Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Will Tribal Numbers Move The ICC?

At least we know one thing for sure now. Contrary to what we were being told in the prayer rallies (cum presidential show of might campaigns) the ICC cases against William Ruto and Uhuru Kenyatta are a very very big deal.

We also know something else for sure now. As things stand, it will not be possible for Uhuru and Ruto to run in the next general elections. Why else would they want the ICC process to be halted until after the general elections?

The latest move by the powerful G7 (which has let the cat out of the bag and confirmed many things that we already knew) is to seek over a million signatures from the house of Mumbi and 3 million from the Kalenjin community petitioning the ICC to apply emergency brakes on court proceedings so that the sons of these two tribes can run for the presidency of the banana republic of Kenya.

But lets not get mixed up here (like they want us to be). Instead let’s identify the true source of all these "acrobatics." Team Uhuru? NOPE!!! Perhaps the Ruto camp? NO WAY!!

Actually it is all coming from the handlers of president Kibaki. And as I have been repeatedly saying here and in my popular raw notes, the president and his handlers will do everything in their power to scuttle the ICC process. And it is not because the president loves Uhuru and Ruto so much despite the fact that he was the one who walked into the maternity hospital where Mama Ngina birthed a son in 1963 and declared "Uhuru tosha kama jina" and that became the name of the youngster born with a silver spoon. 

Forget all that, it is an act of pure self preservation. If the cases against the Ocampo four do not go forward then it means that there is no chance of Mwai Kibaki being picked up after he leaves office to face the music (not Mungithi) at the Hague.

In fact our politics at the moment (and the violence in the country) are all being driven by one thing and one thing alone. Namely the ICC cases at the Hague against four Kenyans, with other suspects to be charged later.

I will end my post today by asking and answering two questions.

1. Will the ICC be moved by the millions of signatures that will be collected?
2. Millions of signatures? Is the move to halt the ICC proceedings against the Ocampo 4 that popular amongst ordinary Kenyans?

1. NO.
2. Actually a vast majority of Kenyans believe that Uhuru, Ruto and the other two are guilty as charged and would love for the trials to proceed ASAP. So where will the signatures come from then? Hehehehe, signatures are no problem, some smart computer whizz kids are going round selling data bases to political parties of names of Kenyans and their id cards complete with signatures. The very same lists on the very same flash disks will come in handy this time round. And so chances are very high indeed that Kumekuchas signature will be in the list petitioning for the cases to be postponed and so will be yours, upende usipende. This coupled with public signature sessions where you sign infront of the TV cameras and then collect a thousand bob off-camera on your way out will do the trick neatly.  Unajeza na waKenya!!!


  1. Actually, when I read the above and reflect on what our resident prof. of history and folklore keeps on telling us, it is obvious that whether the two go through the ICC process or not, nothing will ever change without a collective mindset change.

  2. Anyone who tells you that Africa will be saved by foreigners, is a leadership unto SLAVERY.

    Listen to thy voice in times of WAR and PEACE.

    With that, we leave to enjoy:

    Congoman, live up, yeah!
    Keep your CULTURE,

    Saw it in the BEGINNING, so shall it be in this iwa;

    And they fallen in CONFUSION, well-a just a step from Babel Tower


  3. The International Criminal Court based at The Hague in Netherlands does not recognize tribal groupings like GEMA and KAMATUSA. The Hague bound train left the station long time ago and is unstoppable. Let's assume Uhuru was elected the president of Kenya (which will be a tall order..) do you think other leaders from across the world would even dare shake the hand of someone facing the most heinous crimes known to man? Leaders of the world would rather be dead than pose smiling with someone who could end up being guilty. And that's the message Uhuru got when he tried to cling on Finance docket, "mere" ministers from other countries were ignoring him and that's why he had to quit. And if Kibaki Admin fail to cooperate with the ICC (which they are planning to do!) then we shall be hit with severe sanctions that will cripple our economy and hurt Kenyans (GEMA included) real bad. For starters, expect a total ban on flowers being exported to Europe, rendering thousands of poor Kenyans jobless and of course with that crime shoots through the roof. Ditto foreign tourists and this will cause hundreds of hotels to be shut and more job losses. If you think price of unga and petrol is high, just wait when we are slapped with vikwazos. All these for the sake of Muthamaki (one of the richest men in Africa) who believes he was born to rule? Wake up Kenyans...stop dreaming! Kenya is bigger than anyone of us.

    - M. Pesa

  4. And if Kibaki Admin fail to cooperate with the ICC (which they are planning to do!) then we shall be hit with severe sanctions that will cripple our economy and hurt Kenyans (GEMA included) real bad.

    For starters, expect a total ban on flowers being exported to Europe, rendering thousands of poor Kenyans jobless and of course with that crime shoots through the roof. ...

    If you think price of unga and petrol is high, just wait when we are slapped with vikwazos.


    If you had a chance to attend where they claim to teach law, you would learn some STUPID things like this:

    In the Geneva Convention, 1949, THEY, we mean, the CIVILIZERS of mankind, wrote that:

    "Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation .. are prohibited."

    In some other articles, you would read that:

    "The following acts are and shall remain prohibited AT ANY TIME and in ANY PLACE WHATSOEVER, whether committed by CIVILIANS or by military agents:

    collective punishments;" and EVEN,
    threats to commit put into place collective punishments.

    If you search further, you would find some laws written by the CIVILISERS of men, as FAR as back as in 1907 that:

    "No GENERAL penalty, PECUNIARY or otherwise, shall be inflicted upon the POPULATION on account of the acts of INDIVIDUALS for which they cannot be regarded as jointly and severally responsible."

    Therefore, being INTERESTED in what is founded in ETERNAL LAWS and MORALS, UNLIKE the CIVILISERS of mankind, we can tell thee that, such actions as you PREACH to the FOOLS, FAKERS and FOREIGNERS:

    - are material breach of all laws of mankind, and therefore, they SHALL constitute naked CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY,

    - such acts, have no basis in law or in morals.

    However, since the CIVILIZERS of mankind follow no laws or any morals, we leave to enjoy:

    They don't want to see us unite:
    All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting.

    They say the blood runs;
    And it runs through our line,
    And our hearts, heart of hearts divine, eh!
    And John saw them comin', ooh! - a-with the truth
    From an ancient time.


  5. Thank you Mpesa. Please keep writing.

    Whenever I come to Kumekucha your comment or comments are the first I look for after reading the main post.

  6. Trying to tease some of our minds into active thought or what? What a better way to describe the indescribable politics of extreme retrogressive tribal numbers cum sheninagans of trying to shift the goal posts for general elections versus a juggernaut of justice at ICC than to tease some of minds of those who would hear?

    Some times I wonder, what, if anything, will it take to really rattle our Kenya's conscience?

    As some of us know by now, Karma is a cruel, silent creditor. It leaves people hanging on a thread, filled with a fearsome uncertainity about whether it will support them or break them.

    For sure, Karma will dictate the fate of William Ruto and Uhuru Kenyatta as the duo battle it out with the prosecutor and judges at the ICC.

    Further, Karma is a witch, spelt with a capital 'B' and it never fails to weigh its intended targets in the balances and at the same time hold them accountable in every which way courtesy of the ICC.

    Without significantly diverging into the aspect of why the ICC does not and will not recognize tribal groupings that are only bent on enabling some of their own to stall or worse evade justice, many of us have forgotten one simple fact of life, that the ability to make wise, educated decisions - regardless of our so-called deep rooted tribal affiliations - is essential to living a successful and fulfilled life.

    As a matter of fact, the imposition of severe sanctions due to the actions of a few will end up being a curse with ripple effect throughout the country, and an eagerly awaited blessing for some of our next door neighbours like Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Ethiopia with regard to the maua-economy.

    And other distant neighbours like Bostwana, Namibia and South Africa in connection with utali-economy.

    Lest we forget how South Africa took real advantage of our national weaknesses, very poor marketing skills, entrenched attitude of the despotic regime at the time, and the 90s political compaigns, skirmishes and battles for multi-party democracy, and went to rebrand its South African tourism industry that saw a large portion of tourists from around world head straight to South Africa, once it become a free nation.

  7. Rock and Roll chris . I trusted you then and I still trust you now.....

  8. @ Mwarang'ethe- Great post very insightful on the hypocrisy of politics and the so called saviour identity misconception that the westerners want to perpetuate.

    One thing is for the Hague cases must continue regardless of any kalonzo like gimmicks (Paying supporters to attend rallies ) the two tribally based organizations behind the lead henchmen of PEV even with all these signatures cannot answer the question as two why either of these men are worth fighting to save and what have they done for Kenya that is so great?(Million/Billion shilling computer errors? Burning Women and Children in Churches?)

    Where were they when Grandmothers and little children were starving to death when Severe Famine within Kenya that led to multiple deaths, relief food not provided in time by the government of Kenya.

    Kenya i sbetter of with out them they have no new perspective or invention that will revolutionize and make Kenya better for everyone slum dwellers too! Not just the neighbours in their own neighbourhoods.

    Afadhali Michuki at least he did his job!

    May they fall at the Hague and be forever excluded from politics and interfereing with the foreward development of Kenya


  9. The International Criminal Court based at The Hague in Netherlands does not recognize tribal groupings like GEMA and KAMATUSA.


    Why not?

    Who defines what shall be recognized by the ICC or in the so called international law?

    A bit of history of so called recognition. When the cruel PERFIDIOUS ALBION came to CIVILIZE the Africans, some WISE African thinkers, decided to use their international law so called, to challenge the LAND GRABBING etc.

    Alarmed by this prospect, the cruel PERFIDIOUS ALBION, went back to his lawyers and asked, what do we do?

    The PERFIDIOUS ALBION lawyer, was quick to offer a solution.

    He concocted this MYTH:

    - That, Africans had had no States.

    NB: The fact that, he had fought major wars with the African States just escaped from his justice filled mind.

    This being so, and since so called international law deals only with States, the Africans lacked the capacity/standing to sue the ROBBERS under the international law.

    By such cruel devilish legal philosophy, the Africans were dispossessed.

    And, now, Africans ignorant of all this, delude themselves that, the same, same law that was used to enslave them will save them.

    So, again, we ask again, who decides/defines under which rights what shall be recognized under the IL?

    And, why can't Africans redefine what can be recognized under the IL?

    Or, that job we leave to the Albion so as to define it in a way that furthers his interests?

  10. Being African is not an alibi for killing (1000s and 1000s of) Africans.

    And when a ngiri faced culprit is hauled to The Hague, like Charles Taylor and Lubanga, he cires out loud, "the cruel hand of the racist reptilean albino known as 'Perfidious Albion' is out to get us, our people, poor Africans".

    When will people learn to carry their own iron crosses without involving their 'tribal groupings' or invoking all of sorts of time wasting convenient excuses.

  11. First of all, what is Africa or rather Afrika? In what more appropriate manner should the inhabitants of the continent redifine themselves beyond Aprica, Aphrike or Afruika?

    Here is link http://bemoli.info/originofname.html - unlike the fictional ones.

  12. Being African is not an alibi for killing (1000s and 1000s of) Africans.

    And when a ngiri faced culprit is hauled to The Hague, like Charles Taylor and Lubanga, he cires out loud, "the cruel hand of the racist reptilean albino known as 'Perfidious Albion' is out to get us, our people, poor Africans".


    You still do not get it.

    These Taylor's and Lubanga's, kill, rob the poor Africans at the service of the PERFIDIOUS ALBION.

    Thus, when the PERFIDIOUS ALBION comes for his COMMISSION AGENTS, there is nothing for the Africans to celebrate for it is just a game they are playing.

    NB: We shall be back soon with more on this.

    For now, we leave to enjoy:

    Lock them; oh, not the BROTHERS,

    But the ones who SETS EM UP


  13. "They are finishing us. They are going to finish our people. They will finish all of our people in high places. We must act soon and defend ourselves".

    Well, well, well. When does the "I" (and myself) become "We" (our people)?

    That's one of the reasosn why people are better off dealing with a well known deceitful and untrustworthy neoclonial albino (ngozi nyeupe) from Albion, rather than with a Goboon viper, or worse a common Kenyan political puff adder and a whole cast of his/her tribal perfidia viperidae.

  14. That's one of the reasosn why people are better off dealing with a well known deceitful and untrustworthy neoclonial albino (ngozi nyeupe) from Albion, rather than with a Goboon viper, or worse a common Kenyan political puff adder and a whole cast of his/her tribal perfidia viperidae.


    Do you mean perfidia viperidae like this one?

    "A SUPREME Court judge has conceded that some clauses in the Constitution are "IRRELEVANT" and might take years before they are fully implemented.

    NB: Something is IRRELEVANT. However, it will take years to implement the same. Pure LOGIC from the HIGHEST JUDGE in the land of DUPES, FOOLS and FAKERS calling themselves learned when they are BABIES in DIAPERS.

    “It was a Constitution where everyone wanted something leading to some Articles and Clauses being irrelevant and inconsistent,” said Justice Ndung’u during an annual dinner organised by the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPS) at the Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi Wednesday.

    Well, what can the African Teachers who saw all this MADNESS say to this apart from saying, here is the source:


    NB: Sorry, let us go back to the ICC chorus.

  15. @Anon 6:20 AM
    Re: "The subtle act off creating the illusory impression that his personal fortunes are embedded or intertwined with the Muslim fraternity."

    "A country is always bigger than any one individual, no matter how bloated and egoistic one individual is." - The Star.

  16. Many people died and suffered and are still suffering because of TRIBALISM.

    Women were raped and killed in Nbi slums, Naivasha and Nakuru, women and children burnt alive in Eldoret, Peaceful demonstrators shot randomly in Kisumu.

    We want to know why and who did it.

    Let us go to Hague.
    Kenyans should support it because in Kenya, there is no justice.

  17. Let us go to Hague.
    Kenyans should support it because in Kenya, there is no justice.



  18. Mali CRISIS foretold in ADVANCE:


  19. i hate this blog. all you do is to preach the non-existent virtuals of one raila odinga and associated animosity to kenya's most industrious and intelligent community (Yes they produced the first President, first kenyan PhD, the first kenyan medical doctor, the first kenyan university vice-chancellor, the first kenya nobel prize winner, the first kenyan professor, the first kenyan engineer, the first kenyan university graduate, the first kenyan book, the first kenyan boxing medal, the first african MP in Kenya) Please give credit and respect to those who have brought freedom and properity to Kenya. If it were not for the maumau most of the foul mouthed bloggers of kumekusha would be working as shamba boys, kitchen totos, and ayahs to white settlers! that is the bitter truth. Am proud to be Kenyan and more proud to hail from Mt Kenya!!The secular power is in the hands of HE President Mwai Kibaki and the spiritual power is in the hands of HE John Cardinal Njue. We control both Church and State! That is also the bitter truth.

  20. I think the problem is that you have missed the point. i think the gema illuminati, more than anyone else, know that these signatures and petitions will not stop a legal process from advancing. instead, you should ask yourself why the gema meeting? you will find that uhuru has for the past couple of years been pretty much up there in leadership and this concretized sometime last year---so the timing of the gema meeting to make this announcement is out of sync with happenings. so what might be the value to the gema illuminati of having held this meeting? i think there are two things. one, to test the extent to which the rest of the country would be rattled by the prospects of a unified gema. this has succeeeded. two, to bait the raila domo domo group. this has succeeded immensely. there has been a flurry of writings, statements and so on, many of which are incendiary and fit rather well in the category HATE SPEECH. The rest will be history--stay tuned. I wonder, why are the odomos so slow to pick up nuances???

  21. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    Thanks for trying to bait some of us for reasons that are well known to you and only you, although it was so easy to figure out the baited stench from the usual shores of well concealed intentions.

    Eeeeaaah!. Some of us had no clue that any one single group of corrupt political elite was in control of the whole of Kenya (call it 'state house' for all its worth).

    And a nother group of other-appointed clergy were in charge of the Roman Catholic 'Church' that happens to be under the temporary supervision of one John Njue, a man who lost whatever clout he may have had, and the much needed social cum spiritual capital before, during and after the national refrendum.

    By the way, does it really matter under whose mightly control or power filled hands the old colonial governor's ('state') house and one of those many quasi missionary churches in Kenya are under?

    And how does the control of the two outdated institutions translate into overdue availability of very basic services for poverty stricken people in particular areas that happen to be the birth place of whoever is incharge of the colonial governor's state house and church, let alone the rest of the country?

    When all is fought for and gained by the next tribal majority, the question remains, how much wills symbolic tribal representation benefit everyday people within the respective communities?

  22. @12:59
    ...the first bank robbers, the first scandal chiefs,the first assasinators, the first prostitutes, the first married homosexuals, the first coffee smugglers, the fisrt mungikis, etc.

    I am quite proud to be a Kenyan but NOT.....
    I dont give a damn where the jiggers are infesting you.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.