Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

The Demons of the Londiani junction tragedy will shock most Kenyans

Londiani tragedy mystery and the spiritual

One must now reflect on a few issues in light of the unfortunate Londiani tragedy freak accident. Can you even begin to imagine a single truck and trailer wreaking such havoc and causing as much damage to a road as this one did? These trucks are involved in accidents all the time, but the casualties are never as great as they were in this case. The truth is that when there is such a high death toll in a single incident, it is most likely spiritual in nature, and you cannot escape the spiritual. 

Now I've shown in numerous articles here and videos on my Kumekucha Chris YouTube channel that just before general elections and just before the Christmas holidays, road accidents dramatically increase on our roads. Some of us naive Kenyans believe that this is because, for example, in the run-up to the Christmas holidays, more and more drivers get drunk. And people tend to point to a lot of other factors which although they cause accidents, don't add up to the numbers that we end up with in some of our gory mishaps on Kenyan roads.

And yet, we are aware that in the spiritual realm, politicians and those calling themselves businessmen but really just looking to make quick cash are engaged in some incredibly evil, even demonic, acts. Shakahola is the most recent illustration of this. Now that you know what was going on in Shakahola and which Kenyans have been listed as being involved (those active in politics and major business people) it should all be rather clear. 

But here comes the real shocker. Although these dark activities are mostly done in order to get someone into office, such as a governor or MP, they can also occasionally be done in order to maintain that official in office, such as a governor or politician. This evil can be done to keep somebody in office.

Because maybe their position in power has been threatened. Or maybe their leadership is shaky. Indeed maybe there is a threat of removing them from power.

My sincere condolences to all Kenyans who lost loved ones, but also to those who were injured, some of them severely enough to change their lives forever. May Almighty GOD comfort them all and grant them his peace which passes all understanding. 

Watch Part B of this YouTube video for more information

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