Hon Ferdinand Waititu called for expulsion of all Maasais from Kayole oblivious of the fact that he was pitting himself against two Maasais in the Minister for Internal Security Metito and Director of Public Prosecutions Tobiko.
Even his equally combative and theatrical colleague Sonko after spiriting him out of parliament with the help of gullible police would not bail him out his self-inflicted troubles. He simply invited it upon himself. And he wouldn't have let his lips loose at a bad time. Kenyans are too aware of serial violence during election cycles.
Waititu may have gotten away with murder before but this time the odds are mightily stuck against him. Even his political boss has disowned him. While Makwere may be gifted in spitting sweetened poison with his gliding tongue, Waititu never bothers about sch niceties.
Abrasively condemning a whole community infront of the camera is obtuse impunity. While Kenya has changed a great deal, many of its leaders still retain mindsets hard-wired in antics of yore.
AG Muigai has promised Waititu to serve as an example of what hate speech can earn. Let the lwa take its course hoping that Kenyan's landlords will not disregard courts like they did with county commissioners.

Image courtesy of FunKenya.COM
Waititu's incitement against the Masaais was so base even Uhuru had to disown him. The guy may be street smart but you don't go about as a honourable gangster. SHAME!!!
ReplyDeleteA very strong and clear message needs to be sent that Waititu's type of mtito behaviour and reckless utterances that have become his trademark for the last couple of years, will not be tolerated nor entertained by the authorities.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, as the chorus of condemnation continues to reverberate in Embakasi and within many circles around the city of Nairobi as well as rest of the country, the eye of the storm and the microscope is on what the DPP is doing and is going to do about Waititu's - warlord type of - criminal behaviour.
And any other similar criminal incidences that are bound to occur in other hotspots around the country due to the misguided actions of some zealous politicians and political aspirants whose sole aim is usually to provoke tensions, strife and inflame sectarian violence whenever they are faced with political uncertainties or insurmountable obstacles during an election season.
So far, Nairobi residents are really sick and tired of Waititu's brand of political sewage effluence in Embakasi and rest of the metropolitan area.
Unfortunately, politicians like Chirau Mwakwere may have dodged the prosecution's bullet and gotten away with his incendiary remarks, however, the Embakasi incident should not be allowed to become the norm as the nation grudgingly readies itself for the 2013 general elections that were supposed to be held in December of 2012.
The authorities should already have put in place the mechanism to have those kind of very reckless utterances nibbed in the bud - nipt in tse pat.
Stree smart? Waititu is not! Honourable gangster? Waititu has never been. Rabid political goon?That he is by all accounts. The man has been nothing more than a glorified common hoodlum from Embakasi. Those who have wasted their votes on him dating back to his days at the city council deserve him more and should clean after him.
ReplyDeleteWaititu can not handle the hard truth - God forbid - when legions of 1000s and 1000s of Maasai morans decide to descend upon Embakasi in order to reclaim what was rightfully theirs before the "outsiders" and "foreigners" flocked into the area and took over what was their free grazing lands granted to them by the Ancient One.
ReplyDeleteWaititu is part of the brotherhood of 'The Nothing Man' that has been forged at the round table of impunity and corruption - IKS(incorporated Kenyan style).
ReplyDeleteSomeone beat some of us to it a while ago with regard to an article that has been making its rounds in the social media and into many protals of academia as well as on the desks of many political campaign teams for the aspirants.
Not to forget many incumbents who are busy crafting a new image for themselves as they try to grapple with new strategies of defending their seats or transitioning from their current political offices into the eagerly awaited presidential, senatorial and gubernatorial offices of higher power and more influence.
Gone are the "Days of 'Total Man'" and enter the (RE:) "Day of the Nothing Man!" - South Africa's Justice Malala.
By the way, Justice Malala of South Africa is not a brother, an uncle nor related to Kenya's own Messieurs Malala a renown CPA, former resident of Westland, and current properietor who has been in Nairobi for the last three decades.
There are those of us are now left wondering how many Kenyan men and women will be inducted into the brotherhood of "Nothing Men" and sisterhood of "Nothing Women" after the 2013 general election.
The honourable MP has a knack of dressing up like a homeless person when he is up and about, yet he never forgets to suit up properly when he is being taken to court in handcuffs. What a dichotomy of sorts?
ReplyDeleteAbrasively condemning a whole community infront of the camera is obtuse impunity. While Kenya has changed a great deal, many of its leaders still retain mindsets hard-wired in antics of yore.
Ati Kenya has changed? Who told you such LIES?
When and where?
Talking of so called IMPUNITY, some will say that, the SMILING WAKO was the epitome of that impunity (we find such an assertion childish).
Now that he got his HUGE PENSION, having served the KENYAN PUBLIC DILIGENTLY according to Raila, is he not with the PARTY OF REFORMERS so as earn even BIGGER SALARIES?
Look, if you analyse the video where this guy was allegedly caught inciting, you will see a MULTITUDE OF IDLE, ANNOYED, FRUSTRATED, ANGRY YOUNG MEN ready to explode anytime.
Such a FACT, is what we ought to discuss and worry about.
Anyway, we know this:
- With their heads buried in the DUNGHILL, the DECADENT societies utter their SWAN songs such as changes, reforms, OPIUM SESSIONS etc, etc.
Endeeleni na kujindangany'a kama watoto tuu.
For us, we leave to enjoy:
You can celebrate all u like that Waititu was arrested but if he is a member of freemasonry like ALL the political elites, sorry he will be let off... it's only a matter of time.
ReplyDeleteFear not the 'Freemasons' for they are mere mortals, and not any different from the rest of those amongs us who support one another through mutual assistance, undying devotion, brotherly love and sisterly affection in our daily endevours.
ReplyDeleteAs for Waititu wa Mitito Mentality and his well established modus operandi, what he is accused of uttering in public resonates with 87.5% of the Kenyan population.
The only difference between the Waititu wa Mitito Mentality and the rest of 87.5% of the population is what is uttered in public or before cameras and the traditional chruses that are usually sang behind the scenes.
Or in what is normally considered to be very safe, conduisive and private environments by like minded people aka the Waititu types in our midst, especially those of makabila wa ukabila hatari living in urban or rural Kenya.
Need we say more other than there is nothing to celebrate about Waititu's ongoing legal issues until the time after he has been prosecuted, found guilty and then sentenced to jail for a prescribed duration according to the fullest extent of the law that deals with hate crimes in Kenya. Period.
Kula hilo! Pata hilo! Kamata hilo! Pokea hilo! Meza vidoge! Lamba Viboko! Kwani ulidhania wewe ninana hapa? Jogoo la Embakasi haliwiki hapa jijini! Ukula huu! Jilishe adabu! Ghadhabu wewe gavana wa kutupa mawe badla ya kuleta maendeleo huko Embakasi. Toka hapa maramoja wewe jogoo wa matata na vituko tela.
ReplyDeleteThere was a very distinguished gentleman who was too fond of asking his colleagues, nani mjinga, nani mjinga kati yenu? He would still be asking nani baina yetu ana dhamira, mawazo, tabia na siasa mbovu kama ya Waititu, if he had not ceased to exist eight years ago.
ReplyDeleteHumdrum! Humdrum! Humdrum! Humdrum!.
ReplyDeleteThe public utterance made by the well known, highly respected and very liked Honourable Member of Parliament - Ferdinard Wiatitu, MP, ESQ, EBS, - by the people of Embakasi, is a microcosm of the aduleterated general political opinion, views, tribal (racist) sentiments and pervasive regional attitudes that have been allowed to permeate through out the whole country in the last fourty-five years.
Due to the shameful failure of the government, the courts, law enforcement agencies, MPigs in general, local, regional and national political leaders, clergy and residents to fufil their patriotic obligations of being abiding institutions as well as citizens of Kenya.
The intended victims, the Maasai as in the Embakasi incident, could easily have been any other group of people, community or ethnicity around country that are always subject to similar racists (tribal) utterances and violent attacks during every general elction season.
So far, many of us have been quick in demonizing, vilifying and maligning Waititu (MP) for being the idiotic goon who got caught uttering such racists sentiments at the wrong place, wrong time and in public while cameras were present and rolling.
All things taken into account, Ferdinard Waititu is a character who typifies all that goes on in our very own local and regional political backyards in terms of who most of us would want to run or not run for elective office, let alone share the same amounts of available oxygen intake with the rest of us, ethnic insiders.
Case in point, let us take a very good look around at our respective local and regional ethnic enclaves, then tabulate the number of non insiders - people who don't belong to our overrated ethnicity - that have been elected or appointed to represent our regions in the last fourty-five years.
The tabulations speak speaks for itself as well as in terms of volumes in any given by-election or general electional cycle.
Well, if it were not for Waititu's type of deep seated mentlity that has become ehrained in many of us, then several outsiders - members of other ethnicities - would have already been elected in our very own local governments, municipalities, constituncies, and regions regardless of their gender, ethnic or religious backgrounds as opposed to the current sanctioned trend.
There are many of us who will still emulate Ferdinard Waittitu's attitude and ethnic sentiments in during the coming general election when we cast our votes for particular candidates of our choices due to very obvious reasons known to us in the silence of hearts and given our warped ethnic upbringing.
Our dead or living parents are to blame for having allowed most of us to be raised in such closed minded homesteads and families, rather than the other way around - in open, progressive and inclusive families, homes, homesteads, communities, villages, etc.
Furthermore, our versions of the current political climate and all things concerning who-is-who that will get elected to be the next president, senator, county governor, member of parliament ( the next crop of MPigs ), civic ward and women representative - in their superfluous capacity -, will solely depend on ethnic based preferrential voting, rather political based issues, constituency structure, or the right candidates and most qualified individuals to lead our country and respective constituencies and counties into a brighter future.
Unfortunately, our respective ethnicities are always held in very high regard by millions and millions of us (Kenyan citizens and the elctorate) as opposed to the Constitutions and country - Republic of Kenya.