Change from OAU to AU was typical African cosmetic penchant to create and impression of change without commensurate movement. AU supported ICC's deferral on Sudan in 2008and nothing has changed. And Kenya has toiled to join Sudan thanks to the club of master of impunity that is AU. The French must have been very right with their cliche that the more things change the more they remain the same.
AU may have offered Raila a poisoned chalice after he derided the toothless continental body. But even before the son of Jaramogi the noose tighten around his political neck, juvenile PNU-ODM theatrics were exported north of the border with Saitoti as Kenya's chief envoy. Wow! No wonder even the moribund Igad had the presence of mind and tact to settle for Tanzania instead of the chest thumbing, deceptive and fraudulent neighbour.
Well, it doesn't stop there. While Kibaki was convincing (nay cheating) the AU of our capacity to form a competent judicial system to take over ICC cases, his local action betrayed all the pretence. Even the Kenyan Diaspora are not spared the embarrassment judging from their penchant to ethnic loyalty and expediency.
Nobody is begrudging the qualifications of the proposed CJ, AG or DPP. But respect for the law demands both its facets of SPIRIT and LETTER must not be adulterated. It is base and pedestrian to posit that the end justifies the means. A flawed process can never win credibility anywhere, PERIOD. The apt precedent was set by ECK appointments prior to the bungled 2007 polls.
Being above reproach demands more than just shouting and quoting legal statutes. We are a country best known for deceit packaged as sophistication only that the vice if never sustainable and often leaves us with a collective bloodied nose. If you doubt it just wait till you see our stillbirth Tunisia-Egypt-Sudan revolt derailed by enterprising tribalists who will castigate the masses for not cashing in on their won plight. NA bado.
Sudan: How Youngsters removed a ruthless dictator
Taabu, wewe un tabu kweli. You post is good but you are opening a can of worms pal. The anti RAO brigade will be on you soon and very soon. As much as your post is right, simpletons won't see it for what it is.
ReplyDeleteI will just haste to add to your post that, qualified these people are but not all of them!
Qualification is not just paper work, school exams. Qualification involve persona, association and past activities. From your post, you allege that Kifake went to Addis to campaign for deferment? I will take you on that.
The man appointed for DPP Learned friend Kioko Kilikumi is currently representing Hero Ruto in court. The good Prof of law Dr Githu Muigai is advising UK on ICC!
How can these people qualify to lead Judiciary? If ICC was to give Kenya chance to try these 6 people, how can the pall (advocate and client) turn against each other?
Can Kilikumi prosecute Ruto whom he represented in court? Can Muigai sanction the prosecution of Uhuru who he advised on how to go about the same case at ICC?
Is anyone seeing my point. Conflict of interest. If these people are honourable, they should just withdraw from these posts. But they won't withdraw.
Good day Kenyans. We are still 100 years from civilization. Not with Kutuny and Bifwoli as our MPs.
Now that both the judicial commissions have called kibaki bluff. The next are the nominees. If they want to save their dignity that is if they have any they better decline the nominations. Otherwise they can as well forget the way the public will percieve them in whatever capacity they could serve later.
ReplyDeleteAs for kibaki, Marende will hit the final nail on his "big joke".Those nominations are as good as paper on which they are written. Pal yash Ghai perfectly dicribed him "kibaki has no morals in both his private and public lives".
Surely this is a man who can even go as far as denying the mother of his own children in the full glare of the nation. What else can't he do.
Taabu wrote:
ReplyDeleteIf you doubt it just wait till you see our stillbirth Tunisia-Egypt-Sudan revolt derailed by enterprising tribalists who will castigate the masses for not cashing in on their won plight. NA bado.
We understand your frustrations brother.
However, the CANNED Tunisian, Egypt, Sudan revolts will solve NOTHING.
They will only change the REGIME, so as to ensure POLITICAL CONTINUITY brother.
The man appointed for DPP Learned friend Kioko Kilikumi is currently representing Hero Ruto in court. The good Prof of law Dr Githu Muigai is advising UK on ICC!
How can these people qualify to lead Judiciary? If ICC was to give Kenya chance to try these 6 people, how can the pall (advocate and client) turn against each other?
Can Kilikumi prosecute Ruto whom he represented in court? Can Muigai sanction the prosecution of Uhuru who he advised on how to go about the same case at ICC?
hehehhe, ahahhaha.
We beg to quote a Yale law professor:
"It is the lawyers who run our civilization for us – our governments, our business, our private lives.
Most legislators are lawyers; they make our laws. Most presidents, governors, commissioners, along with their advisers and brain-trusters are lawyers; they administer our laws.
All the judges are lawyers; they interpret and enforce our laws. There is no separation of powers where the lawyers are concerned. There is only a concentration of all government power – in the lawyers. As the schoolboy put it, ours is “a government of lawyers, not of men.”
In that quote, your perplexities are comprehensively answered.
So, relax and enjoy the ride.
Anyway, we have not much to say for we are rushing back to the lonely corner where we can have a better view of the USELESS RAT RACE in various valleys.
Meanwhile, we leave thee with these words of Great Peter Tosh:
"The Poor Man Feel It."
Gotta find a solution to this pollution,
The poor man a feel it.
Gas gone up
Bus fare gone up
The rent gone up
For meal gone up?
Lighting gone up
The tax gone up
Car parts gone up
And mi can't take the first law, @
ReplyDeleteKenya didn't fail in Addis, it was a Luo guy called Thug Raila who failed in his mission to Ivory Coast. Then he wanted Kenya to propose him in the Igad as a choice to the recostituted Ivory Coast peace mission. Kibaki and Kalonzo showed him the middle finger and did not campaign for a Kenyan in the Igad preferring Tanzania. After all, hadn't a Kenyan bitten the apple and broken his Luo tooth of chest-thamping diplomacy. In the end, AU relieved him of his duties after he presented a "report" which even a Class 8 bully could have compiled in a school toilet. AU's decision was also informed by Raila's need to return home and focus exclusively on being a cry baby in front of his worshippers in Makongeni and Kibera. AU realized that Raila's skills as a thug were not enough to deal with a fellow thug, Gbagbo.
Compare Raila's record of failure with that of Brother Kalonzo who was able to mobilize continental support for Kenya's ICC position. This is what separates men from boys. Global diplomacy is not a kitendawili business!!
Rumours has it that Raila is now sleeping with lights on for fear of KKK ghosts. Poor Aida has to live with a paranoid thug.
Amidst latest controversial judicial appointments, some PNU Mpig was quoted bragging that they have marshalled 160 MPs to commit any filth including unseating the PM. Yes Ruto has some diehard Kalenjin MPs sworn to his suicide cause. It is no secret they’re desperately craving for vengeance on Raila Amollo the person (sometimes I wonder if PM took their wives, coz the hate is bizarre!) Truth is these Arap crooks are actually quite tiny in number as much as in their brains & schemes; they constantly shout on roof top and could scare the uninformed. The rebels comprise only one half of Kalenjin MPs in ODM. They are thoroughly out-numbered by party loyal MPs in the former Rift-Valley province. I took a casual but authoritative headcount of the ODM parliamentary brigade in the province. Kalenjin MPs holding cabinet positions like Bett & Sally get bullied but they’re unlikely to swap their perks for Samoei prison wagon; I mean not in this side of parliament. The Maasai, turkana, samburu and pokot axis have equally kept a wide berth from Ruto’s KKK hate crusade; they are in the party as other MPs from Coast, western etc.
ReplyDeleteLet it be noted that a dozen “Ocampo MPs” Kibaki auctioned from in Eldoret are not sufficient deliver impunity agenda in parliament. The President is better advised to be faithful to the constitution; there are no avenues for short-cut as he might think. The Orange party & PM is apparently squeezed; However it is my observation that at this hour of the 10th parliament there is equally a significant chunk of once upon a time PNU bootlickers who have since charted their own destiny and cannot easily be netted into Kibaki’s basket of deceit to scuttle the implementation of katiba. Likes of Martha Karua, Bonny Khalwale, Imanyara, and lately Mutula Kilonzo falls in this category. You can take this to the bank, as we approach the 2012 D-day, for every new PNU recruit against RAO, there will be an equally abandoned/betrayed/displaced soul jumping the panua ship. I therefore see NO significant parliamentary shift in the balance of power in favour of Kibaki’s succession manoeuvres; this is fallacy from KKK media houses like Daily nation. If anything, a public revulsion might force most PNU MPs especially those outside KKK to rethink their position. Most Kenyans endorse the ICC cause being resisted by PNU. Ukweli hukidhirika, uongo hujitenga!
ODM Rebels for hire:
1.William Ruto-Eldoret North; Local & Intern’ criminal suspect
2.Isaac Ruto-Chepalungu;angry missed cabinet
3.Joshua Kutuny- Cherenganyi unsound mind
4.Charles Keter- Belgut; sacked for insubordination
5.Jackson Kiptanui-KeiyoSouth: sacked for insubordination
6.Benjamin Langat- Ainamoi
7.Julius Kones-Konoin
8.Elijah Lagat (, Mosop)
9.Peris Simam (Eldoret East)
10.Boaz Kaino- Marakwet West
11.Moses Lessonet-Eldama Ravine; diarrhea in fear of Gov Sirma
12.Luka Kigen-Rongai:Moi mole from beginning.
13.Zakayo Cheruiyot-Kuresoi: Mbuta, Mau forest
14.Sammy Mwaita -Baringo Central Mbuta, Mau forest/nationwide land
Rift Valley ODM MPs still loyal to party whip.
1.Franklin Bett (Buret, minister)
2.Sally Kosgey (Aldai, Minister)
3.Hellen Sambili (Mogotio, Min)
4.Magerer Langat Kipkelion,Ass Min)
5.Betty Kones (Bomet, Ass Minister)
6.William Cheptumo (Baringo North, Ass. Min)
7.Prof Margaret Kamar
Eldoret South, Ass. Min)
8.Joyce Laboso (Sotik)
9.Lukas Chepkitony (N.Keiyo, defected, nom’ powerful cmte’)
10. Musa Sirma (Nominated MP)
11. H Kosgey- min,troubled but unlikely to ditch party)
12.William Ole Ntimama
(Narok North, Minister)
13.N.Ole Lankass (Narok South)
14. Rt Gen J Nkaissery (Kajiado Central, Ass Min)
15.Simeon Lesirma (Samburu West, Ass Min)
16. Raphael Letimalo (Samburu East)
17.Julius Mugor (Kapenguria)
18. Wilson Sitole (Sigor)
19. Josphat Nanok (Turkana South, Ass Min)
20.Raphael Letimalo (Samburu East)
Once upon a time not so long ago, thousands of Kenyans went out to bear witness to the celebrations at Uhuru Park; a military parade and a 21-gun salute were in order during the colourful ceremony.
ReplyDeleteA Kenyan woman (PhD) in her mid fifties was quoted as having said, "most of us have grown up reading about such events as history, but today we are part of it in our own right."
Fast forward, the implementation of the new constitution has so far been stalled.
The constitution that was expected to produce a total revamp of the judiciary and the resignation of all incumbent judges, now seems to be null and void.
A new judicial-appointments panel and a supreme court was expected to have been created by now, but to no avail, thanks to the stubborn old man and cohorts of manuplative gray old foxes.
The recent appointments by the stubborn old man speaks volumes about what he and his posse intends to accomplish before Kenya faces a presidential election in 2012.
So, what portion of history were Kenyans proud to be part of on August 27, 2010?
Where is the national pride, dignity and new found confidence that was exhibited on August 27, 2010?
What was the real point or relevance behind the stubborn old man taking oath of office when he knew very well that he wasn't going to respect the new constitution and the citizens that voted for it?
Consequently, what real alternatives, if any, do the ordinary wananchi (citizens) have at their disposal given the way recent political events have turned out since August 27, 2010?
Kenyans can't afford to call for mass demonstrations or popular uprising like their counterparts, the one time frustrated and fed up citizens of Georgia, Serbia, Ukraine, and now Tunisia and Egypt, due to the obvious fact the enterprising tribalists who derailed the 2007 uprising along ethnic lines will not hesitate repeat or even double the mayhem that witnessed during the PEV.
Unlike the Egyptian situation that's unfolding at Tahrir Square, any mass action at Kenya's Uhuru Park or in the streets of Nairobi would quaickly trun into another Tiananmen Square Massacre under the supervision of Kenya's notorious GSU, regular police force, the adminstration police and hired gangs of ethnic cleanising.
Our so called "well trained and highly disciplined" African military and paramilitary forces would never hesitate to open fire on their fellow citizens at the slightest provocation.
Finally, what became of the new constitution signed into law that institute a U.S,-style system of checks and balances?
Joshua Kutuny acts and talks like a real seasoned village thug, in same way Otieno Kajwang does. Enough said, we derserve the MPigs and MPthugs we elect to parliament.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all let me say that Kalenjins want Uhuru and Kalonzo to support Ruto ad not the other way round. To them Ruto is president. They still don't trust Uhuru. Some are even seeing Ruto is misleading them though most are following Ruto blindly. Ruto is playing politics, like other politicians, for purely self interest.
ReplyDeleteBut then that's small to me.
Everytime I look at my income I see the government takes nearly 30% of it.
and that's not all.
ReplyDeleteA while ago we didn't have water for two weeks.
Catholic nun, Sr. Karimi Njue, Dies of Self-Immolation.
ReplyDeleteA Catholic nun burned her self to death after having been informed through official channels that she was no longer a member of her religious community.
The official process of removing a Catholic nun or priest from religious vows, faculties or orders is known as laicization.
She burned herself to death at a Catholic church compound while her colleagues were attending mass, church services, on a mid Sunday morning in Muchatha, Kiambu, Kenya.
Self-Immolation is very rare among African nuns, but it refers to setting oneself on fire, often as a form of protest or for the purposes of martyrdom or suicide.
It has centuries-long tradition in some cultures, while in modern times in has become a type of radical political protest.
With regard to Sister Karimi Njue's case, the public will never know whether the self-immolation was a rage against the leadership within her immediate religious community, the Catholic in Kenya, or due to some other pre existing reasons known to the deceased and by some members of her immediate religious community.
The Catholic church needs to investigate what really caused the nun to take her life in such drastic manner in broad daylight on a Sunday.
She may have decided to protest against some major issue, an injustice, or conflict that was going on between her and the authorities.
There have been reported incidences where "slavelike" treatment of nuns still exists in some religious communities in Africa, Asia and Europe, where young women are admitted at a very tender age, trained and then used as domestic hands (nuns) for the rest of their lives under very hash conditions, and it's all done in the name of God and obedience to those incharge.
The rights of Catholic nuns around the globe have yet to addressed by their respective church authorities and the Vatican as well.
So far, the American and Canadian nuns seem to be the only ones who have fought so hard for their rights and enjoy them more than their peers around the world, in terms of getting a college education, better living conditions and medical care, establishing careers, due prudence, legal recourse, deserved respect, and guaranteed protection from any form of harassment or abuse by clergy, bishops, other church members, or members of the public.
May the soul of Sister Karami Njue find eternal peace.
And just how many kenyans think Raila is not a good leader and hence unelectable? I for one believed he was Moses...and we were headed to canaan. Raila wanted Fred Ojiambo for dpp and justice Omollo for cj. he appointed his own brother a minister and his cousin chief whip in parliament...and let's not even start about relatives appointed to our foreign missions. if I, and not Raila himself, am responsible for all these improprieties not befitting of a good leader if I am making false allegations, then I trully must hate the man I voted for in 2007...and i am one fat-assed tribalist as well!
ReplyDeleteWhat a week, what a show!!
ReplyDeleteRaila was fired by the AU as its mediator in the Ivory Coast crisis and Kibaki won the backing of fellow African leaders on the ICC case deferral which Raila opposed.
In the eyes of African leaders and the continent at large, Raila is fatally wounded. He is a darling of the Americans and European leaders and maybe a puppet well.
I see the Americans and the Europeans dumping him fast. No one likes an impotent bull!!!!!!!
But then that's small to me.
ReplyDeleteEverytime I look at my income I see the government takes nearly 30% of it.
1/31/11 9:02 PM
Add VAT and other taxes on petrol etc, and you will see that, the GOK takes over 60% of what you earn. So, after all the HARD WORK, your take is around 40%.
Even the SERFS did not give up so much to their lords as the modern man. But, try to tell him this and you will call you an UTOPIANIST who is not practical.
But, do not worry. We are just following the great harlot for we are reading this.
In the valley of Cameroon, where we get all our ideas, if you work hard and get something like £ 35, 001 from April, 2011, Cameroon and his friend Osborne will be taking 40% as THEIR SHARE.
Now, if you factor all other taxes in the UK, you can see where they are headed.
There are two ways of introducing communism. You can:
(a) own the means of production like Soviet Union or the Pharoahs or our friends in Sparta, or,
(b) you can let the SHEEP toil in the name of private enterprise, and then, you confiscate the produce in the name of public service.
And, by the way, since the Thatcher Revolution was supposed to slim the government by removing it from areas like telcom, railways, banking etc, why is the govt. take still increasing?
Kwendeni huko!
ReplyDeleteIt's Kibaki who sent him on a shuttle mission and "you don't question the president's word.."
Leave Kalonzo alone. He's a great comedian and makes us laugh. Keep doing your stand up comedy, Churchill kando.
ReplyDeleteThis is the cartoon in Nation that explaines the whole situation but was replaced by a picture .Check it out on the e-version
Taabu said,
ReplyDelete"A flawed process can NEVER win CREDIBILITY anywhere, PERIOD".
Well Bw. Taabu we Kenyans are used to flawed processes and we know best how to deal with this flaws by aptly parading ourselves in Tribal brigades and formations right from the home village to the exported tribal diaspora.
@anon 2.21PM ... I couldn't have put it any better.
@anon 5.17PM... Your Tribal General must be real proud of your remarks, perhaps you will one day take over the rank. Endelea!
We are seeing how bloggers are praising Kalonzo for his shuttle diplomacy "success" and Raila for his "failure"... My 2 cents worth, even a toddler would not find it hard to convince African "Strongmen" to back IMPUNITY!!!!
It only remains to be seen if Kalonzo wasn't being set up by one Mpumbavu when the deferral nonsense is brought before the security council.
It maybe interesting / noteworthy for the Kati-kati mwomboko dancers to ponder on..... An article 16 deferral is applied for where there is credible threat to the PEACE & SECURITY of a country which Mr. "Kati-Kati" has not shown , his has been SOVEREIGNITY and we are setting up "credible" institutions ( as seen in the recent "appointments" of CJ, AG and DPP) when presenting the Kenyan Case to African "strongmen"
Didn't the AU FAIL when it sort for a deferral on Bashir in 2008?, infact the Toothless AU Bulldog has not received a response to date from the security council na wata endelea Kungoja.
Maybe RAO was right when he said Kenya is better placed to challenge the ICC jurisdiction under Article 19 of the Rome Statute. Those who think that the UN Security Council will unanimously endorse our request should raise their hands and while at it carefully look at the composition of the council and look for our "allies" who will vote in our favour.
Meanwhile let us enjoy watching Kenya set itself up for "self -immolation"
The Oracle has Spoken
The appointment saga is becoming more unteresting,PNU MPs said that the JSC has no role in the appointment of CJ as per the Transistional Schedule 24:-
ReplyDelete(1) The Chief Justice in office immediately before the effective date shall,
within six months after the effective date, vacate office and may choose
(a) to retire from the judiciary; or
(b) subject to the process of vetting under section 23, to continue to serve
on the Court of Appeal.
(2) A new Chief Justice shall be appointed by the President, subject to the
National Accord and Reconciliation Act, and after consultation with the
Prime Minister and with the approval of the National Assembly.
(3) Subsection (2) also applies if there are further vacancies in the office of
Chief Justice before the first general elections under this Constitution.
"What a week and what a show!!" Says who? "As always, it's none other than our very own" Jeff Koinange.
ReplyDeleteSomething important for you to note:
If elections are held today in UK, Cameron and his coalition of Conservative /LibDems will suffer complete and humiliting defeat. That's how politics change in that part of the world.
The Brits are now crying out for Labour to come into their rescue. By-election held 2 weeks ago Labour won with the biggest margin ever!
ReplyDeleteAnd do you pay tax in your EU country of residence? Well, I guess waxing lyrcal and being intoxicated with one subject often clouds vision. Any more sermons to the choir please!!!
My sincere apologies to the Egyptian people from all walks of life. I did underestimate the velocity of political events as they were unfolding at Tahrir Square in Cairo as well as the other protests around the country.
ReplyDeleteI was wrong and I have to admit that the mass organization of demonstrations speaks volumes, and all I can now say to the Egyptian people is, 'Power to the people! Power to the people, for a new dawn has come. Aluta continua.'
I have been amazed at the sustained protest that the Egyptian people have mounted for the last couple of days.
The epic protest (battle) that took place over the bridge above Nile will go down in political history as one of the turning points in the reclamation of Egypt by Egyptian people without the help of outside forces as was the case in anti.
Mubarak has zero chance of remaining president, because the Egyptian protesters at home and abroad, have literally emasculated the him in all ways imaginable in a land where honour and shame are very valued traditional commodities.
And above all, congratulations to all the neighbourhood watch groups and the Cairo police for the manner in which they have conducted themselves while manning checkpoints and keeping out thugs, looters and hired political goons who have been trying to create chaos in Cairo and around the country.
In the meantime, Kenya's tribal warlords and their tribal political chiefs will not be able to continue with their dirty tricks of confusing, dividing and turning one ethnicity against the other in order to rule Kenyans through fear, manuplation and misinformation for too long.
The times are coming when majority of Kenyans from all walks of life will be able to wake and say, "Enough is Enough! We Want Our Country Back and We Want Last Peace! Get Out of the Way! Get Out of Parliament! Get Out of Power! Get Out of Our Midst! Kenyans are Better o Without Evil Leaders Like YOU! Enough is Enough!"
My predication, Hussein Mubarak will be forced out by late Thursday night or Friday evening. Or if not, then the following week at the lastest.
ReplyDeleteSome well respected senior military leaders who have known him since the 1980s and 90s, will find or seek an easement agreement for him before the whole political situation get out of hand.
The domino effect continues, Jordan and Syria are next on the protesters political chopping block.
The Arab leaders or nation that will dare use the military forces against their own people, are the ones that will pay a very hefty price once the dust has settles.
ReplyDeleteSpot on with ENTERPRISING TRIBALISTS. Imagine we claim to be a democracy with civilian prezzo but try demo and Uhuru Park gets sealed while Egypt's militaty dictatorship not shooting civilians. Kweli we have 100 years to civilize. Our police and army would act to protect tribal interests. But for how long?
@Anon 5:28 aka Taabu,
ReplyDeleteHave you ever been denied a visa or what is it you have against those who live abroad?
...ama ni wivu tu?
Earlier, Gichugu legislator Martha Karua while responding to a defence of President Kibaki's appointments, said "the President got tired of consultations." It is my plea that we must not tire on such important issues," she said.
ReplyDeleteShe said the matter must be referred back to the two principals, since "in conclusion, there is no agreement."
The oracle speaks well! However, The utopian must tell up how utopia/virtual reality works without taxes leagal tender etc an article for the future perhaps or a phd dissertation!
ReplyDeleteAnon 8:25 aka Oracle,
ReplyDeleteYou realise no one is praising you here so you decided to self-admire yourself? A gay trait!
No matter how many times you post using anons, your writing gives you away everytime! Faggot!!
@Anon 8.44 AM
ReplyDeleteThe KK wild wild west brigade and their mud slinging cheap shots will never let up. Lets keep to objectivity here, who needs self-praise? Is it that you long for it. I often don't respond to busy bodies but anyway endelea! If it will add Ugali to your plate or give you an e-orgasm.
The Oracle has Spoken
8.25 am and 8.44 am
ReplyDeleteIs Simply one and the same author, with glaring foot prints, the unmasking of the real author to be revealed later.
Anonymous said...
Something important for you to note:
If elections are held today in UK, Cameron and his coalition of Conservative /LibDems will suffer complete and humiliting defeat. That's how politics change in that part of the world.
Very true.
However, thats exactly why we say these ERECTIONS are nothing, but, OPIUM TAKING by the masses.
By re - electing so the Labour PAINS, they will have solved NOTHING. It is a CIRCUS.
In other words, a monkey swinging from one branch to another of the same tree cannot be said to be swinging from one tree to another.
As for Egypt, both sides are controlled by the same OLIGARCHY.
Thus, the outcome SHALL be what they DESIRE. It is another CIRCUS, unless there appears a BLACK SWAN.
Who won the ICC Deferral? Kenyans or the lords of impunity or the Ocampo Six and all criminals who were involved in PEV?
ReplyDeleteWhy were Kenyan citizens not allowed to vote on the ICC Deferral agenda?
Joining Sudan will mean surrendering the whole of North Eastern Region to the rightful owners who don't belong to Somalia nor Kenya, when the time comes, in the same way Sudan has agreed to nave Southern Sudan become an independent nation.
One hopes that the AU will win Kenya over and at the same time allow for the creation of a new state in the North Eastern Region of present day Kenya.
BTW, there is way more in the North Eastern Region (NER) than the thirty-five oil wells that are still awaiting to be harvested (drilled) in future by the Chinese oil companies.
The North wind is coming soon to sweep election thieves and murderers.
ReplyDeleteKibaki has shown again his smartness. It is better to say slyness. These are the same tactics Moi and Kenyatta used to apply.
We know very well that with these KKK preachers, Kenya is back to the dark days.
Impunity, Corruption, Tribalism, Land grabbing, Exam stealing, Oppression is back. Back to stay. This time for ever. The neighbours Uganda, Tanz, Sudan will laugh at our grandchildren. They will ask why we never tried to stop these thugs, Mungiki, Maina, Kibaki, YK92.
Dont wait to act now. It is your future and the future of your grandchildren.
Kalonzo is a Political whore and is willing to sleep with anyone to become PORK!
ReplyDeleteRaila, the pathological liar, says he was never consulted, then changes the story to say that he was never exhaustively consulted, etc. All he wanted to say was that he was mad because his Luo kinsman, Riaga Omollo, wasn't appointed Chief Justice. Then the liar lies again by saying that he is not mad to lie that he was not consulted if he was consulted.
ReplyDeleteRemember him telling the Kalenjins that he is not like a dog that eats some of its puppie after birth? That time he was conniving to have Kale leaders sent to the Hague and their landless peasants kicked out of Mau. Fortunately, most of the Kenyan people are beginning to realize that Raila is not simply a mad man, but is like the mad dog he refers in his primitive animal tales. Sadly, there still Kenyans who follow him in his mad chase of his tail.
According to Raila, regional balance means a Luo should be Chief Justice.
ReplyDeleteAti Raila is engaged in a mad chase of his tail. That is a good one. Anyway, when he finally catches up with his tail, does he intend to make soup with it? What a feast it will be for his worshippers!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is about Kenya, it's democratic future and not cheap tribal stupidity
ReplyDeleteWhether or not Raila and Kibaki consulted, this is Marendes rulin.
ReplyDeleteThe nominations should follow the law.
1. JSC nominate the candidates after a transparent method-adverts etc
2. send shortlisted list to Raila&Kibaki or parliament?
3. vetting by parliament
4. back to Kibaki to appoint
We have shortcuts. we must amend this.
CAN we start AFRESH if we dont want to burn Kenya as happened in 2007. This "nomitaed list"stand rejected by Parliament until I get a "jointly signed communication that Kibaki and Raila consulted before submitting the same to Parliament"Thats the Ruling my heart as a Kenayn patriot.
I watched Raila in parliament today explaining his position on why he rejects the president's list of nominees to the judiciary. I got the impression that he was struggling to make up a believable story. I also got a feel that he looked exhausted and not his usual energetic and very confident man.
ReplyDeleteI fear the hounds have smelt his political blood and they are going for the kill!!!
Raila had better heed the advise of Hon Machage during the debate in parliament. Accepts this one and let it pass. You will live to fight another day.
There are know figures supporting lawlessness as if we are living at times the Kenyan Africans were wearing goat skins.
ReplyDeleteCan we wake up as a nation. Earning alot of money, having a PhD or living in Muthaiga doesnt make you civilized.
Fairness and obediency to the set up rules are the few proofs of developments.
The State Law Office was to be filled with very very Stupid! And i mean STUPID! Kikuyus who are even ranked number 21.
ReplyDeleteCharacteristics of Kikuyus: Prostitutes, thieves, Murderers, greedy, evil, power hungry,liars, landgrabbers, conmen and their men have little dicks!
Can sobers minds prevail upon our leaders and Kenyans at large. When will we see the end to tribal bigotry and vitriol being spewed.
ReplyDeleteThat will be the era when today's and tomorrow's parents relearn how to raise their children in homes that wreak of zero ethnic chauvinism, zero bigtory, zero vitriol, zero hatred, and zero unpatriotic mentality.
ReplyDeleteHome environments where none of the above is spewed nor tolerated by all the young children, young adults, adults, the elderly and neighbours.
Sokwe see, sokwe hear, sokwe say, sokwe do as conditioned in the zoo or in the wild.
It is unbelievable that a mammoth, historic people's revolution is taking place in Egypt as we speak and nobody on this blog is taking about it.
ReplyDeleteInstead, most people here are engaged in tribalistic discussion which has created nothing but chaos in Kenya an many other African countries.
The Egyptian revolution, which errupted more than a week ago, came about as the result of a 30-year corruption by the ruling elites, massive unemployment(including lack of jobs for college graduates) and ruthless repression! What the young people in Egypt are shouting about in their streets are similar to what many youths are going through in Kenya and Africa!
Is there news blackout on what is going in Egypt?
truth and reconciliation. what ever happened.
ReplyDeletelaws laws and more laws will not correct anything.
cunning lawyers and loopholes dominate the world of laws.
what ever happened to common decency ,civility ,humility,brotherly love and oneness of God.
how about we practice this saying by t.Paine."the world is my country all man and women are my brothers and sisters and to do good is my religion"
Raila is throwing a massive tantrum after he was thwarted by the AU, he wanted to be part of the AU mediating team in the Ivory Coast crisis and he failed to convince the AU not to support kenya in deferring the ICC case What better way to avoid public humiliation then to create a major media circus over a non event so as to bury his Ethipia debacle.
ReplyDeleteThe Egyptian revolution, which errupted more than a week ago, came about as the result of a 30-year corruption by the ruling elites, massive unemployment(including lack of jobs for college graduates) and ruthless repression! What the young people in Egypt are shouting about in their streets are similar to what many youths are going through in Kenya and Africa!
You see a REGIME CHANGE and you call it a REVOLUTION. How pathetic!
What is happening in the Arab world, and which will happen in many places as GLOBAL INFLATION goes up due to USELESS PAPER PRINTING by Nero and his friends among other causes, it will be just regime changes and not revolution.
For a real revolution to occur in Africa, somethings must change.
For instance, our exports of coffee, tea, cocoa, oil and other EPZ nonsense, must become an OPTION and not a necessity.
For us to realise this, at the minimum, Africans must end their participation in these bodies:
- World Bank,
- The IMF, and
- the WTO.
A tall order. However, untill we understand these fundamentals, Africans can only benefit only INCIDENTALLY.
As such, under these arrangements, our ability to grow our economies and create much needed jobs can only occur within what constitutes the West's self interests.
In other words, Africans/Arabs have accepted, and continue to accept deliberate social retardation of the many to serve the interests of the few.
That is the problem and not African corruption as they want you to swallow.
PNU now talking
ReplyDeletelets dissolve the Grand Coalition and hold elections
ICC rejects plea by Kenya security chiefs AS KIBAKI jokes around!
ReplyDeleteUpdated 4 hr(s) 13 min(s) ago
The ICC judges handling the Kenyan case have dismissed an application by nine Kenya security chiefs who served during the post-election violence period seeking to be granted assurance against prosecutions for any statement they make to the prosecutor.
The judges rejected all the five applications in unprecedented UNANIMUOUS ruling on Monday advising the former PPOs and PCs on the way forward.
They however noted the process of recording evidence by witnesses was voluntary and according to the Rome Statute, the court may request a state party to facilitate the voluntary appearance of a witness but cannot compel a witness to testify before the national authorities of that state.
“It is for the state to comply with the Court’s request. In so doing, they may choose the manner in which they execute the Court’s cooperation requests. A decision taken by domestic courts based on national law, remains in principle within the sphere of the domestic legal system,” said the judges.
The 13-page ruling was issued on Monday following an application that was made to the Court on December 22, 2010 by the security chiefs.
More on so called Egyptian Revolution.
ReplyDeleteAs the Egyptians shout in the streets like mad dogs, the IMF is scheming.
If you doubt, this is what the HIGH PRIESTS are saying:
"The IMF is ready to help in defining the kind of economic policy that could be put in place.”
This PRIEST continued to say this:
"... [the] rampant unemployment and a growing income gap was a “strong undercurrent of the political turmoil in Tunisia and of rising social strains in other countries”.
Who has been pushing the economic policies which brought about these results? The same f%4ing IMF/WB/WTO.
Here it is. The IMF is scheming to define what Africans must have in place after their so called revolution.
Source: http://is.gd/UxPZQ1
And, we are not yet done. The IMF was going insolvent before the CREATED "economic crisis."
And now? Well, we are reading this:
"Cash - rich IMF plans to refurbish its 'opulent' headquarters."
Where have they gotten cash from? Well, here is the answer:
"They said the fund was now flush with cash after selling some of its stock of GOLD and EXCTRACTING FEES and INTEREST payments from troubled countries such as Ireland and Greece."
NB: The priests keep gold while giving the SHEEP papers which are valueless. If these USELESS PAPERS are so good, then, why does IMF not have them instead of gold?
In other words, due to the CREATED "economic crisis," the IMF coffers are getting full.
Source: http://is.gd/oXWERT
The question is, are the Tunisian, Egyptian so called revolutionaries mentioning this? Sadly, no.
It seems like the brown skinned fools do not see or understand anything.
@Mwarang'ethe 1:46 AM
ReplyDeleteSome of us have ears and eyes but we always fail to hear and see what's ailing our nation and way of life.
@Anonymous Revolutionary.young/restless/leaders of tomorrow's free nations,
Are we clueless or what? It's one thing to demonstrate in the streets, while it's another ball game to plot and strategize behind the scenes in situations where there are revolutions within a revoltution. Which is which in your case?
FYI, the Egyptian military has spoken; "You have been given ample opportunity to demosntrate, you have been heard, and your grievances against the government will addressed. But it's now time to 'Return to 'Normal Life'."
Mubarak has spoken; "I will leave on my accord by October, 2011. I will not seek re-election. I will die on Egyptian soil, a country I have fought for and defended so dearly at a time when most of you spoiled brats and your parents were not yet born. The country will be yours after I am gone in a few months from now."
BTW, how many Egyptian "tribes" are there?
Who are the Gikuyu, Luo, Kamba, Luhya, Kalenjin, Meru, Embu, Rendile, Kisii, Maasai, Miji Kenda, Bajuni, Bulushi, Waamu, Turkana and Samburu of Egypt?
LOL! Do you ever wonder about what the restless youth of Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Morocco, Gaza, Palestine, Mauritania, Sudan, Kenya, New Republic of Southern Sudan, and other Arab and African countries will be demonstrating against and complaining about in 2031, another thirty years from now?
Would you care to ask them when you get the opportunity to meet with some of their leaders and political strategists in summer of 2031?
Raila has been cleverly used by the very scheming Kibaki and his gang to stick his nose into every toxic issue in Kenya and every rigged election in other African countries! He has been very eager to take on these trouble roles outside Kenya while there are numerous troubles in Kenya which need to be resolved! In doing so, he has earned tons of enemies!
ReplyDeleteRaila has not been judicious enough to stop assuming these "jack of all trades" roles which takes his attention away from day to day operations in Kenya! He cannot resolve Sub-Saharan African election problems caused by the very resources-hungry western corporate war-lords operating everywhere in Africa! He has to attend to the problems facing the fragile Kenyan Coalition government!
If he is snubbed by African Union, it is because elites populating AU are agents of the same corporate war-lords who have labeled him (Raila) a communist! It is this label (communist) that caused him the presidency in the 2007 when the elections were rigged against him. Despite the fact that communism has never had any root in Sub Saharan Africa, the label has been effectively used by the corporate war-lords to assassinate leaders, destabilize countries, loot resources, and leave African countries with massive debts from the World Bank Group and IMF! These debts are created by taking loans to buy military equipments, the equipment used to rule authoritatively against the citizens! Communism and tribal cards have left a generational poverty and disease in Africa!
Unless Kenya's young people start working as "team Kenya" and purge the tribal nonsense from their thinking, the tribal and communist cards will always be used to keep them busy fighting one another while the resources are plundered. They will be bleeding and dying from self inflicted wounds. The same corporate war-lords who are good at rocking the tribal boats will recommend that those surviving the tribal onslaught be taken to ICC at The Hague; a court USA, China and Russia cannot allow their citizens to be subjected to no matter how bloody their hands are!
If the youths cannot stop tribalism, then Kenya must be divided along tribal boundaries so that each tribe can figure out how to survive in their little respective corners instead of being lumped under some super tribal dictators using tribalism to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of Kenyans!
There is nothing wrong with being a Luo, a Kikuyu, a Kalenjin, a Teso, a Pokot, a Luhya, a Kamba, an Embu and what have you. What is wrong is using these labels to stop others from fulfilling their dreams in life!
Oracle, jaluo jeuri aka senge(shoga)!
ReplyDeleteIf the youths cannot stop tribalism, then Kenya must be divided along tribal boundaries so that each tribe can figure out how to survive in their little respective corners instead of being lumped under some super tribal dictators using tribalism to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of Kenyans!
Kenya, like all other African states was founded on the UTOPIAN nonsense of the Enlightment Age which thought we could make a UNIVERSAL MAN.
Impossible. Man has lived in clans and tribes since time immemorial and no amount of social engineering will change that. Thus, trying to build CENTRALISED Caesarian/Pharoah/Spartian CENTRALISED COMMUNISTIC states which have FEUDALISTIC ECONOMIES is a dream. It is just as building the Tower of Babel with so many tongues.
It is time for a new way of thinking and not this nonsense of so called constitutions of Ghai and Nzamba and so called constitutional lawyers.
We would propose that, the Swiss model whereby, we have A CONFEDERATION OF KENYAN TRIBES as the best way forward for Africa.
Sample this:
"The Swiss President is not – as are, for example, the Presidents in Austria or Germany – the Head of State of the country: the Swiss Federal Constitution knows neither a Head of State nor a Head of Government."
"However, because the Swiss have no single Head of State, the country also carries out no state visits. When traveling abroad, the President does so only as an ordinary Minister of a government Department."
"Visiting heads of state are received by the seven members of the Federal Council together, rather than by the President of the Confederation."
Source: http://is.gd/4lkWW4
We would therefore, propose a radical departure from Caesarist/Orriental Despotism models of USA, UK, etc, and go the Swiss way.
While at it, Swiss is an example of what the whole of Europe was supposed to be, but, its WARLORDS preferred to copy Caesar and the East Despotism of Byzantine, Venice, Far East etc.
To have like Swiss system, we must first:
(a) declare and accept that, we have different tribes which live in different parts of the country,
(b)and foremost, we declare and accept the existence of TRIBAL LANDS.
The continued denial of tribes in Africa, as we read in the new constitution, in pursuit of so called unity of Caesar/Pharoah is one of our major undoing.
These Coalitions are a waste of time!
ReplyDeleteMugambe should copy from PNU and pull out
Major split in Mugabe’s Cabinet as deputy premier refuses to quit
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Sharp differences have emerged in Zimbabwe’s fragile unity government over the fate of one of the deputy Prime Ministers who was demoted by his party but has not left his post after receiving support from President Robert Mugabe.
Professor Arthur Mutambara who was toppled from the leadership of the small formation of the Movement for Democratic Change last month is supposed to make way for the new leader Professor Welshman Ncube.
Prof Ncube announced a fortnight ago that he would become the Deputy Prime Minister while his predecessor would be demoted to a ministerial post following the change in the party’s leadership structure.
But President Mugabe turned down an MDC request to re-assign Prof Mutambara citing legal reasons.
Zimbabwe has two deputy prime ministers, one each from the two MDC factions, following the formation of a unity government two years ago.
Prof Ncube’s party has accused Mr Mugabe of tribalism after his refusal to fire its former leader saying in June last year he eagerly accepted a request by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai to reshuffle his cabinet line-up.
The smaller MDC has its largest support base in the Ndebele speaking south western parts of the country while Mr Tsvangirai’s MDC and Mr Mugabe’s Zanu PF draw most of their support among the majority Shona population.
Mr George Charamba, the president’s spokesman, has dismissed the accusations that Mr Mugabe was being tribalistic and accused MDC of trying to use the veteran ruler to solve its internal problems.
“It is not the business of the president to use his powers as an appointing authority to resolve problems of a political party,” Mr Charamba told state media on Wednesday.
“Welshman Ncube must deal with the political problem in MDC arising from that party’s just ended congress.
“That congress yielded a contested leadership and that is not President Mugabe’s problem. Mr Charamba said Prof Ncube’s best bet was to persuade Prof Mutambara to agree to be re-deployed or leave the inclusive government.
Prof Ncube who is currently minister of Industry and Commerce announced a fortnight ago that Prof Mutambara had been redeployed to the Regional Integration and International Cooperation portfolio.
The robotics professor has not responded to the redeployment as he has been out of the country attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Despite signing a power sharing agreement in 2008 and forming a unity government with his rivals a year later, Mr Mugabe retained the sole prerogative to appoint or fire any cabinet member.
The two MDC formations can only make recommendations but not State appointments.
Ethnic divisions in the Zimbabwean government are not new.
Two years after the country’s independence in 1980, President Mugabe fired ministers from PF Zapu led by the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo who was popular in the south western parts of the country.
The expulsion was followed by a military excursion that killed 20,000 PF Zapu supporters and were described as a “moment of madness by” Mr Mugabe.
PEACE loving Kenyans should HONESTLY ask themselves if the PNU wing is right for this country. It seems they will do anything to help the Ocampo 6 by any means, even if it leads to destabilizing the nation.
ReplyDeleteAre this what we call leaders? The moves the PNU wing are making can only mean one thing the Ocampo 6 are GUILTY and it seem Ocampo may indeed have credible evidence against them.
I only wish that for once Kenyans would open their eyes and see beyond the tribal shields. I hope Marende despite the threats he has received will make a solomonic ruling tommorow.
Confining pathological tribalists and ethnic extremists to their own regions and people is not a solution of any kind.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, they are bullies who will turn onto their own when there are no ethnic opponents or victims to attack.
As usual ethnic thugs, tribal goons, racisit snakes, chauvinist raccoons and Tasmanian tribal devils, whoever they maybe, always learn their trade and perfect it within their immediate communities before exporting the same disease beyond their tribal dens, caves, sewers, cocoons, bushes, cages and thickets.
Tribalists are diseased individuals and people who need help so that they can recover in the long run.
Tribalism is an addiction akin to crack, meth, heroin and alcoholic addiction.
Tribalists need help, treatment and to be enrolled in long term recovery programs.
Jeshi la Mzee (hired thugs, plain cloth policemen, loyalists and party youth wingers) are busy attacking anti-Mubarak demonstrators.
ReplyDeleteThey are trying to create chaos so that the senile mzee may justify his hold onto power.
Ironically, the national tv stations are now showing the clashes 24/7 while they had blacked out the massive demonstrations for the last couple of days.
48 year old mwarang'ethe is seeking for gold in the wrong places while waxing about tax/useless paper which he pays obediently and uses paper for his purchases. Wow, I wonder if his cosmetic products are purchased using gold currency or good useless Kenya shillings.
ReplyDeleteRumour has it that that Kibs(PNU)and PANUA mpigs plan antagonize the coalition and call for Snap elections where the toad will contest coz he has not finished his 2nd term.
ReplyDeleteBrace yourselves for replication of Egypt in kenya