Angry Ruto men vow to crush Gachagua BUT here's why the DP will win | Kenya news

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Change is You: Reboot Mind, Shame Old Order

By KK Blogger

Forget the IEBC. The independence for the electoral body starts and ends with the letter I whcih spells its acronym, period. Now that the Ishak-led body have been ORDERED by Kibaki to go for the March elections, poor Raila is left clutching at political straws. Kibaki showed his hand weeks ago and the deceptive respect for courts only offered the best cover. The more things change the more they look mirror images of the previous filth. Kibaki may have started his last term swimming in a stream of blood but he is leaving the throne under his own terms. Poor Raila has been turned inside out once again, ATA DO?

But behind all these dark political clouds lies a silver lining that only Kenyans themselves can ride to their national glory. But will they? The majority of us are very much aware of the fact that all of our political nervous systems, digestive systems, respiratory systems and endocrine systems are all deeply infested with five decades of political cancerous tumours, social filth and other ethnic borne diseases.

And so, what do we do? We always end up playing the same old sickening and dirty political games, while hoping that the next general elections and the one following in the next five years, will bring about some form of much needed relief, overall sanity and overdue treatment for all the political ills that have bedevilled the whole country for the last five dark decades.

Sad to state as it were, that there will never be an appropriate political remedy for the current malignant cancerous modus operandi that has become so common place in every corner of the country and in each household, unless the political cancerous mentality and business as usual terminal modus operandi are surgically removed at the personal, regional and national levels.

There is no way we are going to have a healthy nation, healthy political system, healthy socioeconomic environment and healthy lifestyles while the cancerous cells and their known nationwide political agents are allowed to fester in our midst as they have done in the last five dark decades.

Unfortunately, the next general elections will not resolve our current sickening political, economic and ethnic issues, nor will the choreographed elections save the country from its political cancerous past unless we the people are willing to work twice as hard in order to secure a very clean bill of health.

The choice is not ours, unless we decide to become the agents of real change, and a people who are willing to collectively work hard and bring about a different but better political and socioeconomic climate for our nation, the people and subsequent generations.

Otherwise, we are now faced with two choices, a healthy political lifestyle from August/December of 2013, or an unavoidable cancerous way of life that will soon lead to a consequent political and socioeconomic death of a whole nation for the next two to three decades.

The ball is squarely perched on our court. We either measure us, rise up to the challenge and turn the corner or engage in political business-as-usual and forever keep our peace. No need to complain of the foul smell from the skunk brought in by our lovely pets.


  1. Well said, but, but, but.

    There is one thing that, any one who is watching this mess must appreciate. It is this:

    The universe becomes intelligible to the extent we are able to comprehend the whole of the universe. This idea is very practical in politics. This is why.

    An INTELLIGIBLE study of politics is not and cannot be found within the NATIONAL FRAMEWORK.

    As such, one must expand his political studies in terms of the ENTIRE present CIVILIZATION.

    NB: We call it a civilization for lack of a better word for this is advanced BARBARISM and not a civilization.

    NB: We may add in passing. With the passing of the Egyptian civilization which lasted over 4000 years, the world is yet to see another HUMANE civilization like that. It is essentially for this reason, all other BARBARIC civilizations have lasted less than 1000 years.

    In simple words, to expect Kenyans to do things differently is to expect the IMPOSSIBLE, for as we noted some ages ago, the problem:

    "It's Not a Political But an Intellectual Crisis."

    "... we must be forced to admit that, what we face today IS NOT an economic/political crisis, but, perhaps the GREATEST INTELLECTUAL FAILURE IN HUMAN HISTORY."

    In other words, as long as the EXISTING intellectual paradigm which is propagated by the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS is the FOUNDATION of the present ADVANCED BARBARISM, we are done.

    For instance, in accordance with this CHILDISH intellectual paradigm, we will solve our mess by:

    - having OPIUM SESSIONS,
    - fighting corruption, impunity,
    - building infrastructure,
    - fighting corruption,
    - supporting the poor,

    As long as you hold dear to any of the above, just know that, you are running away from the reality and entering into the world of ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES.

    NB: Psychologists tell us that, when men are unable to face the reality, they retreat to infantile fantasies.

    It is to cure such illusions, delusions and childish fantasies we also, wrote that:

    "The failure of Moi, Kibaki or of Kenya has nothing to do with the character of these men. It is for this reason we have never seen the need to analyse the "evils" of these men for it is total waste of time."

    NB: For a better example. Rome would have still fallen even if Caesar had been killed by the pirates.

    As usual, and very unfortunately, when we expose the present childish ideas upon which we are supposed to rebuilt the nation, we are met with insults.

    For this reason, we retreat to enjoy:

    We Deh Yah Still

  2. Funny how the author of this post tries to expunge raila from blame while a little brainless investigation can reveal that raila is just playing to the gallery and has not used his half mkate powers to force a december poll.
    Actually, raila is banking on a march date hoping to become the acting president since kibaki's 2nd and last term expires 5 years after he was sworn in, which will be december this year. Any extensions will be unconstitutional. Raila should be careful since Kalonzo can also claim rights to acting president since he is the one with a constitutional mandate if the GNU govt cease to exist.

    Raila should be careful and know that he has the best shot in dec. Otherwise, he will go into history books as the longest serving opinion poll president of kenya aka mr 38%.

    The oracle has spoken.

  3. Funny how the author of this post tries to expunge raila from blame while a little brainless investigation can reveal that raila is just playing to the gallery and has not used his half mkate powers to force a december poll.


    wa wa wa wa wi wi wu wu wu hu hu hi hi, he he

    At least, Raila, has recognized that, through his "reforms," we have KORTI YA BANDIA making bandia rulings.

    Oh, poor Kenyans!

    Mukainira nja ta arathi. (Mtaimbia nje kama prophets (direct trans.).

    Anyway, we are off to enjoy:

    You are a RAT in a trap:

  4. And there goes our resident INTELLECTUAL HECKLER dispensing his utopian prescription to everything. Please PIG note:

    1) Ivy league graduate is not a tinsmith making YALE padlock

    2) Arab spring is not a brand for bottled water

    Delusions and childish fanstasies are your exclusive forte, hide there please.

  5. The internationally acclaimed Professor Emeritus is an extraordinary pontificator, sorry meant 'lecturer' - s/he always opens our eyes and exposes the current juvenile ideas which have failed to rebuild our nation and the rest of the civilized world as we known it, based on his much publicized publications about Sumerian folklore and Mesopotamian civilizations for children and ancient childish intellectual paradigm ("paradijim").

    Yet at the same time, every post and comment that doesn't meet the standards that flow along with the direction of his Euphrates and Tigris basin of thought are met with a barrage of rapid Mesopotamian hieroglyphic type of insults from the same old wise professor now turned intelligent resident child psychologist and a self-certified expert in all things concerning infantile fantasies.

    Professor Emiretus is infatuated with beguiling us and the rest of the world with his endless semantics and pragmatics of Sumerian folklore ( such as 'Mukainira Nja Ta Arathi') and trademark analogical excerpts and abstracts from his sixty year old desertation on Mesopotamian illusions, delusions and childish fantasies.

    So, to expect the world renowned resident professor to do things differently, such as contributing any new posts, or even to provide a host of exclusive, in-depth insight and comprehensive continual profesorrial lectures or input, is to expect the mudfish in Chania River to swim like dolphins, or the catfish in Tana River to fly like the migratory birds across the aceans.

  6. TAABU,
    The most persistent and urgent question we should be asking ourselves is: What are we doing, not going to do, to change the course of our nation's political, economic, and social future?

    Rather than what political party, tribal election candidate (presidential tribal lord) and same old same old political tribal party with another so-called new political emblem are we going to forcefully select and impose upon the rest of the unsuspecting citizenry?

    What real change if any, will Raila's or Kenyatta's or Karua's(forget Ruto, Musyoka, Mudavadi, Balala, Saitoti etc) election bring to the already dilapidated reagional and nationaol political and economic foundations?

    Why are we the people really expecting any political miracles from the two presidential contenders given their old track records and old political skins that were hatched and are still strongly affiliated with the mighty cockerel, KANU?

    What do we really expect from the same old bus, same old drivers, same old knocked engine, same old passengers, on the same old highway and roads filled with huge craters and having several major bridges washed away with man-made floods?

  7. So, to expect the world renowned resident professor to do things differently, such as contributing any new posts, or even to provide a host of exclusive, in-depth insight and comprehensive continual profesorrial lectures or input,


    Were it not for thy blindness, you would not be writing such rubbish here.

    We have said so many a times this:

    (a) It is not the men/individuals we debate endlessly matter in the scheme of history. No, they do not matter.

    As such, any political debate which starts with things like:

    - ONE IDIOT will succeed another IDIOT, or,

    - this IDIOT is doing this so as to succeed the old IDIOT is WASTE OF TIME.

    In truth then, as long as you guys are stuck in the IDIOT discussing phase of human history, we shall keep on reminding thee that, you are living in the world of ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES.

    Anyway, since this goes against what your IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS degree is based upon, we leave to enjoy:

    I watch the sea rushing to the shore trying to take the FOOTPRINTS to the ocean floor:

  8. Mzee Ngethe, don't you think it's high time that you let your village know where you are? They are missing your rubbishing antics and jestering. By the way, how long will it take you to finish compiling the syllabus template on Illusions, Delusions, and Childish Fantasies?

  9. Intellectual hecklers are sympotomatic of grey insecurity. Just like the village bastard often toils to make a name out of bullying, an intellectual heckler rubbishes what he cannot fathom. And what a better way to engage REVERSE LOGIC than paint who is smarter than you as a graduate of ILF.

    Contradiction galore when you shout authenticity but rev in the very copy cat. For example, trash paper money advocating GOLD but freezing in Europe's winter to earn the £/EU. And what was that cosmetic biz doing trading in cowrieshells?

    You are an intellectual heckler toiling for recognition by being a professional racist - African teacher. Reducing auhensiticy to reggae lyrics epitomizes exported village vagabond.

    Rubbishing all you disagree with while seeing imperialism lurking in every argument amounts to being KK's version of BOKO HARAM = PIG.

  10. By the way, how long will it take you to finish compiling the syllabus template on Illusions, Delusions, and Childish Fantasies?


    The villagers from where some us come from are VERY INTELLIGENT.

    The IGNORANT are the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS like you.

    As such then, we thank the Almighty for small mercies for we have "converted" one from illusions, delusions and childish fantasies fostered by the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS:

    Sample this:

    As young journalists, [READ, fresh from IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS] we supported privatisation as if it was an article of faith. We knew that job losses would be inevitable. But we argued that it was foolhardy to approach the issue as if protecting jobs was an end unto itself. Jobs must, first and foremost, be productive, we pontificated.

    Experience has since turned ardent supporters of privatisation, like me, into cynics. And the cynicism is not as a result of change in ideology. It is based on personal experience. In terms of sending people into the streets, privatisation has been a source of great pain and misery in this country."

    And, even more interesting, as the PERFIDIOUS ALBION tells you a lot of RUBBISH like the ICC and OPIUM SESSIONS, he, with his COMMISSION AGENTS such as (Moi, Kibaki, Raila, Musalia, Uhuru, Ruto, Kalonzo) has set up a KAZI KWA PERFIDIOUS ALBION, for, we are reading that:

    "The gist of the story is that even after ceding majority shareholding to the private sector in Telkom Kenya, the government continues to pump BLLIONS of shillings into the company in the form of shareholder loans, which raises interesting questions about the benefits of privatisation."


  11. Kumekucha, excuse the (out of context) digression for a second or two.

    Why are the French people so shocked that a lone rogue wolf or a group of extreme right-wing slithering serpents speeding around on motobikes have discovered their new found demonic courage, malicious motives and deadly neo-nazi racist reasons for shooting at people of North African descent, and other minorities like Jewish school children as if they were fair game for blood sport?

    When all along it has been the French presidential contenders, parliamentary candidates, known stalwarts in some of the political parties, and certain segments of the diehard French population who have been so busy upping the ante in the anti-immigrant hysteria and inflammatory political campaign rhetoric during the course of the last several months?

    And guess who was reported for having said, "there are so many foreigners in France and we are going to limit the numbers to the point of reducing them into half"?

    Is it any wonder that the headless right wing wild chicken are now coming home to roost with deadly consequences?


    What happened to WSR? Why did he change his mind from this position on the link above to his current position?

  13. The villagers from where some of us come from are very intelligent.

    Couldn't agree more with you on how intelligent the people in most of our villages in Kenya and East Africa are, and there is no doubt nor question about such an educated observation.

    However, how comes that our intelligence at the village level is never translated into the provision or availability of the much needed basic services such as clean drinking water, rural access roads, modern schools, hospitals, colleges, trading centers, cottage industries, dignified village housing, easy access of basic foods, security etc., for ourselves and other people from our rspective villages?

    Why are we surviving in 2012 as if we were still locked up in a time warp dating back to the 18th century?

    NB: Dared to provide a URL or rather a Source:

    Or remain silent as usual (forever).

  14. Contradiction galore when you shout authenticity but rev in the very copy cat. For example, trash paper money advocating GOLD but freezing in Europe's winter to earn the £/EU. And what was that cosmetic biz doing trading in cowrieshells?


    We are here to recover the money/wealth stolen via the KAZI KWA PERFIDIOUS ALBION sons and daughters who sacked our "MAMA" who used to work as a messenger at the TELKOM.

    Anyway, we leave to continue enjoying:

    My caretaker, SACKED by the PERFIDIOUS ALBION from TELKOM could not afford for me to get some EDUCATION:

  15. However, how comes that our intelligence at the village level is never translated into the provision or availability of the much needed basic services such as clean drinking water, rural access roads, modern schools, hospitals, colleges, trading centers, cottage industries, dignified village housing, easy access of basic foods, security etc., for ourselves and other people from our rspective villages?


    Do not be silly.

    Last year ALONE, the PERFIDIOUS ALBION banks and their COMMISSION AGENTS in Kenya, pocketed KES 80 BILLION.

    NB: In a decade, that will be a TRILLION KES.

    Where the f"£$ck HELL do you think that money came from?

    Do you think it came from the mango trees?

    It came from the villagers that you ask IGNORANTLY why they have not installed water etc.

    How can they when the COMMISSION AGENTS of the PERFIDIOUS ALBION are ROBBING them while talking SHIT about OPIUM SESSIONS and so called ICC bullshit?

    Now, these COMMISSION AGENTS of the PERFIDIOUS ALBION are talking about BAILING out Telkom.

    Where do you think the money SHALL come from? From the villagers!

    Wake up from your foolish education induced slumber and see what is going on?

  16. There is no way we are going to have a healthy nation, healthy political system, healthy socioeconomic environment and healthy lifestyles;

    -looking back at all the shenanigans that we have been dragged through not to mention the appalling health system, Are the majority of Kenyans healthy physically, psychologically, emotionally, mentally and financially??? if the answer is YES, then fear not author all shall be well. Remember health people begets a healthy nation and a healthy lifestyle.

  17. Somebody has rattled KK's Boko Haram and the fakie is livid with insults. But don't worry blogers you know a madman when he hogs every opportunity to answer everything thrown at him.

    Come on oaf, hit back. Delusions and childish fantasies is when all are wrong but you.

    Smart people know when silence is golden but not PIG.

  18. Wow! Why do you always sound like the late Mhmd Karebe and at times Nguniaman (Guantai) of Nanyuki town? Part of their unique and implusive vocabulary consisted of spiteful dry coughs and ... spit that were very similar to verbal discharge in the form of sound bites like "foolish fools, opium sessions, silly siri, maebe tree gotile, ignorant mboli, fantastic kamothanga, fanta ya sisi (fantasies), illusionary kiongo wa motwe, induced mbembe slumber", etc. Anyway, makofi kilo kenda kwako.

  19. Somebody has rattled KK's Boko Haram and the fakie is livid with insults. But don't worry blogers you know a madman when he hogs every opportunity to answer everything thrown at him.

    Come on oaf, hit back. Delusions and childish fantasies is when all are wrong but you.


    BOKO HARAMA is just another of the COMMISSION AGENTS.


    A wonderful day.

    Some ages ago, we wrote these ETERNAL words:

    "... many are deceived as to the GREATEST OFFICE of a well ordered society. It is not the office of the mere lawyer, the president, the minister, the general or the mere economist. It is The SACRED OFFICE of the Historian."

    Now, we are reading that, an African Teacher who TAUGHT some of us, has written something some of you MUST READ:

    "Stability in a given place implies that people are SERIOUS about many things, MOST important being HISTORY.

    This is because historical consciousness is critical as it informs deliberations and helps to send out warning signals, based on the analysis and interpretation of the past, of how things can go wrong. It also gives them identity and helps to hold them together as a people.

    Those who lack historical consciousness often end up plunging their countries into perpetual chaos, in part because such people, besides disrespecting history, tend to suffer from the “WE KNOW SYNDROME”, a snobbish disease that afflicts some people in positions of power.

    While leaving thee to read the rest, we cannot avoid copying this about COMMISSION AGENTS:

    "Many leaders in African countries find themselves in this trap partly because of conditioning on what is or is not important. They allow their thinking to be externally controlled partly because several were groomed, and continue to be groomed, by foreign forces to occupy strategic positions."

    Source for Professor Macharia's article:

    Source for our article:

  20. At least Macharia is a REAL professor whose article is comprehensible and intellectually articulated. Contrast that with Sumarian verbiage and you get the difference between intellectualism and heckling. No insults from the former but diarohea for the later.

    Self importance in you I-TOLD-U-SO reminders only succeed in exapanding your kingsize ego. Good luck BOKO HARAM - PIG.

    And predictably you fell for the trap and couldn't resist responding to every post. Silence is surely not golden, LOL.

  21. The daily rants and raves of 1:22 AM who lives in a political and economic fantasy den with nothing new or fresh to offer.
    LOL! "I KNOW IT ALL SYNDROME" is far worse than "WE KNOW SYNDROME".

  22. Anonymous said...
    At least Macharia is a REAL professor whose article is comprehensible and intellectually articulated. Contrast that with Sumarian verbiage and you get the difference between intellectualism and heckling. No insults from the former but diarohea for the later.


    Good to hear that you have taken time to read that article. The rest of your views are just stupidity.


    Now, when we VERBIAGE about this PERFIDIOUS ALBION, some of you do not understand. You do not understand because, you do not know the African history, the present, recent and ancient.

    Luckily, there are a number of nice articles in the Ugandan newspaper that can shed some little light on the CHARACTER and INTENTIONS of this PERFIDIOUS ALBION we VERBIAGE about all the time as you waste time on OPIUM SESSION and ICC which this PERFIDIOUS ALBION is telling you about:

    So, without wasting your time, we leave thee to enjoy:

    "Lugard [PERFIDIOUS ALBION] arrives armed and unannounced."

    Check on your LEFT side articles like:

    - Mwanga's hestitation that cost him dearly,

    - Banyoro, MUSLIMS UNITED to kick Buganda in the groin etc.


    For us, as usual, we leave to enjoy:

    Fruitless trees must be cut down:

  23. Anon @4:25 AM
    A person is known by the uncouth phrases of abuse he or she resorts to whenever all else has failed. You really have personal issues to deal with. Keep it up but don't forget to take your regular meds.

  24. @Kumekucha,
    What is your take concerning Oliver's last minute unauthorized payment of ransom for the release of his dear mother?

    What will happen when the money aka ransom rans out? Will the greed for more spoils incentivize, encourage, or refuel the same crew of thugs to sneak back onto Kenyan shores with the hopes of trying their luck at banditry once again?

    Or worse, will Oliver's gesture ('a son's last resort - financial offering - for a mother's release') now embolden other greedy bands of thugs to go after any soft foreign targets along the Kenyan coastline with the hopes of ransoming them for a king's ransom as was the case with one of the released hostage who is still being debriefed on Kenyan soil by representatives and security personnel from her home government.

    On the one hand there are those cowardly critics (like you know who) and their ilk who have been very vocal in blaming Mzee Kibaki while at the same time second guessing every move that he makes or doesn't make as far as national security is concerned.

    For instance his so-called risking the lives of KDF troops by taking a series of well thought out battles to the doorsteps, backyards and man-made caves of the bandits responsible for the invasion of Kenya's shores and territorial waters several months ago.

    On the other hand, it turns out that the type of gathered intelligence which Mzee Kibaki and his national security team have been receiving and reviewing is right on the mark, because the real wicked masterminds behind the whole operation were based in some of the major towns not far from Kenyan coastline, from where they have now been kicked and forced to escape further inland.

    In the past, the ring leaders were able to command and control their banditry operations as well as the easy facilitation of the indirect ('electronic transfer' or 'money drops') handover of the king's ransom in exchange for the release of the hostages in cases similar to that of Oliver's mother, from the areas and towns where gangs of bandits have been cleared out.

    So, whichever way we choose to view or judge Mzee Kibaki's actions with regard to Operation Linda Nchi, Ponda Nyagumi, Piga Mkizi Msasi, Mpini wa Chuma, Ng'oa Nanga, Gonga Pweza, Toboa Nundu, Chanja Papa, Vuka Mpaka, etc.

    All things taken into account, Mzee Kibaki and his national security team had no choice but to sanction KDF's rapid reponse against the bandits, intstead of issuing empty threats, or wagging a finger of wrath against the bandits at any given public rally.

    Unfortunately for the bandits, they are still paying heafty price and will continue to do so for having underestimated Mzee Kibaki's next move or reponse.

    As it were, it's now too late for the bands of bandits, who didn't have the slightest clue that Mzee Kibaki is the type of leader who doesn't issue empty traditional threats for the remainder of his term in office.

    However, he will now be known by the bands of bandits and others as leader who carries a very heavy rungu that has been reinforced with several cast iron rods, whenever and wherever it necessary to protect the nation's interests.

  25. On the other hand, it turns out that the type of gathered intelligence which Mzee Kibaki and his national security team have been receiving and reviewing is right on the mark,


    wa wa wa we we wi wi hi hi

    Is it better than the Iraq the "intelligence?"

    Anyway, we do not understand these high level "intelligence," (read, schemes to rob Wanjiku), but, we receive intelligent intelligence from Wanjiku.

    As such, we have received intelligent intelligence that, the weather is having some issues.

    So, from your sources, are you aware whether Kibaki and his "intelligent" team have received this as well?

    Or, such does not amount to national interest?

    Oh, we forgot, Kibaki is the occupier of the HIGHEST OFFICE OF SLAUGHTER.

    Anyway, since we know nothing, only the god chosen commission agents know for ARMS EXPORTS for wars in Somalia, we retreat to enjoy:

    Go away MURDEROUS superpowers:

  26. Can somebody pleaase stop this HECKLER from RUININK KK by suffocating us with his serial one-dimensional rants? The delusional chap is so shameless and arrogant, he is permenently glued here selectively lifting comments to pamper his kingsize ego.

    The self-obsessed PIG never tires of answering his own verbiage. Only in his head can he hold a candle to the Ivy League graduates he is so jealously derides.

    Swali: what have you done to yourself and the world/family to make you stand out? No rants please!

  27. Guka suffers from verbal unrinary track infection which is compounded with common bouts of the slip of his aged tongue. That maybe one of the reasons why Guka can't help it but wet on most comments on Kumekucha. All Guka needs is compassion, a person to give him undivided attention, and a neighbourly Good Samaritan willing to clean him up every now and then, so that he doesn't get irritable, lash out and redirect his misplaced Sumerian anger and sense of Mesopotamian abandoment at others on Kumekucha.

  28. Kwani Waziri Wetangula alikua akitafuta mali ya kibinafsi au ya uma huko Mali? Walinieleze kwamba nisidhubutu kutamka nene "bamako" mbele ya wazee wa kijiji fulani huko nchini. Ingawaje ni vema kuwaita "batata" ama "bamayi" kwenye baraza kuu la wanakijiji.

  29. PIG,

    How comes you have not attached the imperialists' coup de tat in Mali, LOL. Some Sumarian rants please!!!

  30. How comes you have not attached the imperialists' coup de tat in Mali, LOL. Some Sumarian rants please!!!

    3/22/12 3:15 PM


    Jua Kalulu, wa wa wa we we wi wi hi he ha ha ha

    We understand not these military coups, but, we understand some other issues.

    As such, may you and any reader interested in the welfare of Africa, consider this:

    (a) These ARMED MONKEYS and the next COMMISSION AGENTS, are chasing the OLD COMMISSION AGENTS because, they want:

    (i) more and better weapons.

    We inquire, who shall sell and profit from those weapons?

    (ii) to take the "battle" to the Tuareg rebels because they are TERRORISTS.

    For these Tuaregs, all they need to do is call themselves FREE MALIAN ARMY, i.e. taking the Libyan/Syrian model.

    However, all this pales into nothing, when you know this:

    In Mali, there is a company called Rand Gold. This company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.


    Oh, Africa, you have no friends for your own sons are like men who prostitute their own mother for opium!

    In other words, remove the African soil from London and Nasdaq, and you see an ECONOMIC DISASTER.

    Yes, you may live and die on your soil, but, it is capitalized elsewhere. If this is not imperialism, we would be happy to be educated by those who WORSHIP these white gods.

    Oh, we forgot they tell you how corrupt and stupid Africans are and how they rant and verbiage!

    With this coup, the shares of Rand Gold slumped. Who bought the slump? Or, who had the intelligence to be prepared for the slump?

    More so, if you look at the directors of this company, THERE IS no SINGLE AFRICAN.

    Yes, a company, entirely dependent on the Malian soil, but, there is no African there in decision making.

    More so, if you check the management, you will see this:

    "Mahamadou (Sam) Samaké.

    Group GM West Africa. A professor of company law at the University of Mali, Mahamadou WAS INSTRUMENTAL in writing the MALIAN MINING LEGISLATION. He is the resident executive manager in Mali and is responsible for GOVERNMENT LIAISON and legal counsel for the Francophone region."

    We merely ask, did he write the Malian mining law to:

    (i) advance the interests of Mali and Africa, or

    (ii) advance the interests of the PERFIDIOUS ALBION?

    Anyway, since all this verbiage and all matters which IDIOT will succeed the old IDIOT in the forthcoming OPIUM SESSION and Ocampo god, we leave in peace to enjoy:

    Hypocrites and parasites,

    Will come up and take a bite,

    And if your night should turn to day,

    A lot of people would run away.

  31. Guka Mwara Ng'ethe is a man from his time and still loves his Jua Kalulu days.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.