Updates: PC-PS transition
Meanwhile the predictable PC/DC-PS transition here we come: 75% of the new acting PS are ex-provincial administrators: Mondoh, Ndolo and Mr Kiritu Wamae. Smell a rat?
Liver juggling must be such a difficult yet basic task! If somobody shadow boxing or seeing double? Well, a mirage is an apparent oasis to the thirsty.
Bring the heat on. NA BADO.
And who is that looking for ambi ya kupaka on Kibaki's immediate right?
ReplyDeleteMay the pnu half of the cabinet (thieves!!)continue meeting to plot more heists. odm is right in not wanting to associate with impunity barons. all this time, scribes for hire like mutahi ngunyi(why does the fool always say rao is toast) have been blaming 'both principals ' for their inability to fight corruption. am glad rao has finally broken lose of this tag.
ReplyDeleteOn a separate note, I wonder why the dissatisfied odm MPS do not have the guts to quit and join udm,pnu,ppp, kkk, or any other briefcase parties. ruto and balala will surely attend these meetings if called but wouldn't dare attend any odm meetings . i want to puke when balala refers to himself as a senior pentagon member and yet he is being used to undermine the odm leader. without rao balala would be an ordinary mwarabu drinking kahawa thungu- okay the haters can now chew me.
this is a tricky one for both principals and kenyans as well.However it is for the kenyans to see what is right from wrong.
ReplyDeleteMzees Ks EGO or ID should not come before the kenyan people.My fellow kenyans, please it is clear that ongeri and ruto are thugs.I can tell u this coz i have dealt with them thugged with them and know who they are.I am now saved,i no longer thug from tax payers.I make clean chums in the west.Thanks for the old good usa.i would never ever want to be entagled with the cognitive impaired reasoning i see here in this blog.at mujaluo this and mukikuyu that.Just dumb krup from a dumb crowd.
I don't think there is much ODM can do really. I knew and said from the first day when the agreement was signed, that it was so full of holes, allowing Kibaki to pretty much retain the same power he had before while ODM were given an illusion of power aka "supervision," whatever that means. I don't think ODM were stupid and they knew they were getting raw deal but since PNU wasn't budging and that time was not on their side, there was nothing they could do and decided 'better this than nothing.'
ReplyDeleteKibaki loves power (who can blame him?) and it looks like he will stay in power for quiet sometime. He can do this through two ways:
The current draft constitution, unless explicitly sealed in advance, contains a loophole that basically allows him to stay in power until 2022. If this fails, comes option 2 which is try to keep ODM in the coalition until about 2011 or early 2012 after which he will basically declare the coalition over, obviously by playing games to reach this goal. And then he will stand again. Not as good as the first option but it can see him up to about 2017, not bad for an octogenarian.
They are all playing games. Although I personally like Raila, I know he is just another politician and so he is also just playing games. For example, it is alleged that he had the PWC report a year ago, which begs the obvious question, why didn't he act then?
The only thing that saddens me are people acting as if their future, their lives and everything depends on one person that purports to represent them, blocking roads and ready to murder someone because he comes from a certain community (though I hate this cliché used in Kenyan Newspapers.) Sadly, I can't see any meaningful change happening in the future. Just look at the comments here. So tribal that it is almost surprising. Most of us are just like the current politicians, probably worse. Whether we like it or not, they are a reflection of the society.
And what do you call a person who lights a fire in his backyard and runs away,"oh we know its those overseas engagements again"!
ReplyDeletethe fire has been smoldering all right as the country's DULY ELECTED continues snoozing hoping that the rot, theft and sleaze that is mostly hatched during the SH night meetings continue. RAO had to smoke them all out. the lazy bum and his brigade of pnu thieves cheered on by their odm partners in crime have been left holding the loot in their hands- exposed for the whole world to see who the impunity barons are. Meanwhile the people's president is working - wooing japanese investors. Let them thieves continue their night meetings- looking for loopholes in the NARA to exploit in the name of proving that kibz is 'above' rao. The shameless idiot should hide his tails between his legs after nearly plunging the country into a civil war -knowing full well that he stole our votes. May the 2million dead voters whose names he used to steal, haunt him forever-not to mention the ones that were slaughtered in odm zones.
ReplyDeleteTo Raila and ODM Morons,
ReplyDeleteRaila appointed Ruto, a thug.
He also appointed Kajwang a Thug.
He also appointed Gumo, a thug.
He also appointed Kosgey, a Thug.
He also appointed Ntimama, a thug.
He also appointed Ngilu, a thugress.
He also appointed Sally Kosgey, a thugress...
we can go on and on.
Now if Ruto continued to loot public coffers, what does he expect from the other thugs??
Heck, even Anyang Nyong'o joined the thugs and is leading in scandals.
Kenya is doomed.
A Kenyan Who Love Kenya.
These silly Luo ODM ministers want to earn their salaries without attending to their duties such as attending Cabinet meetings. These are trully lazy bums.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Raila calling for Kofi Annan to come? Raila reminds me of a self-overrated school yard bully who starts a fight and when he is given a sucker punch cries for his mother. For how long can Raila expect to suckle from the political matiti of Kofi Annan? There comes a time when a boy grows up and fights his fights, and the time for Raila to grow up has come!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRaila + Orengo + Midiwo + Anyang' + Otieno + Kajuang' = Kisumu Pepo Mbaya Mafia.
ReplyDeleteAti Miguna says Kibaki and Raila are equal. If it is so, why are Ruto and Ongeri still in office after being "suspended" by Raila? Why can't Raila send the police to drag them out of office? Some cultures tend to produce delusional characters!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteRaila ni kama ngiri, munyama anaesahau mara moja. Raila stole the Kisumu Molasses Plant from the people of Kenya. Now, this same thug wants others to resign because of the maize scandal. He should first suspend his son Fidel from being his son for having been mentioned in connection with the sale of our maize to South Sudan. Huyu nyani na kundule yake ni mbule sana.
2/16/10 9:50 AM
Very interesting posts on Jukwaa the members there sure know how to pen facts;
ReplyDeleteJukwaa Post:
Corruption In Kenya
Corruption plagues the Kenyan economy. The ngo MS Kenya estimates that 42% of the country’s GDP consists of fraud. Donors estimate that some US$ 1 billion were lost to corruption in the 5 years of the Kibaki administration. His administration spent US$ 12 million on new Mercedes cars in the first 18 months of the administration alone.
Kibaki sharply increased the salary of members of parliament and divided almost all government posts among members of his own Kikuyu tribe. These people are called the “Mount Kenya Maffia” in Kenya, after the region where the Kikuyu originate. Kibaki even wanted to increase his own salary to US$ 40,000 a month, but this was simply too much. He had to give this up after fierce protests. All this while half of the population makes only US$ 1 a day, or less.
This is so true Kumekucha has become to much Chris why do you allow our blog to run down we use to have fantastic exchanges on here
Jukwaa post: facts
ReplyDeleteListed in Githongo's dossier[19] are a number of companies that won security-related CORRUPT contracts LOOTING THE GOVERNMENT COFFERS DRY:-
Payee Purpose Amount (millions)
Anglo Leasing Forensic LAB - CID USD 54.56M PS-Treasury 2002
PS-Internal Security OP
Silverson Establishment Security Vehicles USD 90M PS-Treasury
Apex Finance Police Security USD 30 PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
9 February 2002
LBA Systems Security-MET USD 35M PS-Treasury 7 June 2002
Apex Finance Police Security USD 31.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
14 June 2002
Universal Satspace Satellite Services USD 28.11M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 11 July 2002
First Mechantile Police Security USD 11.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 11 July 2002
Apex Finance Corp Police Security USD 12.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP 12 July 2002
LBA Systems Prison security b]USD 29.7M[/b] PS-Treasury 19 November 2002
Nedemar Security USD 36.9M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 19 November 2002
Midland Bank Police security USD 49.65M PS-Treasury 29 May 2003
Naviga Capital Oceanographic vesselEUR 26.6M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Empressa Oceanographic vessel EUR 15M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Euromarine Oceanographic vesselEUR 10.4M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Infotalent Police security EUR 59.7M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
19 November 2003
Apex Finance Corp Police security EUR 40M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP 17 December 2003
Ciaria Systems Inc maintain satellite NSI USD 44.56M PS Treasury
Which Kalejins will support Ruto after reading this facts??
A closer look at the draft constitution crafted by the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) in Naivasha reveals a document that will forever impact Rift Valley Province in profound ways.
This was a document whose major tenets were spearheaded by a newfound friendship of strange bedfellows, one an angry and vengeful Agriculture Minister, William Ruto, and another, a calculating and ambitious Finance Minister, Uhuru Kenyatta, producing a 'compromise blueprint' that needs to be examined.
In the resulting deal, one side totally compromised on principles and aspirations held by their constituents, while elites from the other side got all they have long desired since the pre-independence period without breaking a sweat.
It is quite probable that most Rift Valley residents, disillusioned by recent events in government, have lost focus on examining the proposed draft constitution.
It's also possible that Ruto has capitalized on the rifts created by the handling of Mau, PEV and efforts against corruption, to claim role of sole defender of Rift Valley interests, as a political bargaining chip which he appears to be using for his own personal interest rather than his community's.
ODM walked into this devolution debate quite divided and without joint purpose and the result is that the earlier proposed 2nd-tier of regional government will be no more. Rift Valley Province (as an administrative unit) or region (as a devolution unit) and it's sense of unity will be no more as soon as the draft passes.
The era of small and weak counties has arrived as there shall be no more Rift Valley region or province - as will be the case with all previously existing provinces, or regions proposed in either the Bomas draft or CoE draft.
With just a stroke, the Naivasha deal sliced and diced (in divide-and-rule fashion), the cosmopolitan province into many small, distinct and weak counties only reporting to the strong national government.
Nobody can question the long-held desire of Rift Valley residents to have a majimbo (quasi-federal) system which guarantees self-governance at local level with oversight of local resources including land and which is capable of providing checks and balances to the exercise of power at the national level.
ReplyDeleteRift Valley’s forefathers in KADU including Jean Marie Seroney, Taita Toweet, and Daniel Moi, ensured this demand was entrenched in the Lancaster Constitution talks in London before independence.
However, after independence, President Jomo Kenyatta refused to allocate funds to the regional governments, and abolished them altogether in 1964, with disastrous consequences in the Rift Valley.
How did Kenyatta navigate and tame possible backlash from that unilateral assault on the constitution?
Kenyatta's handlers were calculating enough to lure Moi into a political pact. As Kenyatta dismantled the constitutionally created Jimbos, an interesting but significant political development - the formation of a new political alliance - was happening in the background.
Moi secretly negotiated a background deal with Kenyatta and essentially plotted an internal coup in KADU with express plans to form an alliance with KANU.
Moi's compromise card was facilitating the smooth dropping of the majimbo system, strongly favoured by his Rift Valley constituents, especially the Kipsigis and Nandi. In exchange, Moi was promised personal promotion up the political ladder.
Essentially it was an exchange of community aspirations for one individual's personal gain. A similar deal may be cooking today.
From the pact, Moi led a walkout from KADU into Kenyatta’s KANU, which signaled the end of the pro-majimbo party. The majimbo debate was slowly defeated and halted from then on.
That was the beginning of Rift Valley resources (especially land) being plundered at will from the center with people’s voices at the grassroots totally drowned out. Jean Marie Seroney’s fears were being confirmed.
It is this background that motivated Rift Valley residents to begin another protracted campaign to restore the principle of devolution back into the constitution.
In 2005, Rift Valley residents rejected the Wako draft constitution precisely because it was a blueprint perpetuating a continuation of the same post-independence ideology against devolution started by Kenyatta in 1963.
As early as independence, it was clear that Kenyatta's cronies of elites were strongly against a three-tier devolution with national, regional and county governments. Their position currently manifesting through views held by Central Province MPs, has not changed today.
Kenya has now been presented with another great opportunity to write a new constitution.
Rift Valley was recently represented at the Naivasha PSC negotiations by Agriculture Minister Hon. William Ruto and Chepalungu MP Hon. Isaac Ruto among others. Representing the Central elites was Uhuru Kenyatta, Jeremiah Kioni and others, even tagging along Uhuru's cousin Beth Mugo as a very interested observer.
ReplyDeleteLet us look at what they came up with for devolution.
From the Committee of Experts (COE) revised draft constitution which contained a national government, 8 regional governments, and 47 county governments, the PSC started by first REMOVING THE 8 ‘JIMBOs’ (regional governments) as proposed by the PNU coalition of parties.
That was a swift act quite reminiscent of Jomo Kenyatta's 1964 action.
The elimination of the regional tier WILL DENY the small and weak counties an essential forum for co-ordination, and protection from undermining by the strong national government.
This means, without regions, and without administrative provinces, Rift Valley, either as a governance or administrative unit will be no more. There shall only be a national government and county governments (two tiers) entrenched in the constitution.
If you closely reflect what this means for instance at the South Rift, it means that majority of the Kipsigis will be sliced and diced into three counties, with some having their voices drowned out in Narok County, some dominated in Nakuru County, and the remaining having their say in Kericho district. The divide-and-rule dictum becomes apparent. The removal of a sense of communal unity becomes real.
On top of that, these county governments like Kericho will be weak and exposed to undermining by the national government at Nairobi because there will be no regional government to shield them.
The Ruto-Kenyatta driven PSC also retained in their proposed draft, administrators like DCs, Dos and Chiefs who will still ensure that the national government remains effectively in charge of local governance within the already weak counties. Thus locals will have undermined say over local governance and resources.
If William Ruto wants to soon face his constituents with this arrangement he helped Kenyatta's PSC allies chart, selling it as devolution, that would be the biggest fairy tale ever told.
Essentially, by removing the regional tier, which protects county governments, and retaining administrators, meaningful devolution has been killed yet again.
Any curious and keen observer will note that these ‘devolution’ proposals are essentially the same ones forwarded by the Wako draft constitution that were rejected in 2005.
In killing real devolution, the PSC also did something significant. The all-important independent Commission on Revenue Allocation with the mandate of determining the basis of sharing revenue from national resources was struck out, and its role retained by Treasury in Nairobi.
ReplyDeleteThat was the clearest statement from the PSC that there were basically no real defenders for devolution in that Naivasha get-together.
Treasury is part of the National government and it is not expected to fairly and justly divide resources between the various levels of government. Thus instead of a national resource allocating mechanism, the powerful President, and whoever he/she appoints Finance Minister, will retain the powers to distribute resources to counties. In any way you want to look at it, this does not pass for change.
This is definitely not what Rift Valley has been clamoring for and it would be unbelievable to any lay Rift Valley resident that Senior Rift Valley leaders were sitting in these PSC deliberations that came up with these proposals.
That is until folks remember the history of Moi, Kenyatta and Majimbo.
History has repeated itself and Rift Valley peoples' aspirations have been thrown out the window in exchange for personal promises for a single individual.
Now that we have seen that the resource allocation mechanism has been retained at the Treasury, let’s see the formula the PSC suggested for disbursing resources from Treasury – just as a guideline.
Basically, PSC has allowed political patronage to be the basis for future resource allocations. Treasury has historically used political patronage to allocate resources inequitably, so this has been retained. Future wielders of Presidential power will wield the power over resource allocation.
In the draft, the PSC suggested that the 47 county governments receive only 15 per cent of the revenue collected by the national government, based on the last audited public accounts approved by Parliament.
That means, if this draft constitution comes into effect in 2013, the available audited accounts may be those of 2009/10, on the basis of which the 47 counties will receive a paltry Sh85 billion out of a potential expenditure of Sh1,000 billion.
Now divide Sh 85 billion by 47 counties and each government, for instance the populous one in Kericho, gets only Sh 1.8 billion per year. As the cash is sent to county governments, the strong national government will simultaneously relieve itself many development obligations and payment of salaries of public servants in the county. That is where the cunning PSC team hopes to hoodwink masses.
In typical PNU cunningness, PSC capped the resource allocation to counties in the Constitution to the figure 15% irrespective of any mitigating circumstances.
This is yet another clever ploy by PNU to put a CONSTITUTIONAL CAP, shielding taxpayer money inside the Treasury, with very little going to the periphery.
ReplyDeleteAgain in PNU style, to hoodwink poor regions (during the referendum) that their areas are being given consideration, the crafty PSC drafters proposed that marginalised regions will receive a grant of 0.5 per cent of the revenues, which amounts to a paltry Sh2.8 billion, to cover infrastructure projects in ‘health, water, roads, electricity and other necessary services’.
This was loftily said to be motivated by the desire to ostensibly ‘bring them to as nearly equal a state to the rest of the country as possible’.
Now, let's be serious, how will this tiny amount of money spread over a third of the counties (16 counties, several in the Rift Valley) reverse a legacy of deprivation and neglect?
Splitting Sh 2.8 billion between 16 counties in arid and semi-arid regions means each county gets just an extra Sh 175 million per year.
The PSC knows these are just gimmicks.
The PSC also went ahead, as driven by the PNU Coalition, to devour the Senate, which is supposed to be a legislative body that protects regions against marginalization.
After killing the regions, the so-called senate was deliberately incapacitated and rendered toothless, by the PSC, and is now akin to the forum for authorities in the infamous Kilifi Draft whose proposals were completely rejected in 2005. Are the people of Rift valley aware of this?
To illustrate how divided Rift Valley’s voice was while entering this debate, it is noteworthy that Chepalungu MP, Isaac Ruto, favored a parliamentary system while Agriculture MP,William Ruto, proposed a pure presidential system.
Someone must have been bidding on behalf of external forces and sure, the pure presidential system carried the day.
But how is the pure presidential system likely to impact Rift Valley residents in case Rift Valley doesn’t produce a President for a long time?
If a parliamentary system was adopted, as Isaac Ruto suggested, Rift Valley MPs would definitely have a formidable voice of representation and parliamentary voting bloc that would guarantee safeguards against marginalization, unfair resource allocations and under-development.
However, under the pure presidential system proposed by William Ruto, Rift Valley will have to depend on the whims and mercy of that powerful President. Nobody can guarantee who the President is going to be in 2012, 2017, 2023 etc.
In our country bedevilled by corruption, ethnicity, political patronage and impunity, the proposed pure presidential system offers a perfect platform for the elected President to morph into another imperial ruler favouring select regions.
This leaves Rift Valley and all other regions in a precarious situation, simply depending on goodwill and hopes that a 'favourable' Presidency comes by. Unfortunately, that possibility cannot be guaranteed at all times.
Ever Province in Kenya has tasted what a hostile Presidency can be like, when political expediency overrides parliamentary decisions, with the executive invariably disregarding recommendations, resolutions and/or directives of the House, with little or no sanction.
Despite false arguments being forwarded by PNU MPs, the truth of the matter is that Central Kenya did benefit from adequate representation over the years since independence, compared to other regions. The appalling inequality between Central and Rift Valley is testimony enough.
Poverty index is higher in Rift Valley (more than 55%) and lowest in Central (at only 31 per cent). We cannot marginalise parts of our country including Rift Valley (parts of which are arid) and then go ahead to claim that they do not deserve more representation.
During the Naivasha constitution debate, Central Province MPs in the PSC led by Uhuru Kenyatta and Jeremiah Kioni, insisted on redrawing constituencies in the constitution because they claim areas occupied by GEMA, are under-represented in the House.
ReplyDeleteThey falsely claim that Rift Valley and North Eastern provinces are “over-represented” because of former President Moi’s influence.
With sure help from William Ruto, Ababu Namwamba and Isaac Ruto in the PSC, the Central MPs (ignoring the professional job being done by the Independent Boundaries Commission) have thus "fixed" this "anomaly" by creating a relatively sizeable number of new constituencies in Central, Nairobi, Upper Eastern, and parts of Rift Valley occupied by GEMA.
Of the 80 new constituencies created, all regions benefited from a few more extra seats, but the GEMA region is slated to get the lion’s share of extra seats, cunningly distributed across four regions (Nairobi, Central, Upper Eastern and parts of Rift Valley they occupy).
For certain, their relative parliamentary strength will only be felt in future if the draft remains as proposed. A lot of CDF funds will also be directly heading onto these new GEMA constituencies thus allocating direct resources to their people.
It is baffling that Rift Valley MPs did not question the fallacious argument about Central Kenya being ‘under-represented’.
Based on 2005 population projections by ECK, and the recently concluded Census, Central’s population has in fact been shrinking.
Indeed, Central Kenya has relatively lower average population per constituency/MP at 139,000 than all the other provinces except North Eastern.
For every one constituency in Central, there is an average of 139,000 people, while in Rift Valley, for every constituency, there is an average of 171,000 people. Which province is therefore under-represented in reality?
ReplyDeleteAnother important thing that affects representation in Rift Valley is geographic size of constituencies. When we look at the average geographical size of constituencies, Central’s is only 456 square kilometres, compared 3,700 sq. km for Rift Valley.
Thus an MP in Central Kenya travels only 456 square kilometres (in good roads) to meet 139,000 constituents while his counterpart in Rift Valley covers 3,700 (of rough terrain) to meet 171,000 constituents. Based on this size alone, the constituency in Rift Valley deserves to be split.
Indeed, people in Rift Valley had a chance in Naivasha, to demand a ceiling on the geographical size of their constituencies but they simply did not.
William Ruto, Isaac Ruto and other Rift Valley MPs should explain what they were doing at the PSC resulting in this blatant disenfranchisement and further marginalization of their own people.
Has William Ruto ever considered this - Moi was guaranteed and rewarded his promotion by Kenyatta when he stiffled Rift Valley's constitutional aspirations like Majimbo precisely because he had no prior brush with Kenyatta's community. Compared to Moi in 1960s, is Ruto standing in a similar position today?
who is this fool posting trash from Jukwaa in KK???
ReplyDeleteKibaki has always been a crook since serving under Kenyatta, then Moi why else has he amassed wealth beyond Prince Charles?as His son David Kibaki claims- Kibaki must protect and support all other crooks in Kenya in order for him to protect his wealth
ReplyDeletestarting from
1. Moi & sons
2. Michuki
3, Uhuru Kenyatta
4. Biwott
among other foot soldiers including Ruto YK92 and Ongeri henchman during Ouko's murder, he sure needs protection
what else is new?
To Raila and ODM Morons,
ReplyDeleteRaila appointed Ruto, a thug.
He also appointed Kajwang a Thug.
He also appointed Gumo, a thug.
He also appointed Kosgey, a Thug.
He also appointed Ntimama, a thug.
He also appointed Ngilu, a thugress.
He also appointed Sally Kosgey, a thugress...
we can go on and on.
Now if Ruto continued to loot public coffers, what does he expect from the other thugs??
Heck, even Anyang Nyong'o joined the thugs and is leading in scandals.
Kenya is doomed.
A Kenyan Who Love Kenya.
Can some give me 10 points why I should support Kibaki?
ReplyDeleteI sure want to support this old man but I'm finding it difficult.
maybe I should look for Githongo or Rucy to help me make up my mind
Kibaki looks so innocent to even steal from Kenyans or anyone he is such an angel in HELL
( sarcasm helps to lighten the mood Kenya is at a brink of disaster)
Kibaki must go Kibaki must go Kibaki must go Kibaki is a crook
ReplyDeletelook at his past history of all the kickbacks he received from crooked deal.
Listed in Githongo's dossier[19] are a number of companies that won security-related CORRUPT contracts LOOTING THE GOVERNMENT COFFERS DRY:-
Payee Purpose Amount (millions)
Anglo Leasing Forensic LAB - CID USD 54.56M PS-Treasury 2002
PS-Internal Security OP
Silverson Establishment Security Vehicles USD 90M PS-Treasury
Apex Finance Police Security USD 30 PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
9 February 2002
LBA Systems Security-MET USD 35M PS-Treasury 7 June 2002
Apex Finance Police Security USD 31.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
14 June 2002
Universal Satspace Satellite Services USD 28.11M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 11 July 2002
First Mechantile Police Security USD 11.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 11 July 2002
Apex Finance Corp Police Security USD 12.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP 12 July 2002
LBA Systems Prison security b]USD 29.7M[/b] PS-Treasury 19 November 2002
Nedemar Security USD 36.9M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 19 November 2002
Midland Bank Police security USD 49.65M PS-Treasury 29 May 2003
Naviga Capital Oceanographic vesselEUR 26.6M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Empressa Oceanographic vessel EUR 15M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Euromarine Oceanographic vesselEUR 10.4M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Infotalent Police security EUR 59.7M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
19 November 2003
Apex Finance Corp Police security EUR 40M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP 17 December 2003
Ciaria Systems Inc maintain satellite NSI USD 44.56M PS Treasury
ReplyDeleteIf PWC found PS in Ministry of Agriculture with a case to answer and for that his Minister, Ruto should step down then it goes without saying that the PM whose PS and PA were found equally culpable should step down.
Thats so simple. I wonder why a section of Kenyans cannot see something so sky clear.
Maybe they have their heads buried in the sand or stuck deep inside Raila's a$$
Kumekucha Prefect
To Raila and ODM Morons,
ReplyDeleteRaila appointed Ruto, a thug.
He also appointed Kajwang, a Thug.
He also appointed Gumo, a thug.
He also appointed Kosgey, a Thug.
He also appointed Ntimama, a thug.
He also appointed Ngilu, a thugress.
He also appointed Sally Kosgey, a thugress
He also appointed his sister, a thugress...
we can go on and on.
Now if Ruto continued to loot public coffers, what does he expect from the other thugs??
Heck, even Anyang Nyong'o joined the thugs and is leading in scandals.
Kenya is doomed.
A Kenyan Who Love Kenya.
Whatever Raila says, he has lost the confidence of Kalenjins forever and they will never believe anything that he says is in their best interests. That vote is gone for ever!!
ReplyDeleteTo PNU marons and crooks
ReplyDelete1. Kibaki must go he is a thief
2. Uhuru must go he is a thief
3. Michuki must go he is a thief
4 Saitoti must go he is a thief
5 Muthurua must go he banks for the thieves offshore
6;Kimunya must go he is a thief
7.Kiraitu Murungi must go he is a thief
8.Dr. Naomi Namsi Shabani must go she is a thief
Kibaki's PNU is full of crooks involved in corruption they must be forced out
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhatever Raila says, he has lost the confidence of Kalenjins forever and they will never believe anything that he says is in their best interests. That vote is gone for ever!!
anon10:32 PM
Rubbish talk for yourself I'm a Kalejin and I voted ODM as a party and I will remain in ODM as many of my fellow Kalejins do not try to post your tribal rubbish here and I doubt whether you are a Kale you must be a kikuyu masquerading as a Kalejin go to hell and burn you are the type of people that have no clue waht you are talking about do you think Kalejins will follow Ruto blindly? I'm from Kericho and I'm a proud Kipsigis how dare you use our tribe to cause tension in Kenya.
you Kikuyu's are the ones with the problem stealing is your motto then you bribe Ruto the fool who needs him? let me remind you we showed Gideon Moi the door in the last elections and Ruto will be facing the same -do not use the Kalejin name to spread your Kikuyu evil
I am a Kalenjin and i will never vote for Raila. He is a traitor and a thief!!!!
ReplyDeleteRuto should take over leadership of ODM from this hair dyeing 65 year old sloth!!!!!!!
How comes its only Luo ministers and Mp's defending Raila if he is still in charge of ODM????
ReplyDeleteRaila is done politically and he should prepare for a vote of no confidence which his supporters are scared of.
Then Ruto becomes the PM and Kalenjin reigns again.
can someone ask Kibaki the thief to pay back all the money he stole
ReplyDeletewhat the hell is happening here?
how can Kenyans allow Kibaki to get away with stealing and the execution of my fellow mungiki youths we want kibaki out he does not represent the people of kenya
Listed in Githongo's dossier[19] are a number of companies that won security-related CORRUPT contracts LOOTING THE GOVERNMENT COFFERS DRY:-
Payee Purpose Amount (millions)
Anglo Leasing Forensic LAB - CID USD 54.56M PS-Treasury 2002
PS-Internal Security OP
Silverson Establishment Security Vehicles USD 90M PS-Treasury
Apex Finance Police Security USD 30 PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
9 February 2002
LBA Systems Security-MET USD 35M PS-Treasury 7 June 2002
Apex Finance Police Security USD 31.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
14 June 2002
Universal Satspace Satellite Services USD 28.11M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 11 July 2002
First Mechantile Police Security USD 11.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 11 July 2002
Apex Finance Corp Police Security USD 12.8M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP 12 July 2002
LBA Systems Prison security b]USD 29.7M[/b] PS-Treasury 19 November 2002
Nedemar Security USD 36.9M PS-Treasury
PS-Transport 19 November 2002
Midland Bank Police security USD 49.65M PS-Treasury 29 May 2003
Naviga Capital Oceanographic vesselEUR 26.6M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Empressa Oceanographic vessel EUR 15M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Euromarine Oceanographic vesselEUR 10.4M PS-Treasury 15 July 2003
Infotalent Police security EUR 59.7M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP
19 November 2003
Apex Finance Corp Police security EUR 40M PS-Treasury
PS-Internal Security OP 17 December 2003
Ciaria Systems Inc maintain satellite NSI USD
No Kalejin will ever vote for Uhuru kibaki's ass let me repeat myself
ReplyDeleteno Kalejin will ever vote for Uhuru kibaki's ass let Ruto not give you false promises as he has been doing recently in the name of all Kalejins
false and yes false Ruto is on his own with a few paid thugs singing his name in Eldoret .
watch and learn Ruto is finish we have many intelligent well educated Kale's to take his position, lining up already
ReplyDelete5 ODM MP's from the R.Valley yesterday affirmed the widely held view that Odinga ovestepped his boundaries by purporting to suspend ministers for 3 months. Exercising powers he did not have.
Joshua Kuttuny, David Koech, Sammy Mwaita, Zakayo Cheruiyot and Charles Keter said they fully supported President Kibakis action.
Furthermore,Najib Balala and William Ruto yesterday vowed not to boycott cabinet meetings terming the decision as dictatorial.
IDPs to attend cabinet meeting in Nairobi
ReplyDeleteDisplaced persons begin 200km march to petition Kibaki
Updated 12 hr(s) 6 min(s) ago
Related Stories
More than 10,000 internally displaced persons at Mawingu camp in Ol Kalou want President Kibaki to order their immediate resettlement.
And to achieve this, they began a protest march to the State House to deliver the message to the President.
The IDPs, including their children and the elderly, started the 200km journey to Nairobi from their camp yesterday to petition President Kibaki over the matter.
"It will not matter the number of days we will take to get to State House, but the President must now listen to our grievances since we fear the coalition government might collapse before we are resettled," said Mr Peter Kariuki, who is leading the demonstration.
Mr Kariuki said they had withdrawn their children from schools to participate in the protest.
"We are determined to make a statement and be heard. That is why we have ensured all our children accompany us. We are tired of living in these deplorable conditions. Someone, this time the President, must listen to us," said Kariuki.
He said since they moved to the camp two years ago, 52 people had died due to deplorable conditions.
Central PC Kiplimo Rugut said they had pleaded with IDPs to give the Government more time to resettle them. "We believe someone has been inciting them on this. We want them to understand that we are doing something about their resettlement and we are doing the best that we can. We understand the poor conditions they are living under but we are calling for their patience," said the PC.
Mr Rugut said the Government had resettled more than 1,000 families saying plans to resettle the other 2,000 families still in the camp were under way.
By mid-day Tiesday, the IDPs had covered more than 20km on their way to Gilgil town
Kibaki is expected next week (23rd Feb) in London for Commonwealth head of state meeting.
ReplyDeleteKenya is for Kenyans, Uhuru, Ruto, and all PNU brigades, my promise to you is that Kenyans will be liberated when they wake up.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting article in today's UK Independent Newspaper...
ReplyDeleteThe Big Question: What's gone wrong in Kenya, and is the peace deal unravelling?
By Daniel Howden, Africa Correspondent
"Is this about corruption?
While corruption is arguably the issue in Kenya it's not the reason that the unity government marriage is on the rocks. Behind the scenes it has become increasingly clear that an informal deal between the two protagonists – that Mr Kibaki would endorse Mr Odinga for the presidency at the next elections, expected in 2012, in return for his support now – has been reneged upon.
At the least, the prime minister would demand that the president not actively support anyone standing against him but it's now clear that will not happen either. The battle lines between Mr Kibaki's PNU party and Mr Odinga's ODM have been drawn and corruption happens to be the chosen issue.
What is the PM up to?
While he comes from a political dynasty and has been steeped in high politics since birth, Mr Odinga is phenomenally adept at recasting himself as a man of the people. Throughout his career he has landed on the right side of the key issues – sometimes with the help of a complete U-turn – just at the right time. He appears to be doing so again. His advisers understand that the election in 2002 was about getting rid of the reviled Daniel arap Moi, who had overseen a brutal one-party state.
The 2007 poll, they know, was reduced to identity politics. Now, some analysts believe Mr Odinga is trying to shape the terms of the next vote and trying out issues like the environment, corruption and probably constitutional reform next to see what works. When that becomes clear he will likely resign from the government and campaign as the leader of the opposition.".....
ReplyDeleteI think it's time the next post should have videos of Post Election Violence.
Is it hard to talk against corruption without mentioning Luos and Kikuyus?
Should we talk about corruption and stop talking about Raila?
If you are against Raila then should you tell us someone you support and tell us why?
I've realised that in all the post above those who are talking against Raila are not giving us the names of people they support. Why?
Are we going to wait until our brothers and sisters die for us to know that inflammatory remarks we are making here are terribly wrong?
Why should we forget fighting corruption simply because Raila and Kibaki are at loggerheads?
When will you open your eyes and mind to understand that what you are doing is wrong?
So what if ODM skunks will give the cabinet meetings a wide berth? The sun will still shine, birds will still sing and corruption will still go on! In fact, the cabinet room will smell a little sweeter because many corrupt "leaders" will be away farting their corruption gases somewhere or simply licking their own wounds in a dark corner. A few months ago when Bonnie Khalwale presented a no confidence vote against General Ruto over the maize scandal, who came to the rescue of this highly tainted ex Kanu youth-winger? Bure Kabisa hii watu!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Raila to jet in from Japan and claim that his life is in danger to gain some sympathy from gullible Kenyans..."Money has been poured! They want to crucify me then finish me and my community!" Sob..sob.. Talk about a spectacular time tested excuse whenever he's in self inflicted high drama that has backfired on his face. Maybe it's time to hit the back peddle Baba Fidel.. Hehehehe
ReplyDeleteI do agree entirely with what Raila has done and not on the legality.
ReplyDeleteWhen everyday Kenyans want the two principles to share blame, why not share what it takes to clean the mess?
Orengo told you guys that by the time Raila came out to tell Kenyans on what action Kibaki should take and by the time he took action (whether legal or not) he had faced a lot of frustrations.
C'mon Kenyans, we all know that Kibaki want to shield corruption going by the long list of trend but wants to share the blame with Raila.
To be fare to anyone, do not struggle to want to share the bad things with someone when you do not want to share the good things.
Guys, things can't get more hotter than this! I have just received in my inbox an MOU between GEMA chiefs and Ruto and it's from a certain mole high up there in Govt. The MOU says something like if Ruto supports Uhuru/Gema/PNU in getting a biased constitution and winning elections in 2012... then he will be forgiven ALL the crimes he's perceived to have committed on Gema people in the Rift Valley and then.. "THE GOVT, WILL NEVER, I REPEAT NEVER.. hand him over to the ICC at The Hague." I'M still trying to verify the origin and some facts of this email before posting it's content on the web. Please bear....
ReplyDeletenimesema aka anon 4:16 AM,
ReplyDeleteTo be "fare"?? go back to school and learn some english!
YEah..expect Raila to make a "grand homecoming" entrance & then hold a rally somewhere. He'll propbaly try & hold a populist rally @ Uhuru Park to claim that govt. is blocking corruption fight. then hell pull out of govt.
ReplyDeleteor he'll provoke the police to block the rally so he can look like a victim/reformist..
Raila is so predictable...only shallow people can t see thru his shenanigans
Shock news: KTN's Esther Arunga hypnotized by a fake pastor;
TV presenter leaves her family ‘to join church’
Guys, things can't get more hotter than this! I have just received in my inbox an MOU between GEMA chiefs and Ruto and it's from a certain mole high up there in Govt. The MOU says something like if Ruto supports Uhuru/Gema/PNU in getting a biased constitution and winning elections in 2012... then he will be forgiven ALL the crimes he's perceived to have committed on Gema people in the Rift Valley and then.. "THE GOVT, WILL NEVER, I REPEAT NEVER.. hand him over to the ICC at The Hague." I'M still trying to verify the origin and some facts of this email before posting it's content on the web. Please bear....
I can't wait for Raila to jet in from Japan and claim that his life is in danger to gain some sympathy from gullible Kenyans..."Money has been poured! They want to crucify me then finish me and my community!" Sob..sob.. Talk about a spectacular time tested excuse whenever he's in self inflicted high drama that has backfired on his face. Maybe it's time to hit the back peddle Baba Fidel.. Hehehehe
Ati Miguna says Kibaki and Raila are equal. If it is so, why are Ruto and Ongeri still in office after being "suspended" by Raila? Why can't Raila send the police to drag them out of office? Some cultures tend to produce delusional characters!!!!!!!!!!!
These silly Luo ODM ministers want to earn their salaries without attending to their duties such as attending Cabinet meetings. These are trully lazy bums
M Pesa
ReplyDeleteSo Ruto is sleeping with panua as a survival tactic? hehehe just like I tought. talk about self preservation! lol, kenya ina wenyewe!
A Letter To The President Of Kenya (mr. Emilio Mwai Kibaki)
ReplyDeleteDear President Kibaki,
It is a humiliating experience to see the constant bickering and mudslinging that continues to become a norm in the lives of the Kenyan people, It is more humiliating to see your lips sealed as things get out of hand. The Kenyan people deserve better, you vowed to fight corruption before your election as the President of Kenya, it is disgusting to observe that you have failed to do so. Corruption continues to be a vice in the Kenyan community and it still thrives in your government Mr. President.
You promised change to the Kenyan people, a change from negativity to positivity, a change from being lost to walking in the light, a hope of better things to come. Mr. President, it is now 8 yrs since you stepped in as the Kenyan president, you made promises that we continue to believe are possible to achieve.
Mr. President, we visit other countries and are able to monitor their progress, their road networks, their economical growths, their healthcare systems and machinery, their emergency preparedness and response, their ways of life. The differences are visible to our eyes. Will it be asking too much by asking you to better us as a country? It is a fact that the education system in Kenya produces top notch individuals able to work in any country with high productivity, why don’t you ensure that these Kenyans get a chance to serve their country better?
Mr. President, I dream of a moment in time. A moment where we as a Kenyan population and people, will be able to manufacture our own top notch brand of vehicles, a moment where we will be able to have effective and efficient railway transportation systems, a moment where we will be able to built high quality roads and highways, a moment whereby Kenyans will be able to access better health care facilities. That would be the best moment for our nation.
Mr. President, you treat us to a side show. A show whereby people exchange words, a show whereby your government continues to loot public resources, a show whereby your government fails to enact crucial policies to steer Kenya towards achieving crucial goals, a show whereby people continue to die of starvation at the expense of politics. A show that is insignificant to the Kenyan people.
Mr. president, we as a Kenyan people have seen the rot that thrives in Kenya’s governing machineries, the rot that thrives in Kenyan educational systems, the rot that thrives in Job employment opportunities, the rot that thrives in healthcare facilities, the rot that thrives in the Administration systems, in the judicial system, the police and various other areas. We need the change that you so promised. We need things to change for the better Mr. President. We need a stronger economy, more manufacturing industries, scientific innovations, Zero tolerance to corruption, better health care facilities, modernization of schools and educational facilities, top quality roads, an up-to-date constitution, better wages, development, peace, stability, unity and the end of tribalism as a dividing factor.
Mr. President, as you sleep tonight or ponder over things, ask yourself this question,
“Is Kenya able to achieve greatness under your leadership?”.
Delete this post if it hits a raw nerve in the warped minds of those concerned.
ReplyDeleteHow I wish a meteor blasts a very huge crater all over central province, Nyanza, western and the middle Rift Valley, leaving the rest of Kenya to reconstruct anew and move on in a more just, peaceful and verdant manner.
Sick and tired of the same old, same old tribal c.r.a.p. that goes on in Kenya and spewed in the blogsphere on a daily basis.
S.A.T. = Sick And Tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KKKK juu
KKKK (Kikuyu + Kamba + Kalenjin + Kisii) = KENYA
ReplyDeleteOn arrival Raila will complain and cry that some people undermined him as PM in his absence by calling him a KIHII. I tell you, this guy will do anything to play to the gallery. I hope it doesn't give him the image of a cry-baby as usual.
ReplyDeleteOn arrival Raila will complain and cry that some people undermined him as PM in his absence by calling him a KIHII. I tell you, this guy will do anything to play to the gallery. I hope it doesn't give him the image of a cry-baby as usual.
KKKK (Kikuyu + Kamba + Kalenjin + Kisii) = KENYA
ReplyDelete2/17/10 11:46 AM
RIFT VALLEY is the biggest LOSER in the proposed constitutional dispension.
ReplyDeleteRUTO and co have sold out their kinsmen in exchange for personal protection to wana GEMA.
Guys, things can't get more hotter than this! I have just received in my inbox an MOU between GEMA chiefs and Ruto and it's from a certain mole high up there in Govt. The MOU says something like if Ruto supports Uhuru/Gema/PNU in getting a biased constitution and winning elections in 2012... then he will be forgiven ALL the crimes he's perceived to have committed on Gema people in the Rift Valley and then.. "THE GOVT, WILL NEVER, I REPEAT NEVER.. hand him over to the ICC at The Hague." I'M still trying to verify the origin and some facts of this email before posting it's content on the web. Please bear....
ReplyDeletePlease post in full so that we may do our own verification....Thank you.
KKKK juu
What about Kuria, Karamajong, etc can they also claim ownership?
With his Luo-ish arrogant legal blinkmaship, Miguna is the greatest gift PNU has for the time being. I hope he keeps advising Raila to commit political suicide by a thousand cuts.
ReplyDeleteHow about Luo-Nyanza seceding and joining South Sudan?? That would be neat, do you think so?
ReplyDeleteWhenever Raila and his Luo worshippers are in a party, there must be a civil war. There is a civil war in ODM. Raila and his Luo worshippers must be in ODM. True or false?
ReplyDeleteThe same characters who were urging people to boycott Citi Hoppa and Equity Bank in January 2008 are at it again singing about boycotting Cabinet meetings. Some people never abandon their delusions. Just as their followers board Citi Hoppas and line-up at Equity today, tomorrow these choir masters of boycotts will be warming Cabinet chairs with their smelly butts. Just wait and see.
ReplyDeleteWith his Luo-ish arrogant legal blinkmaship, Miguna is the greatest gift PNU has for the time being. I hope he keeps advising Raila to commit political suicide by a thousand cuts.
ReplyDeleteWhy do they want him out then? Consider taking a moment before you hit the publish button.
How about Luo-Nyanza seceding and joining South Sudan?? That would be neat, do you think so?
ReplyDeleteNorth and NE shouls also consider seceding to Somalia and Somali land .....See where i am gong with this?
Whenever Raila and his Luo worshippers are in a party, there must be a civil war. There is a civil war in ODM. Raila and his Luo worshippers must be in ODM. True or false?
ReplyDeleteStop burying your head in the sand...this is a war against corruption.
Why is someone trying to rewrite posts. Cant u just post ur comments without copying others and then adding yours. You sound desperate and insecure you piece of raila ass licking shit
ReplyDeleteOooh yeah.
A fish starts rotting from the head. That is what is happening to our ODM. It is time we replaced Captain Raila with General Ruto.
ReplyDeleteNO RUTO, NO ODM!
My orange kitenge is fading before I can wear it to coronation of Raila at Uhuru Park. Oh dear, I can't believe that I will only have to wear it at his political funeral.
ReplyDeleteGuess who will soon be shouting in Kibera: "Mandazi, moto! moto!"
ReplyDeleteTo The people of Kenya
ReplyDeleteDont leave the corruption to the politicians. After all over 50% of them got their wealth from corruption. YK92: Jirongo, Ruto, etc. Goldenberg, Anglo-Leasing.
Demonstrate for your rights. Go to the streets and demand the stolen funds back. Dont think you are not paying directly for the theft.
Forget about your religion, race, tribe, sex, poverty status. WAKE UP KENYA.
To The people of Kenya (the right version)!
ReplyDeleteDont leave the WAR on corruption to the politicians. After all over 50% of them got their wealth from corruption. YK92: Jirongo, Ruto, etc. Goldenberg, Anglo-Leasing.
Demonstrate for your rights. Go to the streets and demand the stolen funds back. Dont think you are not paying directly for the theft.
Forget about your religion, race, tribe, sex, poverty status. WAKE UP KENYA.
Is PNU=Corruption?
ReplyDeleteThe fans of this party are proving this hypothesis.
I am a Kikuyu and intended to vie for a seat on a PNU ticket in the nxt General Elections. My ambition is to fight corruption in Kenya with all that is in my disposal.
ReplyDeleteWhat the voters of PNU have shown on this blog and what Kibaki and my folk in CP portray is a total let down.
I now intend to shift my attention to a city constituency and run on an ODM ticken.
Sofar this is the only party in Kenya at the moment trying the least to fight the graft.
PNU supports the vice.
Why is someone trying to rewrite posts. Cant u just post ur comments without copying others and then adding yours. You sound desperate and insecure you piece of raila ass licking shit
ReplyDeleteOooh yeah.
Some people have such short memories that it serves them well to be reminded, otherwise they might never make a connection.
oooh yeah.
i don't like jaruos
ReplyDeleteA call to action
ReplyDeleteWAR against CORRUPTION is now all about being Luo, strange times we live in ..... School funds missing , maize and starvation , missing books , bad roads, no medicines , unemployment , enviromental degradation- Its all very Luo and as one anon very puts it - luo-ish.
They are so Luo that the next step will be to commit Genocide on them for all of the above ills. The Demon should be removed / terminated and nobody will notice.
The call has gone out loud and clear to stop the WAR on corruption. Some have decided to answer the call with HATE.
Lets build a kenya where all of us want to live in peace.
Mtu hakatai mwito, hukata aitwalo
anon 2:52
ReplyDeleteI agree with you wholeheartedly. This was an opportunity that we are suppose to embrace, unfortunately many (though I tend to think few hateful kumekuchans) have left it aside and start talking against Luos, the same, you might find, have been affected so much by corruption.
When will people ever learn?
Strange times indeed.
Tribal HATE in defence of Corruption - a summary.
ReplyDelete" Now if Ruto continued to loot public coffers, what does he expect from the other thugs?? "
"These silly Luo ODM ministers want………. These are trully lazy bums "
" Raila + Orengo + Midiwo + Anyang' + Otieno + Kajuang' = Kisumu Pepo Mbaya Mafia "
"I am a Kalenjin and i will never vote for Raila. He is a traitor and a thief!!!!
Ruto should take over leadership of ODM from this hair dyeing 65 year old sloth!!!!!!!"
"How comes its only Luo ministers and Mp's defending Raila if he is still in charge of ODM????
Raila is done politically and he should prepare for a vote of no confidence which his supporters are scared of.Then Ruto becomes the PM and Kalenjin reigns again."
M. Pesa said...
I can't wait for Raila to jet in from Japan and claim that his life is in danger to gain some sympathy from gullible Kenyans..."Money has been poured! They want to crucify me then finish me and my community!" Sob..sob.. Talk about a spectacular time tested excuse whenever he's in self inflicted high drama that has backfired on his face. Maybe it's time to hit the back peddle Baba Fidel.. Hehehehe
"Ati Miguna says Kibaki and Raila are equal. If it is so, why are Ruto and Ongeri still in office after being "suspended" by Raila? Why can't Raila send the police to drag them out of office? Some cultures tend to produce delusional characters!!!!!!!!!!!"
"These silly Luo ODM ministers ....."
" On arrival Raila will complain and cry that some people undermined him as PM in his absence by calling him a KIHII. I tell you, this guy will do anything to play to the gallery. I hope it doesn't give him the image of a cry-baby as usual"
"How about Luo-Nyanza seceding and joining South Sudan?? That would be neat, do you think so? "
" With his Luo-ish arrogant legal blinkmaship, Miguna is the greatest gift PNU ...."
" Whenever Raila and his Luo worshippers are in a party, there must be a civil war .... "
" i don't like jaruos..... "
Get the drift? – “its the damn luos stupid “ remember the talking points anybody ?
CORRUPTION fights back in very predictable ways.
For the ignorant, 75% of the new PSs are ex provincial Administrators because the position of public administration is the same whether in the provinces or in the ministries, they are Accounting Officers, the only thing that changes is the title, in the field they are PCs and DCs in the Headquarters or ministries they are PSs and DSs(Deputy secretary)