The difference between failed and failing state may just be reduced to tenses. Well, somebody must have slept on the wheels to let the Jamaican preacher in Kenya. So far nobody wants to answer the basic question of who gave him visa to enter Kenya.
Nobody and no country wants to touch him. But Al-Faisal traversed a dozen African countries including South Africa before landing in Mombasa by road. Now none of these countries want anything to do with him.
Either we were more vigilant within our borders or just plainly naive and left holding both the baby and the bath tab. The fact that neither Tanzania not SA doesn't want to hear about this guy leads to the obvious question did he have visa for these countries or was he there illegally?
Meanwhile our over zealous activists and lawyers-for-rent are all over demanding his release. Speak of the law being an ass. Religion has become a cheap rallying call and adherents can sell both their souls and country for six silvers.
Well, these loud-mouthed activists must have forgotten one Fazul staying and marring a local in Lamu and the subsequent dark August 7, 1998.
Al-Faisal must have been unlucky to have been nabbed before he disappeared into Eastleigh. Kenya must be the safe haven and route for Al-Shaabab recruits.
How on earth did this preacher of hate get a visa into this country? It clearly does show some major loopholes in our border/immigration system.
ReplyDeleteSo how many Al-Shabaab terrorists from Somalia and elsewhere have sneaked in just like this convicted criminal from Jamaica? We could be having the so called 'sleeper cells' in places like Eastleigh, God forbid!
Chris has already predicted a major terror strike in Kenya this year. I wouldn't say that is too far fetched considering our porous borders and crooked immigration officials ready to sell their motherland for a handsome fee. Fools never learn, do they?
Yes Kajwang' did a decent job in deporting this Al-Faisal guy, but he's also not so clean having been struck off the LSK register TWICE for fleecing his clients fee....
Contd' from above..
ReplyDeleteIf this CONVICTED Islamist from Jamaican didn't have a valid visa to Kenya, then he ought to have been charged with being in Kenya illegally. If indeed he had a visa, then we need more stringent checks at the borders.
Hope I'm clearer.
Can someone familiar with the international law (Mwarangethe?) please explain to me why Tanzania refused to take this Islamist back although he had sneaked into Kenya from there? Looks like the only alternative now is to charter a private jet to deport him back to Jamaica. That will cost us around Ksh 20M. Kenyans...we are such muppets! Tanzanians must be laughing at us like crazy!
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:37 AM
ReplyDeleteI have some international law basics and one of the basic principles is that a state has no obligation to admit an alien (foreign national). So whether he passed through Tanzania or not, it does not modify Tanzania's right to refuse his reentry.
Further, a state has a right to prosecute any alien who violates or deport any alien who violates its domestic immigration laws. Often, aliens have been declared 'persona non grata,' and is proper in international law
However, the only exception to the above is in respect of international alw on refugees protection and asylum. States have an obligation to admit and protect refugees and asylum seekers. However, to qualify for refugee or asylum protection, one must proof existence of 'well founded fear of persecution' from his country of origin.
As you said, the only solution is in probably putting him in a flight that will land him in Jamaica. But I doubt flights involving connections will agree to take him, so may be Kenya has to charter a plane, or do as some countries do-imprison you until you are ready to disappear on own volition. But Kenya cannot successfully imprison either. Lets see how the saga ends.
This Kajwang' guy is such a liar, although all Kenyan politicians are. He had claimed on TV on thurs that Faisul had landed IN The Gambia, kumbe the ka-minister lied thru his teeth! No wonder he was struck off by LSK for such porkies and fiddling client's fee. When he lied that Al-Faisul was IN the Gambia, he was actually stranded IN Lagos! Can't believe a word this morons say!
ReplyDeleteWhy are Kaleos mad? Why are muslims mad? Connect the dots...someone promised them something...he has gone against his own word....
Look no further, AlFaisal is ODM. Maybe this is their Artur checkmate. LOLL
ReplyDeleteindeed, that border with somalia is so long and free for all, plenty of opportunities for terrorists to slip in and out while our petty politicians indulge in tribal crap and the masses aka tapayers die if not of starvation, drought and if not of draught, floods.
ReplyDeletekenya truly is a failed state.
how did he get in in the first place.....oh i know, kitu kidogo...only in kenya.
Sheria msumeno. This one is Muslim, so, he cannot start a brouhaha like the Artur Brothers. Where is the noise. We miss it.
ReplyDeleteSpot on, the noise ni wewe. You are so cheap/shallow to fall the Artur-Faisal bait. No need to spew epithets please.
Chris your predictions are so near to be accurate . didnt you predict here that another attack will soon happen on Kenyan soil. Well here guys this shows how vulnerable we are at the moment and yet pple dismissed Chris.......
ReplyDeletethis is Kenya.
As concerns whether a state may refuse entry of an alien, although we have not done exhaustive research, it can be stated that a state may deny an alien entry as it deems fit. Thus, TZ is within its rights to deny him entry.
ReplyDeleteHaving said this, Mwarang'ethe believes in the timeless views of eminent men like Plato and Cicero who expressed the views that:
‘To refuse all admission to the foreigner […] may earn a State a reputation for barbarism and inhumanity with the rest of the world; its citizens will be thought to be adopting the ill-sounding policy of ‘exclusion of aliens’ and developing a repulsive and intractable character’ – Plato
‘To debar foreigners from enjoying the advantages of our cities is altogether contrary to the laws of humanity’ – Cicero.
Now, having said this, let us state that, many are being deceived by this "terrorism" thing.
For instance, how many Kenyans/Westerners know this:
According to Washington Post:
...during the past twenty years the US has spent millions of dollars producing fanatical schoolbooks, which were then distributed in Afghanistan.
"The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then [i.e., since the violent destruction of the Afghan secular government in the early 1990s] as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books..." -- Washington Post, 23 March 2002.
Ah! the Jihadists/fanatical books were produced by USA government. What did they expect?
However, more importantly, there is a great game of Big Powers which is a foot and the final end might be one of the most devastating wars seen by humanity.
For instance, many have heard of Somalian pirates and Alqueda in Yemen of late. These are the headlines, but, what is the REAL STORY?
Well, there is a game whereby, USA wants to militarise the whole of Indian Ocean from Kenya, Yemen and beyond. One may ask, why is this?
Well, for those well versed with hydrocarbon games, we have what we call choke points of oil and gas to Eurasia.
In Yemen, we have a choke point called Bab el Mandeb. Between Indonesia and Malaysia, we have Malacca Straight.
The goal of NATO, i.e. USA thru the pretext of Somali pirates and terrorists in Yemen is to place its military in these choke points so that if there is a conflict betwen USA and China, they will just close these choke points. Those schooled in military affairs know what that means.
Now, China is also not sleeping. This fact is known by those who study oil and gas pipelines that are cropping up in Central Asia. These pipelines are meant to avoid these choke points which erected by the USA in the name of fighting terrorism which it is itself a sponsor.
Without going into too much details, this business of terrorism, is a smoke screen to militarise Africa and Indian Ocean. Just watch how the navies of the Big Powers are circling the Indian Ocean in "search of pirates."
Thus, there is an invisible hand in all this nonsense. However, as usual, the masses cannot see the game.
As a continuation of our idea that this terrorism and pirates issues is a game, let sample a few statements and opinions as concerns the latest "terrorist" from Nigeria. Mind you this "Nigerian" left Nigeria almost 10 years ago and now he represents the charaecter of all Nigerians.
ReplyDeleteWhen this thing happened, Obama said there was failure to "connect dots." In response to this, the New York Times expressed the following sentiments:
The latest iteration of the "dot theory" floated by the President, aided and abetted by a compliant media, claims "this was not a failure to collect intelligence" but rather, "a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had."
"Mr. Obama's stark assessment that the government failed to properly analyze and integrate intelligence served as a sharp rebuke of the country's intelligence agencies," declared the Times uncritically.
While the President's remarks may have offered a "sharp [rhetorical] rebuke," Obama's statement suggests that no one will be held accountable. Indeed, the President "was standing by his top national security advisers, including those whose agencies failed to communicate with one another."
The question is, are these so called intelligence agencies standing by him?
One guy at MSNBC, a Mr Wolffe, expressed the following opinion:
"Is this conspiracy or cock up? It seems that the president is leaning very much towards thinking this was a systemic failure by individuals who maybe had an alternative agenda."
Now, let us bear in mind what Mr Obama himself said:
"I will accept that intelligence by its nature is imperfect" the President said, "but it is increasingly clear that intelligence was not fully analyzed or fully leveraged."
So, why was this?
In the UK, we are told by the Sunday Times and the Observer that, MI5 had built a dossier on Abdulmutallab which showed "his repeated contacts with MI5 targets who were subject to phone taps, email intercepts and other forms of surveillance."
The Associated Press reported on 4th Jan. that:
the British authorities began assembling a security file on Abdulmutallab shortly after his arrival the UK in 2005 when officials claimed he was in contact with "known radicals."
Now, enter the British PM spokesperson Simon Lewis who expressed the view that:
"Clearly there was security information about this individual's activities, and that was information that was shared with the U.S. authorities. That is the key point."
However, this statement was later denied in UK Parliament. But, the UK Govt. has refused to say exactly when the file about this guy was shared. This leaves the implication that it was shared before this attempt to bring down the plane on 25th Dec. 2009.
On Jan, 10, the M15 according to the Sunday Times:
"MI5 has privately conceded that as early as 2006 its surveillance operations had picked up 'multiple communications' between the 23-year-old Nigerian student and suspected terrorists in Britain," The Sunday Times disclosed.
Despite these concessions, we're now to accept at face value the absurd claim that information on a terrorist suspect wasn't passed along by British spooks to their closest ally "because of guidance from [MI5's] legal department."
According to Guardian on 7th Jan, the Yemen's Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security, Rashad al-Alimi, told a news conference that "information provided to us is that Umar Farouk joined al-Qaida in London."
Let us cut the long convoluted story here. What emerges is that this guy has all along been known by MI5.
We hope,some will start to see the evil game being played in this pirates and terrorism game.
ReplyDeleteSpot one. The world is a convulted planet. Everheard of consipracy theories? Well, anything can be justified or rebufed. All one needs is some rich folklore like the bible. Any fact/incidence can be twisted since like liquid, they take the shape of the container.
Taabu said...
Spot one. The world is a convulted planet. Everheard of consipracy theories? Well, anything can be justified or rebufed.
This is not about conspiracy theories Mr Taabu.
For instance, can anyone deny that USA Govt. supplied Jihadist books and weapons to Afghanistanis?
And, didn't they do this to overthrow the most SECULAR GOVT. every in Afghanistan which had more women than men in schools and replace it with Talibani which banned women from schools?
Can any one deny that the Nigerian man was known by the intelligence agencies in the UK and USA for years?
If these facts are undeniable facts what conclusions can one draw from them?
For instance, in Congressional Hearings, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher was reported to have said that Clinton administration sabotaged efforts to arrest Bin Laden.
He told the Congress this:
"At a time when the Taliban were vulnerable, the top person of this administration, Mr. Inderfurth, and Bill Richardson, personally went to Afghanistan and convinced the anti-Taliban forces not to go on the offensive and, furthermore, convinced all of the anti-Taliban forces, their supporters, to disarm them and to cease their flow of support for the anti-Taliban forces. At that same moment, Pakistan initiated a major resupply effort, which eventually saw the defeat, and caused the defeat, of almost all of the anti-Taliban forces in Afghanistan.
"Now, with a history like that, it's very hard, Mr. Ambassador, for me to sit here and listen to someone say, "Our main goal is to drain the swamp" -- and the swamp is Afghanistan -- because the United States created that swamp in Afghanistan. And the United States' policies have undercut those efforts to create a freer and more open society in Afghanistan, which is consistent with the beliefs of the Afghan people."
Furthermore, in accusing US State Depart of treachery and hypocrisy, he presented EVIDENCE that:
The U.S. deliberately sent 'humanitarian aid' only to Taliban-controlled areas;
The U.S. State Department refused to act on information concerning the location of Osama bin Laden's headquarters in Afghanistan.
U.S. officials tricked the Anti-Taliban opposition into disarming, though the officials knew Pakistan was airlifting weapons to the Taliban. This allowed the Taliban to wipe out most of the opposition forces.
The State Department never refuted this evidence. Thus, where is conspiracy here? These are undeniable facts.
ReplyDeleteI don't refuse any of your take. But on the same breathe you can easily believe all the NEAT theories on STAGE-MANAGED/planned 9/11.
Journalists just like academics often want to remain relevant. Their common premise is propound a theory and rope people in and abacadabra INTELLECTUAL ENGAGEMENT.
Reading and beleiving any theory are two different thing. Example we are all dead and only think otherwise because we lack the intellect to communicate with the dead. Just look for a crisis to anchor/hang your theory. Get the drift?
Taabu said...
I don't refuse any of your take. But on the same breathe you can easily believe all the NEAT theories on STAGE-MANAGED/planned 9/11.
It is not believing this or that. It is about drawing the only possible inferences from available facts/evidence.
In criminal law, for the state to prove that X committed an act that is criminal, it must adduce evidence to proof beyond reasonable doubt.
Now, all terrorist acts are criminal acts and can only be gauged using criminal law principles. Mwarang'ethe is using the law of evidence to gauge the utterances by states and the media.
Let us take the London 7/7 bombings. When the bombings happened, the police said that the three attackers had taken specific train from Luton to London at specific times.
It later turned out that, these specific trains were cancelled that day. Thus, it is beyond doubt that these attackers never used these trains as alleged by the police.
If this was a court of law, the case would have been dismissed outrightly. But, since these cases never end up in courts, all we are told is three bombers did x and y and we are supposed to believe it. Why should we?
Thus, from this case, you can see clearly the evidence does not add up.
If evidence does not add up in criminal law, you dismiss the allegations as nonsense. In any case, how can you believe that which is nonsense?
ReplyDeleteAnd that brings us to the CAUSE-EFFECT theory. Statisticians and epidemiologists/empiricists infer effects from cause while philosophers dissect cause for effects. It all depends on where you stand and start. To some the end must justify the means while to others the means leads to the end. Take your pick.
Taabu said...
And that brings us to the CAUSE-EFFECT theory. Statisticians and epidemiologists/empiricists infer effects from cause while philosophers dissect cause for effects.
Well, the CAUSE of so called terrorism is USA/West.
The effect is militarization of the world and therefore, diversion of resources to useless wars.
Now, if there is anyone who was qualified to talk about wars, was one of the most decorated USA soldier Marine Major General Smedley Darlington Butler.
This career soldier and an insider, wrote a book called War IS A RACKET.
The book started this way:
"WAR is a racket. It always has been."
Inside the book, you will find among others, this saying:
"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
Anyone talking about wars and terrorism, should read this book first. In particular, let one read his recommendations on how to end wars. He says this:
"But there is a way to stop it. You can't end it by disarmament conferences. You can't eliminate it by peace parleys at Geneva. Well-meaning but impractical groups can't wipe it out by resolutions. It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war.
"...The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labor before the nations manhood can be conscripted. One month before the Government can conscript the young men of the nation -- it must conscript capital and industry and labor. Let the officers and the directors and the high-powered executives of our armament factories and our munitions makers and our shipbuilders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all the other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators, be conscripted -- to get $30 a month, the same wage as the lads in the trenches get."
This small booklet is available here:
As a continuation, this is what the silly and ignorant politicians, so called intelligence bodies and their puppet media, including this blog will not say.
ReplyDeleteThe DUTCH OFFICIAL INQUIRY into the 1995 Srebrenica massacre contained a lot of damning information on Western intelligence agencies COOPERATION with terrorists especially the USA working with Iran and Saudi Arabia in bringing in the Jihad fighters they had trained in Afghanisatn fighters to the Yugoslavia war.
For instance, u find disturbing revelations like these:
"Arms purchased by Iran and Turkey with the financial backing of Saudi Arabia made their way by night from the Middle East. Initially aircraft from Iran Air were used, but as the volume increased they were joined by a mysterious fleet of black C-130 Hercules aircraft. The report stresses that the US was "very closely involved" in the airlift. Mojahedin fighters were also flown in, but they were reserved as shock troops for especially hazardous operations."
You can read all this here:
We know more than we are told.
Furthermore, as any one knows, drugs and terrorism go together. You may choose to say this is another conspiracy theory, but, u can only say that, if the UN has also joined conspiracy theorists.
ReplyDeleteFew know that the Western banking system, and thereby their entire global economy was saved just a few months ago by DRUG MONEY. Yes, by drugs money. This is interesting cos every govt. claims it is "fighting" drugs.
Where do some of these drugs come from? Afghanistan and Cololmbia. How many foreign soldiers do we have in these nations?
So, where does this information come from? From the the mouth of the UN OFFICE ON DRUGS AND CRIME.
Who ever wants to read about this sordid saga can read the story under this heading:
"Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor."
So, when someone claims that Kenya will be hit by "terrorists" cos we are failed state, we are corrupt and yada yada, we ask, how do these drugs and the proceeds thereof, end up in the Western countries and their banks?
Seems Taabu has scampered to the safety of silence after a 10:0 thrashing by Mwarangethe's intelligence. One can clearly see that these two men are continents apartas far as intelligence and reasoning is concerned.
ReplyDeleteGo on Mwarangethe and educate these whiners and academic dwarfs. I hope Taabu is busy scribbling notes from this free lesson of looking at the bigger picture as far as most issues are concerned.
Aluta continua Prof. Mwarang'ethe
Bravo! Bravo! Mwarangethe
ReplyDeleteyou really hit the nail in the head. An individual needs to use his head and think out of the box. We need separate facts from propaganda. This are some of your best articles.
To all you intellectual pretenders out there hidding under anon, come out and sho us your wits. It is the lowest of ethos to cheer and bash Taabu/Mwarangethe while offering nothing. Walk the talk or just read and enjoy and keep your cheers/barbs to yourself. Just ask where were critics when authors laboured.
ReplyDeleteMwarangethe vs Taabu intellect contest was over before it began. Taabu could only master incoherent copy paste words while Mwarangethe with a masters stroke clearly wrote novel ideas with clear practical application in Kenya and the world.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Taabu for silencing Kumekucha whinner.
Always take those remarks and alleged links with a pinch of salt.
ReplyDeleteEeeeeh! Isn't Washington Post one of those many papers that were so silent for decades when Wall Street was shoving its predatory invisible lending hand down the throats of millions of unsuspecting homeowners living on Main Street USA.
Just because some greedy bunch of international arms dealers (or rogue elements from the USA, Canada, Britain or Australia) were so busy shipping all kinds of arms to the former civil war torn region in question does not mean that the operation was state sanctioned by any legitimate government in the west.
Thailand goverment has detained crew members (Kazakhs and Belarus) who were trying to traffic 35-ton arms [massive cache of explosives, missiles and other weapons] shipment from North korea bound for Colombo, Sri Lanka. It was done with the help of the American governement and the UN sanctions.
Has it ever occured to you that North Korea may have been responsible for the delivery of massive weapons of death to the warring factions in Bosnia?
LOL! "There is (always) an invisible hand in all this nonsense. Hover, as usual, the masses cannot see the game."
Well, well, could you educate or rather try and enlighten the so blind masses if you will on who really owns the patent on "invisible hand" that is os active in every trouble spot around the globe?
And don't forget to highlight who or what rogue elements (invisible hand) have been involved in shipping weapons of massive of death to the DRC, Chad, Somalia, Iraq, and now in Yemen.
Just because some greedy bunch of international arms dealers (or rogue elements from the USA, Canada, Britain or Australia) were so busy shipping all kinds of arms to the former civil war torn region in question does not mean that the operation was state sanctioned by any legitimate government in the west.
Tell that to the birds.
Eeeeeh! Isn't Washington Post one of those many papers that were so silent for decades when Wall Street was shoving its predatory invisible lending hand down the throats of millions of unsuspecting homeowners living on Main Street USA.
So, does this refute the fact that the USA Govt. printed Jihad books?
Has it ever occured to you that North Korea may have been responsible for the delivery of massive weapons of death to the warring factions in Bosnia?
Yes, many people who are alert know this. So, does this refute the fact that the West cooperated with terrorists?
Well, well, could you educate or rather try and enlighten the so blind masses if you will on who really owns the patent on "invisible hand" that is os active in every trouble spot around the globe?
Didn't we request whoever wants to "know" to read War is a Racket? Anyone who has taken time to read the book would see what has been happening.
All in all, you have not refuted and you cannot refute the facts we have talked about here.