On the one hand consider how the wide range of managerial,executive desk suits and funky glass walls present a rather combatant way of ending shady going ons in government corridors of power
Assorted glass desks may just create a difficult to breathe atmosphere for graft as corrupt officials shy away from sliding bulging envelopes stuffed with wads of cash to greedy beady eyed salivating civil servants seated on the other end of the glass house
There would be no need to stop at government offices if this policy works; let it be adapted in all our homes-contemporary bedroom furniture and modern lounge coffee tables should spell certain doom for husband/wife battery,infidelity not to mention rampant theft/armed
Duly elected directive is implemented with speed. I guess they will return the computers after they have finished getting thier own for the Gava offices ... lol.
ReplyDelete"The computers were stolen from the offices of the International Centre for Policy and Conflict (ICPC) located in Nairobi’s Hazina Towers.
ICPC Executive Director Ndung’u Wainaina said he discovered the theft on Tuesday morning when he reported to work "
That was a vain and stupid Govt "directive" but in reality it was (sideshow, smokescreen and distraction) in the name of combating corruption after prayers had failed. The last time I checked ODM (Odinga's Disastrous Movement) was still part and parcel of this Govt. So there you go, why single PANUA/PDM when they are joined in hip with ODmorons both in Govt and in their Corruption escapades when it comes to fleecing poor Kenyans? Even those hypocrites now accusing Gen Ruto of all sorts of crimes would be heaping accolades on him if he was still licking Raila's dirty boots. How comes they never said anything when he was a staunch member of the Pentagon? He has suddenly become corrupt, sick and a love rat because he's refused to tow Agwambo's line! Hahaha, how apt! Back to our pathetic leadership, don't be shocked if the same Govt allows the destruction of environment to continue as in Mau and when the rains fail, famine comes and thousands start to die like rats, they ask Kenyans to pray for the rains. So much for vision 2030! It's evidently clear that Kibaki/Raila's corrupt and chaotic reign had been nothing short of disastrous to Kenyans. I can't wait to see their backs as these 2 clueless political dinosaurs exit the political stage! Hope Kenyans will think twice next time they vote along ethnic lines. The Principals have taught us all a hard lesson. By the way what is ODM's city mayor Geoffrey Majiwa still doing in office after pocketing Sh 11M from the cemetery scandal? And what is Musalia Mudavadi still doing there as well? Don't hold your breath waiting for man Tinga to ask them "to step aside until cleared" as he did with PNU's Sam Ongeri and Ruto now a PNU closet member and spy inside the once "well oiled political machine" called ODM. Bure Kabisa hii watu!
ReplyDeleteM. Pesa,
ReplyDeleteYou sound bitter. To make it worse, you talk trash. Some bitter people reason and put logic. Could it be that you are confirming what was said that you get facilitation fee for Kshs.500/- for each rubbish you spew?
Thank God for pseudonym you cannot be identified by your primary school teacher who would decry in shame as to what a waste of time and energy?
Or are you those Kalenjins who as we've been told let everything pass them including sound reasoning and are still engaged in war with bows, arrows and spears when people are logically using their heads to reason and state facts?
M. Pesa. You sound bitter. To make it worse you spew rubbish out of your mouth.
ReplyDeleteOr is it that you are those whom we have been told are paid Kshs.500/- as facilitation fee for every nonesense them emit?
Ama are you those Kalenjins who we've been told missed it all, and are still trapped in the old school of war, spears and arrows while the rest of the world have moved on to logical reasoning and sensible discussions?
Thank God for pseudonym you primary school teacher does not need to identify you. Otherwise he would bow in shame decrying what a wasted time.
Why are Luo MPs abusing the Kalenjin people? One was heard calling the community primitive herdsmen. Why treat like trash people who died to get Raila a PM position? If the Luos don't change their attitude, they will be the most isolated people in 2012.
ReplyDeleteQote of the year. Thanks Mpesa.
ReplyDelete"Even those hypocrites now accusing Gen Ruto of all sorts of crimes would be heaping accolades on him if he was still licking Raila's dirty boots. How comes they never said anything when he was a staunch member of the Pentagon? He has suddenly become corrupt, sick and a love rat because he's refused to tow Agwambo's line!"
If Gadafi is right on Nigeria, then same should apply to Sudan, and of course Kenya.
ReplyDeleteThe latter on tribal lines!
Divide Nigeria in two, says Muammar Gaddafi
Muammar Gaddafi blamed the British for Nigeria's problems
Nigeria should be divided into two nations to avoid further bloodshed between Muslims and Christians, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has said.
In a speech to students, he praised the example of India and Pakistan, where he said partition saved many lives.
Splitting Nigeria "would stop the bloodshed and burning of places of worship," state news agency Jana quoted him as saying.
A senior Nigerian diplomat said he was not taking the suggestion seriously.
Hundreds of people have died in communal violence in villages around the central Nigerian city of Jos this year.
The BBC's Rana Jawad in Tripoli says Col Gaddafi's suggestion is unsurprising given his past form.
Last year, he called for Switzerland to be abolished and for its land to be divided between Italy, Germany and France.
'Historic, radical solution'
Although the violence in Nigeria generally takes place between Muslim and Christian communities, the underlying causes are a complex mix of political, social and economic grievances.
Nigeria is roughly split between its largely Muslim north, and a Christian-dominated south.
Col Gaddafi, until recently head of the African Union, characterised the Jos violence as a "deep conflict of religious nature" caused by the federal state, "which was made and imposed by the British in spite of the people's resistance to it".
He described the partition of India as a "historic, radical solution" which saved the lives of "millions of Hindus and Muslims".
Splitting India in 1947 caused a breakdown of law and order in which at least 200,000 people died. Some estimates say one million people were killed.
About 12 million people were left homeless and thousands were raped.
An attempt by the Igbo people of south-eastern Nigeria to secede in 1967 sparked a war which left more than one million people dead.
M-PESA, these guys are CRASS. Musalia Mudavadi's wife TESSY is not well and many people know it. It is an act of God and people should avoid it. It is not her will. One of the country's top politicians has an eye problem that many people know of and dont talk about. Several MPs, I personally know are having problems medically. Why all of a sudden this vitriol on Ruto baffles. Why?
ReplyDeleteI am sure these people are the same who, on this forum told me that RUTO HAS NOT BEEN CHARGED IN ANY COURT. If morals are to be talked about here, then what do you say of an MP, who was elected on an ODM ticket together with a girlfriend and mother to an illegitimate child only for the cruel hand of death to equalise them.
I was gob-smacked to read what was written about William Ruto yesterday and wondered whether it will change the current position that the man has taken.
Phil, advising people on MORALITY??? Poor people we are. Very poor!
someone forget to take his daily meds or are you under the influence of temporary physiognomy and aggression?
ReplyDeletei don't have to be a sympathizer of ruto or raila to figure out that he is not making any sense at all.
what's going on? what's with the outbursts all of a sudden?
kenyan politicians are crooks and corrupt to high heavens and it doesn't matter whether they are from any of the stinking odm or pnu corpses.
ReplyDeleteAnd who tells you you are not an ILLIGITIMATE child? You sound and reason like one to me only that you can manage it is some basic English.
You are more illegitimate. You have no name. I am LEGITIMATE! You are A NON ME ASS
ReplyDeleteRaila had sworn that there would be no going for concensus meeting. Then he received orders from the wazungu diplomats in Nairobi to release his ODM captives and let them attend. And voila, they are now in Kabete. What a herd of sheep these people are!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust imagine if Raila had won the presidency. Today, Ruto and many Kalenjins would be rotting in jail. Thank heavens for small mercies, Kibaki won the elections.
ReplyDeleteNo, the worst would have been Raila winning the elections and this baboon called Miguna Miguna becoming the Attorney General.
ReplyDeleteHe guys, BREAKING NEWS! Warrior Ruto (Koitalel arap Samoei) has bursted the thieves who were repackaging subsidized fertilizers and selling them at a higher price.
ReplyDeleteI think Ruto should resign. There is no need of him calling for investigations into this scam when it has been happening right under his docket and nose.
So can Mr. Ruto please step aside and allow investigations on how subsidized fertilizers in Government market bags could be repackaged in other bags and names and sold at a higher price.
Some reality check.
ReplyDeleteAs we shout at each across tribal lines, we wish to remind/warn that, we are sinking into debt slavery.
We may abuse each other as we want, but, when it comes to paying our accumulating debts, it does not matter from which tribe u are from. All of us are slaves when it comes to these debts.
Sample this by Kisero, a lonely voice in the jungle:
We are living way beyond our means, borrowing like never before, and saddling future generations with our debts.
Worse still, institutions drawing money from the exchequer are mushrooming by the dozens. And, when we are through with the constitution-making process, the public sector will have expanded by leaps and bounds.
@ http://www.nation.co.ke/blogs/Kenya%20lives%20beyond%20her%20means,%20borrowing%20like%20never%20before%20/-/446696/880700/-/view/asBlogPost/-/mfq1h3z/-/index.html
ReplyDeleteKisero should go and preach to Raila who wants to tripple the bureaucracy by imposing three-tier levels of government. Raila argues that more levels of government are needed to redistribute resources to relatives, worshipers and girlfriends. So you can talk all you want about the public debt load, but you will not stop Raila's "Nile" from reaching the Mediterranean Sea.
Thanks Mwarang'ethe
ReplyDeleteFor sanity contra tribal " ANAL-isis" and they know who they ARE
Thanks Mwarang'ethe
ReplyDeleteFor sanity contra tribal " ANAL-isis" and they know who they ARE
State assets being resold to the state after fleecing wanainchi.
ReplyDeletePrivitasation gone sour- I thought the advocates of privitasation knew what they were doing. This is double theft of our common assets - Nationalisation would be in order. To revert back what was stolen - buyback is theft , I wish somebody investigates how Kenya power was sold and now plans to buy it back - or has PDM run out of election funds ?
"The government intends to acquire a controlling stake in country’s electricity distribution company.
Discussions on the matter were on, Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi and permanent secretary Patrick Nyoike told the parliamentary Committee on Energy, Information and Communication on Wednesday.
The minister said the government sought to increase its shareholding in Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) by converting its preferential shares worth Sh16 billion into ordinary shares "
Anonymous said...
Kisero should go and preach to Raila who wants to tripple the bureaucracy by imposing three-tier levels of government.
The problem with your analysis is personalisation of issues.
It is not the tiers of govts. that are the issue, it is the FUNCTIONS of the government that matter.
As we have noted, as presently constituted, modern states are corrupted at the foundation stage. U cannot build a house on foundation of sand and expect it to stand for long. This has forced them to take on functions that should not be taken by governments. This is all done to try and cover up these shaky foundations.
Having done this, govts. from USA to Kenya, have now taken so much debts trying to do what they are not competent to do. We are now witnessing their collapse infront of our eyes.
Nothing short of total reorganisation of states will save us. However, when we point out what needs to be done, some shout too utopian bwana. Haya, we will see where the current thinking will take us.
Without taking remedial measures which may look too utopian, every step we take, will create more disorder. And, as we try to correct that disorder, we will create more disorder.
In 1904, Balfour's Government did set up a Royal Commission to investigate "SOMETHING in our social ORGANISATION [that] is seriuosly wrong."
That "something" is still embedded in our states. Without removing that "something," all others are a waste of time and money.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteState assets being resold to the state after fleecing wanainchi.
Privitasation gone sour- I thought the advocates of privitasation knew what they were doing. This is double theft of our common assets - Nationalisation would be in order.
Privatisation means or is EQUAL to these terms, or, when you hear privatisation from WB/IMF/West, see these words:
- mercantilism,
- rent seeking,
- monopolization.
You have not seen anything yet. We are entering a new brave world.
Alexis de Tocqueville, noted this:
"The surface of American society is covered with a layer of DEMOCRATIC PAINT, but from time to time one can see the OLD ARISTOCRATIC colours breaking through.
What did aristocracts believe in? Divine right to EXCLUSIVE TITLES to nature ( and nature includes technology/IP).
So, when we privatise monopolies, we are getting back to aristocratic age. Fasten your belt for a rough ride ahead.
ReplyDeleteThe leaders insisted that the Constitution should not make reference to any religion and opposed a clause exempting Muslims from the provision of the Bill of Rights.
“The church believes that no person should be denied or exempted from the provisions of the Bill of Rights,” said a statement by the leaders.
- What about the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy or is that not a personal right?
IN THE SAME BREATH the nitwits..
Due to their religious belief – “the LEADERS urged the legislators to ensure that the clause on the right to life is amended to outlaw induced abortion.
In conclusion according to them, they don’t want the constitution to have anything to do with religion at the same time they want their religious beliefs written in the constitution. – WHAT A WASTE OF TIME.
If this goes through I foresee a registered church allowing abortions and people who want to abort can join it claiming freedom of worship and human rights
Catholic Church, the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, Methodist church and the Nairobi Pentecostal Church. The National Council of Churches of Kenya, the Evangelical Alliance.