Thursday, March 08, 2012

What Kibaki Wants To Exploit In Waki List

I can confirm to my dear readers that President Mwai Kibaki has a high level think tank tasked with doing nothing else but making the Hague go away for the president. Their latest scheming is what led to the bizarre incident yesterday where a group of youth gained instant access to the president and wide media coverage firing salvos at the ICC.
Judge Philip Waki secrets: The man has booked his place in history books.

These are the kind of political games invented by one Thomas Joseph Mboya, ironically the man who drove and old VW Beetle all the way to Makerere University to fetch highly educated Mwai Kibaki to help change the image of Kanu and bolster its’ intellectual credentials. Mboya was a master schemer and when he operated there were frequent petitions from the public that would always support his position and intentions. But alas that is a story for another day.

The point here is that it is crystal clear that these youth who appeared from nowhere are not the ones who came up with the idea to go and see the president. The idea in fact came from deep inside State house. If you think it is easy to see the president or get an opportunity to present a petition, then just try it out and you will quickly see what I mean. Even visiting Senator Barrack Obama was unable to see Kibaki, even for a few minutes. Incidentally when that happened nobody in Kenya believed that that Ka-senator jaruo would ever become president of the most powerful nation in the world. Now Kibaki has a big problem getting n appointment to see President Obama and quite rightly so. (I will tell that story in my next post)

So what was the whole purpose of yesterday’s drama at the president’s office in Harambee house? What is in the Waki report that the president’s men want to exploit?

The whole idea is to cash in on a very powerful emotion that politicians always take advantage of. It is called sympathy. Sympathy has won landslide elections all over the world and there is no telling what this thing can acheieve.

Tucked away in the Waki list are two names that will hit Kenyans so hard that many will change their views on this whole Hague thing. Those two names are….. (Drums rolling please)

Njenga Karume

John Njoroge Michuki



You get my drift. It is quite possible that this will start a major push from Kenyans (who worship dead people and fear them more than they fear almighty God himself) to insist that the post election violence be tried in Kenya. More importantly if this grand plot succeeds then it will mean that President Kibaki is off the hook and will not soon join his good friend Al Bashir on the suspects’ list.

Expect the Waki list to be made public very soon.


  1. Vintage Kumekucha. I love it!!

  2. I agree when the Waki list is released to the public soon the idea will also be to make it look like they are very many guilty people which waters down those named already and those the ICC is hunting for that are the proverbial heavy stones that will take some lifting.

    Smart move by Kibaki think tank and it may just work.

  3. What Kibaki needs at this stage of his semi-rightful occupation of the Static House is a reputable task force and not a think tank full of the same old thick minds with their same old tricks.

    In the meantime, let's hope more names that are appear on the Waki list will voluntarily follow suit by joining Njenga Karume and Njoroge Michuki as soon as possible, or get whacked at the ICC.

    By the way, take a good look at the so-called master schemers from the past and ask ourselves, "where did they all end up? Was the scheming all worth the effort and time? And what did they or their descendants gain after all?"

    Life is all about 'living and let living' in three stages:

    Stage 1 - living on the playground of life from day one to twenty-five years of age.

    Stage 2 - setting the solid foundations of life that are built from the age of twenty-six up to the age of fifty.

    Stage 3 - learning to embrace and fully celebrate the real beauty of life that becomes evident from the age of fifty-one to the age of seventy-five years of age.

    Living past the age of seventy-five and beyond is nothing more but a bonus in life that's always granted to the lucky few who should use it for the better rather waste it on frivolous issues, agendas and liefstyles.

    The point is, let the likes of Kibaki and company enjoy, embrace and celebrate their bonuses in life while they still can because their due dates are just around the next living corners of tomorrow.

    Never understood why people get so shocked when the expiry date of a person living beyond the the third stage of life makes itself known in the most obvious and expected formart.

  4. Anon@ 6:23

    I wish it was possible to "like" comments here. I would have liked your comment with all my heart.

  5. KK comment section has turned from very bad to very worst!

  6. Get the chief thief to Hague now

  7. Chris,
    Wahenga walisema, the person who doesn't want you doesn't tell you to go (nenda), get lost (potea), make youself scarse ('kajilanzi' as my people would say), quick step (funga safari), move on (songa mbele), take a hike (nyanyuka), you're no longer wanted here (ukome...), keep your distance, etc But actions speak louder. Hayaaaa! Shauri yako!

  8. While Kibaki keeps himself busy with various scenarios intended to exploit Waki list, others are scratching their head and saying, you snooze you lose in light of ODM's Article six, two, sub section 1 (A).

    The question on the minds of many people is, 'what the ... has Weakleaf Mudamba son of Mudavadi been thinking or doing all these years?'

    In other words, did Weakleaf just wake up the other day on the wrong side of his political bed (branch) and dream to throw a challenge in the path of Raila Amollo the son of Odinga with the expectations of trying to snatch what Raila has always considered to be his political birthright for years, even way before before the mutinous airmen tried to cause havoc in the streets of downtown Nairobi.

    Mutahi Ngunyi, did wrap it up in a nutshell when he stated he (Weakleaf) wants to create, maybe precipitate a crisis knowing too well that he will not get the ODM nomination, but on the basis of that he will have a good reason to bolt out.

    Oh yes! Bolt out like a bull that intends to charge at its opponent while knowing very well that it will take a dive before locking horns in the last minute.

    So what are the sons of former prominent politicians (Oginga Odinga and Moses Mudavadi) up to? Is it business as usual or will it be for real this time around/

    Let's hope the two do not still hold onto the belief that every political, social and ethnic aspects of the their people's salvation is under their authority and regional leadership, including their final socioeconomic destiny.

    Well, well, well. Will the House of Oranges withstand the impending major slicing for internal power, half-an-orange and votes?

    Or will the Orange as expected fall near the tree during party nominations?

    By the way, why do many people have the feeling that Orengo is not any different from Kalonzo Musyoka, the proficient coattail rider of all seasons?

    As internal wrangles within ODM and rumbustious jostling for the kingmanship among G7 potential figureheads continous, Kenyans with rational minds that are not clouded with heavy regional affiliations, ethnic underpinnings and usual election emotionalism, have a golden chance to combine their precious votes and efforts, and elect a political outsider, non tribal presidential candidate, for the first time in Kenya's political history.

    Time will tell if its on their side.

  9. Preposterous! Preposterous! Preposterous! Is the only accurate term to describe the so-called leaked document that is nothing more than a fake which can be seen from a mile away.

    Although it seems to be having the intended effects it was expected to have on the gullible members of parliament, the press and the public.

    Why? What's the real point of a leaking such a document if any at this point and time, when their are other very damaging political, financial, military dealings, ethnic mafiarism, consistent importations of fake pharmaceuticals in the last ten years, organized human trafficking rings in Mombasa and Nairobi by some powerful individuals in high places, the supplies of arms, informations, guaranteed save havens and passage for medical treatment on Kenyan soil for Al-Shabab fighters and Somali pirates in the last couple of years, poaching and exportation of endangered species, international pedophile cartels and their henchmen allowed to operaate freely in and around Nairobi and Mombasa while paying huge sums of protection fees, importation of tainted stable foods, and the list goes on and goes.

    As intended, the so-called leaked document that's making its round has politicians and those concerned running around like headless chickens daring each other to cross Uhuru Highway before the election date is made public, as intended.

    So what's new from the Wikileaks wannabes besides stirring the hornet's nests and the protracted ethnic beehives of Kenya?

  10. Hi Chris.why do you worship Raila day and night? Why are you unable evolve an independent political mind?

  11. Kuemkucha,
    You have heard it mentioned so many times that if you build it and they eill come.

    However I hate to remind you of the fact that if its not well built, or even ends being built in the wrong way, then they will not come, they will not hang around and they will head elsewhere looking for alternatives.

    It goes with saying that my writing style is among the lowest of the lowest but I definetly know of good writers and very good writers when I encounter their body of works on Kumekucha and in some other places or venues.

    And that's one of the reasons that have made me believe that there are several Kumekucha veterans who have been blazing with amazing contributions, well reseached rebuttals, informed inputs, fire, spears, arrows, curved intellectual pangas and usual mshingans all in the name of (aimed at) the ongoing issue and discussions about the Monster Konny (2012) campaign that's gone viral.

    Their signature writing styles, vocabulary and other formarts gives them away, and it was hard to miss. Some comments spoke for themselves and the authors know who they are for very good reasons.

    My point is that, build Kumekucha in a way that will sustain its veterans, loyalists, frequent guests, newcomers and even the diehard opponents so that they keep returning back regardless of how often they decide to wonder off to far and distant venues.

    I am very sure you can do a better job with Kumekucha as it were. Thanking you in advance.

  12. ICC throws out Ocampo Four appeal request

    We go to Full trials.

    will Uhuru resign?

  13. For your recorsd..Senators do not meet Heads of sate. an eight letter word Chris..find out what out maens!


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