Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Nanyuki Father And Daughter Accused Of Murdering Rich Man

Money-hungry parents clearly have no boundaries. After the Sharon Otieno case now another shocking saga unfolds in Nanyuki involving a young woman, her brutally murdered sponsor and her dad. Police are now holding dad and daughter as murder suspects.

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Why Kikuyu girls go crazy over Luhya men: 
The secret reason is finally revealed
The story and the reputation of Luhya men in Kenya is legendary. But what really is the secret of strong Luhya men and why do the rather beautiful and drop-dead-gorgeous Kikuyu ladies find them irresistible?

The females equivalent to Luhya men has to be Kamba ladies (See;Beautiful Kamba Women: Why Men Are Crazy About Them, The Untold Secret)

The naked truth is that it all boils down to the after-lights-out vigorous activities. But before we go there there are other factors to take careful note of.

In relationships and marriage, cultural backgrounds can play a significant role in shaping dynamics and expectations. And exploring the relationships between Luhya men and Kikuyu women, two prominent ethnic groups in Kenya reveals plenty of interesting dynamics.
Luhya men and Kikuyu women come from distinct cultural backgrounds with their own traditions, customs, and values. When these two individuals come together in a relationship or marriage, they bring their unique perspectives and experiences into the union. This can either impact negatively or positively but the final msema kweli is after lights out.

It is important to note that generalizations about any group of people can sometimes be misleading as individuals within these communities may have diverse beliefs and practices. However, there are some common observations that have been made about relationships between Luhya men and Kikuyu women.

One aspect that often arises in discussions about this topic is the perceived compatibility between Luhya men's laid-back nature and Kikuyu women's assertiveness. Some argue that this combination can create a balanced dynamic where both partners complement each other's strengths.

Additionally, cultural differences may also influence aspects such as family dynamics, gender roles, and expectations within the relationship. Understanding these differences can help foster open communication and mutual respect between partners.

It is worth noting that successful relationships are built on more than just cultural compatibility. Factors such as shared values, effective communication, trust, and mutual understanding all contribute to the strength of any relationship or marriage.

Ultimately, every relationship is unique and should be approached with an open mind. While cultural backgrounds can shape certain aspects of a partnership between Luhya men and Kikuyu women, it is essential to recognize that love knows no boundaries or stereotypes.

But what my research has found is that Kikuyu women tend to place the abilities of their partners in bed very high up in their expectations and if this turns out okay they will usually be prepared to trade almost every negative aspect for this single advantage. Luhya men on the other hand have a weakness for beautiful slender women, something that is not common amongst the Mulembe nation ladies who are more often than not very heavily built.

I dug this out of the Kumekucha archives
How could she…?? That girl was yours, or so you thought. How could she fall for a player and a man who is NOT nice to women like that guy I can't stand?? What happened?
It's critical to be ready in case a gunshot wound emergency arises near you. This is of course much more important with the current situation in Kenya. And remember most of the victims in the country so far have been people who were not even participating in demonstrations. Also a gunshot wound that receives early medical attention frequently doesn't become fatal. 
Crazy BUT true reading;
The saying "the dead don't tell tales" has come to haunt police and a Kakamega town when the body of a lady who had been missing for more than a week was found after its location was revealed in a dream.
The strange episode has re-ignited the long-running argument over whether the dead may speak to the living and the applicability of "their messages" to those they may have talked to.

Police are unsure of whether to treat the person to whom the revelation was made as a whistle-blower or a suspect as the villagers speculate that the dream may be a testament to the deceased's desire for a proper funeral and her determination to see her killers brought to justice.

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