By Mpesa and Anon@4:53
Any publicity is good publicity. We can all pick Waititu from the crowd any day but who can recognize this Evans Kidero guy or that Philip Kisia who has messed up our city from where former town clerk Gakuo left off?

Evans Kidero: Aggressively campaigning for Nairobi governor.
I agree with Chris, like or hate him, Waititu (also famous for stuffing wads of notes in his socks like a real makanga) is the man to beat! I predicted right here that Sonko was the man to beat in Makadara long before that by-election after watching him closely and his relationship with the walala hoi. Waititu is a real hustler who also runs a garbage collection business in the city and has employed hundreds of down and out youths. He is just using Sonko's well tested formula of representing the hopeless and showing them he feels their pain by joining them in slum demonstrations and hurling stones at people who grab their precious little unlike designer suit wearing and snobbish Kidero and Kisia who would rather be seen dead than "chafuaing" their hands in stone throwing!
Anon@4:53 Adds;
Evans Kidero of all people a front runner for Nairobi governor? Are you really sure Chris? Why the mention of Evans Kidero with regard to seeking one of the high profile political seats in the nation's capital?
With all due respect to Kidero, his underground political network, old time golfing buddies, and his diehard sympathizers, running for the gubernatorial elections in any part of the country is way far beyond Kidero's league.
And this includes other so-called ambitious (former and current) CEOs, PSs, military officers (rtd) and school teachers who are busy trying to seek or take a bite at the sordid parliamentary pies in high profile urban elections in 2013.
Good intentions, bad calculations for one sugar plantation manager, a man who needs to first learn how to crawl before he can even try walking in his own home backyard of somewhere in the region west or east of the vast sugar plantation under his supervision.
And as for the so-called Raila support for people like Kidero and company, it will amount to zilch, (zero, nada, bila, sufuri), in any far away places like in the metropolitan regions of the country.
Even in Kibera of all places, Kidero will not win any amount of votes that will place him above the other four candidates who have already decided to seek the soon to be vacant parliamentary seat of Kibera.
Running a sugar plantation, whereby Kidero has been so used to flying out to Nairobi on the company's 'semi-hired' plane (in the same manner the European nyaparas of old used to do) at a moment's notice does not qualify him for being the right candidate for the gubernatorial seat in Nairobi.
Not that there's any person out there who is suitable yet to govern the very huge metropolitan plantation that is hundred times more complex than the rural sugar plantation where it's so easy to please the sugar farmers with little bonuses here and there during every other harvest season. Or when all fails, have the farmers held hostage with scary tales and rumours about plummeting sugar prices on the world markets.
Flying out to Nairobi every weekend to play a around of golf, or having lunch with business associates on company's dime (ndururu) should NOT make people like Kidero overestimate their political abilities beyond the limited confines of their current corporate plantations.
People like Kidero and company are not yet ready for showtime in the political arenas of seeking elective office in places such as Mumias ("his adopted backyard"), Kisumu, Nakuru, let alone in Mombasa or even Nairobi.
By the way, Waititu wa Matata would defeat Kidero hands-down in a landslide victory whether all of Waititu's opponents in and around the city of Nairobi like him or not.
There are some really shocking Musalia Mudavadi revelations in my latest raw notes. Get sample notes now by sending an email now to
ReplyDeletePlease inform your readers that the RAW NOTES NOT FREE.
It will save you and the readers time and dissapointments.
Thank you.
Kenya to write to ICC over UK dossier .
ReplyDeleteA treat of not cooperating in the face of the imminent dismissal of the Kenya government application-expected any time now?
The AG said Kenya was also among the first countries in the world to sign the Rome Statute and said he “hoped” the cooperation was not one sided. Githu told the committee that the government had applied to be enjoined in the case but the application was rejected
Yes, lets continue discussing about who will be Nairobi's Governor and forget about what's going on between the banks and MPs.
ReplyDeleteLet us continue arguing about who is better between Raila, Ruto and Uhuru, and forget about what's going on between the banks and MPs.
Then later we will start wondering why nothing is changing even after replacing the Mps. Meanwhile the banks to continue smiling as they feed on our deposits and give us nothing in return.
As I'm writing this the banks are ready to spend as much as possible in posh hotels to influence the Mps not to pass the Finance Bill that will control the interest rates charged by the banks.
Now, where is our priorities?
Someone was quoted as having said that, if truth be told, there are some politicians who do not want other Kenyans to have meetings and freedom to speak.
ReplyDeleteAt a time when some of us have been holding onto the thought that everything is possible (yote yawezakana)now that the current Constitution has been put in place and several essential issues are already being addressed as we forge ahead as 'one nation, one people'.
So that not just some of us but many of us might transcend entrenched orientations that had made us and continue to make us participants in all manner of oppressions?
Lest we forget, it is important to acknowledge that in oppressive political party, regional and ethnic conditions, superficial hospitality alone is an insufficient response.
Those, party stalwarts, power brokers, movers and shakers, who welcome often continue to be at home (above the law as it were) and retain a good measure of control; this causes the party stalwarts among others to welcome those who are dispossessed (overly ignored/neglected/downtrodden women from all walks of life, the restless leagues of youth from all over the country and disenfranchised males from every ethnicity) into the world of the party bigwigs and insiders on terms they themselves have crafted.
Hence, it is very impossible to develop the nipe ni kupe, nifute nikufute (reciprocal) relationships expressed in the current Constitution, for the political party bigwigs and insiders have near absolute control and will not reliquish an inch until they grab all that belongs to them in 2013 general elections as well as those of 2017.
So far, the current affairs within everything political party in the country wreaks of condescension and outright paternalism instead of genuine leadership as expected by many within the ranks and files.
Kidero who? Is he any different from the others who now trying to come out of the woodworks in anticipation of an easy win in the coming general elections?
ReplyDeleteThe people's immediate reaction should insist on a clear distinction between those aspiring (wannabe) politicians we understand as the objects of our political charity and those who have something of value (in terms of real progress) to share for the sake of our well being in various regions of the country once they are elected into office.
Or else very little will change in the regions they hope to represent in the short term or long run.
On the other hand, how can the likes of Kidero want to become elected politicians in high profile areas of the nations when they have not been questioned, let alone sponsored for such purposes by any institutions or the very people whose interests they hope to represent?
And how can the political elite as well as economic elite be representatives for the urban people from all walks of life when they almost certainly do not understand themselves in this way?
ReplyDeleteit seems you now have a competitor for your raw notes.
Phil wrote:
ReplyDelete"As I'm writing this the banks are ready to spend as much as possible in posh hotels to influence the Mps not to pass the Finance Bill that will control the interest rates charged by the banks.
Now, where is our priorities?"
Habari ndugu?
Now, don't you think you guys are waking up a bit late?
Do you recall these words:
"A governance system that, legalises a conspiracy between a man decorating himself as a central banker and another calling himself Barclays or Equity to put some ink on a paper and thereby, demand from those who create wealth to part with 15% - 20 % of the wealth they create, in exchange for this useless paper which costs these conspirators cents to produce, is not a Free Markey System, but, socialism.
When these two conspirators are not "loaning" Wanjiku their useless paper so as to rob her, the central banker issues another paper he calls a government bond.
The conspirator calling himself Equity takes this bond and in return, he gives back the useless paper he originally got from the central banker.
In this modern magic, these modern medicine men tell us, the mere mortars, that, this is open market operation. By this abracadabra, they create so called public domestic debt which must be paid with usury. So as to pay back the banker, Wanjiku’s little wealth that was spared by the first ngeta/robbery, must be robbed via taxation.
To DARE believe that, a document which enshrines such DEVELISH PRINCIPLES of socialism and FASCISM will emancipate Wanjiku, is the most DANGEROUS DELUSION we know of."
Anyway, we are off to enjoy:
Nyumba Ino (This House - State House of COMMISSION AGENT - IN - CHIEF and Parliament - MINOR COMMISSION AGENTS:
Only 5% of the Nairobi population would be able to pick out or pinpoint Evans Kidero in a line up. While 99.5% know who Waititu is and where he hails from.
ReplyDeleteWeakleaf Mudavadi's days are numbered, and it will be very wise of him to start ploting his next move once his silver-spooned political career comes to an end in due time.
ReplyDeleteLet's just hope that he will not try and pull or even think of exploiting the tribal political card in any way, form or fashion.
In the same sickening way so many other tribal chiefs and tribal warlords are trying to do all over the country.
Weakleaf Mudavadi, his henchmen and political sympathizers should help steer their people away from distorting others and many Kenyans through false political dependencies, unreasonable tribal expectations, and unjustified personal hopes of ever capturing the old colonial governor's masion that passes for present day state house.
It's all come down to, too little too late for Weakleaf Mudavadi as he desperately tries to rearrange his political eggs that have been blindly entrusted in one party basket for far too long.
@Chris, from the fresh vantage point of 2012, what might some of us learn from hearing the words or reading the headlines: There are some really shocking Musalia Mudavadi revelations.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine often remarked, "People do not engage themselves in causes that are feasible; we commit ourselves to movements that are irresistible."
Let us be honest. Are some of us not changed much more by a movement than by an organization like the usual seasonal political election parties like ODM, PNU, etc?
We, the people, would like to ask, 'show us a region that understands its responsibilities and obligations in terms of a movement, and we, the people, will show you a region that is making an irresistble presence, inroads, and enormous contributions in all of its neighbourhoods, region and the rest of the nation.'
The question remains, when will that particular region of Kenya ever bring forth, produce, deliver, mould or raise a real maccoy with a national appeal?
Some of us are sure that there are so many proud Spartan like women and men from the region, who have raised sons and daughters that are very capable of contributing a lot more to their region as well as the whole nation in many ways.
So, the following is one of the hot-button issues that keeps popping up in most circles of discussions around the capital and in other urban areas; is Musalia the son of Mudamba Mudavadi all there is from the region in question?
In terms of offering a formidable presidential candidate who will be able to duel it out without ever blinking an eye or retreating back to the comfort zone(s) when vying for presidency gets tougher than had been anticipated?
Or without throwing in the coward's towel at the slightest suggestion or excuse in order to be relegated as the second-in-command ('silent quasi-partner') to other well positioned opponents in the arena of presidential politics?
Long, long, long, long time ago, Ralph Waldo Emerson said it well: "Every roof is agreeable to the eye until it is lifted: then we find tragedy and moaning women and hard-eyed husbands."
ReplyDeleteIn other words, things that appear to be well so often have troubling currents underneath. And what some of us see while surely not all bad, is bad enough.
The way things are going under the orchestration and manipulation of well known tribal chiefs and potential tribal warlords contains enough pain and suffering that will continue to afflict Kenyans from all walks of life for the next decade and half, unless Kenyans wake up from the current slumber of destructive ethnicity and the darkside of tribal politics.
Even for those of us who are optimistic and have always seen the political glass of Kenya as half full, it is still a long way from a holding the cup of real change running over.
That's why there are those among us, yes 'us' as in Kenyans from all walks of life, who had expected Musalia Mudavadi to take the road less traveled by so many same old same old tribal politicians and the so-called current tribal presidential contenders.
So far, the son of Mudamba Mudavadi has been a big let down and a huge disappointment as he tries to scramble for a last minute political life-line and an established barn willing and ready to offer him a thoroughbred racing horse that will enable him and his crew win the Old Colonial Governor's Mansion ('static house') Race in 2013.
Musalia has failed to distinguish himself from the other tribal chiefs by so choosing to retreat to his tribal comfort zone(s) rather than engage as well as seek the input from Kenyans with diverse backgrounds, rather than concentrate in his own regional community, and with some political gestures from tokens (individuals) from two or other three ethnicities.
People are what they are and there very little that will help change the engrained tribal mentality that continues to develop in so many fo us.
But as far as some of us are concerned, it's too little too late for one in the person of Musalia Mudavadi.
He may as well just write his own political obituary after having wasted a second chance given to him not long ago. Sayonara.
Evans Kidero serves as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Mumias Sugar Company Ltd. Dr. Kidero has over 24 years ...
ReplyDeleteManaging directors of sugar, tea, maize, rice, sisal, coffee, banana, and wildlife plantations come and gone.
ReplyDeleteBut it's the living standards of the average plantation workers and local residents that should used as a yard in terms of measuring whether any chief executive plantation officer has been successful while at the helm.
By the way, twenty four years of plantation supervision does not qualify one as a suitable candidate for any major political office in the country. Period!
While at it, please note that the sugar company in question has had a zero record in terms of corporate responsibility within the region and around the country.
The concerned public can't wait to see diabetes mobile clinics crusing in and around villages and small towns within the region in the overdue fight and prevention programs against deadly sugar, chemicals runoff and fertilizer related health complications.
I would rather have better business standards than the so-called best business brands that continued to flood the local Kenyan markets. Brands whose origins and questionable manufacturing procedures have always remained suspect to say the least.