Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Gov Dr Alfred Mutua Anajivunia Kuwa M'masaku

The first official Governement Spokesman for the Republic of Kenya Dr Alfred Mutua has resigned from his post and plunged headlong into the world of murky politics.

Alfie has been President Kibaki's mouthpiece for the last 8+ years. During that time the patriotic Mutua came with such ingenious slogan like 'Najivunia kuwa Mkenya'. And the enthusiasm radiated in his eyes when handing out stickers to motorists.

Mutua's entry into politics may just usher in a new political era of new faces. To top it up Mutua has promised a blockbuster memoir aptly titled "Shooting the Messenger" where he will bear it all.

He may look a political novice i the face of his potential opponents in the moneyed Muthama and co, but the communications professor is not naive.

Mutua has plenty of fire power under his belt starting from his Friday Daily Nation's column Msafiri more than two decades ago. Stevo has surely secured a huge catch.

He may have goofed in his numerous shameless defense of the indefensible, but Governor Mutua will surely offer Machakos Country a new political face.

Good luck Alfie.


  1. @Chris,

    Please confirm or deny that you canvassing to succeed Alfie.

    You have been suffocating Kumekuchans with the change mantra. Dr Mutua has stepped forward.


    Please tangaza msimamo wako. Can you be Alfie's running mate? I can sell you life membership of PUNDOM.

    You are invite

  2. Are county residents around the country going to be flooded with political images of new and old faces struggling to secure themselves a safer place on the deck of Kenya's version of the Titantic-2013, once Mwai Kibaki has headed back to Othaya to oversee the construction of his presidential library?

    Well, all long it now turns that Professor Dr. Great Communicator Mheshimiwa Alfred Mutua did not have much stock nor faith in the derivatives of Najivunia Kuwa Mkenya after all.

    Otherwise the the Great Communicator would have stood his ground and opted to tustle it out for the governorship of Nairobi against other Fulani-Come-Lately who have already declared their candidacy for the same.

    Anyway, Machakos is a very safe bet for Alfred Mutua as long as he tools a more palatable election message for the electorate under the banner, Najivunia Kuwa M'masaku and back it up with substantial independence means that will enable him withstand any potential political onslaught from his two main rivals vying for the same newly created governorship trophy for Machakos in 2013.

    Let the campaigns begin, and may the people's favourite choice win the governorship of Machakos in the coming few months.

  3. When a USELESS DRONE moves from one hive to another, it is news! Bure sana!

    One would have expected Chris to address a topic like this:





    Never mind that, the New USELESS Constitution says ELOQUENTLY that:

    Every worker has the right -

    (a) to FAIR remuneration;
    (b) to reasonable working conditions;
    (c) to go on STRIKE

    Anyway, since we live in the age of SWEET DELUSIONS, ILLUSIONS & CHILDISH FANTASIES led by ILLITERATE LAWYERS masquerading as LEARNED FRIENDS when they are LEARNED ENEMIES of the people, we leave to enjoy:

    This Way:


  4. @Taboo; what are you talking about? Do they employ pensioners to be government spokesman? Not to mention my kind of siasa? Ama I should have hope because of ambassador Muthaura?

  5. Challenging a peer's expertise or political intentions is a delicate situation in which some of us risk being wrong when all has been said and done by the end of April or early May of 2013.

    In the interest of ensuring all sorts of fairness to the other aspiring governors (yet to be named) of Machakos, a candidate like Alfred Mutua has two options in the race for governorship, one of either wilting in a field saddled with formidable contenders for the governorship of Machakos.

    Or emerging out of a grueling campaign schedule and mudslinging political fest around Machakos County, if the governor's race is saturated with the usual seasonal candidates (first timers, political wannabes, viruka njia from the diaspora, and others) without strong political fiber and deep pockets to back their candidacy.

    There are those of us who were never fans of Alfred Mutua at all and will not be in the long run due obvious reasons, however, chances are that Alfred Mutua may survive by making it through to the governor's mansion (yet to be built) because he is one of those transitional politicians with a unique personality and interesting perspective on issues.

    One of his well cutivated traits is that of a silent political assasin, who will smile in your face, gently pat you on the back, listen to your litany of unresolved issues and whatever grievances, past and present.

    And then offer timely but unsolicited brotherly or friendly words of encouragement, while at the same time seeking to know some of your political blueprint and weaknesses (including personal vices if any) when your guard is down, only to exploit them to his fullest advantage behind the scenes just before the homestretch.

    All in all, let credit be extended where it is due, in Alfred Mutua's case, he has managed to transformed himself into a political gunslinger who may end being the only the man standing once the governor's election campaign dust has settled in Machakos County.

  6. Have hope because of ambassador Muthaura.

    This is not based on my idea or hearsay, but it is based on the imput some well placed aspirants have been receiving from certain well connected insiders, kingpins, political matchmakers, and leading general election experts.

    Some very capable political aspirants have been asked to support the system within their respective political machinery with all their might in the course of the coming months, and they will be handsomely rewarded with high profile ambassadorial assignments and other senior level government appointments when the moment is right or as some have put it, after the eagle has landed at the house on the hill in 2013.

    But on one non-negotionable condition, which is, they all agree without any shadow of doubt that they will not change their minds and seek to run for the governors, senators, WPs (women reps) nor members of parliament positions in any way, shape or form, unless they asked to do so by the powers that be.

  7. Are county residents around the country going to be flooded with political images of new and old faces struggling to secure themselves a safer place on the deck of Kenya's version of the Titantic-2013, once Mwai Kibaki has headed back to Othaya to oversee the construction of his presidential library?


    Bwa ha ha ha ha hi hu hu hu wa wa wa wa we wi wi

    We assure thee that, you shall find the following classics in the DELUSIONAL ECONOMICS section of the proposed Kibaki's Presidential Library:

    1. How not to organize a free and fair OPIUM SESSION.

    2. How to build a nation by borrowing money from your enemies to build TOILETS in your SLUMS.

    3. How to rob Wanjiku using high sounding nonsense such as the 2201 visions.

    4. How to retain PERMANENT COMMISSION AGENTS, otherwise called PS's in Key Ministries like Finance and Energy.

    5. How to fight for the Western man's interest in his so called war on terror just as the Africans did in 1 WW and 2WW. They went all the way to Burma in their fight for FREEDOM and then came back to their Kenyan RESERVES!

    6. How to build a nation using declining commodity prices.

    7. How to spend BILLIONS writing a USELESS new constitution.

    8. How to tax yours FARMERS when they try to make two blades of grass grow where none used to grow and then ask for FOOD AID!

    9. How to ABUSE during inauguration your predecessor in your delusions of your own brilliancy!

    10. How to BEAT (VIOLENCE IS THE EXPRESSION OF IMPOTENCE) and HUMILIATE teachers who are role models for many kids if they dare ask for some decent pay.

    11. How to organize a FRAUDULENT devolution which only leads to increased TAXES on the TEACHERS and DOCTORS who you BEAT and HUMILIATE when they realize the game!

    Anyway, as we wait for that library, we retreat to enjoy:

    Time Is Getting Harder


  8. Taabu,
    Who is more HANDSOME Kalonzo or Mutua?just curious bro

    If PENSIONERS don't say it WHO WILL? just curious bro

  9. We all know that good leadership and time is valuable. That's why the residents of Machakos County should find out way ahead of the general elction what the return would be if and when Alfred Mutua was elected as the Governor of Machakos County?

    On the one hand, will a leader like Alfred Mutua be able to think big, break regional barriers and convince the residents of Machakos County to overcome their deep seated political and historic divisions that still exist among the people of Machakos, Masinga, Yatta, Kangundo, Kathiani, and Mwala?

    On the other hand, Alfred Mutua has a formidable political task of not just planing to finish ahead of his opponents in the coming general election.

    But also convincing the likes of Itwiku Mbai, Mutavi Kilonzo, Nduya Muthama, Ndeti Wavinya, Dr. Victorious Munyaka, the veterinarian, and Dan Muoki, (the owner of a lion's den and other wild big cats,) and well known powerful political kingpins of Ukambani, will be a tall order to fill.

    So far, there is not a single justifiable reason as to why Machakos County and Kitui County have not been able to flourish economically and otherwise, including the presence of better infrastructure given the geographic proximity to Nairobi Metropolitan Area.

    After all, the Akamba have been among some of most hardworking business people in East Africa and Southern Africa given their 1800s and 1900s historic business ties and ventures in places far away as Mombasa, Malindi, Lamu, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Dodoma, (Tanzania).

    Kapiri Mposhi Lusaka, Kitwe, Luapula, (Zambia), Lilongwe, Blantyre (Malawi), Bulawayo, Harare, Mutare, Kadomo (Zimbabwe) and Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and Johannesburg, (South Africa).

    And that was in an era before modern day Kenyans started travelling beyond our national borders by lorry, bus, train, and plane. So what went several deacades later?

    Will Afred Mutua find some of answers, means and ways to rejuvinate the economy of Machakos County that been neglected for decades and decades?

  10. Kalonzo or Mutua for the vice-presidency in 2017? As for who among the two is handsome, the ladies will decide in due time, for they never wrong at the end of the day.

  11. Excuse the digression as some of us wonder whether money really grows on baobab, acacia, eucalyptus, jacaranda or mango trees?

    Where the money is going to come from in order to appease the striking teachers seeking better living wages, and have already vowed that they are ready and willing to die while fighting for their financial rights?

    Talking of teachers who never sign-in, clock-in, logo-in or even stay at their stations of work (schools) from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM or from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

    The very same teachers who are engaged in cronic absenteeism and can always be seen loitering within the trading centers and towns near their schools or homes.

    Teachers, many of whom are used to taking off more than twelve to twenty days of paid leave of absence in the course of any given school term, living students unattended and without being taught for days and weeks.

    Teachers who have never bothered to go on strike in the first place since the early 1960s as their last resort to force the government to address issues such as very poor conditions of public schools in Kenya, severe lack of classrooms, staff rooms, desks, text books, sports fields, water, electricity, toilets, other school facilities and basic secuirty that should have been put in place four decades ago.

    All thing taken into account, the plight of professionals like teachers is understandable and rightly so, because they deserve a better living wage given the prevailing economic circumstances in the country.

    However, who among the strinking teachers has ever bothered with a nationwide representation of the most vulnerable group of victims, the students in this case?

    And who among the very same teachers on strike is trying to address the student's plight in spite of the government having wasted billions and billions of shillings on unnecessary educational projects within the bottomless educational industry?

    Above all, where is the extra money to cover the wages going to come from? Will the government have to print more paper money as the only solution to free itself from being held hostage by the striking teachers?

    Or will the government have to mortgage more and more of Kenya's assests in order to borrow more and more high interest loans from international institutions to cover the salary incriminate as demanded by the teachers?

  12. Does the name, Professor Dr. Rt. Rev. Fr. Hortus wa Terra ring a very familiar sound from an old church bell located near Ruchu?

    We may as well get used to Hon. Governor Professor Dr. Alfred Mutua, Esq., who will soon be based in Machakos County unless he still plans to cummute every from his current resident in Nairobi while the governor's mansion is under construction.

  13. Poetic justice is a special entree many of us have been waiting to see served not just to the likes of Mwaliko (the perfect scapegoat) but to several other senior government officials, directors, former and current cabinet ministers, members of parliament, including some of their well known corrupt spouses, family members and associates.

    Selective prosecutorial measures will not do any justice but pervert the whole process in the long run.

    Further, we, the people, are not really elated nor impressed at all by the lastest retrievement of land that once belonged to the judiciary.

    The minister (James Orengo) in charge should do a lot more and repossess looted public property, and publicly shame the perpetrators through an established official registry of notorious land grabbers and infamous property looters, starting with the big offenders and down to the small ones.

    Immediate repossession of all the public property and other institutional properties that have been grapped and looted since the 1970s, 80s, 90s and 2000s, must also be carried out, and the culprits, crooks and their agents (evil-eyed middlemen) brought to justice by all means.

    As a matter of fact, the public has the right to know as well as find out what really happened or became of the vast hectares of land and huge properties (houses) that once belonged to the GK Prisons (Kenya Ltd), D.o.D, M.o.D, Kenya Police, Provincial Administrations (around the country).

    Including the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Transport, Ports Authority in Mombasa, Kenya Railways, CBK (in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu), Ministry of Tourrism, KWS (Wild Life Service), cemetery land, etc, that have been looted or grabbed by the usual suspects - MPigs, their henchmen and associates.

    As well as the one time flourishing ADC farms, defunct KP&TC, and many other failed parastatals that were designated cash cows and money pits by the powers that be and well connected magendo cartel.

    Otherwise, the 2013 general election, next parliament and the so-called fourth president of Kenya will not do any justice in combating and eradicting the wide trail of impunity that has been in collective use for the last five decades.

    Poetic justice - Bwana Mwaliko aliamua kwa hiari yake mwenyewe kujialika kibindoni the moment he signed on the dotted lines of impunity, and he has himself to blame for the rest of his life.

  14. @Kumekucha,

    Does the future vice-president of the Republic of Kenya really need a four hundred million shillings village residence in a very far away exclusive place like Karen?

    What happened to the slogan, "a vice president must be a people's person, lead by example, be loyal, accessible and at the nation's service at all times when needed by its citizens"?

    And whose exhorbitant idea was it to build a four hundred million shillings castle (cathedral by all standards) on ten acres of wasted prime land for the next several vice presidents of Kenya?

    Talking of vice president's residence, how comes the powers that be have not repossessed the official vice president's residence that is still being occupied by a former president?

    After all the residence belongs to the government and it is not his private property, nor should any of his sons, daughter, grandchildren, nephews or nieces ever expect, let alone dream to inherit or put it up for sale once he has kicked the bucket under the ageless East African skies.

    Sadly, a modern women's or children's general hospital built - by the generous Chinese - on ten acres in Dandora, Kibera, Mathare, Huruma, Kasarani, Eastlands, or Komorock would have better served the city residents and put the four hundred million shillings to a more worthwhile cause after our so-called 'fifty years of Uhuru.'

  15. Fulani wa Fulani, knowledge is power, it has always influenced the cause of events in our nation's history, including the lives of certain powerful institutions and personalities in our midst.

    There are those among us - like Alfred Mutua - who intent to seek political power as they campaign to be elected as the next governors, senators, women rep(resentative)s, and members of parliament their various communities in 2013.

    Kwa hivyo, we, the people, suggest you look beyond the names, and concentrate on digging deeper into their profiles, curriculum vitae (résumé), closeted skeletons (to be unmasked Miguna style at a later date), and biographies.

    Including the usual autobiographies (self-serving attibutional bias - galore), and what their immediate communities and general public's opinion of the political candidates who will seeking to run for office on in their respective counties and reat of the country.

    We, the people, suggest you look at those materials and we meet again on _______ to discuss them more. How long do you need?

  16. @Chris,

    If some of us thought that the grisly looking remains (body) of a police officer caked in a river of blood as depicted in Goodbye Mombasa? was ghastly, then we have not seen the mother of all horribly repugnant image of what was left over after a Tanzanian journalist was hit at close range by a tear gas canister during some sort of political incident involving angry CHADEMA supporters, journalists and a squad of Tanzania riot police officers.

    To say the least, some of us who are in the habit of provoking riot police or like to mess with the tear gas projectiles, should take a second look at the frightful and shocking damage that be caused when a tear gas grenade comes in contact with a human torso.

    The macabre image of the journalist's stomach turned inside out after a tear gas grenade exploded off-limits, will definetly force some us to take a long break or even refrain from eating nyama choma or utumbo from any farm animal after having viewed the exposed (exploded) body contents that once belonged to a Tanzanian journalists.

    Whoever said that a tear gas canister was non-lethal chemical weapon must have not seen the aftermath what tear gas grenade can do to the human body at close quarters.

    Wow! We live and learn, but it was too late for the dead journalist and the riot police officer handling the tear gas grenade launcher.

    Pepper spray should be the weapon of choice for crowd control in the near future.

  17. Ukambani Council of Elders should get used to singing, 'Alfred Mutua, juu juu zaidi! Kalonzo Musyoka, kando kando kabisa! Charity Ngilu, kwaheri kwaheri ya kuonana. Mambo kwesha!' Cause there is no way that Kalonzo Musyoka is going to have any type of impact in the coming general elections unless very good fortune comes his way as it did in the case of Dramani Mahama, Joyce Banda, Hailmariam Desalegn, or soon to be the case with Joice Mujuru.

  18. Whether we like it or not, "[Facebook is] the single most pwerful tool for population control ever created."

    And the more things change or evolve, the more 'Aminal Farm' type of tactics, strategies, brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform control games continue to be the accepted norm.

    Menticide galore thanks to the generous providers of Internet services around the world.

    What is the name of the sage who once said that she will hate to remind us that she told us so two decades ago?

    Well, we can not afford to do away without the Internet nor can most off us live without Facebook.

  19. Believe it or not, it is not that some of us are habitually envious or hateful whenever we hear or are reminded of how certain individuals in our midst have worked so hard to get where they are today, or even to own whatever it is that belongs to them at the present moment.

    As long as they have not taken routes that are unethical by indulging themselves in criminal activities or enterprises at the public's expense.

    So, it is suitable and appropriate under the circumstances that poetic justice continues to meted out to to some former senior public servants like Rebecca Nabutola, who will now be enjoying a well deserved inclusive package vacation in one of the GK Prisons resorts within the country for a duration of four years plus restitution.

    Including Ochieng Ongong'a who will also be put under the strict management of a supervisory board and a twenty-four hour free accommodation courtesy of the GK Prisons for a three years, including a compulsory restitution clause.

    There are many Kenyans who have high expectations that the overdue justice meted out to the afore mentioned individuals is only the beginning of a judicial trend and tradition of mandated restitution that will continue to be enforced for a long time to come.

    And hopefully more criminal elements from the past will also be brought to justice to account for their financial wrongdoing, misdeeds, cardinal sins and outright plain robbery while they were entrusted with public office, positions of power and higher influence.

  20. with all the important issues and events in our beloved republic, methinks this blog should have daily articles! Mwara, what are jirongos chances in the forthcoming opium session or is he deluded?

  21. Jirongo's chances are very slim however his views about the wastage of billions on Thika highway are valid 100%. The light trail should have been more beneficial to moving goods and people in the whole region.

  22. with all the important issues and events in our beloved republic, methinks this blog should have daily articles! Mwara, what are jirongos chances in the forthcoming opium session or is he deluded?


    We have no idea about the IMBECILIC AFRISTOCRACY and their IDIOTIC & CHILDISH Opium Sessions.

    For instance, in passing, we are seeing the NEXT ZIMBABWE in SA which ADVERTISES itself as a CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY.

    NB: As a matter of fact, your MOST LEARNED IDIOTS from the ILF, copied and pasted your new katiba from this constitutional democracy!

    Well, we know who they shall blame when BLOOD starts to flow, but, nevertheless, this is interesting:

    "Thousands of armed miners march on Marikana in S Africa."


    NB: May be we should ask the KANGAROO COURT of INQUISITION in the Hague to EXPAND!


    Having expressed our ignorance on the ways of the IMBECILIC AFRISTOCRACY, we are more aware of the usual ECONOMIC SOMERSAULT of the PERFIDIOUS ALBION who has TAUGHT KIBAKI and his fellow ILF GRADUATES on the BENEFITS of FREE TRADE.

    For instance, KIBAKI, being a graduate of the ILF has SWALLOWED the LIE that:

    - Kenyan procurement should be given to the KOREANS and Canadians so as to FEED foreigners as Kenyans KILL EACH other,

    - that Kenyan is a CHINESE market for everything.

    - that the Chinese can make ROADS in Kenya to transport their goods to Wanjiku!

    In other words, we are aware that, the PERFIDIOUS ALBION teaches/brainwashes the ILF GRADUATES, but, when he is faced with a quarter of what we face, he starts creating SUBSIDIES and STATE BANKS while telling us to PRIVATIZE KCB so that HE, i.e. the PERFIDIOUS ALBION can buy and CONTROL our ALLOCATION OF CAPITAL and KEEP US IN POVERTY and IGNORANCE while shouting ELECTIONS, ELECTIONS and then, HAGUE, HAGUE!

    "Vince Cable: No 'laissez-faire' on industrial policy."


    Thank God Almighty. They are killing their own creature which they call WTO and such SATANIC names because, their own contradictions are catching up with them!

    After all, akili nyingi uondoa marifa!

    Anyway, since throwing papers in a black box, and having a A PARASITE decorated with the name of a GOVERNOR in Machakos is what will solve the mess we are in, we leave to enjoy:

    Stiff Necked Fools who love VANITY:


  23. these are the things this blog should be addressing! Problems in africa, solutions, implications, ideas! But to some people, only raila makes a worthwhile article! How about the campus girls and the state of our morality!


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.