Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Hidden factors that may have propelled Bassirou Diomaye Faye and Ousmane Sonko into power in Senegal

Hidden factors that may have propelled Bassirou Diomaye Faye and Ousmane Sonko into power in Senegal

What would you say if we all woke up one morning and Raila Odinga announced “Edwin Sifuna TOSHA”? Meaning that the man with just Raila’s massive support base would obviously win any political contest. What would you say? What would you do?

A very similar situation unfolded in Senegal recently which has highlighted the uncanny similarities the political situation in Kenya has to recent political developments in Senegal.

This West African country also has a long suffering opposition leader called Ousmane Sonko who has fought for the people for a long time at great cost to himself. Just like we have a very similar character here in Kenya called Raila Odinga.

Western powers have been very determined to keep the presidency from Sonko and so in the recent election he was disqualified. But he gave the nod to the secretary general of his own political party, Bassirou Diomaye Faye and that was enough to enable Faye win the presidency. Just like a Raila nod to popular Edwin Sifuna would be enough to enable him to win the presidency.

But there is more to this mind-blowing Senegalese Cinderella political story.

Faye was arrested on April 14th 2023 and was behind bars for 11 months. He was only released on March 14th 2024, just 10 days before the elections he won. Meaning that in the space of 10 days he moved from jailbird to President.

It all sounds just too good to be true. A story so amazing that it could even be a little difficult to believe as a fictional fairy tale. But that is precisely what happened.

Now the question has to be, what were the circumstances behind the scenes that propelled the 44 year old former tax inspector to the presidency and the duo of Sonko and Faye to power (because his first official act was to appoint Sonko, his political sponsor and mentor, the Prime Minister).

Fascinating game-changing developments

Actually some very interesting game-changing developments are taking place on the continent. In my opinion, the sensational win of the opposition in Senegal is linked to a crisis that is building up very fast in the west. And that is the crisis of illegal immigrants, many of them risking the high seas on rickety boats to land on the coast of countries like Spain. For instance the number of migrants leaving from Senegal on rickety wooden boats surged last year. And nearly 1,000 people died while trying to reach Spain by sea in the first six months of 2023, according to the Spanish migration advocacy group, Walking Borders.

Yet the very same major western powers most affected by illegal immigrants flooding their countries are the major causes of the problem. Why? Because these are the same nations that make deals which corrupt African regimes they have helped put in power, that end up impoverishing the ordinary citizens of those countries. The same nations help launder corruption funds in Western capitals. Ultimately life becomes unbearable in those African countries and this in turn drives the illegal immigration to the same Western countries that are impoverishing and propping up corrupt regimes.

Now it seems that some in the West are slowly coming to the realization that if nothing is done to reverse the current situation the illegal immigrants issue will soon be an unmanageable crisis. It is dawning on more and more leaders in the West that it is in their best interests to have more stable and prosperous African nations. If for no other reason, to at least halt the surging number of illegals trying to force their way into Europe.

It seems that these factor partially led to the surprise turn of events that saw Ousmane Sonko and Bassirou Diomaye Faye released from jail and now the duo are in power.

Read also; Uhuru, Kidero born at Pumwani: Famous People Born At Pumwani May Have Been "Switched"


There is no doubt that Uhuru Kenyatta's biting remarks about traitors really provoked Ruto's regime. And they responded as they usually do, by jacking up the propaganda and fake news.

The sharp rise in fake news can be attributed to the desperation of the UDA party to sway public opinion in their favor as they rapidly lose any little support they still had remaining. By resorting to deceptive tactics and spreading false information, UDA aims to manipulate the narrative and gain a competitive edge in the political arena. However, such tactics not only undermine the credibility of the party but also further erode the trust of the Kenyan people.

Tom Mboya, a luminary in Kenyan politics, emerged as a beacon of hope and a pivotal figure in the pre-independence era of Kenya. His journey from a humble background to becoming one of the most influential leaders in Kenyan history is a testament to his dedication, intellect, and charisma. 

Mboya's early involvement in trade unionism laid the foundation for his political career. His adeptness at negotiation and his visionary leadership quickly propelled him into the limelight, making him a key player in Kenya's quest for independence. As a founding member of the Kenya African National Union (KANU), Mboya's contributions to Kenya's political landscape were profound and far-reaching, advocating for policies that aimed at uplifting the socio-economic status of Kenyans.

Throughout his career, Mboya was instrumental in shaping the newly independent Kenya's political and economic policies. His forward-thinking approach to governance, coupled with his passion for education and equality, endeared him to many, both locally and internationally. Mboya's efforts in establishing the Airlift Africa project, which facilitated the education of East African students in the United States, underscored his commitment to the empowerment of the African youth. This initiative not only showcased his visionary leadership but also his profound belief in the transformative power of education.

However, Mboya's meteoric rise in the political arena was not devoid of challenges. His ambitious nature and rapid ascent within the ranks of KANU created a complex web of political rivalries and alliances. The landscape of Kenyan politics during this period was tumultuous, with newly found independence bringing to the fore the daunting task of nation-building. Mboya's role in this era was crucial, yet it set the stage for a series of events that would ultimately lead to a tragic outcome.

The political misstep that led to Tom Mboya's tragic consequences
Mboya's political journey was marked by his steadfast commitment to the principles of democracy and equality. However, the political climate in Kenya during the 1960s was fraught with tension, as the young nation grappled with issues of governance, ethnic divisions, and economic disparities. In this volatile environment, Mboya's efforts to consolidate power and push for radical reforms began to sow the seeds of discontent among his political rivals.

Mboya enthusiastically took part in finishing his political rival Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Not realizing that as long as Jaramogi remained in play in Kenyan politics, Mboya was safe. Safe because Jomo Kenyata cronies would have to deal with Jaramogi and then deal with Mboya. And besides they needed Mboya to help them tame Jaramogi politically. 

But when Mboya had very successfully and clinically taken care of Jaramogi, poor Mboya did not realize that now he had exposed himself. He was the only threat left standing and therefore what happened? He got assassinated.

The assassination of Tom Mboya and its impact on Kenyan politics
On July 5, 1969, Kenya was thrust into a state of shock and mourning following the assassination of Tom Mboya. The brazen attack, carried out in broad daylight on a busy Nairobi street, not only robbed Kenya of one of its brightest stars but also marked a turning point in the country's political history. Mboya's death plunged Kenya into a period of uncertainty and turmoil, as the nation grappled with the loss of a leader who embodied the hopes and aspirations of many Kenyans.

The assassination of Tom Mboya had far-reaching implications for Kenyan politics. It exposed the deep-seated ethnic tensions and rivalries that had been simmering beneath the surface, threatening the fragile unity that had been painstakingly built in the post-independence era. Mboya's death also created a vacuum in the political leadership, leaving a gap that was difficult to fill. The ripple effects of this tragic event were felt across the political spectrum, leading to a realignment of forces within KANU and the broader Kenyan political landscape.

In the immediate aftermath of Mboya's assassination, the country witnessed a crackdown on dissenting voices, as the government sought to quell the unrest and maintain stability. This period saw the arrest and detention of several political figures, further exacerbating the divisions within the nation. The assassination also cast a long shadow over Kenya's international relations, with suspicions of foreign involvement in Mboya's death leading to strained diplomatic ties.

View Kumekucha's landmark documentary series; Mboya: It Was More Than An Assassination (New Evidence)

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