For those with their ears to the ground politically, it is no secret that those who are opposing the draft constitution have been recruiting and are still recruiting on a massive scale. So if you are looking to make some big cash quickly you know what to do. Assuming that you have some significant influence, they will certainly not entertain a nobody in that camp.
But before you run off, I urge you to consider a few facts. The cash that you will receive will mainly be enjoyed by yourself and even if you leave a little for your children, it is unlikely that the cash will reach your grand children. What kind of life would you like for your grand children. For future generations that will be called by your name? What legacy do you want to leave them? Ill gotten stinking wealth from corruption? Bear in mind that whatever happens the day is coming when all those families who made their wealth from corruption will be publicly listed and shamed. It is of course your right to want this kind of legacy for your children and grand children.
But the rest of us Kenyans trying to think ahead, there is the nagging question of where the NO camp is getting its’ funding. We have a pretty good idea of where the YES chaps are getting funded from. Government coffers, all kinds of human rights NGOS and doners and the campaign funds of certain high profile individuals whose political game plan is to win the referendum and use the inertia generated from their involvement to push themselves into State house.
But where are akina Ruto getting their cash from? You will have seen the launch of their grand secretariat recently in the press. These things don’t cost two shillings. It is not the kind of thing you would pass a hat around for a quick fundraiser.
In earlier posts I have revealed that organized crime (if I can call them that) are giving the No camp a blank cheque to get results and derail this new “nuisance” constitution at all costs. The really fascinating thing here is that there is a very thin line between retired President Moi’s fortune and the fortunes being generated from wrecking the lives of young Kenyans with hard drugs. But that is Kenya for you.
Of course the church half of the NO camp is getting its funding from church funds and the numerous donors aboard who want to delay the new world order as predicted in the Bible many centuries ago. Passing the new constitution will put Kenya at the forefront of massive changes that sweep the world rapidly leading to the emergence of the anti-Christ and the end of the world as we know it. Just thought I would let you know what the conviction of the church is in fighting this new constitution. The real issue is not the abortion clause or the Kadhi courts one or the latter is going to play a key role in ushering in the new World order with Islam taking over Europe in terms of influence and sheer volume of voters.
My personal views are that the church is wrong this time because what has been prophesized in the good book is unstoppable and the best we can do is help ordinary Kenyans have a chance to make good that does not depend on coming from a famous family (which made its’ wealth from corruption anyway and should therefore be an infamous family).
But I digress, the bottom line is that the NO brigade have been closing in on the huge gap the YES camp had given them in the lead. When I did my survey countrywide about a month ago my findings showed that 75% of registered voters were going to vote YES to the new constitution. Now we are told that the figure is 59% and reducing rapidly. The referendum is about two months away and two months is a pretty long time in politics. It translates to several decades.
And so by the time we start entering enclosures to cast our votes, the situation may be very different indeed. In other words the YES camp is in a crisis even if they don’t see it yet.
P.S. There is so much hopelessness in Kenya that everybody “knows” that you cannot make it until you leave the country to raise your fortune abroad and then come back properly armed to face the problems at home. That came out very clearly during the question and answer session visiting American VP Joe Biden had in Nairobi yesterday. Leaders of variouis NGOS and political wannabe organization did not bother to field intelligent questions and instead embarked on a major begging mission asking for all sorts of favours from America from a Joe Biden airlift to all kinds of petty favours to help them help themselves. I am so ashamed of being Kenyan at this very moment just remembering how guys were falling over themselves to beg for all kinds of hand outs from Uncle Sam’s representative. That's the hopelessness that is in kenya for you.
I am delighted at the rapid spread of my book Dark secrets of the Kenyan presidency. You can get a FREE mini version of the book if you rush and EMAIL ME NOW. Or if you are using a shared computer and the link doesn't work send an email now to:- kumekuchaspecialoffer@gmail.com.
Please don’t re-send if you have already received a mini version of the book, Dark secrets of the Kenyan presidency.
But where are akina Ruto getting their cash from? You will have seen the launch of their grand secretariat recently in the press. These things don’t cost two shillings. It is not the kind of thing you would pass a hat around for a quick fundraiser.
Chris, may be it is the high time Kenyans, including you, faced the ugly truth which the government, media, schools and church will never tell us.
Just jana, Jaidi Kisero, he of the DN wrote this:
"But we must also agree that a 4 per cent growth in the context of good rains, a strong financial sector, a resilient retail and wholesale sector, and a balance of payments surplus supported by money from sources we can’t tell, is way below our economy’s potential."
NB: "Balance of payments surplus supported by money from sources we can't tell." What do you make of that statement Sir?
Could it be that, we are able to pay our debts in $ because of drug trade? If so, what does that mean?
What kind of life would you like for your grand children. For future generations that will be called by your name? What legacy do you want to leave them?
To tell you the truth, we are leaving no legacy but debts and slavery. If you dispute this, tell us what you make of these facts:
(a) According to statistics contained in this year’s
budget policy statement, the government estimates that it will spend Sh80 billion in debt servicing — up from last year’s Sh64 billion.
In other words, the GOK is no longer there to take taxes to provide services we need, but, to consfiscate wealth for the benefit of creditors.
(b) The wage bill for the GOK will be around Ksh Sh109-billion.
If you add these two figures, you will find out that, almost all INCOME TAX will be for DEBT and SALARIES for your mps etc. Nice legacy, don't you think Sir?
To avoid the IMF/WB, Kibaki has been using bonds. However, these come at the price of 13% p.a. Since this is not sustainable as figures tell us, we will be forced soon into the ugly arms of IMF. Wait for this and you will see the real deal.
Today, we are told UK will give the biggest budget in history. Gracious Lord! It will be about Ksh 997 billion. This means an expansion of GOK to the tune of sh 110 b. in one year.
It gets better. Sh 675 b. will be for GOK salaries and such jazz, an increament of sh 68 b.
This means that, Kenyans will pay TAX to the tune of around sh 630 b. This will leave us with a hole of sh 366 billion which we have to borrow.
Picture what happens when we have all new mandarins in accordance with this so called new constitution.
This is the legacy bwana Chris. Legacy of a nation headed for economic mess which the new constitution will make worse. And, with economic mess comes political and social mess.
What was the post all about again?
ReplyDelete......The mysterious funding of the NO camp
And what are discussing now? Well rehearsing theories to expand egos. More please!
the No camp couldn't possibly be convincing any more new zombies to their cause, because, i must give it up to the Yes team... they've largely stuck to the facts, whereas, the Red Guys are busy selling ludicrous interpretations of the draft until some erstwhile staunch churchgoers are beginning to see their clergy with a new set of eyes: that of shame and disbelief.
ReplyDeleteIf rumor has it that the No team are gaining ground, and when repeated by columnists and blogs like this one, then the truth on th table is that these mediums are part of the larger scheme to sow the seeds of doubt, and lay down the mat for possible Vote malpractice.
Is kumekucha for, or against the proposed constitution? and dont give us that fence sitting bull crap Kalonzo tries to pull sometime.
Taabu, is Mogotio in Baringo or Nakuru county? I want be a councillor there and I am a "foreigner."
ReplyDeleteSome numbskulls just regurgigate figures like automatons?Why anyone who calls himself intelligent would want to continue spewing gibberish at KK beats all logics.Dammit why dont you look for your peers and engage intellectualy with them?
ReplyDeleteAnon, Mogotio is in Nakuru, and usually populated by people of the Tugen sub tribe more particularly the Lembus clan.
ReplyDeleteAnon, you miss the point by a whole mile. Instead of being obsessed with Taabu's shadow you would better address RECONCILIATION and avoid your raw bravado. Kwani you think katiba will police you 24/7? The IDPs know better, just ask them.
ReplyDeleteThe 2007/8 implosion came about from such reckless outbursts like yours. Think please, think foreigner. Will you?
Mwarangethe: uhuru touchd smthng abt mortgage and landrates any impact 2 economy?
ReplyDelete@Inspektor Sikujua
ReplyDeleteYou must be new to this blog. Kumekucha's stand is well known and I have bored people repeating it here far too many times.
Kumekucha says a big emphatic YES to the draft constitution.
But that does not stop me reporting what is going on on the ground, without fear favour or prejudice based on my stand.
Kibaki in SA for the world cup..?Well I dont want to be a conspiracy theorist like one notorious fellow I wont mention but this seems like a well calculated move to pull the rug from under the PM's feet.Kibaki,to the best of my knowlegde has never attended a full football match,but the PM has on numerous occasions attended even local matches and football imagery in his speeches comds naturally like a fish(pun intended) takes to water!Was it intended to stop the PM from mingling with world leaders at the op
Well this could be out of the topic, but I'm eager to know the outcome of south Migirango by election. Anybody out there who can post the result here?
ReplyDeleteMwarang'ethe's budget concerns are also mine but I'm pro the draft. Size of gava is too damn large. However I think the new constitution will make gava more efficient even if we have to pay more. It is sad that our recurrent expenditure is larger than development expenditure. That almost all development expenditure is based on borrowing. I think there is a lot of waste in over inflated tenders. With devolved government we can bring resouces closer to harness the economic potential of the grassroots. The new constitution is a framework for larger legal reforms. I pity those who will be in parliament in the next five years they have their work cut out.
ReplyDeleteNyamweya wins South Mugirango poll!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat an irony
A wise Orkoiyot
Congratulations to the newly minted MP of S. Mugirango (Mr. Nyamweya) for teaching Raila a goo lesson. Raila wanted to impose Ochoi, a Luo, on the Kisii people.
ReplyDeleteMagara made a mistake of inviting Ruto to campaign for him in Kisiiland. It is the same mistake made by Ochoi for allowing Raila to campaign for him among the Kisii people. They forgot that Raila and Ruto are blamed for the PEV in Rift Valley that Kisiis suffered.
ReplyDeleteIt would be the ame misake if a person was to invite Raila or Ruto to compaign for him in Central Kenya. Even Jesus would not win among Kikuyus if supported by these two ODM warlords.
Poor Raila, his fat ego is getting deflated everyday.
ReplyDeleteJaluos must be cursing that his influence is only concentrated along the shores of lave victoria. A true jaluo warlord!!!!
Chris Kumekucha.
ReplyDeletePlease check your inbox for my angry email. I'm yet to receive the book after so many days.
ReplyDeleteChris has a habit of pocketing the money and playing games. Ask one sereast.
I urge Kumekucha guys who want to do business with chris to do it at their own risk. His associations with nigerian con artists in as far as emails are concerned is legendry. Do not send him your serious email address. Make one for the purpose of that 'free' book which in my opinion and that of Phil is a waste of time and paper.
Jaluo looses the S Mugirango contest. Congrats Mr Nyamweya.
ReplyDeletewho said Raila must win every seat? It's a game of numbers, had Magara and Ochoi's voters voted together like last time when they were all in ODM, ODM would win... Just like Moi used to win every election because the opposition used to split their votes. mwanyoya deserves the win anyway because he caused the By election....Raila's ego is not deflated, cant be deflated and wont be deflated, and everyone knows ODM were psychologically prepared to lose the seat, that's why they were the first to concede before the counting was over. ODM is a big party... but that doesn't mean that a single loss means its been defeated... secondly, the big loser is Magara, because he had the entire PNU coalition campaign for him(in the name of taming Raila)and they only garnered slightly higher than Ochoi. that's what you get when all you do is try and deflate Raila in every opportunity.Its like politics in Kenya is about "taming" Raila, even in contests where Raila doesn't have any much interest in,. like South Mugirango, PNU had to go there. IS it any wonder that Ruto and Magara kept following Raila everywhere looking like imbeciles?
ReplyDeleteMATUGA is the one that ODM are bent ion winning and will win.
ODMorons boasted that Kisii is ODM zone, now we know better. Kisiis, like the Kalenjins, are tired of remaining in the same party controlled by Luos. Come 2012 and ODM will be a Luo thingamajigg.
ReplyDeleteMagara was punished by the electorate for having joined ODM, a party that was responsible for ethnocleansing Kisiis from the Rift Valley.
ReplyDeleteIn 2012, will the Luhyas remember that ODM was responsible for Luhyas being killed and raped in Trans Nzoia in 2007/8 PEV? I hope so!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:54 and Anon 12:29,
ReplyDeleteI ordered the book today and got it immediately. If jealousy were not in you two then I don't think these comments would have come from you. So stop lying. I would wish that your arguements concentrate on politics in this blog and not business.
Concerning Mugirango election - my reaction was, "the guy deserved it". He cried loudest like the mother of the kid in front of King Solomon. He appealed because he knew he won in 2007.
Early in the week I watched a live debate on K24 TV in which the presenter posed an unexpected question. “Why are you campaigning against the proposed constitution?” This question was directed to a lady panelist who also happened to be a CEO of some NGO whose name I cannot remember. With an aura of confidence, the lady blurted out, “because majority of Kenyans are God fearing, we cannot allow abortion”.
ReplyDeleteWell, I could not help but think about the ‘uninformed’ position of the lady CEO. In the long run I concluded that if by any chance the NO camp carries the day, two things would largely have influenced; (i) the self-interests of ours leaders who are generally corrupt and lacks integrity (ii) the ignorance among the masses who, like sheep follow leaders as if they do not have their own brains. For example, I can hypothesize that over 50 % of the Kalenjins in RV will vote No simply because one Mr Ruto has said so. And, further to demostrate the ignorance i am talking about, just look at how the present debate has been defiled.
Nevertheless, I hope the proposed constitution will see the light of the day.
Anon 9.01
ReplyDeleteThis also concerns Mwarangethe.
I agree with you and Mwarangethe, and more with you, but still I partly disagree with you on this statement "However I think the new constitution will make gava more efficient even if we have to pay more.", especially if you don't consider the power of the people.
First of all implementation of the constitution will depend so much on us. If we sit down then let's not expect the constitution to work for us, it will be a useless paper.
Furthermore the constitution only creates foundation, though not strong, and also depending on us, for wealth distribution. Proper management of such distributed resources is as important as that little foundation it has created. If management of the distributed resources is done in such a way that wealth is not created then it can render the constitution more poisonous than if we had done nothing at all.
Inspekta sikujua,
ReplyDeleteFinally we know why you are in Kumekucha. You seem like a Raila fanatic trying to turn around his failing fortunes. Word of advice, join the rest of the sheeps in Jukwaa. Kumekucha has people who do not worship leaders. You say Raila had no interest in S. Mugirango, why did the fat buffoon spend 3 days campaigning for the ODM fellow with a GK fleet of vehicles???
Leta ingine.
Philip wrote
ReplyDeleteFurthermore the constitution only creates foundation, though not strong, and also depending on us, for wealth distribution. Proper management of such distributed resources is as important as that little foundation it has created. If management of the distributed resources is done in such a way that wealth is not created then it can render the constitution more poisonous than if we had done nothing at all.
Let us narrow this constitution debate to the basics which we think Kenyans are yet to think about.
There are three ways we can constitute a society or its governing structure:
(a) We can constitute it whereby, everyone plunders everyone.
(b) We can constitute it whereby, a few people plunder the rest.
(c) We can constitute it whereby, no person plunders another person.
Now, the question is, which of these three choices do you want?
And, where in your view, does the "old" and the so called "new constitution" lie?
Does it fall within (a), (b) or (c)?
ReplyDeleteBoth katiba's fall in b.
Sad but true.
Kind request to Mwarangethe
Please analyse for us the Budget that was read yesterday. How do you project it will affect Wanjiku?
Me i feel we will pay taxes like never before.
Your opinion sir?
And if possible can you make it a comprehensive post. I knoy you are busy so its just a request.
Please analyse for us the Budget that was read yesterday. How do you project it will affect Wanjiku?
ReplyDeleteMe i feel we will pay taxes like never before.
Your opinion sir?
Well, we are headed for a housing bubble which will squeeze profits (investors) and wages (labour).
Thereafter, as one would expect, in accordance with "laws of gravity," there will be a crush.
When the cruch occurs, the banks will be bailed out by you the taxpayers (investors and labour).
We will be back with more soon.
annon 3.37
ReplyDeletei believe in ODM, i believe in my party leader, i voted for the party, i will vote again.It is my democratic right, and since its something I've done out of free will and a conscience, i will defend and protect the integrity of my party, as that is what democracy is about.
If you don't like my party, then tell us about yours, if you have none, then kindly go bungee jumping.While at it, forget the rope.
It's politics, if you have substance, lets engage, if not.... quit the abuses
i believe in ODM, i believe in my party leader, i voted for the party, i will vote again.
It will be more helpful if you can tell us why you so passionately believe in ODM and its leader. Put differently, name a few things ODM has so far achieved in the service of Kenyans. Lastly,in what ways is ODM different from other tribal parties like ODM-K, Fords, DP e.t.c
Loss of Raila’s man in South Mugirango is a good curtail raiser 2 what will happen in 2012. Orengo and ODM protests at night proof they believe elections are not rigged if Raila and ODM wins. ODM often dismiss Kibaki as a visionless man but he has the last laugh. When Magara attempted 2 lure Kibaki 2 back him when Kibaki was in Kisii recently, he declined saying let the best man win. Raila has eaten a humble pie after camping in South Mugirango for 3 days and his man emerged No 3! Raila is not Kenya’s future.
ReplyDeleteMwarang'ethe I don't think our banks are doing risky mortgages like here in the US which led to the collapse. I think as interests rates fall home ownership will increase and thats good for the economy. However gava must be checked there is too much damn waste! What I mean is some of the goodies for those in office need to be vetoed by parliament. Especially I think our embassies abroad have staff lying idle doing their own business. There are also small projects in the budget that may be good ideas but will honestly not materialize at all. Gava should put more money in health coz we are still a poor nation and stories of KNH detaining patients need to end. He should have put more money into roads, rail and the modernisation of Mombasa port and development of Lamu port to spur the economy and more money into agriculture coz its stilll the backbone of the econ. Anyway worldcup imeanza see u guys later....
ReplyDeleteList of some of the groups injecting funds into the pipeline to defeat the 'Proposed Constitution' .
ReplyDeleteOPUS DEI,
Propaganda Fide,
Focolare (Catholic) Movement, Consolata Missionaries(one of largest land owining group in Africa),
Charismatic Movement,
American associates of Liberty University,
Christian fundamentalists,
An ultra conservative Catholic group in Mnnesota,
the Mormons are also in the frey,
ECA (Evangelical Church Alliance,
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World,
Christian Right,
Christian Coaltion,
Family Research Council,
Catholic Fundamentalists,
Catholic Women Organi Organization et al
More than $30.2 million dollars have been injected into various Kenyan arenas inorder to derail and consequently defeat the proposed constitution.
Why? God knows!
A well known Catholic clergy and another Pentecostal preacher have been going around dishing wards of cash, $5000 to precise, to fellow clergy men and women from various congregations, denominations and assemblies. One of them was very vocal against the Moi regime durring the late 1980s, and he operated from around Thika.
Four other pastors from various independent churches in Nairobi, have had free access to four cessna planes (Grand Caravan) based at Wilson for their country wide campaigns against the proposed the constitution.
Why now?
It's such a great time to be a Christian clergy person in Kenya and to have as many strings attached to the warchest in the name of the fight against "Worldly Powers of Darkness".
Wilson Airport has become a beehive of activity for so many Kenyan religious leaders as they justify the use of the incoming funds.
The busiest days are from Tuesday to Friday, when the so called "Crusade Flights" leave Wilson Airport heading to various regions of the country.
So, if you want to make some good money, this is the season to make it while the 'New Constitution Wars' are still being fought.
Sadly, the funds that are being spent by Kenya government and Coalition of Christian Churches and Groups, could have been used to build five new 'Nairobi Hospitals' in and around Nairobi.
But do I have to say anymore? LOL!
"The poor will always be with us, there is little we can to for a people who don't want to curp population growth and deal with corrruption and avoid ethnic based polical electioneering process. Our objective is to fight 'principalities' that if left unchecked will destroy God's vineyard.'
Said who? Your guess is as good as mine. A well known preacher from ......
Congratulations to Manson Nyamweya for being the BEST candiate.
ReplyDeleteThat said Kenyans MUST quit village politics. Bloggers here peddling the lie that Raila was taught a lesson are no diffeent from those SINGULARLY obessesed with TAMING him no matter what.
It all reminds you of the two Kinkley cats who kiled each other. Look KKK cam #2 and ODM #3 so none won. Ascribing Nyamweya's win to some far-fetched theories is typical Kenya's DECEITFUL ways. Please stop it, LETA INGINE.
Like Moi before him, Raila promised the people of South Mugirango tarmacked roads, piped water & electricity if they elect a fellow Luo, Mr Ochoi. But the Kisii people know a hyaena when they see one. They whipped his bare political bottoms and told him to take those things to Kibera first.
ReplyDeleteIgnorance galore: Ochoi is not LUO but a Kisii. Please note that not every O name is Luo just like Opanga is NOT Luo. Please next time try masking your blind rage with Luos.
ReplyDeletePeddling e-ignorance must be so shameful. Oh, and Omingo is Kisii too u fool.
ReplyDeleteAny post/s breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.