Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Acting Now to Save Future from Ruined Past

As a Markov chain, Kenya’s future can only be saved and shaped by the present actions. Only a conscious and decisive move to shame our past which is singularly defined by IMPUNITY can free us from the bondage of living a national lie whose pillars are DECEPTION and FRAUD. Waki’s report offers the perfect launching pad towards reclaiming the Kenya we want. It may not be perfect but that is no excuse to give murderers and scoundrels a free pass to continue lording over us.

There two types of leaders. The TRUE leaders who lead from the front and by example and then the PRETENDERS whose stand on weighty matters leaves them pander to the whims of their sectarian supporters. True, leaders must be sensitive to those who elected them BUT there comes a time in when challenges demand both symbolic and actual LEADERSHIP to shape a country and her destiny.

Waki is no fool to have taken the controversial and emotive Hague option. Unlike Kriegler before him he a Kenyan well versed with our weird and selfish political actions. The good Judge cleverly slummed the door shut on all escape routes leaving the scoundrels foaming at the mouth gasping for breathe lakini wapi? There is no free lunch and if the prize for reclaiming Kenya starts with the scalps of the 10 names in the envelope handed to Anna so be it.

We must banish the cheap and hollow gimmicks to don deceptive patriotic garbs by branding the international community neo-colonialists. If anything were it not for the same donors we would be having no country called Kenya to defend. They saved us from own murderous ourselves and in return they have the right to demand accountability for all our primitive ways to hack and burn fellow human country men and women.

Isle of turmoil
Make no mistake by mourning louder than the bereaved. Waki report made very WEIGHTY allegations that will see the political landscape change forever. Ruto and Uhuru may be the juicy preface to the report but the chapter indicting State House as the address where attacks were organized makes very chilling confirmation of what has been hitherto street wisdom. It is sacrilegious to imagine the seat of power being transformed into evil headquarters painted red with citizens’ blood.

Resourceful Kenyans will peddle all forms of gimmicks including forgiveness clothed in religion but no way. A time has come when Kenya must walk the talk and take that PAINFUL decision to denounce the national lie and facade of peace we shamelessly cheat ourselves to be enjoying. The bubble is burst and no hollow chorus ISLE OF PEACE IN A SEA OF CHAOS will wash.

Waki is no Einstein but in one smart stroke he outwitted the political class by handing us a national lifeline. There are no two ways about it: we either seize life jacket of drown in our own blood. No more plastering of the septic wound. Only the radical surgery will save the limb and body. That is the only guarantee for the first step to a great leap in breaking from the ruinous past defined by IMPUNITY.

No time to entertain apologetic theories of building on an infant democracy. It is no rocket science to understand that those who experiment with disasters never live to tell the story.

Kumekucha has obtained the full list of names in the secret envelope handed over to Kofi Anan. The list is described in detail in Kumekucha Confidential our FREE weekly email newsletter. Simple instructions are also given on how you can get the full list in your email in-box today.

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  1. how can you help fight (sorry i meant ignore not fight) radical ujinga posts?

  2. Newsflash!!kenyans wake up Newsflash!! Newsflash!!!

    Secret meeting last month between Kibaki (PNU) Martha Karua (Narc-K) and Kalonzo (ODM-K) and guess who Ruto, Ababu, Jirongo and some Rift Valley MP's - On planned vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister!!

    source say - this will happen no sooner before Xmas recess if they get a chance.

    Oh my God. this is evil-when will this people learn?? anyone with more information on this bazaar twist of events??

    Kenya is finished.

  3. Taabu, your concern in this matter is appreciable. What you ignore however is the very valid suspicion among some of us that those pushing hard for a quick implementation of Mr. Waki's report (especially the prosecutorial recommendations) are not guided by a genuine desire for justice but an opportunity for political venality. It is increasingly looking like Justice Waki allowed himself to become a marionnette in some high stakes political games here.

    I for one (and I know this is a very minority view) believe that Waki was compromised to fix future Presidential candidates. Why on earth did Raila Odinga for example not raise a finger encouraging cessation of violence in January? Contrary to what buffoons think, this is not an obsession with Raila. It is a curious observation that UK ,for example, who severally urged his supporters (publicly) to exercise restraint in the face of unprovoked attacks is, in all likelihood, among the ten WHILE Raila who neither warned the Ruto warriors killing and raping in his name nor repudiated any of the shameful deeds people purporting to be his supporters did is being presented as the champion for justice. Give me a break here; When a leader tells his supporters not to "attack the kisiis because they actually voted for me but their votes were stolen", does that not lay to rest any doubt that attacks on those who voted against him were justified and encouraged?

    This is not cynicism. We know Waki did not declare anybody guilty and that is why Uhuru (whom I adore and respect) and the PNU are open to prosecution. But if we want to treat this document as the sole basis for prosecution, is it not unfair that the primary protagonists in the chaos will not be appearing before any court to answer some of these important questions?

    William Ruto is only free because he is a Kenyan politician. He has so many other cases he should answer for but on this particular one, I agree with him that he is being victimised for political reasons. He definitely had a role in the PEV but so did many other people including those shouting at him. It is an open secret that if there had been a little semblance of chaos in Machackos, Kalonzo Musyoka's name would be there too. As much as I hate violence and believe those who indulge in it should be punidshed, I think objectivity is being sacrificed at the altar of narrow political partisanship.

    I want to hope I am wrong, but this a little complicated. Let us all go to the Hague. If some are being left behind, then we may as well forget about anybody going there.

  4. How i thank Kibs for upholding the kenyan constitution and giving us one thing.....Freedom of speech and freedom of association.

  5. vikii
    Your Obsession with RAO is sickening......Who was the president of kenya from 2002 to 2007? he had the good will, he had the intelligence...he has state machinery, he had all the unhealthy powers that a kenyan president has...what did he do? tribalise kenya...kikuyus started talking shit, insulting all other tribes, abroad they told anyone who cared to listen that they where the dorminant tribe.....if that is not provocation what is?.I know some who were coming back from abroad to 'take over' after 2007....kenya was their colony that perception was ALLOWED to persist and pervade kenya.......under the presidency of one Emelio and that is the fact.....he appointed theiving tribesmen claiming they were competent........Suddenly its RAOs fault that kenyans hate kikuyus give yourself a break...please your overheating......
    Your now stetching ideas beyond their elastic limit, RAO must have told luos not to beef with kisii but its not like luos are this overwhelming strong army that would just crush the kisii....the main theater of war was RV people frm CP wished it was going to be kisumu but alas they miscalculated...they forgot that they had pissed RV by kicking them out of gov jobs enmass, and keeping them busy with court cases, not to mention the land issue,
    their little pea brain plan backfired so they are trying to li
    ght a fire in kisumu at the lake , water does not burn!!!!
    and No if you say do not attack kisii it does not imply attack kikuyus we have 40 other tribes too, why would anyone just choose to attack kikuyus? they set themselves apart as the dorminant tribe, they drove the wedge, its important that they realise the gravity of that mistake...you cannot insult people and ran to RAO for protection, that is abusing kenyans, we are not here to baby sit you and deal with your infantile behaviour. you lay your bed you sleep in it.

    How many kikuyus were killed in kisumu? lets not just fan flames...

    Sir Alex

  6. "kikuyus started talking shit, insulting all other tribes, abroad they told anyone who cared to listen that they where the dorminant"

    Not sure what 'dorminant' means. I guess when prejudice masks impartiality, the spelling goes out of the window.As for the rest of your ramblings, this is the sort of moronic Kikuyu phobia i have encountered on Mashada.

  7. Sir Alex

    Trying to light a fire in kisumu at the lake , water does not burn!!!!...lol

  8. Taabu,

    Waki gave the report to Anan because the terms of reference said so. Ironically, Ruto is one of those that came up with those terms of reference.


    UK is among the people that organized and paid Mungiki to launch retaliatory attacks. Not much is said about the Naivasha attacks, but truth be told, they were as bad as the Eldoret ones. It would appear, judging from comments here in KK and mainstream media that the life of some Kenyans is valued more that others!

    I find it tragic that 'young' people like UK and Ruto were involved in these kind of acts. This might mean that the present generation is following in the footsteps of the likes of Ntimama and Karume.

    All said, let those mentioned in the report explain to Kenyans what exactly took place! There must be a reason for appearing on that list. I do not share your opinion that Ruto is being victimized for political reasons.

  9. Do we ever learn? Yesterday coast ODM "leaders" started the Majimbo debate which is a code word for kila mtu kwao. We are even not yet out of the woods and the parrots have started singing the war songs. As a nation we are clutching straws with our noses barely above the water and chaos could erupt anytime which as Kreigler said would make Rwanda genocide look like a walk in the park. Impunity must be banished once and for all from this land otherwise come 2012 and there will be no Kenya to talk about.

  10. While I deeply appreciate that someone invests their energies in running this blog, I cant help but point out a rather severe deficiency in those who make the original postings and to which the rest of the KK fanatics, sycophants and addictees respond to or build upon their wild, unalderated fantasies.

    The deficiency is thus.

    Since Waki handed in his report, much has been said right here and elsewhere. If you look beyond the colorful language, multiple opinions have been expressed, many relevant and valuable. It seems to me that one huge service that KK (i.e. Chris and whomever else makes original postings) could do would be to make a careful, thoughtful synthesis of alternative scenarios and options regarding the Waki and Kriegler reports, their content and possibilities around their implementation.

    I say this for several reasons. First, KK (like just see this Taabu's post) keeps lambasting the leadership (whatever that is), but yet is oblivious to the fact that leadership can also come from elsewhere—not only our retard politicians. You dont have to wait for your overrated, misguided, tax-evading, salary-inflating, IDIOT politicians to show you the way. You will just high mark-time and run the risk of muscle pulls if not outright exhaustion.

    Second, I am inclined to want to see Kenyans thinking more about the bigger picture. The majority clearly want an end to impunity and I respect that. But I sympathize with what Vikii has just said above--that there are multiple motivations around support/rejection of the Waki/Kriegler reports that must be aired and confronted, if people are to have complete trust in their implementation. More importantly, both reports, and I have said this before, and cant emphasize it enough, have a whole load of insightful and transformative suggestions that we MUST start working on NOW, if we are at all concerned about building some semblance of a democratic nation with institutions that somewhat function, and which can serve to protect all.

    The title of this posting: “Acting now to save the future from a ruined past” is outstanding. Sadly, the author of the post falls back to his characteristic comfort zone of blame, innuendo, dramatics, big words, unintelligibility, whining without providing some sense of what might be the ways of getting people to do what he things must be done. A real wasted opportunity.

    In sum—it is a monumental BORE and UNHELPFUL to keep ranting over the same things, morning to sunset, everyday, without taking some moments to reflect on what can be done to bring different strands of thought together or without objectively (somewhat) assessing alternative scenarios, their consequences and what they might mean in the short, medium or longer term, or without drawing out the crucial fact that the Waki and Kriegler reports had some tremendously valuable insights into what institutions must be reformed to set Kenya on a more hopeful trajectory.

  11. Vikii, you say..

    It is an open secret that if there had been a little semblance of chaos in Machackos, Kalonzo Musyoka's name would be there too. As much as I hate violence and believe those who indulge in it should be punished, I think objectivity is being sacrificed at the altar of narrow political partisanship

    Why? the poor fellow doesn't even come from Machakos!

    How do you suppose Ruto's name got into that list? Could it be that there are witnesses out there that kept mentioning his name? Where do you think the report about the State house meeting came from? Do you think if there was a similar report touching on RAO, it would not be in the public domain?

    My point is, let us not be motivated by hate and tribalism when we comment on important national matters. You say that you adore and respect Uhuru Kenyatta. There are those who adore and respect Raila Odinga, and others that respect and adore Kalonzo Musyoka. These people's opinion matters too!. Personally, i have my doubts if any of these folks are worth voting for in the future. However, if one of them convinces me that he has what it takes to get us out of this hole we are in, i will vote for him, and i will take great offense if my vote is stolen again.

    Let those suspected of murder prove to the world that they are innocent. That is how it works.

  12. Taabu,

    Even you have been recruited to finish off Ruto before 2012? All of you Raila worshippers are cowards who want to eliminate political competition using Waki's report. Mpende msipende, Raila will never ride on the Kalenjin's back again.

  13. Taabu is a lost soul who thinks that the mzungu in Hague is all we need. Fortunately, nobody is going to Hague from Kenya. Whatever we decide to do we will do it here at home. And by the time we are done, Mr Molasses presidential ambitions will be referred to in past tense. Mark my words.

  14. By the way what happened to Raila's embracing and talking to Mungiki. He even exchanged gifts of books with Mungiki chief thug in Naivasha max prison. I tell you, some Kenyan politicians are worse that skunks. And these are the ones to lead in the "full" implemetation of the Waki Report. Lord, have mercy upon us!

  15. Kumekucha, like ODM is a mob culture of throwing stones. Chris tried to mobilize KK bloggers against Kwale not knowing Kwale has a psychological advantage over them. For two days they threw stones at Kwale but in the end they were given a bloody nose and some uncomfortable truths.

    We need people like Kwale and Vikii in Kumekucha.

  16. "To all you PANUA MONGRELS(Vikii, Kwale, b-carotene "Dr Murinho" e.t.c), this is for you - I am quoting Taabu:

    "The chapter indicting State House as the address where attacks were organized makes very chilling confirmation of what has been hitherto street wisdom. It is sacrilegious to imagine the seat of power being transformed into evil headquarters painted red with citizens’ blood.

    Resourceful Kenyans (they call themselves "smart" as they engage in Deception, Fraud & Theft e.g Kibaki, Kalonzo & virtually all Panua MP's) will peddle all forms of gimmicks including forgiveness clothed in religion but no way. A time has come when Kenya must walk the talk and take that PAINFUL decision to denounce the national lie and facade of peace we shamelessly cheat ourselves to be enjoying.

    The bubble is burst and no hollow chorus ISLE OF PEACE IN A SEA OF CHAOS will wash."

    The supporters of the status quo have been living a lie since 1963 and unless they come to their senses, Kenya will sink further to actually become a certified failed state. Right now Kenya is just crawling, falling and tumbling along.

    Those fantasies about Kenya being prosperous at present are just a confirmation of what Taabu has said in his post - living a lie.
    A large number of those who are so called "prosperous" have not worked for their wealth. THEY HAVE STOLEN IT - this is a culture that is an integral part of the values, norms and "ethics" of a particualar group that likes to live a lie by fooling themselves that, contrary the truth, that they are hard working, industrious and enterprising - the biggest load of pumbavu crap I've ever heard.

    Real hard working, industrious and enterprising people do not make it their business to DOMINATE in the "professions" of ill repute such as BUGLARY, BANK ROBBING, CAR JACKING, EXTORTION, PROSTITUTION, FRAUD, CON MANSHIP & CON WOMANSHIP, CHOPPING OFF THEIR OWN TRIBES MENS NECKS WITH WILD ABANDON and MANY OTHER SILLY BEHAVIORS that are not the preserve of civilized people.

    Of course I will not be surprised if all you panua mongrels come out farting your usual insults with wild abandon and "smart" lies laced with deception and fraud... Bring them on. I will not waste my time responding to them. Why? I, for one thing among many, know that you fellows are living a BIG LIE. It would be a waste of time arguing with a fool. People might not notice the difference.

  17. "To all you PANUA MONGRELS(Vikii, Kwale, b-carotene "Dr Murinho" e.t.c), this is for you - I am quoting Taabu:

    "The chapter indicting State House as the address where attacks were organized makes very chilling confirmation of what has been hitherto street wisdom. It is sacrilegious to imagine the seat of power being transformed into evil headquarters painted red with citizens’ blood.

    Resourceful Kenyans (they call themselves "smart" as they engage in Deception, Fraud & Theft e.g Kibaki, Kalonzo & virtually all Panua MP's) will peddle all forms of gimmicks including forgiveness clothed in religion but no way. A time has come when Kenya must walk the talk and take that PAINFUL decision to denounce the national lie and facade of peace we shamelessly cheat ourselves to be enjoying.

    The bubble is burst and no hollow chorus ISLE OF PEACE IN A SEA OF CHAOS will wash."

    The supporters of the status quo have been living a lie since 1963 and unless they come to their senses, Kenya will sink further to actually become a certified failed state. Right now Kenya is just crawling, falling and tumbling along.

    Those fantasies about Kenya being prosperous at present are just a confirmation of what Taabu has said in his post - living a lie.
    A large number of those who are so called "prosperous" have not worked for their wealth. THEY HAVE STOLEN IT - this is a culture that is an integral part of the values, norms and "ethics" of a particualar group that likes to live a lie by fooling themselves that, contrary the truth, that they are hard working, industrious and enterprising - the biggest load of pumbavu crap I've ever heard.

    Real hard working, industrious and enterprising people do not make it their business to DOMINATE in the "professions" of ill repute such as BUGLARY, BANK ROBBING, CAR JACKING, EXTORTION, PROSTITUTION, FRAUD, CON MANSHIP & CON WOMANSHIP, CHOPPING OFF THEIR OWN TRIBES MENS NECKS WITH WILD ABANDON and MANY OTHER SILLY BEHAVIORS that are not the preserve of civilized people.

    Of course I will not be surprised if all you panua mongrels come out farting your usual insults with wild abandon and "smart" lies laced with deception and fraud... Bring them on. I will not waste my time responding to them. Why? I, for one thing among many, know that you fellows are living a BIG LIE. It would be a waste of time arguing with a fool. People might not notice the difference.

  18. RAO is making my day whatever people may say, the suprising thing is that Ruto may be very clean when the dust settles down, ruto is perhaps trying to 'protect' his tribesmen, thinking that that will shore up his support base, RAo was the first person to talk of amnesty for the RV youths, then CP was talking 'justice' even celebrating the unfortunate death of Two Rv mps that died in a plane crush.....
    Now RAo is being accused of being a trouble maker when he says justice must be done,......which is your stand CP?.....It seems to me the idea was not justice but to break ODM which is currently making it difficult for you to loot. It seems the idea is to finish RAO and so the few CP crooks at the top can continue stealing, its the same old game, they pretended to want justice for the masses,until it came knocking at their doors......now they don't want it again they want amnesty..... see saw...thats the mark of a crook. the poor landless kikuyus will continue to be used...have they been consulted on amnesty? The whole idea behind 'justice was to break RAO, then he calls the bluff....result is panic. CP politicians must be honest and help its people and stop using them to safe guard their personal interest. UK must start by giving land even if its AT A SMALL FEE...SOME PEOPLE here
    for luck of heros worship him yet many taita people are landless because UK has taken their land.
    If you realy want justice thats the place to start quite hounding RAO using the real problems, emotions and vulnerability of your people. That is downright eivil, but then again this are the same peple who killed 500 youths extra judicially....where is hope...maybe majimbo is not bad after all.

    Sir Alex

  19. Anon 2.08 aka Kubafu,

    When will get it? Statehouse is occupied! Kibaki is the president of the Republic of Kenya upende usipende. Raila days are over, like his father, he will die without stepping in the statehouse!
    And as of Kikuyus, they will remain Kikuyus wapende ama uwachukie, they have been in Kenya well before you were born and they will be in Kenya well after you are gone.

    By the way have you seen this video, it has been going around Kumekucha for the last 4 days:



  20. Mwalimu, you are writing about a difficult concept for kenya to understand

    "save our future from our past" yes, but "what's in it for me"?

    JFK was in his element when he said "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" lakini wapi?he had never met a tribe called Kenyans

    To be african does not mean to be the best at being worst in everything; some things have no leeway for ambiguous interpretations and mid-way implementations. the water catchment area in the mau benefiting 1000s now is the lifeline of the country's future benefiting millions in years to come.

  21. Here they go again:

    This fake msema kweli @ 1/19/08 2:24 AM is not the real msema kweli.

    He has STOLEN (once again "excercising" their predominant cultural trait) msema kweli's identity and farted shit here.

    About "getting it," we do get it. We, unlike you who like living a lie, know that Kibaki STOLE his way to state house. He never won the election. He STOLE IT (once again "excercising" that predominant cultural trait of STEALING).

    This time it's for you to "get it," Kibaki is fraudulently occupying state house just like his soul mate Mugabe of Zimbabwe. They are both cut from the same "fraudulent piece of cloth" They both STOLE their way to state house. Such primitive leaders and their blind supporters are what have let Africa down since the 1960's

    YOU PEOPLE ARE THE SCUM OF THIS COUNTRY. YOU ARE JUST THIEVES THROUGH AND THROUGH you STEAL identities, money, cars, state house, land... everything! - and the amusing thing about it is that you are actually proud of this your STEALING "cultural" trait. Silly, primitive pumbavu's.

    Kweli yule alisema Mkikuyu ni MWIZI alinena UKWELI.

    STEALING is part of your culture. Want to Know when Kikuyu cultural week is? the week after people have got their monthly salaries, ALL OF A SUDDEN MUGGINGS and ROBBERIES shoot up courtesy of .... jijazie (a very loud hint: the Kamau's, Mwangi's, Njoroge's and Kinuthia's are very "busy") while the Wanjiku's, Wanjiru's, Nyambura's and Njoki's are very "busy" elsewhere: selling themselves...

  22. Real change in kenya

    After having observed kenyan society for a long time, something stuck me when i saw Obama's victory on a campaign of change.

    Change is a word which is used in kenyan only when it reffers to inevitable change.

    True change in my opinion is the kind you envisage in a dream and then through hope, work and patience see it through to its realisation.

    Such is the dream that was dreamt by african americans for many years and through hope, hard work and patience came through by the election of the first black president in America.

    I cant help but notice the main ingredient missing in the kenyan society and that is personal responsibility.

    Most people tend to blame politicians of the present and of the days goneby but always conviniently forget their role, which can only be defined by personal responsibility.

    If corruption is going on then we are complicite in facilitating its impunity in the country, if we have rigged election then we have a hand to play in our voting patterns and the list is endless.

    My prediction for a leader who will bring the kind of change to which we dream of, will be one with an impecabble personal track on the issues of the day and one who will pioneer a massive campaign on personal responsibillity and accountability of every citizen toward national issues before partisan and vested interests.

  23. anon 3:18 ,

    "msema kweli" is a swahili word for truth teller. How can you say somebody stole the identity of that word? wewe kweli ni kubafu sana!

  24. Jngee
    Thank you very much for this "True change in my opinion is the kind you envisage in a dream and then through hope, work and patience see it through to its realization."


    Naivety when it comes to CHANGE is another subject that requires another round of both formal and informal schooling.

    1st we seem to forget that there will never be an opportunity on earth that will be the right time to start changing ... personal or collective change. If you are really for change you will start at the point that you are whether your circumstances are favorable or not. But we are a lucky lot and the Waki report provides a better opportunity for us to get out of the hole of deception and fraud. As much as its not comprehensive and the perfect report that we all wish it would be ... it gives us ground to get ourselves moving forward.

    2nd change begins with me. Your attitude and behavior can never be neglected. Those who want to keep thinking backwards shauri yenyu ... those who are nothing but fakers shauri yenyu ... and those who are the lying dogs we will try and wake you up but we'll not waste our time on you ... and those who are ready to move forward we need to start acting, we don't have the time.

    3rd, be ready for major sacrifices ... hard and painful sacrifices. This is not the time for cheap patriotism. I will quote Taabu "No more plastering of the septic wound. Only the radical surgery will save the limb and body. That is the only guarantee for the first step to a great leap in breaking from the ruinous past defined by IMPUNITY."

    Those crying for change I hope you are ready for that. I am ready. Its I and the coming generations that need Kenya not the dogs.

  25. just reading this article


    two items hit me

    As a ‘Christmas gift’ to the displaced persons, each MP will contribute Sh50,000 towards the national fund for resettlement of the post-election violence victims. The amount will be deducted from the MPs’ salaries in five monthly installments of Sh10,000.

    the action by the MPs is commendable. The irony is that many of these MPs are directly/indirectly the reason these IDPs are where they are now. also, the amount of 50,000 deducted in small affordable tidbits of 10,000 so that it will not too adversely impact the lavish lifestyles of the MPs. In contrast the IDPs have since January been waiting for 20,000 per family to start their lives afresh which includes rebuilding structures, and getting some basic items, such a striking contrasts. the real christmas present would be for the IDPs to once again know peaceful coexistence and never have to experience such pain again.

    but this other item
    but a few MPs had second thoughts, expressing fears that the funds would be mismanaged.
    even with their own funds these gluttons cannot trust themselves, talk of someone stealing from his right pocket to fill the left. so then how can we trust these people with the affairs and resources of the country?

  26. reviewing these comments above

    it appears that our arguments (defenses and accusations as well as gloating winners and sore losers) are as cyclic as can ever be.

    despite the eloquence and delivery of argument it appears we are perhaps treading the razor thin margin distinguishing morosoph from genius, and proudly so.

    time for rain check and admit there are sufficient intelligent people out (t)here with divergent views sometimes conflicting views but nevertheless we need to start working towards solutions (as aptly captured by taabu in the title "act now to save future from past").

    Even if some of the reasoning may be clouded by other factors or in conflict, there are some mutually agreeable actions/actionable items that can be taken to move the country forward.

    this continued banter, rancour, dog-fights and slights at every step just to prove supremacy are so not getting us anywhere.

  27. Your Excellency,

    Do us the honors and tell us what will get us forward.


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