwi pale wakuu wa nchi wanapokutana? Mangapi, na labda mabaya zaidi, je tunayasikia? Hebu amkeni jamani..

    Nahofu, kuhusu kuharakisha Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki... Sidhani kama Tanzania iko tayari kujiunga, kama wenzetu hawawezi kuchambua mambo kimtazamo mpana, kwa sasa. Sidhani, kama kweli Tanzania yaihitaji Afrika mashariki mapema hivi, kama mambo menyewe ndiyo haya. Nadhani nchi nyingine zaihitaji Afrika Mashariki zaidi kuliko Tanzania.. kuweni makini..

    Kijiografia, kirasilimali na kimahusiano, Tanzania iko katika nafasi nzuri kufanya vizuri, tuaiga mifano mizuri, ujuzi, mbinu toka kwa wakenya, waganda, yeyote, ili tusonge mbele. Tunainua elimu yetu, tunapanga mikakati dhabiti ya kurasimu rasilimali na biashara yetu. Sasa tunauza vivutio vyetu kwa hali na mali, hatuna haja ya kusema Mlima Kenya uko Tanzania.. kuna mbinu nyingi nyingine..

    Msishtuke, Tanzania inakuja, kiupole, kwa amani, hata kama tunahitaji miaka ishirini, bila shaka. Nadhani mwahofu kuona kwamba nafasi iliyokuwa yenu polepole mnapokonywa...

    Mwaijua Tanzania, na watanzania, hawana makuu, twashukuru kwa matusi na vibezo... lakini angalia nani atakuja kuumia... nani anmhitaji mwenzie zaidi ya mwenzake.. hebu amkeni marafiki.

  30. If Kenyans hate each other, do you exect them to love Tanzanians?

  31. I couldn't even finish reading all the posts. But I have just one statement to utter here:

    “A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult”.

    Did I say one statement? My apologies... I have another thing to say.

    What is this thing about "Speaking Good English?" Are all the world developed nations speaking what is termed as 'Good English?" When are we going to get rid of this mentality? Ndugu zangu? Acheni utoto na ujinga huu? Discuss the issues and debate on the issues not just writing kama Walevi wasio na msimamo wala UTTU.

  32. And what's this about Tanzania attaining independence two years earlier than Kenya but not being as developed? There is a gentleman above who used this as an argument. That is irrelevant. The British flag was taken down in Hong Kong in 2000 and the territory is more developed than Kenya and Tanzania. Should they laugh at us for that? Moreover, one could say the longer you are under colonialism, the more developed you will be.

    By the way, Kenyans who brag about being more developed are deluded. Outside Nairobi and Mombasa, there is nothing worth mentioning. Tanzanians have built bridges and sent electricity all over the country (no wonder they are finding it difficult to satisfy demand). Go to Siaya or the inner villages of Taveta. It is dark as hell.

    In other words, Kenyan 'development' has no depth.

  33. CSM said...
    Kenyans hapo kweli mwachemsha, mtu hathaminiki kwa vazi alilovaa bali kile anachofoka toka mdomoni na kupangiliwa vema na ubongo wake. Pompas za ujuzi wa english is the worst thing i could read on your articles, poleni sana wenye dhana hiyo.

    Mistakes ktk kuendesha nchi zaweza wepo cha msingi ni kuwa na way forward and a stable base to work from. Tzs has a base and be assured while you prestige yourself on language ya watu mtaachwa taaartiiib mnashtuka mmebaki wenyewe mkiani.

    mambo mengine utoto...

  34. I am A Kenyan. I will talk about the advantages and disadavantages of Tzs.

    1) Excellent traders and salespersons and very aggressive. Kenyans can't compete with these guys in deal-making. I wish they had more confidence in themselves

    2) Best Musicians in Africa save the Congolese. From the days of Morogoro Jazz and Baraka Mwinsheshe to Orchestra Les Wanyika to prof Omari, these guys can make music, why lie?

    3) Tanzanian women are beautiful. Very beautiful and graceful. Kenyan women can't compete. I know of several Kenyan men who've landed in Tz and have been totally confused by Tz chicks til they have forgeotten their wives and families in Kenya. Sio Mchezo. Love does not need English, my fellow Kenyans.

    4) Tanzanians are very united. There is still a little tribalism like the Chagga/Mpare issue and Hayas versus I do not know who, but these guys are very united. No land clashes over tribes would ever take place in Tz. Kenyans can learn a lot from this and try and pick up something good.

    5) I've dealt with Kenyan and Tanzanian auto mechanics, I prefer Tanzanians by far. They're good with their hands and they can improvise.

    6) These guys love their country deeply. Kibaki is always being attacked in the Tz media, Kenyans basically ignore. One small cartoon and Kaboom! Tzs come from everywhere to defend their country. Again kenyans can learn from this.

    I'll publish the disadvantages tomorrow.


  35. Kumekucha,
    I can't wait. Yes, number 3 is true. Tanzania women are so beautiful.

  36. You guys need to have a life and not fantasizing our lovely country Tanzania, and for those who said that we need 20 years to catch-up with Kenya, they need to think again 50% of Kenyans are below poverty line, in comparison to 36% Tanzania and 35% Uganda, you need to invest in your own people. Both countries are poor, but Tanzania has more resources, and not as corrupt as Kenya. Kenyans are very nice people and we both know that we are like brothers but how can you like Tanzanians if you don’t even like your fellow Kenyans just because of the tribe they come from?. Tanzania is on rise no matter if you like it or not

    CIA-FACTSHEET Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

    Natural resources: KENYA

    Limestone, soda ash, salt, gemstones, fluorspar, zinc, diatomite, gypsum, wildlife, hydropower
    Natural resources: TANZANIA

    Hydropower, tin, phosphates, iron ore, coal, diamonds, gemstones, gold, natural gas, nickel
    Natural resources: UGANDA

    copper, cobalt, hydropower, limestone, salt, arable land

    Population: KENYA

    Population: TANZANIA

    Population: UGANDA


    GDP (purchasing power parity): KENYA

    $37.15 billion (2005 est.)
    GDP (purchasing power parity): TANZANIA

    $27.07 billion (2005 est.)
    GDP (purchasing power parity): UGANDA

    $48.73.07 billion (2005 est.)

    GDP (official exchange rate): KENYA

    $16.11 billion (2005 est.)
    GDP (official exchange rate): TANZANIA

    $12.12 billion (2005 est.)
    GDP (official exchange rate): UGANDA

    $7.909 billion (2005 est.)

    GDP - real growth rate: KENYA

    5.2% (2005 est.)
    GDP - real growth rate: TANZANIA

    0% (2005 est.)
    GDP - real growth rate: UGANDA

    4% (2005 est.)

    GDP - per capita (PPP): KENYA

    $1,100 (2005 est.)
    GDP - per capita (PPP): TANZANIA

    $700 (2005 est.)
    GDP - per capita (PPP):

    $1,800 (2005 est.)

    Population below poverty line: KENYA
    50% (2000 est.)
    Population below poverty line: TANZANIA

    36% (2002 est.)
    Population below poverty line: UGANDA

    35% (2001 est.)

    Inflation rate (consumer prices): KENYA

    10.3% (2005 est.)
    Inflation rate (consumer prices): TANZANIA

    4.3% (2005 est.)
    Inflation rate (consumer prices): UGANDA

    8.1% (2005 est.)

    Budget: KENYA

    Revenues: $3.715 billion
    expenditures: $3.88 billion; including capital expenditures of $NA (2005 est.)

    Budget: TANZANIA

    Revenues: $2.235 billion
    expenditures: $2.669 billion; including capital expenditures of $NA (2005 est.)
    Budget: UGANDA

    Revenues: $1.845 billion
    expenditures: $1.904 billion; including capital expenditures of $NA (2005 est.)

    Public debt: KENYA

    50.2% of GDP (2005 est.)
    Public debt: TANZANIA

    65.8% of GDP (2005 est.)
    Public debt: UGANDA

    64.3% of GDP (2005 est.)

    Electricity - production: KENYA

    4.342 billion kWh (2003)
    Electricity - production: TANZANIA

    3.152 billion kWh (2003)
    Electricity - production: UGANDA

    1.729 billion kWh (2003)

    Electricity - consumption: KENYA

    4.238 billion kWh (2003)
    Electricity - consumption: TANZANIA

    2.959 billion kWh (2003)
    Electricity - consumption: UGANDA

    1.448 billion kWh (2003)

    Current account balance: KENYA

    -$1.543 billion (2005 est.)

    Current account balance: TANZANIA

    -$558 million (2005 est.)
    Current account balance: UGANDA

    -$355 million (2005 est.)

    Exports: KENYA

    $3.173 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.)
    Exports: TANZANIA

    $1.581 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.)
    Exports: UGANDA

    $768 million f.o.b. (2005 est.)

    Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: KENYA

    $1.799 billion (2005 est.)
    Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: TANZANIA

    $2.074 billion (2005 est.)
    Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: UGANDA

    $1.286 billion (2005 est.)

    Debt - external: KENYA

    $7.391 billion (2005 est.)
    Debt - external: TANZANIA

    $8.178 billion (2005 est.)
    Debt - external: UGANDA

    $4.973 billion (2005 est.)

  37. Anon,
    I'm not sure what you were trying to prove with these figures but as I read them, Tanzania with more resources and a greater population lags behind Kenya in almost every index of development. The figures you quote for poverty levls are taken from different years (Kenya 2000, TZ 2002)and may not reflect the current situation. I am no friend of the Kibaki administration in Kenya but bending facts to fit the theory is not good practice.

  38. Do you want to tell me that poverty level decreased for more than 20% give the number, everybody knows that there is more poor people in Kenya than in Tanzania because of lack of mid-class in Kenya. Tanzania is behind Kenya but our economy and investment is growing faster than Kenya, thats why i said Tanzania is on rise and we dont need 20 years to catch-up with Kenya, thats false. Just prove to me that poverty level in Kenya is higher than in Tanzania or even Uganda.

  39. Tanzania for a longtime had a bad economical condition, and at the moment all numbers indicates the fact that they are doing better, improving fast and they are becoming one of the dominant and stable country in the region. Its true that Kenya is still better economically but, in recent years the country development is a little bit slow, political fighting and tribalism is still the order of the day. Some Kenyans don’t want Tanzania to get any attention from USA and UK, but the fact is Tanzania is too good to ignore, US finds out that Tanzania has more influence in the region than any other country due the their history. Congo president is from TZ, Rwanda president is from Tanzania, Uganda president lived most of his pre-president life in TZ and TZ supported him, we have more influence in South Africa as you can see they are rushing to invest in TZ, we share railway with Zambia (TAZARA), Zimbabwe want former Tanzania president to be UN envoy ……etc, and to be honest with you US want TZ to play part in stabilizing political situation in Kenya.
    All this bla bla is just because some Kenyans are jealous of the attention that is given to TZ by big powers, but we can both be winners.

  40. Actually sometimes back I overheard a discussion as to why Tanzanian women are more beautiful than our Kenyan women.

    The main idea that prominently stood out was that Tanzanians are not tribalistic and hence intermarry between diverse tribes without any cultural hindrance.

    Kenyans prefer to marry within their tribes and that is why when you go to a town in Kenya you will find over half the girl population is of one attribute eg dark skin or a funny nose (just Kiddimg :)) But the Tz ladies are diverse in their atributes because in their blood they carry like five tribes. Kumbe Tribalism can make our girls ugly?

    I have a Luo father and a Kamba mother that is why I am enjoyimg this.

  41. Anon,
    I have no problem with TZ growing. In fact I welcome it. It is good for Tanzania and other countries in the region. But for us to have a reasoned debate (and I freely acknowledge that many of the comments on this thread fall way below that standard), we need to be able to use facts properly. Poverty levels are a subjective measure and do not tell the entire story ( I would point out though that, as per your figures, per capita incomes in TZ are only 2/3 the level in Kenya). You have not presented any figures to prove you assertion that TZ will catch up with Kenya earlier than 20 years.

  42. gathara,
    Just like someone can not produce figures to show TZ will catch up to Kenya in 20 years, you can't also prove it will take TZ 20 years to catch up with Kenya which was the initial assertion made by one your Kenyan colleagues.

    Bottom line is TZ is coming up and coming up very strong. I hope that is an assertion that can be proved.

  43. We have a problem here, you guys just assume too much, i am the one who bring the numbers and i am not going to spend all my time to prove to you. You have your own country the beautiful Kenya so why are you guys spending most of the time discussing Tanzania. Uganda has the highest Par Capital but who cares, we Tanzanians are not worring about anybody else, we are happy with our country direction and thats what matters we dont care much about other countries because we have enough problems in our hands just like any other African countries including Kenya. Kenya like Tanzania is still very poor in any standard and both countries need to find ways to improve their economy, we are very different countries and i believe like many Tanzanians we dont need Kenya a looser just like us to help use in economic, both countries need to focus on their own people. Even at 35% poverty below the line is not good we both need to have 10% or even less!!. No matter if you like or not we know that our country is on the rise and Tanzanians are happy, all other countries need to focus on their own people. About Kikwete and all political issues in Kenya is, nobody know the facts about Kikwete and Bush, maybe he pop up a question about Kenya just like a neghbour and he answered just like a neghbouring president who knows?. Somebody said we need to have a reasonable debate, about what???, what is resonable here, what is so important discussed here?? Kenyans newspaper dis-respect Tanzanian president or Kenyans who are saying they have a better economy than TZ?? . The fact is there is nothing of a value here is just childish ego which is not going to take us anywhere, with our poor coutries we can not spend all the time discussing catoons mazee!!. It looks like some guys dont even know how the forex exchange works, maybe is going to be too complicated for some of you, but one hint is that Tanzania and Kenya currently use different system of exchange, Kenya is fixed-controlled with Tanzania is free trade ( You may check that fact ), forex trade is more complicated than most people think. If we are not going to respect each other even the E.A Community is not going to be formed, and most Tanzanians are not supporting the idea Mkapa is gone with his stupid idea, kikwete is not going to stand this shit. Tanzania need Kenya and Uganda only for security reason that is why the E.A Community is going to be just a process, and is going to take forever....If you want to talk about TZ you better know the country first. English is our second language we are proud of SWAHILI what about you?

  44. Hebu sikia haya, jirani zetu hawatutakii mema.

    Bora tubakie SADC, COMESA. Au tuhangaike kuimarisha muungano wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar. Hivi, kwani wao hawawezi kuanzisha Jumuiya ya Nchi za Pembe ya Afrika? (Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, nk).
    - - -
    Katika siku za karibuni kumekuwa na habari mbalimbali katika vyombo vya habari vya ndani na vya nje ya nchi, vikitoa ishara ya kuwapo mushkeli katika azma ya watu wa Africa Mashariki kuunda Shirikisho la nchi za Tanzania, Kenya na Uganda.

    Tumeshuhudia raia wa nchi za jirani hasa Kenya wakiingia nchini na kujihusisha na vitendo vya kihalifu na baadhi yao kukamatwa na kufikishwa mahakamani na wengine kuachiwa kutokana na kukosekana kwa ushahidi ingawa panapofuka moshi pana moto.

    Zimekuwepo habari kuhusiana na filamu ya Darwin'j Nightmare ambayo imehusika sana na minofu ya samaki inayodaiwa kuliwa ikiwa imeoza jijini Mwanza, ambapo filamu hiyo kwa na mna moja au nyingine imehusishwa pia na hujuma dhidi ya viwanda vya minof Mwanza.

    Imedaiwa na baadhi ya wachunguzi wa masuala ya kiuchumi kuwa baadhi ya wenye viwanda kama hivyo, nchini Kenya wamekuwa wakihusishwa na maandalizi ya filamu hiyo ili biashara ya minofu ya Tanzania ionekane haifai katika soko la Dunia.

    Miaka kadhaa iliyopita, suala hilo pia liliiyuka ikidaiwa kuwa maji ya ziwa Victoria upande wa Tanzania ni machafu yenye wadudu aina ya Salmonella ambao wanatokana na kinyesi cha binadamu, hivyo samaki aina ya sangara wapatikanao na ziwa hilo kwa upande huo, hawafai kuzalisha minofu hiyo.

    Gazeti la Sunday Nation la Kenya hivi karibuni likatoa katuni ikimwonesha Rais Jakaya Kikwete akilambwa miguu na waandishi habari wa Tanzania kuonesha kuwa pamoja na kufanya makosa, waandishi wamekuwa wakimsifia bila sababu. Nia ni kumchonganisha na waandishi hao.

    Naibu Waziri wa Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, Dkt Deodurus Kamala katika ziara yake, amearifiwa na wananchi hususan wa mpakani mwa Tanzania na Kenya kuhusu uhusiano tete uliopo kati ya wananchi wa mpakani mwa Afrika Mashariki.

    Isitoshe, Wakenya wamevuka mpaka na kuua Watanzania na kuwapora mali zao.

    Yote haya yanatia shaka katika uhusiano wa nchi hizi mbili, lakini hasa unasababishwa na watu wachache wenye maslahi yao binafsi, huku viongozi wa nchi hizi wakiwa hawana habari na wakipendana na kuaminiana.

    Tunadhani Wizara ya Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, sasa ikae chini iyaangalie matukio mbalimbali yanayotokea katika nchi hizi mbili na kuyafanyia kazi vinginevyo WANANCHI WASIJE KULAZIMISHWA KUPENDA WASIOWAPENDA na matokeo yake yakaja kuwa kam ya mwaka 1977- Kuvunjika kwa Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki.

  45. Can you stop all this shit!!
    Iam a Tanzanian Married to a Ugandan and living and working in Kenya!!
    Lets behave like grown up people and work hard to serve our sphincters..

  46. Watnzania tunataka security tu, mambo mengine yote tutafanya wenyewe, hatutaki jumuia ya africa mashariki, wakenya ndiyo hawa hapa wagomvi wagomvi tu na madharau ya kiginga.

  47. Benji,


  49. These Kenyans are just shortsighted. They cant even seen what is under their bed. They are most uncivilised country in Africa. That is why even their first lady can move around insulting and beating people impunitively! They are the most corrupt people which is why they are now isolated by the international community in as far as funding is concerned. What kind of development are they talking about! Can you guys really boast yourself to be developed while your entire economy is owned by not more than 100 people? What kind of development is that when half of the young people in Nairobi are chokoraa? Every charity in the UK and US is begging money to help children in Kenya who have been abandoned by their parents!

    And yet you even dare to claim that your education system is better than that of Tanzania! Shame on you! You ask your own professors at Nairobi University-they will tell the facts. You have poeple calling themselves professors and they have never published a paper for the past 15 years!

    You need to rethink your definition of development, lest you continue cheating yourselves!

  50. I challenge Kenyans to visit Tanzania, we dont have as much Chokoraa as Kenyans, because even if we are poor we care more about our kids, all the shows here in US is about poor Kids in Kenya. In Tanzania we have very few cases like that but in Kenya people cares more about which tribe is rulling than why kids are suffering in the street of Nairobi, Kenyan woman prefer a Tanzanian Men why? because we love family more than politics!!, we are not base our feelings in tribes like our Kenyan brothers, and even if we have corruption we are not as corrupt as Kenya. The guy who rise the par capital issue Par capital = National Income/Population this is not measure the reality, but how many people below poverty line is the real measure because is based on individual people. This blog and all other newspaper if they real care why dont they discuss about Chokaraa Mr. free speech.We know you Kenyans you start this and we are going to finish this you are going to be exposed.

  51. Chokara problem is not as important as Catoon fantacy to some people

  52. Quote ... Tz need more thatn 20 year to catch up with Kenya ... Unquote

    Yer, you could be right, because thats the time we need before we come into a federation with such uncivilised people!

    IMHO, Kenyans need to do something to warrant its rantings about superiority. They could start by packing their equipment and head north, to DARFUR!

  53. Tanzanians are very smart and educated people, but they tend not to talk alot about themselves, if you visit Europe, Botswana, south africa and even here in America you are going to find alot of Tanzanian who are educated, butyou need to ask them because Tanzanians are more reserve than Kenyans who are more of a macho character.Most Tanzanians are teaching in European colleges, canada and most of them are stiil students in Russia, China, India, Japan, and Canada.We dont like to talk about ourselves eg. religion, tribe, education, family, etc unless somebody ask you about it because we belive is nobody business.

  54. I am Tanzanian, but i want to congatulate Kumekucha blog for let ourselves explain who we are as Tanzanian.

  55. Mimi ni Mtanzania pia, shukrani Kumekucha, kazi nzuri. Pia imesaidia kuwafahamu baadhi ya waKenya, baadhi namaanisha wachace, ambao walidhani wameelimika, kumbe bado wanahitaji kurudi na "kupiga" shule upya, au waweza kuanza kwa kujifunza toka blogu hii hii, elimu na kupevuka si katika ufundi wa lugha (hasa za kigeni) na uchokozi wa kizandiki, bali ni uweza wa kuanzisha na kuongoza mada yakinifu na za kujenga.

  56. I am another Tanzanian.

    I was very dissapointed by some of the initial comments, but I am glad people have commented and tried to "set the record straight."

    I think Kenya and Tanzania can get along beautifully, but we both have a lot to learn from each other first.

    Tanzanians, we can learn to be more hard-working, efficient and capitalist from the Kenyans.

    Kenyans, you can learn to care less about tribe for starters.

    Right now Tanzania is on the upswing that is why Kenyans are coming to Tanzania, but I am sure a time will also come when Kenya is doing very well.

    When that time comes, I will be cheering on Kenyans because they are still our neighbors and our brothers in spite of what (some of them) say about us sometimes.


  57. We TZs have a a better relationship with Zambians and Mozambicans than this lot.

    Let's leave them to bask in their hollow pride and concentrate on what is important - building our country.

    One Mozambican friend is better than 50 Kenyan loudmouths.

  58. Wakenya Kuma Mamazenu Walevi Nyie...Wivu, Ubaguzi, Ukabila,Rushwa na Ulevi ni Kazi Yenu...Pale Safari Club DC kuna demu mmoja anaitwa Patwa ana-ngoma anatafuta wanaume all day..Acheni Umalaya ma Chokoraaaa nyie!

    Alafu Ulevi...Baada ya Kazi ni Wakati wa Kutokamatwa DUI!!! Wakenya = Ulevi, you Kenyans drink recklessly...
    Ukienda mahakamani ni Probation before Judgement for DUI or DWI, wakenya wamejaa AA meetings, mademu zenu wanakunya on the Job.

    And Yes, 95% of the Heist and bank Robberies in Dar & Arusha involved Kenyans, Ma Chokoraa are crossing the boarder killing our TZ Brothers & Sisters!

    Sasa mnam-mind Kikwete, mbwa nyie!!! JK is for Tanzania, hakuna aliyewalazimisha kumchagua Rais Kibaka, or Kibaki!! The country has no true leaders ambao the Nyayo Nation can be Proud of...

    English my Dick..Kiingereza cha Mama Kayai, Othorong'ongo na Masakuu ni English ya kujivunia kweli.

    Kenyans are slow and still wear suits in Arusha na Wazee wa Kikenya wear Cowboy hats, that shit is lame...

    The Goldberg scandals, tribalisms, corruption and your failing economy, leave the Wabongo alone...Y'all dont want it wit us, for real though.

    Bongo is the shit, and I can speak better english than any one of you all muthafuckers, coming at us with that Harambee Bullshit!

    Fuck Nyayo, Nairobi , Mombasa and that fake ass Kenyan English Accent..

    Leave Tanzanians and our Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Alone..
    Bongo Flava, you better Recognize.


    I hate Mbuzi toooooooo!!!!

  59. I wanted to keep quite but “Tanzania will be protected by Tanzanian themselves” which means I ‘m standing on front of the battle to bright our fruitful, blessed and beautifully country Tanzania.
    Firstly I must admit that I am frustrated to see how deeply Kenyan people’s ignorance goes up. As long as you define and describe your political views and opinions through “right” or “left” KIKUYU OR JARUO, you will never see the big picture.
    I can understand the ease with which Kenyan criticize Tanzanian. It is because it is so easy. Also our culture is so different from most of the other East African countries cultures.
    Maybe history will deal harshly with us, or maybe this will be a source of pride to our children and their children. Whatever that may be, I prefer that my children grow up in Tanzania and not in East Africa Community. The opportunities available here can not be matched in any other culture of East African countries. But Let ask ourselves a question? How many Kenyans risk their Investments to market Tanzanian resources, with High expectations of their return of Investment without failure? Means with (Probability of 0.999)
    The truth is naked about it, we don’t need to undress it, No Tanzania resources no Presences of Kenya in the Global Market.
    That why you Kenyan your shocked with our moves toward marketing our own wealth. Your shocks and concerns has given us the truth about your inside interest of our own wealth before even we go further in the East African Community
    We thought we had good neighbour but today I just realised that we had a virus who liked us because we feed him. You liked us because you had full access to our resources.
    Now the decline of Kenya is near because you will not have even a little chance to market our country again we doing that our self.
    Hey Kenyans lets me give you our little definition of wealth and our flavour of our bright future
    We as Tanzanian we believe that now is the right time for us to start to use our reserves of national wealth to expand our people's choices. The methods we use to produce wealth, is not only the wealth itself, is decisive. And we recognize that our real wealth is our people, an excessive obsession with the creation of material wealth can obscure the ultimate objective of enriching our people lives.

    As we are working to improve and enhance our economy through marketing our own country, which you have been marketing it through our natural resources, I advice you to seat outside and relax

    Lastly I say, any developed country in the world encourage controlled migration we us Tanzania we have that right too do the same’

    In term of our Higher Education is the third best in Africa continent following South Africa and Egypt.

    Then we have passionate, open to learn and well disciplined labour force, which fit our market.
    If you your creative, then create your own jobs, in your own country, for your own people.

    End not, your voices will not stop our campaign to make us the best country in Africa instead will motivate us to speed up our initiatives.

    Mzawa- Edinburgh

  60. Ni kweli mazee si kuna ka uivu fulani kati ya kenya na Tanzania, si baadhi ya mtu nafikiri kwasababu Kenya ina pesa safi basi ni mdosi kuliko TZ, lakini wote si sawa tu kuna mitu mbaya kenya na kuna mitu mbaya Tanzania. Tuta piga kelele hapa lakini ingekua poa tukae chini tuone ni nani anahitaji kitu na tuendelee kama ndugu, lakini kufanya kenya na Tz nchi moja hapo Tz italeta vita kali sana. U ganda hakuna kitu na wale si waswahili ni mitu imezubaa sana hata kenya hawasaidia ng'e . Si tuache matusi na kuangalia kutasaidia vipi nchi zetu, we are both loosers mazee

  61. Wakenya Kuma Mamazenu Walevi Nyie...Wivu, Ubaguzi, Ukabila,Rushwa na Ulevi ni Kazi Yenu...Pale Safari Club DC kuna demu mmoja anaitwa Patwa ana-ngoma anatafuta wanaume all day..Acheni Umalaya ma Chokoraaaa nyie!

    Alafu Ulevi...Baada ya Kazi ni Wakati wa Kutokamatwa DUI!!! Wakenya = Ulevi, you Kenyans drink recklessly...
    Ukienda mahakamani ni Probation before Judgement for DUI or DWI, wakenya wamejaa AA meetings, mademu zenu wanakunya on the Job.

    And Yes, 95% of the Heist and bank Robberies in Dar & Arusha involved Kenyans, Ma Chokoraa are crossing the boarder killing our TZ Brothers & Sisters!

    Sasa mnam-mind Kikwete, mbwa nyie!!! JK is for Tanzania, hakuna aliyewalazimisha kumchagua Rais Kibaka, or Kibaki!! The country has no true leaders ambao the Nyayo Nation can be Proud of...

    English my Dick..Kiingereza cha Mama Kayai, Othorong'ongo na Masakuu ni English ya kujivunia kweli.

    Kenyans are slow and still wear suits in Arusha na Wazee wa Kikenya wear Cowboy hats, that shit is lame...

    The Goldberg scandals, tribalisms, corruption and your failing economy, leave the Wabongo alone...Y'all dont want it wit us, for real though.

    Bongo is the shit, and I can speak better english than any one of you all muthafuckers, coming at us with that Harambee Bullshit!

    Fuck Nyayo, Nairobi , Mombasa and that fake ass Kenyan English Accent..

    Leave Tanzanians and our Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Alone..
    Bongo Flava, you better Recognize.


    I hate Mbuzi toooooooo!!!!


    Daily News; Thursday,October 26, 2006 @00:08

    THE United States has put the record straight on President Jakaya Kikwete's meeting with President George W. Bush last month.

    It has also cleared the air regarding Kenya's concern that the Tanzanian leader ''undeservingly'' discussed it (Kenya) during his talks with the American leader.

    The US Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Michael Retzer, explained in Dar es Salaam yesterday that Kenya only featured ''in the realm of a stream of issues on Africa for which President Bush had chosen to consult the Tanzanian leader''.

    Mr Michael told the 'Daily News' in the sidelines of a US mid-term
    elections teleconference that the talks between presidents Bush and
    Kikwete in Washington were ''never accidental but rather a merit on the
    latter's ambitious agenda to serve its people.

    The talks between the two presidents in the sidelines of the UN General Assembly sparked dissatisfaction in some quarters in the Kenyan government for ''being undeservingly discussed''.

    "I was present in the US at the time when the two heads of state held talks. A broad base of issues were discussed with regard to what goes on in Africa as President Kikwete was the only head of state from the continent who was consulted," Mr Retzer pointed out.

    He added: "Remember, time is always limited for all presidents, President Bush being one. He was given names of more than 10 heads of state from Africa but out of his own discretion, he honoured your leader (Mr Kikwete) in view of the hope in his government's drive to open up for greater development".

    The envoy said that a wide range of issues, including an overview of major economic activities, political development and social changes in a number of countries were discussed, including those of Tanzania's neighbouring countries (he did not single out Kenya).

    Another US senior officer, East African Affairs Office Deputy Director, Ms Deborah Malac, hinted that Mr Kikwete's shining star in Washington was never hollow as Washington is 'indeed impressed with his top gear drive to serve his people in a more transparent way.'

    Ms Malac said: "We are likely to increase our funding to this country in not a distant future far beyond the 2005/06 figures of 215 million US dollars. Our help will be seen through the budget support and those handed down through civil societies."

    Ms Malac foresaw major breakthroughs for Tanzania in the horizon in terms of increased trade and foreign direct investment ''on top of what we already have on the ground.''

  64. Nyerere is often an enigma, and the nation of Tanzania has often seemed similar in the eyes of observers of historical/political/economic progress in the world (usually understood and modeled on the rise of northwestern europe). Why enigma, because a poor people shouldn't be so happy, shouldn't continuosly have such a positive outlook on the prospects of living. Nyerere was an enigma using the most malleable political language of the times to articulate the secret kernel burning in the souls of his majestic people cradled in the sacred planes of this rift valley. This kernel has allowed our Tanzania to maneuver through the damaging psychological effects of a mode of poverty that has never been seen outside subsuharan Africa. This kernel values the long philosophy, an ethos in gentleness. It is this gentleness with eachother that has allowed us to evade the wretchedness thrusted upon us by our colonial masters. Whats more, the nation has a sense of its location within its own history, it has a temporal compass, that is on an arch for a dignity promised by all signs human, material, and divine. Someway, somehow a Tanzania blessed with the good things in life can feel acheived and one robbed can feel robbed. We believe the Tanzanians of tomorrow will do more amazing things, somehow this nation that has taken interesting chances, has explored the big questions of how one orders societies without forgetting in the touch of mother, in the twist of hips on a dance floor, in the literature in our streets how a society order the human heart. The guages of what makes success in the millenial projects of civilizing keep varying...what remains is the character of places, the spice of our belonging to eachother. And when we get together we know that it is a moveable feast.

  65. It's amazing to read all this posts. I'd like to remind evryone of the REAL issues here. The issue that is of concern to Kenyans is the talk of Kenya btwn texan Bush and Kikwete. It is improper for two Heads of state to discuss issues concerning another country without the presence of the relevant Head of state or diplomatic representative. Furthermore, this coming from a Superpower to a LDC. It is obvious that Kenya, in terms of economic aadvantage at the moment is more superior to our neighbours TZ. However, it is foolhardy to ignore the reality that the situation can change in about 10-20yrs.

    I believe that Kenyans do not need to compare themselves to TZ, considering that both countries are in the third world. Kenya should strive to compare herself to the asian tigers, such as malaysia where in 1963 our GDP was the same. We can learn strategies for economic success from such countries.

  66. Wish my high school 'kiswahili' teacher was around to interpret the swa bits to me!
    Back to my 2pence. The kind of insults i have come across on this post are just too much for one to try and understand! Kenyans will not deliver development to Tz-we are already working too hard to do the same to our countrymen and wish Tzians would do the same instead of fishing for some poverty statistics that claim to have interviewed '3000' kenyan households....go ahead and ask me how i know about this- i am a development specialist!!!
    Debating over Kenya's economic superiority in the region will not help Tzians.
    I went to school with quite a number of Tzians and going by the kind of general conclusions that are being drawn from reports they get from our media(corruption,tribalism etc)---i can then say Tzians are no better than Kenyans!!! they gossip about each other 24/07 and backstab each other like a nonsense!! this was very shocking to me-afterall they are supposed to love each other!!!! Ujamaaa my foot!!!

  67. I agree that productive comparisons are
    the asians tigers. Can Kenya and other
    african countries emerge as lions ?

    Kenyan economy is far superior to
    the tanzanian. Take a look at 50 largest
    companies in EAC published by "African Business"
    earlier this year and you understand

    Hopefully Kenya will get the new
    constitution right, so the country
    can accelerate the development.

    And what is up with TZ giving away
    its mineral resources ? I thought
    they would have learned a lesson
    or two from SA. It is the same thing
    Mbeki is warning the Sudanese about
    these days...

  68. You know,
    I've never understood TZs stranglehold claims on kiswahili. The history of how the language became the regional lingua franca is rather complex and its rather surprising the issue hasn't been given much insight.

    See, Swahili has been spoken on much of the East African coast for decades, from the horn of Africa (somali) all the way down to mozambique. As such, as the missionaries landed on the coast to spread the gospel, SWA was usually the first native language the encountered. Many of the porters and such in their employ understood it, and it therefore became pragmatic for them to just use the language as they travelled the interior. The same logic applied to the slave raiders but i disgress.

    But if history serves me right, it was the BRITISH (yep, the british!) that introduced SWA as the language of communication in the then British East Africa. furthermore, for convinience sake, they decided to standardize it and chose the zanzibari "kiunguja" dialect( hence the tz claims perhaps? )to be used throught the british territory. It should be noted though that Tz (initially) was NOT part the said territory.

    From what i understand, the Germans, who colonized our beautiful neighbors to the South, couldn't have given two sh!ts what the natives spoke. SWA only made inroads after WW1 with the coming of the conniving brit's.

    Moral of this story? i'm not sure. But for starters, Bongoland should drop the holier-than-thou attitude esp towards the beautiful language; Its inception was nothing more than a brilliant move, by the powers that were, to create an effective gorvening tool for their settler east africa colony (read Kenya).

    With that said, I'd like to go on record as stating that those colonialist fu!ckers for once got something right. Yani Swa ni muhimu kwa life kuruka, au vipi?


  69. I dont think you really understand that swahili is a bantu language consisting of some other Western and asian words.

    bit that it was spread by missionaries or not, it matters less for it contains some of the local terms. that is good.

    by the way, was English not spread through that path?

  70. History is bitch: Let us start from the beginning. In September 2006, Kenyans rioted because Bush and Kikwete discussed "instability in Kenya" in their meeting in New York. And, what happened in December 2007? Kenyans went into the streets and farmlands wielding machetes and bow and arrows, killing each other with glee. We saw the deep-seated savagery in Kenyans. And what do they do as a result? They send delegations (Uhuru, then Prof. Anyang', then Musyoka) to Dar es Salaam to ask Kikwete to help (I thought he was dumb). And then what. Bush visit Tanzania and stays for 4 days: discusses Kenya with Kikwete. Then what? Condi Rice goes to Kenya - arriving there from Tanzania - and joins Bush in Tanzania. Things didn't work: bloodthirsty Kenyans frustrates Annan. He suspend talks. Kikwete is called in. Holds frantic meetings. And in 48 hours, he oversees an agreement. Now, who is dumb-bitch?

  71. Well said, kula tano mwanangu (kenyan wont understand this.... Only "your last words" got me shocked... Ingawa hawa jamaa ni wajinga, lakini acha jazba na matusi mkuu.
    Nashangaa uchumi wanaojivunia wakenya ni upi...? Isn't Kenya one of the poorest countries in the world (prove me wrong mazees). Sasa huo uchimi mnaoongelea kuisadia Tanzania ni upi? U better help your fellow chokoraas in the streets of Nairobi and elewhere in Kenya. Sisi ndo kwanza mwendo mdundo, subirini kama 10yrs hivi mtaona..
    By the way hongera kwa smart kenyan kushinda uraisi USA. You GUYS ARE SO SMART YOU SEE...

  72. Hey guys,
    This is no way to go with your brother and sister. Even people in same family disagree sometime, but we family guys, we are in same house and share same blood..we dont wanna go there..i know we might be different but i still love you my kenya family.
    umoja ni nguvu namna hii vita hii ya uchumi tutashindwa.
    Punguzeni hasira, hasira hasara, do we gain anything in this debate, i see we just loose a lot, now lets talk maendeleo, a country is not one person...PEACE!

  73. reading this blog, I NOW can somehow understand the roots of the events that took place in december 2007... sad, really, really sad. So much hatred...and please do not speak for others, do not speak for TZ, I do honestly believe that we might see that TZ is delaying the EA union, but whatever the matter, it is none of KENYA's business, you have a choice, get out, go and form links with malawi, mozambique, zambia etc.. no one is stopping you... STOP. REFLECT.THINK. then come back and start talking to us about what TZ should do and what OUR president can not do!!!! And tell all your fellow Kenyans in TZ to move out since we are not "fit or "brainy" enough, and our investments policies are not conducive to YOU investing in our countries". and at the same time I am wondering why foreign investments are on the rise since our neighbours say our environment is not "good"enough!" ?!?! Generally, the Tanzanian people are more tolerant and nicer people than Kenyans, I prefer being what I am today than being a kenyan- who supposedly is more educated, and goes on hating his kikuyu or Luo fellow men, whatever the case, and willingly slaughter his fellow kenyan!!! those who hate us.... we say please just go on.. waste your energy and breath on issues irrelevant to promoting unity in your country and development,and watch the world pass you by... we will pray for you so that tribalism ends,and that we never see so much "savagery" next to our borders like we did a year or so ago, and that you stop being so "resentful" and get rid of that hatred in yourselves so you can leave room to grow more and prosper, and appreciate the friendship that we had(I doubt there was one like it, except TZ and malawi maybe), and that is slowly dissolving...Hatred, like …… anger, is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured” (quoted from SENECA quotes, roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD).
    STOP. THINK. REFLECT. Ndugu zanguni, mambo gani haya?!!!and then we wonder why those white people laugh at us and enjoy seeing what happened in Kenya a year ago, let us spend more time on more constructive issues and how to move ahead and form a cooperation that will last and not fail or think of better ways of making our region prosper.... and funny how you make fun of our president, I have many jokes to make on the kenyan president as well as others, but will not do that... "coz my mama taught me better than that!!!!!"

  74. Sad, it seems whoever wrote this article has never been to Tanzania (bless him/her) and in writing this article is not doing any favours to EAC nor to Kenya for that matter.
    Of all their problems, Tanzanians are fully aware of their growth potential (plenty of arable land, closest to the biggest African economy-SA, population of nearly 40 mil, untapped natural resources, EA’s truly beacon of peace and so on so fourth)
    Our history for unity is second to none (40 years Tanganyika and Zanzibar)so I do not think Tanzanians can take any lectures on the topic from the Kenyans(just check the last election Kenya had if need proof).
    Someone should have told the writer that even Americans were just as arrogant and for years thought their economy was invincible .probably they are not as optimistic now.
    You guys need to sort out your land and tribal issues !And for you Kikuyu investors, they could easilt go and invest in Somalia anyway
    And next time take lessons on how to live with your neighbours.

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  77. mwanzo nilidhani wakenya wote ni wajaluo..kumbe ujinga wana ka mfumo kazuri sana cha kujidanganya na kupeongezana.

    Wajaluo huanza fanya mambao ya kijinga ya kujikuza,huku wakijitazama na kikuyu..wakati wakimuuliza mkamba .."Eti unaonaje hili" mkamba anamwamabia hiyo ipo poa na duniani hakuna km hii.Then wana jipima na TZ.
    Niliwahi kutaka na Mkenya pamoja na mzungu ktk kazi fulani.Mkenya mjinga na Diploma yake akadhani mimi sina Degree na nina uelewa mkubwa sana.Nilijitahidi sana kufuata standards zangu..sikuongea kibaya kwa mkenya.Ila nilimua outperform bila yeye kujua...siku kumeb alikuwa anapanga kuongea ujinga kwa mzungu.Alipokuja amka alijikuta akiwa km i.d.i.o.t kwani wakati mzungu anakuja pongeza kazi kazi yangu ,alikuwa ndio kapata pia umbea wa mkenya...ukimaliziwa na "Tanzanians havent mastered English".In fact that was the only accomplishment for that fullish kenyan.Mzungu mwenyewe alikuwa mjerumani....mkenye alikimbia.

    Ki ukweli Kenya hakuna shule zaidi ya Drama school, and little touch on IT...kilichobaki ni kiherehere cha hawa watumwa wa Kenya...Pengine niwapongeze kuwa kiherehere kimewasaidia sana ila sasa hivi kinafikia mwisho.Obama alijuwa ni wajinga sana..wameweka bia SENATE...anawajua wapo jelous, na wapuuzi.Wanataka Rais marekani awe wa wakenya?Wamemchagua Kenyata Urais ili asishtakiwe...what a logic?

    Hakuna kitu utasema wakenya wasije na theory.....Terrorist attack imeonyesha wakenya zaidi ya wizi hawawezi ahta linda nchi yao.

    Kenya hata chakula nzuri majority hawawezi afford..hakuna chakula yenye ladha kwa zaidi ya 79% ya watu wote wa Nairobi.

  78. i,m very sorry for all who are praising English language on this debate yet calling themselves Africans and pretendig tht they loven their countries. How colonised your minds ere! Arent your local laguages beautiful and worthy? So why despising them. This proves the extent of your inconfidence.

  79. Someone should have told the writer that even Americans were just as arrogant and for years thought their economy was invincible .probably they are not as optimistic now.

  80. Personally I wouldn't trust any assurances after what I've heard. I am reliably informed that the President himself even had a meeting with Muslims in Tanzania to pray for the introduction of Kadhi's courts in Tanzania.


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