This is the presidential candidate that Kumekucha would be happy to support and vouch for in 2012. It is our official position that Kenyan voters should quit doing the same thing (electing men) and expecting different results and go for a woman president this time round. One of the things this could do is help diffuse the tribal emotions that have dogged our politics with such tragic results. It is my firm belief that Karua can duplicate in Kenya what the other Iron lady Margaret Thatcher did for Britain (I doubt whether the Brits will see such prosperity again).
She may not be very lovable and she is certainly not as sexy as Charity Ngilu but she can certainly get the job done and deliver results. She may just be the person to help us usher in the brand new Kenya we all so eagerly yearn for.
Despite her involvement in helping Kibaki achieve the evil of 2007 election fraud, she cannot be held fully responsible. The buck stops with the president himself and those close to him have to follow orders and do as instructed. We are not absolving her, she still stands accused for that terrible chapter in Kenyan history but sometimes the greatest achievers are those who have fallen and risen again or made terrible mistakes and still bounced back. Martha “comeback” Karua has surely transformed herself beautifully for the good of the Kenyan people.
First Runner Up: Gitobu Imanyara
Second runner up: Mohamed Abdikadir
I have included comments in red below next to some of the other nominations.
1. Martha Karua
2. Gitobu Imanyara.
3. COE (commitee of Experts)
4. PLO Lumumba (was in contention but it is still too early to start popping the Champaign.)
5. Mohamed Abdikadir (Led a team and indeed achieved a lot-that is why he ended up 3rd. But he cannot take the lion’s share of the credit just because he was in the limelight most.)
6. Manu Chandaria
7. Caroline Mutoko
The most evil 3 square kilometres of dirt in Kenya (the post everybody is talking about)
louis moreno agwambo
ReplyDeleteAti Karua for president in 2012?
ReplyDeleteNO WAY!! Kenya deserves much better.
She may be a woman, but is still cut from the same chauvinistic, tribal cloth and silly "ethnic superiority" thinking that characterizes the men, both young and old, of that tribal mafia from the Mt Kenya region.
It is such kind of thinking that fired up, as you rightly said, "her involvement in the Kibaki electoral theft of 2007"
A HYENA will always be a HYENA, it will never become a pussy cat. It has never happened, is not happening and will never happen.
Chris, I can bet you my last shilling that Karua is still a HYENA - she has not changed. At best she is just a hyena in sheepskin, elect her and you will regret. You may end up crying for Kibaki and Moi - all rolled into one - to "come back."
I completely agree Martha Karua was indeed the person of the year. She rose from humble peasant background to be the most famous female politician in Kenya today never mind she's not even in cabinet. She has proved time and time again that she's a great debater, very eloquent with all the facts ready on her fingertips. She was one of the very few ministers to even resign from cabinet in her own will, the last to do so being Matiba if I have my facts right. As I said a few days ago, she's not an angel or a saint. She has her own shortcomings especially when she blindly defended electoral theft in 2007 by the very ungrateful Mwai Kibaki. However, the good she has done for this country far outweigh those shortcomings. What Martha should now do is quickly sell her credentials not only in Central but also other regions. Kenyans will be eager to listen to her message. Some of those pretenders to the throne like Uhuru and Raila are rich spoilt kids who have never slept hungry, walked barefoot, tarmacked or used a matatu. They are clearly out of touch with reality as far as Mwananchi is concerned. Martha understands the common man better than the corrupt overnight billionaire who want to grab power by any means necessary. Raila has appointed nearly every member of his extended family to some post somewhere especially in diplomatic circles. Martha Wangari Karua would never do that! She would make a great CEO of this nation. The only barrier to her dream of ruling Kenya is sadly her tribe. In the very tribal politics of this nation, the Kikuyus have eaten. She must strategize on how to overcome that. This poem by the late Tupac Shakur reminds me of Ms Karua.
ReplyDeleteThe Rose That Grew From Concrete.
"Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared."
Good luck Martha Karua. Go for it girl!
you must be mad chris....we'll take you to mathari.
ReplyDeleteati karua is person of the year?
for doing what? covering up anglo-fleecing and manipulating votes with Kivuitu?
for perpatrating alongside Michuki the extra judicial killing of thousands of youth in mt elgon, nairobi and central?
or maybe you need us to upload the infamous BBC Hard Talk interview of 2008 for you to know exactly who this woman is?
ati martha karua kumekucha person of the year 2010....what are you smoking these days chris?
toa hiyo leta ingine.
ReplyDeleteWacha zako. We are talking about 2010 not electoral theft of 2007. Karua has been at the forefront of crusading for better governance in Kenya. Kwani who is ur person of the year then?
perhaps chris needs to also consider the common men and women of Kenya who make a mark in their own small way....if CNN of all media houses recently honoured one such person - A STUDENT OF JKUCAT - why not the great Kumekucha blog?
ReplyDeleteSome of these Kenyans get nominated for the 2010 nobel literature price and miss out by a whisker, and here you have chris not even bothering to nominate them among his top ten!!??
what about those professional sportsmen and women? The Kenya 7s rugby team? Our women's volleyball team - always representing Africa and not just Kenya at the top most levels of the competition. Have they marketed this country any less than Martha karua and Carol Mutoko, in my view two of the mouthiest women in Kenya?
Remember David Rudisha? You want to tell me Chris didnt notice this guy broke an athletics record that hard remained unchallenged for decades?
What exactly has Carol Mutoko done to be nominated here? Is she any greater than Tegla Lorupe who has won worldwide acclaim for the campaigns for peace and development she is doing for the most marginalised people of Kenya?
Just last week, a fellow Kenyan pioneer blogger Orry Okolloh was appointed to a senior position by global giants Google. And she is a woman too just like her majesty Kumekucha's Martha Karua... Was Chris too high to notice that?
Recently, earlier this month a young Kenyan gospel artist won a continental award AMA award I believe....hizo zote Chris haoni!
Ati Karua na ma sonko kama Chandaria ndio chris anaona.
And these are just kionjo. There are many others. I think it is upon those who publish such nominations to do their research fairly.....and of course deeply and widely.
Try and notice the small people Chris. Kumekucha is a leading blog and there should be reason for that. The Manu Chandarias, Michael Josephs, James Mwangis etc lines are tired and stale.
Honestly Chris I am DISAPPOINTED!
ReplyDeleteYou have, for once, gotten this right this time round. Lady Karua has done a lot that will touch the lives of most Kenyans in the long run. For a start, she formulated the law that saw the constitutional process proceed so efficiently with strict timelines and then anchored the law in the Constitution such that the mafia tried to derail the process without any success. And lately, she has become an effective one-person Opposition in Parliament. When people like Raila went mute while the MPs were voting to withdraw Kenya from the Rome Statute, it was Karua who stood for the aspirations of the Kenyan people in the House.
By recognizing Karua's contributions and naming her Kumekucha Person of the Year even as you point out her failings, you have shown not just an ouststanding power of judgment but also rare courage. You will be called names, but enter 2011 magestically knowing that you have closed 2010 with a bang. You have made an honest and a right call. May God give you more wisdom and protect your boma!!
Chris/Phil/Taabu/Anonymous/et al
ReplyDeleteHNY,and please whatever happened to the former famed slogan of this popular family blog beloved by house maids and security guards? "only brand new leadership and brand new thinking can save Kenya"?
No wonder we are permanently stuck in reverse gear without hope of remedy.we truly get the leaders we deserve.
Like Bw.Phil has said in nominating your person of they year you have completely refused to use your ability to think outside the box
Careful bro!I know you have been swimming against the currents all these years and its starting to become tiresome when it seems true change is so far from sight!
Your nomination of Martha Karua shows you are still comfortable to be cloisterd in the cocoon of familiarity our country suffers from, with same old 'usual' suspects justified and cleared to vie for Presidency with a shrug meaning "ah,this is what makes home home"
Even Saul of Tarsus converted Paul though he became a great man ended his christian apostolic journey on earth in a prison cell writing letters yet he was the most forgiven man on this planet.
I would wonder why it should be different for any other forgiven and converted Kenyan politician?
Anyway,please forgive me for the e-sermons and HNY all ALVAROS and FRESH TILAPIA free on me won't you?Taabu Phil and Sayra owe me
The problem with some people is they never think outside the box and they think what they like should be the standard.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes it funny is that they making noise now and when Chris asked people to nominate who they think they should be the Kumekucha Person they never 'talked'.
FYI, Chris listed those who were named in the previous post, where we you?
It seems like every is now talking and writing about the forthcoming 2012 OPIUM TAKING session in Kenya.
ReplyDeleteGood luck. We take no OPIUM.
We shall meet after the hangover HERE at KK in 2013.
While at it, things are getting better because. You might get ORGASM as we are seeing in Spain, an honorary member of PIIGS.
Source: http://is.gd/jPmxo
Blogger Anonymous @ 12/31/10 2:29 AM said...
ReplyDeleteThe problem with some people is they never think outside the box and they think what they like should be the standard.
What makes it funny is that they making noise now and when Chris asked people to nominate who they think they should be the Kumekucha Person they never 'talked'.
FYI, Chris listed those who were named in the previous post, where we you?
Why do you not challenge what I have said openly and point out exactly what you do not agree with instead of hiding under anonymous handles and ranting nothing ??
One does not have to respond to each and every post on Kumekucha to be labelled ignorant of some current affairs. Additionally, failing to comment on a previous posts does not in any way take away my right to comment on a current post.
These achievers are public knowledge and it up to the nominator and his committee to be seen to be fair - and not just one who relies on the skewed and biased newspaper headlines in Kenya so as to nominate the likes of PLO Lumumba as their persons of the year....what exactly has PLO done to benefit any Kenyan since he took over a public office?
Just weeks ago Musa Sirma exposed Karua's hypocrisy and dishonesty while the Artur report was being tabled in parliament. Before that, when chief NARC-K pharmacist won (or is it purchased) the Makadara parliamentary seat, Martha was told by the PM to remove the log in her eyes first before attempting to remove the spec in others.
What due dilligence did NARC-K do to reward the likes of ODM reject Sonko and Kabogo with tickets to parliament, disregarding the constitutional requirements for integrity on leadership and in the end sending drug dealers to the national assembly? Drug dealers who have turned thousands of Kenyan youth into addicts and sent some to their early graves....that is exactly what Karua was endorsing and defending on the floor of parliament. Have you heard Raila Odinga defending Joho or even Mwau? Is Karua not the party leader of NARC-K, which has the highest number of drug dealing MPs and that which she is not denouncing?
And these are the people Kumekucha wants to nominate as persons of the year? I feel like vomiting just thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteWho is your person of the year then?
Luke said,
ReplyDelete["Your nomination of Martha Karua shows you are still comfortable to be cloisterd in the cocoon of familiarity our country suffers from, with same old 'usual' suspects justified and cleared to vie for Presidency with a shrug meaning "ah,this is what makes home home"]
So who is your nominiation?
From your rants we all see where you are coming from.
ReplyDeleteThe Kumekucha Person was to be decided by the number of nominations they get not a committee sitting somewhere to decide, that is why am asking you where were you? You should have nominated any one of those you have named.
Let's just name Raila the person of the year 2010 and get it over with so that we can have some peace. Don't like it when stones are flying around in this wonderful blog Chris created.
ReplyDeleteChris' mistress
I stand by my choice.
ReplyDeleteIt is a powerful statement that Kumekucha will want to support a woman president for 2012 and will be happy to see more of them stand for the highest seat in the land. This talk of women waiting until 2017 should be ignored. Why should they wait? For somebody's personal interests? Kenya is bigger than any single individual.
It is a strong statement that Kumekucha is totally blind to tribe or party affiliations and urge other Kenyans to make an effort in the same direction.
It is of course true that I asked for nominations (apparently those who matter did not make their nominations, or so it seems).
Still I strictly considered contributions to the good of majority of Kenyans in the year 2010. And remember that Kumekucha is a political blog so I am looking at politics NOT sports, Chess etc. When you stick to this criteria, it is a no-brainer-Martha wins by a landslide. I also considered number of nominations from Kumekuchans and if you look at the last post Martha is the clear winner. So what was I supposed to do? A Kibaki?
I may not like her as a person or the way she goes about things, but then this is not a popularity contest for the sake of popularity, is it? It is time the Kenyan voter placed their emotions aside and though of who can get the job done. PERIOD!!
Happy new year everybody.
Chris Kumekucha
P.S. Today is my birthday and I am so grateful to GOD Almighty who has enabled me to see this day in good health and excellent spirit. Truly God is good all the time.
If Kumekucha is a political blog, what is the motivation for nominating Chandaria and Mutoko?
ReplyDeleteNo brainer indeed!!!
Anon @3:26
ReplyDeleteMiss Mutoko has made political contributions using her popular radio station.
However I agree with you that Manu Chandaria should not have been nominated here.
Chris Kumekucha
Chris, do you realise all the people you supported from 2002 - 2007 elections never made it to president?
ReplyDeleteAs democrats ODM welcomes healthy political competition from men and women of Kenya. ODM does no discriminate gender. ODM has itself has nominated and appointed women to powerful positions, and as we talk has proposed the non other than Betty Murungi (former TJRC Vice Chair) to replace the epitome of impunity in Kenya, Attorney General Amos Wako. Guess who Wako worked with closest in the last 8 years in promoting impunity and suppressing delivery of justice to Kenyan ? None other than your 2010 person of the year former Justice minister martha Karua.
So, your declaration that Kumekucha will want to support a woman for president 2012 is really no big news and we look forward to engaging you for the 2012 campaigns. And we shall meet your candidate at the ballot box. Remembr your imaginary fresh candidate in 2007? What happened to him?
But please, try and understand I did not expect you to overturn your published nominations. I only gave you vivid examples of how shortsighted and shallow you nominations are. It is a fact which you have lamely tried to evade by saying Kumekucha is a political blog. Karua is certainly not the best performing MP, and the parliamentary bill tracker, motions passed and hansard will bear me witness.
Mutoko is a radio journalists and not a politician so why nominate her? There are political journalists working for other stations who reach much more Kenyans than Mutoko's Kiss 100, one of whom I can tell you influences more people than Mutoko is Citizen's Waweru Mburu...those are the stations most Kenyans listen to, wachana ni hizi Kiss100zenu za Nairobi.
Happy Birthday mzee Chris, lakini hapa naye umenoa.
I would say Karua is the best of the worst. She has clearly made up to Kenyans for her past sins by being vocal and patriotic to matters that Kenyans care about. So yes, Chris is right, Karua deserves the accolade:
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday son. Take one beer/soda/milk/tea and send over the bill!
First I would like to say that i'd rather eat dirt than vote for Martha Karua.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, what the hell has she done this year to deserve the accolades, Chris can you provide us with FACTS!!! On her achievements this year that have impacted on millions of Kenyans.
Thirdly, She will never be PORK, maybe when Hell Freezes over.
Rants! Rant! And more Rants! Kwani Chris, what you smoking? By the way Happy Birthday, akunywe one on me he he he.
ReplyDeleteYour lame duck Martha Karua will never make it to the house on the hill, being VOCAL and SHOUTING loudest has NEVER been known to impact on Kenyans, kwani her rants ongezad Ugali on whose table?
Leta ingine bwana birthday, in the race for PORK she is like mzee kobe literally.
Chris, I still think Karua is damaged goods (supporting Kibs in stolen election, lack of judgement in accepting known drug barons into her fold, etc). Her cons outweigh her pros. That said, going by your previous post she is person of the year. & yes this is your blog so you can easily pull a Kibaki on us. Happy B'day!
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to her as PORK, she'll never see the light of day. Her clash with Mutuko & Nyambane back in the day when she was a mere Water Minister should sound as a warning to all. She has very thin skin & cannot take hits on her personal life without clamping down on the media. The Standard/KTN raids would be child's play compared to what we'd see under a Karua administration.
@ M.pesa. Didn't Kibaki resign from cabinet well after Matiba on the eve of the first multiparty elections? That's how the late Kanyotu lost his job as head spook coz he never saw it coming.
Happy New Year!
I was gonna shout with a big exclamation on the news of Karua's…, that is, until I read Chris is still flogging that dead stinking rotten horse called "stolen election" on this new year's eve of 2011.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sad way to start a New Year and a New Decade!
From the trivial to the most daunting, we know Chris cannot stand the heat in the Kitchen. Today is Martha Karua (perhaps to appeal to female readers??), then come tomorrow he will retract back to Raila in order to please his worshippers here in this blog!
My word of advice Chris, on this day of your Birthday; stick to your gut instincts in all situations! Leave double-mindedness to the confused.
Happy New Year you all!
(I hope you stay away in this coming year from that dead horse aka stolen election)
Kumekucha Princess
ReplyDeleteKwani umekula mbuzi ya nani? First things first, HAPPY BIRTH DAY. Just like wine may you refuse to grow old but instead MATURE with age.
As for KK person of the year, I will not dare enter the smoky kitchen but I will pick the debate it has REKINDLED that reminds me of the ORIGINAL KK. Give it to Bw Phil for his fidelity and keeping it civil. And KK being a political blog with Chandaria/Mutoko/PLO nominations is real rocket science, ama?
KK person of the year may have been a result of e-poll but what does it tell you about Kenyans? SHORT TERMISM and mistaking turbo-charged mouth for substance. Make no mistake, I am not taking anything away from Iron Lady Wangari.
In retrospect ask yourself if Martha didn't fall out with Kibaki, would she be the voluble one-lady opposition? Just check her Artur record and GO TO COURT rant. Opposition birthed in TANTRUM is not honest but selfish - SOUR GRAPES.
True, there are no political saints but can you fool a people by plastic/selfish transformation overnight? Is Karua out to prove a point aka raw rebelion to spite the boss? Granted her past speaks of activism but she gave a glimpse of the devil within when in power.
Karua's tiffs with journalists was the best display of what she will do with power.
Bottom line is that Karua shines because of:
1) Kenyans' SMS and forgiving in a hurry without somebody taking responsibility/accounting
1) lack of a better loud female mouth.
Humility and consistency are the BASIC pillars of competent leadership. Humility demands Paul to accept Saul's inadequacies. The SUPERIORITY SIMPLEX SYNDROME (SSS) is too toxic for any leadership bid. There is a very thin line between being combative/abrassive and brave. Take your pick and I rest my case.
PS1: Luka (you are truly and painfully walking alone-RH) HNY. Please tell me how much is the white HORSELESS mule? I want it back. No contagious selective amnesia please!!!!
PS2: Living a lie is to ignore a DEAD HORSE foolishly hoping that the intoxicating stench will vanish. OLE WAKO and brace yourself for the health consequences.
Chris you say Karua NOT sexy. So are we ready to replace an OGRE with an OGRESS?
ReplyDeleteOle wako Chris,you should have done better than this and appeased the serial whiners by including at least one 'O' name.That is all they are really asking....!!
ReplyDeleteManu Chandaria- is he not Sameer?
ReplyDeleteHave you not seen the kencel bribery case that was done through Sameer?
are you ignorant of his role in the death of uchumi supermarket?
give us a break!
ReplyDeletewacha zako ati SAF ana fikiri PRESTON ni yake?Bure Kabisa na ashindwe!
poor you what kind of birthday competes with NEW YEAR EVE?anyway happy birthday bro and please there is no shame in CHANGING YOUR MIND in your E-award we all make mistakes
wow!anyway happy new year
@anon 7.43 am
ReplyDeleteAm LMAO haha haa haaaaa! What!!! Yeah an OGRESS not with one HUGE EYE but two HUGE EYES!! Kwani she can't see that she will never be PORK
What about Kalonzo Musyoka?
ReplyDeletekalonzo in my opinion is the man of the decade!
Nothing taint this man unlike all his rivals.
Couldn't help but take a sneak peak on my numero uno blog while enjoying a cold pilsner at carnivore.
ReplyDeleteAnd am just like WTF! Martha who??? Ngai fafa she will NEVER make it! Wooooiiii! Chris what in the name of Rasta alias Matheri are you smoking?
Anyway on behalf of my friends Mbuzi choma and Ugali, Kachumbari and Kuku fry and others who are yet to make it on my table I want to wish you a Happy Birthday, ubarikiwe hadi ushangae.
Nononono Not martha karua this madam is mad! Mathare nyuma. She has very irregular Period, with raging hormones. She defended kibak’s stolen election hand and foot. She is too dogmatic with no reason. Yes very intelligent with no wisdom and no husban.
ReplyDeleteIf you Kenyans want to regret for the rest of you life give 2012.
If your kenyans want the dream of 2030 to come real elect Martha Karua. She mad enough to make to wipe you Kenyans to work hard the will be no nyef nyef.
Vote Karua 2012
If martha Runs she will get my vote. All the other'bastards' in parliament can go hang. When men no longer have balls then they are useless. Excuse the language but im so utterly disgusted by this parliament. And she was the only one who opposed the move my MP's selfish as usual to withdraw from haugue. If our 'men' politicians can never rise to the occasion, the Martha can....and will....
ReplyDelete@ anon 8:23. Sameer is Naushad Merali, another prominent Moi front man.
ReplyDelete@ Kenyaone. Wicked pun! Martha Karua will be PORK when pigs will fly. It's not about her tribe. It's not about her gender. It's not even about her personal life (divorcee, Fr Wamugunda in the wings promising interesting liaisons in state house 2012). It's all about her lousy politics when the chips are down (ok she's tried on the ICC thing but that's not enough to give her a thru-pass to be PORK).
Martha Karua kararua Fr. Wamugunda kweli, lakini lahaula la kwata, makalio yake hayawezi kalia kiti ya Ikulu.
ReplyDelete@Mutinda 'Kisio'!
ReplyDeleteWhy Martin Oduor-Otieno of all the people you have known or associated with in one way or another since the 19_ _s?
One of your nominee, Oduor-Otieno may be good at dealing with money matters to some extent, but does the man have the people skills and visionneeded to survive in the political trenches and especially on the frontlines of 'Kenya's Battlegrounds in 2012'?
And why would Kenyans want afresh start with old time political names like George Saitoti, Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka of people?
I thought that the world was flat until I saw your "super selection of high-quality nominees" for Kenya's next president.
Mmmmmmmm. The more things change, the more they? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
ReplyDeleteAti Coroline Mutoko? You may have your reasons for trying to include her among the circle of who is who that have contributed to the ugrade of Kenya in one way, shape or fashion.
Lakini, I really beg to differ kabisa, kabisa kabisa, due to other reasons and various factors.
On the other hand, there is an abundant crop of very influential Kenyan women, young and not so young, who have contibuted a lot to the common good as well as the greater good in Nairobi, Mombasa and around our wonderful country of Kenya.
Kwa hivyo, you have been put on notice, yaani, grap your pen, Chris, there are so many influential women out there I can't wait for you to discover in 2011 and beyond.
BTW, Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHere is how Margaret Thatcher the Iron Lady saved British Economy....
Anon @5:14
ReplyDeleteHio link ya Iron Lady wa Britain ni kali sana.
Very informative.
Very Informative link, we need to take OPIUM taking sessions to elect leaders like the former British Iron Lady.
ReplyDeletekumekucha said...
ReplyDeleteAnon @5:14
Hio link ya Iron Lady wa Britain ni kali sana.
Very informative.
12/31/10 9:23 PM
So, why is our response to that "very informative" link then being deleted?
ReplyDeleteyou can ask that again
despite the new katiba, we still seem to have a long way to catch up
@ Mwara"N"gethe,
ReplyDeleteThe "gatekeepers" never sleep and macabre "selective democracy" acts like the legendary Thors hammer to those who dare to jump over the KK gate.
For now "Iron" ladies Margaret T. & Martha K. "must" be allowed to Rhyme in both style & manner, unless you have a "master key" to KK gates.
The Oracle has Spoken
MPESA, are you sure RAO like Ohuru is a rich spoilt kid who has never walked or ridden a matatu?
ReplyDeleteChris, like others have opined karua is not the kind of person you are painting her to be - a vengeful, hateful, uncouth, undiplomatic, two-faced b@#$ cannot be the person of the year.
Ebu don't even mention your crush Mutoko.
Next you will be telling us nameless and wahu are the artists/singers of the year. POOOH!!!
forgot to mention - my nominee for person of the year:COE
ReplyDelete1st runner-up RAO - Prezo-in-waiting.
Being your birthday and the founder of this "popular" blog, I thought you would invite your readers to a big bash somewhere... in NRB? By coincidence, it's also that time of the year many of your readers in diaspora are at"home" for xmas.
ReplyDeleteMartha Karua for presidency sounds fine on paper only. Despite her brilliance and courage she will not make it because of male chauvinism. *case closed*
ReplyDeleteWhat's so wrong or abominable or very unconstitutional about electing a woman as the next president of Kenya in 2012 and 2017?
ReplyDeleteMarth Karua or other women of substance may end pulling off a feat that is still unthinkable to those with *closed minds*.
The so called excuse of male chauvinism is not the problem at all, the real problem Kenya still faces is that of people with very *closed tribal minds*.
Otherwise women and a quarter of the men from western, eastern, coast, north eastern, northern Rift Valley, southern Rift Valley, central Rift Valley, Nairobi and central regions have enough votes at their disposal to tip the political scales and turn tables against the prevailing winds of ethnic (tribal) chauvinism that is so entrenched in all almost every region in the country.
Unfortunately, political parties have been smelted into ethnic mouthpieces by well known tribal lords, chiefs and the adherents of backward electoral politics of myopic ethnicity.
BTW, where is Kenya's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to not only pave way for our own Dilma Rousseff, but also to institute social programs and wealth distribution so as to help pull 20 million Kenyans out of abject poverty?
Please, don't even menation the like of Francis Atwoli and company, people who have used COTU and other national organisations and institutions for personal gain and at times as a stage for political clowning around the country whenever it suits them.
FYI, least we forget, some of our women are the worst habitual offenders in the art of genetically engineered homegrown ethnic chauvinism.
While some are still busying themselves with throwing venomous darts at the dreaded prospects of Kenya getting its first female president, allow me to indulge Kumekucha with one more familiar name, *... ...*
ReplyDeleteShe is 49 yrs,
1998 - first elected to the House of Representatives.
2001 - elected to shadow cabinet.
2006 - Deputy Leader of the Opposition.
2007 - Deputy Prime Minister.
2010 - Prime Minister of [...?]
Anyway, let's not worry ourselves with whatever happens in 2012, it doesn't matter who wins the majority of the nationwide votes, but let's just make sure that Kenya's next vice president or deputy prime minister or both are chosen from among the women population.
Thereafter, we move on in readiness to change our gender, ethnic, regional and national modus operandi and prepare for the real showdown in 2017.
Kenyans who seek real change will not indulge in a fruitless excercise of electing women candidates and other new faces (men) for the sake of comestic change, but they will try to change the course of the country's future by doing things differently.
I am among those who are confident that there are many Kenyan versions of *Julia Gillard* in our midst, and all we must do in the meantime is set the target of preselecting and later electing them for the "winnable seats" and above all the higher offices in the nation.
Otherwise Kenyans will continue to relive a self-fulfilling prophecy, which is, collective national "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" in 2012, 2017 and 2022.
Happy New Year - 2011. And Happy New Decade ('FOR REAL NATIONAL CHANGE') - 2011-2010.
Lack of knowledge and selective amnesia is one grave sin. Speaking of the 49 year-old Wales' born Aussie PM without telling us the betratyal of Kevin Rudd is typical narrow Kenyan mindset. POLE, leta ingine.
ReplyDeleteLack of common knowledge and self-imposed amnesiac feat are the worst forms of penance to be undertaken.
ReplyDelete"Speaking of the 49 year-old Wales' BORN Aussie PM with telling us ["us" meaning?] the betrayal of Kevin Rudd is 'typical narrow Kenyan mindset'."
Very well stated and very typical of most experts in all things "Typical Narrow Kenyan Mindset."
First things first, the "49 year-old Wales' BORN PM" (Leader of the Labour Party) is serving under the Monarch Elizabeth II, and there is nothing that your kind can do about it.
Unlike the US of America and many other countries of the world where foreign BORN residents ("naturalized citizens") like the current Wales' BORN Aussie PM are not even allowed to hold any of the higher offices within those respective countries.
Betrayal? Betrayal? What betrayal?
The Labour Party had to be saved from going under the sewer before and during the federal election.
"KNOWING he (Kevin Rudd) would be DEFEATED if he CONTESTED the LEADERSHIP, he (Kevin Rudd) STEPPED DOWN as party leader and Prime Minister on the morning of the ballot."
Why? Kevin Rudd quit when the going become tough for him. He is a quitter, a quitter never wins and a winner never quits.
There was betrayal because he quit on himself on the morning before the vote for party's leadership was cast.
So, who betrayed Kevin Rudd?
Were they members of the Labour Party who were disatisfied with his style of leadership or the "49 year-old Wales' BORN Aussie" who had the backbone (vision) and the spine to step in and save the day and the Labour Party from brink of disaster at the polls?
What say you and all of your political friends?
BTW, Kevin Rudd was later rewarded with a hefty consolation prize when he was "promoted back to cabinet as Minsiter for Foreign Affairs in Gillard's Labour minority government."
So, why would a man who felt so betrayed by his own party members and deputy turn around and accept a high profile cabinet position?
The generosity of women never ceases to amaze "outsiders" and I guess I will know why because of my grievous sins of (i) lack of knowledge, (ii) selective amnesia and (iii) "typical narrow Kenyan mindset."
odmers dont hate kalonzo, ruto, uhuru, karua, naikuni etc. What they hate is the idea that someone other than raila can be considered for pork.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Southern Sudan will soon be deciding whether to break away from the rest of Sudan and start their own republic, or remain as part of a confedarated Sudan.
ReplyDeleteMaybe, maybe, it's also time Kenyans allowed their friends and neighbours for the last fifty years to break away and start their own Republic of Nyanza with Raila as head of state for life.
Don't you think that it would solve a lot of their political, social, economic and ethnic problems that have bogged them down in the last five decades.
Just kidding. Just kidding