Saturday, March 10, 2012

No Theatrics, ICC Sends Ocampo4 to Full Trial

They saw it coming only that The Hague is not Kenya best known for legal laundering under serial fake constitutional references. Now that the ICC Appeal Chamber has thrown out the Ocampo4's appeal, the impending full trial wouldn't have come at bad political time.

It appears the gods refused to hear the prayers. But again you only mock God at the risk of incurring his royal wrath. Playing cheap politics may be fashionable locally but it is very expensive exporting that vice abroad.

The Ocampo4 should demand refund from their defence lawyers. Instead on focusing on law, the so-called learned friends joined the gravy train of playing politics with ICC minting strange conspiracy theories.

This ICC alley cat will definitely drag home very unpleasant skunk. Kibaki is not sitting pretty knowing that this time next year he may be a guest in very hostile cubicles far away from Othaya.

Well, we haven't heard nor seen the last head of this ICC hydra. Game on.


  1. That's why its of utmost importance for Kibaki to get a friendly man into state house
    Poor Raila the more he engineers his enemies demise the faster he triggers his own drean's demise....sigh ..a tredgedy of fate it appears .... or is it a tragedy of greed?

  2. The time is ripe for everyone to carry their own wooden (not tribal) cross while at the ICC. Let them endure the process until proven innocent or guilty, whichever comes first, then go home or do the time. No more nor less.

  3. So the questions in Uhuru's and Ruto's minds must be "Who gets the top bunk?"

  4. It appears the gods refused to hear the prayers. But again you only mock God at the risk of incurring his royal wrath. Playing cheap politics may be fashionable locally but it is very expensive exporting that vice abroad.


    Ati exporting vices abroad?

    Taabu, you are such a NAIVE guy.

    It is Ocampo who brings vices to Africa.

    Sample this:

    Sometimes back, Ocampo was accused of RAPING a South AFRICAN journalist.

    When she complained, her complaints were RECORDED. Thereafter, the person who presented this evidence to the ICC Kangaroo Court, was DISMISSED SUMMARILY.

    The ACCUSER was recorded to say:

    “He (OCAMPO) took my [house and car] keys . . . Had to do that to get out of this . . .” Soroboki told Palme, who recorded their conversation: “She said that was the only way he would let her go.”

    After the summary dismissal of the person who brought the issue to the KANGAROO ICC, the INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION (ILO) found this Ocampo WHITE GOD OF JUSTICE to SHEEPLE, to have ABUSED his powers, i.e. IMPUNITY.

    In the words of the ILO Tribunal:

    .. the Tribunal said, Palme had “reasonable grounds” for believing sexual misconduct by Moreno Ocampo: the journalist, it said, had “indicated unambiguously that the prosecutor ‘took [her] keys’ and she had CONSENTED TO SEXUAL INTERCOURSE ‘TO GET OUT OF[the situation].’” Sorokobi’s evidence was “secondary evidence but, depending on the circumstances, it may have been probative in criminal proceedings.”

    The ILOAT found that Moreno Ocampo had committed a “breach of due process” in firing Palme and ORDERED THE ICC, on behalf of the Prosecutor, to pay Palme 248,000 euros.

    mmmmmmmmmm, and when this guy comes to Kenya, Kenyans, in their USUAL SLAVE MENTALITY start singing to us about his justice. What justice?

    Black robes, white justice?

    NB: You just need to read what serious lawyers like the late Antonio Cassese thought of this guy and the way they are running the ICC. Anyway, who cares because, Kenyans read newspapers!

    NB: Is it not very wise to have such a guy as a prosecutor to ensure he plays along?

    And, why does't Taabu's of this world sing to us about such issues?



  5. @Mwarang'ethe

    You mean it is not possible to debate an issue without mocking your opponents?

    Is the idea to make them feel stupid so that they give up or is it to make them angry so that they also give up?

    You said; "Ati exporting vices abroad?

    Taabu, you are such a NAIVE guy."

    This reminds me of the stone age where you disagree with your friend abusively and then sort it out with brute force. He who does not die in the contest is right and the world is flat and not round.

    Clearly you seem to be advocating for a return to brutish ways. Actions speak much louder than smart words and arguments.

    Chris Kumekucha

  6. You mean it is not possible to debate an issue without mocking your opponents?

    Is the idea to make them feel stupid so that they give up or is it to make them angry so that they also give up?

    You said; "Ati exporting vices abroad?

    Taabu, you are such a NAIVE guy."


    Naive means:

    - having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information.

    - having or marked by a simple, unaffectedly direct style reflecting little or no formal training or technique.

    That being the case, it is NAIVE to say Kenyans are exporting vices abroad when Ocampo is also, an exporter of vices to Africa.

  7. I have said it here many times before that Mwarang'ethe reminds one of the educated elite in Kenya who feel that their qualifications entitle them to belittle others when speaking with them, calling them "mavi ya kuku" and "kumbaff" all because they have a degree from somewhere or the other

  8. The mwalimu of Sumerian folklore never cease to amaze with his usual under the mango tree views and wisdom that he has invented for himself over the last four or five decades.

  9. A very perfect political scenario will be unfolding soon, where Uhuru and Ruto will face the same fate as that of Charles Taylor. While Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Joseph Saitoti, Mudavadi and others, plus all of their henchmen will be locked out of their long held dream of ever occupying the ugly static house on the hill. And the rest of all the other tribal overlords in Kenya will be left wondering what hit them and their political pawns at the polls. The next national general elections may end up being a time where the electorate gets the unique chance to witness 80% of the deadwood incumbents forced out of parliament for good. What an evolution it will be if all goes as predicated.

  10. I have said it here many times before that Mwarang'ethe reminds one of the educated elite in Kenya who feel that their qualifications entitle them to belittle others when speaking with them, calling them "mavi ya kuku" and "kumbaff" all because they have a degree from somewhere or the other


    You mean degrees from the HALLS OF INDOCTRINATION?

    We do not belittle anyone.

    However, we PROUDLY admit that, we have no patience for those who have been BRAINWASHED to hate Africans.

    For instance, were Mr Muthaura to be accused of rape, all the Kenyan mainstream media and the blogs such as this one would be screaming blood all over.

    NB: For instance, just check the articles by Taabu when Mr Muthaura was bed ridden with a heart problem. Among other stuff, he wrote this SADISTIC line:

    "In the meantime we must collectively wish the good ambassador well as he confronts his own mortality.


    Why then, is it that, when Ocampo, THE WHITE god is accused of some serious crimes, no one wants to discuss the matter?

    Why? Why?


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