This noble cause is sure to play host to such penetrating questions as:
- When is Artur Margayan's book being released?
- Has Kenyan history circa 1963 been told truthfully?
- Name a famous Kenyan land grabber
- Why were Nyayo torture chambers run while you were a senior member of the government?
- What is the tribe of your spouse?
- Where and when did you amass the wealth you have today?
- Who is behind political assassinations in Kenya and why?
- Who funded the YK92 and where are the audited accounts?
- How do you say StateHouse in your opponents mother-tongue?
The search for a leader out of the numerous names of contenders has begun in earnest as 2013 draws closer. Never before has there been such an opportunity for a new breed of leader born after independence to wrest the political control from hands of the old guard who are scared to stand next to a computer.
Totally new faces, preferably dot-com Kenyans who have not been in politics before and can surf the internet can now clearly demonstrate on Television how the GDP of Kenya can overtake Singapore by 2030
The Kenyan voter gladly welcomes this opportunity to question the string of broken promises which overshadow all the other achievements that have been made by the government since 2002 NA BADO
We are just worried of the political inclinations of the media houses. How neutral will they be?
ReplyDeleteA wind of refreshing change is quietly sweeping across the nation with the decision by the local press to air imperialist-style Presidential democratic debates on Kenyan airwaves come November 26th 2012.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha hu hu hu hi
Beauty parade for the MOST UGLY PEOPLE (mostly men) in Kenya!
Americans have been holding these MOST UGLY MEN parades in the last 50 years.
What have they achieved?
Copy cats and imitators of USELESS stuff!
The search for a leader out of the numerous names of contenders has begun in earnest as 2013 draws closer. Never before has there been such an opportunity for a new breed of leader born after independence to wrest the political control from hands of the old guard who are scared to stand next to a computer.
And, ati new breeds? Are they German shepherd dogs?
What do these new breeds know that is different from the old breeds?
Totally new faces, preferably dot-com Kenyans who have not been in politics before and can surf the internet can now clearly demonstrate on Television how the GDP of Kenya can overtake Singapore by 2030
For your information, by 2030, there will be around 70 MILLION Kenyans.
With your NIGHTMARE 2030, we doubt even if we shall be able to feed these 70 MILLION mouths leave alone overtake Singapore.
Having noted the above, overtaking Singapore is very easy.
However, for this to happen, Kenyans must do a number of very difficult/IMPOSSIBLE actually within the existing SLAVE thought paradigm.
Some of these are:
(a) Shut and close down the World Bank Office in Nairobi and give those BLOOD THIRSTY PRIESTS there one way ticket to HELL.
Politely, tell them that, their RECONSTRUCTION (read DESTRUCTION) which has been going on for 60 years is enough.
(b) Ship out the IMF VICIOUS PRIESTS in the Treasury. Tell them politely that, EU is missing them and their wonderful SATANIC economic ideas.
(c) Abolish VAT, Income Taxes, and such ROBBERY SCHEMES.
NB: Just see how SATANIC systems work:
- They call it Value Added Tax.
We ask:
- What value does a wholesaler add?
Since he adds no value, he only adds his costs, technically, this tax is pure fraud.
To be legal, the VAT should have been called COST ADDED TAX (CAT).
But, that would have enabled the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS graduates to decipher the CODE OF THE ENEMY which they are supposed to PARROT, but, not understand. Ask Mr. Githae the LAWYER!
- And, why should one be PUNISHED and ROBBED for adding value to a rude product?
Is any of these guys who want to be the next president interested in such ideas?
If anyone is aware of such a candidate, we would be happy to know about him/her.
Alternatively, will such SEDITIOUS and RADICAL ideas be discussed?
Anyway, since Africans are CEREMONIAL people, they will miss the SUBSTANCE as USUAL.
So, Kenyans do not "need" debates.
They need African Teachers to teach them:
After all, was the African Teacher not the FIRST NATION BUILDER in this world?
With that, it is time to leave to enjoy:
Teach I and I African Teacher,
I admit we go to [IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS] school
But we never finish
Not until we reach upon
The soil of Africa, where in
I and I can be teached by African Teachers
LOLZ! Ati, how do you say 'State House' in your opponent's mother tongue?
ReplyDeleteAnd people who are scared to stand next to a computer because it might read their minds, or drain their blood, or worse, subtract their potential votes in the final round?
Well, it is not too late to secure a commercial spot on the schedule for the November 26th, 2012imperialist-style presidential "democratic" debate on Kenyan liberalized airwaves.
Now, who are the real contenders, pretenders and lenders among the group of ten presidential hopefuls?
By the way, how many among those who want to be the next presidential winner in 2013, suffer from a real "lack of integrity"?
A picture may be worth a hundred mandazi or mahamri depending on what side of my father's former village one comes from.
However, the expression on those faces seem to know something more than so many of us would like to admit, especially among the potential 'lenders' - political candidates who will end up offering (lending) their full support and avid foot-soldiers to the most cunning bidder.
@Luka, kwani how do you say ikulu and hekalu in the languages of some of your neighbourly compatriots, those who happen to be among the majority of young voters who are getting ready not just for the presidential debates imperialist-style but also for the second round of 2013 presidential elections?
ReplyDeleteWachana na e-beauty parade of the ..
Where is your position on Kumekucha parade of IVY fools?
That said here is the TV theme
1) Fresh start
2) Reformist leadership
3) Servant leadership
4) Youthful leaderhsip
5) Inclusive/non-polarizing
6) Untainted/principled
Match the faces to 1-6 above.
The political soil in which the current crop of presidential candidates have been growing in needs immediate aeration and quick reseeding, otherwise the country is doomed to fail when a drought of ideas hits the leadership circles in 2017 and 2022. None of those face is worth the real task ahead them. Observers will hate to remind most of us that we were warned in advance, way back in 2012. The electorate should expect to see any real changes and reforms being implemented in the next five to ten years, if they keep reelecting the same political faces back into office.
ReplyDeleteMartha Karua of all people, was busy campaigning in parliament for her fair share of the loot - Sh6 billion send-off goodies - to the point where she ended up making Amos Kimunya and Bonny Khalwale look and sound like real saints because of their opposition against the Sh6 billion rip-off package.
ReplyDeleteWhile loud boos could be heard echoing in the house chamber that seemed three quarters empty, whenever few members of parliament stood up and spoke out against the intended looting of Sh6 billion from the public coffers.
What a shame! What a shame! What a shame it was, especially when one nominated member of (p)arliament (NMP), who does not represent any constituency, urban women, groups of homeless children, the IDPs or rural women could be shouting herself haorse by uttering the following;
"For once we are not going to be ashamed to fight for our rights (in the tune of Sh6 billion in perks) because our rights (Sh6 billion send-off package) is enshrined (in the Constitution) just like the rights of the commissioners." - as heard on YouTube coming from the horse's - Rachel Shebesh's - mouth.
Oh my gosh! Has the parliament become the modern day den of Ali Baba and over two hundred thieves like some of us?
Sh6 billion rip-off in broad daylight, Kenya style, or it be classified as parliament sneaky style?
And just because other greedy or crooked public officials with a licence to eat (loot) at will are also busy ripping off the public coffers does not justify the likes of Shebesh and Karua et al to demand for their right or turn to eat before the looming general election?
What about the people? What about the raia? What about the rural and urban poor women and children?
When will they get their perks or so-called send-off packages in form of housing, water, stable foods, clothing, medicines, schools, hospitals, basic security, electricity, rural access roads, transportation,et cetera?
And above all, a place to call their own within a country they have always known as their own - the republic of Kenya.
PEV Chaos
Nyayo oppress
Land grabbers
Polit assassinations
Those who have benefited from these should never be on the balot box
Kenyans are obsessed too much on presidency.
ReplyDeleteIf we want to match Singapore in 2050 (2030 unrealistic) then:
1)Introduce credibility law to all public office holders (including school headmasters)
2)Reduce wages of mps to maximum of 400k (including all allowances)
3)PS, University VC, Governors, Ministers should get the same= 400,000Kshs TOTAL
4)President should earn 800,000Kshs in Total including ALL allowances.
5)Reduce the number of districts and constituencies. Do away with DOs, DCs, PCs but NOT chiefs and ass. chiefs
Reason: Kenya must attract investors. The labour cost is already too high and is approaching some of the EU level. No one would like to invest in Kenya, accommodation, housing, land, electricity is toooo expensive because the Kenyan top brass owns them and want more.
Remember after testing blood, a hyena wants more and would not let it go.
This is the problem in Kenya and NOT the presidency.
"For once we are not going to be ashamed to fight for our rights (in the tune of Sh6 billion in perks) because our rights (Sh6 billion send-off package) is enshrined (in the Constitution) just like the rights of the commissioners." - as heard on YouTube coming from the horse's - Rachel Shebesh's - mouth.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! Has the parliament become the modern day den of Ali Baba and over two hundred thieves like some of us?
No no no. You seem not to get the NATURE OF THINGS.
After much DEBATE (like the forthcoming ones), Kenyans, in their WISDOM (read delusions, illusions and childish fantasies) thought that, the cure to their mess was this:
- remove power from one man who is corrupt (executive), and give that power to a MULTITUDE called Parliament (Parliament of FOOLS).
Look, if you have one tyrant and a few of his friends/favorites stealing, it is more "tolerable" tyranny than having a MULTITUDE of like 400 tyrants robbing you.
It is worse because, each of these has his favorites. So, the tyranny of a MULTITUDE is even worse than that of a single man.
In other words, for lack of correct knowledge in NATION BUILDING & MANAGEMENT, Kenyans will be swinging from one extreme idea to another while accomplishing totally nothing.
So, enjoy the fruits of your REFORMIST LEADERSHIP which is a THEME in the debates.
NB: Here, we have the WHOLE OF THE KENYAN MEDIA, totally unable to frame issues. Bure sana hawa watu!
Anyway, it is time to enjoy:
Stiff necked fools, you think you are cool
To deny me for simplicity
Yes, you have gone for so long
With your love for vanity, now
Yes, you have got the wrong interpretation
Mixed up with vain imagination
Oh yes indeed! Kenya's problem number one is not just limited to the presidency or the joker (clown) at the State House and his henchmen and political jezebels.
ReplyDeleteBut the main problem is definetly found among legions and legions of underlings, the so-called civil servants whose only dedicated priority in life is to fleece the treasury and take home huge salaries and fat perks for 15% - instead of the required 90% - of work done in any given time period.
Civil servants - public leeches - who join the government or rather seek employment in the civil service as a means to have access to easy and free money - remuneration - are the country's number one problem in terms of revenue sucking, government malfuntion, fraudulency, bribery, moral depravity, decay, theft, slothfulness, etc
We have been our country's worst enemies in the fifty years, in the same sickening way the screaming and angry Greeks who are now busy blaming the rest of the world for their own deep seated economic problems that have been to their economy and country in the last seventy years.
ReplyDeleteWhat TV debate? That is a bunch of Malarkey/stuff.
Nothing personal, but what goes around comes around, hence Karua should do the country a very big favour by following so many of the political deadwoods and known crooks into political oblivion.
ReplyDeleteKarua should be called out to recuse herself from the presidential race as well as rescue herself from the sickening seasonal politics of entitlement and impunity with immediate effect.
Karua of all people in parliament failed to stay above the fray, and she did not have the guts, propriety, candour, and maternal instincts to oppose the sneakily crafted bill which would have sanctioned several billions rip-off to be siphoned from the treasury and awarded to the MPigs given one of their worst record in the nation's history.
Time to give chance to new breed of young and not-so-old political women who are vigilant, courageous and ready to stand up for what is right for the nation and its people, especially children and women.
It is absolutely laughable that Kenya will overtake Singapore!It's a pipe dream!We Kenyans need to understand one thing you cannot recycle all these politicians for leadership every election cycle..These guys have only agenda and that is to loot the exchequer For their own selfish agenda and power games...I have not seen one politician till date who is actually thinking for the people of Kenya and it's development and getting the people out of poverty...It's only when we Jenyans realize for the last 50 years we have berb taken for a the greatest train robbery of the world...Wake up and smell all the leeches!The answer to our problems lies infront of us and yet we Kenyans embark on the road to nowhere!!
ReplyDelete"When an MPig is talking, you don't talk, you freeze, because the MPigs know what to do next."
ReplyDeleteMPigs will simply end up getting their gratuitous desires fulfilled before parliament empties out in time for another round of five year general election.
They need the millions for their campaigns or to nurse their wounds when and if they get a thorough beating at the polls by their no underestimated opponents.
Money just like time, is a very good healer of wounds, if there is plenty to go around.
Sin-ga-pore as in the Southeast Asian country?
ReplyDeleteOr Sin-ga-lore, as in the sanctioned mundus operandi within the public sector as well as private sector in the whole of Kenya, an East African nation?
Which is which? And what is what when it comes to comparing our sorry state of abysmal national affairs to to the brighter, highly developed and sophisticated national affairs of Singapore?
Are some of us - the highly educated ones of course - still dreaming of the same old deludes of competing at par with Singapore?
Or overtaking Singapore whose economy, politics, way of life and the degree of national pride among its citizenry is 100 (hundred) years, a whole century ahead of Kenya's government payroll economy?
Lest some of us forget one basic reminder that Singapore's total GDP is $314.911 billion, and its GDP per capita is $49,270.
Contrast with Kenya's total GDP which is overly estimated in the tune of $71.427 billion [wait a minute, where do the billions go every year? Our guess is as good as theirs and yours].
And GDP per capita that is $850 for those who are very lucky enough to be on government payroll (dole by any other name) and earning more than a dollar a day or more than $365 per a year.
Kenya's biggest QSP 'quick-sand-problem is the public's spending on government payroll in the tune of 76% of nation's GDP.
Sin-ga-pore or Sin-ga-lore?
All of the Kenya's politicians and redundant government employees have been our national economy's 'best friends' for the last fourty-nine years.
Unfortunately, the excessive payroll fat will have to be trimmed and the perks for mEmbers of pArliament prunned at all costs by the next government or leadership that will replaced the old school politicians from 1950s - pre-independence era.
Otherwise.... we are going to remain the very same people and nation that we have always been in the last fourty-nine years, namely, a bAnana rEpublic in the midst of vast natural resources and abundant wealth of great minds that have yet to discover their true GGP - God Given Potential.
The ten lined up faces trying to compete for the glorified presidency are absolutely laughable because everyone of them is deluded into thinking that they have the real solutions for Kenya's myriad of problems after all these years of having been part and parcel of the country's real problems.
ReplyDeleteThe very same old faces have either been in politics or drawned huge salaries while in high places within the government since the 1980s with an exception of one naive candidate who tends to follow the winds of allaince politics like a mzimbe (wallow tree).
Worst of all, we the people, will still vote them into office so that whoever they winners are, they may continue with the same old brand of politics, which is to use, abuse and waste the nation's resources and the people's interests.
We the people love so much to be used, abused and wasted as if there was no tomorrow, and sadly, that is what is so ludicrous as to be amusing once our so-called general election are over and done.
We have yet to mature as a nature, as a people from different regions (minus our self-destructive tribal tags) and as a politically minded people.
Otherwise, there will be no change after April 14th, 2013 as well as in December of 2017 or April of 2018, whenevre the next general election is fixed to held by the powers that be with the help of the usual major players and ethnic interest groups.