Saturday, February 04, 2012

Shocker: TI Reveals Hate Speech And Tribal Incitement At Uhuru/Ruto Meetings

Brief Report on peace/prayer rally organized by Ruto/Uhuru
At the 64 stadium, Eldoret
Friday 27th Jan 2012

The Uhuru/Ruto political axis organized a peace/prayer a rally on Friday 27th Jan 2012 at the 64 stadium. The public rally was attended by over 45 legislators including the vice president, former MPs and a presidential aspirant Raphael Tuju and another ICC suspect Joshua Sang. The prayers took exactly 11 minutes and immediately the rally snowballed into a political rally with all the speakers making statements laced with hate speech and/or incitement.

In what appeared to be a well rehearsed script, nearly all the speakers stated that should the two (Uhuru & Ruto) be barred from vying for presidency, then Kenya will not have elections. The speakers made inflammatory statements insinuating that their communities were on trial and they should unite to resist the work of the ICC which has been hoodwinked by the NGOs and the prime minister through the international community.

Belgut MP Charles Keter kicked of the storm with a rallying call.
“Just as we said in 2007 that ‘No Raila, No Peace’, we will say ‘No Uhuru and Ruto, No Elections.”

Embakasi MP waititu said “lazima tufanye kila kitu kuzuia huyu mjaruo kuingia state house tuingie huko wenyewe ndio tuvuruge hii maneno ICC…”

Gideon Mbuzi ‘SONKO’ “ Said “ hakuna vile tutakubali mtu wa jina linaanza na O asaidiwe na cousin yake huko America wa jina linaanza na O washikane na Ocampo kumaliza watu wetu….tutapambana nao”

Isaac Ruto said “ we know the international community and the civil society have a preferred candidate but let them know we shall not allow them Uhuru and Ruto must be on the ballot.”

Eldoret East MP Peris Simam said that “We will vote for them irrespective of where they will be. Let those NGOs stop going to court. I am stating that the government is here”

Eldama Ravine MP Moses Lessonet added that “It is the people of Kenya who will decide on the leadership of Kenya, not the courts and NGOs”

“We stand today by our people who are being mistreated but what we know is that by the end of the day, the truth shall come out” said Lucas Chepkitotony

“We announce today that whether they like it or not, the leader of this country is with us today” added Mosop MP David Koech.

“The trial of Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya’s 1st President) by the colonialist did not stop him from being President just as the incarceration of Nelson Mandela by the whites never stopped him from being an African leader. I tell you today, be of good courage,” Eugene Wamalwa remarked.

The speakers heaped blame on the CSOs and the prime minister for the woes facing the ICC suspects. The Vice president insisted that he was not the one to benefit if the suspects are tried since he has fought to have the cases brought back to Kenya but his efforts were thwarted by known people in ODM and the CSOs. Ruto called on his supporters to ensure that Uhuru and him are not locked out of the presidential race. Ruto also spoke for about 7 minutes in his native Kalenjin Language rallying his ‘people’ to ensure that if they are locked out of the race then they should frustrate the holding of the elections by all means.

Gideon Mbuvi, Ferdinand Waititu Kazungu Kambi and a youth leader from Nyanza made derogatory statements against the Luo community calling on other tribes to shun the community because its leader is conman and untrustworthy they went further to call anybody calling on Uhuru and Ruto not to vie for the presidency “mashetani”. They vowed to gang up to deny the premier from having a say on the management of the coalition government and promised to shield the president from attacks from the ODM wing of the government and vowed to resist calls for Uhuru to step aside as the deputy prime minister calling on the CSOs to stop their demands. They called on the president to disregard the National accord and rule the country as he deems fit since they are the majority and they will stand with him

On the other hand there was clear breach of the elections act which prohibits use of state resources in partisan campaigns. The vice president was with his official motorcade. The Eldoret municipal Council Lorries were used transport municipal council chairs to the venue.

Report by
Richard Maina
Programme Officer
ALAC Eldoret.


  1. Another of the over a thousand briefcase activist trying to get a break into the limelight through aggrevating the situation of the ICC-4 (the hot topic on kenyans mind) and hopefully getting noticed by the media houses. So predictable and chris as always seems to have gone for the bait, sinker, rod and the boat..

  2. Facts, facts, facts, data, data, data everywhere and in every mouth.

    But, where is the understanding?

    The question is or, what we ought to ask ourselves is, what do these
    EEEEEEENDLESS facts/data tell us?

    The truth is this. In ALL AGES of man:

    In a declining/falling state of society, as Africa and the whole world is right now, there is ALWAYS a neglect of the GENERAL INTEREST in big/large legislative mechanisms, i.e. Parliaments.

    This is so because, men at such a stage are intent on temporary expedients and are AS A RULE, are incapable in such times of attending to anything, but, LOCAL CLAIMS.

    NB: That is the UNIVERSAL LAW of the human mind.

    NB: You can do all legal acrobatics you want, but, things SHALL remain
    as they are for there are universal moral laws which govern this
    universe and are constant as the physical laws like gravity.

    Anyway, since IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS professors and their DELUDED LAW students spend all their time talking about facts/data, without PAUSING for a moment to REFLECT on what those facts REVEALS about HUMAN MIND and the STATE OF CIVILIZATION, we leave to enjoy:

    Building church and university,

    Deceiving the people continually

  3. Most of the MPigs who attended the Eldoret rally are just power hungry thugs. No wonder Barrack Muluka think their memory is like that of a house fly . According to the writer who quoted parliament hansard report this is how they voted to reject local tribunal and send the anointed ones to the Hague. Bure Kabisa.

    “Among those who voted against a local tribunal are listed as the following: Chepchumba, Cheruiyot, Ethuro, Gaichuchie, Gitau, Jirongo, Kaino, Kaloki, Kamau JI, Kamau J M, Kambi, Kapondi, Kariuki, Kathuri, Kigen, Kiilu, Kilonzo J K, Kilonzo J M, Kiuna, Kivuti, Koech, Konchela, Dr Kones, Mrs Kones, Kuttuny, Lagat, Langat, Lessonet, Letimalo, Linturi, Litole, M’Mithiaru, Machage, Magerer, Mbau, Mbugwa, Mututho, Mung’aro, Munyaka, Muoki I.M, Muoki D M, Mureithi, Murgor, Musyimi, Mwangi, Mwathi, Mwiru, Nguiyai, Njuguna, Onyancha, Ottichilo, Ruto, Sambu, Sirma, Waibara, Waititu, Wambugu, Washiali, Were, Yakub.”

    You can read full story here

  4. why do we watch as these thugs lay the ground for another round of violence? am apalled.

  5. The list of those who voted against the formation of local Tribunal is here. You can confirm it from Hansard or your beloved DN on this link.

    And the list is as follows.
    MPs who voted against (Nays)
    1. Abdirhaman H.A – Kanu
    2. Ahmed S.A.S
    3. Akula B.E
    4. Ali M.H
    5. Aluoch O.J (ODM)
    6. Chepchumba P (ODM)
    7. Cheruyiot Z.K(ODM)
    8. Ethuro D,.E
    9. Gaichuhie N.R
    10. Ganya F.C (ODM)
    11. Gitau P.N
    12. Githunguri S.M (KANU)
    13. Gunda B.F (ODM)
    14. Imanyara G. (CCU)
    15. Jirongo K.S (KADDU)
    16. Kaino B.K (ODM)
    17. Kaloki P.K (ODM-K)
    18. Kamau J.I (PANU)
    19. Kamau J.M (PNU)
    20. Kambi S.K (PNU)
    21. Kapondi F.C (ODM)
    22. Kariuki J.M (FORD ASILI)
    23. Kathuri E.M (DP)
    24. Khalwale B (NEW F-K)
    25. Khasilwa W.O (ODM)
    26. Kigen L.K (ODM)
    27. Kiilu P.L.N (ODM-K)
    28. Kilonzo J.K (ODM- K)
    29. Kilonzo C.M (ODM- K)
    30. Kiuna J.N. (PNU)
    31. Kivuti L.M (SAFINA)
    32. Koech D.K (ODM)
    33. Konchela G.S ( PNU)
    34. Kones J.K (ODM)
    35. Kones B.J (ODM)
    36. Kutuny J.S (ODM)
    37. Laboso J. (ODM)
    38. Lagat E.K (ODM)
    39. Langat B.K (ODM)
    40. Lesirma S.S (ODM)
    41. Lessonet M.K (ODM)
    42. Letimalo R.L (ODM)
    43. Linturi F.M (KANU)
    44. Litole W.M (ODM) 45. M’mithiaru N. (PNU)
    46. Machage W. G (DP)
    47. Magerer J.K. L(ODM)
    48. Magwanga J.O (ODM)
    49. Mbau E.P (PNU)
    50. Mbugua S.M (PNU)
    51. Mututho J. M. N (PNU)
    52. Monda R.O (ODM)
    53. Mung’aro G.M (ODM)
    54. Mungatana D.M (NARC -KENYA)
    55. Munyaka V.K
    56. Muoki I.M (ODM-K)
    57. Muoki D.M (ODM-K)
    58. Mureithi E.K (PNU)
    59. Murgor J.R (ODM)
    60. Musyimi M. (PNU)
    61. Mwadeghu T.L
    62. Mwahima M.M (ODM)
    63. Mwaita S.S.K (ODM)
    64. Mwakulegwa D.M
    65. Mwangi B.C Muturi (SISI KWA SISI)
    66. Mwatela A.C (ODM)
    67. Mwathi P.M (FORD-P)
    68. Mwaura D.K.N
    69. Mwiru A.M.M
    70. Ng’ang’a L.N (KANU)
    71. Nuh A.N
    72. Nyamai C.M
    73. Odhiambo A.B (ODM)
    74. Ogindo M.O (ODM)
    75. Ojaamong S.O (ODM)
    76. Okemo C. (ODM)
    77. Ombui W.M (ODM)
    78. Onyancha C.
    79. Rege J.G.K (ODM)
    80. Ruteere S.M
    81. Rutto I.K (ODM)
    82. Sambu B.A.W (ODM)
    83. Simiyu D.E
    84. Waibara C.K (PNU)
    85. Waititu F.N (PNU)
    86. Wambugu C.M
    87. Washiali B.J (ODM)
    88. Were D.A (ODM)
    NOMINATED 89.Abdalla S. (ODM-K)
    90. Affey M.A (ODM-K)
    91. Noor S.A (ODM)
    92. Sirma M.C (ODM)
    93. Yakub M.D.M (ODM)

    So you know who is shedding crocodile tears yet they wanted these guys sent to Hague.

  6. In a leaked diplomatic cable on a conversation between then US embassy officials with Kinangop MP David Ngugi captures the thinking at that time. The vote was an act of self-preservation.

    The November 4, 2008 cable said leaders from central Kenya had agreed that the Waki report should be implemented, but that it must be handled cautiously because of the inflammatory nature of the charges likely to be levelled against Kikuyu leaders.

    “Many Kikuyus feel that Kikuyu leaders implicated in post-election violence were engaging in self-defence and should not be equated with Rift Valley organisers, who engaged in unprovoked violence,” said the cable.

    On the other hand, ODM politicians held that The Hague process would not only take years but would also spare actual perpetrators of the violence, especially in Naivasha, and police who are alleged to have killed civilians in Kibera and Kisumu.

    Then there is the small matter of Mr Odinga. It is understood that PNU politicians, in supporting The Hague, were convinced that having inspired mass action during the violence, his name could appear in the Waki envelope.

  7. Mwarang'ethe have you seen the post of annon @ 1.29pm? What say thee? You hypocrite

  8. This place is too cold, I am coming back to Kenya 4 good!!

  9. Here is another hate speach by Jeff Koinange.
    Is Jeff Koinange a man on a Mission?

    . Koinange appears to be a man on a mission, and that mission is to push the notion that Prime Minister Raila Odinga was behind the International Criminal Court process that has seen three high-ranking public officers and a journalist charged with heinous crimes against fellow Kenyans.

    The Second Schedule to the Media Act 2007has a code of conduct that exhorts journalists to distinguish clearly “between comment, conjecture and fact” and to “vigorously resist undue influence from … powerful individuals and special interest groups”. What Koinange has been doing in his programme is in direct contravention of those guidelines.

    The TV station K24 is owned by Mediamax, which in turn is majority, if not wholly, owned by the Kenyatta family. Presumably with his employer’s blessing, Koinange has been openly using his programme to engage in what can only be viewed as blatant propaganda and insinuated falsehoods against the Prime Minister. Does this constitute hate speech? I don’t know, but in pursuit of his objective, there is no one Koinange loves to have more frequently ‘on the bench’ than Miguna Miguna.

  10. When a leader gets surrounded by large crowds of psychophants they little by little sacrifice common sense and intelligence and progressively replace this with false bravado and recklessness that appeals to the blood thirsty lynch mobs

    The trick for law enforcers is to know which has has the best impact with least casualties i.e when to take out the ring leaders and when to lob tear gas to disperse the masses figuratively speaking.

    The ICC cannot issue warrants because these two will cause unrest, thats a Kenya problem, but they can issue warrants if they come to the conclusion that these events will lead to more crimes against humanity as per the Rome statute i.e PEV2 as you correctly state. This information must therefore reach the local ICC office so that they can conduct their own independent evaluation.

  11. As usual 'the opportunistic Kipepeo, Kigeugeu, Kaloser wa Katikati didn't lose the opportunity to erroneously INSIST that he (the man who is really dying to be Kenya's next president and will do anything to become one) was not the ONE to BENEFIT if the suspects were tried at THE Hague.'

    Kigeugeu is only waiting for the opportune time to be courageous (for once in his lifetime) about undertaking an activity (jumping off the Uhuru-Ruto-Bandwagon) that he has been avoiding since the ICC took centerstage in all matters pertaining to post-election violence.

    Kenyans for real change can't wait for the day when all KANU's political ghosts and shadow KANU's tribal affiliates from all the country are no longer in parliament, government and all positions of influence.

    Unfortunately, the more things change, the more they continue to remain %99.9 KANU Damu, rank and file.

  12. anon 2:58, this is kumekucha not those other tiny blogs that operate 24/7 on protecting raila.
    Eti exposing raila amounts to hate speech? What a load of stale CRAP!!

  13. Seems like Raila hate mongers cant take what they keep dishing out in huge quantities from 2005 onwards. Sort of like children, dont you think? Grow up, or better still, get right out of the kitchen!

  14. The political isolation of the mbuta mafia is imminent. Good grief! What a show!

  15. please Kibaki, please say TOSHA, please RUDISHA MKONO, bwa ha ha haaa..ti hi hi hiiiii...who is desperate now? Who is begging now?
    te he heeeeeeeeeee

  16. Mwarang'ethe have you seen the post of annon @ 1.29pm? What say thee? You hypocrite

    2/4/12 1:49 PM


    We are very busy "watching" the contest between the REALITY (existence of tribes/social groups in Kenya) and a DELUSIONAL FICTION of ONE UNITED PEOPLE.

    So, give us some peace please:

    Having said that, we are off to enjoy:

    Someone told me, EDUCATION is the key to escaping DELUSIONS and ILLUSIONS

  17. A pathetic excuse for a leader who has dug his heels in and refuses to change with the times. Maybe he should join his fellow soloist Kamotho (the who loves to be called by his European name, Joseph) from the Kanu hey days in the political cold where they can continue yelling foul even at moving shadows -8/8/10

  18. Perhaps the heat from the ICC kitchen is frying some brains causing MP's to metermorph into what has always been suspected.....that they have lost the plot!!

    They are strolling in the wilderness stark naked but too blind, daft or both to notice and singing praises to the emperor whose fate will be determined not by those spewing the most drivel but by an international court that the same MP's sent the very people they are now singing praises to by their own inaction and myopic thinking that justice in the international stage like Kenya is delivered painfully slowly!!

    But alas, justice is rolling along like a runaway juggarnaut on steroids and no brakes going downhill and it threatens to flatten those on its way and some of the comments from the political hangers on are the oil slick that is being added onto the path of the runaway juggarnaut!!

    Its going to get ugly fast.....unless those charged with stopping hate speech do so in a hurry and make an example of these 'homies' that are adding fuel to a very volatile and toxic mix of characters in our midst!!

  19. Most of these political roarers - call them sycophantic courtiers if you will - are doing the best they can so as to win Uhuru's sympathy with the expectations of getting more money to finance their uphill battles in the upcoming tough general elections.

    It goes wwithout reiterating the fact that some of the ring leaders are rife with political opportunism. One one of them, a well known politician couldn't hide his personal agenda and the fact of why he was in Uhuru's presence when he blabbed out;

    Mtukufu Mheshimiwa Uhuru Kenyatta, we would like you to be assured of the fact those of us gathered here this afternoon are with you and we will make sure that we all stand by you and your family when we - if and when you make it possible for us to - return to parliament, so that those of us who really care about you, your plight and the family of Mzee jomo Kenyatta will never cease to campaign for real justice on your behalf.

    You have always been our undisputed leader and true protector in the same way your great father was to his people, and we will never forget that fact of our living history.

    But when all is said and done, let's not be surprised by the fact that the very same people will be among the first group of politicians to walk away and leave Uhuru Kenyatta to fend for himself while carrying his own cross, when the ICC trial heats up as well as their so-called 'expected win-win outcome' fails to replicate itself in their favour.

    It's one thing to be a true supportor of Uhuru Kenyatta, but its quite another to use Uhuru Kenyatta for personal political gain - access to funding and deriving advantage when it comes to sympathy votes in their respective constituencies and counties.

  20. Remember Charles Taylor, with his huge solid gold ring, gold cufflinks, gold-rimmed spectacles, a gold pen with it's golden case holder, specially crafted gold rolex watch, walking stick with a curved gold handle, etc during the his trial at the ICC?

    I am sure there are many people, international lawyers, powerful business people, including Nigerian military generals who took tons of his money, diamonds, gold and arms while at the same time promising him heaven on earth, only to vanish once Charles Taylor had been handed over to the ICC.

    His defense attorney Courtenay Griffith must have his hands full while trying defend (represent) a character with the sordid history like that of Charles Taylor, regardless of how much money he was paid for his honest work as a defence attorney.


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