Sunday, April 27, 2008

Breaking News: Raila Heads To Germany for Laser Eye Surgery

Prime Minister Raila Odinga left the country earlier today (Sunday) to undergo laser eye surgery in Germany.

ODM Spokesman Salim Lone is quoted as saying: "Prime Minister Raila Odinga was traveling with his wife and will be back in Nairobi on Friday." Lone explained that the procedure was "minor laser eye surgery."

Odinga and President Mwai Kibaki recently struck a power-sharing agreement after both men claimed to have won the Dec. 27 presidential election in a dispute that unleashed weeks of ethnically tinged violence. More than 1,200 people died and 300,000 were displaced.

On Saturday, Odinga and Kibaki finished a three-day "peace tour" of areas hardest-hit by the postelection violence.

Raila has been seen on many occasions dabbing his eye with a handkerchief. He attributes the "tears" to bad lighting in jail cells during his long nine-year stint in detention-without-trial, five years of which was in solitary confinement and incommunicado at the Kamiti Maximum Security Prison in Nairobi. His only reading material during the detention was the Bible and Quran.



  1. Quick recovery RAO. STRESS can compound a subtle eye problem. At least he provided the MUCH-NEEDED cover and security during the rallies. Otherwise in his absence you can only guess one outcome. A LESS DISHONEST take would deny that but nonetheless it is true.

  2. We wish the captain kila na heri in his trip - Godspeed and quick recovery Prime Minister!

  3. All the best with the procedure Mr. Prime Minister Odinga, and wishing you a speedy recovery. We'll be praying for you.

  4. Our prayers are with you Mr. Prime Minister! Quick recovery!

    Hellen Okello

  5. This man is still suffering from the effects of a cruel brutal regime.

    Today, who enjoys the fruits of freedom RAO fought for? The Mugumo tree idlers are the beneficiaries.

    Fast recovery Agwambo.

  6. Quick recovery but Chris, did you say the Quran? Sure, he used to read the Quran that time along with the bible? Interesting.

  7. woiye agwambo!! i used to wonder why he used to cry na kuwipe tears na handkerchief...kumbe it was the work of moi!!

    quick recovery mr. prime minister, my duly elected president.


  8. We wish you, H.E. President and PM of Kenya, a quick recovery. You are needed badly at home.

  9. Folks, yes ofcourse RAO is booked 4 eye surgery but theres more to it. Remember our coalition is loosely modeled on the German one and the Germans(especially the Christian Democrats) are eager to affirm their support for the PM.So yes, its another fundraising mission. ODM is taking the forthcoming by-elections very seriously as part of its overall strategy. My reliable sources tell me that once RAO is back, he'll move speedily to take the position of LEADER OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESS in parliament and finally put Judas Kibonzo Musyoka(Lucifer) where he belongs. This will be speedily followed by enactment of the KETER BILL, delinking parliament from the executive and giving the ODM full control of the Legislature and half of the executive, leaving Kibaki a lame duck by creating a new centre of power. Dont 4get that ODM still is the majority party AND both the speaker and his deputy are ODMers.Of course PaNU had not foreseen this during the making of the accord.(he..he..he... they thought the battle for supremacy would be fought in public rallies as you saw last week...). Interesting times ahead...

  10. Emmanuel Maitha met his fate in the same country!!! Be careful guys. But why is he not going to the local hospitals in Kenya and he wamnts to be our pressy. As ODM supporter, I wanted him to go to Nairobi Hopsital and have the eye-check there and boost the morale of our doctors

  11. Haiya, not blasphemous...GOD is SICK. Who will you worship. Jesus Heals. Deya can now pray for him or Margaret Wanjiru.

  12. cultish fascination.

  13. anons 3:07

    jealous? envious?

  14. anon 3:38


  15. @3:05, I'm glad he didn't go to Nairobi hospital. No offense, but those doctors don't know what they're doing. My family has had numerous misdiagnoses when it comes to serious diseases (cancer) and being in the process of training as a doctor myself outside Kenya, I realize how poor our medical training is. Perhaps some day, there will be an overhaul in our educational system. In the meantime, I wouldn't advice anyone to have surgery done in Kenya if they can afford to fly out. I know I'll get a lot of flack for this, but it's the truth.

  16. Speedy recovery H.E. The People's President and Prime Minister of Kenya.

  17. anon 5:20

    pity implies caring, so you do care about ODMers

  18. H.E, The president of Kenya, i wish you quick recovery. These are aftermath of your struggle for a better Kenya. The purpoted "VP" was silent when you toiling and agonizing in detention and now from all his foolishness, he wants us to believe he can be trusted. Anyway, we need you badly and I pray for your recovery.

  19. Best wishes for your speedy recovery Mr. Prime Minister.

    Get laser surgery at NBO hospital??? Still ROTFLMAO! Wow!

    Anon@ 6:17PM - I share your sentiments on the misdiagnoses and the rest. No flack from me because it's true. All the best with your studies!

  20. Qiuck recovery Mr. PM.


  21. Why cant those who were responsible during the detention face law and justice for damages


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