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Saturday, November 16, 2013

How Mutula Kilonzo Snr Was Murdered: Mutula GOK autopsy confirms shocking Kumekucha book

How and why Mutula Kilonzo Snr was assassinated

The late senator Mutula Kilonzo's murder was the most high tech assassination to ever happen on these shores. The special report I produced shortly after the death of the Makueni politician Why Was Mutula Murdered? was NOT well received by everybody. There are those who did not mince words and said that it was pure fiction. 
However yesterday the government finally released the autopsy report from the post mortem conducted on the late senator for Makueni. 6 MONTHS LATE!! It is hardly surprising (for those who have read the book) that it went round in circles (the idea being NOT to clearly state that the senator was indeed murdered). Still, hidden deep in the report was the following sentence;

the presence of ephedrine is significant and may have contributed to the death “ 

Any expert able to decipher the report will tell you that everything else on the same report is consistent with death caused by taking an overdose of ephedrine.


Those who have read Why Was Mutula Murdered? (and you can read it right away by taking advantage of the offer that gives you access to ALL KUMEKUCHA BOOKS including the Mutula one just send an email to umissedthis at gmail dot com with "all books" in the subject area for full details in seconds) will know exactly what I am talking about here. But what is even more fascinating are the circumstances under which the Ephedrine overdose was disguised and introduced into the late senators high security home. It is just plain mind boggling and had to be the work of a highly professional assassin unlikely to be Kenyan, just as I said in the book. But the motive of the murder is linked to the ICC trials.

Amazingly, it is quite likely that the Ephedrine would have been overlooked altogether during the post mortem had it not been for a curious and annoying demand that the foreign pathologist insisted on shortly after he landed in the country (it pays to rely on experts). The Pathologist hired by the Mutula family specializes in sudden death cases.

...So it was NOT fiction after all.

To get a copy of Why Mutula was murdered email umissedthis at gmail dot com


  1. The fact that Chris Kumekucha publishes stuff that is confirmed/comes true many months later is not news at all and if it is it is very stale news. This is because this has been happening since 2005 when Kumekucha started. It is the reason we read it.

    So stop bragging and stating the obvious and give us something really hot about the Hague for instance.

  2. Tired of this country being ruled by rapists, murderers, Thugs, digital manipulators. Dont be vague,go to the Hague.
    Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. (Ha! Are chinese, russians communists our new friends?)

  3. Chris,

    Why don't some of us allow the soul or spirit or shadow of Mutula Kilonzo to continue resting in peace forever?

    The man had a very good life while he walked among us for decades, as a matter of fact there over sixteen million of us who still envy him for the manner in which he conducted himself, the properties he owned in the city of Nairobi, along the coast and in his rural home area.

    Lest we forget to mention the circle of good friends who gravitated around him for all the reasonable motives, including the other usual corporate, political, tribal, social and village opportunists who chased him around for financial rewards, soft loans, and handouts.

    By the way, what happened to the native big cats, several wild animals and exotic birds from South America that were left behind by former Senator-elect Mutula Kilonzo?

    Will his family, generous friends and very powerful colleagues help keep his legendary name alive in the form of constructing a 100-bed hospital in his rural home, two primary schools and two secondary schools for 720 students each?

    Mmmm! On the flip-side, what's the real point of amassing excessive wealth in one's life time only to leave it all behind for others to mow and plow through it without any possibility of ever leaving thank-you-notes on your grave or attaching heartfelt gratitude to the seasonal winds that carry the souls, spirits and shadows of those departed to a parallel universe?

    May the late Senator-elect Mutula Kilonzo continue to RIP until such a time so many of us will run into him five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five or fourty years from now - 2013.

  4. Mutula Kilonzo's face is cracked up, was it rearranged posthumously or tempered with priusquam-humously? The man's face should be portrayed with halo around his once handsome face from Makueni.

  5. Mutula Kilonzo's sudden death should be a reminder to many young and not so old Kenyan men that it is one thing to worship and crave for the golden opportunities of amassing wealth as long as they eat, drink, be merry, make love to their wives - not ndogondogo or mpango wa kando - and above all else, invest the money into something useful for the common good such as a gift that will continue giving itself once the givers and donours have kicked the bucket, moved on and their legacies forgotten by future generations by 2043 and beyond 2053.


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