Angry Ruto men vow to crush Gachagua BUT here's why the DP will win | Kenya news

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why The Ocampo Four Must Prepare For The Ugliest Of Trials

Things will move very fast, reliable source tells Kumekucha

Snapshot: President Kibaki wrote a personal statement to the ICC court in defence of Muthaura. So indicting Muthaura is a loaded statement to Kibaki. And he is no fool.

Most of us missed the big story yesterday. It was the delay in Kenyans receiving the news of the verdict after everybody else in the world and the big speech by president Kibaki very shortly after that basically trying to throw cold water on the ICC verdict. What happened to our communication in Kenya yesterday afternoon? Was somebody trying to buy time?
Create a caption for this photo and post it in the comments section below and you can win a hug from Kumekucha himself if you are a nice looking lass.

It is instructive that Kumekucha was the first to break the story with the post being made from somewhere in Europe. Just do you research and get back to us about that delay will you?

And to confirm that the daggers have truly been drawn the immediate response from the US (in response to Kibaki’s strange speech) was telling. The US urged Kenya to co-operate with the ICC. Read the story HERE

Now why would the US say that? Cast your mind back to the president’s statement and the answer is there in black and white. Kibaki just stopped short of saying that he would not co-operate with the ICC because he did not recognize their ruling. Indeed he said that in different carefully selected words.

I have said it here before several times that the real target of the ICC is President Mwai Kibaki and if anybody was waiting for a confirmation, it came yesterday. Granted, former police commissioner Ali is not in the Ocampo four, but the man who issued the orders in the first place, Francis Muthaura is. So where did Muthaura get his orders from?

At this point it does not matter whether the four will be found guilty or not, Kenya has changed forever. Those famous words from ICC special prosecutor Ocampo have come back to haunt the guilty. He said he wanted to use Kenya as an example and true to his word the whole world is reeling with shock today that an actual sitting deputy Prime Minister of a country can stand trial at the ICC, it is unprecedented. It tells the whole world that we have crooks seated in the government in the banana republic called Kenya. And the president unknowingly confirmed that script by making the statement he did.

I must say that it is laughable how some people can be stuck in a time frame and stubbornly refuse to move with the times. President Kibaki in his mind is still in the Kenyatta days when it was a very serious thing for the president to interrupt all programs to make an unscheduled address to the nation.

During the Kenyatta presidency it happened only once when the country was falling apart after the assassination of Tom Mboya. During the Moi days it never happened. But during the Kibaki presidency it has happened so many times (the most memorable was the one where he disowned his second wife and his own children by her, just to please his first wife) that they are no longer of any significance. Personally I would pay more attention to the "Rambo" police spokesman issuing a statement because I have come to expect the president’s statements to be hot air speeches playing politics and pretending that he is addressing grave national issues. Who advices the guy anyway (they should all be sacked because they are a total waste to tax-payers funds). Although in mitigation there is a source who persistently tells me that the president is always ignoring the sound advice he receives and doing things his way because he has the “long experience” which some of the young men advising him do not.

I am also reliably informed that things will move with speed from here on. If the appeals fail (which they will because legally an appeal at this stage is on very thin ice given that the accused persons have not even seen all the evidence against them. It will make more sense to go to trial and then appeal if there is a conviction) then the trail that will follow will be “brutal”. Brutal in the sense that Kenyans will hear things that will make their ears “ring” or is it buzz. Terrible terrible things that were done to fellow Kenyans as old man impunity raised his ugly head in all its’ ugliness.

A Kumekuchan summarized the whole scenario perfectly. The ICC will single handedly and neatly solve all our political problems. That is what the old guard including Mzee Mwai Kibaki do not want to hear.

But whether you want to hear it or not, that is the truth. Over the last couple of months old fat overweight (from 40 years of feeding very well) impunity has taken quite a beating but always remained on his feet. I have great pleasure in announcing to you that he received the knockout blow yesterday afternoon and is out for the count.

Folks, I have to stop there, this is a post I will have to finish later (there is too much to be said and so I will take it easy so that we are all able to absorb it all, no?

So you can look out for part 2 very soon where I will talk about the mysterious powerful figure behind the blinding speed of the proceedings at the Hague and why Ocampo would win any election in Kondele.


  1. Muthaura dares Kifaki!

    All in this statement

    "Khan further said even if they don’t succeed in an appeal, the trials will prove the truth. “It is our very strong view knowing the cases we do that either we will prevail on an appeal or leave is granted or even if not, when the full facts are known; when we have the opportunity to confront not reference statements but REAL people, the truth will out.”

    NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 23 – The Head of the Civil Service Francis Muthaura has announced he will appeal against the decision of the International Criminal Court which ruled on Monday he should face trial for crimes against humanity.

    Addressing the media at Harambee House, his lawyer Karim Khan QC said he would lodge an appeal with the war crimes court following the decision.

    “Like in a football match, this is only half time and we are going to seek in due course, leave to appeal so that maybe the referee’s decision may be questioned. It is half time, there is all to play for. Don’t be celebratory, wait and allow justice to run its course,” he asserted.

    Khan further said even if they don’t succeed in an appeal, the trials will prove the truth. “It is our very strong view knowing the cases we do that either we will prevail on an appeal or leave is granted or even if not, when the full facts are known; when we have the opportunity to confront not reference statements but real people, the truth will out.”

    Muthaura’s lead counsel said they did not expect the court to confirm the charges against the career diplomat describing the news as a shocker. “We are immensely disappointed and very surprised by Monday’s decision given the evidence we put forward and the submissions we made.”

  2. Why Uhuru and Muthaura should go:

    I am no Lawyer but what does "Individual capacity" have to do with public office? This is very annoying. Why didn't Githu talk about the following clause “The parties shall ensure that any person holding public office or any public servant charged with a criminal offence related to 2008 post-election violence shall be suspended from duty until the matter is fully adjudicated upon." signed for by the principles when they received the Waki report?

  3. Chris my brother
    wacha zako ati baba jimmy will wear a GBAGBO VEST under arrest for crimes he did not commit. Hio ni bure kabisa and how IMPUDENT of you to portray a snap of H.E. in this manner? wapi Mzalendo Kibunja when you need to report E-HATE IMAGES

  4. Poor Chris,
    Sometimes its better to keep quite and bottle up your ujinga rather than writing a long winding upuzi that confirms to all how shallow you look at things. So in the gospel according to Chris, who last year was getting shagged by the architects of usual pyramid schemes going by fancy names as multilevel marketing, Kibaki organized, funded and executed all the killings that happened after raila lost elections. I think the best thing is just to allow you wallow in that abyss of confusion and shallowness with the good company of your pensioner friend taabu who went orgasmic yesterday.
    No wonder Mwarangethe cally your kind SHEEPLE. You really have no clue!!

  5. But where is the other half of the gava ya kina odinga?

  6. This post is a validation Chris is senile and indeed suffering from worst form of hallucinations. Just keep dreaming wewe Muikamba.
    Do you really expect people to take u seriously after what u have written on this post?

  7. Good job Chris.
    Its election year and as usual ODM propaganda kitty of 100K to influential kenyan blogs is out for grabs. You have started well. Keep the PNU/Mt Kenya mafia bashing going and who knows you may just win the cash.

    By the way what really happened to that explossive story you had about Raila's corruption??
    Let me guess, thats the last thing you want to write since it means you will not be eligible to receive the propaganda cash..
    Good luck Chris.

  8. Chris,

    You are guilty as charged for being DISRESPECTFUL to PORK, How dare you? You must respect the CIC and head of state please.

    And how about this caption

    ..Kibaki kickbacks Gbagbo....

    Ocampo is going nowhere with his catch of four and UK and Mzee Kirimi is here to stay, UTADO?

    You failed to mention that all these is Raila's schemes which will backfire terribly. The PM camped at The Hague over Xmas cheating Kenyans he was in India. See he secured the freedom of ODM's chair.

    If Ocampo thinks teaching law at an IVY LEAGUE OF .. uni (Havard) makes him a genius tell him Kenya sio Argentina. We have our won survvy and genetically qualified professor Githu as AG. What is more, Kibaki himself is getting a PhD from none other than Makerere. UTADO?

    And while at it why do you trivialize such weighty stuff of NATINAL/INDIVIDUAL importance to kinyozi talk of Kondele? Bure kabisa and you have been reported by Luka to Mzalendo.

  9. Kumekucha

    First wait for backlash from Mwarangethe, which I'll support because ICC won't solve most of our problems.

    You have already seen that Muthaura and Uhuru will remain in office. I still see that our constitution is a black ink on white paper and nothing more.

    Yes, as you complain and focus all your energy only on ICC the following will continue happening:

    Many people's lives will continue to be taken because of diseases and crime caused by poverty.

    Corruption will continue taking place as the loopholes have never been sealed.

    If what you want happens, just like Bashir, maybe all of them will continue leaving lavishly in Kenya, and maybe China despite the warrant of arrest on them by ICC, as you wallow in poverty daily and shout everyday, "at last they are going to be arrested". And maybe many will die earlier than them with that hope that they will be arrested.

    Banks will continue charging us high interest rates. I thought mortgage rates were fixed until recently. Fortunately for the landlords, they have transferred the additional cost to the tenants.

    Vision 2030 will increase our debt burden and gap between the rich and the poor will widen.

    Ruto and Uhuru will run for 2012 presidency, whether there is a warrant of arrest or not, and many Kenyans will vote for them.

    ICC will only deal with one effect of our problem, which I applaud, but it will not only leave the rest, but will also not deal with the root of the problem.

    The root of the problem will be left to us, and if we focus on ICC and wait for them to deal with it then we are mistaken, for in future we will see the return of the effect of the problem that ICC tried to solve.

    Going around ICC, as some Presidents in our region have found out, is as easy as giving Government contracts to some countries that I will not want to mention here.

    Fortunately I can't be pessimistic and fail to provide a solution. So what is the solution.

    First of all solution is within all of us, in our attitude.

    The fights, killings, tribalism, nepotism all emanate from the need for all of us to remove ourselves from poverty and improve our living standards. Once this poverty has been removed then majority of the people will not see the need to fight each other and to steal from each other.

    Our poverty is caused by many reasons that I leave to an economist, or is it Mwarangethe, to explain..........

    Got no time for I need to rush to Kencom to take a Citi Hoppa. And God willing I'll also be joyful and smile for over 50 years that at last justice will be done, as the ICC suspects continue leaving in opulence, with warrant of arrest on them, while everyday using my energy to enrich themselves.


    **I fear using my google account as it was blocked the last time I used it, so forgive me for using anonymous**

  10. Orange Democratic Movement legislators on Tuesday demanded the sacking of Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura following the confirmation of charges facing them over post-election violence.

    ODM parliamentary group secretary Ababu Namwamba, assistant ministers Alfred Khangati, Josphat Nanok, MPs Martin Ogindo, Rachel Shebesh and Yusuf Chanzu said President Kibaki should adhere to the agreement he signed on December 16 ,2008 and sack the two.

    The MPs cited the agreement for the implementation of the Commission of Inquiry into Post-Election Violence signed by President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga in December, 2008.

    The agreement states in part: “The parties shall ensure that any person holding public office or any public servant charged with a criminal offence related to 2008 post-election violence shall be suspended from duty until the matter is fully adjudicated upon.”

    It adds: “The parties shall ensure that any person convicted of a post-election violence offence is barred from holding any public office or contesting any electoral position.”

    The agreement was part of the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation process that ended the 2007-2008 post-election chaos.

    The MPs said the agreement binds the two principals to act on Mr Muthaura and Mr Kenyatta and that they should execute it immediately instead of creating unnecessary tension in the country.

    Addressing journalists at Parliament Buildings, the MPs criticized President Kibaki’s move to order Attorney General Githu Muigai to form a committee to give an advice on ICC ruling.
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    “There is no reason for another committee. The matter should have been handled by the sub-committee on ICC chaired by the two principals unless they tell us it has ceased to exist,” said Mr Namwamba who is also the Budalangi MP.

    Giving examples of Eldoret North MP William Ruto and Tinderet MP Henry Kosgey, who left their ministerial positions after being charged in court, the MPs said the same should apply to Mr Kenyatta and Mr Muthaura.

    The ICC Pre-Trial Chamber on Monday confirmed Mr Kenyatta and Mr Muthaura should face trial over post election violence.

    Mr Namwamba’s group said the process to remove Deputy Chief Justice Nancy Baraza was also on.

    “Up to now the case against Ms Baraza has not been proved but she has been asked to step aside. The same should apply in ICC cases where public officers are facing serious charges of mass murder, rape and forcefully displacement of people,” Mr Khangati who is Kanduyi MP and an assistant minister in the Office of the Prime Minister said.

    The MPs cautioned against politicization of the ICC process and that the transition should not create any panic or uncertainty.

    Mr Khangati added that the code of conduct for Cabinet office also requires ministers to resign when charged with an offence.

  11. @Taabu,
    INSOLENT Taabu ati Kibaki kickbacks Gbagbo you should KNOW PEOPLE&show PROPER RESPECT to HE before Kibunja....

  12. Ocampo,you were a God sent to come and stop these madness in our country.
    Impunity had to be tamed and what a nice start to begin with the son of the founding father.There is no independence if we treat each other worse than the colonialists!

    Today we usher in a common man's independence.49yrs after kenya african big men got theirs together with the land tittle of the whole of kenya at their mercy.
    Thanks Ocampo on behalf of Millions of Kenyans who are voiceless and never seen justice in their live. Its up to Kenyans to pick from where Ocampo left or history will repeat itself.
    God bless Ocampox100%

  13. If there is one man that God should bless forever its is Ocampo. on the one hand, for Ruto the movie has begun because ICC apana michezo.
    The man Ocampo has never lost a pre-trial hearings and yesterday was nothing but another feather in the cap for him.Ocampo will soon be going after their assets and all they own.This is a good time to transfer what you got to the most trusted member of your family because you may not know what will happen once you are done with the Hague!

    The elites were busy politiking and shouting in their Kenyan style of inciting their ethnic groups. Ignore him as a stooge of politician, some said. I pitied Kenya's leadership from the beginning of this process. I want to remind you guys how Ocampo's techniques are tough. He may be a poor communicator but good at collecting evidences, and putting them into facts. That is what matters in law. Justice must be done in Kenya for the first time since late 1960s early 1970s

  14. Wait a minute!where are the anti-western imperialist propaganda defenders?mmmmmmmmhhhhhh!!!

  15. It has been said that the language of impunity - tyranny - and the language of democracy are much the same. Both say I know what's better for the country's future, but one says it for a season and the other for life.

    While we must resist the current political culture of impunity by all means, we must never ever underestimate the depth of our depravity and must always set a watch on our political and ethnic MO, that we not repeat what we accused, blamed and faulted Mzee Daniel Moi and his Nyayo government of doing to us for two and half-decades.

    That's why our so-called third emperor - Mzee Mwai Kibaki - needs not only to be told that he must get a new set of clothes, but those around him must be courageous enough to tell him that he will be seen as butt naked the moment the ICC process gets into full gear, unless he's willing to fully corporates.

    In the meantime, Mzee Kibaki and his henchmen must be infomred that any last minute sinister maneuvers,cover-up and engineered delays are not going to be possible, but will only lead the rest of the country more deeply into a state of political turmoil as well as ethnic tragedies.

  16. The ODM brigands are at it again but the fools fail to see that all they have is a Pyrrhic victory. If UK and Muthaura resign today or step aside they will use those same ODM statements to hit back at raila at the end of the day raila stands to lose most from those ICC cases. He is seen as a western puppet and a master manipulator for having fingered uhuru and an ungrateful wretch and master betrayer for fingering ruto. Lets not forget that the violence was initiated by ODM, it was their bargaining chip and they used it effectively they are in government

  17. It is all Raila's fault, PERIOD. True he fingered both UK and Ruto and used Ocampo to fix them at ICC. That is agenius analysis that only schooled minds can expose. Add the western puppet tag and you have outdone Nyayo showing bodies littering Kigali streets to warn against multi-partysm.

    The last 9+ years has been bliss to the core oppositionists and civil society after joining the table in 2003. All the threats is fear for what post 2012 potents for them. Real enterpreneurs!!

  18. @anon 1/24/12 10:50 AM
    Denial is a terrible thing for it only fools the self .....the worst lie ever is the one told to the self ....think about it long and hard

  19. Taabu wrote

    "If Ocampo thinks teaching law at an IVY LEAGUE OF .. uni (Havard) makes him a genius tell him Kenya sio Argentina. We have our won survvy and genetically qualified professor Githu as AG. What is more, Kibaki himself is getting a PhD from none other than Makerere. UTADO?


    Bwa ha ha ha he he he hi hi wa wa wa weeee, ha hi hi

    Ocampo and Githu are both USELESS PRODUCTS of the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS.

    In your dreams, Ocampo is good, but, Professor Githu is bad.

    How Sir?

    By the way, didn't Kenyans chase Wako with GOLDEN PARACHUTES?

    To what end, we ask?


    There were times when jurists knew something about man. As an example, up to 1860's, the Japanese society was filled with violence just as we see today in Kenya/Africa.

    To REFORM that nation (SO AS TO AVOID COLONIALISM of Europe), the Japanese requested Abraham Lincoln, the then USA President, to send them a BRILLIANT/LEARNED JURIST to help reform that society.

    NB: Instead of NERO HOOVER Obama doing what is good in front of God and Man like Abe Lincoln did to the Japanese, he is sending murders and liars to Africa.

    We continue..

    Using his (the American) WIDE and DEEP learning about MAN, and not just USELESS CASE LAW, so called CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, we add so called INTERNATIONAL LAW, this jurist, a friend of mankind, produced the MODERN JAPAN.

    NB: Any wisely drawn law, must be in accordance with the NATURE of MAN. If it is not, it cannot work. As such, knowing law is USELESS if you are ignorant as to the TRUE NATURE of man.

    Just look at the ICC. What have all those stupid lawyers earning stupid amount of money accomplished. Compare their USELESS output and the modern Japan which was the work of ONE LEARNED MAN. Bure kabisa!

    Instead of Kenyans who profess to be educated cheering nonsense, they ought to know such facts and therefore, know what needs to be done and what MUST ONE DAY BE DONE.

    Instead, we see Kenyans cheering ILLITERATE LAWYERS like Ocampo thinking they will save Africa.

    They SHALL not. Instead, they SHALL SINK Africa into more mess.

    Anyway, since the African Teachers know nothing and Ocampo and his ICC rubbish knows more, we leave to enjoy:

    Men see their dreams and aspiration-a
    Crumble in front of their face,

    And all of their wicked intention
    To destroy the human race.


    A few days ago, Chris wrote this:

    "Moi Leading In Kumekucha Polls?"

    In response/in contributing to that debate the African Teacher commented this:

    "Poor Kenyans!

    The present situation, and the BLEAK FUTURE cannot be understood in the way we discuss these stuff.

    So, for those interested, we offer some skeleton ideas on the EVOLUTION of our quagmire:..."

    Read the rest here please:


    After reading those WISE comments of the African Teacher, read this:

    "Ouko met Thatcher to discuss ‘political tensions’ in Kenya months before coup."

    "The murdered former Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ouko met former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to discuss political ‘tension’ in Kenya just months before the attempted coup in 1982.

    Secret minutes relating to that meeting have just been released by the British government in London.

    And, ESPECIALLY this:

    "Taking place against a backdrop of a SERIOUS DECLINE in the world prices for COFFEE and TEA, which had led to a HALVING of GDP growth in Kenya, the report said that the country’s economy was “under increasing signs of strain,” and this was “exacerbated by one of the highest population growth rates in the world,” and “serious food shortages.”

    NB: You see, what Kenyans wait for 30 years to know, the African Teacher can tell you for FREE TODAY.


    In other words, what we are telling you today about this KANGAROO ICC, SHALL be confirmed when MOST OF YOU ARE DEAD.

    And, YOUR CHILDREN for failure to listen to the African Teachers, SHALL be engaged in usual RUBBISH/DELUSIONAL/CHILDISH TALK.

    Anyway, with that, we leave to enjoy:

    This could be the first trumpet, but, may be the last,

    Many will suffer and more will have to die

  21. Mungiki meeting took place, says ICC Tuesday, January 24

    International Criminal Court judges say they are convinced Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura and President Kibaki met Mungiki members at State House in Nairobi.

    However, State House has denied the claims and President Kibaki even sent a personal statement to the International Criminal Court (ICC) during the confirmation of charges hearings against Mr Muthaura, delinking himself from the Mungiki.

    But the judges, in their ruling on Monday, poured cold water on President Kibaki’s denial, saying that they approached his statement and that of former State House Comptroller Hyslop Ipu “with reservation” and considered that they could not be regarded as decisive in the determination of whether a Mungiki meeting never took place at State House.

    In particular, the Chamber is satisfied that there are substantial grounds to believe that on 26 November 2007 a meeting was held at Nairobi State House between Mr Muthaura, Mr Kenyatta, Mungiki representatives, President Mwai Kibaki, and others,” they said in the ruling.

    The judges say that the evidence presented by anonymous prosecution witnesses proved that the first of such meetings aimed at securing Mungiki support for the President was held on November 26, 2007.

    The judges say that Mungiki was represented by Mr Maina Diambo and two other individuals they have blacked out on the ruling.

    The PNU side was represented by President Kibaki, Mr Muthaura, Mr Kenyatta, Mr Hyslop Ipu, Mr Isaiya Kabira and Mr Stanley Murage.

    Also present but whose name has been blacked out by the judges is a former central Kenya MP.

    The Mungiki demands included the cessation of extrajudicial killings of its members, the release from prison of Mr Maina Njenga and the recruitment of Kikuyu youth into the security and armed forces.

    The judges said that Witness OTP 4 stated that, after hearing the Mungiki demands, the President addressed Mr Muthaura, telling him “something to the effect of: ‘You have heard what the youth want, so now it is upon you’”.

    In light of the above it is foolish To hear Mwarang'ethe say "Instead, we see Kenyans cheering ILLITERATE LAWYERS like Ocampo thinking they will save Africa"

    Ocampo didn't need to and is not saving anyone. We were in a mess long before he came and will continue to be in a mess long after he retires in July because we are our own worst enemies

  22. It does not matter anymore what anyone says, ICC or not, Kenyan will never move on until we go back to basics in PEV. what went wrong, who rigged where?, who got agitated? who called for demos, who tried to call off the demos?, those people are still alive so let’s not be vague and hypocritical! judgement ni hapa hapa all kenyans know what went down c'mon chis whay do ya say about that ha!

  23. Ah, picture of Emilio in 'gbagbo vest' is back. Poor lamb!

  24. The judges said that Witness OTP 4 stated that, after hearing the Mungiki demands, the President addressed Mr Muthaura, telling him “something to the effect of: ‘You have heard what the youth want, so now it is upon you’”.

    In light of the above it is foolish To hear Mwarang'ethe say "Instead, we see Kenyans cheering ILLITERATE LAWYERS like Ocampo thinking they will save Africa"

    Ocampo didn't need to and is not saving anyone. We were in a mess long before he came and will continue to be in a mess long after he retires in July because we are our own worst enemies


    You and your god Ocampo, are stuck in the world of LEGALISM.

    Men do not function according to the fantasies of lawyers who are HALF EDUCATED.

    NB: No amount of legalism shall save Kenya. It shall burn as you argue in so called Courts.

    In fact, if Kibaki was wise, he would have just called for OPIUM SESSION immediately. Given the current situation, UK and Ruto would "win." That would complicate matters even further.

    Anyway, we leave OPIUM nonsense for now.

    We have noted many a times this.

    1. We do not deny crimes were committed. We accept 101% of this fact.

    So, that is not the issue.

    The question is this.

    What is the REAL CAUSE of rampant violence in Africa/3rd World?

    Why is the REAL CAUSE of the rampant violence in Iraq, Lebanon, Burma, Haiti, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistani, Honduras etc?

    And, to give you a hint to move away from this stupid LEGALISM, we have informed you that:

    Up to 1860's, the Japanese society was extremely violent and corrupt.

    They did not reform it by going to so called courts. They invited an American Jurist who ABOVE ALL, understood THE NATURE OF MAN.

    NB: Why are your friends Americans, Japanese not telling you these little secrets? Because, they are DELIBERATELY MISLEADING Africans.

    In other words, this LEARNED American knew that, yes, there was violence in the Japanese society, but, prosecutions were not the answer. In fact, if they prosecuted the feudal lords, violence would have increased.

    This American, knowing not just case law, knew that, REAL CAUSE lay in the economic structure of the Japanese society.

    To end that violence/impunity, Japan had to end its feudal economic structure. In fact, if it did not, it would have been colonized.

    Surely, as soon as he started reforming that economy, Japan started to rise and by 1900, it was waging war against Russia.

    In other words, from 1870 - 1900, in a span of just 20 years, Japan was catching up with the European powers.

    Since 2007, it is now 5 years, what have you done apart from waiting for Ocampo's nonsense? What do you think will be achieved in the next 15 years? Nothing.

    Take this home. Ocampo and his friend are trained in reading cases.

    The question is, which case does Ocampo know that we do not know? Which one? Which one?

    We repeat. Knowing case law is GROSSLY INSUFFICIENT to reform a society like Kenya.

    Is that clear Sir?

    Anyway, we leave to enjoy:

    Times are DANGEROUS

    Mind Who You Beg For Help

  25. The good news for some people: they now know who is in Ocampo's cross hairs.

    The real bad news for others: they know it's just a matter of time before the trigger is pulled by Ocampo, a man who is known to be more patient than a polar bear.

    So, regardless of how some of us will continue to view a series of fortunate or unfortunate events unfold at the ICC, there is one reality that seems to escape most of us, which is, we are so close in some respects - with regard to seeking justice and due process - that when we differ it can and at times it does lead to entrenched inflammatory conversations.

    And it's times such as these when a deep seated - four decades old - sibling rivalry gone bad always rears one of its ugliest head as expected, to the point where some of us end up disregarding any avenues for reason and dialogue, not to mention a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for those among us who may hold different views or opinions.

    All thing taken into account, the best and the worst in all of us will definitely emerge in due cause as the Ocampo 4 - soon to be three 3 depending on the health status of one of them - prepare themselves for The Ugliest of Trials at The Hague where gruesome but neceessary details will be made available to the public.

  26. @Anon 1/24/12 1:51 PM
    Should Kenyans go back to the basics in the same fashion as our distant neighbours have done in Rwanda after having lived through a hellish existence without neighbourly, continental and international help?

    So far, the malipo ni hapa hapa ideological avenue of justice continues to be served in Gacaca Courts all over Rwanda, at the International Tribunal Court for Rwanda in Arusha, Tanzania, and at The Hague.

  27. Whose names did waki's envelope contain? Should we just assume those named therein are innocent just because Ocampo couldn’t be bothered to summon them to The Hague. Must we??

  28. What might go wrong with the legal process is no longer the question on many people's minds because everyone who has paid some kind of attention to the PEV including the former Ocampo 6 seems to understand explicitly what the ICC stands for. As far as people are concerned, they are now very much aware that we will be held accountable no matter who we are or what we have been in whatever capacity involving any crimes against humanity. That includes all the thirty-three people whose names were contained in Waki's envelope. Believe or not, a decision that will set the stage for local prosecution is under way, and it will be made in one way or another after 2012. So far, it's not a question of trying to sit in judgement nor pass judgement, but let the owners of names in question brace themselves for delayed prosecution.

  29. Chris, go on demonizing our president hiding under the pretext of free press.
    According to you and some kenyans, PEV was brought by ONLY the ICC 4 and the PRESIDENT.

    And you expect people to respect your intelligence Chris? Come on, you are almost 50 years old for crying out loud. Stop fearing to think for yourself, it doesnt hurt man..

  30. My heart bleeds for some people. Anyway, how comes the so-called demonization of our president elicits a frown of disaproval from certain circles, yet the constant vilification of Chris Kumekucha is open season? Why would anyone be so anal about Chris's age?

  31. is laughable how some people can be stuck in a time frame and stubbornly refuse to move with the times.

    Mzee Mwai Kibaki has a lot of company in that regard, take the deputy chief justice, for instance, she has shown dogged determination not to change her attitude or shade her heavy-handedness, especially in spite of a good reason to do so, in light of the unfortunate incident at the now famous Village Market.

    Report has it that she may not be charged with a minor wrongdoing but she will be charged with a more serious offense, that of 'aggrivated assault with a deadly weapon and unlawful detention of the complaint,' once the public prosecutor's office has tied all the loose ends and sealed loopholes in the case, Nancy Kerubo Morara vs Nancy Makokha Baraza.

  32. Mwarang'ethe said
    "Surely, as soon as he started reforming that economy, Japan started to rise and by 1900, it was waging war against Russia."
    Kibaki revived the economy but collapsed the country. next

  33. What good is a booming economy in a collapsed country?

  34. Mwarang'ethe said
    "Surely, as soon as he started reforming that economy, Japan started to rise and by 1900, it was waging war against Russia."
    Kibaki revived the economy but collapsed the country. next

    1/24/12 10:56 PM


    We understanding thinking can be hard work.

    But, should reading be that difficult as well Sir?

    Zamani, zamani za kale, if you remember such, we wrote these WISE words on this blog:

    "Recently, Chris wrote this. “One of the few things that Kenyans already knew about Mwai Kibaki early on and had known for decades was the fact that he was a brilliant scholar. Of that there is no doubt. ...” See his piece here. Chris is in good company in perpetuation of this myth. Read any mainstream media and you will find the same stuff.

    In view of this, we think that, time has come to demonstrate with irrefutable with facts that, the idea that, Kibaki is a “brilliant economics scholar” amounts to nothing but, feeding an IGNORANT NATION with COW DUNG mixed with SACCHARIN."

    Iko swali lingine mtoto?

    Anyway, we leave to enjoy:

    I never be late, I always early
    I never absent I always present
    That's why I and I nah sit down inna no back bench

  35. STEALING elections is BAD MANNERS. Kibaki STOLE his way back to powe for a second term.

    Now the chickens (the size of ostriches) are coming back home to roost. I pray to God that he feels the pain we felt when he STOLE our vote.

  36. PIG,

    So lawyers are ILLITERATE and economists are uneducated only you knows. Can you please share with us what you marvelous brain has contributed to the welfare of you village leave alone mankind? And please no going at tangents with uncontextualized quotes. Just simple list/mention of what your brilliance has produced. Over to you oasis of knowledge.

  37. "We understanding thinking can be hard work.

    But, should reading be that difficult as well Sir?"
    Mwarang'ethe 2012.

    This is one of the best quote I have read this year.

    Well, Taabu and Chris of Kumekucha, jibu hiyo swali vijizee.

    Bwa ha ha haaaaaaa
    Ti hi hi hi hiiiiiii

  38. This ICC guys think they are clever by half. Kibaki himself wrote a personal statement read in Muthaura defence. So by confirming the the case, the court has not only embarassed the president but has indirectly ropped him in as part of the gang who have case to answer. Hard and tough times ahead. LEGACY!!!

  39. Raila's fingerprint is everywhere. You remember the PM saying when a dog barks look for the owner who must be around? Well that is what the ICC is alluding to by indicting both UK and Muthaura. They are scheming to rope in the president, their boss. This will be really ugly when the real heat suffocates the kitchen.


    Hii mavi ya kuku mbona kumbafu nashika mimi I am the duly elected president. Hakuna haja ya kushika mimi hakuna haja. I direct you to release me.

  41. Slowly but surely the jigsaw puzzle is unraveling.
    It will not be long before we know who ordered returning officers to go into hiding as Kivuitu waited for days on end at the KICC, why U.K and Muthaura will still remain in office and why U.K and W.S.R will still be on the ballot no matter what!!
    Kenya has changed and will never be the same

  42. Is it now a question of chicken coming home to roost or an issue of the shoe being on the other foot?

    Omar Bashir and many Sudanese people must be having their first laughs, and it will no be long before they have a last laugh at Kenyans who were clamouring for the arrest of their president should he step on Kenyan soil.

    Several Sudanese newspapers and radio stations are having a field day with the issue of Ocampo 4.

    What goes around?

  43. "Food for thought"

    No. 1 - If the (sworn?) personal statement made by PORK in defense of Muthaura has still not resulted in all charges against him being dropped does it imply that PORK may have committed perjury and also stroked the coals now burning hot under Muthaura?

    No 2. - If a sitting PORK can perjure himself before an international body like the ICC, is he really the best person to rule this country?

    Hata yeye a resign basi!!

  44. Ruto fought for raila to get nusu mkate. Well, not only was he thrown out of cabinet to the dogs, but now the ungrateful septuagenarian is celebrating his demise hoping Ruto's downfall and Kosgey's release will result to some kalenjin votes. The historians are are busy pening down these interesting developments.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Chris, go on demonizing our president hiding under the pretext of free press.
    According to you and some kenyans, PEV was brought by ONLY the ICC 4 and the PRESIDENT.

    And you expect people to respect your intelligence Chris? Come on, you are almost 50 years old for crying out loud. Stop fearing to think for yourself, it doesnt hurt man..

    1/24/12 8:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    My heart bleeds for some people. Anyway, how comes the so-called demonization of our president elicits a frown of disaproval from certain circles, yet the constant vilification of Chris Kumekucha is open season? Why would anyone be so anal about Chris's age?
    1/24/12 9:50 PM

    Anon@ 9:50 PM I have stepped on a live wire. Luckily I know exactly which live wire and I also have a pretty good idea about the identity of Anon@8:24 PM.

    Just confirms to me some of the facts that I will publish in my next post.

    Bado mapabano.

  46. When all is said and done we know for a fact that MUNGIKI SUPPORTED RAILA!!

    That talls you that the case is political and we have to ask ourselves when the ICC dog barks, who is the ICC DOG HANDLER?
    against all raila's perceived enemies, Ali, Muthaura and Uhuru how convenient?

  47. That vest on Mzee Kibaki's body speaks volumes while at the time brings some good memories to mind, others not so good (of uncles, relatives and neighbours who are no longer members of our neigbourhood), and laughable one-liner jokes that did their rounds about people who loved wearing those kind of fashionable vests.

    Chris, that's one of the rare captions on Kumekucha that cracks my ribs with good laughter.

    Just imagine for a second, Mzee Kibaki taking an afternoon leisurely stroll through the posh neighbourhood section of Muthaiga with mama watoto in toe on any given long weekend holiday.


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