Wednesday, September 13, 2006

John Githongo Set To Return to Kenya

Former Ethics PS John Githongo has said in a BBC radio interview last night that he will be returning to Kenya from exile soon.

Although he did not specify when exactly he would be returning, he gave an ominous clue. He said it was a matter of timing and “the next stage of his life.”

This could be exciting news. Would “the next stage of his life” mean a political future? This blogger has a feeling that it does. This could be the best news Kenyans have heard for a long time, more so the new generation of younger Kenyans poised to challenge for leadership in 2007 that has not heard a serious name so far, especially a possible presidential candidate.

Githongo has denied his interest in the presidency several times. However those who hosted him and financed his trips across Europe and the US may have other ideas. More so because many in the West are getting increasingly impatient with the corrupt leadership holding up the potential of the country for selfish gain.


  1. Hmmm... I've come to trust your judgement as far as predictions are concerned. I like that kind of thinking... "next stage of his life" in Kenya would surely not mean starting a family or business...but then he was to get married before he left. He could he be the wild card we are waiting for come 2007. But I'm sure I don't have to caution this blogger about African governments that are backed up by the West never sit well with a large part of the population and there has always been some sort of havoc.

  2. I think he should run in he has the conviction. The only thing that would harm him is the rumour that he is gay. I dont whether he is or not. I know he is getting married to a certain ms muthumbi but a few gay guys in Nairobi say the no for sure...on the other hand they said the same about Uhuru.

  3. vee you made a very pertinent observation there. Indeed even if Githongo came back and declared his presidential or even civic ambition, all hell would break loose.

    It would only take a simple propaganda campaign claiming that he has been sent by the british to re-colonise us, for him to be ruthlesslessly discredited.

    Remember Matiba's anti Asian and white campaign? It struck a chord among Kenyans. There is a latent undercurrent of racial bigotry in Kenyans due to our struggle for independence.

    If you thought the dragon of tribalism was bad enough then the racial card would make tribalism look like a Barbie doll.

    Raila would be the greatest beneficiary coz with Githongo as a candidate allegedly sponsored by the former colonialists, he would be the only alternative left to Kenyans.

    Githongo's goose was cooked when he fled and stayed in Britain. As it is his room for manoeuvring gets more limited by the day. Not to mention, as has already been noted, that his single status and rumoured gay preference would completely negate him as a serious choice among Kenyan voters.

    We are still ultra-conservatives and rabid in defence of this.

  4. Even if he is gay,is that going to change the fact that the anglo leasing scandal happened? and that he was brave enough to break ranks with his tribalistic tribesmen to expose a scandal of this magnitude? The issue here boys and girls is corruption, not sexual preference or marital status.You must be a bunch of lunatic kikuyus who only think "Its out time to eat." I would vote Githongo for president;he is a true Nationalist.


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