Sample the following.
President Moi had gotten very unpopular and miserable Kenyans were completely fed up with his rule. At around that time Moi decided to use Special Branch (the intelligence service at that time) to spread a rumour that the president was suffering from throat cancer and would die at any moment. To add credibility to this explosive rumour the president left for an extended trip overseas, it was whispered that he was desperately seeking some kind of treatment, but there was none.

How do Kenyans expect clean accountable politicians when the stench in our very own homes smells to high heaven?
Those were the days when Kenyans were afraid of their own shadows and would not dare say anything against the president in public. Still it was obvious that many Kenyans received news of the president’s alleged illness with a lot of joy. Many saw this as an answer to their many years of prayers for Moi to somehow leave the presidency.
It is not clear what the whole intention of starting this rumour was. Some say Moi and his close aides wanted to carefully monitor the predictable succession jostling that would ensue. Whatever the intention shortly after these rumours started doing the rounds in Nairobi, Moi returned to the country in a jovial mood. As usual he ran down the stairs of the plane at high speed as soon as it touched down. On the tarmac, he enthusiastically slapped the hand of Prof George Saitoti in greeting and joined traditional dancers in a jig or two… same old, same old. You could almost sense the whole nations’ sigh of despair at how healthy the president looked. No signs of a terminal illness there.
Moi went on to give a speech where he solemnly re-dedicated himself to serving the very Kenyans who did not want him to serve them. That was Moi and impunity at its’ best. Mupende musipende.
This man called Bethuel Kiplagat reminds me very much of that Moi incident. He insists on serving Kenyans as the chair of the Truth Justice and Reconciliation commission and is determined to serve the Kenyans who do not want to be served by him. Mr Kiplagat should remember that this is the old impunity rearing its’ ugly head again in his actions. How the hell will this thing work when there is NO public confidence in Kiplagat? To make matters worse the man is playing the old sick politics of appealing to several groups to publicly declare confidence in his ability to lead the TJRC. The latest group to do this is the Kalenjin council of elders. I mean the man just doesn’t get it does he?
Forget the fact that Kiplagat has been bending the law to its’ very limit for personal gain. Specifically I am talking about the Banking laws which do not allow a major share holder to be part of the management. The truth is that Kiplagat is a major shareholder of the bank called K-Rep but has used lawyers to register a complex web of holding companies to own the bank shares so that he remains at the helm managing it. Banking experts insist that his management has been retrogressive to the progress of the bank. K-Rep was the first community-based micro banking organization and a lot of their pioneering work was taken up by others like Equity Bank who are now many million miles ahead of K-Rep. Using the complex web of holding companies Mr Kiplagat may not have broken the law but he has certainly defeated and frustrated the spirit of that law. And this is the man who wants to lead the TJRC mupende musipende. Who will benefit from this forced leadership? The Kenyan people? Or Mr Kiplagat?
Is it not obvious to Kiplagat that the fact that he was Robert Ouko’s PS when the former foreign affairs minister was murdered is enough for him to disqualify himself from heading the TJRC without any pressure from Kenyans? Whether he is guilty or innocent is irrelevant. The man just needs to step aside and let the truth come out. Or what is he really scared of?
The fear that the truth is that Kiplagat’s appointment by Kibaki was NOT an accident. There are plenty of skeletons in all these politician’s closet. President Kibaki has got vast tracts of land at the Coast and some Kenyans at the Coast want to talk about this land and are not comfortable telling all to Kiplagat. After all this is Kenya. People still disappear without trace under unexplained circumstances.
If Mr Kiplagat was as clean as he claims to be, we wouldn’t even be discussing this issue, the man would not have accepted the appointment in the first place.
What Africa Confidential says about Kiplagat skeletons in the closet
Kumekucha classic posts;
What was Kenyatta really like?
Why this Kenyan habit of naming kids after presidents, past and future?
Musalia Mudavadi owns Chase Bank. Tell us about it, Chris.
ReplyDeleteThese people have tried to bring down Musalia Mudavadi through malicious accusations but failed. Why can't they go after Kiplagat? Coz he is a Kibaki crony and they fear the wrath of the Kalenjin votes? Please!!!!!!! Why don't they use KACC to leak some Kiplagat wrongdoings like they did with Musalia?
ReplyDeleteIs Kiplagat guilty by association?
ReplyDeleteMy goodness, if that is the real issue here then let all those well known political goons, loyal civil servants, chameleon businessmen and women, choirs of cheering primry, secondary, college and universities students, and villagers who praised, supported, and worked under His Excellency, Nyayo, Grandmaster of Kenyan Politics, Baba wa Taifa, Survivor of 'Change The Kenya Constitution, Survivor of August 1, 1982, Cold War Hero, British' and America's Sane Point Man, Retired African President, Rais Mzee Daniel arap Moi plead as charged by the court of public opinion, political hyenas, sleathering snakes, and regional tribal councils of national destruction (RTCND).
Who are these people behind the malicious smear campaigns against Kiplagat, 24/7?
Who are these individuals who stand to benefit if and when Kiplagat's position falls vacate?
Who are they? Are they afraid of something that Kenyans don't know?
Eti Kiplagat was appointed by Kibaki???
ReplyDeleteNgombe hii, the whole team was vetted by Parliament before Kibaki was presented with that list.
Did you and thousands of civil groups raise a finger then???
Kibaki owns land at the coast.
Raila illegally acquired land meant for squatters in Malindi.
Who is fooling who??
Maybe you better stick to your sensual stories bwana Chris. Your blogging Mojo that was fact based is all but dead and has been replaced by hearsays.
This is quite laughable.
ReplyDeleteKiplagat should NOT step-aside, not on account of a witch hunt.
Sounds like you Chris and your loud-mouthed civil society cronies are the ones chasing shadows.
Hello. And Bye.
ReplyDeleteWe are back to 2005 referendum.
ReplyDeleteWhat is certain at this stage is that Mps are wasting time with retreats.
Not even the attendance of Kibaki and Raila to the MPs Kamukunji on Tuesday will change the position.
Same way as they failed in the quest for a local tribunal to try the alleged master minds of the 2007-2008 atrocities. As long as Raila is not willing to support a position, then the fate of the draft is sealed.
Raila never wanted a local tribunal but ICC. Thats why it failed!
The fate of the draft is in the voting in parliament- and more important, the voters at the referendum.
We are unlikely to see any amendments of the draft at all- since a 2/3 majority is required.
(have you seen that NATION has blocked Mutua's piece entitled "There’s only one draft constitution, the one by CoE".They don't want Kenyans to read it!
Why pay "experts" (CEO) and then try to trash their work?
The winner in all this is the one who stands against the "mutilation" of the draft.
The mood on the ground is that Kenyans want the draft as it is.
It is all in the standard at
ODM: there’s no deal on Constitution
"Two days after MPs hammered out what seemed to be a deal over the Proposed Constitution, the Orange wing of Government and some Rift Valley MPs were on Saturday categorical that there was no deal.
This sets the stage for another battle on the floor of the House as the constitution review clock ticks away.
While consensus on a wide range of contentious issues was ostensibly arrived at during the MPs’ retreat at the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA), Nairobi, they were but gentlemen’s agreements for which MPs are not bound.
Things came to a head on Friday when members allied to Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Agriculture Minister William Ruto supported various amendments, including the creation of 25 regions to replace the proposed 47 counties and a powerful senate of 50.
This did not go down well with ODM legislators who were outnumbered at the retreat. Some of them walked out in protest but that did not stop the meeting from going on.
ODM, which supports the passing of the Proposed Constitution as was crafted by the Committee of Experts, grudgingly attended the retreat after being prevailed upon by Prime Minister Raila Odinga to avoid being seen as opposed to consensus building.
On Thursday, Raila met his party MPs where they agreed on what they termed as the party’s irreducible minimum in the consensus negotiations.
In the closed-door meeting, the PM reportedly instructed the MPs not to allow the creation of more than 18 regions, not to allow the Senate to be weakened and that the 47 counties must not be deleted.
And speaking to The Standard On Sunday on Saturday, the party’s Secretary-General Anyang’ Nyong’o said his party would not support the mutilation of the Proposed Constitution. "Three levels of devolution — national, regional and county — is necessary, logical, doable and provable in all other comparable jurisdictions with reference to power, functions and resource mobilisation and use," he said.
He argued that the key and guiding principle should is democracy and empowerment of the people.
Prof Nyong’o said transitional clauses must take into account the sustainability of the coalition Government with equal regard to both partners and implementation of Agenda 4.
hotly contested
And reacting to ODM’s position last night, Government Chief Whip George Thuo, of the Party of National Unity (PNU) wing, said the deal was arrived at by consensus during the plenary meeting of the KIA deliberations.
"There might have been hotly contested issues but in the end, the agreement was by consensus.
"Those opposed to the deal are in ODM and yet the party’s top leadership chose to go to Machakos instead of being at KIA. This is an indictment on the party’s commitment to a new constitution," said Thuo...........