The information is that PM Raila Odinga has made a deal with Mwai Kibaki that he will support the fight to keep the latter away from any Hague prosecution (even after he leaves the presidency in 2012) and in return the president will mobilize the support of Central province to back Raila to the hilt for the presidency in 2012. That supposedly 2012 winning team will consist of Raila as President and Uhuru as his running mate and Vice president.
Let me first repeat what I have said here in this blog many times. Raila Odinga’s contributions to Kenya are considerable but he will never be president of Kenya. He is probably one of the best presidents Kenya will never have. Sadly he won the 2007 elections and should be serving as President right now. But alas his chance has passed. In the next general elections Kenyans will elect a fresh crop of people who have mostly never been in mainstream politics again, starting from the president. This determination to give the motherland a real fresh start with the new constitution is gathering momentum by the day and will be unstoppable by the time we go to the polls. But that is a story for another day and another controversial post. For now the most tell tale sign that there could have been a deal is the strange behaviour of ODN after Ocampo released his list.
An official statement from the ODM high command and parliamentary group shortly after the Ocampo 6 was named drowned in all the hype and noise” from PNU operatives. However the statement speaks volumes and explains why there seems to be a deafening silence from ODM members.
The carefully worded statement expressed solidarity with the Ocampo 6 including William Ruto who has fallen out badly with the party chairman in recent months. Individuals within the party who have always advocated for a Hague solution have been strangely quiet.
So as ODM and it’s leading lights changed their minds about the Hague being the best chance to strike a mortal blow on old man impunity?
Even stranger is the fact that despite the ODM MPs have failed to respond to thinly veiled attacks at the PM by PNU legislators who are saying that the whole Ocampo thing has been orchestrated by a presidential candidate who wants to clear away competitors for the high office ahead of the 2012 polls.
But some PNU supporters have confused the issue even further by claiming that William Ruto and Henry Kosgei’s defense will implicate Raila. Actually, insiders have revealed shocking details to this blogger of what exactly happened at the height of the post election skirmishes. Interestingly these insiders were close supporters of Ruto. From what they say, Raila did not play any role in the skirmishes. If anything he annoyed Kalenjins greatly by “being scared.”
I found the following two statements from some of those I spoke to fascinatingly revealing;
“When things got really hot, Raila was scared but Ruto was excited and wanted war.”
“Kenyans have forgotten that if it hadn’t been for Ruto’s bravery and that of the Kalenjin’s Kibaki’s election theft would have been allowed to stand and today ODM would be in the opposition and Raila would be a nobody. Instead Raila flys around the world on government money and gets his toilet paper paid for by the state while spitting on the faces of Kalenjins.
So what really happened in those dark days following the bedroom swearing in of Mwai Kibaki after a stolen presidential election?
According to information from the same insiders and those who were on the ground then, Ruto was swept along in the Kalenjin wave of the time and could do very little to resist. The community was fed up with the Kibaki presidency like most Kenyans but had also been deeply incited against the Kikuyu community by the ODM campaigns. Without doubt a Raila victory would have appeased the community somewhat (although evictions would still have take place but probably with much less blood being spilt). But when Kibaki stole the presidential elections it handed the community the perfect “excuse” to let loose their anger.” Even if Ruto had refused to swim with the wave (and being a politician battling for his political survival against political veterans with much deeper pockets like the Mois, this was highly unlikely) nothing much would have changed. And so the Eldoret North MP had to sing the tune of the mob and he rose to the occasion magnificently. There is no doubt that the bloody violence unleashed in the Rift Valley that continued to spread was what finally brought the stubborn Mwai Kibaki and his PNU diehards to their knees and onto the negotiation table.
Contrary to what many PNU supporters think, calling for mass action is NOT a crime against humanity. Neither is calling for civil disobedience. The PM and his high command are on record for doing both. Having said this, rather than the Ocampo prosecutions smoothing the way for a Raila presidency it has in fact complicated matters considerably. For all intents and purposes it will cause him to lose the whole of the Rift Valley and vast areas of Central province, (with or without Kibaki’s nod) two constituencies that any victorious presidential candidate cannot do without.
It is interesting to note that Uhuru Kenyatta’s first reaction to being named in the Ocampo 6 was that the whole thing was of no consequence. That is certainly not true. Just watch the damage being named on that list will do to all six politicians in the next 6 months. Of course Ruto will be elevated to the status of his famous namesake, Koitalel arap Samoei amongst the Kalenjin community, but that in itself will completely destroy any shred of a national image this so-called presidential candidate had. In other words he is finished politically irrespective of what verdict emerges from the Hague.
P.S. Francis Atwoli is without doubt a presidential candidate for 2012. A misplaced one at that. Plenty of proof for that but the latest is the careless statements he is now making calling the Ocampo 6 heroes (Mashujaa) in a cheap vain attempt to attract the Kalenjin and Kikuyu vote for his presidency. Even if he was a serious candidate I don’t want to elect a president who misuses the word Mashujaa so badly….
Affordable place to go for the Christmas holidays and get treated like a king
Fascinatingly interesting comment in the previous post:
Anonymous said...
some said that kumekucha is dead, yet so many articles in various kenyan newspapers and what have you are beginning to regurgitate posts and comments that have appeared on kumekucha in the last couple of months. mmmmmm. it's very difficult to fool the public all the time.
ReplyDeleteI am an avid reader of your blog and I like it very much.
However, over the last around 1 or 2 years you have been repeatedly "reading Raila's political eulogy." The last time you said quite a number of times that Ruto will finish Raila in the near future. That did not happen and even you admitted it in a later post after Ruto started having mega problems from all over the place that you were wrong.
You may not like Raila, and you may continue predicting his "destruction" but do not be surprised to be wrong again...
Otherwise, you have a fantastic blog. Most of the time it is on the cutting edge of the happenings in Kenya and that is why I never fail to read it almost everyday.
Anon@ 1:16
ReplyDeleteThanx for the kind words.
I don't hate Raila. I voted for the man with all my heart in 2007.
Am just trying to read the politics on the ground. (I could be wrong, but lets wait and see shall we?)
Raila deserves to be sitting in State house right now. He won!!! That is a fact...
But alas who said life is fair?
Kumekuicha Chris
I have argued so many times here that posh and snobbish Kibaki doesn't give a F**k about this country and it's Pumbavu citizens. He cares more about Muthaiga Golfing calender than his own manifesto for Kenyans. I suspect he just dismisses everything with a wave of the hand as stupid nonsense. You can't even easily predict his next step. He even fires his closest allies like Karua, Murungaru, Mwiraria, Matere Keriri, Murage etc instead of kicking out the corrupt bastards all over the establishment. Senility has clearly got hold of his old self. He refuses/fails/ignores to act on corrupt ministers and usually reinstates them back thru the back door. Mutahi Ngunyi is on record as saying Kibaki thinks legacy is some Subaru model and on that he's dead right. When Kenya was burning, Kibaki was hold up in Statehouse throwing lavish parties before going for holidays to Uganda as genocide unfolded. In recent leaks from WikiLeaks, US envoy rightly describes Kibaki as a reluctant leader only concerned about his own self preservation. Tribalism is rife in Govt, all senior officials in security, finance and trade ministries and from one tribe. Security meetings held by Saitoti- internal security, Karangi- Vice chief of Gen Staff, Iteere- Kenya Police Mbugua- GSU, Gichangi NSIS, Ndegwa CID, Muthaura...are all held in mother tongue. When you think about Kibaki's Legacy, what quickly comes to mind is corruption and tribalism. Those two vices have clearly eroded all the good done by his Admin over the last 8 years. Suspected killers and rapists are still in office, kwani pumbavu Kenyans mta do? Raila would thus be very foolish and stupid to enter into any pact or treaties with such a man who has cheated him out so many times, from MOU to the last general election. Kibaki won't give a rat's ass as to who leads Kenya, as long as he can speak his language. With the chosen one, son of Jomo heading to The Hague, watch for the next script full of deceit, fraud, deception, smokescreens and lies. Mark those words.
ReplyDeleteIn the next general elections Kenyans will elect a fresh crop of people who have mostly never been in mainstream politics again, starting from the president. This determination to give the motherland a real fresh start with the new constitution is gathering momentum by the day and will be unstoppable by the time we go to the polls.
After "independence," most African state, including Kenya went for one party system so as to "foster unity." That experiment ended in tears, blood and ruin.
With the end of "Cold War," we brought about "multi party" politics. As a result, since 1990, Africa has had elections (MASS OPIUM, TAKING sessions) in Zambia, TZ, Ug, Kenya, Ivoru Coast, Ethiopia, Egypt, Algeria, Togo, Ghana etc etc.
In the same period, "our new dear friend" China has had no such MASS OPIUM drinking sessions. Very interestingly, without wasting time and resources on MASS OPIUM TAKING sessions like Africans, China has had over the same period become our new master.
NB: We disagree with Chinese political system.
In other words Chris, it does not matter who takes over in 2012. It SHALL BE BUSINESS as usual which will only lead to more tears, blood and ruin in the near future.
The only problem is this. When we had single party system, we could look forward to multi partyism as the solution.
Now, when Africans realise that, the multi partyism was another fraud, what will they see as the solution?
Anyway, brother, keep your faith.
For us, we will only keep a sharp eye on the coming MASS OPIUM TAKING sessions in Ug, Zimbambwe, Kenya etc.
Meanwhile, we are also keenly watching the just ended MASS OPIUM TAKING sessions in Ivory Coast, Belarus etc as we enjoy "Super Powers" by Alpha:
Hehehehe..eish! Moi kando jameni.
ReplyDeleteCommander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is Emilio Mwai wa Kibaki.
Head of NSIS is Major Gichangi.
Internal Security Minister is
George Kinuthia Muthengi Saitoti- who replaced Michuki.
Director of CID is Ndegwa Muhoro- replaced the deceased Gatiba Karanja who had replaced Kamau of Artur Brothers fame!
Lieutenant General Njuki Mwaniki -Kenya Army Commander
The Anti-Stock Theft Unit commander is Remmy Ngugi.
The Permanent Secretary internal security is Francis Kimemia.
The Police Commissioner is Mathew Iteere.
Administration Police Commandant is Kinuthia Mbugua.
The Anti-Terrorist police chief is Nicholas Kamwende.
Head of the VIP protection unit, Recce Company, is Joseph Wanjohi.
The Presidential Escort Commander is Benson Kibue.
Director of Operations Director at Vigilance House is Julius Ndegwa.
Police Spokesman is Eric Kiraithe.
I could go on until kesho lakini sina hio energy. Honestly, I miss Moi years where what u saw is what u got..................
Merry Xmas guys and a 'hopeful' 2011. Be well!
Quote of the year. Thanks M-Pesa.
ReplyDelete"When you think about Kibaki's Legacy, what quickly comes to mind is corruption and tribalism.."
Yes nothing will change. The new guy will come with "his people" and it will be business as usual.
ReplyDeletelately you have been spreading E_HATE SPEECH and this post is an excellent example sample the following ethnically polarising quotes ati
"sadly Raila won the 2007 elections"
"Raila did not play any role in the skirmishes"
"When things got really hot, Raila was scared but Ruto was excited and wanted war"
"the bedroom swearing in of Mwai Kibaki after a stolen presidential election?"
"when Kibaki stole the presidential elections"
"calling for mass action is NOT a crime against humanity"
"Francis Atwoli is without doubt a misplaced presidential candidate for 2012"
these are not a statements that inculcates a spirit of nationhood and the last one about Atwoli is the most hurtful take it back won't you?
I warn you bro MZALENDO KIBUNJA is on the prowl and with new AG and CJ on the way this blog will be dead AND THEN?
Mpesa @ 12/20/10 3:08 AM
ReplyDeleteCan you add home towns of the list you just gave us, it will put the list more in perspective.
ReplyDeleteIt's not only about blood, sweat and tears. Now this Opium taking sessions that you talk about makes us so "high", when people like Kibaki and that Ivory coast thug refuse to relinquish power, we get really mad more high, that's why Mwara if you were here in 2007, I would have chopped of your d*#k and stuck it in your mouth like a cigar, and beside you I would have put up a sign that would have read SAIDIA MWARA NA MOTO
ReplyDeleteLuka at his best as usual. Integral part of Kumekucha since 2005 when the blog started. Tahnx bro for being there thru the years so that I hve never had to walk alone.
Kumekucha Chris
Kalonzo Juu!!!
ReplyDeleteRaila Chini!!
It' nearly 5 years since Kibaki alleged "stolen election", and to this date no one, and I repeat No -one, not a single soul has proven how he stole that election or how the election was stolen.
ReplyDeleteIn less than 2 weeks this year is going to come to an end, and instead of discussing those issues that could have been better or how to improve things that matters to Kenya, you are here talking about "stolen election" that happened 5 years ago.
Jinga za watu!
Then you wonder why Africa is a century behind the rest of the world? Backward mentality!
ReplyDeleteAnon 5:24 AM,
ReplyDeleteYou are an absolute MORON... an absolute DUNDERHEAD.
Mr Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki did exactly what Robert Gabriel Mugabe and that Ivory coast guy who lost the elections but is still clinging on to power did: HE STOLE HIS WAY BACK TO POWER. HE DID NOT WIN.
That may not get thru your thick skull, but just sit back as the truth comes out about what really happened prior, during and after the elections of 2007.
Just to give you a hint: Francis "Matharau" Muthaura was just a "mtu wa mkono - KANDA YA MOKO." He was acting at the behest of a certain clique from from the Mt Kenya region that included Mr John "the rattlesnake" Michuki.
This clique had already decided even before the elections of 2007 that, by hook or crook, Raila should not be allowed to win the presidential elections....
ReplyDeleteUmeanza siasa hii yako mbovu tena? This could well be a post recycled from 2005 when you never gave any chance to anyone opposing the Kibak incumbency....
Like Anon @ 1.16am tells you, wewe endelea kuota. And while at it, please try and understand that there is a difference between ODM the party and Raila Odinga the party leader.
I have seen you start posts after posts predicting how the time for electing new breed of leaders has arrived. You and Sam Okello even threatened to run with president and V-P sometime back, remember?
So what happened to the topic you started here early this year about the beginning of the end of Raila by Ruto? Who grave is being dug as we speak? Without even the ICC, does your Ruto now stand any chance of passing the integrity test as demanded by the new constitution? Ama you still imagine these are the KANU days? Chris, even if Ruto was as clean as pamba, can he even match Musalia Mudavadi in a one on one NATIONAL political contest, let alone RAO?
What I am telling you Chris, you aint seen nothing yet. When the ODM 2012 campaign is unveiled, Kumekucha will not even know what hit you. Keep your ear to the ground because it is soon coming.
Did Raila and Kibaki make a deal to cover each others back when the time calls for the trenches?
ReplyDeleteOr did the two leaders make a deal with the devil of survival politics?
The jury will still remain out for a while until cracks begin to appear in Kenya's political landscape.
@5:24 AM
Hold your horses, that's if you have any laying around in the barn or stranded in the stables.
A backward mentality is what's better known as a "year-in-review" or "half-decade-in-review" or "decade-in-review".
BTW, most inhabitants on the African continent are accustomed to a village mentality but not the backward mentality which is an invention and a speciality from the western hemisphere.
That's one of the main reasons why our history books don't extend to 300 BC because we are a forward looking people.
ReplyDeleteI hate to be the bearer of not so good news for some people who are known to have some particular political inclinations of some sort.
Which is, ODM as you guys knew it, is not ripe like a embe (mango) DODO but it is dead like a like a DODO.
The rot, decay and consequent death process started from within during the acrimonious and undemocratic party elections leading to the 2007 general elctions.
So many of the faithfuls just gave up and worked away in disgust, but with the knowledge that a time will come to avenge their losses inflicted upon them at the hands of ODM bigwigs and its regional henchmen.
By the way, PNU is no diffrent in tht regard, and the bigwigs are in for an uphill patry battle and rude shocks in some known regions come 2012.
ReplyDeleteIMNSHO (in my not so humble opinion), The Hague Express is going to become the achilles heel for many politicians by the time it completes it's return trip.
Some well known politicians are going to be thrown under the under The Hague Express when they least expect it because there is going to be no derailment whatever so ever.
While others will end up becoming victims of the prevailing political circumstances as history has always shown in the past decades.
The more casualities The Hague Express leaves preoccupied and entagled on the legal tracks, the better it will be for local and national politicals in terms of the country at large being able to have a fresh crop of leaders who have never been in mainstream politics elected to the parliament, the senate, and governorship positions.
As for the wannabe leaders of tomorrow, people like Atwoli et al are as good as court jesters that any community needs once in a while in the arena of social entertaintment.
However with regard to presidential material, senator material, and governor material, he does not come close by all standards. His current sycophants and usual diehard suppoters may think otherwise.
With all due respect, a person like Atwoli may be suitable for a parliamentary seat if his immediate community does not have viable options in local political endeavors.
It has been said on numerous occasions that "a man who has no clout among the other sub-ethnicities" can never pull his own political weight in all things with regard to national presidential politics.
Let's wait and see whether the majority of Kenyans and their country will become real beneficiaries of the new Constitution and Election 2012 in the wake of The Hague Express.
@Anon 7.01 AM
ReplyDeleteTrue that, our texts don't extend to 300B.C and those hoaxes they teach the likes of Mwarangethe that the world is 1 Million years old and all the world information is contained in the world wide web and serialised web pages, topped up with abbreviated You Tube links and references, are all but e-farts.
I wonder what is happening to KKk ( The small k is for Kalonzo), someone must be realising that he nothing and is excess baggae, poor brother Kaloozer, he thought that is nomination would be automatic, well he should know that GEMA thugs don't think much of him.
If we look at a different scenario, say, RAO is hauled to the hague and UK and WSR are "free" men to contest for PORK, I wonder what Kaloozer would think of that. Thats why Mutula (on Kalonzos behalf) is working overtime to ensure that UK and WSR are jailed.
Kalonzo will NEVER be P.O.R.K just the way Mwarangethe will NEVER win a NOBEL, what are the odds?
Anon 6:30 AM
ReplyDeleteWithout resorting to insults or name calling can you give me proof or any evidence of how Mwai Kibaki stole the election.
Hear me again: It's nearly 5 years but yet I have to see any evidence. stop hearsy and table down the eveidence NOW.
And BTW, who is this dude you are fighting for? The man named by wikileak as a THUG!
Raila is a THUG and a crowd-pleaser according to international community! From London to Washington they breathed a big sigh of relief when Raila LOST the election.
"Uwongozi wa Kenya hii, mimi niko na uhakika sisi tutaweza kubadilisha, hatuwezi kuwa na ungozi ambao ni wa njama, ni wa poprojo, niw wa siasa duni na vitadawili. Haiwezi! We deserve better."
ReplyDeleteYes Kenya deserves after The Hague Express has delivered its anticipated cargo, the ICC has spoken with one legal voice and small rooms have been occupied by those concerned.
"sisi tuta pingana kufa na kufona mpanga uwkeli uzulikane".
Wre they still breathing a deep sign of collective relief now that many victims of PEV are confined to IDP camps five years after the fact?
ReplyDeleteWhy from London to Washington and not from Cairo to Cape Town or from Dar es Salaam to Addis Ababa or Khartoum to Kampala?
Are we still existing in the good old days when we didn't know who we were as a people, and never thought for a second to wonder why we worshipped our masters and their families in Lodon and Washington while loathing ourselves to death?
"Master how are we doing today, Master?" "Master we are sick to day, Master can't see you today."
Phil is right,the ODM campaign of 2012 will be like no other.That is the reason why ODM ministers are stealing like crazy.Yeah,you heard right,they are building a war chest...!!
ReplyDeleteI think Chris is right! Raila, like his late father, will never be president of Kenya. Any 1st year keen political science student will attest to this. He declared in public that kikuyus are "adui" during the 1st constitution referendum. In 2007 elections, he gathered all the tribes against the kikuyus. Now he has dumped the Kalenjins and supporting Kibaki to the hilt. He doesn't have political morals (political hygine). Where does he expect to get support from in 2012? Western? Kambas? or where..?
ReplyDelete9.47-From wakuraya.
ReplyDeleteThank your stars that KIBAKI is the PRESIDENT OF KENYA. As for the would-have-been-leader-of-opposition, State House shall remain a mirage and we all know it! Wake up from your dream.
ReplyDeleteWell done Uhuru
ReplyDeleteThis is not a TRIBAL but a personal fight
.....Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday issued a statement, saying that he had not called for a harambee to raise money for his defence.
The uninformed 1st year keen political science student and his/her lecturer have no clue that there is not such clause as "political morals" in the first place and that's why politics has always been a dirty business since time memorial.
ReplyDeleteThe question is, who will the Kalenjin support and as expected who will they retaliate against, whether their crowned leader is presnt or absent?
Who will the Westerners ("divided houses of Luhya") support given their track record who playing the support role?
What about the Kamba of Kitui and the Kamba of Machakos support? Will they support one of their own daughter?
Or the prodigal son who has yet to rise to the heights above the shadow of one mighty Mkamba, Chief Kivoi?
The one billion euro question is, what about the Meru and Embu whose vote have been used, abused, wasted and taken for granted since the painful old days of post colonialism?
What about the Kenyan communities living in and around the coastal region?
Shall it be assumed that they will just roll over as was the case in the days of Juma Boyi Juma, Sherif Nasser, Robert Matano, Ronald Ngala, Eliud Mahihu, and above all Sultanate of Zanzibar?
What about the native Kenyan Somali, yes Kenyan born Somali from the North Eastern corridor, Nairobi, Mombasa and affiliated communities in the western regions of Kenya?
Will their votes be taken for granted, ignored or even neglected at a time when they have grown to be aware of their constitutional rights, human rights, and political rights as well as their untapped local/national voting power during the general elections?
The same goes for the Maasai, Samburu, Rendile, Turkana, et al.
Who said that Kikuyu will vote as a block in order to support candidates from the other regions within Centaral (Kikuyu land) when some Murang'ans, Kiambuans, Kirinyagans, Nyerians, and "exiles" have already developed a very keen preference for their own heavyweights?
The Luo vote is a given and very predictable, but with all due respect to the luo community, that's another matter and a topic for another day on issues of democracy in Kenya.
The Kenyan Asians (not "Asian Kenyans") will not stand by and watch political events pass them by but they will surely put their money where they want their future political interests to come from.
Ever wonder whether the type of commentary that's going to be off loaded on the public by Mutahi Ngunyi, company of political scientists and social scientists, will be any different from what has been said, heard and written around the country and abroad?
The uninformed 1st year keen political science student and his/her lecturer have no clue that there is not such clause as "political morals" in the first place and that's why politics has always been a dirty business since time memorial.
ReplyDeleteThe question is, who will the Kalenjin support and as expected who will they retaliate against, whether their crowned leader is presnt or absent?
Who will the Westerners ("divided houses of Luhya") support given their track record who playing the support role?
What about the Kamba of Kitui and the Kamba of Machakos support? Will they support one of their own daughter?
Or the prodigal son who has yet to rise to the heights above the shadow of one mighty Mkamba, Chief Kivoi?
The one billion euro question is, what about the Meru and Embu whose vote have been used, abused, wasted and taken for granted since the painful old days of post colonialism?
What about the Kenyan communities living in and around the coastal region?
Shall it be assumed that they will just roll over as was the case in the days of Juma Boyi Juma, Sherif Nasser, Robert Matano, Ronald Ngala, Eliud Mahihu, and above all Sultanate of Zanzibar?
What about the native Kenyan Somali, yes Kenyan born Somali from the North Eastern corridor, Nairobi, Mombasa and affiliated communities in the western regions of Kenya?
Will their votes be taken for granted, ignored or even neglected at a time when they have grown to be aware of their constitutional rights, human rights, and political rights as well as their untapped local/national voting power during the general elections?
The same goes for the Maasai, Samburu, Rendile, Turkana, et al.
Who said that Kikuyu will vote as a block in order to support candidates from the other regions within Centaral (Kikuyu land) when some Murang'ans, Kiambuans, Kirinyagans, Nyerians, and "exiles" have already developed a very keen preference for their own heavyweights?
The Luo vote is a given and very predictable, but with all due respect to the luo community, that's another matter and a topic for another day on issues of democracy in Kenya.
The Kenyan Asians (not "Asian Kenyans") will not stand by and watch political events pass them by but they will surely put their money where they want their future political interests to come from.
Ever wonder whether the type of commentary that's going to be off loaded on the public by Mutahi Ngunyi, company of political scientists and social scientists, will be any different from what has been said, heard and written around the country and abroad?
Wouldn't waste a dime fund raising for that Mungiki prince, he declared in 2002 that his total assets were a paltry ksh 800M, and eight years later? Am sure the figures now are mind boggling.
ReplyDeleteKikuyus just like Muslims always run to the defence of their own, wether guilty or otherwise. KENYA shall NOT be held hostage by the KIKUYU. Lesotho was round 1, round 2 will result in a TKO.
But they better be prepared coz their most productive generation a.k.a youth are busy drinking and wasting their lives away, as we assimilate their "starved" wives and women into our homes. Their tribal diaspora who come back speaking with fake a$$ "twangs", are busy washing plates, toiling in shopping and video malls as janitors, cub drivers and washing elderly lads yuck!!! in search of that dollar.
Well the "winter bunnies" are hopping all over town now, joining in the fray.
ReplyDeleteTheir is simply NO deal that Kibaki has made with Raila, you are just swaying with the wind Kenyan style, busy rumour mongering. Kibaki can't be trusted, he has back stabbed Raila too many times.
12/20/10 2:02 PM
ReplyDeleteyou dont know your anthropology well, any child born of a kikuyu woman belongs to the mother therefore you can only be donors and serve to swell the numbers of the house of Mumbi.
Hata ikiwa the diaspora is cleaning shit in the west the mighty dollar is king and later on when they return with their investments guess who will be seeking employment from them?
Raila does not stand a chance in central, its Kalonzo all the way!
Anon 2:02 PM
ReplyDeleteYou are very much welcome and I will leave it at that.
I have had the rare opportunity to associate with the type of individuals you describe above, and guess?
They are in charge of their lives and never bother other people, and they will never borrow a dime from your kind, whether their lives depend it.
Above all, their children always graduate from some of the best universities around the globe, while your own spend seven or more years at the local community college near you.
True or false!
Who is Kalonzo Musyoka in the greater scheme of Kenya's ever shifting political landscape? It will never be Kalonzo all the way. There is no way a man with a political record like Musyoka's will ever be able to ran unchallenged in 2012 or 2017. Don't jump the gun, do not count the chicks, don't raise the shields or spears, because you have not seen anything yet. Mambo bado and the change of guard will and must take place soon.
ReplyDeleteDid you just rephrase my comments to an earlier post on KK where I said you cannot win the presidency without either the Central OR the RV Vote, none of which Raila has?
Unless something drastic happens, if it is Kalonzo Vs. Raila then there will be no competition there, it will be Kalonzo all the way to state house. Weak he may be, a coward he may be but in a straight race, majority of Kenyans will prefer the coward to he who thinks this country can only be run by his Family.
I hear people complaining Kibaki is tribal. I don't condone what Kibaki and his government has done in appointing all those Kikuyus, but lets look at the other side of the coin, Raila gets Nus Mkate and he fills it with his own FAMILY.
I may not know much but I know in a tribe, there are more people to choose from than in a FAMILY.
Forgot to mention this, Kibaki is the wrong person to make deals with and if Raila has, then he is the most stupid person on earth. Kibaki only cares about his one dear wife Lucy, his not so dear wife Wambui and his children and does not give a rat's ass what the rest of you do or say.
ReplyDeleteIn 2012, Kibaki will have no say with the Kikuyu. Majority of them hate him anyway and just voted against Raila not for Kibaki so he will not be able to marshal any support for Raila in Central even if he desperately wanted to.
I rest my case.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that anything negative about Raila is "Umeanza siasa hii yako mbovu tena"? Yani wat ur trying to tell us is dat the captain is perfect? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Ken @ 7:46 PM and 7:50 PM,
ReplyDeleteKen do not be surprised to one day become a die hard supporter of the man (Raila) that you now HATE so passionately.
As of now, you are still wallowing in the muck of tribal hatred, ignorance and irrational hatred of Raila.
I know what I am talking about because I was once like you several years ago. When I asked myself why I hated Raila, no good reason really came up ... it was "reasons" such as "people say he is a radical... people say he is a dangerous man .... and such other foolish nonsense.
When I asked myself who these "people" who were saying these things about him were, I basically found out they were people who were suffering from massive levels of intoxication with ignorance or people who have and are still benefiting from the pumbavu status quo. My mistake was to listen to them and foolishly believe them.
I could say more but I'll end with this: Ken - and your type - when your eyes open you will find out, just like I did, that you were terribly misguided.
Why do I say this? Just one example: I heard this a lot from Kyuks saying that they were or voted for Kibaki so as to "defend" their tribe. Yet immediately after Kibaki was fraudulently sworn in for the second term that he never won, there was a very macabre, loud, crazy and primitive "extravaganza" going on in central province... it was bedlam: Kikuyus were mindlessly chopping of their fellow Kyuks heads off. How crazy can people be? That is Madness of the highest order.
Since you and your types are still wallowing in intense ignorance, I shall not be surprised if my comments annoy you or even make you laugh with contempt... I will understand why: YOUR EYES ARE STILL CLOSED. YOU CANNOT SEE.
ReplyDeleteThe phrase "one cannot win the Kenyan presidency without either the [help from] Central [people] or the [help from] the Rift Valley, [all of which Daniel arap Moi has through the KANU Party]" was coined by the late [_fill in the blanks_].
Who are the majority of Kenyans that would rather vote for Kalonzo and not Raila?
Or would rather vote Raila and not Kalonzo?
Are we forgetting the fact there are [majority of] Kenyans ready to vote for a fresh face besides the same old same old career politicians who have been in political cycles since the days when half of the current Kenyan population were not yet born, let alone registered voters?
What makes some people assume that Kalonzo and Raila will be the only presidential candidates available in 2012?
Will Kenyans be that shallow in their choices for a president given what the country has been through in the last twenty-five years?
Pssssssst! @ KEN,
ReplyDeleteHey, have you got that Kamba population census report yet? (Last time you chickened out) spare us your armchair-analysis and humpty-dumpty analogies will you. Hope you will not end up with your foot in your mouth.
We shall always be lurking in the shadows KK style and pounce on you when it's most appropriate, hope you don't mind.
Only few days away from Christmas, and instead of Chris giving us seasonal "festive" greetings in the honour of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, he is still stuck in the same old stale news!
ReplyDeleteIs Kenya a Christian nation, I wonder?
How about a story like this....
Chris, Christmas comes only once a year!
How about leaving politics aside or better surrender your nation to God and celebrate the gift of His son?
Mutumishi wa Mungu @ 5:52 AM,
ReplyDeleteIf you do not like what Chris has written, get the hell out of here!!
Chris has not forced you to come here; furthermore there must be other "places" you could go to.
I shall repeat once again, If you do not like what Chris has written, get the hell out of here!!
"you cannot win the presidency without either the Central OR the RV Vote".
ReplyDeleteLet's not fall into the trap of our political scientist and media people.
All tribes are equally important and play a role in determining the outcome of election. What matters is presidential aspirants and tribe they come from.
For example, if we have 3 kikuyu presidential aspirants who are equally strong, and 2 Kalenjin aspirants who are also equally strong, and all Kikuyus and Kalenjins give full support to their leader respectively, while on the other side we have a Kamba presidential aspirant, who gets full votes from only Kambas, Luhyas and Luos... unless the Kikuyus or Kalenjins presidential aspirants get good support from other tribes, they will not defeat the Kamba presidential aspirant despite the Kamba presidential aspirant getting no support from Kikuyus and Kalenjins.
So Chris and Ken know that in politics changes happen that the winner can win without both Kikuyu and Kalenjin votes.
Further reason for my arguement against yours is that you assume that Kikuyus and Kalenjins will vote in mass. You should know that you cannot predict politics, it is very possible for Kalenjins not to vote in mass if Ruto doesn't run for presidency.
I'll further say that you have forgotten the Kenyan Somali. Look at the census and you'll be surprised that even if Kikuyus and Kalenjins vote for one presidential aspirant, a competitor to that presidential aspirant needs the support of Luos to neutralise Kalenjins, and a further support of Kambas and Mijikendas only to neutralise Kikuyus, then once he gets the support of Kenyan Somali that's it.
So Chris and Ken, both of you should stop the fallacy of "you cannot win the presidency without either the Central OR the RV Vote".
I know Central and RV is a euphemism for Kikuyus and Kalenjins, but even if you argue that you meant Central and RV my logic still applies to it.
In future before you bring that arguement you'll need to mention additional causes and factors that can only make it work, one being, Kambas have already been taken, Luhyas are devided and Mijikendas can easily be swayed towards a winning side. Without mentioning these factors then your logic is wrong.
Further illogical arguements I've alwsys been hearing from media and our political scientists are that this and this tribe are a deciding factor.
As I said earlier all tribes are important and can influence the outcome of results. It all depends on the tribe presidetial aspirants are coming from.
At the moment if something happens to Raila such that he can't run for presidency, then Luos are going to play a major role in the outcome of election. That is assuming Uhuru, Ruto and Kalonzo are going to compete with each other. But then I'll further use my own arguement and say that this assumes Mijikendas and Kenyan Somali can easily be swayed towards a winning side and Luhyas are divided.
I hope you have all got me right.
Phil wrote:
ReplyDeleteI know Central and RV is a euphemism for Kikuyus and Kalenjins, but even if you argue that you meant Central and RV my logic still applies to it.
A few days we noted that, with the end of ABNORMAL era of IDEOLOGHICAL AGE, man has come back to his NORMAL relations of tribal, religious and resources conflicts. It seems even Phil etc have come to accept this fact.
The only question is, if we have accepted this NORMAL situation, did we write our "new constitution" with these facts in mind?
Anyway, let us continue enjoying "Muchoke maganjo," a song every Kikuyu ought to listen to:
ReplyDeleteEver heard of the expression TRYING TOO HARD TO REMAIN RELEVANT? Well, you better get used to your ego-trips and remain alive to the fact that you are IRRELEVANT. Churning folklore and plagiarism with abbreviated web references never made a scholar and stop pretending to be one please (na hiyo ulisoma/study wapi?, LOL)
ReplyDeleteThe statement "You cannot win the presidency without either the central or RV vote"..to me this is a self -defeating statement, & to a great extent, I concur with you. From the comments that you aptly contribute on KK - my take is that you are never predictable & you surely delight in debunking ( Two - thumbs up).
Nevertheless, Such statements ( On Central & RV above) are based on the characteristic IGNORANCE that pervades the Kenyan body politic & indeed goes as far as making patriotic Kenyans nauseated.
@ Chris,
You may be better placed than I, depending on your networks to debunk the following (read, rumuors):
1) We hear that the NSIS has infiltrated the IIEC database & are working "overtime" to ensure the registered voters list favours a particular region come 2012
2) A "suspect" in the Ocampo list has offered a witness 10M to recant his statement ( The same "suspect" who had earlier offered another witness 50M for the same purpose)
3) NSIS sleuths are "busy" analysing "content" on Kenyan blogs, especially in regard to ICC comments. ( could it be that very EMOTIVE comments/posts here are as a result)
Anyway, the poignant claims & eloquent statements that our "innocent" suspects are making can only expose the fears & uneasiness that the political establishment has.
It seems that staying out of jail will now be a fulltime pre-occupation for some, who are now faced with SERIOUS accusations of "crimes against humanity".
In the search of TRUTH & JUSTICE, putting out full page advertisements in Newspapers has never helped anyone - just a load of "manifest nonsense".
The Oracle has Spoken
@Mutumishi wa Dini
ReplyDeleteThe question (topic) was and still is "Has Raila made this deal with Kibaki?"
You could have done the topic some justice with some of your cultivated philosophical, theological, moral and scriptural considerations or justification.
Instead you took a holy than thou attitude by deciding to hurl your usual brand of brimstone fire at Chris for whatever reasons known to you.
That's one of the reasons why watumishi wa dini never cease to amaze the public during this time of the season (year).
Do some of you guys really think that "Mungu" (Creator of the Universe, the Immortal One, the Alpha and Omega of life) needs the help of mortals like "watumishi wa dini" and company?
Anyway, let's agree to disagree, it's okay to appoint yourself as a "mutumishi wa dini", but I will always beg to differ when a group of people appoint or ordain themselves as "watumishi wa Mungu" then try to load it over the rest of the public.
So what became of the "all powerful, all knowing and all benevolent" Creator of the Universe ("The Great I AM")?
Mutumishi wa dini, serving a particular religious institution is not the same as serving God or the Creator of the Universe?
Now you know if you didn't know to begin with, and don't forget the fact that so many religious institutions come and go, but the Creator of Universe has always been there since the beginning of time.
It's okay to be "mutumish wa dini" but know who it is that you really serve and worship in the first place.
BTW, what became of humility? I thought humility was synonymous with servanthood.
ReplyDeleteAre you failing to live up to your reputation of being a source of wise counsel, prophetic opinion, predictions, precognition of the future of Kenyan politics, 2012 presidential elections, given the way the ICC has thrown a monkey wrench into the mix of things?
Several political careers and presidential aspirations will be stalled by The Hague.
Why fear or be afraid of what the NSIS ghosts or seasonal sleuths do or don't with the voters list? Or with the so called fishing expenditions (witch-hunts) on various blogs?
LOL! Just look into the future and wait for our versions of Afri-WikiLeaks in due time.
Raila will not be the PResident of Kenya Phil. Take it or leave it. When you lose more than One million votes and the other who called you Njamba ya bururi have no business dealing with you, there is trouble.
ReplyDeletePhil, where will Raila get 3 million votes? Kalenjins with Ruto arraigned in court for fighting for Raila. With Uhuru Kenyatta facing the same for 'defending' his tribe? Your hatred for 'mtoto wetu Muthaura' is now confirmed that one James Orengo filled the names of the suspects abroad. And you want to lead Kenya?
Half of the Abagusii look at you like MUD, the rest of the country know that you called Kikuyu Kabila Adui?
And wacha zako. With IDPS and Mau settlers still in make-shift camps? The only bankable vote is in Kibera.
Prepare for the opposition. Remember that i told you have two years. You have cleared three so far.
@Anon 1.15 pm
ReplyDeleteMe thinks that the Oracle knows more than he potrays to know and is just out to test Chris. Some of the questions he asks on KK when taken keenly, borders on someone who knows much more than he tends to reveal, or could he be among the NSIS sleuths.
I have once tried to verify some of the information that he gives away subtly and in the form of rhetoric, and I sometimes wonder how he gets them, so me still thinks he's NSIS, with this guy their is always a hidden message.
@ Deroo
ReplyDeleteSalalaaaaaah! Hold your horses, you are already putting the cart before the horse. Are you trying to tell us that Orengo actually "edited" the list, you dimwit, do you think we are that daft.
The sole responsibility lies with Emilio, the thug who set a very good example to his fellow African thugs. Naomi Shaban ran away with the IDP Money, the RV people were just cleansing their land and reclaiming what Jomo Snr stole. Ruto only dug his own grave and is busy hiring ex- KNHRC employees to help un-earth the witness hideouts.
If he is so innocent why is he so determined to see the cases thrown out? Let him face trial and he will be acquitted if found innocent. Why is he insisting that Ocampo did not conduct credible investigations.
I thought Ocampo was clear when he said he will conduct secret investigations, kwani Ruto has all the files in Ocampos possession? Why are his lawyers making inroads to other countries in search of witnesses and trying to coerce them into recanting statements, why are families being intimidated, innocent people don't do that.
Mambo biaaaaaad man, tings a gwan, the salvo was thrown at him by Ocampo, when he said arrest warrants will be issued to those who are intimidating witnesses. Huh, it's always Raila this and Raila that.
kila mtu na msalaba yake. Wacha ujinga Deroo mambo ni put your lighters up!
@ Deroo,
ReplyDeletePoor you, do you have credible evidence or leads that we can follow, to show that Hon. James Orengo is behind the Ocampo list? Or that was a creation of your imagination, those are discussions that are better left where they ought to be left, at the mandazi kiosk.
Beautifully worded statements of the now familiar "my conscience is clear", let the innocence be proved in court, if Ocampo did a shoddy job we shall condemn him.
The trials ought to start in May 2011, but it's no secret that Team Ruto wants to derail the process and take up much of the courts time, why? Is it because Ocampos contract with the ICC ends in June 2011.
Na bado, be ready for the Oscar award winning acts that our political masters will put up, hint: we shall not be shocked to hear that Ruto's local trial (corruption cases)will be set for may, from Jan and march 2011 , how then will he appear at the hague?
Ocampo will be in for a show that he has never seen in his life, our political class ain't Bemba or Taylor or Slobodan. Kenyans can only save themselves by not re-electing such leaders.
An interesting twist, say if Ruto is found guilty of the corruption charges for his case set in January and say he is jailed for the offence for kitu kama 1 year hivi or more.
ReplyDeleteWill the ICC still come after him? I know people will say that will stop him from contesting for 2012, but who said the constitution is cast in stone. If you were guilty wouldn't it be better to be jailed @ home and live in luxury at the wardens home, not at the hague. This man Ocampo thinks we are in Argentina.
Ocampo will not only be defeated by our political class, but they will RETIRE him without honor in June 2011. He won't even know what hit him, the only way out is to employ the services of speedy Gonzalez.. Andale Andale yariiiiiiiiiba!
@2:38 PM
ReplyDeleteGood observation.
Anon 3:15 PM
ReplyDeleteOrengo a one time self-styled revolutionary now rests on his laurels as he continues to imbibe the pleasures and political powers of the status quo. Wonder what became of his mantra "aluta continua"?
Let's beware what we wish for as who we really want elected president and prime minister in 2012. I dread to repeat that one will become a Gbagbo and the other a Lukashenko brewed in myopic tribal election politics.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it when you criticise raila/luos, you are accused of hating them? You people froth in the mouth as you hurl insults at others, esp kalonzo. Why dont kambas complain? Methinks it is the same attitude blacks have vis a vis whites. Blacks want to criticise whites all the time but let a white criticise blacks: it's racism. No, it is inferiority complex.
ReplyDeleteWhy is that when the name Kalonzo is sneezed around some people catch a cough in his defense?
ReplyDeleteWell, let's wait and see whether he will break the curse of being a vice president and move on to becoming the next president in 2012.
Assuming that there will be no other formidable political opponents from around the country.
The election of the next president is not a done deal or a race between Kalonzo and Raila. The two of them may end up being blindsided in 2012.
I can't wait to see some worthwhile candidates present themselves soon.
@8:06 PM
ReplyDeleteIt's not an inferiority complex. Luos were central to the independence struggle and beyond. IMO it is a reflexive response to the post-independence marginalization of Nyanza (and Western) provinces.
ReplyDeleteIf you are talking about state largesse I think we can agree only kikuyus and kalenjins have benefited. How come of the remaining 40 tribes only luos have this "reflexive" response? Am aware of the "reflexive" response and when am not talking through a key board i try not to criticise raila, just for the sake of peace. I have been told by some luos that it is the "reflexive" response that forced the likes of orengo and nyongo to fall in line. But why do luos have this response while the other tribes which have not benefitted do not have it? And does it mean if raila becomes president, it is revenge time (denial of resouces and hurling of matusi)?
MPs Mbuvi "Sonko", Harun Mwau, Ali Hassan Joho and Kabogo named by Saitoti as the suspected drug barons. Kabogo says Eugene Wamalwa nad Simon Mbugua's names are also in a the dossier.
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:39 AM
ReplyDeleteLet me not try to be the devil's advocate in reponse to your comment, but I will be Fra Diavolo for a moment and ask, "How so?"
The struggle for independence was not an exclusive effort limited to certain individuals, political groups, areas and communities around the country.
However, would you elaborate on how they were central in the fight against the missionary movements, european settlers and the colonial government during the stuggle for independence and beyond?
Then expound on how many lives were lost, how many were detained in Naivasha, Manyani, Hola, Sultan Hamud, Kerugoya, Kamiti, Kinganjo, King'ong'o, Fort Hall, Nakuru, Dagoretti, Lang'ata, and Kapenguria?
Don't forget to state how many were displaced, lost their families, homes, livestock and whole livelihood for good?
And how many of them are really after democracy as opposed to election democracy aka "We Want Our Time To Eat As Well"?
Will their regime be any different from what the country has been put through under the Kenyatta, arap Moi and now Kibaki regimes? Or worse?
Their political slogan since the the mid-late 1960s has always been, "if you are not with us you are against us."
Which means that you who is not with them must be dealt with in one way or another.
So how tolerant will they be in dealing with people and communities from the Upper Eastern, Upper North Eastern, Middle North Eastern, North Rift Valley, South Rift Valley, and Coastal regions?
Just asking in this age of post 2010 Constitution with no any other agenda whatsoever.
Anon 5.47
ReplyDeleteOne has to be a complete moron to know that we have weel known drug lords in Bunge who can't explain their huge wealth. We all know them and u can check in any blog to see they have been adversely mentioned all over the web. What I want to know are the other drug lords outside politics. Who are they? Why has this Kibaki/Raila Admin not taken any action against these murderers until US envoy raised this issue a few weeks ago?
This is belated and a big-big-big shame that we have crooks and drug barons lecturing us good morals on TV while at night they are busy murdering a whole generation with their illicit trade.
@8:06 PM
ReplyDeleteIt's not an inferiority complex. Luos were central to the independence struggle and beyond. IMO it is a reflexive response to the post-independence marginalization of Nyanza (and Western) provinces.
12/22/10 2:39 AM
So, what does Nyanza and Western seek to do so as to end not only their own marginalisation, but, also, that of Pokomo, Turkana and Rendile?
Or, do you seek power so as to perpetuate marginalisation against others?
NB: Do not tell us about the so called new constitution.
Meanwhile, Oracle, wapi mursik?
LOL! @ Mwara"N"gethe,
ReplyDeleteMmmmh! It seems that popcorn has taken a back seat and Mursik is slowly becoming an acquired taste, well brother, because I am in a christmas mood, I will sip and allow you to swallow.
The Oracle has Spoken
ReplyDeleteEver heard of the expression TRYING TOO HARD TO REMAIN RELEVANT? Well, you better get used to your ego-trips and remain alive to the fact that you are IRRELEVANT. Churning folklore and plagiarism with abbreviated web references never made a scholar and stop pretending to be one please (na hiyo ulisoma/study wapi?, LOL)
PS: An intellectual fool is one who prides himself in abstracting trivia. Are you one?
At least Kenyans from Nyanza are known to be united for better to for worse. Same goes for Kenyans from Gusii.
ReplyDeleteUnlike their neighbours living in the highlands west of lake basin and the surrounding areas.
Better known as the "Deeply Divided Houses, Clans, Sub-clans and Homesteads of Western (Luhya) Kenya."
At least Kenyans from Nyanza have a perpetual excuse of having had few of their political leaders persecuted, detained, ostracized, marginalized, at times ignored and the whole region penalized because of the political sins of a few personalities.
Western Kenya is another case all together, where marginalization has been self-inflicted, while underdevelopment, abysmal economic growth, lack of a strong political leadership and the absence of a united front have been homegrown and modus operandi since the 1900s.
NB: Correct the assertion if some of them are found to have been blown out of proportion, and seems unjust or very unfair to those concerned.
That Argentinian amigo better get ready gringo! Coz we be pulling out of the " African Criminal Court" a.k.a ICC
ReplyDeleteSo now pole sana, the 6 Musketeers will be free in a giffy! We aint the Taylors and Slobodans, we be Kenyans! A very peculiar breed Oh Yeaaaah! And we have macohones! That can rival any Argentinian Bull.
@9:43 AM
ReplyDeleteName calling aside, let's not go overly juvenile and trivialize 24/7 whatever it is that Mwarangethe comments about on Kumekucha.
Some of us may end up becoming irrelevant in his absence if we continue to make him a target of our ad hominem attacks.
How about rebuttal arguments, ideas, different perspectives, opinions and point of views for a change?
Cover up-ICC
ReplyDeleteThis list of drug barons under investigation to blind Kenayans eyes while.................. Mps abuse the ICC process!
"MPS approve motion to repeal International Crimes Act and ask the government to withdraw Kenya from the Rome Statute...
what a shame
Anon 10:23 AM.
ReplyDeleteThe joke will be on you when the Argentinian Amigo gets his last laugh at the time when the World Bank, IMF and other donor institutions will have frozen their dealings with Kenya.
Ahaa! A sovereign nation as some might want to call Kenya when they want to evade the criminal justice system.
Guess what? Don't seek emergency intervention from the Argentinian Bull or the international community, the next time Kenyan bovines, mavericks, micky bulls, oxen, steers, zebu, and zebrons begin to slauhgter their paddock neighbours and burn all critters, springers, heifers, yearlings, calves alive.
Remeber to take all of the above to your local justice system.
ReplyDeleteMps were bribed=each sh.10 million to pass this regretable motion and to approve the two nominees for the katiba implementation comittees!
Not in my name as a Kenyan.I join Martha Karua in all this.
A very sad day for Kenya.
@Anon 10.26 AM
ReplyDeleteKwenda huko! You call abbreviated web links and references ideas? And where did you learn that? Copy and paste ideologies never made a scholar. Nusu - mkeka economics and high priest policies have there place; straight in the trash.
@anon 10.52am,
Our Macohones! Is high breed and the Argentinian bull should prepare for his retirement in 2011, june. WB and IMF waende! Andale Andale!
@11.25 am
ReplyDeleteWhy you wasting time responding to mwarangethe posing as Anon 10.26 am, this guy never learns that we can sniff him all the way from his apartment. Trying to remain RELEVANT, well mwara you are IRRELEVANT! Haaaaaaack thuuuu ( walalo spitting) on u mwara.
A very sad day for Kenya.
ReplyDelete12/22/10 11:04 AM
A sad day for Kenya? We disagree. As we have maintained for so long, this ICC bullshit, is colonialism by the back door, and Africans must say no to it.
Our views are captured by Kiraitu when he says:
“It is only Africans from former colonies who are being tried at the ICC. No American or British will be tried at the ICC and we should not willingly allow ourselves to return to colonialism.’’
However, thats as far as we agree with the Parliament.
Sudan has never been a signatory of the Rome Statute. Yet Bashir can go nowhere, a whole president on the run!
ReplyDeleteMps have just thorughy fixed the ocampo 6, how short sighted can they be? Ocampo will not need summons, it will now be straight up arrest warrants & fugitives they will become. By the way, ANY CASE BEFORE THE ICC CAN NOT BE WITHDRAWN, EVEN IF KENYA PULLS OUT OF THE ROME STATUTE! Helloooooooooo, Mps you asked for it, you will get it. The Ocampo 6 should be very afraid now. The judges will obviously grant his wishes, now that Mps have shown that they are absoultely against any form of justice for PEV victims.
Like they say, Be careful what you wish for!
Hey Mwara since you are stranded in the US and won't be travelling home this xmas coz you can't afford the $2,500 airfare, why not purchase a discounted return ticket for $ 1,000 from me. Don't depend on skype to talk to Cucu and Uma.
Thats not news or rocket science.
The judges will obviously grant his wishes, now that Mps have shown that they are absoultely against any form of justice for PEV victims.
What justice is ICC providing to the Africans?
Since when did the West provide us with justice? We would be happy if you cite any example.
Sudan has never been a signatory of the Rome Statute. Yet Bashir can go nowhere, a whole president on the run!
A chicken running away from the eagle does not prove anything against the chicken.
More so, the best strategy would be for all African nations to withdraw from this kangaroo court and thereby, create a regional customary law.
ReplyDeletePlease get out of the shadows where you lurk with plagiarised stuff to trash anything. Cheap rebellion never amounts to originality of thought, ama?
Just ask yourself why you appear to exapnd your ego with CHEAP rebutals on anything while abstracting trivial which your shamelessly package as schalrly posts.
Example: You admonish institutions like ICC as neo-colonial relicks while you remain DOMISCILED in EU submitting to their very laws. You must be married to some school dropuout woman whom you constantly try to please with cheap intellect which you extend here on KK. Please STOP!
ReplyDeleteThere you go again, what you have just stated is also NOT NEWS! And is Law 101.
Please NOTE: Once Kenyas withdrawal from the ICC has been EFFECTED!, regional customary law applies AUTOMATICALLY!, and just to enlighten you further, The consequences are grave and dangerous, why "The chicken" running away from the eagle, can be captured by any other eagle, including eagles that have RATIFIED the Rome Statute.
So hope you can know tell us where you learned your Law from Proffesor Emiritus Mwara"N"gethe. Google some more and get back to us, and if you prefer, we welcome abbreviated web references.
ReplyDeleteSTOP! Acting like Freddy Krueger of Nightmare on elm street. Lurking in the shadows like an undercover brother a.k.a e-cop. When you try to act INTELLIGENT on all matters everything under the sun, it only unleashes your fake rasta ideologies.
Mmmmmmmm! The days, weeks, months, years, and decades of blaming and scapegoating former colonial masters for our systemic political, economic, regional and ethnic problems are long gone.
ReplyDeleteWe now have no body to blame but ourselves for every dysfunctional parliament, corrupt governments, unruly masses, abject poverty, decay and unnecessary deaths on the African continents.
The rusty spear (buck) stops with us, Kenyans and all Africans.
Raila and Kibaki must have made a backdoor deal to square off with the fearless Ranneberger, just because the man not only has the guts to call a spade a spade, but let's the public know the spade has been broken for the last twenty four months.
ReplyDeleteSo far, Martha Karua seems to be one of the few parliamentarians with a rational mind and real concern for the nation's pressing affairs.
At a time when the Tenth Parliament - (Fourth Session) was busy wasting precious time on debating what Ranneberger might have said or didn't say.
Some of these MPs have stooped so low, to the point where by they are behaving like students in a secondary school debating club.
Case in point, Jakoyo Midiwa - "Chief Government Whip. Wonder how many projects has the MP implemented in his constituency since taking office?
Projects as in: construction of modern primary and secondary schools, single hospital, maternity clinics, mortuary, public market, slaughter house, rural access roads, bridges, cleaning drinking water facilities, rural housing, rural electrification, anti-malaria campaigns, technical institution, introduction of modern agricultural technology, one major library, internet, inter alia?
Some of the loudest noises in parliament comes from lazy and ineffctive parliamentarians (empty debes).
The proof is the pudding aka current constitutional development projects.
Eugene Wamalwa a drug baron? Another presidential candidate sinks deep into murky waters nightmare.
ReplyDeleteWhile rape charges are still pending against another presdiential candidate who took a twenty-three year old to Dar-es-Salaam and forced himself upon her. TZ police are still investigating the incident.
All mps (including kibs, raila, kalonzo, mudavadi etc)supported ruto's motion. Only martha karua opposed. You odm and pnu fools can argue here all you want but your leaders work together. These guys actually rule your minds. Let the stupid debates about my favorite politician being better than yours continue.
ReplyDelete@ anon 10:31. The ruling class had no option to circle the wagons once they realized their gravy train was about to be derailed by the Ocampo Express. Let's see how it plays out though I hope we, the electorate, will now grab the bull by the horns & demand real change.
ReplyDeletePlease NOTE: Once Kenyas withdrawal from the ICC has been EFFECTED!, regional customary law applies AUTOMATICALLY!, and just to enlighten you further, The consequences are grave and dangerous, why "The chicken" running away from the eagle, can be captured by any other eagle, including eagles that have RATIFIED the Rome Statute.
eheheh, you just lifted what Kilonzo said the other day about Bashir.
We have news for thee. Kilonzo may be an expert in our domestic law, but, to the best of our knowledge, not on IL matters.
Bashir has not been indicted by the virtue of CIL as Kilonzo would want us to believe.
Let us give u a free lesson in these matters. Sudan is not a state party to the ICC. Thus, it has no treaty obligation to cooperate with the ICC.
As such, ICC has jurisdiction over the Darfur situation by virtue of UN Security Council, acting under Chap. VII of the UN Charter, and pursuant to Article 13 (b) of the ICC Statute, which referred the situation to the ICC Prosecutor by Resolution 1593 (2005).
It is true that, the same Resolution required Sudan to cooperate with the ICC.
Howover, Bashir can invoke his immunity as a sitting president. Yes, Article 27 of the ICC does not allow for such, but, Sudan, not being a party to the ICC Statute, cannot be said to have waived the immunity of its president.
Anyway, we doubt whether u even understand what we have written, so, let us stop boring you.
"Regional Customary Law" - what law would that be? TKK?
ReplyDeleteExample: You admonish institutions like ICC as neo-colonial relicks while you remain DOMISCILED in EU submitting to their very laws. You must be married to some school dropuout woman whom you constantly try to please with cheap intellect which you extend here on KK. Please STOP!
ReplyDelete12/22/10 2:39 PM
By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion,
There on the poplars we hung our harps,
for there our captors asked us for songs,our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion,
How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land?,
If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget its skill,
May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you,
if I do not consider Jerusalem
my highest joy.
Remember, LORD, what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell.
“Tear it down,” they cried, “tear it down to its foundations!
Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us,
Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.
Psalm 137.
@ anon 1:20. LOL! Customary Regional Law would in essence boil down to TKK. We've been harbouring fugitive Kabuga for many years as he greased the right palms. An inqusitive Kenyan even lost his life when he tried to point western authorities to his safe house/s.
ReplyDeleteSo all the ill-gotten wealth would be an insurance package for our fugitives-in-waiting as they plan their rettirements in Khartoum or Harare. As we are "sovereign" states according to the AU & our parliament, we retain the right to wantonly fleece from, or even murder our peasants as we please without interference from the neo-colonialists in the west. That is the African way.
ReplyDeleteAm LMAO! I can see that you are busy metting out severe "intellectual" attacks on authors of "plagiarised" material, forgetting that you are a Professor Emiritus of the same trade, CTRL+C & CTRL+V, going as far as belittling Hon.Mutula Kilonzo on matters - International Law, I wonder why Prof Githu Muigai & Prof. Wanyama Bitonye always seek Mutulas views on International law, perhaps you should provide them with "free lessons" seeing that you are an "International law expert".
@ Bobby6Killer,
The Bull will not go down without a fight! The electorate should be prepared to be severely "gorged" by its horns. The NSIS is very busy fiddling with the IIEC voters register.
Some voters come 2012 will find themselves with invalid voter cards having been "misplaced" due to re-drawn boundaries or change of registration codes & the dead will once again ressurect & vote.
Eugene Wamalwa should also know ( so that next time his names are mentioned his ears will not be playing tricks) that he has to quickly figure out what political tune to sing & how to effectively reach his audience or be decimated by the raging political undertones. He should know that the stalwarts of the nebolous simama Kenya are watching & only sleep with one eye.
In regard to how credible the IIEC will be in 2012 I will change & modify my position slightly so that " satisfied" becomes "dissatisfied", which if you note is just a difference of three letters.
Meanwhile my Cow is mooing with the pain of un - milked udders - more Mursik for me, Mwara"N"gethe wapi Popcorn, I have noticed that my Jogoo has developed a liking for them.
The Oracle has Spoken
going as far as belittling Hon.Mutula Kilonzo on matters - International Law, I wonder why Prof Githu Muigai & Prof. Wanyama Bitonye always seek Mutulas views on International law, perhaps you should provide them with "free lessons" seeing that you are an "International law expert".
"There is another thing: - young men of the richer classes, who have not much to do, come about me of their own accord; they like to hear the pretenders examined, and they often imitate me, and examine others themselves; there are plenty of persons, as they soon enough discover, who think that they know something, but really know little or nothing:
and then those who are examined by them instead of being angry with themselves are angry with me:
This confounded Socrates, they say; this villainous misleader of youth! - and then if somebody asks them, Why, what evil does he practise or teach? they do not know, and cannot tell;
but in order that they may not appear to be at a loss, they repeat the ready-made charges which are used against all philosophers about teaching things up in the clouds and under the earth, and having no gods, and making the worse appear the better cause; for they do not like to confess that their pretence of knowledge has been detected - which is the truth:
and as they are numerous and ambitious and energetic, and are all in battle array and have persuasive tongues, they have filled your ears with their loud and inveterate calumnies."
Meanwhile, before jogoo finishes the popcorn, please let us have some.
He he he woishe poor mwarangethe,
ReplyDeleteYou are a very notorious plagiarist, never giving up with serial works plucked, picked, copied, hearsay,photo-copied name it. We are used to you now, we can't swallow your teachings POLE!
I really dont quite agree with most of the stuff u said in this artical, bt we are all entitled to an opinion, wht i fail to understand is the way some of ua readers understand thgs, so u are a raila fun, some pple dont seem to see this, others have come up with a list indicating the kikuyu in office today, i think they want to show how tribalistic Kibaki is. i read widly nd i knw enough abt democracy, in kenya there are thousands of top official jobs, from ministries to parastals, also in kenya we have atleast 42 trbes nd in a democrcy country resouses are distrributed arccoding to the population distribution, kikuyu is among the lagest tribes in kenya no matter wht results they got after cencus anybdy in thea right mind knws that those figure were cooked for political reasons, iif we were to take ratios nd distrute reasouess usin such measures, kikuyu wuld be mis reepresented esp in those top jobs u claim they posses, why do we have most of Raila's relatives in top job, akina midiwo, oburu nd the likes, kwanza its worse its not jus tribalism bt even nepotism, i can see u did some homework nd came up with a small list, now go back to ua research nd find out who are ambassanders then u can tell us, we dont want this leaders who will trait us to the whites, we want leaders who will unite all kenyans regardless of where one comes from, pple who will make our country develop economicwise nd have some thg else fruitful to talk abt other than succession politics. we want a stable country.