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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Get-customers Secrets of A Mzungu Sent to Africa And Safaricom Because He Had Little Formal Education

Michael Joseph: Mzungu who arrived in Kenya with a magical get-customers secret in his briefcase.
So you think just because you are NOT very educated you cannot go far in life without first reaching university? You are sure that with your standard eight education you will go nowhere? You even feel ashamed to comment on Facebook sometimes with limited standard eight certificate?
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Think again, my friend. You can do anything and you can be anything. Just read this amazing story about a man who was sent to Africa (the dark continent according to mzungus) just because of his limited formal education. And to a market the mzungus were sure was a small market and would always remain a small market. Well that man without much education took that small station and did miracles that the world is still amazed at, even today.
You too my friend can make a huge difference in this world before you leave it. Read the amazing story of this man whom I am sure you know and have always thought that he is a very educated man. hehehehe!!
The Safaricom story is a fairytale that every entrepreneur in Kenya and beyond should learn plenty from. How does a company that did not exist just the other day suddenly become the most profitable company in the region?

Well, you can be sure that it did not happen by accident or fluke. It all started with the arrival of a mzungu (in his late fifties) with a briefcase to a small office in the then Telecoms house. The room was so small that it is smaller than the single rooms that most Kenyans rent countrywide in big cities and towns. 

To his head office the mzungu was nothing. Just a hard working man who had very limited formal education and could therefore NOT be sent to a big market in Europe or South East Asia. But what made a huge difference was the BIG get-customers secret that mzungu had in his briefcase (more about that in a bit. That secret can help anybody do BIG miracles!!

Interestingly this mzungu, was sent to Kenya and safaricom by a company called Vodafone which is a giant British group that is one of the world's largest mobile operators. Vodafone had just bought majority shares in Safaricom from Kenya Posts and Telecommunications a collapsing government parastatal then that had been robbed blind by politicians. 

The bosses in London believed that it was impossible for Kenya to get more than 400,000 people owning a mobile phone. To them Kenya would always be a "small market". And it looked like they were NOT wrong because when the mzungu they sent arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, Safaricom had only 20,000 customers. 

That mzungu who was sent by Vodafone is Michael Joseph. Incidentally one of the other reasons Mr Joseph ended up in Kenya was because of his limited formal education. Economist magazine put it thus; Mr Joseph was picked for the Kenyan job because he lacked the finishing-school polish required to be a European boss.

The lesson here is that it is NOT a good formal education that makes you successful or enables you to get plenty of customers for your make-money venture. A good formal education is good but if life never gave you that it is NOT THE END.

But what BIG get-customer secret did Mr Joseph have in his briefcase that has transformed Safaricom from that small room in Telecoms house to one of the biggest and most profitable companies in Kenya? 

What secret is this that was also applied to a small struggling clothes boutique by this writer with magical results? Get all your answers in seconds. Download the eMagazine for yourself NOW! and discover this game-changer of a secret. Do it NOW!!! Incidentally this is one tip that can be applied to literally any business small or big or any money-making venture. Even a hawker can benefit from it.

Calling all discouraged Kenyans who had a hard time in 2016 mainly because they felt that they did not have enough education, money, connections etc. to succeed in life. 2017 is YOUR YEAR!! Make the first step to your success and get that information NOW!!

OR Download the eMagazine for yourself NOW! (no email or registration required).    


  1. Quite a get customers fairy tale and it is true. nice

  2. Very good write-up. Also sent SMS and got a free copy of the information in email.very very fascinating. already implementing the info, hope you will publish my honest opinion here when I am done.

  3. NimeSMS nikapata that buk pap!.Where the Fu** do you get them ideas from??? pretty impressive.


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