Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, January 03, 2008

War Against Self

I am fresh from a long and tedious flight during which I got to think through the Kenyan situation. We have just had elections which were closely contested. It is unfortunate that hundreds of innocent people are dying as a result of either politicians wanting to cling to power or ascending to power for the first time by all means.

I said here before the poll many times over that both Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga are not fit to lead Kenya. If anybody still has doubts about this one fact, then they can do with some prayers. Look here, this violence is not about Kenya or its democracy. This violence is about two people who clearly have no agenda for the country but who want to rope it in for their own very shallow and selfish reasons. The most worrying thing however is that none of these guys has out rightly called for an end to the violence. All we have heard are half hearted statements that are quickly followed by “buts”. Raila Odinga, who is central in the crisis, has not said a word about the need for humanitarian aid to the displaced and the injured. He is giving interviews left right and centre where he goes on and on about how he is “the rightly elected president” with no mention at all on the plight of innocent Kenyans (even when asked about it, he somehow gets away with it with little excuses of how democracy is being muzzled). The same thing goes for President Kibaki. Kibaki, just like Raila, is responsible for the genocide in Kenya. He is a fabulously rich person and he has not offered a cent towards resolving the mess, a mess he is directly responsible for. He has similarly continued to issue half hearted statements that are capped with the words “after the free and fair elections”. Granted, the government has offered some humanitarian aid but then this is not about the government. This is a war started by Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga as individuals. It has nothing to do with the interest of the country. I have seen Kalonzo Musyoka donate Kshs 500,000 through Red Cross. Now Kalonzo is not the richest of the three. He is not at the centre of the dispute like these other two guys either but he has repeatedly spoken for the innocently suffering Kenyans. I believe I am different from most other people because that is what I call leadership. Raila’s and Kibaki’s are leaderships to death and destruction.

Now, what exactly is the bone of contention? The elections are over and there is no formal dispute, but people keep fighting. I blame Raila Odinga’s supporters (if not Raila himself) for starting a war for no reason. I blame Mwai Kibaki for failing to clump down on perpetrators of runaway hooliganism as the head of state.

Here is why I blame Mwai Kibaki; you cannot claim to defend the rule of law and democracy if you have no respect for the same. Why do we have the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections regulations providing for petitions? We have these provisions to take care of any emerging disputes. Since the ODM which claims to have been rigged out does not have the guts or the civility to file a petition with the high court, Kibaki should have instructed his Attorney General to file one. The Presidential and parliamentary elections regulation states that any registered voter can file the petition. Out of the aggrieved hooligans, none has filed the petition. It also says the AG can do it. This is where Hon Kibaki should have stepped in and demonstrated leadership. It is only through petitioning that the poll can be treated as disputed. Right now, what we are seeing is an uprising that has no basis.

Raila Odinga is the biggest protagonist in this entire circus. He lost the elections (either fairly or unfairly) and decided that the election was not free and fair. He wants us to believe that Juja Constituency registered a voter turn-out of 30%. He also feels that Tigania west, Nithi, Central Imenti and South Imenti all registered their lowest ever turn-outs since the introduction of multipartysm and that Karachuonyo, Ndhiwa and Kisumu Rural registered their highest. Fine, may be he is right, but is going on a slashing and looting spree the best way out of the predicament? I believe that if anybody has any respect, let alone love, for their country, they have to adhere to the rule of law, the force of the constitution and the power of tradition. The best way would have been to file a petition. We are not a jungle nation whose problems are solved using pangas. I also believe that Raila will be the sure loser if he continues with the route he has taken and if Kibaki continues with his exaggerated degree of rigidity. You cannot lay unreasonable conditions for negotiations with the president who not only has executive power, but who also feels he was democratically elected. That is like shooting yourself in the foot because nobody is going to bulge.

I once said here that Raila Odinga is a leader unto darkness, anarchy and death and people accused me of hating him. I have watched him on TV totally unwilling to take even a modicum of responsibility. He passes the buck all the time even when his most ardent supporters are dying. But for how long are you going to duck responsibility Mr. Raila? What is remarkable about Mr. Raila’s passion for anarchy, beyond its intensity, is the ease with which he wins over converts. He has always tenaciously clung to his unverified beliefs which he confuses with fact and often inflicts this confusion to his supporters in his struggle to resolve any situation to his favour. When many people are persuaded to subscribe to the same pretense, of course it can gain the aura of objectivity. The trick is simple; depict yourself as persecuted and you will surely win sympathizers. If this is not delusion, tell me what it is.

My humble submission is that the ODM need to petition the outcome of the election in court. Nobody can reverse the ECK chairman’s announcement, not even the president or the AG. Amos Wako is just being afraid of taking an unpopular decision. The best way to resolve this quagmire is telling people the truth which is that the ECK which had a pre poll approval rating of 75% announced the results and anybody dissatisfied with the verdict should either go to court or to hell. We cannot continue being a country at war with itself. When the losses are counted believe you me, ODM supporters will be the most affected. It is a pity that our so called educated, exposed and enlightened brothers continue to urge the idle and jobless youth to go on the rampage. I want to see Anyang Nyong’o, William Ruto and Raila Odinga themselves throwing stones and looting in Nakumatt. I want to see Sam Okello in hospital nursing a bullet wound sustained during “a fight to save his country”. Only when that happens, shall I acknowledge that Kenya means anything to any of these people.

Meanwhile, the government should continue being ruthless when dealing with perpetrators of violence. It is indefensible when someone breaks into an innocent person’s property or when people torch a poor man’s house all in the name of fighting for democracy. That is stupid fundamentalism.


  1. THANK YOU!!!

  2. Kenya needs a visionary leader and a visionary party, not tribal leaders or tribal parties. I eat kikuyu foods with my luo brothers and kikuyu brothers and sisters. I eat luo foods with my kikuyu and luo brothers and sisters. We all like the same music. We all agree on many things that ails Kenya. In my opinion, we are all ONE PEOPLE, and they agree. More things UNITE US AS KENYANS than divide us as tribes!!!

    We all like the sunset views on we watch on Lake Victoria, and we all like the wildlife we see in the Abedares. What divides us is we all compete to see who can do the most good.

    All the hell holes like Kibaki, Raila and Musyoka can go to hell. They are together in this, watching us burn and die while they feast on Nyama Choma and Wine (Not even Tusker)

    And how many Kikuyus, Luos, Kambas, Kalenjins, Luhyas, Pokomos, Miji Kendas, etc love Tusker? IS IT A TRIBAL OR A KENYAN BEER!!!


    We should be fighting the invasion of Kenya by Steers and other global brands. Let us unite and out-compete these foreign brands, with our own brands not divide and kill each other.

    Why are we focusing on Kikuyus, Luos, Kambas, Kalenjins when we should be unitig to compete in Beijing 2008. Why are we not in the African Cup of Nations? Do we support a defender or striker based on his tribe or do we support HARAMBEE STARS?

  3. Vikii, let us not deceive ourselves. The elections were rigged and not admitting so will stop us from moving forward.

    See January 3rd's The Economist: even foreigners were not fooled by Kibaki.

    So snap out of denial and start giving real solution proposals.

  4. Anon @ 10:48, what is your solution? Reading the Economist so we can be even more divided? Shame on you! Post something that unites us first, and then once we are all calm we can decide the next way forward. We are people lost in the last election, no matter whether Raila or Kibaki won!!!!

  5. Vikii you have just returned to the country and are behaving as if you did not have internet access prior to today.

    Stop being ridiculous. In case you haven't noticed, most people have admitted the elections were flawed. The ATTORNEY GENERAL is the latest to point this out.

    True peace will not emerge until voters are assured that the integrity of elections in this country will not be soiled. Don't expect them to be quiet as corrupt politicians slap them with deceit after they vote.

  6. Anon at 10 10.52 a.m. I propose a FRESH PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. An audit will not work now that 16A forms have gone mysteriously missing from KICC.

    If Kibaki won what is he so afraid of?

  7. Kenya needs a visionary leader and they elected Raila Amolo Odinga. Kenyans have to stand up otherwise they will steal elections again. They thought Kenyans would not complain because they are peace loving. Someone miscalculated badly.

  8. Fresh elections....yes of course it is so easy. So we should not spend money on rebuilding everything that is destroyed including souls, to just run, print new ballot papers and waste money on another election?


  9. The people deserve their leaders.

  10. Anon @ 10.56 a.m. I agree with you entirely. Obviously some people just want us to lie down silently as democracy is raped.

    What is the future of a Kenya in which the people do not have the ability to elect their leaders?

  11. Bulge? Or did Vikii mean 'Budge'? And where had she gone to (out of the country I mean?) ... Russia or Mexico?

  12. Vikii,

    Mwanzo, my frriend, I want to thank you for your properly worded post. I think it encapsulates all what I have had in mind over the last three days that I have been a passive visitor here.

    Vikii, me and you have been called names and from what we know, they are for obvious reasons.

    Vikii, I have not read a statement, that is calling for peace from the two leaders. I only heard that a peace committee (whatever it menas) has been named to forge peace. I dont believe in that one at this particular moment.

    Vikii, let us argue maturely about this thing as Kenyans. It is sad that areas that have been engulfed with violence are easily identifiable. My heart cries when I say sao. It is in Kibera, Huruma, Kisumu, Eldoret, Molo, parts of Nakuru and pockets of the larger Nyanza, though they have subdued.

    Vikii, I am humbled by the fact that yesterday, the Western media in their biased reporting about Africa and this time Kenya per se, had a story that says 'Unbelievable and time in life had the world thought they would see such a scene from Kenya'. Vikii, a scene of a man lying on the ground and more shocking, the smouldering church in Eldoret.

    It took the Rwandese three weeks to burn a chruch, but it took Kenyans two days to do so. It was that swift by genocide standard. Even Serbs took a longer period before theb places of worship were touched.

    But let us tackle the issue first. How did it all start? MUsalia Mudavadi raised the tension bar by declaring Raila Odinga president. By any logical thought, that was meant to ignite a section of the community. Minutes later, the PNU goons, also announced the same to Kibaki, giving the same figures that were announced by Kivuitu on Sunday. By the time MUdavadi was walking away from the press conference, Kisumu Nakumatt was already being looted.

    In such a quick turn of events, it is clear that the crowds were prepared of any eventuality and you dont need to be a rocket scientist to confirm that.

    William Ruto, by stopping the announcement of winners at the KICC was also at fault. Mark you this thing was being broadcast live on KTN. What was it meant to mean when a 'PM in waiting' does that. He only meant that they are being denied their rightful win.

    Vikii, I have not heard Raila Odinga and Musalia Mudavadi make any single call either in the language that they addressed the last rally at Nyayo National Stadium or the national language calling on the supporters to get off the streeets and go back to work.

    Vikii, I am talking of a situation made worse and was seen coming following the KIKUYU NI ADUI WETU comment during the referendum in 2005.

    Further more, the media on the other hand have continued publicising the so-called 'PEACE MARCH' even when it look like it is going to turn violent.

    Let it be said openly, the violence that has visited Kenya is a carry on of the Referendum and an impulsive reaction to the December 27 Rigging claims made on TV and further fuelled by the media by giving it 'OXYGEN'.


  13. Anon @ 10.59 Fresh elections yes. DEMOCRACY IS WORTH THE PRICE.

    Besides, since ECK had budgeted for a run-off as provided by the constitution then the money for a fresh presidential election is not the question here.

  14. Raila is no visionary. If he was, then Kibera would not be a hell hole that has gone from bad to worse in the last 15 years!!!

    Raila's wealth of KShs 4Billion can feed and clothe and shelter all those souls in Kibera for years. Yet 15 years on, they are worse off, and now that even more has been destroyed in Kibera, how much will Raila spend on reconstruction? Vision starts in your own constituency first.

  15. Once again, I am urging you my fellow countrymen, to NOT be swayed by all who try divide you among tribal lines. We are better than this, and we will prevail!!

    God Bless Kenya!

  16. I am told Vikii is a man! Yikes! My bad!!! Do I smell gay????? Tell me something, 'Why is it that someone is called Victor and they opt for Vikii?' or someone is called 'Conrad' and they opt for 'Connie'?? Dudes! Be men about it and stop those 'corny' nicknames ... Uhhhmm ... Vickie ... Sorry ... Vikii ... 'corny' is not 'corn' that is 'horny' ... :)

  17. Anon @ 11:02

    Did ECK budget for all the death? So maybe re-allocating would be in this country's best interests.

  18. DEROO: KENYANS DID NOT WIN INDEPENDENCE by calling for peace. It came with blood.


    I HAVE VIOLENCE TOO, but what option are we left with if there aren't fresh presidential elections.

  19. Anon at 11.04 SILENCE and denial are band aid solutions: the gangrine will continue and will only result in even more bloodshed later.

    If you think you have seen violence, then let us keep quiet and we shall see REAL VIOLENCE as we head for 2012.

  20. Is this a post by Kumekucha?

    I'm surprised and deeply saddened by this post.

    Was the goal of this blog always to install Musyoka in the event of a travesty like this one?

    Do you have no respect for the choice of Kenyans?

    I think it is arrogant to assume that Kenyans do not know what they want and cannot be trusted to elect their leader. I say this because it is clear that you do not respect the rights of the majority, that you do not respect democracy.

    I wonder where you have flown to... I suspect it is a country that is at least a little bit more democratic than Kenya. Do you appreciate that? Do you not want your fellow Kenyans to enjoy their basic human rights as well? Clearly, you enjoy your human rights by posting at this blog daily...

    This is what I want for all Kenyans. However, democracy entails struggles. There will be clashes between those who want to protect a system of elitism and corruption and those who want to bring democracy and the benefits of equality to all Kenyans. In the end, the voice of the people will prevail. This is because, in places where political and economic inequality are the norm, there are always more of the wanainchi than there are of the ruling elite.

    But even after the major battles are won, the struggle will continue. Democracy is a work in progress. We must always be vigilant of our elected officials and hold them accountable to the electorate.

    As a Raila supporter, I still expect Kenyans to hold Raila accountable for his decisions and to ensure that political power is decentralized by reducing the powers of the executive. The list of African leaders--Idi Amin, Mugabe, Kenyatta, and Moi for example--who have inspired hope at the beginning of their terms, but who came to love power too much and metamorphosed into loathsome dictators is troubling. THIS IS WHY WE MUST IMPLEMENT LAWS AT THE OUTSET THAT PREVENT ANY PRESIDENT FROM HAVING TOO MUCH POWER.

    At this point, a re-run of the election is the only reasonable and democratic course of action. But, with your comments in favor of police brutality, I can see that democracy means less to you than installing your choice of candidate...even though he is not the choice of the vast majority of Kenyans, Kikuyu or Luo.

    As Benjamin Franklin said, "People who are willing to give up freedom for the sake of short-term security, deserve neither freedom nor security."

  21. Anon @ 11.03 do not blame Raila or any M.P. for that matter for Kibera, Mathare or wherever.

    INCUMBENT GOVERNMENTS have failed slum dwellers for decades on end. They are the ones fully equipped with the machinery and resources to make real and lasting changes.

    Amka ndugu yangu!

  22. Who ever is saying that peace does not come but by violence to tell Kenyans how many times he has been inviolvbed in a violent situation that has claimed hundreds of lives. It is irresponsible for a grown up to say that.

    Please imagine your mother or sister or even further off, your distant cousin's child reduced to ashes in a sanctified place like a church.



    KENYA IS NOT A MONARCHY. The people's choice must be respected.

    Free and fair elections are our right.

  24. Victor,

    DO NOT PRETEND! if you believe you are more Kenyan than anybody else then why didn't you stick long in the country instead of taking long flights away from the country.

    Wacha kujifanya; you need to address the root cause of the problem we are in today. Look here, Kivuitu, the ECK boss is on record admitting that the election process was flawed; his commissioners have poured cold water on the same process; who are you to claim otherwise? Do you want to suggest that you are more catholic than the pope? At the risk of sounding Agwambomaniac, which i don;t mund anyway, before you blame Mr. Raila Amolo Odinga, you need to honestly look at the source of the problem. I feel that you have something more personal against Raila. Except Museveni, and for obvious reasons, no other world leader has endorsed Kibaki's illegal govn't. All observers, local and int'l declined to endorse the process due to the massive fraud the dominated it.

    Wewe wacha kujifanya; I simpathize with the wanton destruction of life and property, but I want to put it to you that Kibaki and cronies are to blame squarely because they provoked the nation. When the people decisively reject you in 6 out of 8 provinces, you do the honourable thing by bowing out of the seat. Hata akiwachiwa hiyo kiti hawezi kalia milele na milele till thy kingdom come. We must stop the thoughtless buck-passing and address the root cause here. Eveidence is awash wherever you turn, and you know that as well as I do. Much as we need peace, we need justice and fairness. Democracy never came watered with showers; its roots were always watered with blood, and if you doubt this then turn to all history. Not even America that brags one of the most stable democratic societies on the globe. .. zooote zilikuwa maisha ya watu kupotezwa na damu kumwagika. Even for God to introduce democracy and freedom into your soul and grant you a lasting hope, he offered the blood of his own son. However, having said that, I must not be mistaken to encourage the senseless destructions taking toll in our beloved country right now; we must pursue all PEACEFUL AVENUES to arrive at more peace and JUSTICE.

    Vicki usifikirie wewe ni mkenya kushinda wengine, and let it not be lost on you that there is no easy way to a greater nation of greater democracy and freedom. We better spill blood now once and for all than keep doing it piece-meal after every 5 years of flawed processes. Wakati ni huu so that an appropriate precedent is set to ensure that those with high affinity to electoral vices desist from their intentions in the future.

    Otherwise, wakenya woote, pamoja tuungane na tukae kwa amani kama ndugu na dada. tusiuane na kuaribu mali zetu. Above all, besides peace, may justice be our defender.

    Thank you and God bless you all.


  25. DEROO: Peace is not something we can wish into reality.

    It must be attained and protected (rabidly) by free and fair elections.

    Asking for silence is unrealistic. Bottled up disappointment and frustration will certainly result in WAR - UNFORTUNATELY.

  26. YES!!!!!!!! Lasting peace = Free and fair elections every five years (and a new and just one this year).

  27. Why are we not seeing this violence in Machakos and Kitui. Are they lesser men or women and is it for any reason that they cannot vent their anger over the elections.

    No, the thing, is, lets find a peaceful solution. It will not cost a dime to tell the goons to get down to serious work and stop rioting.

    Furthermore, I think Mwai Kibaki has made it clear that he seeks reconciliation. Why dont we follow that route.

    Another thing, calling on a president to resign only makes it worse. In any case, he was 'elected' to serve for five years not five days.


  28. Well said Vikii 'on-a-self-imposed-exile' but then consider this.

    After scoring several own goals over the last five years, poaching opposition players, openly bribing match officials, having players using illegal performance enhancing drugs and after having the benefit of selecting the referee who went ahead and scored another penalty on behalf of the home team, Vikii still wants to lay blame on the visiting team for the collapse of the league, even when home team have arrogantly ordered the home police to shoot-to-kill and tear-gas supporters of the visiting team for peaceful protests. Not forgetting the appeal panel is made up of home team supporters.

    The captain of the visiting team asked a question which Vikii does not seem to be ready to answer:

    What will prevent the same unfortunate saga repeating itself over again at the onset of the new season?

    Or it is perfectly alright for one team to keep winning the league each season through unorthodox means?

  29. Vikii na wenzako AMKENI!!! Siku za mwizi (na wenzake) ni arobaini.

    Acheni kutuambia eti tunyamaze. KWANI UCHAGUZI NI MCHEZO TU?!!!

  30. But Derek, the problem with these mashada people is they dont want to think. One of the fellows is even attempting to teach me English. I meant bulge which means to cave in or depress. You fellows are so petty. I did not say I just flew into Kenya, I didnt say I have been to Mexico. Nobody knows where I am and that is a non issue.

    I want the ODM supporters yelling about Raila becoming president to tell me how that is going to happen. Even if it happens, is his presidency more important than the lives being lost? Please put your compulsion to yell under control and for the first time think. These skirmishes are not going to achieve anything. They are just gong to see many hooligans shot dead and many innocent other people massacred. Instead of questioning what Raila Odinga and musalia mudavadi are doing to help the families of those who die fighting for them, you are here with your usual predictable pettiness. I think we need prayers

  31. DEROO; Why aren't you saying that RAILA ODINGA also came out yesterday to offer a PEACE solution that included the dropping of his "Kibaki must step down before we talk demand?"

    Please read Thursday's STANDARD before you post anything else here.

    Stop being disingenuous!!!!!!!!

  32. Raila is caught between a rock and a hard place, Ruto's private militia is causing havoc by killing indiscriminately. Besides Ruto the opponents are now engaged in reprisal attacks, how can Raila divorce himself from the troublemaker he once said wouldn't be a surprise if he was put in prison under a Raila administration and still appear to hold the Rift Valley vote? This is why Raila and Kibaki must put nation ahead and their ambitions aside to come up with a solution that will stop these militias and gangs from claiming more lives.


    The last thing we need is a peace maker who is not genuine and is in a state of denial.

    Your post started off on a weak foundation by failing to unilaterally condemn a flawed election.

    ENGLISH GRAMMAR IS NOT THE ISSUE. Good grief, we even have a post in Kiswahili.

  34. RAILA ODINGA has already offered solutions.

    Unfortunately Kibaki is too sleepy to hear them and his cronies are too selfish to do anything about them.

    We all want peace. Why aren't we listening to the voices of reason?

  35. Sorry Chris. I should have known it was Vikii.

  36. Tukitaka amani lazima tuwe na uchaguzi mpya.

    Ubaya ni kwamba rais ametulia tuli!

  37. Vikii is a hater, this post is a subtle jab at Kibaki but essentially an attack on Raila and ODM. Vikii Kenyans all across the board are angry that this motherfucker Kibaki has stolen their inalienable right. Raila has already called for peace more than once since the violence has started Kibaki's bitch ass has only publicly done so today. Kalonzo is a bitch and that is why he is trying to gain cheap publicity, what happened to his miracle? Obviously sucking Moi's dick all those years has not helped nor will help you by doing so to Kalonzo. Vikii run into a pair of scissors a few times, please!!

  38. On a point of order, Vikii, your V-P wannabe Kalonzo was reported in the media insinuating that he had met/spoken to Raila about accepting election results and calling of the Uhuru Park Rally.

    This is what Raila had to say about your Kalonzo:

    "Kalonzo aim is not suprising. He is an irrelevance to resolving the current crisis and is seeking cheap publicity through exploiting the national agony that has been inflicted to us by Kibaki's open theft"

    I couldnt agree more with Arap Mibei.

  39. My friend, Uchaguzi siyo sahihisho. Lakini, sasa Rais ameteuliwa. Tutafanya nini sasa. Hapo mambo magumu

  40. If these are the people expected to offer solutions then we are rooted in this problem forever.

  41. SO then all those clamouring for Raila, go protest, coz it is not your children you have to bury or see sleep hungry. From your perches in yoru foreign lands, keep throwing stones and jabs at us here. And most here have not even been out on the streets for a few days. No wonder these idle minds are getting up to no good.

  42. Vikii, offering solutions is one thing. The other hard part is, in Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Uganda, similar situations have arisen and nothing has ever happened. The so-called international community will make all the noise they want and at the end of the day, it remains the same.

    Anyway, let us all wait for whta the future holds. It is four days now and most people have not resumed work.


  43. Phil, I have read all Kenyan newspapers and that is why i am calling on you and the newbies from Mashada to stop this unintelligent practice of rushing to quote the papers all the time. Are you fellows still expecting Kibaki to be intimidated by violence and relinguish the presidency. I think that is unimaginable optimism.

  44. Vikii, save your breath. I am. Completely washing my hands of this blog. But like I said before, I know peace will prevail and these people and their ilk will be relegated to nothing but a tiny stain in our past.

    God Bless Kenya!


    If you did then you would have known that Raila has since changed his terms of negotiation.

    Unfortunately, Kibaki has chosen to continue operating in a daze and haze.

  46. Is it about Kibaki and Raila or our way of life continuing as it has been before December 27 2007?

  47. Lillian - though you had left the blog in the last post... still here?

  48. Raila is open to negotiations with Kibaki to end violence. Kibaki would like to delay negotiations until the violence ends. Question: WHAT IF THE VIOLENCE NEVER ENDS?


    I hope that the world is watching the baffling logic of would-be dictator Mwai Kibaki. The only way to understand this kind of logic is to understand the agenda behind it.


  49. is this the same vikii the intellectually corrupt and beneficially of moi/kibaki corruption?

    Be more objective and discover that Raila has a good side too but then your parents ill-gotten wealth is threatened hence cannot see that.

  50. Asante Deroo lakini uchaguzi mpya ndiyo suluhisho. Hasira na ghasia tunazoona ni kwasababu watu wengi wanajua kwamba uchaguzi ulikosa uhuru na haki.

    Nafikiri wananchi wote wanataka upatanishi. Lakini lazima tuwe na hakikisho ya kwamba serekali italinda haki zetu.

  51. Deroo - your way of life will never be the same. Economy is going down starting with the disinterest in the bond we were planning to float internationally. This is just the start. You need new solutions to the new issues that need to be addressed.

  52. Derek, how best do we engage these fellows? Someone who doesn't even ave a name wants Lillian out of the picture and he wants it to happen immediately. This is now scary.

  53. John Maina we call them beneficiaries not benefeciallies. Hata kama ni intellectualism, hiyo yako ni ya kizee.

  54. I am leaving... and urging all those peace loving Kenyans to please join us at
    Let us brainstorm on how to restore peace in our beloved country. Leave all this vitriol spewing to the "experts" here.

    God Bless Kenya.

  55. Let us not make Vikii's sexuality the issue.

    My problem with him/her is that s/he chose to completely ignore Raila's peace proposals.

    As Annah says, we should listen to him now instead of hoping the violence will end before we start negotiating.

  56. John Maina, I think you are above such childish comments. You are having a go at Vikii for absolutely no reason bwana. I think so.

    All the best.

  57. Vikki and your minions,

    Just speak your mind. Do not pretend to be objective. You have the same attitude as the PNU and ODM guys. You are no different from Raila or Michuki or Kibaki. You hate those not like you, and it shows in your writings.

    Not a single commenter here really cares. You are all pawns of your father Lucifer, with hate burning in your breast: He has set you against each other and you are happily playing along. How i wish you people could be personally touched by the violence, then maybe, just maybe, you might think straight.

    But wait a minute, the violence will not affect you. You are either somewhere in Central Kenya ( well protected ), or in the wealthier sides of Nairobi or out of the Country, happily blogging and pretending to care.

    With people such as you, probably Kenya deserves what she is getting.

  58. Ningependa kuongeza ya kwamba hata ingawa Mwana Sheria mkuu Amos Wako amesema angependa kuona uchunguzi ya matokeo, uchaguzi mpya bado ndiyo suluhiso.

    Hii ni kwasababu tulijulishwa hivi karibuni kwamba makaratasi kadhaa ya uchaguzi yameiibwa kutoka KICC.

  59. People, I have not refused to listen to Raila's proposals. If anything I respect the fact that he now seems to be genuinely interested in honest talks. But then again, people have already cast aspersions on any plans of a vote recount. I understand that forms 16/16A are supposedly missing. So that leaves a repeat poll as the only viable option. Who is going to order for a repeat poll. If it is ordered by anybody else other than a judge, it will have no basis in law. And while still on it, why is Raila against a fresh general election that includes parliamentary and civic elections as well? Their elections were also overseen by the same "incompetent" ECK and so we cannot rule out mischief there either.

  60. Deroo I must admit that I agree with you - to a point (latest response + Kiswahili response above). Things may actually not change and we may just have to toil on notwithstanding the damage already done to the economy.

    THE SAD THING IS THAT WE MAY KEEP QUIET BUT AS WE APPROACH 2010, THINGS will deteriorate again. Unfortunately, this time, the violence may start even before the elections.

    We seriously need a formidable solution if Kenya is to find a peace that lasts us well into the future.

  61. Nakubaliana nawe Bw. Anonymous kwamba tunafaa kufanya uchaguzi mpya. Lakini ndugu yangu lazima ukubali kwama demokrasia ni kiongozi kupewa makuu na walio wengi. Hivyo basi, kwa nini tusikuwe na uchaguzi baina ya Kibaki na Raila ili tujue kikamilifu ni nani ana wengi wa wafuasi miongoni mwa Wakenya. Pendekezo langu ni Kalonzo abanduke kung'ang'ania urais. Tukifanya hivyo, una uhakika Raila atashinda? Ninauliza hivyo kwa sababu hakuna wakenya ambao wanafaa kutengwa na muhimu zaidi kiongozi atakayeongoza Kenya anafaa kupewa hayo mamlaka na zaidi ya asilimia hamsini ya wapiga kura.

  62. VIKII, firstly, Raila has not stated that he is "against" a repeat of the entire electoral process. In saying that he wishes to see a fresh presidential election, he is zeroing in on the one part of the election that had the most serious problems.

    If Kibaki feels he can go one up against Raila then let him order new general elections.

    As for fresh elections, why can't the judiciary order them. Aren't they Kenyans too eager to protect democracy?

    As the Kiswahili blogger says above, Amos Wako has already added his voice to those who have questioned the elections.

  63. He cannopt order a fresh election. They never order a fresh election in Nigeria which claimed more lives than our case. they did not order fresh elections in the Congo. They (the international community people are talking about now) did not order fresh election next door in Uganda. This problem is internal.

    Frsh Elections? and people are dispalced, sleeping in church compounds and even being burnt. Hapana. This is more than some think.


  64. Anonymous u are wrong. I have heard him say he wants a repeat "of the presidential poll not parliamentary". The parliamentary results could as well have been as a result of ECK corruptibility. Let us not engage in any double standards here.

  65. Asante Vikii. Ukweli ni kwamba hatuwezi kujibu maswali yako tukiwa tumeketi kitako nyumbani. Majibu yatajulikana baada ya uchaguzi mpya.

    Kama rais alishinda, mbona anaogopa?

  66. Some people go through life and leave a positive legacy (These kind of people live) and others are nothing but a statistic of their time (These just exist). When Kenya was under the dictatorship of Moi, Raila, among others, served time for wanting all to be involved in the destiny of the country. Where was Kibaki? - (vice president) and Kalonzo? - (Kanu organising secretary). A leader is one who distinguishes oneself during crises. Kalonzo and Kibaki are yet to show that they can sacrifice anything dear to them for the benefit of all. Let's give credit where it is due and not have selective amnesia.

  67. Vikii as I have said then fine. Let us have fresh elections. Can somebody wake up Kibaki and tell him just as much?

  68. Vikii thank you but no thanx!!!
    Kibaki that fart of a man stole the votes , rigged the elections and has robbed kenyans of their democratic liberties. Raila won this election and MUST NOT sit down for talks with a thief....what for??? Kibaki needs to step down and grant kenyans their wish. How I wish more and more blood spills in the name of democacry. It never has been served in a silver platter..ask the Americans..

  69. Lakini rais hawezi kuitishi uchaguzi mpya kwa sababu hiyo si kazi yake. Sasa hivi tunapoongea, hakuna malalamishi yoyote kuhusu uchaguzi. Kwa mujibu wa sheria, ni hakimu peke yake anayo mamlaka ya kuagiza uchaguzi mpya. Mwai Kibaki anangojea amri ya mahakama ili aanze kampeni. Tunaweza tu kuwa na uchaguzi mpya kipindi cha uakilishi bungeni kilichoanza wiki hii kikiisha ama mahakama ikiamuru hivyo.

  70. Thank you anon 12.19pm - well said. Some are glorifying the people who have caused all this mess, the same people who want calm before any negotiations. ask yourself whats the point of the negotiations when there is calm. Again the Economist article capture it better than local media which seems to be partisan.

  71. I am not one for violence. The truth is that we can calm down without a genuine solution to the problems arising from these elections.

    The sad thing is that it WILL BE THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM as the next election approaches.

  72. VIKII Ghasia zinaendelea kwasababu watu wengi wanafikiria kwamba mahakama siyo suluhisho.

    Mimi binafsi nilirejea Kumekucha baada ya kujulishwa juu ya maoni ya KENYA JURIST: RUMINATIONS ON LEGAL REDRESS, A FAIT ACCOMPLI.

  73. Iam not a luo or kikuyu. But I do understand what being cheated feels like. Iam so saddened when I talk to my kikuyu friends and all I get is alot of tribal sentiments coming from them. One of them actually told me that the economy of Kenya will collapse if Raila took over. Where does he get this information from?

    The issue here is that Kikuyus have to realise that its time to pull off from their grand pretence that they are more "clever, wiser, hard working" and all they have been made to believe by their fathers. Its about time they got connected to other Kenyans way of thinking as Kenyans. No one is superior. Like any person in Kenya its their right to vote for whoever person they want.

    This is the catch. How many Kikuyus are able to stand up to Kibaki and force him to do the right thing to stop what is happening in Kenya? If the majority of them joined with the other Kenyans to collect that which is obviously a rigged election, president Kibaki will have no option but to do the right thing whatever that will be.

    Kibaki is hanging on in hope that things will calm down and move on. That is his style. People who are angry unfortunately dont forget that quick. Kenyans feel cheated and until this is collected there is not gonna be peace. Letting people like Kimunya speak during a crisis like this one is a recipe for disaster. He is a Kikuyu chauvinist to the helm...remember his fish market cum nairobi stock exchange comment. Letting Tuju speak is disaster by itself. he aint an elected voice! Actually Kibaki lacks all the fire power of reason that our country has plenty because they are all in the opposition.

    If men like Kimunya, Kiunjuri whatever his name is, can reason out and accept that there is a Kikuyu factor in this election and talk to the president the true facts , Iam sure Kibaki will act responsibly. But as long as the Kikuyu dont want to think like Kenyans and start seeing this as a luo problem which is not, Iam afraid that is the start of chaos.

  74. Sasa basi niambie pendekezo yako ni nini? Lazima nikukumbushe kwamba kuna umuhimu mkuwa wa kufuata sheria. Ni vibaya mtu yeyote kufikiria kwamba mambo yatafanywa atakavyo. Tuko na katiba ambayo kila kiongozi ameapa kulinda. Tuko na sheria zingine zinazotoa mwelekeo kuhusu chaguzi zote nchini. Kwa hivyo ukitoa pendekezo yoyote lazima ikuwe na msingi wa kisheria sio tu matakwa ya mtu binafsi.

  75. Thank you anon@ 12.41. I agree with you entirely.

    I also agree with the anon. above who said that we may keep quiet now but as long as their are no real solutions then it will be the calm before the storm as we approach the next election.

  76. Vikii , like Mr.Kibaki, is completely out of touch... but I guess democracy is all about haring each others view! He deserves to be heard then be told the truth on the ground accordingly. To tell you the truth it will take a concerted week's effort by Raila to stop his supporters from protesting further. This thing was very automatic. All the media houses had records from various polling stations so do not insult our intelligence!!

  77. Whoever wrote this article War against self is talking like Senator Barrack Obama, read "Obama`s statement" to Kenyans urging a way forward without violence.That`s how leaders talk unlike Raila and Kibaki.

    AND as you have indicated here, Kibaki AND Raila are not Leaders. These are crooks who were once in OLD KANU, jumped ship when their interests were not going there way, and now here they are with loose tongues inciting Kenyans to KILL one another.

    These are Greedy, Selfish, idiotic bastards and i can prove that.

    After they took over from MOI, the Economy of the country had been run down by Moi almost to Zero.
    AND the first thing they did is to ADD themselves Salary to SHS. 400,000aamonth to MP`S and obviously exhobitant amounts to Ministers and the President, insted of even adding Teachers salary and they are the ones who teach our Children.



    I`m ashamed to be a Kenyan. Time will tell these guys are senile, they do do value human life and shpuld be answerable to all these deaths of innocent Kenyans.

    Don`t Even mention Ruto, He is an OLD KANU crook, who became a millionare in less than a year during his uncle`s Barbaric regime as secretary general and now they are shouting loudest INSTED of talking to their moroons to stop killing their neigbours and friends.



  78. No peeps, let us try as much as possible to detach tribalism from the happenings of the last one week. I feel bad when I read stuff like 'i am a kikuyu and i voted for...". That is rubbish. This election was not about tribes. I feel equally bad when people accuse kikuyus of such and such. There are Kikuyus who voted Kibaki, others voted for Raila, others for Kalonzo and yet others for Kukubo and Nazlin and they were all perfectly within their democratic rights. It is defeatist for people to keep blaming the kikuyus or any other people for that matter for their problems. It is delusional to imagine that only kikuyus voted for Kibaki. It is sentiments like these that raise questions on the motive of the violence we are witnessing. Like I said, I do not have to be a kikuyu to differ with you guys. I do not have to be one to hold an opinion.

  79. You are an unabashed tribalism who thinks that Raila is at fault. The problem is Kibaki and nothing else. He has caused the bloodshed as the people killinmg are not only Luos. Your tribal vitriol as tantamount to inciting people to go to kill.
    Shame on you !!!!!

  80. Kweli Vikii "tuko na katiba ambyayo kila kiongozi ameapa kulinda" lakini Kibaki hakulinda hiyo katiba na matendo yaliyofuata yametupeleka jangwani kikatiba.

    Kwa hivyo suluhisho yangu ni uchaguzi mpya. Kama Kibaki ni mzalendo, anaweza kuambia wabunge wake wajiunge na wabunge wengine ili wabadilishe katiba huko bungeni kuwezesha uchaguzi mpya.

  81. The loud call for peace by most is good, but if the underlaying issues of tribalism,democracy and equal development of the country are not addressed.

    Then be prepared for much worse in 2012 when PNU guys try staying on again with the help of Kalonzo our next Vice President in a few days time.........

  82. PHILIP ROY: My exact sentiments.

    The only reason Kenyans feel they have had enough violence is because they have enjoyed a relatively peaceful postcolonial era.

    Silence will breed an even more virulent virus of chaos in 2012.

    Let us not bury our heads in the sand.

  83. VIKII I hope you have seen the Kiswahili blogger's response to your last question.

    I agree with him(her?) that if the constitution does not allow for a fresh presidential election, it can be changed. If Kibaki is genuine, he will rally his M.P.s to unite with others to change it.

  84. Hapana ndugu yangu. Tena umenowa. Ushawahisikia utenganishaji wa mamlaka yaani kwa lugha ya kimombo separation of powers? Kazi ya bunge ni kuunda sheria sio kuagiza chaguzi.Bunge haiwezi kupitisha sheria kwamba tuwe na uchaguzi baada ya kila siku kumi. Mahakama peke yake ndiyo ina huo uwezo. The legislature, just like the executive have to keep off what is ideally a jurisdiction of the court. Sijui kama tunaelewana mwendani wangu.

  85. Vikii the punk AN (ask your friends who taught you to say peeps what the AN stands for) has just landed wherever he has and is now throwing around American slang ati "peeps". Please! First, Kenyans are not stupid. Stop suggesting that the legal system is an option when the court is stacked with Kibaki appointees, some appointed as late as 12/24/07. For someone who tries to act like a modern day Plato, that argument is a bunch of hogwash. I respect your differing opinion, but don't make arguments here about what ODM hasn't done while conveniently avoiding the role the ECK played and have owned up to. Your disdain for Raila is well documented so (and that's perfectly fine)...just don't try to stuff our throats with some intellegentsia bs after your "long flight" about who is responsible for the mess we are in. Call a spade a spade. Kibaki, Raila and all leaders have a responsibility to pacify the country. Kibaki's side has declined any efforts at mediation and has his spokesman and folks like Kimunya stating that there are no plans for talks. How else can change begin when arrogance pervades the tenor of communication??? Until you acknowledge what the real issue here is you and the rest of your ilk will be in denial and it what change anything on the ground.

    And before your refer to me as a drunk ODM supporter or any of the other monikers you apply to those who didn't smoke the same bong you did....I write this is a Kenyan first who chooses to see the truth for what it is.

  86. Philip...I don't think some of these Mt. Kenya mafia will live to see 2012. At the rate at which the country's mayhem has eveolved, we are left to wonder how long this political stalemate will last. I personally can not let this thing to go a Kenyan Court because the justice system in Kenya is too corrupt and the court battles will last a lifetime. I will bet you guyz $1000 there will be assasinations either way and Kibaki bears the brunt on this one!!!!

  87. Vikii,

    Two down one to go. Remember....PIGS WILL FLY

    Good Night. I have to raise early for work. CHeck your email in half an hour.


  88. Nakuelewa ndugu Vikii. Nami ninasema Bunge ikishabadilisha katiba ni kazi ya mahakama kuifuata.

  89. Mr. Abusive Anonymous, I will not dwell on America because I dont consider it any fancy. Yes I dont. You seem to imagine that I am the hardest hit by the violence and that is why you give me little conditions like "until you...." Come on I have said it here a hundred and one times if anyone thinks violence is the best route and they are not ready to convinced otherwise, they should gladly soldier on. I wish them luck.

    If the ECK tilted the elections in favour of the president and all that is required for people to see sense is my admission of the same, then I admit it. Go ye now to the streets and stop the violence. We cannot keep yelling 'the ECK rigged'. The same act that established the ECK has provisions for conflict resolution in the event of a disputed poll. Why are you blind to that one fact Mr. American?

  90. Why are we all going round in circles? The facts are:

    a) The election was flawed.
    b) There is violence which we all would rather our country experience.
    c)The problem of the flawed election must be addressed.

    Fail to do (c) and Kenya shall be plunged into full blown civil war by Dec. 2012.

  91. Good night Derek. I still have a long way to go.

  92. Peace for all.

    Let us end the violence and resolve the election queries.

  93. Anon @ 1.25 Oops...I meant "which we would all rather our country NOT experience."

  94. anon 12:52

    interesting revelation in those articles about police keeping a tally. question is why are all these organisations (police, media, observers, etc) not publishing this information and put an end to this sordid mess. what are they waiting for or like kivuitu will wait and come up a day too late. in the meantime more lives continue to be lost.

  95. I too am logging off.

    My prayers for the night: we wake up to a Kenya in which leaders on both sides build on Thursday's conciliatory gestures.

  96. I think the problem with venting our anger on the situation from the comfort of our laptops in some secured location, is that we end up betraying our leanings while convincing ourselves that we are neutral, just like the writer of the article has done.
    As to whether the elections were rigged or not, I think the ECK Chairman has cleared that. The rest is denial.
    And let us not start pointing fingers and throwing around words like genocide, when Kuresoi burnt for more than two years while we did not utter a word.
    My 2 cents: with the time that has passed ruling out a retally, and the judiciary having its owners, the only way to establish the facts once more is a rerun of the elections.
    Let he without sin cast the first stone.

  97. Kibaki...
    "Ye who sleeps with an itchy ass, wakes up with stinking fingerS"
    .....This wheel is just about to complete a full circle!!

  98. I am amazed and saddened at the way people in this blog digress from the issues at hand and go personal. I don't think you earn any respect when you show your ugly side. As you waste time typing unprintables, souls are perishing, people are dying of hunger and cold and disease. Hatred is giving birth to vengeance and the country is steadily falling down into the abbyys. Now you have even chased away beautiful Lillian from the blog. Please Lillian come back and continue with your sensible contributions. You have fans who like your reasoning and way of seeing things, even if they have not told you so. Your leaving this blog will increase the concentration of busybodies and sadists who derive pleasure from inflicting pain on others.
    And this brings me to the reason I wanted to contribute to this blog: Someone said that the red in our flag is not for cosmetic reasons. And this he/she used it in the context that it is OK for the blood currently being shed in Kenya to continue. I can't disagree more. The red in the Kenyan flag stands for the blood that was shed for us to attain Uhuru from the colonialist (you may confirm this from your primary school civics notes). This blood was shed by those who fought for Uhuru, not those who were killed innocently for merely exercising their democratic right of voting for a leader of their choice. A good analogy is the blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross. It is blood He willingly shed for a cause-salvation of mankind. The killings going on in this country are evil and are guided by hatred and anger, not love or cause. Akina Kenyatta fought for Uhuru and could have died for it, but when they succeeded, they did not kill the colonialists. Instead they invited them to invest in Kenya. Mandela is made of the same cloth.

    I am also disappointed by those who are seeing the current problems we have as Kibaki Vs Raila as persons. No. It is about institutions. Have you noticed that Kibaki is behaving exactly like Moi? In fact that is why they are now close buddies. It is because the current institution of the presidency is flawed. It gives the incumbent so much powers that he gets "drunk" with it. You and I know that drunk people have lost some of their senses, cannot balance well, cannot stand upright, their eyes are bloodshot and have lost their respect, integrity and touch with the realities on the ground. That is why Moi would appoint the late Chesoni to be ECK Chairman and later, Chief Justice even when he was not qualified by virtue of having been convicted of malpractices. That is why he would convert a chief prosecutor (Benard Chunga) into a Chief Justice even when he knew very well that Chunga was not a qualified lawyer (how did Amos Wako work with him??). I am very sure that if Raila gets that seat and operates within the same powers, he will invite Kibaki and Moi to be his buddies (unthinkable at the moment, but that is the naked truth). When Kibaki was elected in 2002, it was with the understanding that he would reduce presidential powers and have more checks and balances. He instead entrenched himself more, even throwing away the gentleman's agreements of IPPG. Why are people talking of wanting change? It is because they want the institution of the presidency changed, not just Kibaki removed. That is why when he said he would change the constitution in a hundred days, people voted for him even though they knew it was not practical. The current constitution on the presidency was (I think) crafted with the notion that the holder of the seat would always have the national interests at heart and would therefore use the immense powers to do national good. I think only Mandela would be a good president with our laws. The rest of us would misuse those powers for our own good. I really feel nauseated when I hear politicians and lawyers sticking out their necks and saying the law has to be followed, even when it is clearly being misused. For instance, Moi dished out public land legally, but to friends and relatives and not for national good. Policemen are being used for personal and not national good. Public resources are being used for personal and not national good.

    Finally, I detest those who say that even if he rigged himself into the presidency, Kibaki should be left to continue because he improved the economy to 7%. The two are not related, although they refer to the same person. It's like saying a teacher who defiles his students should not be arrested because he posts very good results in national exams. Would you recommend such a teacher to tuition your children? No. You would first make him stop defiling children before you re-instate him to his job. And if he is nearing retirement, you would just sack him for good. Please let us look at issues rationally for its only in doing so that we shall be able to offer practical solutions.

  99. i had given up on his blog with all the stupid posts by people who claim to be patriots flawed or not senseless slaughter is not the solution i live in ruto's constituency he is for a fact a tribl demagogue and inciter per excellence what is happening here is nothing short of ethnic cleansing worse than what was seen in 1992 yes elections ere flawed but we dont deserve this it pains me to see theperson i voted for talk about using whichever means necessaey to get power

  100. What's wrong in dividing the country to as many pieces as needed? That will solve the problem:
    -kikuyus can stay in central and steal as much as they wish and being policed by Mungiki
    -luos in nyanza and be lazy and throw stones at the Lake
    -kambas in Eastern and work for Muindi
    -kaleos in RV drinking milk and being backwards
    -Maasai in Nairobi and environs drinking blood
    -Vikii will stay in (Vikki, where would you prefer: NB. united kenya is not an option after Dec 27)

    And so on and so on, till sense dawns on everyone that..

  101. Vikii and Derek, wacheni kuvuta bozaa ya bc pwana. The simplicity by which you see things is quite amazing. Your collective commitment to refuse recognition of the fraud visited upon the Kenyan voter is alarming. Your choice to magically shut your eyes to the glaring evidence of mischief and deceit is baffling.

    Do you remember how high school bullies would terrorize form one students then dare them to report the matter to authorities? That is the type of shenanigan Kibaki is trying to pull right here. Even you, men of impeccable astuteness, know what Aganyanya's verdict will be prior to Raila setting foot in court. It is shameful of you to suddenly embrace the fairness of Kenyan courts. Kwani what were you drinking on that long flight?

    To limit Raila to legalities in the midst of illegalities is in itself illegal.

  102. What Vikki means by two down one to go is
    1. Stealing of the votes (ECK legitimizing tally )- Done
    2. Hijacking executive powers(Judiciary swearing in president) - Done
    3. Eliminating the leader of the oposition (State Security)- Pending

    These are covert operators trying to muddy the waters.
    4. PIGS WILL FLY means that they will use live bullets on the next rally or try for
    Uhuru Park hence the early morning . He is warning his workmate to keep clear
    and prepare for the next phase of the operation

  103. That was not me, that was derek and it is about some Kumekucha commentators who have been lying to themselves for the last couple of years

  104. Derek or YOU its the same

  105. This blog has no meaning nor idealogy.

  106. I agree, let us stop wasting time arguing about the integrity of the elections.

    The elections were rigged and the rigging led to violence.

    We need a fresh election - period.

  107. So what's your point here,sir?

  108. By the way...For those not in the picture. Yesterday or today...


    That is from December 30, 2007, Mwai Kibaki was named as the president of Kenya to serve for five years, starting Sunday. IN short, GAME SHORT. Kazi iendelee...

    That is what the Constitution of Kenya says. Just got a txt message that woke me up...


    NB: Someone wondering what PIGS WILL FLY MEANS? Then how new are you in KUMEKUCHA? You should be days old!!!!

  109. Vikii Victor or whatever... you just flew in? Can I safely assume that you didn't even vote?

    If my assumption is right, you have no business commenting on Kenya's situation.

    Life has been getting more expensive for the average Kenyan. They now feel that the only power they had to make a change was robbed from them.... This is a war of the haves and have nots. It is not tribal!

  110. "Vikii Victor or whatever... you just flew in?" -------I did not say so. I said I am fresh from a long flight which could be from Kenya to Turkey, sudan to the US, The US to South Africa or even Kenya to Jamaica after having voted 8 days ago. Are you guys below average by any chance?

  111. Yesterday Philemon Othieno aka Phil posted an copy of Form 16A which had been altered by him and his ODM activists and presented to BBC as forged proof of election fraud.

    1) What was ODM doing with documents that were supposed to be in ECK custody in a safe?

    2) In the event the form was not authentic, what was ODM or Philemon Othieno doing with blank ECK materials so as to fill them in and allege election rigging?

    Regardless of the answer to the two questions above, it is evident that ODM had in its possession materials that were supposed to be with ECK and is now attempting to cry foul when they are the culprits behind the disappearance and alterations of the form 16As.

  112. The blog is being used to pass information, of course:

    You better believe it. The stage has been set for the genocide of the LUOs ( after all, "they" are the main pain and obstacles to "eating" in Kenya, right?). Wait and see.

    The Kikuyus being chased from RV is a front ( or some unexpected result that will soon be dealt with ).

    This is the plot:
    -eliminate Raila; use force to mow the Kibera/mathare luos, who, as expected, will protest
    -kibaki tours nyanza, the Government operatives eliminate him, Luos are blamed and mowed down ( history repeats itself )

    Why do you think they have been at pains to try to project the violence as Luos killing Kikuyus ( and the western media propagates it )?

    Well, so that when the act is done, the stage would have been set (Just like they used Opinion polls and kept shouting how close to call the polls were )

    If i were a luo, i would be thinking of seeking asylum in Tanzania! Your days are numbered in Kenya. Know what battles you can win and what is beyond you.

    As expected, elitist luos who read this, will, in their usual baseless and loud bravado, say "Nothing like that is gonna happen" )

  113. Wewe wacha bangi. Umevuta gani wewe. Nishakuambia uwache kuchoma

  114. Wewe wacha bangi. Umevuta gani wewe. Nishakuambia uwache kuchoma

  115. Dont continue to muddy the waters here, you are paid to do what you are doing you have sold your souls for money . As said a new election is what will solve this problem period.... All talk about ODM and PNU or GNU is a waste of time. Vested interests who pay the pipper will not let that happens as YOU Derek and Vikii know very well.

  116. Vikii,

    Thank you for your perception of reality, which is clearly not shared by all of us.

    Could you please provide me with links/evidence where Raila has instructed his supporters to go on slashing looting sprees ?

    I feel that is something that I have not picked up in all the news to date, so am waiting for you to provide me with the evidence.

    My understanding is that Kenyans are angry and hurt, feel that they have been robbed/cheated, and some Kenyans are committing acts of violence.

    What I was not aware of, was that instructions have come from Raila Odinga, to all his supporters, to go out and kill.

    I appreciate this is your perception of reality, and I am attempting to make some sense of your post.

    I do not believe that people have to have bullet wounds to empathise, with those who have been injured or killed.(Your reference to Sam Okello)

    I believe we can empathise with others, without needing to have shared their experience.

    All of us are affected by this situation, and we all have different ways of expressing our distress.

    I have no control over how you choose to interpret events. However, I appreciate you have a different view.

    I spoke to my folks this evening, and our neighbourhood borders Kawangare. Luos have been thrown out of houses owned by Kikuyus, and told to find other accomodation.

    Further down the road all the kiosks owned by Kikuyus have been burned down.

    We used to live peacefully, and my heart goes out to everyone.

  117. vikii or who ever the f you are.are telling us things we don't already know or do you assume we do not know what our judiciary system is made.
    Do you honestly believe that it is possible to settle anything in court.what world do u live in?
    Finaly who has turned down mediation is it kibaki or raila ?

  118. Quote me. Please do. did I say Raila has instructed his supporters to loot? I said in response to someone who felt that those perpetrating violence are justified that you cannot get justice by looting and slashing which is exactly what the hooligans are doing.

    Empathy? Fine. I also empathise with the innocent who have been butchered. But regardless of what we thinlk transpired, this primitivism of people killing others has to stop. When Raila, ruto and Sam Okello keep saying "we wont stop" what do they mean? They need to lead the battlefront literally speaking. That will be the surest way of displaying solidarity with the poor youth on the streets. I also promise to join them once they do it.

  119. Viki, so in your 'democratic world', if you see someone looting, you shoot at them. Oh, you people but no surprise, in Viki-Micuki world, their form of democracy is a shoot to kill for looters.

  120. Viki, I have learnt in life that the worst thing we should do is being unfair. I will wait till the day they rob Kalonzo Musyoka and hopefully that day, I will be able to read your reactions. Until then, you are free to write what you want.

  121. It is now obvious we are not speaking the same language. I have to go. You guys, have fun heckling but please dont stone anyone in the eye.

  122. But before you go, Viki. I hope when that day when Kalonzo is robbed either by this same people or others, we will still be able to talk. Till that day, all the best.

  123. How do you ask someone to go to court when you yourself ignored the lawas of the land and manipulated the laws to secretly swear yourself in?? Suddenly after the clock struck midnight on Dec 30th 2007 the law suddenly can be applied to all after it was muted prior to that? Look at the people being targeted in this debacle and you will read what the whole of kenya is trying to say to Kibaki. Anyone who followed this election on tv from day one and i happened to record it so if anyone needs my evidence i am willing to make dvd's and provide it as well. The number of registered voters in many areas in eastern and central were blantantly ordered. This is not about Juja or kieni or North Imenti. Its about a small percentage of people thinking that they can do whatever they want with the government regardless of the outcome of a national election and rubbing it in the face of kenyans. Kenyans are rejecting the return of the dark old days under Moi and Kenyatta whereby if you were not from a favored community then you must be treated as a second or even 3rd class citizen. At no one time did anyone in ODM call a press conference and urge ODM'ers to start attacking PNU supporters. I suppose shoot to kill orders given by Michuki and Murage to cops headed to western and nyanza are ok? Do you wonder why that order is was not made for say Coast or Rift Valley or Nort Eastern?? because those people are armed and will shoot back. Look at all the videos from day one. Look at which regions have cops with deadly weapons and which regions have cops with rungu's.....My 2 cts.

  124. PEACE IN KENYA!!!


  125. Reports coming out say the army is beginning to put pressure on Kibaki to turn things around or broker some sort of talks. Well he is way aloof in his hyena house surrounded by all his hyena cronies. Instead of torching ordinary Kenyan's we should be protesting as one people for the removal of all Hyena's from Hyena house.

  126. My brothers and sisters, as difficult as this may be for those of us who feel wronged by the declared outcome of this election, remember that whether Raila or Kibaki really won the election is a secondary point at this stage.

    We have a nation on the brink. Poor (in every sense of the word) women and children are dying by the hundreds so forgive me if I say that I simply don't give a damn which of the two billionaires won or lost.

    This madness needs to STOP, and stop soon. Kibaki and Raila need to sit in dialog if they have to be dragged there kicking and screaming. They are not kindergarteners, why are they acting that way?

    This is not a tribal conflict. I have seen footage that shows a Gikuyu man or woman saying that they are Raila supporters. This is a fight against poverty. A fight against the tycoon that they believe is more insensitive to the plight of the "wretched of Kenya" (as the Economist so tactlessly described them.)

    The unfortunate thing is that we're engaging in the same useless rhetoric (intellectual masturbation) here on this forum. Stop it. Stop it now. Raila (Kisumu Molasses) and Kibaki (Ken-Ren Fertilizer) have both stolen food from the mouths of the poor and downtrodden.

    If Kibaki and Raila will not engage in dialog then they should BOTH go. Enough. Or else we should send Jimmy and Fidel to stay in Huruma or Dandora until they realize that the dying kids have parents too.

    My $0.02

    A Kenyan, a disgusted Kenyan.

  127. Silaha you finally see my point. Am I glad more and more people are beginning to see these two presidents as nothing but choo presidents. Both surrounded by mere pos, both with manifestos that don't regard the plight of the poor as a priority. Let them both sink in the pit latrine but we KENYANS SHOULD BEGIN TO COME TOGETHER AND CHOOSE A VISIONARY LEADER FROM A VISIONARY POLITICAL PARTY.



    1.ECK Chairman Kivuitu and his incompetent commissioners should be charged for abuse of office and betraying the trust of more than 14 million voters.
    2. They should pay back all the allowances and salaries paid to them from TAX Payers POCKETS which they have earned in millions to compensate the victims of this fracas and the dead victims families.
    3. That money should be used to re-settle the victims back to their homes and be provided security.
    AND for those "Mangunia ya makaa" was looted they should be paid in full.
    4. Kibaki and Raila are as incompetent as Kivuitu and should not lead Kenyans. They are greedy, ignorant men who have the best life in the world and do not value Human life.
    5.All the Dead and the displaced in the cold as we speak, innocently went to vote on Dec 27, 2007 and exercise their legitimate democratic rights. And mind you they are all kenyans. I have not heard a Rwadese or Ugadan voted.

    These chaos which have claimed innocent people`s lives should not go unchallenged and people should be held responsible.

    This two old men "Kibaki and Raila" are millionaires who are out to make even more millions at the cost of the common man. "Raping the economy"
    Wakenya sasa wameelevuka, we are in the 21st century and we know our rights.
    AND by the way if people on this blog can stop addressing tribalism/ethnic cheap talks, we have alot of potential that we can utilise and see our country develop without Raila and Kibaki.
    Whether they have degrees or NOT, i think their education is already obsolete, because they can`t even address issues of loss of life, all they are talking about is POWER. Do these people realise that Mwananchi is the power?
    We can let them occupy state house or say NO. Believe me or Not.

    Why don`t they go abroad where they have stashed billions of stolen wealth and live there?

    Don`t even mention PNU affiliates they are crooks and the likes of OLD KANU Ruto, Mudavadi Balala and their cronies ni Majambazi wote. They are Worst than pick pockets on Nairobi streets.
    Some people deserve to be behind bars and never utter a word of leadership.

    This the time when they could be addressing their gangs/militia to stop Killing their neighbours and friends and looting their chickens. Instaed they are just payukaring as if they are on drugs. Not knowing what they are talking about.

    SHAME ON YOU Kivuitu and i hear you are doing theology degree when you retire "Never ever preach to me with your blood stained hands, the other moroon is Raila You can`t even look at International reporters on the eye and answer straight forward questions and Kibaki, when swearing a stolen election you can`t even talk straight and look at the camera, all you have to say is You will continue with your uharamia.
    Those are all signs of crooks and people who are not genuine.

    None of you should be a leader in KENYA BECAUSE YOU ARE not Leaders.

  129. And for those who dispute that we need a visionary leader, KIBAILA don't seem to see that we could be headed into a civil war.

    KIBAILA's vision is firmly focused on Hyena House.

  130. Ok, Raila dropped his earlier condition of Kibaki resigning and said he is willing to be party to a unity government that is there for teh sole purpose of calling for a new election within 3 months. Still no response from Kinaki to that. Tutu met Raila and said the talks were very positive and constructive but Kibaki refused to meet him. The gov't through its spokesman Alfred Mutua clearly refused any mediation. Today, Kibaki in his speech made it clear that he is not willing to engage in any dialogue before the situation goes back to normal. How do you normalise the situation without first having dialogue? Clearly, fellow Kenyans, the writings are clear on the wall. Raila is willing to sacrifice sth and compromise but Kibaki, Uhuru and his cronies are only hardening their positions.


  132. Why are they fighting for the presidency with so much aloofness? Raila went to the morgue, but has made no comment on what he saw in there. He comes out and talks of tomorrow rally. What is that all about. I guess the scenes in the morgue were not gruesome enough for him to say enough is enough, lets restore order. As for Kibaki, he seems to be holed up playing golf while the country burns. A leader he definitely is not, I am just surprised he survived the last 5 years. But I guess with Lucy dictatiing things, anything is possible.

  133. Talking about Lucy, Ida has been eerily quite.

  134. Talking about Lucy, here is a thought. She loves slapping people round doesn't she. Why not go slap all those perpatrators of violence. Should keep you busy for a year or so.

  135. Kenyans we should all grow up and for those who are still growing, Please it`s time to mature.



  136. Kimanthi, the innocent women and children who were burnt in a church met their genocide in Eldoret. Who is the MP for Eldoret North? Your guess is as good as mine, that my friend is the financier, organizer and executor of ethnic cleansing in Rift Valley province. Have you seen Ruto go to his constituency to ask his constituents (and militia) to stop the ethnic cleansing? Did you hear Ruto give a statement on the burning of innocent Kenyans in a church in his constituency? He will not until his mission to complete ethnic cleansing in Rift Valley and elsewhere is completed.

  137. Yes George, your wish is my command. I put a spell on you to read beyond what I wrote. You should mature shortly


    I wish Kibaki would get tired of it too. Is he trully interested in peace? If he is then he should get the dialogue going to attain it.

    Claiming to wait for the violence to end is imprudent and insincere.


  140. Everytime I call home, I find the mood of family and friends sinking deeper and deeper. According to the Daily Nation, the mass evacuation of tourists may begin this weekend if things do not change soon.

    Surely, the current state of affairs cannot go on forever. Our leaders must TALK NOW and not later.

  141. Kibaki's statements, given in his usual sleepy stupor, were most unhelpful.

    Kenyans are suffering and for every day of the stalemate, the country is further and further away from recover.

    WAKE UP KIBAKI! Take up the Tutu, Raila talk offer TONIGHT!

  142. To Anon. of 5.10 p.m.: I share your sentiments. It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to contact my family. I try to be positive but I am feeling more miserable at the end of every call or sms.

    In the end, the onus is on the govt. of the day. Kibaki must take up the olive branches that have been offered. Kenyans will understand that he too is trying. Right now I remain unconvinced and angry.

  143. The "a plague on both houses" argument is tempting but puerile. Politicians are politicians, but Kenya needs a president, and he will be either Odinga or Kibaki. How to choose? Accept international mediation for either a robust recount or, even fairer, a run off in three months time. Voters may want to take into account their favored candidate's actions during this past week when they head back to the ballot box.

  144. I care less about Kivuitu, Kibaki, Raila and Lucy etc.

    Their hands are tainted with blood of innocent Kenyans who on the morning of Dec 27, 2007 had no idea what would befall on them for exercising their democratic rights.

    What is democracy? Can someone define it in simple terms?

    Kenyans who voted for Raila did so because it was their right to do so and vice versa.

    After the dust settles, These three old senile men hungry with power, i mean Kivuitu, Kibaki and Raila should be charged in the international court for the blood they have spilled due to their selfness and Greed.


    Please guys support me on these.

    AND THIS WILL TEACH PM IN WAITING "Ruto" and his cronies who will be in Kamiti Prison serving a life sentence a lesson. And it will also be a lesson to aspiring Future genuine leaders.

  145. there's a petition that kenya be expelled from the commonwealth..kibaki sympathisers and apologists can keep it up as we denegrate into a chaotic state..wajinga sana!

    hope u guys heard what uhuru said..very arrongant statement from another theif who should kiss kenyan votes away; err what the heck, they'll rig anyway

  146. I had not heard about the Commonwealth expulsion petition but I hate the way our reputation is being tarnished.

    I agree with those who says that the govt. must play a bigger role. The govt. has not only the machinery but the responsibilities of an incumbent rest squarely on Kibaki's shoulders. I DON'T THINK HE IS DOING ENOUGH.

    KIBAKI'S HALF-HEARTED AND INSINCERE REMARKS will keep Kenya in the darkness.

  147. What we all need is somebody to go to State House, grab Kibaki's shoulders and snap him out of his daze.

    Now that he considers himself the president he should act like one.

  148. One only needs to read the Hansard to see that Ruto is behind the ethnic cleansing in Rift Valley which he started in Mt Elgon and Kuseroi before the elections and which he has resumed again after the elections through his murderous private militia. It is clear how Serut\\\'s consituents were unable to vote for him for they had been ethnically cleansed or forced to flee for their dear lifes, the same thing we are seeing happening in Eldoret, Ruto is simply doing the ground work ahead of time in Rift Valley in the event a new election is held. As for the co-conspirators, which flags are they bearing post election? Keter (ODM), Bett (ODM), Sirma (ODM), Kilimo (KENDA for the Brother Paul $$$ handouts) not to mention the fact that Kapondi (ODM) still has a case to answer:

    The House had interrupted normal business at 10.30am to discuss the clashes following a request by the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Security MPs urged the Government to stop the land allocations to give dialogue a chance. The Changamwe MP also demanded \\\"adequate compensation\\\" to the victims. \\\"We don’t want to see more tribal clashes as elections near,\\\" he added. Residents opposed to allocations at Chebyuk settlement scheme formed a rag-tag army, Sabaot Land Defence Force.

    Trouble however started in when area MP, Mr John Serut, accused four MPs and a \\\"warlord\\\" were fanning the clashes. On a Point of Order, Baringo Central MP, Mr Gideon Moi, asked Serut to substantiate his claims. Eldoret North MP, Mr William Ruto, challenged him to name the individuals.

    It was then that Serut named Ruto, Mr Musa Sirma, Mrs Linah Kilimo, and Mr Franklin Bett as those behind the clashes. He further named a Mr Fred Kapondi as the warlord. Bergut MP, Mr Charles Keter, questioned whether it was proper to name a person who could not defend himself in the House, but this saw him join Serut’s list of \\\"conspirators\\\".

    Serut claimed Keter had facilitated the release of Fred by bond. He said he had evidence that Ruto had told the people in Mt Elgon to reject the land allocated and \\\"wait for an ODM-Kenya government that would allocate the forest\\\".

    Keiyo South MP, Mr Nicholas Biwott, condemned the violence and asked the Government to act before things get out of hand. He called for dialogue to resolve the \\\"historical\\\" crisis, saying violence begets violence. \\\"The first and second phases of the resettlement was done without any problem, why now?\\\" he asked. Shadow Security minister, Mr Joseph Nkaissery, said order should be restored before dealing with the causes of the skirmishes.

    As for Kapondi\\\'s involvement we know that Serut would not kill his own blood:

    \\\"Among those who were shot dead is a brother to immediate former Mt .Elgon MP John Serut Jeremiah Serut aged 70 and his 27 year old daughter Milkah Sent.\\\"

    It is high time Raila asked Ruto to

  149. Blaming Ruto for "ethnic cleansing" will not help us now or in 2012. Let us not forget that violence is going on in Coast Province and Western Province too.

    The problem at hand is than an ELECTION WAS BOTCHED. Let us deal with that issue. Once we do, the violence will end and people will not look at 2012 with fear and trepidation.

  150. HAVE YOU NOTICED that E.A. Standard was unable to put up a Friday edition? The N.S.E. was unable to operate yesterday and an evacuation of tourists en masse is planned for the weekend. THE ECONOMY IS GRINDING TO A HALT.

    Let us stop the blame game. Most of us know the elections were rigged. We really ought to hold fresh polls in a few months time. A simple announcement of fresh polls will halt the violence.

    If not, then we should prepare to live under Kibaki for the next 5 years and rain fire and brimstone on him in parliament and NOT ON THE STREETS.

  151. All Kenyans are losing including the PNUers.

  152. ANON @ 6.37 p.m.: Thanks for pointing that out. Kenyans will wake up to find their economy writhing and crawling behind Tanzania and Uganda's.

    Who will have emerged the victor?

    P.S. You forgot to add just how many airlines are re-routing.

  153. anon@6:31 This is not about blame but asking the man who has unleashed and financed militia in RV province to carry out ethnic cleansing and genocide to stop what he is doing. Raila cannot afford to be associated with such a character who is so tainted that in his corruption case he retained none other than Julius Sunkuli
    , another ethnic cleanser named in the Akiwumi land clashes report. If you are suggesting that the burning of innocent women and children in his constituency (which Ruto has to date not bothered to condemn for obvious reasons) is right, then there is something seriously wrong with you. Peace will come when Ruto calls off his murdering militias and the reprisal attacks will similar cease.

  154. Anon @ 6.50 you will be disappointed if you think the chaos is all about Ruto. Let us address the source of the spark that has set our much loved country ablaze: a fraudulent election.

  155. There would be no violence if people knew their votes mattered. The mwananchi has been muzzled and is now suffocating. The violence is the work of people trying desparately to breathe.

  156. The Ruto apologists are on board! Ruto was doing his dirty work in Mt Elgon and Kuseroi BEFORE the elections. Do you think poor villagers could have managed to train, organize and arm themselves with guns? Its not a big secret who the financiers of these murderers are. You are very mistaken to think that ethnic cleansing started after the elections, it only expanded to Ruto's constituency and elsewhere. '92, '97, Ruto and his cohorts were perpetrating ethnic clashes in the country alongside Julius Sunkuli and his namesake Ntimama while ruining the economy through YK92. Stop using the election as an excuse and reason to aid, perpetrate and shamelessly cheer the murder of women and children. There is no excuse on earth for taking a human life, people who think there is an excuse ought to find themselves six feet under where they rightfully belong.

  157. Sorry people, lemmi apologize in advance if I step on someone's toes. After the elections I was so furious that justice/democracy was thrown to the dogs. We all know laws in Kenya were thrown to the dogs long time ago, but atleast I expected something positive. I have been soul searching and have come to the realisation that we all including you on this bolg are pawns in the power games of the ruling class. Look keenly and see that when the 2002 elections were done, we only replaced one class with another, now that class is clinging to power with might. They are afraid of leaving power to another ruling class. The deep held suspicions about the incoming class are the reasons, "they might expose us?". What guarantee do you guys have that the incoming class would have responded to your needs? They will be busy amaasing wealth waiting for that day another class will come in and challenge them. The reason I say this is simple, if Raila was human enough with clean intentions, he would have let go. We all know the election was stolen, but in the wake of killings, he would have let go. Kibaki seeing the sistuation go bad, if he was having good intentions he would have let go. But the two egotistic people are only too adamant. We need as a paople to see them for who they are. I would not have had a problem if Kibaki made it in a fair election neither would I if Raila made it. I just dislike injustice with passion and one day people will be jdged harshly starting with the ECK.
    To prevent againt a similar scenario occr=uring we need peoper laws in Kenya, and have rule of law, we need to strengthen our institutions. If the ECK was independent, this would not have occured. If the judiciary was independent, perhaps Raila would have gone that route.

  158. Sorry people, lemmi apologize in advance if I step on someone's toes. After the elections I was so furious that justice/democracy was thrown to the dogs. We all know laws in Kenya were thrown to the dogs long time ago, but atleast I expected something positive. I have been soul searching and have come to the realisation that we all including you on this bolg are pawns in the power games of the ruling class. Look keenly and see that when the 2002 elections were done, we only replaced one class with another, now that class is clinging to power with might. They are afraid of leaving power to another ruling class. The deep held suspicions about the incoming class are the reasons, "they might expose us?". What guarantee do you guys have that the incoming class would have responded to your needs? They will be busy amaasing wealth waiting for that day another class will come in and challenge them. The reason I say this is simple, if Raila was human enough with clean intentions, he would have let go. We all know the election was stolen, but in the wake of killings, he would have let go. Kibaki seeing the sistuation go bad, if he was having good intentions he would have let go. But the two egotistic people are only too adamant. We need as a paople to see them for who they are. I would not have had a problem if Kibaki made it in a fair election neither would I if Raila made it. I just dislike injustice with passion and one day people will be jdged harshly starting with the ECK.
    To prevent againt a similar scenario occr=uring we need peoper laws in Kenya, and have rule of law, we need to strengthen our institutions. If the ECK was independent, this would not have occured. If the judiciary was independent, perhaps Raila would have gone that route.

  159. rhyymemeaster, well put but please do recognize that both ODM and PNU were engaged in election irregularities as complained to ECK, as observed by the observers and as reported by the international media even as late as today on CNN where both Raila and Kibaki were exposed for what they are. It was revolting and at the same time saddening to also see secretly recorded video of a man being hacked to death in Dandora this morning on CNN, perhaps if Kenyan media showed the same video to their viewers it might shock them back to their senses. Similarly law enforcement needs to obtain a copy of the video as provided to CNN and ruthlessly hunt down the murderers whose faces were clearly visible on the video.

  160. How hypocritical of Ruto to be calling someone a thief when he himself was found to be a thief by ECK when he was stealing for Moi(an understatement given his militias murderous activities). Now we know how ODM learned to tamper with elections, so far the PNU expert at tampering remains unknown:

    As seven people were killed in what was believed to be an election-related incident and with increasingly persistent allegations of intimidation, fraud and looting of state funds, there were fears that the campaign was rapidly descending into chaos.

    Julius Sunkuli, the internal security minister, and William Ruto, elections director of the ruling party, Kanu, were among 14 candidates warned by the Electoral Commission over offences including vote buying and incitement.

    Moi accused of plot to 'steal' Kenya election

  161. I will keep posting this until Kibaki agrees to negotiate to end the violence...

    Raila Odinga has declared that he is open to negotiations with Kibaki to end violence. Kibaki would like to delay negotiations until the violence ends. Question: WHAT IF THE VIOLENCE NEVER ENDS?


    I hope that the world is watching the baffling logic of would-be dictator Mwai Kibaki. The only way to understand this kind of logic is to understand the agenda behind it.


  162. Meanwhile, Binyavanga Wainaina has refused to speak out on the election saying that he is taking a one-month break. There goes a progressive Kikuyu voice that could have influenced peace.

    Binyavanga, if you're following any of this, please think of the words of Martin Luther King, Jr:

    “Man's inhumanity to man is not only perpetrated by the vitriolic actions of those who are bad. It is also perpetrated by the vitiating inaction of those who are good.”

    Kikuyus are dying because many Kenyans--including Maasai, Kalnjin, and Luhya, NOT JUST LUO--believe that all or most Kikuyus support this robbery of democracy. Kibaki refuses to negotiate, and you're still acting above it all?

    Are there any other progressive Kikuyu voices out there? And isn't it ironic that Ngugi wa Thiong'o, after writing
    "Devil on the Cross," has nothing to say about all this?!

  163. Annah, let me get this, you want Ruto to go on killing people using his militia till Kibaki concedes and then you blame Kibaki for Ruto's killings. That is unfortunately warped logic, Ruto must stop his militias from murdering more people, Kibaki's message about when he will discuss was a heavily veiled message to Ruto and any other ODM members who are engaged in ethnic cleansing, genocide or murder to cease their activities before they can meet. 104 new members of Parliament also put it across well when they observed the below. Plain and simple, don't kill so you can attempt to use Kibaki as your scapegoat:

    We are grateful that life is slowly getting back to normal in Kenya and thank the Government for continuing to restore law and order. We are convinced that in a few days time, everything will be back to normal. It should be noted that only strongholds of ODM leaders - Eldoret area (HON. WILLIAM RUTO's home area), Kisumu (HON. RAILA ODINGA'S home area), and parts of Western Province (HON. MUSALIA MUDAVADI'S area) are currently experiencing violence and ethnic cleansing. Mombasa (HON. NAJIB BALALA'S area) is now at peace.

    JANUARY 3, 2007



  165. anon@8:49, I feel your pain and anger but lets for one minute consider a few things. Genocide or systematic ethnic cleansing where men, women and children are killed is occuring mostly outside Nairobi. God forbid that Raila didn't go to the mortuary for a photo op to score a few media points with the dead bodies of children. Back to the point at hand, we know that in Nairobi murder that is being meted out is almost entirely amongst men and not against women and children. Secondly the mortuary serves the city of Nairobi, it will receive bodies from all the surrounding hospitals. Wouldn't this have made local headlines particularly about the children? It would be a shame if it turns out that the children died of medical or other reasons and Raila took a photo op to claim they were genocide victims. Can we get some local media insiders to investigate this story further? Pending that we must condemn this despicable violence and put a stop to it. Those blaming Kibaki for murders are no better than the murderers who choose to use ballots as mere excuse to kill so that they can inturn blackmail Kibaki.

  166. I couldn't agree more with your statement. Though, we have to take into account that innocent lives are being lost. I'm not taking any sides though if I had to, I would go with the dejure choice by the people (Kibaki). This message is to the photo op-- politicians! STOP this madness. The blood of innocent Kenyan lives is not worth being spilled especially under the guise of you wanting to serve, lead and protect those same individuals!

  167. The author of this blog has said it all. Noone deserve to die becuase none of these two, are willingly to comprise. Raila show the leadership of wisdom, visionary, direction, compassion, value of life and humanity. Kibaki, the same apply to you. Better now than too late, when you too will be remained in the history books for the mess you created. All those dying, and losing and very hard working people who are seeing their life investment shwallowed by fire before arrogance and unwillingness to compromise and come to your senses


    Tell Michuki to go get him if they have evidence...

    Doesn't the government have all the power?

    Peace is all we need now ,point fingers after things cool down.

  169. No more updates. WHat went sour? Are you also attacked like mashada? Somebody tell us how kenya is today.Please........

  170. Vikii you must have been suffering from jet when you were writing lug or you are seeing what you want to see. First, you don't like Raila this is evident from your column. The elections were rigged even the ECK chairman admitted that he was not sure if Mwizi Kibaki won.

  171. All my very good friends from central Keny agree with me albeit with a whisper that the presidential votes were rigged at both returning officer level an tallying at ECK headquarters.My friedn who happened to be a presiding officer had instructions to give two ballot papers for presidential votes after every 5 votes.The two would be marked and folded together.The agents were not able to detect this.The other alterations were done at KICC.There is a big hand of moi in all these.This was a last minute desperate move to ensure that Kibaki retains the presidency.
    He knew that the violence would erupt then cool down.
    He did not want a recount as this would mean a loss for him.
    Knowing that the only avenue for redress is the court which he controls,they went ahead to be sworn in.He had earlier appointed judges who would handle the election petition in his favour.That is why they rushed to do all they did.

  172. Vikki
    What utter nonsense!! You saw how this begun,Kivuitu himself said he does not know if kibaki won
    I mean how much clearer can it get? Raila gave power to 'kibaki in 2002 and pushed for a constitutional change to devolve power and ensure the rule of Law but the State house Mafia hijacked the process which gave birth to Orange. Lets face it this episode there is no Law in Kenya and this is an opportunity for Kenyans to look each other in the eye and decide what they go. Only a constitution change and Strict adherence to the law will save Kenya. After all If Kibaki can rob the election, why should people no loot Nakumatt ? How do you expect Odinga to go to court when there is no Law. When Odinga wins in 2012wont there be worse riots/killings again?
    This is an opportunity to fix the problem at its root and not treat only the symptoms

  173. Vikki writes..
    Meanwhile, the government should continue being ruthless when dealing with perpetrators of violence.
    They should begin at State house

  174. Vikii you are the densest kenyan i have ever heard of.stop denying the truth elections were rigged.Pliz you better offer solution to the problem rather than name calling en insulting people.Forge a way forward people are dying en u even have the guts to say the government should be ruthless?what are u made off?its so sad that you are kenyan.Next time before you post any comment think twice.We have a simple solution here vote recount cant work,the form 16's have been destroyed to sought this lets have a re-election simple.Lets save lives we do not this rubbish from the so called vikii even when our kikuyu brothers can attest silently that the votes were rigged.Power hungry supporter you do not deserve to be kenyan even for one single minute go to hell

  175. Kenyans decided they wanted Raila why not respect the verdict from which country are u vikii?i can bet you never even voted in 2002 wakenya tuliguta in 2002 tulichoka na kanu en we voted it out clean en the tools of power handed over officially to kibaki.But when BBC asked if he would do the same he said hayo ni maswali ya upumbavu.What a president?Please kenyan lets save our brothers we have worked so hard to build kenya why destroy it.People like vikii dont abt this country i guess you were paid to send here your idiotic post instead of offering solutions .My only hope is the lawyers file the petition en we hold a by election very fast.Save kenyans it hurts to see them dying for peace.Hope the president will resign but first the petition

  176. Vikii
    Stay in the sky because that is where you seem to belong , if you belonged to kenya and had any honesty in you, you would know that this is not about RO being president it is abot the violation of our rights by the incumbent , it is about saying no to things we shed alot of blood to get from being lost, it is a matter of principle, a matter of precedence because if kibaki gets away now then why notdo the same in 2012,2017,2022 and so on, i wouldnt care less if Kibaki won only that if he would have won fairly.

  177. Vikki,
    What a joke, its time for people to think of the future, this is about resources between 90% of poor Kenyans and the "Smug Elite" Mafia Who want to continue impoverishing Kenyans. I hate to tell you this but things have changed Kenyans are getting their voice and will call out injustice where they see it, Don't believe me, just check out this clip Kivuitu is at the end
    You cannot hide this kind of shit anymore in this digital era

    . Which Kangaroo court should "Aggrieved Kenyans" go to?

  178. Vikii, as a non Kenyan living in Kenya, but a Zimbabwean who has lived under an oppressive leader.

    "…..starting a war for no reason", for goodness sake the reason was a rigged election?

    While I hate all this pointless killings, there also needs to be a stand on principles.

    My gut feel is your head is in the sand to suggest the courts are the only way to go!!!!! Do you know that of the 70 petitions filed after the 2002 elections only one (YES ONE) was heard. When Kabaki appoints judges only weeks before the elections do you think there will be any fair decisions from the courts!!!!!!

    I did not even bother to read the rest of your article.

  179. Vikii, as a non Kenyan living in Kenya, but a Zimbabwean who has lived under an oppressive leader.

    "…..starting a war for no reason", for goodness sake the reason was a rigged election?

    While I hate all this pointless killings, there also needs to be a stand on principles.

    My gut feel is your head is in the sand to suggest the courts are the only way to go!!!!! Do you know that of the 70 petitions filed after the 2002 elections only one (YES ONE) was heard. When Kabaki appoints judges only weeks before the elections do you think there will be any fair decisions from the courts!!!!!!

    I did not even bother to read the rest of your article.

  180. Philip Roy, the government has already given its warning, when rumours were being pedaled that the Pentagon had been arrested, people were killed as a result, there were rumours also that Ruto had been shot, which again led to the death of innocents. The government is doing what is wise, it has asked those engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide to stop, what do you think will happen if Ruto is arrested in this volatile climate? You guessed right, more killings particularly by his militia. His fanatical militia will burn, kill and maim even more innocent women and children that they seem to favor to target. Raila said it himself in an interview carried here on Kumekucha that no one should be suprised if Ruto is in prison when a Raila administration takes over given Rutos pending cases. Perhaps in hind sight Raila has realized that he needs to rescue Ruto and thats why he would like to purge the judiciary. Rutos 1.7m votes would be too precious for Raila to loose. Ruto already has serious criminal charges against him, it would be very easy to add criminal charges for crimes against humanity once things return to normal and Kenyans can be shown the evidence that is there. Once again what PNU did was wrong in tampering with elections but since ODM did the same thing, neither can claim to be clean. It is time the elections were repeated.

  181. I think what we should be saying here is
    1. No lasting peace without justice
    2. Justice should be served to Kenyans in a cleaner plate
    3. ODM shouldn't be put in the defensive, yet they are the complainants
    4. Kibaki rigged the elections
    5. Kalonzo is seeking cheap millage, capitalizing on the crisis
    6. If FREE and FAIR elections were held today, Raila would lead with a landslide

  182. Moi was involved in all these chaos.
    His lieutenant OLD KANU Prime Minister in waiting was 100% behind these ethnic cleansing in the 90`s and even now and before elections.
    He should be prosecuted with his henchmen when the dust settles.
    There have to be people held responsible for these murders because to me that is the only way forward to heal the souls of the victims.
    They are using elections irregularities as a scape goat.

    Even USA elections had irregularities but we did not hear people killing one another because of that. France, Russia name it all their elections were flawed. Did we hear spill of innocent voters blood and people getting killed by their neighbours and friends for exercising their democratic rights? And the thing is these militia are looting Chickens, bags of charcoal and petty household stuff like Radio`s. Is this because of elections?

    Can you guys running away "na magunia ya makaa na Kuku zimejazwa kwa magunia from their killed neighbours and friends? Is this because of elections?

  183. Can you imagine guys running away "na magunia ya makaa na Kuku zimejazwa kwa magunia from their killed neighbours and friends? Is this because of elections?

  184. I generally do not like using foul language, but I have to concur with the majority of people who have commented on this blog and say that Vikii is one stupid bitch. I mean really Raila's predictions have come true time and again, most recently that the elections would be rigged. Vikii's boy Kalonzo's miracle was a big joke, he's a bitch and his star like that of Uhuru's has faded quickly. Vikii the only good thing about your most recent article is that it has exposed you. Raila is fit to lead, that is why KENYANS voted for him you stupid bitch. it is Kalonzo and Kibaki who are not. You talk about this Kalonzo boy making donations to the Red Cross, while it is commendable can you confirm that other politicians have not and may have in fact donated even more? No you can't because you are too busy sucking this little boy Kalonzo's dick. Unfortunately for you Kalonzo is waiting for word from his daddy Moi and waiting for a proper time to join his step-father Kibaki. Vikii please put that muzzel you so stubbornly refuse to wear back on. STUPID BITCH!!

  185. Kenyans we should grow up. And if some of us blogging here are in the process of growing, it`s time to mature.

    If you have no suggestions or ideas to write on these blog, i suggest you surf the web google PORNOGRAPHY and you will find millions of free sites to keep you busy.

    Using foul language and getting personal and abusive will neither benefit you anonymous @ 7.19 AM in the morning. Did you have a good sleep by the way? where are you?

    Please drink some water and eat something and calm down. You seem to be half asleep.

    We are talking here innocent people getting killed because of exercising their motherland democracy and here you wake up and start payukaring.
    Have you washed your face first?

    Leave Vikii alone. I don`t know her/him but read more of the blogs he/she has contributed and you will see a lot of sense.

    Let`s address issues here and give ideas and suggestion of how Kenyans can heal from these tragedy and reject Kibaki and Raila leadreship. Aftre all they are not leaders they greedy, selfish, corrupt crooks who do not value human life.

  186. The incompetent Chairman Kivuitu and it`s commissioners should be forced to surrender all the money they have earned and allowances totalling to millions from treasury for conducting a shady election.
    This is all Tax Payers money who are the victims here and their hard working Kenyans.

  187. Even though RED on our Flag means Blood, i think those propagating for violence should head Back home and be party to the Violence propaganda on the ground and NOT hiding behind computer screens.


    These GSU cops are ruthless.

  188. Dear anonymous,

    If you have evidence that Ruto is participating in ethnic cleansing, please share it. Uncorroborated accusations have no weight in a democracy.

    What does have weight is the tremendous outpouring of support for the will of the Kenyan people. If you go to the New York Times comments section on the article

    Almost 6,500 people from all over the world have signed this petition.

    They are all demanding the same thing: that Kibaki step down to restore peace and democracy to Kenya. It has been signed by Luos, Kikuyus, Wakamba, Maasai, Luhyas, Muslims and friends of Kenya from all over the world, even Latvia!

    Protests are being held all over the world demanding that Kibaki step down including in major US cities such as Washington DC, New York, and abroad in London.

    Protests for peace have taken place in Dallas and I hear that more are planned in such places as Chicago and Canada.

    The people are demanding the rule of democracy.

    So, I am saying it again...

    Raila is open to negotiations with Kibaki to end violence. Kibaki would like to delay negotiations until the violence ends. Question: WHAT IF THE VIOLENCE NEVER ENDS?


    I hope that the world is watching the baffling logic of would-be dictator Mwai Kibaki. The only way to understand this kind of logic is to understand the agenda behind it.


  189. Sorry about that, the New York Times article is "Ambitions and Horror in Kenya."

    If you go to the comments section, you can see what people are saying about the election. There is overwhelming support for Raila Odinga and, more importantly, for the rule of democracy.

  190. A tsunami is a very destructive phenomenon. Nothing good comes out of a tsunami only death and destruction of property. RO promised a political Tsunami and Kenyans now have it complete genocide, and sodomy of 5 year old boys.

    RO also promised majimbo and there is now a sneak preview in the form of genocide in kisumu and parts of the rift valley including the sacriligeous buring of small children in church in Ruto's constituency.

    When RO promised the redistribution of resources he probably meant the looting in evidence by opposition supporters.

    Kenyans probably need all these events as tragic as they may be to fully understand the "change" they were voting for.

    The violence will not end soon unless GK takes resolute and decisive action to stop RO inspired bullying as he has a vested interest in the continuation of violence, destruction and death from the safe confines of his walled suburban home.

    However as Wako warned him it may be possible that he and Ruto may find them selves not in government but in an international genocide tribunals. Thier incitement, and organization of ethnic violence, death and destruction is now outside of GK's jurisdiction and may soon be in the hands of a soon to be cosntituted international tribunal.

  191. Mr. Anonymous, how long ago did you learn the word bitch? You are not only misusing it, u are overusing it too

  192. Raila and Ruto's philosophy is to cause enough chaos and death to the point where they will bully everyone into handing political power to them to complete a genocide they have started. Hitler used this strategy in the elections that were held in Germany in the 1930's

    An election re run would be very costly not only in money terms but also in terms of the anachy, death and destruction of property that now seems to accompany elections.

    Raila and Ruto have three constitutional options;

    1. Petition the vote in court
    2. Join a government of national unity
    3. Do a no confidence vote in parliament

    Wako as also suggested a re tallying of votes.

    They have rejected all these options except of course the so-called "million people marches", the inevitable violence, mass murder, looting, burning of churches, gang raping of women and small boys.

    I am starting to sense a growing disgust with odingaism across kenya except among his slum based hooligans. If I were MK I would first restore order with tough police action if neccessary, appoint an independent electoral commision and then dissolve parliament and put up some one like Mutava as the PNU presidential candidate. Without a kikuyu to direct hatred to Odinga's political philosophy would then then dissappear like the morning mist. MK however probably lacks the statesman ship to carry out such bold measures.

    Which ever way things go Raila and Ruto have crossed the line; as we are in the twenty first century it only a matter of months before their is a genocide tribunal. They are very scared and this is why they are desperate to keep the appearance of a crisis in the news to delay the inevitable

  193. In reference to the above anon comment at 950AM. I see you are another Raila hater. Raila is a true leader who has called for peace meant with other leaders to come to some kind of solution i.e. Tutu and Canadian High Commisioner, what stupid motherfuckers like you fail to realize is that Raila like the rest of Kenya now knows and is also dealing with, an a greedy senile, murdering bastard whose allies like michuki are even worse. Raila's promise of a tsunami(used as metaphorically) was epotimized by the ousting of the majority of that bullshit gnu, don't try to play games and make this solely a tribal issue. Yes many innocent Kikuyus are being targeted and being made the victims of horrible crimes, and that is something that should be stopped yesterday, this we know. We also know Kibaki has repeated violated Kenyan's rights and then tried to play fool. So don't talk about genocide in Kisumu and try to make this out to be Luo vs. Kikuyu thing, Its angry Kenyans against Kibaki and co. Answer me this, Didn't Raila play a CRITICAL role in Kibaki's election in 2002? Didn't Raila warn us about the Artur brothers? Didn't Kibaki endorse the IPPG then trash it once in power? Has Kibaki ever said anything about the Artur brothers? Has Kibaki ever said anything about Anglo Leasing? What clean gov't could he form when he himself is filthy? Did Raila not put aside his own ambitions for Kibaki? could Raila joined the likes of Tuju and Kombo, and accepted stolen tax payers money to remain silent and be a crony? I'm sure you know the answers to these questions but you are a hater. You call it ir Raila inspired bullying, you must be kidding its angry Kenyans who have had enough. Please smack yourself in the head a couple of times and see if you can make some sense. Also to Mntui of Kericho I'll admit Vikii has made some good articles in this blog in the past, but most of her recent ones have boarded on blatant bias and ignorance and some including the one in question have called for the language I used. So my apologies if your feelings were we know many innocent Kenyans have died, are dying and are being victimized, we know and our hearts go for them, we also know that Kibaki vie Michuki has ordered the police to shoot to kill against protesters. Unless you have evidence of Raila encouraging these atrocities and likewise for Ruto please do the same as I have suggested for Vikii and shut the hell up because I'm allergic to your bullshit!!

  194. Some Kenyans are foolish and think that self centrered/thieving politicians are worth dying for.

    The election was not between 'angels' (opposition) and 'demons' (government) as the BBC would like people to believe (their regime change has gone very wrong). It was between two competing groups of 'demons' seeking an opportunity to continue or start the looting of the treasury. The electoral commission quite sensibly chose the group likely to do less harm as we can now see.

    The looting we are seeing in may be the redistribution of resources promised by the opposition.

    The majority is not always right. In March 1933 an election was held in Germany;

    Nazi 17,277,180
    SDP 7,181,629
    Centre Party 4,424,900
    Communists 4,848,058
    Nationalists 3,176,760

    Hitler's nazis had won, then abolished elections and then murdered 6 million jews who were interestingly accused of monopolizing commerce; sounds familiar? aka politics of envy.

    What Kenya needs is a state of emergency to restore order (the most important priority in any civilised society); there is no democracy in China and they seem okay, they are neither burning churches with kids inside nor are they sodomizing 5 year old boys in the slums. They are instead uplifting living startards, education health care and their economy. In 20 years or so they will probably transition into democracy, quite successfully, as there will be very few desprately poor, misguided and frustrated young people available for manipulation into looting and pillaging by rabble rousing demagogoues like kenyan "visionary" Raila Odinga. At that time kenbe as backwards as ever and conducting "democratic" elections.

    This Evil continues in kenya not because of elections but because it is tolerated by authorities oversensitive about the human rights of murderers, looters, rapists and sodomizers incited by the authorities.

  195. Some Kenyans are foolish and think that self centrered/thieving politicians are worth dying for.

    The election was not between 'angels' (opposition) and 'demons' (government) as the BBC would like people to believe (their regime change has gone very wrong). It was between two competing groups of 'demons' seeking an opportunity to continue or start the looting of the treasury. The electoral commission quite sensibly chose the group likely to do less harm as we can now see.

    The looting we are seeing in may be the redistribution of resources promised by the opposition.

    The majority is not always right. In March 1933 an election was held in Germany;

    Nazi 17,277,180
    SDP 7,181,629
    Centre Party 4,424,900
    Communists 4,848,058
    Nationalists 3,176,760

    Hitler's nazis had won, then abolished elections and then murdered 6 million jews who were interestingly accused of monopolizing commerce; sounds familiar? aka politics of envy.

    What Kenya needs is a state of emergency to restore order (the most important priority in any civilised society); there is no democracy in China and they seem okay, they are neither burning churches with kids inside nor are they sodomizing 5 year old boys in the slums. They are instead uplifting living startards, education health care and their economy. In 20 years or so they will probably transition into democracy, quite successfully, as there will be very few desprately poor, misguided and frustrated young people available for manipulation into looting and pillaging by rabble rousing demagogoues like kenyan "visionary" Raila Odinga. At that time kenbe as backwards as ever and conducting "democratic" elections.

    This Evil continues in kenya not because of elections but because it is tolerated by authorities oversensitive about the human rights of murderers, looters, rapists and sodomizers incited by the opposition

  196. And Anonymous 10.16, you know so many things, dont you?

    "Vikii has made good posts in the past....". How did you know that having just landed from unenviable world of Raila sycophancy?

    Your opinions are the only right ones, aren't they? You are an amazing fellow, a very amazing fellow.

  197. Vikii, I've reading this blog since early 2007 religiously, I've tolerated your posts for the most part but have commented on others. In the wake of what is taking place in our country, i cannot afford to remain silent on one of the few mediums the gov't cannot control. So no i do not know everything, but based on your recent articles yes you are a silly bitch. And no I did not just learn the word you foolish heffer.


    please put that muzzle back on, no one likes a barking bitch!!

  198. "Nobody can reverse the ECK chairman’s announcement, not even the president or the AG." Apart from the ECK chairman himself.

  199. I think ECK Chairman is Senile.
    I don`t trust him, he does not even remember who won the elections.

    OR he has Alzheimer's?

    Kenyans are we safe under this old Men taking charge of 37 million people?


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