Monday, June 26, 2006

Raila Phobia? Why The Emotional Comments?

No topic in this blog has provoked so much emotion and comment as tribalism and Raila’s candidature for the presidency. At one point, one dear Kenyan actually used abusive language against this blogger (it is the first comment I have used below.)

I have decided to reproduce some of these comments scattered all over the kumekucha blog so that our readers can get a “feel” for themselves of what chances Raila has of winning the presidency in 2007.

Let me make it clear once again that this blog is not supporting Raila for the presidency. Anybosy who will take time to read this blog will know our stand very clearly, which has never changed. And that is, it is time for a new generation of younger Kenyans to take over power. In fact tomorrow we launch a campaign by our very own candidate – a born ‘63 Kenyan whose campaign is based on issues).

However the point here is that we are very much against tribalism and are blowing the whistle over the fact that this great Kenyan (Raila) is being judged purely on tribal basis.

It is my strong conviction that tribalism is an issue that Kenyans need to face squarely and resolve in their hearts before the next general elections.

Comments from readers of this blog on the Raila Presidential bid And On Tribalism in Kenya

Anonymous said...
Chris, Adolph Hitler also had a final solution to o you have one for the two problem tribes as you call them.....Stop showing your Myopia The trouble with democracy is that even Idiots like Chris have to be heard.

chris said...
I have published this abusive comment so that readers will be able to make up their own minds about the sort of person who wrote it. And the sort of thinking we have in Kenya today.

Would a non-tribalist publish a comment hiding their real name behind some anonymous tag and then call me by name?

I have realized that the other really big problem with tribalism in Kenya today is the fact that everybody is in denial.

At no time did I suggest an Adolf Hitler solution to the problem, sir.
6:55 AM

chris said...
Then the guy signs his letter 'Kikuyu'. Is it possible that he could be Luo? When people hide behind masks they could be anything.

You've gotten democracy all wrong, buddy, it's not about abusing the other person, it is about debate and articulating your point of view.
6:58 AM

Anonymous said...
raila is great politician - but presidentially he reminds me of
mugabe,chavez,castro i fear for a raila presidency
10:25 AM

Anonymous said...
I was really psyked to read your article until I reached the part where you think Raila would make a good what???? PRESIDENT? The man is a walking & talking distaster. Can you tell me what he did during his stint as a Minister? He ran around making roadside comments instead of working. He went to Malaysia, came back and did not even once comment on the great infrastructure he saw there? (Fine Mbagathi is being made out of cement malaysian influence; but that has always been in the pipeline). Did he put forth any other great workable plans? NO!

I think to be accepted as a Presidential candidate you should present a resume stating what one has done and where you've succeeded. Currently, Raila has done us a great favor but causing havoc everywhere he has been instead of sitting down and actually doing something tangible for the nation. A great activist, a great politian but a great President? Knowing him, he would be at a loss over who to blame for shortcomings as a sitting President.
10:33 PM

Richard M.K. said...
Raila is advertising during all games involving an African team. Seems to be doing it thro’ an ad agency.

Am glad you stopped writing him off. Let’s face it, this guy outsmarted MOI at the end of it. Were it not for him, NARC would not be in power today. He has already gone into our history books whether he ever becomes President is now irrelevant. As I keep answering his detractors – “show me a politician who is not greedy for power (ambitious) and I will show you a cat that detests milk”.

I feel glad that I can appreciate a politician so far away from my tribe, (oops, sorry community.)

A true Kenyan I am.
5:42 AM

Robinson Malala said...
The isssue about Raila not making a good president is an obsolete idea.How come we trust and beleive in the candidates he creates and backs yet we say we don't beleive in his candidature.Raila has made many and it is time for the maker to vie.Are you afraid of loosing him from the oposition because his absence is quite imence and the gap he leaves cannot be filled, so he is the best option in terms of maintaining daring government checks? Lets give him a chance before he becomes Kibaki's age.
Ministers perfomance is also difficult to measure especialy if you only stay for less that 5 years. What did Musyoka, Ruto,Mudavadi, Mwiraria,Murungaru,Murungi, Saitoti, Kibaki and Moi achieve as ministers of state?
So who do you prefer?
1:42 AM

AK said...
well, one way for Raila is to change his tactics and start talking about real issues that affect Kenyans.

I have never read that Raila talked about the economy, disease, education, poverty or am I not reading from the same script as the rest?

He should talk about possible solutions to these. If every other statement he makes has to refer to someone else, it's never going to work.

Let Raila revolutionize Kenya's politics by moving it away from petty issues that revolve around 'enemies' and power.

He played a critical role in moving Kenya away from strong-man antics, he can still help change the direction of debate away from personalities to real issues!

People, especially his fellow Mps are always keen to hear what he has to say. He should exploit this interest/audience for the good of the country. Many people, not driven by tribal sentiments, may just love him for his ideas.

Until then, adieu!
9:02 AM

Shiroh said...
I am tribalist in your definition: Bite Me!!!

And yes your metaphor of using a pregnant woman and virgin is indignation Period.
10:47 PM

chris said...
Shame on you my dear but thanks a million bob for being sincere and honest.

Sorry about the metaphor but tribalism is as dirty and stinking and defiling as that... that's what I wanted to get across.

Let me tell you a secret. Do you know what tribe you are? Are you sure? With all due respect to our mothers even I am not absolutely sure. My mother may have just gotten careless with this Luo! Or Kalenjin, or Kikuyu. It happens all the time.

See how silly tribalism really is?
7:21 AM

AK said...
Oh! I forgot to request u..please pass on my comments to Raila..
5:46 AM

chris said...
What a cheeky comment. What are you you implying here? how do I pass on any message to Raila?

I've posted your comment and maybe somebody who is able to fulfill your wish will read it and act. But as far as this blog is concerned, we have NO links to ANY politician let alone a presidential candidate.
3:25 AM

Vee said...
YES I'm a tribalist and so is every other Kenyan! We should start looking at it as a virtue and not a vice cause that way it'll continue to pull us apart.

Meanwhile, the day the sun will rise from the West is when Raila will make a self-sacrificing comment on how to better this country and not his political career.

Richard MK Said…
It is interesting that people are calling you an idiot. As some people say it is either of the two tribes. That abuse came from the latter.

Don’t be upset, this is normal. You are good when you support my tribe. If it’s your turn, people start asking if you are "cut"!

What does foreskin have to do with leadership?

You see past and present day regimes (kikuyu mostly) fabricated bad things about the only community that seemed to be a threat to them.Raila was good to them when he said Kibaki tosha.

Strangely when you really push them to a corner they end up making ambiguous statements like:

…”you know he's too ambitious “
…”you know how proud Luos are.”

I have a lot of respect for this man and up to this day he still 'sells' - ask any serious editor in this country and they will testify to this. The story is not complete until Raila comments.

Since you launched the blog has anyone abused you because of a comment/opinion?

He is spending equivalent of Kshs 100,000.00 on those ads whenever they appear. Only question am asking is who is he targeting?

Seems to be globe-trotting looking for money (was overseas & only returned on Saturday). Maybe the ads are targeting specific donors.

One thing am sure of this guy is not as stupid as some tribalists think.

How many politicians have resigned parliamentary seats to seek a fresh mandate from the electorate?

Anonymous said...
You are wrong. Raila will be president.
7:57 PM

Anonymous said...
raila will be president one day 1
8:39 AM

Anonymous said...
Raila, the true patriot kenyans miunerstand. the only sage politician, always consistent with his vision for kenya. always open to dynamism as posed by the world.
1:31 PM

Anonymous said...
Raila will never be Kenyan President NEVER
1:43 AM

Anonymous said...

5:35 AM

Mimmz said...
Quit sugar coating tribalism! Both of you. Anyone that thinks the tribe of a president will affect leadership just isn't with the program. hawaelewi our real issues!
9:24 AM

obamab said...
Tribalism is much deeper than what the Digo woman has suggested, The 2 tribes story is really touching but does not tell the whole deal about the political and social/economic problems that we have in Kenya. By just summarizing it to be caused by the tribes we are being to simplistic and may be doing a disservice to the poor Digo woman. Faulting her would not have been the best thing by point here in the right direction, point out other factors that could have caused the political issues, but alas we will never get to see her or hear about her again.
12:28 PM

Ms K said...
Well, I'm going to stay away from your "two tribes should be kept out of Kenyan politics" drift and comment instead on the issue of tribalism.

I was talking about this with my boyfriend who happens to be from one of those two tribes you've mentioned and I'm from the other.

Our conclusion was that as far as killing tribalism in Kenya, our generation, 18-45, has already failed. I have friends my age who are pathologically tribal. To hear them talk just saddens me.

What I know and have experienced is that it goes beyond the two tribes you've mentioned, and actually encompasses all other tribes.

I don't agree with you that Luos and Kikuyus are holding Kenya back. But I do believe tribalism is.
2:46 AM

chris said...
I'm willing to bet you my lunch for a week that everybody who has commented so far hails from the two problems tribes of Kenya.

I have a story for Ms K. First I want you to know that I really wish you the best in your relationship and if you made me President in 2007, the first thing I would do is ensure that marriage across tribes is encouraged (officially). I'm willing not only to give 100% tax waiver but to also give cash grants (instead of spending it on corruption and Anglo Leasing-type projects) to couples who marry across tribal boundaries. This is one powerful way of dealing with tribalism.

Actually I should be an authority in this matter because my mum was a Luhya and my dad is A Kamba (East and Western Kenya tribes).

My story for Ms K is about the best friend I ever had who did more for me than any man will ever do. He was a Luo man married to a Kikuyu lady. They started off well but when they reached that point where every relationship gets tested, the family (especially on the Kikuyu side) hounded the relationship to it's death. Actually it all ended with the tragic shooting of my friend in what was clearly a hit.

So I agree with you Ms K when you say that this generation has failed to overcome tribalism. The problem is that we think we have. The truth is that we haven't. Look at marriages (I don't beleive that folks in Nairobi just happen to fall in love with girls from their own tribes), listen to people talk and then put everybody in a situation where push comes to shove and their true colors emerge.

A good example was last year's referendum, which the country is yet to recover from. The wounds will take a very long time to heal.

God help Kenyans fight this brute of a monster.
6:17 AM

Ms K said...
Pole sana about your friend.

Chris, remember when Kalembe Ndile said that the government should start a programme to encourage people to marry from other tribes. People laughed him off, but I think it was a moment of genius!

Luckily for me, and I hope this doesn't change, my family doesn't meddle much in my life, and my extended family only features during weddings and funerals.

As for the mister, all his brothers have married outside the "tribe" and his father really wants him to marry from the "tribe". I'm told it wouldn't be a problem but still I wonder.

You're so right. The trouble is we think we have overcome tribalism, when really it just seems to have gotten worse.

During the referendum, I was shocked when someone very close to me shouted "These [insert my tribe here] are not getting it again" to my face. I was shocked, saddened, appalled and ashamed.

God help us indeed!

Ps/ Chris for president!!!
3:15 AM

cliff said...
It is sickening to see educated poeple(coz you know how to use a computer) blaming tribalism for Kenyas woes. Just in case you forgot those 2 tribes have not been in power or in a position to influence government policies for the last 18 years. Kenyas real Our problem is short sitedness and illitracy.
3:36 AM
chris said...

Ms K, Kenya is relying on you. Follow your heart to the ends of the earth. True love knows no boundaries, least of all tribal ones.

I have a dream...
that one day, from the shores of Lake Victoria to the beaches of Mombasa and from the heights of Mount Kenya to the remote Nothern frontier, Kenyans will be one tribe, one people and that Luos and Kikuyus will walk together hand in hand and their relatives will not notice that they have married from the "other tribe."

I have a dream...

Maybe somebody should start an anti-tribalism movement and finance candidates whom we are sure are non-tribal and understand the damage tribalism has done in Kenya (is your boyfriend interested in politics?).

P.S. Looking forward to meeting you at my swearing in ceremony (where I will announce the tribalism incentives). Dec 30th 2007, Uhuru Park. Pls don't be late.
3:45 AM

Anonymous said...
Chris,Adolph Hitler also had a final solution to o you have one for the two problem tribes as you call them.....Stop showing your Myopia The trouble with democracy is that even Idiots like Chris have to be heard.
6:18 AM

chris said...
I have published this abusive comment so that readers will be able to make up their own minds about the sort of person who wrote it. And the sort of thinking we have in Kenya today.

Would a non-tribalist publish a comment hiding their real name behind some anonymous tag and then call me by name?

I have realized that the other really big problem with tribalism in Kenya today is the fact that everybody is in denial.

At no time did I suggest an Adolf Hitler solution to the problem, sir.
6:55 AM

chris said...
Then the guy signs his letter 'Kikuyu'. Is it possible that he could be Luo? When people hide behind masks they could be anything.

You've gotten democracy all wrong, buddy, it's not about abusing the other person, it is about debate and articulating your point of view.
6:58 AM

Vee said...
I am a Kikuyu after being a Kenyan after being a human. YES! Truth be told we are a very tribalistic people. Our pattern of voting is a clear indication of that... can everyone stop pretending and taking offence about the suggestion that we are a problem to the whole national development and instead analyze it and find ways to sort stuff out...
5:44 AM

chris said...
Will somebody give this Kenyan a medal, QUICK!!! If I knew your physical address I would try and scramble together some shilingis to send you some flowers draped in the national flag colours, of course.

This is further proof that inspite of everything it is wrong to judge a tribe by the actions of the majority (that is also tribalism) because there will always be a level-headed Kenyan somewhere prepared to face the problem with the intention of tackling it.

Once again kudos Vee... if only there were a few more like you, we would change Kenya tomorrow.
Other Raila Odinga Articles In This Blog;

Raila Phobia: Why The Emotional Comments And Abusive Language?

Raila Odinga’s World Cup Ad

What Raila Should Do To Win The Presidency

Is ODM Finished?

'82 Coup Plot Revelations: Raila Odinga's Biggest Political Mistake Ever


  1. What is the point? Many of the people responding are not responding because Raila is a Luo, they are not responding to the tribe but to the man. Personally I am afraid that with all the Party hopping, after we elect him president he may Hop to another country (maybe lesotho?)

  2. He just might country hop after all those "Pan-Africanist" Ads on DSTV. I was happy to read an article in a certain newspaper that said it's sad that majority of his constituents live in Kibera they have no access to DSTV (or TV) so as to see his fancy ads (I haven't seen the fancy ads either). Also that the 6.4M he will spend on his ads can fund building 4 toilet structures & start off a 5th without breaking a sweat.

    Isn't life just so well balanced in Kenya?!?

  3. i know raila has a vision for this country and i believe he is struggling to finish or rather live to the panafrican dream mzee odinga was about to accomplish

  4. Kenya’s issues with tribalism and politics are based on mistrust. Through the years the president (and his government) of the day has facilitated more for the success and self improvement of his tribe. With the facts I have been presented with I must say the Odinga family has through history been short changed by the Kikuyu (Kenyatta and Kibaki alike) governments they have helped put in power. This may be due to a number of reasons that us “regular” wanachi can only speculate about.

    Anyway the point (I as a proud Kikuyu and even prouder Kenyan) I’m trying to make is that most Kikuyu’s fear a Raila presidency because whether true or false believe Raila has a personal vendetta to settle with the Kikuyu. We can argue whether or not a Kenyan presidential candidate can be successful without a reasonable portion of the Kikuyu vote. But the facts remains that the Kikuyu are Kenya’s biggest tribe, and their collective economical resources have inroads throughout Kenya and therefore directly or indirectly influence a large portion of Citizens within Kenya more so then any other tribe.

    For ODM-Kenya to increase their chance of winning the 2007 general elections they better field Kalonzo, this way the will lose nothing and may gain significantly. If ODM wins they can create a position for Raila where his skills as a mobilizer can be used to push the vision and agenda’s of the government they form.

  5. Hi all,

    I like and admire Mike's forthrightness (though he is clearly one in a couple of tens of thousands)Kikuyus have to fear percieved revenge for very many bad things that have occurred inthe past. They will therefore seek to have someone from any other tribe apart from a Luo ascend to presidency in Kenya. That is true, we have to factor it into any political equation of this country.

    However, I notice double standards when it applies to Raila. Kibaki made many promises like lean cabinets, a new constitution wthin short time, one-term of presidency etc, he went on to prove he had lied all along, by going back on all his promises.

    When it comes to Raila, he avoids making lofty promises and everyone is clamouring for him to outline his agenda on economy, education, etc before they can vote for him. This is akin to the old argument,"show me the money, then i will give you a loan" or for younger ones, "show us experienec then we will give you a job". Surely, even Henry Ford who did not have much engineering education built up an enduring organization by consulting when the need arose.

    Let us elect the best man for the job but let us not raise the bar when Raila is factored into the presidency. Or are we somehow complicit in our muddled politics by always needing to believe lies?


  6. All the tribalists posting comments in this site are KIKUYUS!!!!!
    I have one question for them.How much of the looted cash from Anglo-leasing (and the scandals we dont know about) do you have?If there were no Kikuyus in Kenya there would be no tribalism.I happily voted Kibaki thinking he would promote nationalism.......we were all so wrong.Little did we know that we would be under seige from Kikuyus.Well you are only 22%;I do not think any other Kenyan in their right mind would ever give there vote to a Mount Kenya MAFIA presidency ever again.
    In fact, I think the right place for central province and its people is Somalia;there they would definitely be dealt with properly.

  7. I wonder what kind of people you are, shame on you all tribalists....make rightful comments that are worthwhile rather than kikuyu-Luo.

  8. you guys must understand that leadership comes from god. Narrow minded people who think raila cannot make it as a president are tribalist who dont realize that if any good was to come from raila as a president is for all kenyans not a Luos. they must have realized tribalism has no advantages

  9. Tribal bigotry will not help kenya.some of the views above are best reserved for where they belong-the dustbin.Let us give each candidate our time to explain his/her vision for the country.Only then can we make sobre choices.Whoever wins in December should be assured of support by all, and he should serve all kenyans.That is how the country can move forward.

  10. Its embarrassing to hear people eat,speak and sleep on tribalism.

    What is the point of one accusing somebody simply because he/she is not from your tribe?

    Even Kenyans in abroad still have this primitive noton of tribalism. Shame on you for still bragging on your tribe.

  11. I am kinda going to go out of topic, but I think the difference between Raila and Kibaki is that Raila had a plan from way back when.

    About tribe... I have lived long enough to state that there is no positive tribalism. Tribalism has not been positive in Kenya, neither has it been so in Uganda. In TZ, they have basically had to kill it.

    We need to get rid of tribalism, or it will get rid of us somehow sometime.

  12. All said and done, I personally think that tribalism is a state of mind. How come we dont go tribal when doing busines like say" I wont go to that shop coz its owned by a Luo/kikuyu/nandi etc. truth be said however makes president in December all of us will doing what we've been doing all through. Its just a matter of pride I guess.So maybe the solutiin would be to give all the 42 tribes of kenya 5-year-turns at the presidency...HA So kikuyus and kalenjin will wait 5x42 years in that order....what do you think(talking about fairness) so everyboduy can have their turn at fleecing the coffers ha..


  13. tribalism aside, Raila is just a bitter person who is now getting back at his former "friends" who managed to amass for themselves a great fortune while he was stuck in penitentiary...who doesn't have a list of promises that they have given to the public? it is a mandatory document for all aspiring candidates and it doesn't matter what it contains because we're not getting anything anyway! Raila should stop passing himself as the "good guy"..nobody's perfect, so he should quit accusing people of graft just because they r opposed to him..the likes of saitoti,and mwiraria were acquitted just as well as his running-mate mudavadi was..he should focus on his own campaign instead of pointing fingers and dividing the country further by making ridiculous mou s..if he were genuine, he would have also made one with women, children, pastoralists, and other marginalized groups..Raila has a wide fan base around the country and he may that as it may stay assured he will NEVER get my vote even if he won both terms!

  14. Kuresoi is an area dominated by kiuks n apparently they are being wacked for living there. Why?? I here there is a mass grave in that area. Get a refugee from kuresoi n ask who they think is beating them up. Guess who? If kibaki played foul that shows how competent he is, dont you think???
    I might be a sapere so i'll die with ubako . If it were between some other guy against uhuru i just might rethink my voting options. Not that kibaki pro guys are tr ibalistic its that raila is a devil waiting to wage amagedon on us.Fuck raila fuck him n fuck him again coz of the kenyans whove died coz of his ambitions-Coup 82 n now!!!!

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