Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Raila Odinga: The Best President Kenya Will Never Have

Raila Odinga

In the run up to the land mark 2002 elections, Nation TV (now NTV) run a fascinating news feature where they interviewed most of the presidential aspirants. This was before the advent of Narc.

Those who viewed the shows were left with no doubt as to who came out tops. It was Raila Odinga. Quoting actual figures, he displayed an intimate understanding of the situation in Kenya and what needed to be done to salvage the things.

Many people in Kenya today believe that he would make the ideal president.

Raila is the son of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Kenya’s first vice President. A brief analysis of his father’s political career is in order. The older Odinga first came to national prominence in 1958 when the then colonial government gave Kenya it’s first elected African leaders in the parliament of the time (called Legco or Legislative Council). 8 leaders were elected to cover the 8 provinces of the country. From the word go, he was to constantly clash with fellow Luo - young brilliant Tom Mboya who was the representative for Nairobi and the mastermind behind the effective tactics used by the group of 8 to win more representation for Africans and ultimately independence for Kenya.

Odinga expected the younger Luo to respect him and look up to him, but Mboya was young arrogant and self-confident and had no time for Oginga whom he viewed as nothing more than a tribal chief. Mboya represented cosmopolitan Nairobi and was above tribal politics - most of the people who elected him in Nairobi were Kikuyu and Mboya had no problem defeating Kikuyu candidates like Munyua Waiyaki.

Had it not been for Oginga Odinga, Kenya’s first president would have been Tom Mboya - a fellow Luo. However on realizing that Mboya was unstoppable, Odinga launched a campaign to have Kenyatta released from detention. It was clear that the older Odinga preferred a Kikuyu President to any other Luo President but himself. Much less the young arrogant but brilliant Mboya.

Mboya whose main political support was from the Kikuyu could do little but join in the calls for the release of Jomo Kenyatta. And so Kenyatta ended up being the first President of Kenya. As fate would have it, the Luo community and indeed the entire Nation has suffered deeply just because of this small selfish act of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Kenyatta rewarded Jaramogi by appointing him the first Vice President of independent Kenya. However he did not last long and was demoted and thrown into political oblivion where he spent most of his life until long after Jomo Kenyatta’s death in 1978. The enetire Luo community has not been spared of the suffering. Luos have been discriminated against and looked on with deep suspicion by every government that has been formed in this country since independence. What a high price to pay for a personal move based on jealousy!

Oginga Odinga was one of the brave few who dared to go into opposition politics during the Moi era at a time when few other Kenyans would dare to say anything against the government.

Good points
Whatever critics say, Raila is the only major national politician since Tom Mboya who has been comfortable holding a cosmopolitan political base by representing a multi-ethnic Nairobi constituency. Raila has been the MP for Langata for a number of years now (even Mwai Kibaki fled from Nairobi’s Bahati to the more comfortable Othaya in the 70s.)

So his national credentials are more credible than most people would want to admit. Probably his big undoing is the fanatical, blind following he enjoys from the Luo community.

What we need in Kenya today is somebody who can make decisions. Raila has proved that he can not only do that, but he is also an excellent organizer. His managerial abilities in the Roads ministry, when he was minister, were clearly evident.

Sad Facts
Two strong facts undermine Raila’s Presidential bid in the next elections.

Firstly the call for a clean fresh start (see our other story in this edition) is picking momentum fast. This would favor a much younger presidential candidate with a national appeal. Secondly in his enthusiasm he has made too many enemies to be able to get the consensus among his peers that he needs to stand for President. Raila likes to make decisions and has never sat on a fence in his life. (It is instructive that one of the advantages Kibaki had in 2002 is that despite having been in government for so long, he had made the least number of enemies amongst the entire group of presidential hopefuls. When you make decisions you tend to make enemies - that is the sad but true fact of life. President Kibaki has thrived throughout his political career on not making decisions.)

If there is a person that deserves the presidency, then it is Raila Odinga. However it seems that sadly, fate is not on his side.

Why the PNU evidence against Ruto for post election violence is useless.

Other Related Raila Odinga Articles In This Blog;

Raila Phobia: Why The Emotional Comments And Abusive Language?

Raila Odinga’s World Cup Ad

What Raila Should Do To Win The Presidency

Is ODM Finished?

'82 Coup Plot Revelations: Raila Odinga's Biggest Political Mistake Ever


  1. You are wrong. Raila will be president.

  2. raila will be president one day 1

  3. Raila, the true patriot kenyans miunerstand. the only sage politician, always consistent with his vision for kenya. always open to dynamism as posed by the world.

  4. Raila will never be Kenyan President NEVER



  6. W e kenyans abroad have an upto date informed view of the kenyan situation,i speak for many of my friends acros many ethnic lines including Kamba,Kisii,Luhya,coastal,Kikuyu and the populous Kalenjin who are firmly behind Raila,that we are going to do everything possible on this earth,to put that Raila odinga into state house come next elections due in Dec 2007.

  7. his going to be the next president,kenyans have woken up just in time not to miss the Raila presidency.

  8. Raila is an activist best suited to what he is now. becoming a president will deny kenyans a fighter, the immense powers the president enjoys will turn him into a dictator once he bocomes a president since history has proven Raila is a schemer and an opportunist driven by selfish ambitions in the guise of fighting for the common man...who once becomes president will never relinquish that office till death..sad but true. Will always be a brilliant politician and an enigma to all.

  9. Raila should beginnng by apologising to Kenyans for trying to topple a legitimately elected government in 1982. After that, i think he has a very good chance of ruling Kenya and revolutionalising the wonderful East African state.

  10. Raila, Sadly, WILL NOT be the president of Kenya come 2007. Why sadly?... Sadly because Raila Odinga is the only Kenyan politician with what it will take to snatch this country from the dogs! But, I'd rather put my vote on Raila knowing he's not winning than to give my vote to people who do not realise just how much this country has suffered because they cant make up their minds on what to do with the situations in the country!

  11. Well..well..well, this is what they have to say... selfish!!!! who amongst the two will look selfish... one who has tasted and feels you dont deserve the seat or the position... secondly one who has been put on the seat and thrown out who helped placed them there... please please let us be sober with our debate.. constructively. not these hatred we hear or read.. if someone is good you can never change this.. we have dirty charactered persons currently in leadership but these same people(calling themselves true kenyans and patriots) will never touch them even if they surely know how coward and skin hiding they have been in the kenyan political arena gaining from slips of true fighters!"!! i rest my case but with genuinity lets look at his history soberly and advise our plain minds openly and truthfully.

  12. Raila has the power and the will to push for a better Kenya, as political fate may have it, luo president is generally feared in Kenya.... reason beats me, infact with Raila on top i see better things a head, sucess is all about institutions and not persons... he is for good governance and hence the future... we have the resources but poor distribution and decisions..

  13. Consistency is a mean virtue but some people prize it highly and go to remeakarble lenghts to show others and themselves that they posses it,we are proud of you Hon. Raila.

  14. I would like to thank you all for the comments.I want to say strongly that HE would be the best president if elected.I come from central province but we view this man as impecable,fearless,diplomatic leader.His leadership is beyond tribal boundaries and that is why he is feared by most of his opponents.About developments,Raila has not been given an opportunity
    but wait you will see what he is doing to this country.It is high time for Kenyans to think beyond their tribal lines and I want to assure you that we must put this great leader to STATE HOUSE.RAILA MUST WIN.All my former collegues in USA,UK and Canada are spending sleepless nights for Agwambo to win.
    This man has to win,he enjoys gold support from all parts of the this nation.
    My fellow Kenyans lets give Raila our votes

  15. If only Raila could know that we are never babies any more then he should go back and make his own kenya.Look his team mates aslo know his character;akina Kalonzo, Ruto and Uhuru.He should be ashamed and know he will never be a president in Kenya.He has no vision just like his father.And goes the saying,like father like son.I feel sorry for him coz he will end up just like his father.And i wonder if he planned to overthrow the gover at one time, caused so many people to die and can go to press about; then what a big animal is he and what would became of Kenya if he ever become a preso.He needs to be shown the Nyayo House, Until he's sorry.

  16. hey all
    nice comments but ur all missing out one thing u forget that leadership comes from God!critisizin kibaki?u shldnt because if the's a time kenyans prayed for a pres is 2002 n God provided a trnsitional president who will be able to handle the scene as it was.Rem kibaki was on a wheel chair yet pple gained confidence...NOW Raila i don want to predict he'd b presdent or not but i promise to pray bout it.Thats wat we shld do!

    N u kenyans abroad,dont be quick to campaign for a candidate!!!!!tis irritating coz we r here on the ground especially youth we have seen this leaders cheat us the whole of that generation has misled us n only sleep in parliament includin raila.so pray pray pray n be sober don be driven by politicians sweet words n ofcourse the mob phychology.


  17. Raila will turn kenya to kibera slum.So let him first change Kibera to Muthiaga then we make him prezo

  18. Kenyans have also noticed Raila´s superiority to other contestants including President Kibaki in terms of organisational leadership and working strategies. It is also notable here, that the comments we have read here are tribal oriented.The tribe which the current President belongs is notorious for tribalism, corruption and crime.I, or any other positive minded Kenyan would not be wrong to conclude that all, if not most of the negative comments on the freedom fighter (Raila Odinga) emanates from people from the tribe of the Incumbent President.There is also a fear that Raila might take the looted wealth back to the rightful owners should he be elected the President which provokes the same people to guard their ill gotten wealth by any means possible including desperate attempts to turnish the image of Hon. Raila Odinga.

  19. Shiro

    I strongly believe at the moment there is no running MP who is concerned about Kenyans.

    Which MP opposed hiking of the salaries, didn't they oppose paying of taxes like other citizens.

    The problem with us Kenyans is that we are very superficial especially in critizing and analysing political "leaders"(NB: I DONT THINK WE HAVE ANYONE WHO QUALIFIES TO BE CALLED LEADER)

    If our MP'S are to be regarded as selfless, we must look at how they give themselves to thier work, and how they use their financial resources for the good of the people they perport to fight for.

    Raila is one of the wealthiest people in this nation, how much of his political and financial power has he used to lift the lives of his people. Charity begins at home and if anyone who has the power to uplift the lives of his people fails to do so, then i dont believe they can do any better to the rest of the communities. Our MPS drive mercs and harmers to the slums in their constituencies to convince Kenyas "ati wana tupigania". What NONSENSE!!!! Some of those people cheering cannot afford a square meal per day, medicine, and basic necesities

    Its good to note that this is not a problem that is unique to Raila but to our representatives in the August house.

    Let us get over the notion that the quality of a good leader is one who can get a mass following or talk about issues we think are important. Kenya needs ACTION, and if anyone has been a political leader for the past 5yrs and done nothing, expect even less.

    I don't hate our politicians, i just pray that we get just one to get over themselves and do what they are hired to do.

    God help us all, and lets vote wisely.

  20. I'm a kenyan business lady, living in europe and I've been following Kenyan politics closely. Raila is the only politician viable for the presidency post. He's the onlyperson capable of being "hands on"....this is what it takes to be a true leader...unlike Kibaki who'se so good at playing the silence role. To all Kenyans: please give Raila a chancecz as we all know a change is as good as a rest. Send kibaki home to go sort out his domestic problems first. He's a double dealer whose now clinging on Moi for support as if he can't do it on his own.

  21. Fellow kenyans, please vote wisely....giva Raila your votes. You ain't gonna regret it.

  22. hey kenyans,
    Remember the anglo leasing saga where kibaki and co. tried to con the tax payers hard earned cash, then the comeback of the mwiraria guy? Is this what you wanna see in the next 5 years? Point out to me soma scam that Raila has been involved in and I'm gonna show you a liar.Vote wisely.....give RAILA all your votes.He's been struggling for the good of Kenyans for too long. Be wise this time round.

  23. I have grown up under 2 regimes of leadership. None of them have satisfied me at all. We kenyans are still suffering from poor leadership. I will cast my vote for RAILA A. ODINGA and i hope it will aid in bringing the chnge we dearly need. It is shocking that a hero like Mr Githongo is seeking refuge because he tried to help tax payers from mean and greedy politicians in goverment.

    The kibaki administration has attcked media houses, insulted news reporters, stollen public money and wanted to pass a very stupid bill drafted by a sober Mutahi Kagwe. There is a bill that also wants to prevent all graft cases that took place before 2003. All this was done in 5 years with Hon Kibaki in power.

    I urge Kenyans to vote while thinking of the future of their children, the nation and future generations.


  24. Hi Kenyans,
    Now that Raila won the ODM presidential candidacy with a landslide, is it not time we be coherent in our deeds....via voting?
    Shame on Kibaki for having hidden the Kroll report after it was presented to him in 2004 and for clinging back to Moi, a man he "despised" during his inauguration speech. I kindly urge all Kenyans to rally behind what Goid has all along been opening uo our eyes for.....Vote for RAILA and lets have a testimony of what he'll have done for us at the end of it all. Long Live Raila, a non tribalist and a visionary leader.
    Do not forget the torture he went thru during the Moi era... do not forget it came to a level where even his wife Ida's salary was suspended thanks to "orders from above". Kenyans, who amongst you would've gone through all that and still come out shining and fighting on for liberation as RAILA did? VOTE RAILA AMOLO TINGA. I'm a Kikuyu but I'm truely proud of him.

  25. For all those people so loudly singing the praises of Raila and his 'looming' presidency, I need just a few things from you:
    1) What "hands on" thing will Raila (from the back seat of his Jaguar or is it Hummer oops,sorry...the presidential limo) do to change the matatu menace situation and ensure law, order and sane pricing AT ALL TIMES are enforced when he is president?
    2) What "hands on" strategy does he have to ensure the security of the common mwananchi? Yeah, the one from the "wrong tribe" in Nakuru, the one on the slopes of Mt. Elgon, the one on the streets of Nairobi and the one at the border of Kenya and Ethiopia?
    3)What does your precious "saviour from all-things-kikuyu" have planned to put a complete end to harassment by the Police Force for the crimes of walking in town after dark, owning/driving a matatu,being a woman,looking in an officer's direction suspiciously, being/looking like a foreigner..among other inventable crimes?????
    4) Does he have any plans AT ALL to work with his fellow parliamentarians on the laws of Kenya that still refer to Kenyans primarily as Africans? Example:Cap 151. And the ones that were written in the 1880s and are still in use today? Example: Try the laws on Succession...
    5) Is ODM the party that matches his principles, ideologies, philosophies and strategies for the development of this country or is it just the grouping of people that he can successfully manipulate right now before they find him out or fail to do what he wants and he moves out to form a new one??
    6) And pray tell us...how did he know about the Armenians with such graphic detail????

    Answer this conclusively and without bias.....and I just might vote for him.

  26. Now imagine Anglo - leasing merging with Goldenberg!!!

    What will be the slogan??

  27. At last we the Kenyan Muslims will have a leader who will ravage for us. for so long the chirstinas have been playing us down but at last we will have a president who won’t care for the Christian but he will care more for us the Muslims and that is Raila.

    Agwambo tosha Raila tosha .kibaki and all Christian will pay for what they have been doing to us Muslims the anti terrorism bill.

    I pry that Raila will make it so that we can offer the Christians a iron days. Raila for Muslims


    With all due respect

    The Swahili say, “Mgalla mume na haki umpe’.

    I am not surprised that some people are so afraid, they would do anything to stop Raila. Brothers and Sisters, this man is unstoppable and if you didn’t know, he has a streak of luck that neither Kalonzo nor Kibaki has. He is set to win. The sooner we see it and accept it the better for us.

    It is not just by coincidence that this man is the most feared in the eyes of Moi, Kibaki and cronies. Sometimes I am baffled when we close our eyes and try to forget that the greatest haters of Raila have stolen much much more from Kenyans and they have been investigated. Was there ever a commission of enquiry to investigate Raila? Eeeee, my mind is failing me! Can someone jog my memory? Maybe it is not a brain lapse after all, the man is just clean. It would be very easy to have him locked up by now if indeed he was corrupt as you have elaborately alleged. Hey, Relax! I am not saying that the man is not human, that he is impeccable; being a politician is not an easy thing as you might have seen from the councilor or the MP in your back yard. Politics is dirty, and politicians have lots of dirt around them. We have to start from acknowledging the fact that all our leaders are not angels, telling me to support Kibaki who was in government during Goldenberg and Anglo leasing, because Raila is a thief doesn’t make a point. Give me a good reason why I should not vote him in.

    According to the Ndungu land report, three families in Kenya own land covering almost a quarter of the entire land space of Kenya. Kenyatta family alone owns land as big as Nyanza Province, but these are Kibaki’s closest allies, Moi who was telling me to support Kibaki the other day is………I need not say! It’s rather obvious. You know, when I voted Moi out, I meant out! Anything that points to the fact that he may be in is annoying me……… ggggrrrrrrrrrr! I mean out! And Kibaki has just been telling me that he somehow Moi is in. gggggggggrrrrrrrr! I meant out… and I am the voter here. If Moi cannot be out, then Kibaki might as well join him. Mark my words!

    Now Back to Raila,

    Firstly, we are discussing him here and not Kalonzo because we both know he is a threat to Kibaki! A real threat, despite all those allegations heaped up against him. If he was that bad, why are we circulating these mails against him? To inform voters? Some Caveat Emptor? Well, we wouldn’t even bother. Coz he would be very distasteful to speak about and his fate would be sealed by his own actions. He still moves on though. It means there are many other good things that people are seeing in him. In deed, as was rightly pointed out, he is the enigma in Kenyan politics.

    Secondly, many of the gains we are enjoying in the name of democracy in the country is through the efforts of Raila. The little that Kibaki has managed to deliver is because Raila made him president. He was in a wheelchair during campaigns and Raila used his magic wand for Kibaki’s glory. As much as we wouldn’t want to accept it, let’s acknowledge that without Raila, Kenya would not be what it is today. Should we also blame him for this, for giving Kibaki power, for being loyal to Kibaki in his desperate time of need? For traversing the country convincing people to vote for Kibaki? For Kibaki’s lethal way of saying thank you? Let us not blame Raila for all these things. Give credit where it is due.

    Thirdly, people say Raila is an oppositionist. Right now, even Kibaki is his own opposition in the NARC government that brought him into power. His record clearly beats Raila’s. This is something that Raila has never done. He has never been president and opposed his own party in government. If he were to do it, then he would probably take after Kibaki. Kibaki cannot say which party he shall use as a vehicle to presidency come Dec because he is an opposition member in his own NARC government. Soon, you will see that this is true because it is not NARC that Kibaki will use to steer him into government. Raila has constantly said, it is better to sacrifice a party than sacrifice ideologies. There have been sharp disagreements that led to Raila changing parties and this is his work tell you. I do not want to propagate hearsay, TAKE TIME AND LISTEN TO HIM. You will know why. There are people who allow themselves to be manipulated and Raila is not that type of person. He believes in himself and it is a very good thing. Should we hate him for that? Look at Kibaki with his hands free kind of leadership. It has brewed ethnicity in the country. You only need to see how appointments are made in government to know how. Kibaki is not in control. It is evident that there are people who are in control. Did you listen to Kirwa the other day telling some cronies of Kibaki to stop embarrassing them and to let them also campaign for Kibaki? Surely, in the event that I vote for Kibaki, will I really be voting in Kibaki or some few arrogant individuals that make me ggggrrrrrrr! He is not in control even of his own campaign. And then we want to lie to ourselves and say, he is a good leader, always keeping us guessing. He is simply not in control.

    Raila has changed parties right, but look at some others who stay even when things are bad, they keep saying…we have been short changed! But they do nothing about it. Should we blame Raila for being the kind of person that you cannot easily short change? He doesn’t stomach it. And I believe this is a good character in leadership. We need African leaders who will stand up against western manipulation. Raila is just one of that kind.

    Yes the Luo community has been marginalized because of Raila they say. If this is what Moi did and Kibaki is doing then clearly we should know that they are not the right leaders for this country. They are to blame for the poverty in Nyanza. Raila is the MP for Langata. Not anywhere in Nyanza. Condemning a whole community because of a leader from that particular community is a bad sign for democracy. We should resist this. Those who want to blame Raila for the poverty in Nyanza, you ought to know very well where the problem is. We may as well deal with the problem, and not Raila because he is not the problem. He doesn’t sit in any development committee in Nyanza. He is MP for Langata. Unlike some leaders on the Kibaki’s group, Moi and Uhuru Kenyatta notably, at least Raila has not made squatters of his own people. Fellow Kenyans, think! You know where the truth lies.

    Those who are trying to say that Raila is brewing ethnicity are just desperate. They have nothing to say. Luos are not propagating tribalism and we all know it. Luos welcome all people. Go to Kisumu, Ugunja, Siaya, Mbita, Nyakach, Bondo, Alego, Gem etc and you will find all the 42 tribes represented either as spouses to Luos, businessmen or casual workers. Some people are trying to teach Kenyans bad things. When you throw out Raila from your business premises because of his tribe, you are telling Kenya how tribal you are and should we all act in the same way, then the Rwanda genocide would not be as serious. Clearly, we know where ethnicity looms largely in Kenya. A call to those who would not vote for Raila because of his tribe: please change! For the sake of your children and your children’s children. PLEASE CHANGE!

    Those who want to say that Raila’s record as an MP is an epitome of failure, I advice you not to be so desperate, at least not in public. Langata Constituency is a large area and not just Kibera. Developing Kibera is an uphill task that requires synergy from all sectors. Only a fool would blame development in Kibera on Raila. In case you forgot, the success of an MP are not measured just on the constituency yard stick but also his participation in parliament. Raila has brought forth many statutory reforms, most notably, multi party democracy that we now enjoy. There are gains for Kibera, schools, lighting and he stands with his constituents for his constituents. In Kibera, landlords are very gentle with tenants. Maybe the other day your landlord threw you out. I’m sure you wished Raila could speak for you. For those who are misinformed, Raila cut out a deal with the landlords in Kibera and the slum dwellers got to pay half the rent that was imposed. Down from 1000 per month for those slum houses to 500/=. I think this is reasonable considering that the people in Kibera are the poorest of our society. Talk to the people in Kibera, their MP has done a lot for them. There are good schools, lighting and health facilities in Kibera. Those who speak ill of Kibera because of Raila, did you know that Kibera is a safe haven despite it being a slum. Make a point of visiting Kibera and see yourself the gains that Raila has for Kibera. One thing that you must note also is that there are NGO’s who are in business because of Kibera the way it is. Are NGO’s also doing nothing in Kibera. Should Kibera change, then many people would have no business agenda. What I am trying to say is that Development is Kibera is multi dimensional. Heaping it all on Raila is unfair. Compare you MP with Raila, who would you give more credit?

    Someone said that Raila’s record includes failed campaigns for president, a failed coup an attempt to install a luo dictatorship on Kenyans.

    Moi failed against Kenyatta, He changed parties from KANU to KADU. Kibaki failed against Moi, He changed Parties from KANU to DP. Moi failed to Kibaki and incase you forgot, Kibaki’s election into presidency was Raila’s win. Kibaki before he could ascending into presidency changed parties from KANU to DP to NAC to NARC to NARC-Kenya (before he was reminded it was illegal to officially move to NARC-Kenya) and now to…he cannot even decide.

    P/S: The most successful people on earth have been failures. And failure is only a chance to begin more wisely. It is a good thing that Raila has failed once because good things don’t come easy and you appreciate winning after failing.

    As for the coup, Raila would be dead according to law if he was involved. I was not yet born then, but I hear there was no evidence against him and nolle prosequie was entered. Today, I have grown up, I have a vote, I refuse to be cheated anymore. Can Kibaki give Kenyans what they have lost? Clearly this is not in his agenda? Some piecemeal development that reads negative on the human development index is not what I voted him in for. The other day he called backbenchers to state house and yesterday, they passed a government bill to bar any investigation by KACC on past looting. To protect who? Moi, Kibaki and a few other people. Not Kenyans. Law is enacted to protect society. Why we are spending money on KACC-to investigate economic crimes- clearly KIBAKI HAS NO WILL. Sorry if it hurts you, I believe Raila and sadly our generation is going to rule.


  29. I admire raila, for his courage and charisma and the fact that he has consistently fought for change. but my greatest fear is this; " are we seeing another hugo chavez in the making? if elected will he turn kenya into an economic basket case by pursuing populist leftist policies?" for example remember that one of his henchmen in the name of fred gumo was telling the pple in Kibera not to pay for electricity!! is that a snapshot of the kind of policies that a raila led govt would pursue? i think we need to think very carefully whom we elect as president!

  30. hi guys
    by the way kibaki is running on party called pnu it has no symbol no clours no nothing i think our president is not seriuose on running 4 president. he is not taking our votes seriuosly or he just being ignorant like most of his ministers. i think raila appreciate our right to vote thats why he is taking this seriously, if kibaki can say it's one day event which we should not be put all our energy to it then he is not sencere becoz it's the only one time when we have a voice and everybody in power will listen. so raila thank you for appreciating us as voters and kibaki toka

  31. Hi i think ,as parents as hard working kenyas we fight everyday to put bread on the table as parents who lose there children to drugs, violence and bandits , as people who watch there brothers and sisters die because of lack of sufficient health facilities or ignorance of some doctors , as people who lose there loved ones everyday , as kenyas who are who pay taxes and are yet to be able to invest or even plan three months in advance , as faithfull christians who are are witness to the worst kind of abuse in churh in public places and who are constantly lied to by our leaders , i say we need change , we need to kill the monster of tribalism that is something that is evil and retrogressive , let us vote with our minds to the most deserving candidate ,let us kill the ghost and monsters that have reduced our country to what it is today

  32. brothers and sisters: time to change the destiny of this country is now, if you really love kenya. however, if you still leave in the past like shirus (based on her comments) then you will still rejoice over GDP growths that are not refected in the standard of living of the ordinary kenyan. it is sad that one would want to use the standard of living in kibera slums to judge the competence of Raila Odinga and his capacity to deliver the changes he envisages for this country. are residents of kibera, mukuru, mathare, kawangware slums not tax payers of this country. must Raila use his income to help improve the lives of all kibera residents? kibera is just a pointer to system of governance that care the less about the 60% poor kenyans. it is a pointer to inequitable distribution of the country's resources. we have to give the ordinary mwananchi power to have a say in the way this cake is shared! we can only do this through devolution of power to the grassroot. Raila is committed to that since it haunts him to imagine any of his children or grand children go through the same suffering he went through in his fight for freedom. a question for the likes Shiru: what has made Raila the devil if in 2002 he was the saviour? is it because he is now challenging Kibaki? when would you accept the fact that Kenya has 42 tribes with equal chances of being the president of this country? i feel sorry for you and the likes! we are in a new generation and we need change. a change that only change agents can bring! get on the train!!!

    Magak Mimba

  33. When I look at the Article atop of this post "The best President Kenya will ever have" than I ask myself what is so great about this man. I have walked in many places in Kibera and have never seen any improvements on the life of the people that represents the only true record of Raila's doings. Asked lately in TV what projects are going on in Kibera he quoted "I think we are building a road...", I wonder which road???

    The man has no courtesy as the legislator that also represents the biggest slum in Africa by driving a hummer that consums more than 30 Liters of Petrol. He was one of the guys who was talking about the armada of fuel guzzling state vehicles yet he drives the mother of all fuel guzzlers...

    Raila really upset me when he went to the US talking of money laundry on the stock market generated by drug business and look for anybody who can dash money out to his campaign. We don't know what he has promised when he is elected, but we should not forget the time when foreign aid and dignities had more say in government decision than any President or Minister. The current Government has reduced the influence by covering Kenya's budget almost entirely by Taxes, which was - like it or not - more of a liberation than anything that happened before in the history of this country.

    Tribalism is a disease which is found in all parts and communities in Kenya and is not limited to Kikuyu's! Raila and his ODM uses more tribalism than any other group, individual oder party. If you listening to their speeches and the talks of the common Luo man. They will tell you it is there time of eating...

    This country is doing better than it dit before 2002. That is a proven fact. Raila promises 20% economic grow (no country without Oil, Gold or Diamonds) has ever archieved such a growth! The fact is the man has never delivered anything in his life. Who ever votes for him expect miracles or want to get things without efforts. People in Kenya are still missing the good time of Mzee Moi where someone could get 200,000 Shillings for lunch and Raila is expected to do exactly that, anyway he has enough KANU Die harts in his team to know how to play the simple masses. The threat was called "Bred and Games" in ancient Rome and guaranteed the incumbent distance from the common man...

    May Good protect us from "The worst decision that Kenya will make..."

  34. may God bless Raila amollo. he is Man to bring change viz third libaration he knows what 2 b in opposion means n being in Goverment means. he is a head worker hence our servant.

  35. Hi all as i read i have unresolved issues.

    First my stand is that we need change and I am tired of being led by people who dont see beyond our proud tribal culture. Lets face these people are in both sides but does that mean Kibaki or Raila is the lesser one?

    Of you who write, how many have been to our beautiful country of late? Nairobi is beautiful but the people are ugly. Its is infected with the malady of tribalism to an unprecedented extent and it raises many questions.

    I dare say that we need change but remember we should not be like the audience in a magic show. We should not be mesmerised by the tricks of the magician.

    As the electorate we are the audience and like it or not many are in a trance and after its all over many dont remember a thing.

    In our case after the election wonder which truth shall dawn on us.

    I suspect that if President Kibaki loses or wins; or if Hon. Raila loses or wins; or Kalonzo; those in the winning camp will rejoice that change has come. But i dare you this if you struggle for your daily meal now, you still will, unless some miracle happens. And we all know how these miracles are fantastic occurrences to the recepients and corrupt acts to those not getting the spoils. Meaning the more things change the more they stay the same.

    By now you surely know that despite the outward cloak of the justice each politician cultivates, is a politician. He will make any deal to survive.

    So come 2008, whichever group wins will they be able to push through all the high sounding things they`re saying? Lest of all the constitution??? How the hell do you think that they will push through legistlature in parliament??

    Yes they will make strange deals and whalla the common man will be forgotten.

    My point our true victory lies in collective consensus not in one group fighting over another.

    I also believe that our fore fathers met in this country for a reason.

    Finally, some of us will vote for the tribe and find a away to justify our choice; others will vote because of they will have been taken for a guilt trip; while others simply will not vote.

    The million dollar questions are: 1. How is the ODM camp likely to react to a loss in this elections??? before you answer think!
    2. How is PNU likely to respond in the event of a loss??? before you answer think!

    Finally when the curtain falls and whichever way the chips fall, we and our children we will experience the consequences of our actions. Long live Kenya!

    Thank you,

    Charles Wachihi

  36. okay i dont get what u guys mean when u say tribal!!!!! when a Luo vote for raila he is not tribal but when kikuyu vote for kibaki he is tribal!!!! sober up people and stop this trible crapif there is any people who are tribal it is Luo. take the issue of Hon Tuju, how many Luo suport him? and why?
    answer that then u tell me who is tribal hare

  37. in the name of allah i begin
    it is the time for us musllims to look for real change and look for leader who listens to them.we all know we have been rejected by kibaki govornment sending our great scholars when power was on their hand,and now we all know power is back in our hands and us muslims we reject it and say NO to kibaki movement

  38. Hi guys,
    I must accept that His excellency the president,Mwai Kibaki has done a lot for this country. However, his age is quickly getting the better of him. We need a leader with the vigour and energy to pick up from what he has done for us during these five years. I think Raila is that man. Let's give him a chance. For someone to fight that hard to become president means he has something good to offer us Kenyans. He even did 8 years in jail for the sake of our liberation yet he comes from a comfortable family. Very few in the world can go to jail just for the benefit of others when they have so much wealth to enjoy. Upto now I have not found any reason to vote against the man. Saying Luos or Kikuyus are tribalistic is simply incorrect. Every community in this country has people who regard members of their tribes first. I am not ashamed to say that ethnicity was entrecnched by the first two regimes, and perfected by the current government. The current government's further undoing is that it is receiving the backing of people of questionable character. I will vote against them.

  39. Whoever becomes president shouldn't matter really. Personally my life has never been impacted on by the three regimes I have lived under. So I don't really care about a Raila presidency come 2008 or a Kibaki one. For me life will always go on. I think my attitude is the best. Not so guyz?


    Raila’s son, Fidel Castrol Odinga, is named after the world’s longest serving dictator. Fidel Castrol (the Cuban head of state) is the communist who turned Cuba into a third world slum. Why should this be a point of concern for Kenyans? Fidel Castrol (the Cuban head of state) is Raila’s role model. Raila is a communist and a dictator at heart. If we make the mistake of giving him the presidency now he will never let go. This guy will be a life president.

    When someone says something is not about money, it usually is about money, when they say something is not about power, it is about power. Raila is denying -without being accused, at least publicly - that he hates Kikuyus. His earlier comments tell a different story. Remember the comment he made that Uhuru was the only good Kikuyu when they were both in ODM?
    Raila tries to defend himself with quips such as “even my son (Fidel) is married to a Kikuyu”. Lets all remember the rumors that were flying around that Raila was actually opposed to the wedding/marriage on tribal grounds! He saw it as a betrayal by his own son. When the young Odinga held his grounds, Raila had no option but to play along to avoid a public spectacle.

    Raila is accusing the PNU of creating Raila-phobia among the Kikuyu. Raila is creating Kikuyu- phobia among everyone else as did Moi throughout his rule.

    Let’s go back to Kanu’s infamous Kasarani One. The blatant Injustices were being done to Kamotho, Saitoti and the rest; they were being robbed of their positions in what Kamotho referred to as “uchaguzi wa kupiga makelele”. Since things were going Raila’s way, the great defender of the oppressed did not raise a finger. A few weeks later when the same injustices were to be done to him – Raila – in Kasarani Two, he was running all over the place crying foul. Had he been President Moi’s choice, would he have said anything?

    A more recent case is when Kalonzo and Raila were both in ODM-Kenya and the party was trying to come up with the best formula to pick its presidential candidate. Kalonzo favored consensus while Raila said delegate were the only way. He made all manner of threats if the delegates system was not going to be used. Then, Raila and Ruto ambushed Kalonzo at Ruto’s house and tried to arm-twist him into agreeing that Raila be president, Kalonzo be VP and so forth. Kalonzo refused, but Raila and Ruto mischievously went ahead and leaked news to the media that Kalonzo had agreed to a “winning formula”. The point is that Raila was ready to agree to the consensus method only if he was going to be the presidential candidate. After Kalonzo’s refusal, Raila was latter insisting on delegates while Kalonzo stuck to consensus. Kalonzo later intelligently posed, “The meeting in Ruto’s home, was that a delegates conference?”

    Ask yourself this: would there have been ‘the pentagon’ is Raila had not been made the presidential candidate. The only reason why Raila agreed to the nominations at Kasarani was because everything had been agreed upon beforehand. The ‘Nominations’ were just for show.

    “Kibaki Tosha” statement was not an act of martyrdom as Raila would like to have us believe.
    When Raila and the LDP brigade left Kanu, they had two choices: either join forces with the best established opposition outfit at the time, NAK or become politically irrelevant. Why Raila chose to go “Kibaki Tosha” way had nothing to do with his love for Kenya or his love for Kikuyus as he claimed during the launch of his presidential bid in Uhuru Park . It was the most appealing (and may be only) choice he had at the time. Consider this:
    i) Raila and the LDP team could not have gone it alone – they had tried in ’97 before the ‘Cooperasion” – and failed.
    ii) The then opposition – NAK perceived Raila as a traitor. The only way he could change this perception was through a seemingly selfless act.
    iii) Raila wanted to take his revenge on Moi – the only way to do this was to make sure that Moi’s ‘Project’ did not succeed – even if it meant joining forces with the tribe he hated most. An enemy of my enemy is my friend.
    iv) Raila felt he could extract his pound of flesh from the tired and desperate Mwai Kibaki’s NAK group – as he did through the infamous MOU, which was simply unimplementable.

    ODM is a story of a corrupt family that brought down the molasses plant among other ills. It is a story of bishops who lie without battling an eyelid. It is about people who brought down parastatals such as the Kenya National Assurance. Now since all the scum is defecting to ODM and ODM has no vetting policy for its civic and parliamentary candidates – how can ODM tell us they are going to make a difference?

    If you have ever listened to Raila’s famous football commentaries, the ‘goal’ is usually Raila getting the presidency not what he plans to do for the people of Kenya with the presidency.
    Raila has been consistent about one thing: his hunger for power. This should not be confused with struggle for the country or for the people of Kenya . Raila has never told us how he plans to use power to better our lives. All Raila is doing now is to make all manner of promises to everyone. Here are some of them:
    a. Constitution within 6 months
    b. Make Ruto Executive prime minister within 6 months
    c. Majimbo
    d. Free primary and secondary education
    e. 13% economic growth (he promises double the current growth rate)
    f. Reduce taxes
    g. Make Mombasa a free port like Dubai
    h. Dual carriage way roads throughout Kenya
    i. Free housing for slum dwellers
    j. Employment for all
    k. Eradication of poverty

    Quite a nice list, isn’t it? But there is no mention about how he is going to achieve these things. Saying that he “knows where the money is going to come from” is not enough.
    Take the constitution for example. If its making is going to be a people driven, all inclusive process, how can he guarantee that all the interested parties are going to agree on one document within six months? Is he going to ram whatever he likes down our throats in the name of giving us a new constitution? Remember Kenyans are not going to accept any constitution without a referendum.

    Take the free secondary and primary education. How are we going to pay for the education and reduce taxes at the same time without running to the donors? And if we go to the donors, isn’t that what we are trying to run away from?

    Let’s be wary about these extravagant promises. Remember: a pessimist is an optimist on his way back from the casino.

    Raila sees the NSE as a symbol of the Kikuyu dominance of the economy. He would like to bring it down as soon as possible. This is why he labeled it a hub of insider trading and money laundering. His reason of doing this is that he will have enough justification when tearing it apart.
    ODM is portraying the PNU as a bunch of people who know nothing about constitution making. The PNU is painting the ODM group as a bunch of people who know nothing about the economy. I don’t know much about constitution making, but I know that Raila appears to understand very little about the economy.

    ‘Chungwa ni chungu’

    "My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
    These are the words of Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

    Anybody who is not pro Raila is seen as an enemy by Raila’s supporters. Several cases in point are what happened to Tuju, Nasleem and Livondo in different instances in Kisumu and Kibera. Just imagine that happening in the whole country. All the democratic space we have gained over the last few years will go down the drain. Any anti-Raila comment in the radio, on the street or on TV will earn you a proper beating if this man was president.

    The tragedy here is that Raila has never condemned this behaviour by his supporters which means he condones it.

    Now imagine such people in positions of power. If you need a preview, remember how Gor Sunguh handled Nicholas Biwott during the Sunguh read committee on Ouko. Sunguh shouted down Biwott and hardly allowed him to say anything. In the end all he managed to do is to make Biwott appear like a modern day saint.

    Giving the government to this Raila will be the biggest mistake of our lives. We will be throwing away the gains made so far. Raila’s extremism is not good for the Country. With Raila in power, tribalism will be felt in every aspect of our lives starting with the plot or kijiji we live in. The words ‘our government’ will no longer mean what it means now. The bragging has already started with utterances like “the government is going to be ours” being said by members of a certain community. The cartoonist Gado captured the mood perfectly in a recent issue of the Daily Nation. Whatever you do, make sure you vote. Make sure you vote against Raila. Vote for anyone but Raila. Let’s block this communist from ruining our country. The age of dictators in this Kenya is over. Let’s keep it buried.

    I would like to know how Raila feels about the following two issues. If he became president will he:
    a. Assure John Githong’o of his security and give him his job back?
    b. Put his portrait on our money?

    Some advice for Raila and ODM:
    "If the attack is going well, it probably means you are walking into an ambush."
    - Murphy’s Law:

    The writer is a very concerned Kenyan.

    Sambaza this email to at least 10 people. May God bless Kenya and rescue us from the jaws of Raila and ODM.


    Raila’s son, Fidel Castrol Odinga, is named after the world’s longest serving dictator. Fidel Castrol (the Cuban head of state) is the communist who turned Cuba into a third world slum. Why should this be a point of concern for Kenyans? Fidel Castrol (the Cuban head of state) is Raila’s role model. Raila is a communist and a dictator at heart. If we make the mistake of giving him the presidency now he will never let go. This guy will be a life president.

    When someone says something is not about money, it usually is about money, when they say something is not about power, it is about power. Raila is denying -without being accused, at least publicly - that he hates Kikuyus. His earlier comments tell a different story. Remember the comment he made that Uhuru was the only good Kikuyu when they were both in ODM?
    Raila tries to defend himself with quips such as “even my son (Fidel) is married to a Kikuyu”. Lets all remember the rumors that were flying around that Raila was actually opposed to the wedding/marriage on tribal grounds! He saw it as a betrayal by his own son. When the young Odinga held his grounds, Raila had no option but to play along to avoid a public spectacle.

    Raila is accusing the PNU of creating Raila-phobia among the Kikuyu. Raila is creating Kikuyu- phobia among everyone else as did Moi throughout his rule.

    Let’s go back to Kanu’s infamous Kasarani One. The blatant Injustices were being done to Kamotho, Saitoti and the rest; they were being robbed of their positions in what Kamotho referred to as “uchaguzi wa kupiga makelele”. Since things were going Raila’s way, the great defender of the oppressed did not raise a finger. A few weeks later when the same injustices were to be done to him – Raila – in Kasarani Two, he was running all over the place crying foul. Had he been President Moi’s choice, would he have said anything?

    A more recent case is when Kalonzo and Raila were both in ODM-Kenya and the party was trying to come up with the best formula to pick its presidential candidate. Kalonzo favored consensus while Raila said delegate were the only way. He made all manner of threats if the delegates system was not going to be used. Then, Raila and Ruto ambushed Kalonzo at Ruto’s house and tried to arm-twist him into agreeing that Raila be president, Kalonzo be VP and so forth. Kalonzo refused, but Raila and Ruto mischievously went ahead and leaked news to the media that Kalonzo had agreed to a “winning formula”. The point is that Raila was ready to agree to the consensus method only if he was going to be the presidential candidate. After Kalonzo’s refusal, Raila was latter insisting on delegates while Kalonzo stuck to consensus. Kalonzo later intelligently posed, “The meeting in Ruto’s home, was that a delegates conference?”

    Ask yourself this: would there have been ‘the pentagon’ is Raila had not been made the presidential candidate. The only reason why Raila agreed to the nominations at Kasarani was because everything had been agreed upon beforehand. The ‘Nominations’ were just for show.

    “Kibaki Tosha” statement was not an act of martyrdom as Raila would like to have us believe.
    When Raila and the LDP brigade left Kanu, they had two choices: either join forces with the best established opposition outfit at the time, NAK or become politically irrelevant. Why Raila chose to go “Kibaki Tosha” way had nothing to do with his love for Kenya or his love for Kikuyus as he claimed during the launch of his presidential bid in Uhuru Park . It was the most appealing (and may be only) choice he had at the time. Consider this:
    i) Raila and the LDP team could not have gone it alone – they had tried in ’97 before the ‘Cooperasion” – and failed.
    ii) The then opposition – NAK perceived Raila as a traitor. The only way he could change this perception was through a seemingly selfless act.
    iii) Raila wanted to take his revenge on Moi – the only way to do this was to make sure that Moi’s ‘Project’ did not succeed – even if it meant joining forces with the tribe he hated most. An enemy of my enemy is my friend.
    iv) Raila felt he could extract his pound of flesh from the tired and desperate Mwai Kibaki’s NAK group – as he did through the infamous MOU, which was simply unimplementable.

    ODM is a story of a corrupt family that brought down the molasses plant among other ills. It is a story of bishops who lie without battling an eyelid. It is about people who brought down parastatals such as the Kenya National Assurance. Now since all the scum is defecting to ODM and ODM has no vetting policy for its civic and parliamentary candidates – how can ODM tell us they are going to make a difference?

    If you have ever listened to Raila’s famous football commentaries, the ‘goal’ is usually Raila getting the presidency not what he plans to do for the people of Kenya with the presidency.
    Raila has been consistent about one thing: his hunger for power. This should not be confused with struggle for the country or for the people of Kenya . Raila has never told us how he plans to use power to better our lives. All Raila is doing now is to make all manner of promises to everyone. Here are some of them:
    a. Constitution within 6 months
    b. Make Ruto Executive prime minister within 6 months
    c. Majimbo
    d. Free primary and secondary education
    e. 13% economic growth (he promises double the current growth rate)
    f. Reduce taxes
    g. Make Mombasa a free port like Dubai
    h. Dual carriage way roads throughout Kenya
    i. Free housing for slum dwellers
    j. Employment for all
    k. Eradication of poverty

    Quite a nice list, isn’t it? But there is no mention about how he is going to achieve these things. Saying that he “knows where the money is going to come from” is not enough.
    Take the constitution for example. If its making is going to be a people driven, all inclusive process, how can he guarantee that all the interested parties are going to agree on one document within six months? Is he going to ram whatever he likes down our throats in the name of giving us a new constitution? Remember Kenyans are not going to accept any constitution without a referendum.

    Take the free secondary and primary education. How are we going to pay for the education and reduce taxes at the same time without running to the donors? And if we go to the donors, isn’t that what we are trying to run away from?

    Let’s be wary about these extravagant promises. Remember: a pessimist is an optimist on his way back from the casino.

    Raila sees the NSE as a symbol of the Kikuyu dominance of the economy. He would like to bring it down as soon as possible. This is why he labeled it a hub of insider trading and money laundering. His reason of doing this is that he will have enough justification when tearing it apart.
    ODM is portraying the PNU as a bunch of people who know nothing about constitution making. The PNU is painting the ODM group as a bunch of people who know nothing about the economy. I don’t know much about constitution making, but I know that Raila appears to understand very little about the economy.

    ‘Chungwa ni chungu’

    "My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
    These are the words of Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.

    Anybody who is not pro Raila is seen as an enemy by Raila’s supporters. Several cases in point are what happened to Tuju, Nasleem and Livondo in different instances in Kisumu and Kibera. Just imagine that happening in the whole country. All the democratic space we have gained over the last few years will go down the drain. Any anti-Raila comment in the radio, on the street or on TV will earn you a proper beating if this man was president.

    The tragedy here is that Raila has never condemned this behaviour by his supporters which means he condones it.

    Now imagine such people in positions of power. If you need a preview, remember how Gor Sunguh handled Nicholas Biwott during the Sunguh read committee on Ouko. Sunguh shouted down Biwott and hardly allowed him to say anything. In the end all he managed to do is to make Biwott appear like a modern day saint.

    Giving the government to this Raila will be the biggest mistake of our lives. We will be throwing away the gains made so far. Raila’s extremism is not good for the Country. With Raila in power, tribalism will be felt in every aspect of our lives starting with the plot or kijiji we live in. The words ‘our government’ will no longer mean what it means now. The bragging has already started with utterances like “the government is going to be ours” being said by members of a certain community. The cartoonist Gado captured the mood perfectly in a recent issue of the Daily Nation. Whatever you do, make sure you vote. Make sure you vote against Raila. Vote for anyone but Raila. Let’s block this communist from ruining our country. The age of dictators in this Kenya is over. Let’s keep it buried.

    I would like to know how Raila feels about the following two issues. If he became president will he:
    a. Assure John Githong’o of his security and give him his job back?
    b. Put his portrait on our money?

    Some advice for Raila and ODM:
    "If the attack is going well, it probably means you are walking into an ambush."
    - Murphy’s Law:

    The writer is a very concerned Kenyan.

    Sambaza this email to at least 10 people. May God bless Kenya and rescue us from the jaws of Raila and ODM.

    A dangerous bunch? What of the hostile reception he got in Meru from Kibaki's supporters. I suggest you come up with a more credible comment to back up your claim.
    You got this one right, he is a master strategist, the hallmarks of a decisive person.
    "I don’t know much about constitution making, but I know that Raila appears to understand very little about the economy." He will not be the minister for finance, someone else will. You are just a hater. Period.

  42. i think Raila is a great dude, ... u know like he has a great impression and speech, actually he is a crowd puller. but for presidency or country leadership he is NOT fit to lead.

    i think he is making a grevious mistake with the majimbo issue. Majimbo would work well if we were considering the east african community and each country is made a jimbo, but for Kenya only to make majimbo regions its just propagating and fueling tribolism. Kenya is not yet mature enough to handle regionalism, and the last thing we need is a civil war arising due to different regions attacking and accussing each other as they are not from the same tribes.
    its so sad seeing how intellectuals are busy trying to convince other people to accept that whole crappy idea. SO SAD!!!!


  44. Raila is the next president of Kenya like it or not! Raila and ODM crew will quench the ongoing sufferings of people like the case of Mt. Elgon. Raila GO!RAILA IS THE MAN!

  45. Mheshimiwa Raila is set to be Kenya's 4th President whether the jigger infested, brown teethed and bow legged theives like it or not. Kenyans are behind him and the thieves will never see the inside of State House except as sweepers and grass cutters and may be sometimes as shot and dead intruders.

  46. wow i like the way the uneducated reason may be you ought to get yourselfs educated b4 you base your opinons on what your grandfathers and fathers told you about certian group or rather some communities.
    leadership can't and will never be determined by the wasaperes of the society coz it is alwys about them all they ever do is ME walk ME eat ME A KIKUYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  47. COME 12/27/2007 the kenya people will elect tinga Amollo as the president from 2008 as the fourth president of kenya for MAISHA BORA

  48. kikuyus are fucked this tyme and bigtyme, men raila is a president in waiting.

    screem and throw up while u can cause ready or not here we come ahahahahahah

  49. i really think its selfish of ODM having a strategic pot of brewing propaganda to put his exchequed president Raila in state house.i really believe in miracles, signs and wonders and for this reason, He'll be president 28th Dec 07

  50. It is time for Raila Amollo Odinga to spur the country. Leadership has been in the hands of Kikuyus for long and they led country to a ditch. Even Daniel Arap Moi followed Kikuyus style during his regime because Kikuyus were behind him in making him president, although he was intended to last on the thrown for a while as Sir Charles Njojo was making his move(magane).

    Raila is the man this time and every kenya with good intention should see this. Look at the Kenyatta regime. He had a circle formed of Kikuyus only expect Moi whom the circle thought he was stupid and the brilliat Tom Mboya whom the gory had eliminated after using him.

    Anyone with wisdom can see this. Uhuru Kenyatta sided with Kibaki who was his opponent in the last election, now rumors has it that Mr. Kenyatta might be Kibaki's running mate, if Kenyans are lookin for somebody with leader shortcomings, that will be Kenyatta just like his father Kenyatta Sr. Raila for president kenyan. let's go!!!!!

  51. It is amazing how blind people can be. Saying that Raila has no development record shows that the author has no knowledge of what is going on, he just write for the sake of it. Please if you are people like this. do research before you put down embarrasing things here. I think without doubt Raila Odinga had not been given a chance to potray his power, remember when he was a minister of road Kibaki regime did not support him in his endeavour.

  52. Am really sorry that we have come to allow this tribal animal to eat us up. Dont you people especially my fellow Kikuyus see what you are missing out on? By making Raila look bad because he is a Luo means you permit the Asisns and Europeans to make you look bad because you are Africans. People are people, and you who thinks you are better than someone else is the one with the problem. Raila will go to state house, if only for God to show you that people are all the same and Raila is more brilliant that many Kikuyus who have actually made Kibaki loose the elections. Topping the list is Lucy and Martha Karua.


  54. I speak from Western Kenya. This is my mesage to brothers from Central Kenya. We Lunjes have not been very cclose to Luos since time imemorial, but you can see we are solidly behind agwambo this time. The reasson is so simple you people of central are the most selfish and self centred that one would ever meet. Kibaki came in more as a luo president but once in like any other kikuyu, he became just that a .. a tribalist. The in itself has really allienated kikuyus as a community. Elections 2007 is not about Kibaki and Raila but Kikuyus and the rest of Kenya. This is going to be a protest vot from the rest of Kenya. I urge my brother to come out in large numbers and VOTE RAILA as the 4th President of the Republic of Kenya. Long live Kenya! and God Bless

  55. A civilized people need a civilized leadership.
    What is a civilized leadership? Or better asked: What is NOT civilized?

    The answers are simple:

    1)A president who condemns his second wife in public but uses 20 millions Ksh tax-payer's money per annum to protect her.
    2) A president who appoints his own people into the Education ministry from Minister, Ass. Minister, Perm. Secretary to a cleaner. Suspicion on why people from NEP, Nyanza, Coast, Western dont do well in Exams. The officials seemed to have got a cold foot this year!!!!
    3)A president whose daughter invites thugs (Artur Bros) to target drugs trafficked by Naigerian connection and gives them protection, and later a cover-up.

    4) A president who supports corruption: Anglo Leasing, Goldenberg and refuses to sack those directly involved: Mwiriria, Kiraitu, Prof. George Njuguna (Saitoti), etc.

    5) A president who calls electorate names- Pumbavu

    6)A president who teams with communist China to condemn Taiwan (Kenyan friends of years)
    7)A president who teams up with the Moi, the dictator.
    8)A president who promised the JM family to reveal the culprits behind his death. The JM family is still waiting today for an answer.

    9) A president whose rule a political assassination occurs and fails to reveal the killers, is just another African tyrannt. Dr Mbai death is another mistry just like JM, Mboya, Ouko, Pinto, Argwings, etc, etc.

    10)A president who doesnt practice what he says can not be trusted: Fighting KANU is like cutting a Gumo tree with a razor (later he forms DP); I'll be a one-time president (later: My Mt Kenya supporters will finish me), MOU of 2003 (not honoured), IPG of 1997gentleman's agreement to appoint ECK members (not honoured).

    11)A president who gives a false statement of his development records. Economical growth of 6% is just another favourable global economical circle. Has nothing to do with Kibaki. Nyeri Prov Hospital remains filthy, Kenyatta Hosp remains stinking, Fees has doubled, Prices of commodities trippled. No investment in other areas apart from Coffee in Central Prov. Infrastructure pathetic. Roads to Nyeri, Kisumu, Eldoret, Kissii, Mombasa pathetic.

    Kenyans, be civilized in the mind and vote for an Engineer!!

  56. Kenyans,

    We don't know everything about anybody. Why Raila chose to name his son Castro does not prove anything, except he liked the name.

    As for being a tribalist-why would he use his life to fight for all Kenyans when some of us were too scared to stand up against opressive regimes? It appears that your ill-based fears (given in your anonymous comments) are leading you to stereotype someone who has not even been given the chance to prove what a real difference he can make in our lives. If you give in to fear, you will have lost an opportunity to see how high you can really fly as a Kenyan without corruption stealing your hard earned tax dollars that would have improved your living, hospitals, job prospects, ability to invest, to educate your children etc.

    Yes, all the campaigh goodies you now see Mr Kibaki dishing out have been rightly yours since he came to power - His government just chose not to tell you, just like they chose not to tell you about the other land-grabbing and treasury-robbing scandals the wanainchi have now been made aware of. How many more things have not yet been uncovered? Or would you prefer to hide your head in the sand convincing yourself that the alternative just doesn't fit your scheme of how things should be?

    As a proud Kenyan, I can truly say I am so TIRED of playing the patronising game of some of our narrow-minded leaders. I am tired of wondering when I can be myself and vote my heart and conscience at every election. My vote this time is worth more than what "vote-riggers" would attach to it. This vote equals my life - an opportunity to dream BIG and have access to MANY options that will allow me to fulfil those dreams and the dreams of my children. And I don't have to move to America, Europe, Australia or any other country to do it!

  57. Sir,

    I have nothing to do with elections, I do not even vote. As soon as I heard the first results announced, I told my staff that it was the daftest way to organise elections. It is a mess like anything organised by politicians. So how can you get out of this mess?

    1) Annule the elections results. Accept that it was a cockup, cut your losses and start again. People should have the right to make their choices without the usual crookedness.
    2) Organise yourself better for the next election.
    3) Carry out the elections with better organisation and supervision.
    4) Transport the ballotboxes by car to the nearest international airport under GSU escort: Mombasa, Eldoret, Kisumu.
    5) Use cargoplanes to transport them to Nairobi and transport them under GSU escort.
    6) Count at a central place under heavy local and foreign supervision. Foreigners, such as US marines could not care less who wins, but should be able to oversee things. Most of them can read. Well, just!
    7) Do not announce any results until the end, when there is no doubt who won and nobody can falsify the results any more.

    If you need advice with the nitty gritty just ask me. You need the logic of an engineer to sort out anything so that it works.

    I have no interest in any candidate. I think any country needs managers not politicians and which one of them is a manager? Some of them could not even run a medical kiosk without going bankrupt. But we have to live in this world with them.

    Yours faithfully

    mzungu sympathiser





  59. If you believe that the person that is enciting ethnic cleansing is honorable then you deserve what is coming to you. He lets his OWN constituiencies starve and die and still thinks that it is ok since it is a "neccessary sacrifice"! This man is not whta you think he is. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is too selfish to let the country be in peace.He does not care about the people as you can obviously tell.H e will let fighting continue and innocent people die, businnesses and homes burnt when he sits in his comfotable home with tight security planning how to incite people more. A child with no manners and no respect!

  60. Raila is smart and intelligent. He can be President of Kenya. Unfortunately he will never legitmately win that mandate and he knows it. That is why Returning Officers were organised and promised fortunes. Thanks to Odinga's organisation skills. Anyway, they were found out. As Returning Officers see their fortunes slip away with Odinga they are set to make unfounded allegations. They should have made the correct count in the first place. Any forthcoming investigation must look at the conduct of Returning Officers and their team. Well tried Odinga!!!!

  61. I must say for a long time I've been a great doubter of Raila's credentials as a national leader. I've always viewed him as a Luo king rather than a nationalist. However these past few days have shown me where the real problem is. Raila fought well, he is a cunning politician and he deserves to be president. I think he will be good for nation building but not for the economy. The economy will grow well without any tinkering from the political class. Today I'm very embarrased by the actions of Kibaki. This election was supposed to mark the continued maturation of Kenyan politics. Kibaki should vacate office immediately, we simply cannot allow any leader to grab power like that. It just shouldn't be allowed. Just look at today's Nation headline 178 dead. Surely this is not the Kenya we know. Finally, it is time we started talking about tribe openly. It is time the word is fully incorporated in our government policy documents and all other writings. We should incorporate tribal based decision making into official positions in our public and private sectors. Avoiding it does not help. Just like HIV and AIDS we need more open honest discussions about our deepest fears, suspicions of other tribes. Without being open and addressing this issue directly we'll never jell as a one country. And to start this off, I'm a Kikuyu, I fear the Masaai 'coz you cannot close a land deal with them that they will continue to respect into the future. I fear the Kalenjin 'coz despite their friendliness when it comes to tribal attacks they will burn you alive in a church. I do not trust the Luos will not think only of themselves when one of their own rises to the head of this country. I fear Indians 'coz they will always con you in a shop. Go on state your tribal instincts openly.

  62. Some ignorant comments flying all over.

    But i guess its a free world can none of you not see Kenya had managed to run itself with its own money.Congratulation we managed a a thousand steps back we got 1m given to red cross to sort our mess.That makes us dependent again on foreign aid.

    Then told we dont need to pay tax but we shalll have free education and hand out money to the poor.


    Look at the trading laws or better still read the real reason for african clashes.

    Then question you comments that are really saddening, yes show the rest of the world how immature we are yes you the elite seating in your cozy homes as you continue to incite each other.

    Last but not least how many of you have been home?

  63. Raila Ondinga will never be the president of Kenya. the elections hav proved that no matter how much his supportes would want everybody to believe he is not so popular and a MAJORITY of kenyans didnt vote for him. first him and Kibaki got slightly over 4 million votes meaning they wewre level n another close to 1 million voters voted 4 wiper. it thus doesnt need a rocket scientist to know that whether it wewre him or Kibaki who won it would hav been a minority president. Raila n his pple are a minority since kibaki n kalonzo r speaking with one voice. Kenya will not allow a bunch of hooligans in the name of ODM to cause mayhem in the country. ODM believes they are the majority coz they are the loudest they shud however know that Kenya will not suck up to their nonsense. Raila's best bet 4 the presidency is gone. Never again will Kenya allow itself to be divided along tribal lines by politicians with a high appetite 4 power like ODM did. Kibaki shud take control and crackdown this bunch of criminals in the name of ODM who are hell bent in to destroying lives n poroperties of hardworking Kenyans in the name of fighting for justice. ODM MY ASS

  64. Raila = Ex Convict, Charged with treason, Flamboyant, corrupt, Idolizes a dictator (named his son Fidel Castro], Non Development concious (kibera has seen minimal improvement despite Raila's 15yrs as MP)

    Therefor Raila eq Weakest Link

  65. Raila will never be a President of Kenya unless He changes his son's name to something else. He will never be the president of Kenya. Watch this space!!

  66. Raila is the best executive president we Kenyans could have had, in as much as I would like fellow citizens to calm down now that the Illegitimate president is in power, it is upon those of us who believe in true democracy to fight for our rights till the Hon. MP for Othaya understands that Kenya belongs to many but just not a few clicks of greedy bustards surrounding Mt. Kenya and its environs, lets wake up Kenyans and defend our democratic rights regardless of what it will take.
    The struggle continues, we cant be baking cakes while only a few benefit from it.
    We need democracy to prevail, give us our president.

  67. Form Confirmation

    i ODM think party is sound and is what kenya needs. the current situation is a sad state of affairs and odm must take a stand and take lead in leading kenya out of this current dismal situation.

    i think odm is credibal and must prove to its supporters that it cares about our democracy but also our lives and livelyhood. we voted with our conscious and our right was stolen from us. how to redeem this is your mandate now odm.

    however me and many of my friends are demoralised and do not trust the electral process in Kenya. in view of this i would recommend that odm carry out a poll to ocnfirm that their other supporters will vote in the event of re-election. it would be futile to go through re-election and fail because supportes chose not to vote.

    i support your cause but recommend that you pursue a legal soulution as well to remain legitimate.if you, our leaders ,do not respect or believe in the law how can we your supportes follow that law that you reject.i do not think odm approves rape, murder,robbery,trespass and arson.
    this will lead to lawlessness and suffering which shall unfortunately be blamed on odm.

    it is obvious that there has to be alot of legal reform to remedy and block the loop holes that have allowed this to happen. Raila can only do this in parliament.

    i think odm should remain in opposition and serve us just like during the moi regime and they will remain legitimate and the people's choice unlike the government of the day.

    we shall surely vote you in come 2012! i hope you keep us all in mind as you make your decisions.


  68. i wonder what kenyans are waiting for. lets get out in large numbers and go to the eck, arrest all the commisioners, then to state house and evict kibaki and then install raila coz we all know he won. i have no doubt that you are thw peoples prezzo.long live mr president. this is wadida wambundo

  69. Raila hajakufa bado he still have a chance. But he is now a prime minister i am sure he will serve all kenyan with justice n come 2012 or if kibaki dies in btwn he wont even run campaigns. Kenyan r no thick they all know kibaki stole Votes.

  70. raila as president? hard to crack. alot of water yet to pass under the bridge. mt kenya factor is still a big stumbling block. politics in kenya is becoming so much unpredictable. kibaki may pull another dirty trick on kenyans come 2012. who knows?

  71. Raila might not be the president but everyone in the government are using his ideas.
    his smartness upstairs leaves many mouths open.
    if he keeps it up. No doubt he is the next president.
    if the consititution is changed then raila doesnt need to run for the presidency, he should and will remain the prime minister and another like mudavadi to go for the oresidency,otherwise he has the hearts of the kenyan
    ........ Utawala Nairobi

  72. its sad but true he calls himself a reformer yet he does not even allow internal democracy in 'his' party ODM.what happens if he is in charge of this country,your guess is as good as mine

  73. You seee.I've come too late into the topic.But allow me to point out that Raila is gonna be the 'first democratically elected president' of this nation.He'd have been in 2008 and something somewhere just didnt go well.
    Now,nothing may go wrong.We've four presidential aspirants for 2012.
    Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta.He is not ready to run.Politicians want him to but he is reluctant for the 2002 repeat 'project' fame.
    William Samoei arap Ruto.He is burning like fire.He is so enthusiastic and energetic that he now looks like the official leader of opposition.But that tribal leader tag plus the 2008 violence are the curses.The will haunt him for a long time to come.
    Kalonzo Musyoka.Even those from his own backyard cant let us make him president.He is just "out of phase" with the coomon mwananchi.The crusade to defer kenya out of icc was his last nail on his self made coffin.
    Agwambo.They hate him for no apparent reason.This man is a man of the people.Kenya will never rue his presidency.I believe its the only transition we want to come out of 1.tribal 2.illetracy 3.poverty and selfish quagmire that we were thrown into by our fathers.
    He is th ebest for the nation.Worst for those who know they caused this nation any sort of grevious harm.

  74. In the 2012 elections, my advice to the people of Kenya. Not only the Kikuyus or the Luos, but the entire nation is just one. Look understand and evaluate before voting ANY idiot or a person who will be there for his own upkeep. One thing I know or understand presently, is that after 24 years the Kikuyus got the top seat, hence the MoU was shredded to pieces and to think that they will just let anyone apart from their own to occupy it is, according to them, treason. So come what may, they will use all means, even stealing and swearing in like the last time, to make sure that noone ELSE comes in between.What they are after is MONEY and believe me, they are the most ruthless and innocent looking at the same time, and to them robbing and looting is a culture that is prophecised whoever they believe in. So its only this time round that should anything like this happens, GOD forbid, we will be like Ivory Coast.

  75. In the 2012 elections, my advice to the people of Kenya. Not only the Kikuyus or the Luos, but the entire nation is just one. Look understand and evaluate before voting ANY idiot or a person who will be there for his own upkeep. One thing I know or understand presently, is that after 24 years the Kikuyus got the top seat, hence the MoU was shredded to pieces and to think that they will just let anyone apart from their own to occupy it is, according to them, treason. So come what may, they will use all means, even stealing and swearing in like the last time, to make sure that noone ELSE comes in between.What they are after is MONEY and believe me, they are the most ruthless and innocent looking at the same time, and to them robbing and looting is a culture that is prophecised whoever they believe in. So its only this time round that should anything like this happens, GOD forbid, we will be like Ivory Coast.

  76. In the 2012 elections, my advice to the people of Kenya. Not only the Kikuyus or the Luos, but the entire nation is just one. Look understand and evaluate before voting ANY idiot or a person who will be there for his own upkeep. One thing I know or understand presently, is that after 24 years the Kikuyus got the top seat, hence the MoU was shredded to pieces and to think that they will just let anyone apart from their own to occupy it is, according to them, treason. So come what may, they will use all means, even stealing and swearing in like the last time, to make sure that noone ELSE comes in between.What they are after is MONEY and believe me, they are the most ruthless and innocent looking at the same time, and to them robbing and looting is a culture that is prophecised whoever they believe in. So its only this time round that should anything like this happens, GOD forbid, we will be like Ivory Coast.

  77. The name raila has became a mentioning issue in the current kenyan mentions, this is apromise i have to make to you my fellow kenyans;RAILA WUOLD BE THE BEST AMONG THE YAP YAP TEENS TRYIN TO BRING HIS FAME TO THE GROUND,OWAD GI AKINYI WOULD DEAL WID DE CORRUPT TO MAKE KENYA A BETTER PLACE.HAKISHENI TUMELETA CHANGE HAPA KENYA!!!! VOTE RAILA VOTE TOGETHERNESS


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